Masks for aging skin at home: recipes for dry and oily skin. Salvation is coming to us. Carrot juice mask

Despite the fact that everyone wants to stay young longer, not everyone can attend expensive salon procedures. Despite the fact that today there are a large number of ready-made cosmetics on sale, the compositions of which are specially designed for the skin, many people remember at this time about folk recipes.

Such products are time-tested and do not require large expenditures, moreover, they are prepared from the products that everyone has.

The most commonly used face masks are for aging skin. It has been proven that when used regularly, they help keep her young for a long time. Consider the principles of action of such funds and recipes that are prepared independently at home.

The effect of masks on a fading dermis

For aging skin, systematic and regular hydration is required; careful care will saturate it with useful substances. Therefore, any selected composition should consist of natural and vitamin-rich elements. Regularity of procedures is important to combat aging skin, only in this case you can get visible results.

Having received all the necessary nutrients, the skin will change color, there will be no trace of an unpleasant shade. Due to the increased oxygen supply and improved blood circulation, a blush will appear.

In addition, there will be a natural stimulation of the production of collagen - a component responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis.

Recipes for aging skin

Anti-aging formulations are diverse, so everyone can choose the one that suits them. On average, you can start using such recipes no earlier than 40 years. Today, the following anti-aging masks for mature skin are popular, based on natural ingredients, which can be easily prepared independently at home:

With berries and honey


  • currants - 5 tsp;
  • honey - 3 tsp;
  • protein - 1 pc.

The berries are thoroughly chopped using a blender and mixed with honey. Then add the egg white. Bring to homogeneity and apply to the face with a cosmetic brush. Leave for 20 minutes and then remove with water. The recipe for a firming mask for mature skin has a lifting effect by toning the epithelium.

With honey and egg.


  • honey - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Preparation and application:

Depending on the type of skin, take white or yolk. The first moisturizes, and the second cleans and gives freshness. The components are mixed and applied to the face and neck. Keep the composition for 25 minutes, and then rinse off with cold water. The beekeeping product restores moisture level, increases its protective properties and removes harmful substances.

With potatoes and lemon juice.


Preparation and application of the face mask:

The root vegetable is boiled in the skin until tender. Then they pound, adding milk. For the recipe, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of puree and mixed with sour cream and juice. The resulting composition is spread in a thick layer on the face. Keep for 20 minutes, and then remove with water. After this procedure, aging skin becomes velvety and radiant.

With potatoes and chestnuts.


  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • chestnuts - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp.

Preparation and application:

The solid components are cooked separately until cooked. The root crop is pounded, and the chestnuts are twisted in a meat grinder. Everything is mixed and oil is added. Apply for 25 minutes, then rinse off and apply a nourishing cream. Such a rejuvenating mask, like others for aging skin of the face, is easy to prepare at home.

With potatoes and eggs.


  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • egg white - 1 pc .;
  • powdered milk - 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 3 tsp;
  • beer - 4 tsp.

Preparation and use of the face mask:

The raw root vegetable is grated and mixed with an egg. Then milk and juice are added. Mix well again and pour in the beer. The resulting product is applied for 15 minutes. After a while, they are removed from the face. An excellent option for women over 45 years old, owners of oily skin.

With herbs.


Preparation and application:

The herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for 25 minutes. Filter and take 3 tbsp. spoons. Then add starch until the broth thickens. The resulting composition is applied to the face and washed off only after 25 minutes. warm water.

With yeast and hydrogen peroxide.


  • brewer's yeast - 25 g;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 3 tsp.

Yeast and peroxide are combined to obtain a mushy mass. The resulting composition is put on the face and kept for 15 minutes. Then they are washed off with plenty of clean water.

With Hercules and soda.


  • "Hercules"- 50 g.;
  • soda - 15 g;
  • water - 15 ml.

Preparation and application of the face mask:

Grind the porridge and mix with soda. Add water, mix thoroughly and apply to the face. Hold for 25 minutes, and then remove. This composition can be used daily.

With aloe and olive oil.


Preparation and use:

Aloe for the mask is kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then, using a meat grinder, they are crushed and juice is extracted by squeezing through cheesecloth. For a recipe, 2 teaspoons are enough, they are combined with butter and cream. Mix thoroughly, warm up a little and apply on the face for 15 minutes. After a lapse of time, wash off with water. These anti-aging masks are ideal for women over 55.

Care for aging skin must be timely. The ideal time to start using is when the first signs of maturity begin to show.

For maximum results, it is important to follow some cooking guidelines:

  1. The mask is prepared exclusively on the basis of fresh products. It is strictly forbidden to store such formulations;
  2. During preparation, you must strictly adhere to the formulation of the mask for the skin of the face;
  3. The minimum duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. However, keep the composition longer than 30 minutes. forbidden;
  4. Before the procedure, it is recommended to cleanse the face with a scrub or steam the fading epithelium well;
  5. The product is applied along the lines of the massage, leaving the areas around the lips and eyes clean;
  6. It has been proven that lasting results will be noticeable only after a month of regular procedures, no matter how old you are.

Contraindications for the use of masks

Everyone knows that home conditions allow you to cook recipes only from natural ingredients. Therefore, there should not be a large list of restrictions for use. The only contraindication is individual intolerance and allergy to components.

To avoid allergies or side effects, it is important to carry out a test before starting the application.

To do this, a small amount of the selected composition is applied to the wrist area and held for 20 minutes. When, as a result, no negative manifestations appear, face masks can be used as directed.

As you can see, aging skin on the face can be easily dealt with on your own, using only home remedies. If you do this systematically, you will not learn what old age is for a very long time.

Youth has its own boundaries, they are individual for everyone. Unfavorable environment, lack of proper skin care, features of the gene pool accelerate aging and aging of the skin. Effective masks for aging skin of the face can significantly improve the condition of the dermis at any age.

Homemade masks help:

  • Activate the protective properties of the skin;
  • Improve blood and lymph circulation;
  • Prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Replenish collagen deficiency;
  • Restore the turgor of the epidermis;
  • Eliminate puffiness;
  • Get rid of uneven pigmentation.
  1. To avoid moisture loss, all types of dermis, including oily / problematic ones, need regular deep moisturizing;
  2. Before and after the procedure, perform a facial massage;
  3. Do not use peels and scrubs that contain components that can damage the integrity of the skin (crushed bones, coffee beans);
  4. In the morning and before applying the evening cream, perform a contrasting wash;
  5. Contraindications for use may be individual susceptibility to components. In case of undesirable reactions, allergens are easily replaced by other components.

Oils for aging skin

Folk remedies that provide optimal nutrition and hydration of the skin are based on vegetable oils and aroma compositions. They are hypoallergenic, suitable for all types of dermis. Natural ingredients are easily perceived by the skin, vitamins and minerals work more effectively than beauty injections.

Rejuvenating essential oils - sandalwood, myrrh, geranium, sage.

The best base oils for aging skin are:

  • green coffee;
  • hazelnut;

The best homemade mask recipes for aging skin

Mask for dry aging skin


  • 30 gr. cream (25-30% fat);
  • 7 ml of aloe juice;
  • 2 yolks;
  • vitamins A, E.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze the succulent juice through cheesecloth or a garlic press. Combine the yolks with aloe, classic cream, add one milliliter of liquid vitamins. Wipe your face with cosmetic wipes, distribute the resulting product with a wide brush. Duration of action - min 25-30, then rinse with a warm decoction of parsley root.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products that contain these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask for oily, aging skin

Result: care for porous, aging skin is aimed at improving elasticity and reducing the secretions of the outer glands. Indications for use are age-related changes, violation of facial symmetry, recurrent inflammation. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best face masks.


  • 20 gr. oatmeal;
  • 10 gr. sour cream 10%;
  • essential oils of sandalwood and cypress;
  • egg.

Preparation and method of application: boil thick oatmeal, cool to 35 degrees. Add sour cream and yolk, combine whipped egg white and aroma composition in a separate bowl. Steam your face over a decoction of chamomile and apply the first part of the mask (sour cream, porridge and yolk), leave for a quarter of an hour. After cleansing the dermis, treat the areas with enlarged pores with protein and essential oils. Wait for complete drying, gently rinse with herbal decoction.

Firming mask for aging skin

Result: fading facial skin, losing firmness and elasticity, distorts the oval, spoils facial features. Folk recipes saturate the skin with natural collagen, correct age-related changes. It is necessary to carry out lifting procedures in a complex of 10-12 sessions once a quarter.


  • gelatin;
  • 3 ml olive oil;
  • 5 ml hazelnut oil;

Preparation and method of application: dilute the granules in warm carrot juice until completely dissolved. Add base oils and heat in a water bath to 45 ◦. Apply with a sponge to a clean face, starting from the chin to the forehead, slightly lifting the skin up. Make several inseparable layers, wait 40 minutes. Remove as a film mask, in case of pain, first soften with a warm broth, then rinse.

Video recipe: Super lifting mask for aging facial skin after 30, 40 and 50 years

Moisturizing mask for aging skin

Result: With your own hands, it is possible to create an amazing long lasting moisturizer. This mask is indispensable for the skin of the face and neck in the autumn-winter period, it improves oxygen respiration, retains and saturates with life-giving moisture, lipids and vitamins.


  • cucumber;
  • 4 ml jojoba oil;
  • 9 gr. corn flour.

Preparation and method of application: peel and grind fresh vegetables in a blender. Pour in flour, add glycerin and oil. Distribute in a dense layer on the face and neck, withstand the composition for half an hour. After removing with cosmetic wipes, wipe the surface of the skin with dill grass.

Mask for aging skin with oil

Result: homemade masks for aging skin with oils nourish, smooth all types of wrinkles, improve blood microcirculation, and block the aging process.


  • 3 ml of fire oil;
  • 3.5 ml peach seed oil;
  • essential oil of neroli;
  • essential oil of rosewood;
  • 2 potatoes.

Preparation and method of application: bake the root vegetable in the oven, peel, mash with a fork. Introduce vegetable and essential oils into the potatoes that have not yet cooled down. Remove makeup, prepare the dermis (wash with herbal infusion), distribute the nutritional composition on the face. After 35 minutes, the procedure can be completed by rubbing with ice cubes (along the massage lines).

Mask for aging skin with honey

Result: recipes of masks for aging skin, based on bee products, tones the dermis, speeds up metabolic processes.

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  • 12 gr. honey;
  • 12 ml olive oil;
  • kiwi.

Preparation and method of application: knead the ripe fruit until smooth, heat the oil in a water bath, melt the crushed wax in it. Combine everything very quickly (so that the wax does not have time to exfoliate), apply to the skin. Set the timer for 12-17 minutes, after the signal, remove the rest of the mask.

Clay mask for aging skin

Result: masks for problem skin improve complexion, relieve redness, treat acne. Cosmetic clay gently cleanses, relieves age-related swelling of the face.


  • 17 gr. blue clay;
  • 1 tablet of spirulina;
  • 6 ml cocoa butter.

Preparation and method of application: crush spirulina in a mortar, combine with clay, add a little warm green tea and leave for 3.5 hours. After the time has passed, add the cocoa butter. Steam the dermis with a calendula compress, apply the composition for 25 minutes. Then remove the remnants of the mask, use a nourishing cream after the procedure.

Banana mask for aging skin

Result: the main secret of care for the aging skin of the face of Thai beauties is a banana mask. It whitens the face, smoothes even deep expression lines, prevents dehydration and dermis depletion.


  • banana;
  • 8 gr. coconut oil;
  • essential oil of lemongrass.

Preparation and method of application: crush the fruit with a pinch of spice, add essential oil and coconut oil (it can be left unheated). Distribute in a circular motion and leave the active ingredients to act for half an hour. With the help of cosmetic wipes, remove the remnants of non-absorbed composition.

Sour cream mask for aging skin

The result: a dairy-based care for aging skin, suitable for all types of dermis. Deep nutrition, saturation with milk lipids, restoration of skin elasticity and tone.


  • 18 gr. rye flour;
  • 20 gr. sour cream;
  • 2 ml olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: combine all the components, apply a nutritious composition to the face cleaned with micellar water. After 8 minutes, you can wash off with rosehip decoction.

Yeast mask for aging skin

Result: It's never too late to start caring for aging skin. Magical, natural procedures improve the appearance of the dermis, fill cells with vitamins and minerals, accelerating the regeneration process.


  • 17 gr. yeast;
  • 22 gr. yogurt;
  • parsley leaves.

Preparation and method of application: crush the herbs until juicing, stir with pressed fungal microorganisms and unsweetened yogurt. Wash the dermis with mineral water, distribute the composition in a circular motion. It is enough to stand for 12 minutes, remove with essential water (rosewood).

Starch mask for aging skin

Result: the skin begins to fade without proper care after 35-40 years. But these processes can be reversed thanks to the available potato starch.


  • 25 gr. starch;
  • 10 gr. boiled beans;
  • 17 ml shea butter;
  • 8 ml cream (low fat 10-15%).

Preparation and method of application: bring the boiled beans to a puree state in a blender. Combine all the components of the anti-aging mask and distribute it on the face. After 18–20 minutes, remove with a cosmetic sponge. Conduct a course of lifting procedures of 8-14 sessions.

"The author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the Academy of Beauty Industry "LOKON". The mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

No woman wants to admit the approach of old age. Gray hair and wrinkles spoil the mood, and it takes a lot of time, effort and finances to fight them. But in fact, it is quite possible to prolong youth, and for this it is not at all necessary to visit a beautician and spend a lot of money on anti-aging procedures. At home, it is quite possible to prepare highly effective masks from available tools. Let's talk about what an effective face mask can be for aging skin.

Simple universal mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, you need to prepare one and a half tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise and a teaspoon of honey. Stir these ingredients together and apply them to your face and neck. Soak the mask for half an hour, then rinse. Next, lubricate the skin with your usual cream.

An effective tightening mask

To prepare such a mask, you will need ripe. Remove the pulp from it, but do not use the peel. Mash the pulp, mix with a teaspoon of starch or chopped. Stir well (preferably with a wooden or plastic spoon) and apply to face and neck. Soak the mask for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rinse.

An amazingly effective rejuvenating mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, prepare one fresh chicken egg white, beat it well and mix with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of chopped and one and a half teaspoons of ground to the mixture. Mix all the ingredients well using a wooden or plastic spoon. Apply this mixture to your face. Soak the mask for ten minutes, then rinse it off with cold water using a cotton swab or sponge.

An effective lifting mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, you need to grind one egg white and mix it with a teaspoon of lemon oil, a couple of drops of menthol, or. Also pour half a teaspoon of baby powder (talcum powder) into the container. Mix well. This mixture should be applied to those areas on the face where wrinkles are especially noticeable. Soak the mask for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water using cotton pads.

A firming and nourishing mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, you need to mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon and a teaspoon of high-quality light honey. Stir well and apply to face and neck. Soak this mask for half an hour, then wash with cold water. Rub the skin with a slice of lemon. You can also apply a cold compress to your face.

Lifting mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, you need to purchase a 5% alum solution at the pharmacy. Whisk in one fresh chicken egg white and stir in three drops of alum. Apply this mixture to your face. Soak the mask for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, then wash with cold water.

Rejuvenating mask for aging skin

To prepare such an effective mask, you need to prepare with at least a three-year-old plant. Wash it, dry it, wrap it in parchment and send it to the lower shelf of the refrigerator - to the vegetables. After five days, grind the aloe to a gruel state. Combine a tablespoon of this mass with fresh egg yolk, one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of milk powder. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with milk or boiled water. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for ten to twelve minutes. Rinse off the mixture with lukewarm water.

Nourishing and rejuvenating mask for aging dry skin

To prepare such a mask, grind a tablespoon of yeast with fat sour cream or warm milk so as to get a thick, homogeneous mass. Also add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil (or fish oil) and the same amount of honey to the container. Stir again until smooth. Place the container with this mixture in hot water and wait for fermentation. Stir it again and apply warm on face for ten minutes. Rinse off the mask first with warm, then cool water.

Another one rejuvenating home mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, you will need fresh ones. Rinse and dry them a little. Grind them finely to almost the state of gruel. Mix a tablespoon of such raw materials with a small amount of warm, pre-boiled water, and with one teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse off with a cotton swab soaked in cool water.

Herbal mask for aging skin

To prepare such a mask, prepare a tablespoon of dry chamomile. Brew it with half a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for an hour. Strain the finished product. Combine a tablespoon of this infusion with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of glycerin. Add one fresh egg yolk and half a tablespoon of soft butter to the mixture. Stir well until smooth. Apply the resulting mass on your face and neck for a quarter of an hour. Soak the mask for twelve to fifteen minutes, then wash with cool water.

Homemade masks, when applied systematically, give a remarkable rejuvenating effect. Such funds can significantly improve the condition of the aging skin of the face.

Traditional treatment

In order to slightly push back the hateful aging, you can use not only products for external application. An excellent effect is also given by the internal use of recipes based on herbs.

So a wonderful tool for rejuvenating the body can be, and. Each component needs to be taken one hundred grams. Grind them all and mix together. Store in a glass jar with a lid. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with half a liter of boiling water and soak for twenty minutes. Strain the finished medicine through a cloth and squeeze. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of the finished infusion. Drink this medicine just before bed, and then do not eat or drink anything. In the morning, heat the remaining liquid in a water bath, sweeten it with honey and drink it. After twenty minutes, you can have breakfast. Repeat this technique daily until collection is over. This tool perfectly optimizes metabolic processes, cleanses the body, makes blood vessels elastic and prevents atherosclerosis. Also, such an infusion is a wonderful prevention of hypertension, heart attack and stroke, it improves health, eliminates noise in the head and dizziness.

You can also use ordinary ones to rejuvenate and strengthen the body. Sort a glass of such raw materials and rinse in cold water several times. Pour in five cups of cold water and bring to a boil. Boil such a product on a fire of minimum power until its volume is halved. Add water to the original amount and strain. Dilute the strained broth with milk, observing an equal ratio. Boil it again. Sweeten the slightly cooled product with honey to taste and take a glass three times a day just before a meal.

A surprisingly useful medicine can be prepared to rejuvenate the body. Combine equal parts of chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. Brew three tablespoons of this collection with a liter of practically boiling water. Wrap the container with the mixture warmer and leave for three hours to brew. After that, strain the finished infusion and take half a glass immediately before a meal.

For effective rejuvenation, you can also take a tincture based on. It can be easily made at home, just combine ninety grams of herb with three hundred milliliters of rubbing alcohol and four hundred milliliters of water. Insist such a product in the sun, in a tightly sealed glass container. After forty days, strain and take a tablespoon in the morning and in the evening.

To cleanse and rejuvenate the body, many healers advise early in the morning to mix a teaspoon with a teaspoon of liquid honey and a tablespoon of Provencal oil. Take this mixture on an empty stomach, without drinking anything.

Thus, in order to stay young and beautiful, you need to take care of your body. And an important role is played by both external influence - skin and hair care, and cleansing and rejuvenation of internal organs.


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The problem of skin aging is becoming especially urgent in our time. Modern life is full of stress, its pace brings with it chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. We waste our energy too quickly in the body. The unhealthy environmental situation also takes them away. The first alarm bells will not be slow to affect. These are premature wrinkles. Old age at 30? Not old age - wilting.

According to statistics, every fourth modern woman looks much older than her physical age.

Withering, premature depletion of the skin can overtake 25 of them. The premature lethargy of the epidermis is also influenced by heredity, early hormonal changes, metabolic disturbances in the body, and vascular diseases.

What is aging skin

The first thing that should alert you is the change in the shade of the face. The surface of the epidermis becomes grayish, there is a feeling of earthiness of the skin. To the touch, the skin becomes coarser, harsher and sluggish. Then other signs appear:

  • increased dryness of the dermis (especially after washing);
  • the appearance of enlarged pores in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks;
  • the contour of the face is deformed, "blurred";
  • the occurrence of a double chin;
  • the onset of an army of wrinkles ("crow's feet",);
  • flabbiness of the epidermis in the neck;
  • manifestation of pigmentation;
  • the formation of papillomas, warts.

Even a good, full-fledged rest can no longer cope with the natural restoration of the dermis, does not regenerate it. A weakened epidermis requires close, special attention and good, regular and gentle care.

Salvation is coming to us

The most important, powerful weapon for restoring fading dermis is masks for fading skin. Especially made from natural products, enriched with natural active nutrients that do an excellent job with the problem of wilting.

The purpose of such products is not just routine care. The recipe for a mask for aging skin (do not forget about the neck!) Includes products that effectively increase the tone of the epidermis and its elasticity. The procedures are also aimed at improving blood circulation, lipid metabolism, increasing its regenerating qualities. But in order for such masks to work 100%, carry out the care correctly:

  1. naturalness of all products and strict compliance with the recipe;
  2. testing the nutrient mass to avoid allergic manifestations;
  3. not overexposure of mixtures on the face, compliance with the recommended time frames.

Face masks at home for aging skin require a course, monthly application (1-2 times weekly). Apply nutrient mixtures in a thick layer, remove the remains after 20-30 minutes with a dry napkin. it is better to spend in the evening, an hour or two before lights out.

The best recipes at home

We are great! It is with this attitude that you need to deal with skin health. Remember that a wonderful return of youth and beauty awaits you. We have selected for you the best, effective recipes for fading face masks at home.

For dry, aging skin

If in youth your skin was characterized by increased dryness, then the process of skin aging is usually accompanied by a rapid thinning of the upper epidermal layer. The face sharply loses its elasticity, becomes like parchment with translucent vessels. The tone and hydro-lipid balance are seriously affected. Masks for dry, aging skin at home are aimed at eliminating these problems.

  • Double egg aid

Mix the whipped protein with lemon juice (5 drops) and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mass and immediately apply the second part of the mask - from yolk, lemon juice (10 drops) and olive oil (7 ml). The second layer also lasts 20 minutes.

  • Herbal bliss

A mixture of dry herbs: linden, sage, chamomile and mint (3 grams of each type) pour boiling water (1 glass). We insist for a quarter of an hour. Then add the potato starch, bringing the mass to the state of a thick jelly.

Masks for fading skin of the face and neck at home, intended for dry type, should be washed off with warm water or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

  • Honey paradise

We need a mixture of buckwheat honey (6 grams), vegetable oil (5 drops) and lemon juice (10 drops). Beat it well and add oat flour (8 gr.).

  • With horseradish

Finely rub horseradish (7 g) and mix it with yolk and cream (6 ml). The course of masks is designed for a month. This remedy also tones the skin.

For oily, aging skin

The fatty type epidermis is stronger, wilting threatens it to a lesser extent than a dry face. But even an insensitive oily dermis under the constant influence of ultraviolet radiation, wind, cold suffers greatly and begins to fade gradually. Masks for oily aging skin of the face are aimed at restoring elasticity, tone and the ability of the dermis to produce hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers.

  • Yeast salvation

We mix brewer's yeast (30 gr.) With hydrogen peroxide. Carefully add 3% peroxide to the yeast until we get a mushy mass. We put it on the face.

  • Reliable Hercules

Add soda (10 g) to ground rolled oats (50 g). The powder container can be stored for a long time. When making a mask, simply dilute the oatmeal mixture (15 g) with clean water to a thick porridge. Apply it directly to your skin. This procedure can be carried out 2 times daily.

Nourishing masks for aging skin at home intended for oily type are especially often used in winter. In the summer, you can slightly reduce the number of procedures.

  • Fruit bliss

Mash one persimmon and add honey (6 ml), vegetable oil (5 ml) and a little starch to thicken it.

  • Olive perfection

We make a healing mixture of honey (12 g), protein, lemon juice (5 drops) and olive oil (7 ml).

Mask preparation video:

With age, all metabolic processes in the body slow down. The blood ceases to provide the cells of the epidermis with sufficient oxygen and nutrients, which is why it loses moisture and elasticity. However, there are effective home face masks for aging skin that can help manage this problem.

Causes of skin aging

  • Age factor

Closer to the age of 30, the processes of biological aging begin in the body. Yes it is…. Even if you are still in great physical shape, the signs of aging are reflected in the skin. A slowdown in the processes of cell division leads to the fact that the upper layers of the epidermis become thinner, their moisture content decreases, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and the number of blood vessels necessary for nutrition in the tissues decreases. As a result, the regenerative capacity of the skin decreases.

  • External factors

The skin begins to age not only due to natural biological processes. In addition to them, it is constantly negatively affected by the external environment - these are particles of harmful substances contained in the air, poor-quality tap water or precipitation, ultraviolet radiation.

Ultraviolet rays in small doses are useful, as they destroy pathogenic microorganisms, give the skin a beautiful tan. However, their ionizing effect contributes to the formation of free radicals, which become initiators of chain reactions with the formation of new radicals. Their aggressive effect on skin cell membranes has been known for a long time. Having lost the protective barrier, the cell dies.

Thus, the aging process of the skin is triggered, as a result of which the production of collagen by fibroblasts decreases, while moisture evaporates much faster. It is free radicals that cause many diseases, and they are especially dangerous for the aging skin of the face.

  • Heredity

Premature aging is also significantly influenced by hereditary factors that determine the biological age and the rate of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

  • Hormones

The skin is very sensitive to changes in hormonal levels, which may be the result of any diseases or mutations caused by aggressive environmental influences or side effects of drugs.

  • Lifestyle

It should not be forgotten that the aging process largely depends on a person's lifestyle. Constant stress, lack of sleep, sedentary work or lack of physical activity are negative factors that accelerate destructive events.

External signs of wilting

Aging of the skin is expressed in external manifestations on its surface. These include:

  • a tired, flabby face - in the late afternoon, after a hard day, some swelling appears on it, the corners of the mouth drop down and the nasolabial folds appear sharper;
  • increased dryness of the skin and its stiffness are felt when touched;
  • the color of the skin changes - it becomes grayish;
  • many small wrinkles appear, especially around the eyes, lips and chin;
  • double chin - it is usually observed in people who are overweight and have a significant layer of subcutaneous fat;
  • the expansion of the pores on the face signals a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • the appearance of papillomas or pigmentation indicates damage to the protective barrier and possible problems with internal organs;
  • the skin on the neck loses its elasticity and becomes flabby.

Rules for the use of cosmetics

Many of the unfavorable factors affecting the epidermis cannot be eliminated, but a healthy and fresh look can be restored with the right care. Home masks for dry, aging skin are available to everyone, as they are prepared from natural products that everyone has at hand.

They help to increase the tone, replenish the necessary microelements, improve blood flow in the subcutaneous capillaries, and accelerate metabolic processes. Skin cells are nourished and hydrated.

All recipes are simple and affordable, but for effective skin care, several rules must be followed:

  • it is necessary to use only natural products;
  • the exact ratio of the components in the prepared mixtures must be observed;
  • the specified time frames cannot be exceeded during the procedures;
  • when new ingredients are added to the product, a sensitivity test must be performed;
  • care should be regular or course with a break of two or three weeks;
  • it is better to apply nourishing masks for aging skin at home in the evening, two to three hours before going to bed;
  • you can wash off the mixture with warm water or decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • deep cleansing of the skin is necessary before applying nourishing masks.

Masks for aging skin

  • Common peas contain substances with regenerative properties. Masks based on it help to cope with wrinkles. They are made from pea flour and yogurt. If the mixture becomes too thick, you can dilute it with warm water. During a 15-minute exposure, beneficial substances nourish the skin. Drying, the mask tightens the pores, creating a lifting effect. The skin is softened and smoothed.
  • A mask made from fresh green peas mashed with cream has similar properties.
  • Plain hard cheese without spices is ground with cream. Whipped protein is added to the mixture to tighten the pores. After several days of applying such a mask, the skin will delight with its elasticity and velvety.


  • Masks for aging skin, prepared on the basis of gelatin or starch, moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate the skin. The addition of cucumber juice to the gelatin allows it to be cleaned and refreshed.
  • The combination of gelatin and glycerin with honey perfectly smoothes the skin. After this, a moisturizer can also be applied to the skin.
  • To soften and cleanse the skin, it is better to use the starch found in boiled potatoes. After diluting the puree with cream, you need to add a mixture of castor oil with yolk to it. After several courses, the skin will acquire a velvety and healthy appearance.

Aloe based masks

Centennial has long been known for its amazing medicinal properties. Masks for aging skin with aloe juice moisturize, cleanse and revitalize the skin. Before use, the leaves of the plant should be kept in the refrigerator for about two weeks to enhance their effectiveness.

  • In order to remove the emerging wrinkles, it is enough to apply a mixture of aloe and olive oil on the face for a few minutes.
  • Rejuvenating agents only intensify when combined with ingredients such as egg yolk, honey or apple, and when added to the yeast mask, it also has a softening effect.

Fruit based masks

  • Products that are prepared on the basis of lemon juice and beaten egg whites perfectly tighten the skin. By tightening pores, they smooth wrinkles for a rejuvenating effect. After such a mask, you can apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

  • Banana moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, while acting as a gentle cleanser. Once a week, you can use a complex mixture consisting of several ingredients - the pulp of the specified exotic fruit, lemon juice, sour cream and a very small amount of cinnamon. This should be applied in the evening, before going to bed, for about 15 minutes. It eliminates flaking, increases blood flow and rejuvenates the skin. However, a sensitivity test is required when using cinnamon in skin care.

Herbal masks

A mask for aging skin, prepared on the basis of decoctions or infusions of herbs such as chamomile, plantain and many others, has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. Simple recipes are convenient and effective. Decoctions can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for three to four days.

  • Chamomile infusion with egg yolk and honey can be prepared on the basis of glycerin or butter. The mask perfectly relieves inflammation, moisturizes and refreshes the face.
  • A mask made from fresh plantain leaves has an excellent healing effect. They need to be crushed and mixed with a spoonful of honey.

A face mask is an easy and affordable way to care for your skin. If you devote only half an hour to these procedures every day, the skin will begin to transform and delight with its beauty and freshness.