The best pictures of congratulations on the Victory Day, the Day of Heroism of the Soviet people. The best congratulations on Victory Day for veterans Find congratulations on Victory Day on May 9

For the first time, the Victory Day of the USSR was celebrated more than 70 years ago, back in 1945. Unfortunately, the number of participants in the Second World War is getting smaller every year. However, the most persistent of them still remember how it was in detail and not from stories. It is very important to remember and honor those who fought for us then. And do not forget to congratulate you on Victory Day.

May 9 is officially considered a day off from the moment when, in 1945, exactly at 6 am, the solemn voice of Levitan informed the people about the long-awaited Victory and the Great Holiday. Until late in the evening, the streets of the cities were filled with people laughing and crying with happiness. And exactly at 22 o'clock the peaceful sky was illuminated by a prolonged salute of 30 volleys fired by thousands of guns.

However, since 1948, Victory Day has ceased to be widely celebrated. Only in 1965 did Brezhnev return to tradition, and on May 9, military parades and fireworks began to take place again. In our time, all of Russia and not only celebrates this child with special honor and trepidation. Millions of people bring bouquets of flowers to the monuments and congratulate the veterans, who are getting smaller and smaller every year.

Congratulations on Victory Day (May 9, 2019) in verse and prose

It is not necessary to say beautiful words personally - you can send congratulations on Victory Day by messenger to all dear people, no less sincere and kind than congratulations uttered at the meeting. It is important to choose special words for your beloved man, brother, father or colleague that will surprise and delight him. Below we offer a small selection of the best congratulations on Victory Day (May 9), choose the best congratulation in your opinion and please your family and friends!

Victory Day May 9, 2018 is a big and important holiday. This holiday is dedicated to the victory of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.

Every year on May 9, on Victory Day, many Russian cities host festive events, parades, concerts, fireworks are thundering. No one is left out of this holiday. People congratulate their loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, friends.

SMS congratulations and congratulations in verse on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 will certainly delight the addressee.

Happy Victory Day
And with all my heart I wish
Never know war
Have joyful dreams.

Let everyone be involved
To have peace and happiness
To have faith and love
They entered the house again and again.

Great holiday, Victory Day,
Nobody has the right to forget.
Our grandfathers conquered the world,
And we must keep it!

May the sky be peaceful
Over our heads!
I wish you on Victory Day,
So that life is colorful!

Let's fill the world
Good, love, light!
We remember everything with pride
After all, the date is not more important!


Let the victorious "Hurray!"
Let the life enjoy, the kids laugh.
And in the peaceful blue, let the doves coo
Let peoples never be at enmity again!


The St. George ribbon came to us again,
And on a fresh May morning she brought Victory.
We meet this date at the festive table,
So that the war does not break into the home again.


Red square shines from the morning
And - dear - full of veterans,
Everyone chants and honors them,
All the winners - our relatives!


Happy Victory! This is the main holiday.
May there be peace in the whole earth
Children laugh with joy.
Let's say no to war.


May Victory Day give only a smile
And the sadness of battles will stir the heart,
I wish the war - history is a mistake -
It will not enter our peaceful life again.


Let the heavens above our heads
Will always be peaceful for you
And let all troubles bypass you,
I congratulate you on Victory Day.

On May 9, in all countries of the former USSR, people will honor the winners, give flowers to veterans, talk about important things, watch war films and mentally ask that the war never breaks out again. On this day, congratulations on May 9 to veterans, of whom there are so few left, is a way to express your gratitude.

I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! Let this day be a reminder that our people were able to unite in the face of a common enemy, withstand a difficult struggle and rid the world of fascism! I wish you, your family and all of us never to experience the hardships of war!

Dear, immensely respected our veterans! Your valiant honor, indomitable courage has given us the right to live, writes rosregistr. Defending the Fatherland, you not only defended your native land, you saved the world, cleansing it of the fascist filth. They rebuilt the country from ruins and ashes in an incredibly short time.

Happy Victory Day! May the clear sky of dreams stretch over you, may a happy and kind life lie ahead, may your heart remember and be proud of the great deeds of our grandfathers.

On this May day, we honor veterans, congratulate colleagues, partners, management. For such cases, congratulations on May 9 in official prose are appropriate. It is preferable that they be short, not pompous, first of all, sincere, frank. We offer you several options for official congratulations in prose from May 9, which you can interpret for yourself.

Dear veterans! On a memorable day for all of us, I would like to once again express my deep gratitude and deep bow to you for the fact that you, not sparing your life and health, defended your Motherland and did not give it to the Nazis to be torn apart. Your merit will be in the memory of everyone living on earth. We wish you good health and long life! Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on the Victory Day! The feat of our grandfathers cannot be etched in our memory, but in our hearts is the pain of the loss of millions of our compatriots. There is hardly a family that has not been touched by the war. We tell children and grandchildren about the exploits of our soldiers, honor their memory, carefully pass on grandfather's medals from generation to generation. This is our history, the history of the family, the history of the country. We bring children on May 9 to the eternal fire and explain the significance of the Great Victory for all mankind, for every person. On this day, I sincerely wish you happiness, health and a peaceful sky over your head!

Our dear! Perhaps, no language in the world can find words to put into them all the gratitude of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat at the front and in the rear. Therefore, we will not talk much, but rather kneel before you, ordinary heroes who went to their deaths every day for the sake of life. Your exploits will live on for centuries! I wish you good health, optimism and happiness! Happy holiday, dear veterans! Happy Victory Day!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Let friends be nearby

Victory Day is a glorious holiday,
It's time to remind us of the main thing:
Wish you with my soul
Peaceful happiness in fate!

Congratulations on Victory Day!
This holiday is dear to us
It's good that we closed up
We will slap the enemies!

Let there be no wars in the world!
Peace, dominate the Earth
To make the sky blue
Smiled at us in the window!

Hero of computer shooters,
Well, look away from the screen!
Happy Victory! They fought for her
Our heroes, veterans!

So celebrate with gratitude
That your life is quite normal
And the shots are not dangerous here -
The battles are virtual!

Your grandfathers fought for you.
They are honored and praised!
You are on this Victory Day
Be agile like an arrow -

Congratulate all the veterans yourself,
Privates and captains,
Officers and sergeants -
Giant Winners!

We spend a lot of time at work, so it will be simply ugly to ignore the attention of employees. Depending on the nature of the existing relationship, congratulations on May 9 in prose to colleagues can be oral or in a text message, e-mail, short or flowery. On the eve of May 9, choose the best holiday congratulations for your colleagues!

Colleagues! I congratulate you on Victory Day! On this day, each of us realizes what a happiness it is not to see the horrors of war, not to lose loved ones, not to be afraid for the life of our relatives! I wish you a peaceful sky over your head and peace in your soul! It is our duty to remember the heroic deed of the people, to preserve the memory of the terrible war, so that our descendants also honor the memory of the fallen soldiers!

Colleagues! Victory Day is “a holiday with tears in our eyes”, because it reminds us of the most tragic pages in the history of our country. I want to congratulate you on this magnificent holiday, which our grandfathers, brave warriors and valiant soldiers gave us. You and I were lucky to be born and live in peacetime, so let's remember the heroes, honor their memory and preserve peace in our land! Joy to you all and health, happiness and peace!

May 9 is a holiday with history. May the victory days of the forty-fifth not be erased from our memory. May the peace be strong, the relations between the countries are good-neighborly, and harmony and mutual understanding reign between people. Let the children know about the horrors of war only from films and books. Congratulations on the great holiday that the whole country celebrates today!

Dear colleague, today is the amazing holiday of May 9th. This day is full of happiness and joy, as well as sorrow and sadness. But on this bright day, I would like to wish you a peaceful sky above your head, as well as only the brightest moments that lie ahead! Happy Holidays!

Dear colleagues, on this venerable day, we say a big "Thank you" to our fallen heroes who gave their lives for the sake of peace on earth. I would like to wish you prosperity and stability in everything on this day. May only peace reign in your families! Happy Holidays and all the best.

Victory Day is a holiday that is of great importance for all of us. Every year on May 9, our hearts are filled with pride, joy, and at the same time grief and sorrow. But still more in this holiday of light and hope that the sky above our heads will always be peaceful! Happy Holidays, dear colleagues! Do not forget about the exploits of our heroes!

I sincerely congratulate you on May 9th. This day is a symbol of heroic courage, valor and courage.
The victory we got provided everyone with a peaceful sky overhead. Glory and honor to all heroes. Happy Holidays!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! This holiday has become a symbol of the heroism of our people, their unyielding fortitude and invincibility of spirit! The caring attitude of the older generation to the fate of their Motherland should become for everyone a shining example of patriotism and the strength of the people's faith!
The veterans paid a great price for the Victory, many are no longer with us today! But we remember their military glory! I wish you health, warmth, attention and care of your loved ones! May the sky always be peaceful and the sun shine brightly!

Time does not spare veterans - they leave, leaving us memories of the war, heartache, an example of self-sacrifice, endurance. Congratulations on May 9 in verses to veterans, flowers for the holiday, everyday attention, respect, help - there is little that we can thank them for contribution to the Victory. Choose by May 9 the warmest, filled with genuine sympathy, congratulations in verse for war veterans. Invite children and grandchildren to learn them by heart - wishes from children are especially touching, dear.

You are forever young at heart

At least from time to time wounds ache ...

With a glorious victory, great

Congratulations, veterans!

Let the years pass

But the memory will live on for centuries

As a Red Army soldier

Fought fiercely with enemies.

For peace and happiness, for love,

For life and the first babble

You went on the attack again and again,

Isupostatza answered everything.

We are inspired by your feat

We bow our heads before you ...

You shed blood for us,

Congratulations on Victory Day!

Time is merciless for veterans

The war still hurts my soul:

Memories burn, wounds ache -

The pain of loss is still strong.

Trials, losses, troubles

They left their mark on the memory.

Congratulations, relatives, on Victory Day!

Peace to you, goodness and long years.

The world is beautiful, but alas, so fragile!

Enjoy the joy of the world,

Sun, blue sky dome

May they give you happiness and peace!

We thank you for everything:

For your courage without barriers,

For protecting the world

Not for titles and awards.

We want to wish you health

So that they live for a long time, do not get sick.

Thank you we say to you

For the fact that life was not spared!

You have defended a world without wars,

And peace of the night and peace ...

Fought in the fields with the enemy

So that you live happily later!

We know a lot about war

On films, news from screens,

And doubly grateful to you -

Let the soul and wounds not hurt!

Congratulations on May 9 invariably touch the most delicate strings of the soul, each time mentally returning us to old military battles and bloody battles. Indeed, Victory Day is considered a symbol of the power and strength of our people, who, at the cost of many lives, managed to protect their homeland. As a token of gratitude, we dedicate to our fathers and grandfathers the most beautiful congratulations on the Victory on May 9, 2018 in verse. Today we have the opportunity to congratulate on Victory Day at a distance by sending a short SMS to all our relatives and friends. We are sure that among our options you will definitely pick up several beautiful short SMS congratulations for May 9 - with best wishes on such a great holiday.

And again May, and we are with flowers

We come to the eternal fire!

In the war, the heroes defended

Freedom, your Motherland!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
Let friends be nearby
Let no trouble touch in life!

Congratulations to grandpa now
And I wish you good health!
Victory Day has just come -
So you meet him with love!

Grandmother, dear, happy holiday!
May Victory Day carry
The joys are all different
Bright days all year round!

I congratulate my colleague,
I sincerely wish you
To appreciate the Victory Day!
Joy, goodness and faith!

So, we tried to collect the most beautiful congratulations on May 9, 2018 in verse and prose - short SMS and long stanzas, cool for friends and colleagues, strict official to veterans and the head at work. In addition, here you will find a selection of touching to tears congratulations on Victory Day on May 9 with sincere words of wishes - such verses and prose can be dedicated to everyone who is dear and significant to you.

Friends are the closest people to us after relatives, with them we celebrate holidays, share joy and sorrow. Congratulations on May 9 in verse to friends is an original and pleasant sign of attention. You can sign a postcard, send rhymed congratulations on social networks on May 9, by e-mail, or recite poetry to friends when you meet.

Let me congratulate you, friends,

Let neither evil nor misfortune touch you.

Live without melting joy in your heart.

Share your smile, kindness,

Let the soul not become scarce with love,

And may fate with a reliable hand

Protects your sleep and peace.

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!

This is a very difficult holiday,

After all, our grandfathers died for our peace,

Sacrificing my whole life young.

So that there is no more war

How many lives have people laid -

We must remember all this.

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country.

The brass band plays marches.

Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair,

Our grandfathers, the memory of all the fallen ..

Even those who have not seen the war -

But everyone was touched by her wing,

Congratulations on Victory Day, we!

This day is very important for all of us.

Spring has come to earth again

And all living things are in her power.

And awakening from sleep

The soul is now held captive by passion.

Although all the battles have died down,

Let's forget the time, then hardly.

After all, for the sake of happiness and love

The soldiers died the death of the brave.

Let's not know troubles

We will preserve peace on the entire planet.

So that we can play weddings

And the children laughed joyfully!

It is not always possible to congratulate everyone, but you do not want to ignore someone from your relatives, friends, colleagues. Short congratulations on May 9, sms will cheer up the addressee, will create a festive atmosphere. We have selected for your SMS congratulations on Victory Day short, capacious wishes in verse and prose, which will instill pride in the people, for the Motherland.

May 9 - Victory Day, Memorial Day. Never again may the blue sky darken from the smoke of conflagrations, and let the earth not shudder from the blows. I wish you peace and good! Happy Holidays!

Even birds on Victory Day

Congratulations to everyone around.

Let the war not repeat itself!

Happy holiday, my friend!

Happy Victory Day, valiant people,

The dove of peace in the sky is spinning.

May trouble come to us no more

And the weapon will never be useful!

Happy Victory Day for all living,

Everyone who remembers the war

I wish you well, happiness,

Peace to our entire country.

The war is over and the cannons are silent

And the years have smoothed out the great trouble,

Spring has come and celebrate again

We are Victory Day - the best day of the year!

Congratulations on May 9 are pleasant to everyone who respects the memory of ancestors, honors the feat, courage and bravery of soldiers. A bright, joyful holiday of the triumph of life and peace, of good over evil, is an occasion to rethink the events of the past, empathizing with those who have had terrible trials, and to thank the veterans for their valor. Pick up warm kind words in advance to congratulate your friends, relatives and colleagues on the anniversary of the Victory. Congratulate the veterans with poems with your children, give them flowers, thank fate for the happiness of living in peace!

It is difficult to find a person who would in no way be touched by the terrible war that claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians. This date will never be erased from history, it will remain forever in the calendar, and will always remind of those terrible events and the great defeat of the fascist troops that ended hell.

The road to victory has been a long ordeal. It was won by the courage, combat skill and heroism of Soviet soldiers on the battlefields, the selfless struggle of partisans and underground fighters behind the front line, the everyday labor feat of home front workers, the combined efforts of the anti-Hitler coalition and the anti-fascist movement.

May 9 - Victory Day in the war over Nazi Germany

For many decades, Victory Day has been the holiest holiday for all citizens of our country. On this day, the people of our country finally defeated Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. On the outskirts of Berlin, on May 9, 1945, an act of complete surrender of the Wehrmacht was signed. The first Victory Day was celebrated like no other holiday in modern history.

Happy Victory Day! This holiday is moving away from us every year. But we must never forget about those heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, first of all, I would like to wish peace. After all, nothing is more expensive than human lives, tears of mothers, broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds, love for the Motherland. Let no one ever see the war.

This day is a day of fun and sorrow. Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers laid down their lives so that you and I could have a bright and happy future. We would like to wish that this segment of history never repeated itself, and that everyone lived in peace and harmony. We wish all the best and respect to the veterans, we sincerely thank for the feat! And to those who fell in the war - rest in peace and the Kingdom of Heaven. It is in our power to prevent war and discord, be more loyal to each other. Happy Victory Day, friends!

We sincerely congratulate each person on the holiday of the great Victory, may the sky above your head always be peaceful and calm, may your children grow up without fear and anxiety. Honor the heroic deed of the people, preserve historical memory, pass it on to new generations. Be healthy, loved and kept by God!

Happy Victory Day! This day was the dream of millions of our people, the hope that we lived for and for the sake of which we died. And for many years now we have been celebrating Victory Day again and again. I would like to wish a peaceful, happy, long life, kindness, prosperity and patriotism, worthy of the memory of our victorious compatriots!

The first time the Victory Banner was brought to the parade in 1965

On this day, ceremonies of laying flowers and wreaths at the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are held everywhere, various events are held to honor war veterans and workers of the rear front, festive concerts are organized, lessons of courage in educational institutions, reconstruction of battles and much more.

It has already become traditional to hold the civil-patriotic action "Immortal Regiment" on May 9, which today has become an international public movement to preserve the personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War. Participants of the movement annually on Victory Day march in a column through the streets of cities with photographs of their relatives - veterans of the army and navy, partisans, underground fighters, Resistance fighters, home front workers, concentration camp prisoners, blockade soldiers, children of war - and also write family stories about them in the People's Chronicle on the website of the "Immortal Regiment" movement.

Even those who have not seen the war
But everyone was touched by her wing,
Congratulations on Victory Day, we!

The lowest bow, to the very ground,
May God grant you, veterans, many years!

Happy Victory Day, I will not congratulate you all of a sudden.
Our grandfathers perished for our happiness,
And they defended our peaceful sky there!

Today and years are already gray
Since the war passed,
But congratulations on Victory Day!
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,
The day of the defeat of a brutal war
Day of defeat of violence and evil,
Day of resurrection of love and goodness!

Let the sky be blue
Let the smoke not swirl in the sky
Let the terrible cannons be silent
And machine guns do not scribble,
So that people, cities live ...
Peace on earth is always needed!

May our faith, our wishes,
The relentless run will slow down time.
Your experience, wisdom, strength, knowledge
Carry into the twenty-first century!

Let it never happen to us
Getting to know the war!
Spring and Victory Day are linked
Together; but at what cost!
Not everything was told by our grandfathers,
And the past melts into darkness
But we remember who we owe
Peace forever on Earth!
So congratulations today
To grandfathers-heroes from grandchildren,
Slightly trembling with excitement
How sincere can they sound! May this Victory Day flare up
Once again joyful fire of exultation,
The world came at a great price
And since then we have been glorifying Victory Day.
We all have a big debt to the heroes,
So be generous with gratitude.
Do not forget this day to honor all those
Who at the cost of his life bestowed freedom.
Veterans do not bow low - a sin.
Glory to all the heroes! Glory to the Russian people!

This year marks the 74th anniversary of the great Victory over the Nazi army in Germany. This holiday with tears in their eyes every year evokes great joy, sad memories and pride in their ancestors for those who, fortunately, did not have the opportunity to experience the consequences of the war. on this day they sound in a special way. Therefore, the editorial staff WANT to prepare beautiful things for all the children of war who have come into contact with this human misfortune.


Earlier we published, now we want to congratulate everyone on the holiday of May 9 with beautiful congratulations in verse. Note that on May 9, in all countries of the former USSR, people will honor the winners, give flowers to veterans, talk about important things, watch war films and mentally ask that the war never breaks out again. On this day, of which there are so few left, is a way to express your gratitude.

Therefore, we have collected official congratulations on May 9, beautiful in verse and prose, so that we can congratulate you on the great holiday. Write down a beautiful congratulation in verse. These short congratulations on May 9 can be written in postcards and presented to veterans.

Congratulations on Victory Day -
Happy legendary, bright day.
We wish peace in the house
In a society, in a native country.

We wish that in the world
Henceforth nowhere and never
Didn't happen, didn't open
No more wars.

We wish people
Guarded, protected
The world that our grandfathers
They brought it to their grandchildren.

The war has died down long ago,
Again the blue sky above us.
Only the memory of the past is alive
We will not forget this pain over the years.

Do not forget those young guys
That the victory was closer to us.
With no turning back
They fled only forward under fire.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will decorate the fireworks
In honor of the heroes who are not with us today!

Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
Victory Day is a holiday for centuries!
Let's bow to the veterans together.
The country says "thank you" to you.

We survived. We saved it. Forever memory
To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
To those who are next to us today,
All - the warmth of relatives and a lot of strength!

I wish you a clear sky
And a world without war
And the radiant sun
Over the entire land of the country.

Relatives, loved ones - with a holiday!
Love, health, strength!
So that every day pleases you
And he brought happiness.

May the sounds be silenced on this day
Let time slow down
Let the grandchildren remember the feat of their grandfathers,
Will honor their memory with silence.

May their unfading glory
Will leave in the past the fear of war
Let it be a peaceful state
Let the children sleep and dream.

Let people believe, wait and love
Through the villages and towns,
They will not forget your feat,
Thank you veterans!

Victory day is special for the country:
We remember the soldiers, the fallen.
For them, rockets will fly into the air
Yes, the sky will bloom with lights.
I bet there are no people who do not appreciate
An army feat of those who protected children.
Wars blows, I believe, behind,
There was only light and joy ahead.
Good health and warmth!
The birth of healthy, happy children,
Those who recognized their grandfathers are a great example!

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

In prose, the official is designed to help you express gratitude beautifully if you are going to speak in front of an audience. in prose will become a real find for those who, in their own words, want to thank the veterans for their feat before the Fatherland.

To congratulate on the holiday in your own words, see the following congratulations on Victory Day in prose.

Happy Victory Day. The most important thing that I want to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace to you! May there always be a clear sky and a bright sun overhead. I wish you health, joy and happiness on Victory Day. Let the victory accompany everywhere and always, let there be only kind and sincere people nearby. I wish that the heart does not know pain and melancholy, and a victory march always played in my soul.

Happy Victory Day! Let the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire hearts and lead forward - to new feats, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and only this sacred holiday reminds of wars.

Happy Victory Day! This holiday is moving away from us every year. But we must never forget about those heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, I would like to wish, first of all, peace. After all, nothing is more expensive than human lives, tears of mothers, broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds, love for the Motherland. Let no one ever see the war.

May 9 is not only a wonderful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few left of those who are directly related to this holiday, whom we personally must now bow at their feet and thank for the peaceful sky above our heads. Let us wish the veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children will never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked for long miles to this victory. Happy Holidays!

The time of the most important holiday for our entire country is approaching. Victory Day is such a holiday. On May 9 everyone will congratulate each other, wish light, warmth and peace. Do not forget to congratulate your loved ones on May 9 Victory Day.

Now it is not difficult to pay attention even to those who happened to be far from you on this holiday. SMS with Victory Day on May 9 will come to your aid and delight the addressee.

Happy Victory Day! Let this holiday be warm
So that the heart, like tulips, blooms with heat,
For the birds to sing loudly in spring spring,
So that no one in the world threatens war anymore!


For the bright sky, for the singing of birds,
For many happy and joyful faces
Today for you everything is tulips,
Thank you, my dear veterans!
Cast away your troubles from the soul of past years,
Fireworks for you on the Day of Brave Victory!


May 9 is a holiday of many peoples,
The world began to reign under the firmament.
Happy Great Victory! Let us honor the heroes!
They gave us peace at the cost of their blood!


Happy Victory Day! Happy St. George ribbons!
Congratulations on a peaceful and beautiful life!
May it be quiet for decades more
And every spring is the same bright, warm, clear!


Happy Victory Day, dear country!
Happy Victory Day, kind, peaceful people!
May never, never on our land
There will be no such merciless and terrible wars.


The music of the past years sounds
And fireworks thunder from all sides,
There are conversations about the war in schools,
On the most important holiday, on Victory Day!
No war! Yes - to peace and goodness,
Sun and spring warmth!

SMS congratulations and congratulations in verse on Victory Day on May 9, 2018

Happy Victory Day
And with all my heart I wish:
happiness, joy, warmth
And you always have a peaceful sky!

We congratulate you on Victory Day - a wise, persistent day. Years! Wide smiles! we will always respect you!

Even those who have not seen the war
But everyone was touched by her wing,
Congratulations on Victory Day, we!

The lowest bow, to the very ground,

Happy Victory Day, I will not congratulate you all of a sudden.
Our grandfathers perished for our happiness,
And they defended our peaceful sky there!

Today and years are already gray
Since the war passed,

Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,
The day of the defeat of a brutal war
Day of defeat of violence and evil,
Day of resurrection of love and goodness!

Let the sky be blue
Let the smoke not swirl in the sky
Let the terrible cannons be silent
And machine guns do not scribble,
So that people, cities live ...
Peace on earth is always needed!

May our faith, our wishes,
The relentless run will slow down time.
Your experience, wisdom, strength, knowledge
Carry into the twenty-first century!

On this day, we congratulate the veterans, defenders of the Fatherland,
defended the right of the peoples of the world to be free.
Eternal glory to all those who have fallen and survived in that terrible war!

Until now, the old wounds ache ...
Happy Victory, veterans!

Happy Victory Day, I congratulate you and wish you with all my heart:
happiness, joy, warmth, always peaceful sky!

We remember your feat - it is immortal!
Since May 9, with a great victory! Happy longevity!

Congratulations on Victory Day! We respect you, adore you! Live long and may the horrors of those days never be repeated for your descendants!

Even those who have not seen the war, But keeps an immortal feat in their souls, We congratulate you on Victory Day! Happiness, peace, light and health!

The lowest bow, to the very ground,
May God grant you, veterans, many years!

Grandfathers died for the happiness of the world,
And protected our blue sky!
Bow to them low to the ground!

Today and years are already gray
Since the war passed,
But congratulations on Victory Day!
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

May harmony and prosperity be in every home, because the eternal striving of the people for peace, freedom, and a better life is invincible.

Father! You survived all the troubles
Though wounded, scorched by fire ...
Congratulate you on Victory Day
We are glad with the brightest day!

I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day!
This holiday has entered our hearts as a symbol of heroism!
Let not a single generation know the horrors of war!

Your whole chest shines with orders,
Heroically you made it through the smoke of war.
We wish you well-being with all our hearts,
Beloved, our dear man.

SMS Happy Victory Day: poems from May 9, short congratulations, best wishes

Happy Victory Day!
I won't congratulate you all of a sudden,
Grandfathers died for happiness,
But, you survived, so we also survived!

Thank you, our dear fighter!
We give on May Victory Day
Your faithful love to you!

We will thank you tirelessly, you - dear veterans!

We remember and appreciate, the website Wordyou reports. For us you are like stars
Peace on earth was created by your exploit.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over and over again!

Let the days of war dragged on for a very long time
Let the years of peace rush quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.

We were born when everything was in the past, Our Victory is more than a dozen years old, But how close we are to what is already in the past. May God grant you, veterans, many years!

We honor the dead and the living, Those who fell, defending the Fatherland, Let us remember their names forever, They gave their lives for us. Happy May 9th!

Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair of Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who are younger. Even those who have not seen the war - But everyone was touched by its wing, - We congratulate you on Victory Day!

May 9 is Victory Day, the day of remembrance of heroic deeds and self-sacrifice ... Let the blue sky never turn black and the earth shake from the blows. I wish you peace and good!

Happy Victory Day! Happy People's Day!
Happy Defender of the Country Day!
We dream that in the world
There was no more war!

Happy Victory Day, glory, sorrow,
Thanks, springs!
Today we will gladly remember:
There are no dreams about war!

On Victory Day, I wish you
To live without war and without sorrow!
So that never children and grandchildren
We didn’t take the machines into our own hands!

Happy Victory Day, glorious and important!
Let us bravely recall those who fell in battle,
Let's wish each other happiness
Peaceful days without wars and misfortunes!

Happy Victory Day! Let the battles take place only with their own laziness, and luck leads to high achievements only in a peaceful area.

On this spring day, May 9, I wish you never to lose your fighting spirit and always be confident in your victory, no matter what. Happy Victory Day!