A short marriage line on a long one. Palmistry - the marriage line will tell you about the wedding date and other details of the future. Types of marriage lines

Every person on planet Earth is a unique, talented, genius individuality. Despite the fact that there are about 7 billion people in the world, everyone has their own personal destiny, life path.

Ancient Indian science - palmistry - says that it is already inscribed on the palms of everyone. But all this is information for information, which can be corrected by the person himself (with his desire and serious intention).

What do the lines on the arm say? Where is located and what is the meaning of the line of marriage, love? And much more - in this article.

A bit of history

Palmistry (from ancient Greek means "interpretation of the hand") is an ancient system of divination along the lines of the palm of the hand concerning the life, health, love and wealth of a person.

It originated in India approximately 3000 years BC. She was practiced in Tibet, Egypt, China, Persia. At one time, palmistry was widely used by Aristotle and Julius Caesar.

At the present time it is not recognized by official science, although it is quite popular among some people. In India and Canada there are educational institutions in which this direction is taught.


No matter how skeptics treat palmistry, there is undoubtedly a grain of truth that palmists (specialists in this field) read about every person.

Lines on the palm tell about life, character, happy destiny, health, prosperity, family life, children and other aspects of the owner's life. Also about spiritual love, relationships with other people, and so on.

The study of palmistry is within the power of any person who wants to master this knowledge. To do this, you do not need to have a special gift, but it is important to understand the main aspects, which include: the ability to decipher lines, dots, bumps and other signs in the palm of your hand.

Heart Line

A very important line that is pronounced in the palm of your hand. Since it is between her and the lower part of the little finger that the marriage line in palmistry is located (about which information is given in this article later).

The line of the heart speaks eloquently about a person's ability to love and be loved, serve others, show generosity in feelings, and temperament.

The owner of a palm with a deep and brightly colored line has the strongest ability to sincerely manifest feelings, nobility, kindness, and selflessness. Located above the line of the mind. It can be even, slightly curved, bright or weakly pronounced, reddish or pale yellow in color.

Heart line interpretation

By width and appearance:

  • thin - speaks of the isolation and closeness of its owner, uncommunicative and preferring loneliness;
  • broad - an active emotional and sensual life, an innate ability to understand the feelings of others;
  • in the form of a chain - speaks of the variability of character in love affairs, the inconstancy of relationships;
  • straight line - characterizes the owner as a restrained, closed person, deeply experiencing love relationships;
  • curved - an indicator of sensitivity, openness, striving for noble impulses, cordiality in relationships.

By color:

Characteristic of the completion of the heart line

As for this line, which belongs to the group of the main ones, both it itself and its end are important. Namely:

  • The longer the line of the heart, the greater the supply of love energy in a person, the greater the desire to give his feelings. Such a line may end at the hill of Jupiter. Also, such a sign indicates that its owner has the likelihood of a later entry into a marriage union, since he has high requirements for a partner and relationships (above average).
  • If the line ends in the area of ​​the hill of Saturn, then this indicates that the person does not show especially vividly his feelings towards his partner, beloved.
  • The ending, which falls into the place between the little finger and the ring finger, is inherent in people with an even and deep perception of the world, simple and natural in terms of the manifestation of feelings.
  • If the line of the heart is so long that it ends on the back of the hand (behind the hill of Jupiter), then this indicates a jealous attitude towards a partner.
  • When the line in question ends with a small fork (“fork”), this indicates the truthfulness of the owner of such a palm. And also the ability for serious feelings in family life.
  • The heart line, which includes a number of small traits, of which it consists, suggests that a person is fickle in a relationship, likes to flirt.
  • The merging of the line of heart and mind is a probabilistic sign that there may be problems with the birth of a child (for a woman).
  • If the end of the main line in question falls on the hills of Saturn and Jupiter (that is, it has 2 branches), then the owner is a fickle, temperamental person who hardly builds love (family) relationships in his life.
  • The branching of the heart line with one part located at the base of the little finger, and the second between the little finger and the ring fingers, tells that its owner is a pure, friendly and happy person with a good destiny.

The location of the marriage line on the hand

Above the line of the heart, starting from the edge of the palm and towards the middle, there is a horizontal line (or several). This is the line of marriage in palmistry. They characterize close love relationships that involve living together (in an official or civil union).

The number of dashes indicates how many likely marriages there can be in the life of the owner.

Also, according to the location of the marriage line (transcript in the photo), one can say at what age a person will enter a family union:

  • the dash is located exactly in the middle (between the lower part of the little finger and the line of the heart), then the opportunity to get married or get married can be carried out around the age of 30;
  • close location in relation to the line of the heart - early marriage (20 years);
  • if the marriage line is closer to the base of the little finger - a late union (at the age of 35-40 and more).

To better see this line, you need to clench your hand into a fist. And if the marriage line on the hand (photo with decoding is given below) is displayed clearly, vividly and expressively, then the probability of creating a strong and happy family for life is very high.

Detailed interpretation

Some of the more detailed characteristics of family relationships can also be described thanks to the direction and ending of the dash that explains the line of marriage in palmistry (the photo shows its location):

  • a clear line from the one in question, which reaches the mound of the Sun, talks about an alliance with a famous person;
  • if it is divided into two parts, then the union is most likely to be comprehended by the indifferent attitude of partners to each other and coldness in feelings;
  • if the dash of marriage goes down, then there is the possibility of a partner leaving the life;
  • the sharp descent of the line of the marriage union to the line of life tells that the union will suffer a difficult divorce;
  • if the line of family life is crossed by other lines, that is, people who can intervene and even destroy the family;
  • the presence of a line that runs parallel to the line of family life with a thin line, suggests that there is a deep feeling that is accompanied all life (to another person);
  • the trait that characterizes the marriage union tends to rise up - there is a possibility of not starting a family;
  • the presence of a split at the end of the line indicates parting with a partner and an unsuccessful union;
  • if the line is split into several parts, then the owner may be unhappy in marriage or loneliness in life will befall him;
  • when the dash merges with (middle of the palm), then the union will be concluded by calculation;
  • if the line of family relations reaches the line of fate and even merges with it, then the marriage union will be long and happy.

Features of the lines on the female hand

There are some differences from the lines that are located on the palm of a man and a woman. The marriage line on the latter's hand has a number of perpendicular strokes, which indicates the number of children.

If these lines are thin and delicate, then most likely a girl will be born. And the rude and broader talk about the son.

There can be one, two, three or more such lines. They characterize children who are destined to be born and those who are not (miscarriage).

The birth of twins is indicated by the "V" sign among the other lines.

The clarity and brightness of the expression of the lines characterizing the offspring indicates that they will be healthy. Pale and barely noticeable - about possible health problems.

If the tubercle of Venus (under the thumb) is an expressionless place in the palm of your hand, and is also characterized by a plane of shape, then there is a chance of not having children at all.

The information discussed above is the classic designation of lines that tell about children and the number of offspring.

There are also versions and methods of oriental schools, which are also used by specialists in this field of knowledge:

Special signs

The article has already mentioned some dashes, somehow connected with the marriage line. In palmistry, they are also called "fork", because in appearance they resemble teeth (two or three)

This speaks of the likelihood of divorce and serious disagreements. There is such a feature: the initiator will be the one of the partners who has this sign on his hand.

These lines tell about the following:

  • the likelihood of problem situations in family relationships;
  • a divorce record (especially if the parents of the owner of such a hand are divorced);
  • different morals of partners (cardinally different), as well as life principles and worldview;
  • lack of coincidences in everyday habits and preferences.

Along the width of this sign, one can also note the following features of relations in a person's marriage union:

  • the wider size of the "fork" indicates a very painful separation and deep feelings;
  • barely noticeable - the divorce is likely to be transferred more easily (if it comes down to it).

Other signs:

  • "Islets" far from the hillock of Mercury are a rare phenomenon, but if there are, they are very pronounced and more powerful in manifestation. They talk about the tendency of partners to enmity, intrigue, squabbles.
  • "Islets" next to the hillock of Mercury - all of the above, but in an even more complicated version.
  • It happens that so-called triangular symbols are located on the line of the family union. From experience palmists claim that this is a sign of violence in family life, both physical and psychological.
  • And if the line of marriage moves with sharp strokes to the line of the heart, then there is the likelihood of losing a spouse or rejection of him as such (this applies to both men and women).


In the course of explaining the line of marriage (photo and information in the article), you can also find signs that indicate the likelihood of betrayal on the part of a partner. They are usually located at the base of the little finger (the tubercle of Mercury):

  • "Stars" on the very line of family relations - treason.
  • An additional dash right at the line of the family union is the dishonesty of the other half in relation to his partner. According to other interpretations, this line speaks of a relationship before marriage, therefore, it can be considered insignificant.
  • The line that wraps around the line of marriage is betrayal and treason. The most difficult sign. Although the line itself is barely perceptible, not very clear.

What does the absence of a marriage line mean

There are people in whose palm there is no marriage line. The explanation in palmistry of such a sign sounds that it is the "crown of celibacy." And it will be almost impossible to conclude a family union.

But there is always hope! And it is important to remember that palmistry is an approximate science that involves changing lines over time.

Also, the interpretation can be vague. Perhaps we are talking about a marriage that is not registered (the absence of a line - the absence of an official stamp in the passport). Love and relationships are still likely.


In palmistry, all features and lines are nothing more than probabilistic situations that can be realized in reality, but can transform or disappear altogether (as a result of spiritual cleansing, comprehension and other creative human activity).

And if it comes to the marriage line of already married people or who have decided to join their lives, then it is recommended to conduct research on the hands of both spouses, man and woman (a photo of the marriage line on the hand is in the article). Then the information will be more reliable, and the picture will be complete.

In the science called palmistry, the marriage line has always raised more questions than the rest of the signs and dashes on the hands, even the most unusual of them. Interestingly, with the help of the correct interpretation of this area, you can learn not only about the age at which you are destined to become a bride, but also about other details of your personal life.

In the article:

Palmistry - lines of marriage and the rules for their interpretation

In palmistry, marriage is read on the hand as follows - the area of ​​the hill of Mercury is examined and all the lines and lines found there are subjected to a thorough analysis. All signs that are between the little finger and are able to reveal the secrets of your personal life.

However, they are only horizontal. Vertical, which usually deviate from the lines of marriage. If there are no horizontal lines, your children will be born out of wedlock.

Those signs that are on the right hand, if you are right-handed, can tell about the future. For a left-handed person, the left palm will be predictive. The number of dashes speaks of the number of marriages, but hardly noticeable at the same time - these are relationships that did not end with a wedding. Each mark should be interpreted separately when it comes to the date or nature of the relationship in marriage.

The marriage line on the hand will tell about the nature of the relationship.

The line of marriage in the palm of your hand that goes down and reaches the path of the heart or even crosses it indicates the suffering caused by the loss of a spouse. In the old days, such a line in the palm of your hand was considered the sign of the widow... Now it is interpreted somewhat differently. It is believed that both unhappy love, divorce or betrayal, and the death of a loved one are possible.

In addition, such a path denotes people who are united only by children, but feelings and passion have long been gone. It is not uncommon for one of the spouses to live in two families without the ability or desire to make a difficult choice. One way or another, the marriage path that runs through the heart sign means a painful breakup or an unhappy marriage.

In palmistry, the line of marriage that reaches or intersects with the head is most often interpreted as a sign of violence within the family. For a woman, such a sign suggests that her husband will humiliate her physically and psychologically. A marriage that involves assault is not a happy one. Fortune telling by hand for marriage can warn of this problem so that you have a chance to avoid its occurrence.

Fortune telling by hand for marriage - the topic of betrayal

The marriage line on the hand is not the only thing that can tell about a person's personal life. A line of lovers can go parallel to her. As a rule, it is on the passive hand, for the right-hander - on the left, for the left-hander - on the right. Such a dash denotes a secret relationship if it is practically close to the track, which serves as a designation of legal marriage, parallel to it.

If such a mark is located below the marriage line, there was a secret relationship even before the wedding with the current spouse. It continued some time after the marriage. If this dash is above the marriage mark, the lover appeared after marriage. Sometimes the weakening of the marriage line speaks of treason. If she weakens and practically disappears, this speaks of boredom in the relationship and a weakening of the intensity of passion.

If the sign of a lover becomes more noticeable and thicker than the marriage line, this means that you will change your partner, leave your husband and marry your lover. When such signs are on the palms of the husband, the woman should pay attention to this.

Often, adultery remains a secret for the deceived spouse. But if the corresponding line crosses the path of marriage, the lover will intervene in your family life. If there are several intersections of these lines, the intervention will be regular. Here you need to look at how the marriage line changes after this, which of the lines is shorter and also thicker, what signs like forks and islands are on them.

Marriage line on the palm and its dating

One of the most popular questions of people who have just begun to study such a science as palmistry is when will I get married? Usually, girls are more concerned about such questions than men. This is not surprising, because family happiness, housekeeping and raising children are more often the goals of women than men. There is a simple fortune-telling from palmistry that answers a question like "how old will I marry?"

Take a pen of any color and divide the space from the line of the heart to the root of the little finger into equal divisions. The line of the heart will correspond to birth, and the root of the little finger will correspond to the age of 75 years. It will not be possible to accurately determine the age with the help of this fortune-telling, however, it can be assumed that the mark corresponding to the age of 25 years is of decisive importance. It's easy to say before or after this age you will get married.

You can try to divide the segment on which the marriage line falls into smaller segments. For example, if the wedding date falls between 25 and 50 years, divide the interval between these divisions by 2-5 more and find out the exact date of your wedding.

In general, information about marriage, read by hand, can be useful to every girl who dreams of personal happiness. If you do not really believe in such fortune-telling, palmistry can be good fun for you and your girlfriends.

No matter how much modern people talk about the triumph of progress, few will miss the chance to find out if he will find a match for himself. In such a method of fortune-telling, like palmistry, the marriage line is able to give an answer about the likelihood of a love relationship.

The marriage lines on the hand are horizontal stripes located on the edge of the hand just below the little finger. They can reach for the tubercle of Mercury (just below the little finger in the palm of your hand) or cross it. To find them, it is enough to turn the palm with an edge towards you and bend your fingers.

The arrangement of the dashes, which are called differently or the lines of marriage, is horizontal. It happens that the line of marriage - clear and deep - makes its way in splendid isolation. It may turn out that on your palm in the indicated place there are a large number of small and shallow lines.

The location of these strokes, their depth, clarity, intersecting signs - all this is of great importance for interpretation. It is necessary to evaluate the drawings on the right palm, they are closer to reality than the data "recorded" on the left hand about the inclinations of a person.

If the marriage line on your hand is the only and pronounced one (the image in the photo), and also comes out on, this portends a long and strong relationship that will be crowned with marriage. A horizontal arrangement is ideal, and the straighter the line, the more successful the pair will be.

There may be two or three well-read outlines, but they will be shorter: one human life is unlikely to be enough for several long family unions. If there are many small strokes between the base and the line of the heart, this portends a large number of love affairs. Short small lines can be interspersed with deeper rays, promising more or less long-term relationships.

It is worth remembering: the marriage line on the hand is not a guarantee of a stamp in the passport. The signs on the palm speak only about the probable relationship between a man and a woman, but not about an official marriage. And how to dispose of this opportunity will depend on you..

Wrist "calendar"

Many women are concerned about the question: "When will I get married?" The marriage line on the hand will tell you the age at which fate will make you happy with your soul mate. Men are usually less interested in this question, but they may also be interested in the explanations of palmists.

How old you will be when you can find a partner depends on whether the marriage line is high or low. Divide the interval from the base of the little finger to the line of the heart into three parts. 25 years is the meaning of each segment.

Has the marriage line "gone" not far from the heart line? In this case, the owner of the palm will marry or the owner will marry before the age of 25. Usually the age at which marriage or marriage occurs is in the middle third. Late love is promised in the palm of your hand by a horizontal line almost under the little finger.

If you want to know a more accurate age when marriage is possible, you need to do more detailed calculations (pictured below).

Let forensic experts say that the fingerprints and patterns of the entire palm of each person are unique, but palmists are confident that the marriage lines on the hand can be systematized. The "road map" of fate on the right hand tells about a favorable situation or dangers in a relationship. Any deviations from a flat horizontal are important.

Let's turn to the traditional one for clarification. For example, when the marriage line rises up, most likely, fate has decided not to give you vain hope of creating a lasting union: there may be a relationship, but their formalization will bring feelings to nothing. There is another interpretation: if the line of marriage is directed up to the little finger, the partner will either be much older than you, or higher in status.

The presence of a fork at the end of a love line is a symbol of the dissimilarity of the characters of partners and, as a result, a break in relations. The presence of a wide fork at its end speaks of the emotionality and even scandalousness of the owner of the hand. If the sign of marriage begins as even and deep, and then becomes thinner and bifurcated, the union will be for love, which can be replaced by noisy showdown, smashing dishes and divorce.

It happens that the line of marriage goes down to. Palmistry deciphers the meaning of such a pattern as probable widowhood: most likely, you will outlive your spouse. The closer the marriage line comes to the straight line of the heart in the palm of your hand, the deeper the emotional experience will be.

Hint signs

Palmistry reads a successful and happy marriage according to an even and deep pattern: the fewer additional marks the marriage line bears, the better. But when such signs appear, it is a warning of possible problems. To find out what to do and how not to fall into the trap of fate, you need to understand the meaning of additional symbols (you can also watch the video about this).

Broken line of marriage or consisting of several short strokes - the owner of the palm is prone to loneliness. It is possible that even being in a family relationship for many years, such a person will feel aloof, misunderstood and disliked.

When a well-defined island is read at the end of the ray of marriage, this can have two meanings. Either the marriage will be short and unsuccessful - only a few years, or the separation will be overshadowed by scandals and the division of property and children through the courts. An island in the middle of the line - possible serious disagreements and the desire to leave will be overcome.

If the line of love is crossed by two dashes and a cross is obtained, there may be interference from the outside of the marriage union (this can be opposition from relatives, and material obstacles, and rejection by society - for example, unequal marriage). Prepare to stand up for your relationship if it is dear to your heart.

Considered an asterisk? The threat to marriage comes from within: you need to make an effort so that neither your partner nor you have the desire to "go left." When the love ray is crossed by a vertical line, a period of cooling in the relationship is possible. How to look at the vertical bar at the end of a love line? Most likely, this portends a calm parting by mutual agreement.

How many children the owner of the palm will have, you can also find out through the line of love. But it is quite difficult to determine this, because the strokes of children are small, they cannot always be read accurately. Dashes extending up to the little finger from the line of love are signs of children.

A short but readable line means a daughter, a longer and deeper line means a son. It is worth remembering that these touches are important in understanding how many opportunities you will have to have children. Modern palmists are confident that this number of opportunities to have children includes the likelihood of adoption, and not just the birth of their own child.

But if parallel to the line of marriage, down or up from it, another, much weaker silhouette is located, it is most likely that the owner of the palm will have an extramarital affair. Dashes extending down from the marriage line indicate that you need to pay attention to health - both your own and that of your spouse or partner.

Rewrite the script

No matter how many people look for “signs of predetermination,” they have the opportunity not only to learn about the scenario inscribed by fate on our palms, but also to correct and rewrite it. Palmists are sure: what our future life will be like is largely determined by our actions.

  • The marriage line, which is in the right palm, can change over the course of life, reflecting how we embody our natural dispositions.
  • The number of "baby signs" is the number of probabilities of having children, and whether you accept them is entirely up to you.
  • If you constantly ask questions: "Will I get married?", "When will I get married?", "What will my husband / wife be like?", "How many children will I have?" - and at the same time it is impossible to sit at home and watch videos and photos of other people's palms, then you can miss all the opportunities given to you. You need to go out into the world, be active - and your happiness will become closer!

In addition, what your family life will be like cannot be fully determined by marriage alone. There are many other additional signs in the palm of your hand that need to be looked at and analyzed in order to understand the life situation as a whole. Be happy! Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Palmistry is an ancient science about the connection of lines on the hand with the fate of a person. People who have comprehended this sacrament can see the past and sketches of the future in the palm of their hand. This is not a gift - just the teaching of our ancestors.

To understand this thoroughly, you should comprehend the skill together with experienced people, professionals.

There are subtleties that beginners don't know about. They are opened in the process of studying palmistry, which is completely based on the practical part.

The line of marriage on the hand of men and women does not differ. Its definition differs on the left or right hand, depending on whether it is left-handed or right-handed. Read on the active hand.

Important! The marriage line runs from the little finger to the heart line, the long middle band on the arm.

Find it in the palm of your hand and try to decipher it yourself. Even a beginner can handle the task.

Deciphering the marriage line:

Family and marriage line Meaning
1 Clear long stripe Evidence of a strong relationship: marriage or romance based on strong feelings and attraction
2 Comes to the base of the little finger The union will last
3 Forms a ring and goes beyond the line of the mind There is violence in relationships.
4 The strip leads up Probably only a civil marriage or romance, love at a distance, the union is short-lived
5 Crescent-shaped stripe curved downwards Perhaps widowhood or a violent end to relationships, people remain enemies
6 Forked line The end of the relationship will follow from its owner
7 Fork Divorce due to incompatibility: spiritual, physical or psychological
8 Rhombuses Divorce due to negative behavior of a partner
9 Double or triple stripe Evidence of two or three long-term relationships
10 Triangle Domestic violence: moral or physical, pain and suffering from relationships

Important! The family line can be difficult to see on the hand. This does not mean living alone.

Bend your palm and look closely. If the streak is still not there, it may appear in the future. The drawing is changeable.

How to determine at what age a relationship will follow:

  1. Divide the line into three sections.
  2. Each of them corresponds to an interval of 20 years of life.
  3. Determine which bands start from the bottom and which ones are lower.
  4. This means early relationships, their number and duration.

Palmistry: the line of marriage, love, and children

The lines of children are located in the same place as the lines of marriage. They are upright. By counting them, you can understand how many children you will have.

Rectangle sign or an uneven circle on the strip responsible for marriage means difficulties in a relationship.

This is evidence of conflicts, disagreements and contradictions. The marriage will be severely tested.

When the deep streak goes to the heart line and enters into it, this means the loss of half.

We can talk about both death and a break, which will bring a lot of pain and regret to the bearer of the sign.

When family lines are completely absent, the person is marked with the "crown of celibacy." He is considered a hereditary trait, payment for the sins of blood ancestors.

People, having heard the diagnosis "the crown of celibacy", often resort to the help of healers and various magicians to break it.

This behavior can hardly be called correct. A person interacting with energy and biofield can remove clamps from him that interfere with the correct circulation of flows.

More often than not, this is not the case. There is no mystical background. It's just that a person inherits the traits of his ancestors at the genetic level.

Interesting fact! These often include cruelty, indecision, lust for loneliness, or escape from difficulties.

All this contributes to the termination of the development of relations. This is the whole “crown of celibacy”. The list can be supplemented: drunkenness, rudeness, voluptuousness, squandering or unwillingness to work.

Lines represent predisposition. Only the person himself can remove it, showing character, proving to his soul mate that he is able to become a good husband. Turning to healers and magicians will not be beneficial.

No family mark on the hand can mean unconventional outlooks on life: a person treats creating a family negatively, preferring a frequent change of partners or their complete absence.

The preference to be left without a family is sometimes associated with the full dedication of a certain activity: work or hobby.

Military, test pilots, doctors, creative people. Any profession can swallow up headlong. A person does not always realize that he does not want a family. And a certain mark is already flaunting on the hand.

Important! Remember that the absence of lines does not mean a lack of privacy. People can have relationships that are not based on emotional attachment.

Such a partnership may not be reflected in the hand, as it goes beyond the traditional concept of the union.

Line of treason

An asterisk at the marriage mark or a smooth thin strip surrounding it testifies to treason. The sign should be understood as betrayal and betrayal on the part of a partner.

If you find this sign, do not rush to panic and convict your spouse of treason. Only a professional can correctly read the signs on the palms.

Like any science, palmistry requires deep study and practice. Without this, decoding of symbols should be equated with a simple guess.

Don't worry if you see negative marks on your hand, this is just a version. Palmistry is not an exact science, it is not recognized by scientists and has no clear reason to consider it true.

Many people call practicing palmistry - dubious experiments, fortune-telling. After all, the lines change throughout life, reflect the past, present and future.

Believe it or not - everyone chooses independently. If the signs on the hand are of interest to you, try to study them deeper or contact a professional.

They will help decipher the signs and tell you what mistakes you made in trying to comprehend the sacrament on your own. This will be a good lesson and will help you read your hand more accurately.

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People have long wanted to know what fate has in store for them. For this, various methods of fortune-telling and forecasting the future were invented.

One of the most important desires of every person is to be happy in their personal life. For young girls and women, the desire to meet a good husband and live with him all his life, having children, is especially strong.

The science of palmistry implies fortune telling as a way to know your future. By looking at and analyzing the characteristics of the marriage line, you can find out about the number of marriages, their duration and whether they will be happy. The question of heirs arises in many people - and it can be answered by looking at your hand.

What is palmistry?

One of the oldest ways to find out the future is fortune telling by hand. The science of predicting future events along the lines of the palm is called palmistry. It has existed for several millennia and has many convinced adherents.

According to her postulates, the whole future life of a person is written in his palm in the form of a unique pattern of lines, bumps and dots. This unique “card” is given to us at birth and contains information about the most important events and key moments in our life.

Each line on the palm has its own name and tells about a specific area of ​​life.

Today we will talk about the one that palmistry calls the "marriage line". It is she who gives answers to questions of interest to anyone about love and personal life.


General hand examination

In order to find out the character of a person, it is not necessary to delve into palmistry itself; it is enough to look at your hands, that is, to make a general examination . For this, the leading hand is taken.

  • If, when feeling the hand, a certain roughness of the skin is noticed, then this means that the owner of the hand has a straightforward character. A cold and thin hand, on the contrary, speaks of refinement and tenderness.
  • If you look at the shape of the hand, it is easy to see that it is different for everyone. The owner of a square palm is likely to have a straightforward and practical character. An elongated palm speaks of the impressionability and suspiciousness of its owner.
  • The length of the fingers also provides additional information. Short fingers are usually found in energetic and superficial people. The presence of long fingers speaks of a pedantic and stubborn character. If a person has fingers of medium length, then he does not have such a pronounced character, that is, he is both stubborn and superficial in measure.

Differences in interpretation of the right and left hand

Before looking for the cherished lines in the palm of your hand, it is important to know which hand is used to guess:

  1. Traditionally, the left hand stores information about the granted destiny, about life provided by nature itself. But a person from birth is also given the right to choose, the ability to influence the course of events.
  2. The right hand reflects the current situation, and also stores the imprints of those life changes that have occurred thanks to the person himself. Right-handers are predicted by the right hand, referring to the predestined on the left. For left-handers, everything is exactly the opposite: they guess by the active left hand.


Which man and woman to guess

Before you start fortune-telling along the lines on the hand, decide on the leading palm. In this science, it is believed that the left hand is a “book” of fate, which is given by nature, but the right one changes throughout life, because it is “built” by the person himself.

How to read a woman's hand correctly? The right one will show what she was born with, and the left one that she acquired during her life. The same principle works with men, only in reverse.


Main lines

After examining the hands, you can start divination by hand. Each hand has its own pictures and they are all different. In the form of pictures in palmistry, 4 main lines are considered: the line of the heart, head (mind), life and fate, and the latter is not found in all people.

To begin with, let's decide on which hand to guess. Many books say that when choosing a hand, it is important who is guessing: a man or a woman.

It is best not to bother about this, but to choose according to this principle: the dominant hand (if you are right-handed, then the right hand) will tell the fortuneteller about the past and present, and the other hand (not dominant) will tell about future events.

Fortune-telling should be taken seriously. Otherwise, joking and having fun, you can guess a completely wrong fate.

The line of the heart will tell its owner about emotional stability, about the degree of romance and heart health. It begins under the little finger from the edge of the palm and in the form of a curve goes to the index finger.

Heart line values ​​for various characteristics:

  • If it ends between the index and middle fingers, then this means that the person has an open character, he has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate and love him.
  • If it is rather short, then its owner is restrained in emotions, not romantic.
  • If it ends at the middle finger of the heart, it means that the person cares more about their own problems than about others.
  • If it goes to the base of the index finger, then the person is a perfectionist and requires people to behave accordingly, close to ideal.
  • Long and curved - indicates a light expression of emotions.
  • A circle that crosses the line means sadness or depressive character.
  • A breakup indicates emotional trauma.

Head (mind) line

The second major line in palmistry is the head line.

It shows exactly how its owner uses his mental abilities.

  1. If it is short, then its owner relies more on his own logic than on fantasy and imagination.
  2. Uneven and curved - means that a person has creative abilities.
  3. Long - about clear and focused thinking. A person with such a line loves to bring everything to the end.
  4. The circles and crosses will tell you about an emotional crisis.
  5. A straight line speaks of realistic thinking.

Life line

The life line will tell about a person's love of life, about love for oneself and those around them.

Many believe that its length is directly related to a person's lifespan. Fortunately, this is a misconception that scares and stress many people.

Its values ​​for various characteristics:

  • If the line is located quite far from the thumb, then the person has great vitality and vitality.
  • If it is located close to the finger, then its owner does not have enough vital energy.
  • If it is short and shallow, then the person is easily manipulated by strangers.
  • The presence of several life lines indicates high vitality and good health.
  • The circles speak of the hospital and possible illnesses.
  • If it looks like a strongly pronounced semicircle, then the person is full of great strength and enthusiasm.

Line of fate

When fortune-telling on hands, the line of fate is not found in all people. Starting at the base of the palm, it very often crosses the line of the head and heart.

Its values, depending on some characteristics:

  1. If it is quite deep, then a person's life is controlled by fate.
  2. If it crosses the life line, then its owner has great support from parents and friends.
  3. If she crosses the life line in the middle of her line, then a person will think not only about himself, but also about people close to him.
  4. If it begins simultaneously with the life line, then a person creates his own destiny.

Line of children

Taking advantage of fortune telling, women will not miss the opportunity to find out about the number of children she may have. It is quite simple to find out about the number of children, as well as the gender of the unborn child.

First, when fortune-telling on the hand, you need to find the marriage line, which displays the number of children.

It must be remembered that the hand displays the ability to have so many children, but does not mean that a person will have exactly the number that is displayed on the hand.


Basic rules of palmistry

From the point of view of palmistry, one of the person's hands is dominant, and the other is passive. For right-handers, the dominant hand is the right hand, for left-handers, the left hand is dominant.

1 dominant hand

  • will tell about a person's character and how a person lives in the present
  • help predict the future

2 passive hand

  • will clear up the past
  • will tell about childhood and the degree of parental influence on the fate of a person
  • identify potential talents

Four main lines are distinguished on each of the hands (see figure below)

  1. blue line (1) - heart line - emotions and relationships. The line reads a person's ability to strong emotional experiences
  2. green line (2) - the line of the mind or the line of the head - the essence of a person, talents, potential. The geography of the line will indicate achievements related to intelligence and psychological problems.
  3. yellow line (3) - life line - an indicator of life potential and the degree of its disclosure. Information on health and physical endurance is read along the life line
  4. red line (4) - the line of fate (not always present) - changes in life, doubts, awareness of ultimate goals. As a rule, it indicates a life span of 35-50 years. The absence of a line of fate is neutral in nature and indicates the absence of certain goals in life, movement with the flow.

In addition to lines, palmists distinguish the so-called hills or mounds, which are under the influence of the planets of the solar system.


Marriage lines

The line of Marriage on the hand in palmistry, is located on the hill of Mercury, and originates on the edge of the palm.

With the help of the lines of relationships (affection) or the line of marriage, palmistry determines the number of marriages, important love unions in a person's life. The lines represent people close to us, with whom there will be a close relationship.


Some signs that often appear in the palm of your hand help to understand the meaning of the marriage line.

  • Fan. Palmistry interprets such signs as uncertainty of feelings. Lack of specific attachments.
  • The triangle is a marriage with an extraordinary personality. However, this will not do anything good for family life. Unusual, super-talented individuals are incapable of compromising and care about someone. And family life cannot be imagined without it. The exception is when one partner completely sacrifices his own interests for the sake of his beloved genius.
  • The little touches that are below the line of love are an easy relationship with another person before marriage. The strokes are above the line of marriage - from fate you have to wait for new hobbies on the side.
  • Thin intersections (crosses) allow you to learn about problems with the mother-in-law or about the intrigues of other third parties. Also, their significance can be associated with serious disagreements.
  • The islet is a symbol of a short marriage. If such signs are found in the middle of the line, then the differences can be overcome. If there is an island at the end, most likely parting cannot be avoided.

  • The point is widowhood. Such sad signs in the palm of your hand appear for those who have lost a loved one.
  • Mugs. Successful relationship, complete harmony in this marriage.
  • Square. A symbol of protection from external misfortunes, a square will save relationships.
  • Lattice. These are obstacles to happiness.


How many marriages will there be

When asked how many marriages there will be, palmistry will answer in just a few minutes. Fortune telling and questions about how many marriages there will be have been known since antiquity. Despite the fact that divorce was a great rarity in the old days, there could be several marriages - widows and widowers often remained desirable candidates and candidates for the bride or groom.

In order to determine the number of marriages by hand, just count the lines that speak of marriage.

  1. The one that is pronounced speaks of a stable marriage that will last a long time.
  2. Almost invisible lines are likely to indicate temporary connections and relatively serious relationships that will not become the reason for the wedding.

So, we figured out how to find out the number of marriages by hand. But what if there are no such lines at all? There is a sign that such signs on the palms refer to signs of damage called the crown of celibacy.

If your relationship with the opposite sex is not going well, it may be worthwhile to first get rid of such negativity, which may turn out to be a generic "treasure". However, the absence of dashes under the little finger sometimes speaks of a marriage of convenience, in which there are no feelings and emotions.


Determining the age of marriage

By examining the marks on the palm of your hand, you can determine at what age a person will begin a serious relationship. For this, the interval from the line of the heart to the base of the little finger must be mentally divided into segments. The first third is under 25 years of age. The second third is up to 30 - 35 years old. And the remaining space is over 35 years old.

This is how you can understand when you get married. The upper limit is 44 years. Then the countdown goes down to 88 years, which are marked again on the line of the heart. It is easy to calculate time stamps up to 33 years, so palmistry allows young people to quite accurately determine the time of marriage. Then the time becomes denser, and there it is already more difficult to guess the date.


How to predict marriage problems

If small dashes go down from the line of marriage, directed towards the line of the heart, this is a sign of upcoming problems in marriage. The same disappointment awaits those who hold the marriage line along its length to the center of the palm.

This often symbolizes the high hopes that were pinned on the marriage, but for some reason were not realized. Descending lines speak of discontent and frustration. The closer they are to the beginning, the earlier a person begins to experience negative feelings.

What else can the science of palmistry warn us about? The line of marriage, reaching the line of the head, predicts bad relationships in the family. Such a sign occurs in women whose husbands are quick-tempered and unrestrained, use assault.


The meaning of signs on the marriage line

The Marriage Line has almost the same meaning as the Influence Line on the Mount of Venus.

The absence of Marriage Lines in the hands of a person who is in marriage will tell us about a beneficial and calculating connection that has no emotional, loving or spiritual relationship. The time of events is counted from the Heart Line, that is, the first fixed attachments will be located closer to it.

The lines of Marriage in palmistry are essential for people, and cannot be left without close attention in palmistry.

If you do not know which hand to look at the Marriage Lines, on the right hand or on the left hand, then keep in mind that the lines of future marriages are located on the active right (for right-handed) hand. Accordingly, for left-handers - on the left hand.

Since marriage and the creation of a family and marriage are a very significant event in a person's life, people often resort to fortune-telling for marriage, because palmistry and the line of marriage on the hand are of interest to almost every sane person.

Long and short marriage line

The presence of a clear and long line extending to the tubercle of Mercury, in itself, speaks of long-term relationships and, as a rule, marriage.

Take a look at the example in the picture, the total number of marriage lines in this place indicates the same number of marriages, the longer the line, the stronger and longer the relationship will be. It should be noted and not forgotten that this is not necessarily a stamp in a passport, which all girls especially dream of so much, since now it has become very fashionable to be in a civil marriage, therefore only the relationship is recorded, and not the consequence.

Short marriage lines express short-term relationships, for some reason people have not been able to build a successful relationship. This mostly happens to young people when their priorities have not yet been determined, especially when the line is close to the Line of Heart, which indicates a relationship at an early age.

Bifurcation of the marriage line

The bifurcation of the marriage line at the end, similar to a fork, speaks of the divergence and mismatch of people in character.

Naturally, as a result, such a line denotes a divorce, and the wider the fork at the end of the line, the greater the disagreement between people, it should also be noted that the owner of the hand will be the initiator of the discord, the size of the fork at the end of the marriage line is proportional to the scandalousness of the individual.

As if the very logic of the line tells us that the partners' roads diverge. "Ships dispersed like at sea." Such a relationship most quickly should take place in a versatile outlook on life, and constant quarrels.

Islet at the end of the marriage line

If there is an island at the end of the line, this also means a divorce, but accompanied by large psycho-emotional scenes and scandals, courts and enmity that will remain between people after marriage.

Such a sign will always remain on the hand of an emotionally susceptible person. If you have a tense relationship in your marriage, and there is a possibility of divorce, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the additional Divorce Line on your hand, which appears at crucial moments in life.

We turn to another example in the picture. As you can see, the same marriage line at the end with an island, but curving down to the Heart Line will have a completely different meaning.

Such a Marriage Line means betrayal with a close relative, be it cousins ​​or sisters, or even worse incest, in addition to such signs, it is necessary to check with the hill of Venus and look for appropriate evidence, this rule applies to any conclusions, since one cannot draw conclusions only on one sign.

Marriage line and heart line

  • The line of marriage, reaching and which rests on the line of the Sun, will predict us a love affair with a noble and influential person, and this, as a rule, is also a rich person, such a sign can speak of the importance of the union and the desire to keep it by any means.
  • If the Marriage Line leans towards the Heart Line , this suggests that the owner of the hand will outlive his spouse, at least this is how famous palmists interpreted this line.
  • And when the line of marriage, going down, crosses the line of the heart, it expresses grief and loss for your soul mate, stating the very fact, the loss of a partner, or, at least, carries the passive meaning of the soul.

But practice shows that when the marriage line goes down, it does not always mean the death of a spouse, very often the facts are confirmed that he is alive and well. So what's the matter, then the question begs for sure?

The fact is that the human soul is the energy of a more subtle plane, it is the energy of the totality of all thoughts, it is the highest above the “I”, which is guided by the heart. Once a person who dies in the soul of the owner of such a line is considered by his heart as a deceased, he was buried alive.

Treason, at times, can inflict an irreparable blow to the heart, sometimes even more powerful in strength than the death of a person itself.

Therefore, the hand fixes the painful anguish of the heart, pulling the marriage line towards itself, thus, the interpretation of the falling marriage line can change its meaning, and you should not make sudden conclusions, which are best understood by a specialist in palmistry.

The marriage line reaches the head line

If the marriage line on the hand, bending down to the head line, merging into the latter, then the relationship can be negative, often accompanied by assault and humiliation.

Such a sign can mainly be found in women, whose husbands can use physical force or mental pressure, depending on the rest of the signs.

Lover's lines on the marriage line

If the marriage line on the hand, going in the direction from the outside to the depths of the palm, loses its expressiveness, this indicates that a person's feelings are gradually fading away and, soon, parting may follow.

A good guide in controlling feelings is the line of the heart, in the case when a less thin line runs parallel to a seemingly good line of the heart, which is close to the heart, indicates that after a period of doubt and disappointment, feelings will pass to another person.

  1. Such a sign indicates that perhaps a person has a lover with whom it is good and pleasant to spend time.
  2. It is also necessary to look at the condition of the line.
  3. If the second line becomes brighter and stronger, this indicates that the likelihood of a change of partner is more likely.

The place on the hand where the lines of marriage and children are located, if you noticed, is commensurately small, so it becomes not easy to guess about the line of marriage and children in this place and draw accurate conclusions based only on the readings of these lines.

But, even taking a quick glance at the hill of Mercury, it becomes clear that it is impossible to immediately determine anything with accuracy and certainty, because the lines of marriage and children there are very weak and short, not to mention the lines that represent lovers, they are even thinner ...

Some people in this place have a large number of vertical lines, which, logically, should predict numerous offspring for them, and in order to avoid mistakes in this case, only the most pronounced lines should be taken into account, which denote children and possible lovers.

For an accurate answer in palmistry, with regard to such sensitive issues as marriage, children and lovers, it is necessary to check and consider fortune-telling not only on the lines of love, but to take into account other lines and signs on the hand.

Where is the lover's line

If a line is much weaker in strength near the line, it means the simultaneous presence of someone else, and, as a rule, a lover, but in this case it should be located or go almost back to back.

Such a line expresses a secret union, or, more simply, a lover, or a connection on the side, and most likely will be on the - inactive hand, because you should always remember that the active hand (right in right-handers) reflects the outer shell of the essence - the one that the person shows for all the people around (they say I am all so righteous), and an inactive hand, shows internal emotions and a state - that which is hidden from everyone (and I myself "sleep in a Chihara").

  • The lover's line can be located both above and below the main line of relationships, by its position we find out when a relationship was struck - if it is below, it means an old relationship before marriage, which means that the other half, that is, a spouse (... deer with experience) - such people can enter the entrance, beat with horns or even get stuck in the doorway.

  • But if this line is on top, then the relationship was formed after marriage, - which may mean (... not big horns), or only sprouting ... that are not yet visible to neighbors and colleagues at work - "having cut them down in time", if desired save the family.

The line of adultery can also intersect with the main one, which will mean the lover's interference in the marriage relationship, from time to time.

It is also worth recalling, in order not to make hasty conclusions, having seen such lines on the hand of your chosen one, you always need to look for evidence on other parts of the palm, you should also examine the Lines of Influence on the hill of Venus.

Small lines extending downward from the line of marriage, and directed towards the line of the heart, indicate the problems accompanying the marriage.

A marriage line with a drooping tip

The marriage line on the arm, which has a drooping tip and downward-angled offspring lines, also indicates dissatisfaction with marriage.

Based on the high hopes that were pinned on this relationship, and which did not come true.

O a thunderous desire for something, and dreams did not come true, although marriage itself has a right to exist, the descending lines indicate discontent, and the closer to the edge of the palm the lines of disappointment begin to appear, the earlier the person will begin to experience such a state of mind.

Wavy line of marriage

A wavy marriage line speaks of frequent quarrels, mood swings, going from one extreme to another. Such behavior of spouses in marriage can lead to divorce quite soon.

Other marks on the marriage line

There can be various signs on the marriage line:

  • star,
  • cross,
  • Island,
  • a dot on the marriage line is rare.

Each of these signs refers only to those relationships in marriage, on the line of which he is located and is. All these signs are negative in nature.

The line of marriage in palmistry reflects relationships, and no matter how the lines of marriage are called, the lines of marriage or marriage, the line of relationships or the line of love, they reflect both real and strong sensual impulses, great emotions, and of course the feelings and suffering of a person in relation to to another, well, how could it be without it.

Most likely, in life, any marriage is not complete without emotional passions that create signs similar to those shown in the picture on the marriage line.

Dating time on the line of marriage

The lines going up from the marriage line on a woman's hand mean the number of opportunities for having children, but how these chances will be used - (whether a woman will give birth or have abortions) depends on the person himself.

  1. The time of marriage is determined on the part of the hand between the lines of the heart and the root of the Mercury finger (little finger) on the edge of the palm. This section is divided into three parts, which are periods of twenty-five years. But this method is suitable for people who have reached the age of thirty.
  2. For younger people, this section is divided into two parts. From one to forty-four years old. Half - will be twenty-two years. This method is also accurate, but it is more suitable for fortune telling by the hands of young people under the age of 30. After thirty years, the lines on the hands are compressed and then the first method will be effective.

When fortune-telling by hand on the line of marriage, in order to establish a more accurate period of marriage, you need to divide the selected area into smaller parts, and thus establish the approximate date of marriage.

You should always look for evidence of events, as well as clarify them by dating on other lines of the hand. It is also worth paying attention to the line of the Heart of your chosen one, it will show whether a person is capable of love, and how he will do it.

Celibacy ring

If you can't get married or get married for a long time, then check your hand for the presence of a celibacy ring or another very negative mark on the palm of the curse line, which can be the cause of all the failures.

To establish a more accurate time of marriage, as we said earlier, it is necessary to check with additional signs - the lines of Influence on the Line of Destiny. The time when you get married or get married can be specified much more precisely on this line than on the main line of marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury.

Let's look at the example in the picture. The blue line, rising from the side of the hill of the Moon, mainly represents a person who is trying to tie his life in marriage with the owner of this hand. The blue arrow marks the entry of this person into your life, that is, at about 25 years, the place where the line (influence) of marriage merges.

From this moment, in other words, you live together, regardless of whether there is a stamp in your passport or not. The very infusion of the marriage line in this example of the picture indicates a long and fruitful marriage, confirmation of this is the only well-built marriage line on the hill of Mercury, on which there are no all sorts of intersections, breaks, forks.


Chiromancy line children

As already mentioned, the lines of children located on the hill of Mercury are vertical lines that depart from the marital line.

By these lines, you can determine the number of children, and the lines can also tell a lot of other, no less important information.

What can be learned from the lines of children

There are several basic meanings of these fate marks:

  1. If the line of children is very close to the edge of the palm, then this suggests that the birth of these "flowers of life" can be expected from an early age. So, the owners of such traits are waiting for early marriages and the appearance of children at a young age. As a rule, fateful marks promise offspring from about 18 years of age.
  2. When the lines indicating the presence of offspring in marriage are located at the very edge of the signs of marriage, then this indicates later children.
  3. The number of dashes extending from the marriage line indicates the number of opportunities to bear and give birth to children, while the distance between them is interpreted as the age difference of the offspring.
  4. Fuzzy marks speak of unborn children, and an already born child is marked on the hand with an even, clearly traced line. And if you want to check this, then follow the changes in your hand after the birth of the baby.
  5. If there are clear similarities between the lines of children, then this suggests that, with a greater probability, one can expect the birth of twins. A V-shaped sign promises twins, and an inverted V-image promises one child, but with twin genes.
  6. Often, two adjacent stripes say not about twin children, but about the fact that they can be born with a difference of a year, that is, the weather.

Signs accompanying the lines of children

Now let's talk about the signs that can accompany the lines of children.

  • The presence of a square on the hill of Venus or next to the lines of the offspring indicates a possible serious illness in the baby immediately after birth. But at the same time, you should not worry too much, such signs are responsible for the happy outcome of the situation, no matter what the child finds himself in.
  • The outline of an islet in the area where information about children is read always indicates health problems. By looking at the location of such a sign relative to the line, you can tell at what age the child is susceptible to the disease.

If the line talking about children is not clearly drawn and has curls, crosses, then this can be interpreted as a warning about the danger of termination of pregnancy.

A line with a beveled end speaks of children who will have a peculiar character.

Such a child, more often than not, is emotionally alienated from his peers and even from his parents. And if there are such signs on the palm of your hand, then be more attentive to your offspring, pay more attention to them, but at the same time do not see each other on their occasion. Children do not always see their fathers and mothers as people who need to be respected and appreciated, so try to instill this feeling in them from an early age.

The line of children in the form of a wave is interpreted as the presence of frequent diseases in a child. And if parents want their child to hurt as little as possible, then care for such children should be regular.

If there is a mole on the hill of Mercury, where the lines of children are read, then this is a bad sign. Often, people with this sign cannot have their own children. Moles can also indicate the presence of problems with the reproductive system. Therefore, if you are the owner of such a sign of fate, and at the same time you are unable to have children, seek help from a doctor. And the sooner you do this, the more likely you are to become a happy parent.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child

By the lines on the hand, you can determine the gender of the child.

By the lines corresponding to the number of children, you can also tell what gender your child will be.

  1. So, boys correspond to deep, wide stripes extending from the marital line.
  2. Girls can be distinguished by thin, straight lines, which also depart from the marital line.

  • Determining the sex of the unborn baby, as well as the number of children assigned to you by fate, is possible and not only using the standard, classical way of interpreting the dashes on the hill of Mercury.
  • There are other marks on the palms with which you can find out what gender the child will be and how many children you may have in general. But at the same time, you should not completely trust such secondary signs.
  • It is better if you compare the values ​​of the bands according to the classical method and according to the description of which we will now consider.

So, in order to determine the number of future children and their gender, you can look at the stripes located on the phalanges of the middle finger, as well as at the horizontal marks on the convex part near the base of the thumb (the hill of Venus).

An indistinct, poorly visible or flat hill of Venus speaks of the impossibility or unwillingness to have children of their own. The symbolic streak of children can start from the very line of the heart, crossing the line of marriage. For such a child, the mother will experience an incredibly strong feeling of love.

To avoid misunderstandings

Each person has a different number of opportunities to conceive a child.

It so happens that a married couple has a different number of lines in the palm of their hand that respond to children. But this is not a reason for quarrels, disagreements, resentments and mistrust, because such a phenomenon is not a sign that if a spouse has more of these marks, then he may have illegitimate offspring.

The world is so arranged that the Almighty awarded each of us with a different number of opportunities to conceive a child, for some, two children are enough, and for someone the Creator gives a whole football team.

Modern women significantly reduce the chances of conceiving a baby by resorting to various kinds of contraceptives. Thus, even the opportunity given to us from Above to have children is not always used by us rationally, in other words, it does not always "work".

So, if there are many dashes responsible for childbirth, this is not yet a reason to think that you will become a large family. But at the same time, one should be wary of the small number of such signs and not neglect the opportunity to give birth to a baby.

  • There are a huge number of points and subtleties that should be taken into account when interpreting the signs hiding in the lines of the hand.
  • The secrets of such a science as palmistry is an intricate alphabet, knowing which, you can read in the palm of your hand, as in the pages of a wise encyclopedia, the fate and life of a person. Yes, by and large, and himself, with all his personal positive qualities, shortcomings, and peculiarities.


other methods

The description and meaning of the line of children, which we talked about, are considered basic, key. But palmistry is a multifaceted science; there are other ways to find out the number of heirs. Take a close look at this photo.

Signs are clearly visible on it, which are also called lines of children. Let's take a closer look at what to look at and read the description. The line is already familiar to us under the first number.

  1. Number 2 is the vertical lines in the middle of the little finger and middle finger. Eastern palmistry says that there are as many of them as this person has children.
  2. Indian palmistry asks to look at the family ring. Where it is located, you can see in the figure, it is number 3. It is necessary to count how many islands are on the ring.
  3. You also need to count the lines that are visible on Venus, from the edge. In the photo, this place is marked with number 4. This is also a reliable method.
  4. Take a closer look at the lines on the hill of Mars (see number 5). Indian experts are confident that they also mean children.
  5. Number 6 indicates one of the main lines - Hearts. The lines moving away from her, like a herringbone, are children.
  6. Take a closer look at the life line. If dashes go up from it (number 7), which indicate something joyful in life. For many, this is the birth of children. If they go down (number 8), then they appear when a small child begins to influence the life of his parents.



Palmistry stores a lot of information that allows you to learn a lot by hand. You can get information about all the vicissitudes and gifts of fate. what time a girl will get married, how many children she will have - it is not difficult to get answers to all these questions.

Only a knowledgeable person should deal with decoding. otherwise, the signs of fate may be misunderstood. Novice palmists should rely on photos, drawings that have a competent description. Then it will be possible to understand the meaning of the existing marks on the hand.