Mechanical face cleansing: Pros and Cons! Mechanical face cleansing - pros and cons Vacuum face cleansing

If you are striving to have well-groomed and beautiful skin on your face, the first thing you really need to do is clean your face. Of course, the use of all kinds of scrubs improves the appearance and general condition of the face, but with a deep cleaning, this method will not help. The cosmetologist will be able to choose the right method that is right for you. In the article we will talk about the types of cleaning, about all the arguments "for" and "against" this or that method.

According to most cosmetologists, a well-chosen face cleansing will allow you to get rid of unpleasant blackheads, acne, traces of acne, comedones, age spots and other imperfections for a long time. As we have already said, a specialist should choose a method, and an ordinary nurse also washes the procedure itself.

All for the cleaning

Just plan... It all depends on your age, as well as the type and general condition of your skin. So, for example, if you are more than 50 years old, it is enough to carry out cleaning once a quarter, this is quite enough. If you are under 25, then cleaning is necessary once a month, from 35 to 40 years, you can increase the interval to one and a half months. The interval increases with age only because cell renewal occurs much less frequently over the years, hence the frequency of cleaning. For women with dry skin, it is recommended to visit a specialist at least 1 time per month, with oily skin it is enough to go once every 2 months.

No pain and trauma... Of course, if we are not talking about mechanical cleaning, but if you are the owner of normal skin, you can get an even tone using vacuum or so-called ultrasonic peeling. The whole procedure will take no more than 30 minutes. By the way, if you have a tendency to develop acne, then these methods will be an excellent prevention. It is important that at the time of the procedure there are no open foci of the disease. Another method characterized by absolute painlessness is desincrustation. With the help of a galvanic current, special substances are introduced into the skin, which, reacting with the substance sebum, remove what is contained in the pores to the surface. After this procedure, the face is wiped with a mild tonic.

Low cost... On average, any of the procedures will cost approximately 1000-3000 rubles. What matters is the level of qualification of the dermatologist to whom you turned, the popularity of the salon, as well as from its technical equipment. You may be offered a chemical peel, but most cosmetologists are inclined to believe that this method is more suitable for those who have age spots, small scars or wrinkles. That is, in this case, all kinds of defects are eliminated more, and the face is not cleaned.

If we talk about certain advantages of specific procedures, then, for example, mechanical or manual cleaning, which is a classic method, is recommended for owners of oily and oily skin, if there is no inflamed acne, this procedure can also be used. In addition, it perfectly destroys already hypertrophied marks in acne and removes small pustules and comedones. Hardware cleaning will help you quickly get rid of large enlarged pores and so-called "blackheads". It is painless, a wonderful option for normal skin, and does not have any rehabilitation period. The already mentioned desincrustation, in which, as a rule, chemical compositions that are safe for the skin are used, is also painless, does not have a rehabilitation interval and is characterized by gentle and gentle cleansing.

All "against" cleaning

Will not be effective... If we talk about a sufficiently mild ultrasonic cleaning, then with an oily skin, it is not able to get rid of all impurities. Removing comedones that are deep inside is almost impossible. The same can be said about already outdated inflammations, which often worsen the appearance of your skin. Therefore, with a really serious cleaning that fights all defects, you will need to be patient a little, since the rest of the methods are painful. It should be noted that in the presence or tendency to rosacea, vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning is contraindicated.

Long rehabilitation period... Mechanical (manual) cleansing is characterized by a long period of rehabilitation, carrying out such procedures, it is unrealistic to maintain the density and integrity of the epidermis. Initially, redness appears, after which a thin film forms in this place, a crust, which in no case should be torn off in order to avoid the appearance of scars, even if not too deep. Most often, the skin is restored after 7-10 days, more often it happens after 4-5 days. After the procedure, it is forbidden to use any decorative cosmetics (for 12 hours), coloring of eyelashes, eyebrows or hair is contraindicated. Any thermal procedures, including visiting a sauna or bath, going to a solarium, are also prohibited, since most often this entails the appearance of age spots. In addition to all of the above, after the procedure, it is imperative to use creams containing aloe vera or any other moisturizing creams.

There are contraindications... Regardless of what type of cleaning you decide to use, if you have epilepsy or eczema, psoriasis or herpes, all kinds of skin diseases, the presence of open wounds or abrasions, if you suffer from furunculosis or are pregnant, any cleaning will, of course, be prohibited. By the way, read about how to treat psoriasis on a specialized website. If you want to resort to mechanical cleaning, then this cannot be done with hypertension, dry koi, rosacea. Hypersensitivity of the skin can also have a negative effect when cleaning with ultrasound. A disease such as demodicosis generally excludes all possible types of cleansing, since even a relatively mild effect can cause a very strong redness of the skin.

Drawing conclusions

  1. Most types of cleansing are painful (although for the sake of beauty, you can endure it).
  2. In order for certain positive results to be seen, it is often necessary from 5 to 10 sessions, and all this is money.
  3. Disincrustation and hardware cleaning are not suitable for removing comedones.
  4. Only manual cleaning, which is characterized by increased painfulness, is able to remove comedones that are deeply entrenched inside.
  5. Hardware methods are possible only with normal skin in order to improve the general condition and turgor.
  6. You need to go through a consultation, without it you risk getting the opposite effect.

Christina Kozhina

PhD, cosmetologist-dermatologist, expert at Premierpharm

Problematic skin is a common complaint when visiting a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Acne (or acne) affects about 65% of the population under 30, and according to some statistics - up to 95%.

Enlarged pores, abscesses and comedones create an unpleasant picture. Agree, problem skin can even cause a feeling of disgust in others, not to mention the low self-esteem of its owner.

Quite often, patients believe that all acne problems can be solved by mechanical cleaning. However, not everything is as simple as we would like.

Indications and contraindications

First of all, it is worth figuring out who is shown mechanical cleaning. And for this type of cleaning, there are only two indications: open comedones, the so-called blackheads, and closed comedones, which look like white papules.

If the skin has inflammatory elements, abscesses, this is an absolute contraindication to any mechanical manipulation in this area. A contraindication is also the acute phase of the disease or exacerbation of the chronic, including exacerbation of herpes infection, skin disease, pregnancy, lactation.

In the absence of contraindications and the presence of indications - open and closed comedones - mechanical cleaning may be recommended.

First, the manipulation should be carried out in a clinic or beauty salon by a trained beautician. Secondly, the procedure has stages.

The first step is to prepare the skin for manipulation - applying a special lotion, mask or vaporization. Thanks to these activities, the pores are opened.

The second stage is actually mechanical pore cleansing, or comedone extraction. This manipulation must be carried out using sterile instruments.

The third stage is disinfection and skin soothing treatments. Most often this is the application of special lotions, serums and masks.

Traces after the procedure normally persist for a week.

The procedure must be repeated regularly, how often depends on individual characteristics.

Arguments for"

    As a result of mechanical cleaning, the skin gets rid of comedones and the pores are unclogged.

    Mechanical cleaning gives an effective result that you cannot achieve either with the help of any cosmetic products or during other procedures.

Arguments against"

    As we found out, mechanical cleaning is contraindicated for people who have inflammatory elements and pustules. If suddenly the beautician does not take into account contraindications, then there is a possibility of the spread of infection and aggravation of acne.

    In patients at risk of pathological scarring, the formation of atrophic, hypertrophic, and sometimes keloid scars is possible. And this problem is much more difficult to cope with than acne.

    After mechanical cleaning and treatment of acne, post-manipulation manifestations and post-acne syndrome, characterized by post-inflammatory stagnant spots, hyperpigmentation and scars, often remain. To eliminate this symptom complex, I recommend taking a course of procedures using Meso-Xanthin F199. The main ingredient of the drug, the carotenoid fucoxanthin, has an anti-inflammatory, reparative effect, eliminates hyperpigmentation, evens out skin color and helps to regulate sebum secretion.

    Mechanical cleaning is a rather painful procedure.

If you are still wondering which method is best to use to get rid of problem skin, then I strongly advise you to consult a cosmetologist. Depending on the skin type and problems, the specialist will give you his recommendations. It should be remembered that healthy skin does not need mechanical cleaning.

Text: Satenik Hayrapetyan

There are many ways to make our skin "glow". But anyway basic care procedure is facial cleansing... According to cosmetologists, regular carrying out of this procedure will help to avoid a lot of problems - remove age spots, get rid of closed (milia, whiteheads) and open ("blackheads") comedones and post-acne marks. The main thing is to choose the right way of cleansing.

Arguments for"

  • Easy to plan

The number and frequency of procedures depend on the age, condition and type of skin. So, women with dry skin are recommended to conduct sessions no more than 1 time a month, with a tendency to excessive sebum secretion and excessive fat content - 2 times a month. You shouldn't abuse your visits to a beautician, and here's why. With age, the period of skin cell renewal lengthens. At the age of 15-25, it is approximately 21 days, at 25-35 years old - 28 days, 35-45 years old - 40 days. And during menopause, the renewal of all layers of the skin occurs in 100 days. Therefore, one procedure for women over 50 years old once every 3 months is quite enough.

  • Painlessness and non-invasiveness

Of course, this does not apply to mechanical types of cleansing. But if you have a normal skin type, hardware ultrasonic or vacuum peeling will help to even out its tone and get a blush. The procedure is absolutely painless and takes about half an hour. By the way, regular sessions with a tendency to can be an excellent prevention of the disease. Of course, provided that there are no open foci of inflammation on the skin at the moment.

  • Inexpensive

The average cost of cleaning, whether manual or hardware, ranges from 1200 to 3000 rubles, depending on the popularity of the salon and its technical equipment, as well as the qualifications of a dermatologist.

Arguments against"

  • Doesn't always work

With oily skin type, “soft” ultrasound is not able to remove all impurities. The skin will turn a little pink, but it will not work to remove deeply "entrenched" comedones. The same applies to chronic inflammation, which from time to time can appear and worsen the appearance.

  • Long rehabilitation period

With manual and mechanical types of cleansing, it is impossible to maintain the integrity of the epidermis. Local redness will last for at least 1-2 hours, and then crusts will appear in these areas, which cannot be combed and torn off, otherwise scarring may occur.

The skin will fully recover only after 4-5 days, but often it even takes a little more time - 7-10 days. For 12 hours after the procedure, do not use decorative cosmetics, dye eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. Also, fitness classes, visiting any thermal procedures (sauna, bath, hammam), swimming pool and solarium are not recommended (this provokes the appearance of age spots). For another 2-3 days, you will have to wipe your face with an alcohol-containing lotion and use special moisturizing creams, for example, with aloe vera or ANA acids.

  • There are contraindications

Common (for any type of cleaning) include epilepsy, skin damage (wounds, abrasions), pregnancy, herpes, eczema, neurodermatitis, and furunculosis in the acute stage. In the case of a mechanical method of cleansing, contraindications are dry skin, hypertension, bronchial asthma (severe pain can provoke an attack) and rosacea. With demodicosis, any kind of cleaning is prohibited, even "light" ultrasound can increase irritation.


  • Manual face cleansing is one of the most painful, but only with its help it is possible to get rid of closed comedones and even out the skin relief.
  • Hardware methods (exposure to ultrasound and vacuum) are suitable for people with normal skin type and have a positive effect on its condition in general, as well as improve turgor and elasticity.
  • Before deciding on this or that type of cleaning, consult a dermatologist. You should not prescribe procedures yourself or rely on a friend's opinion.
Types of face cleansing pros Minuses

Manual (mechanical)
The classical method using special tools (una spoon, vidal needle, strainer)

  • Suitable for oily skin types.
  • Recommended for non-inflammatory acne.
  • Removes pustules.
  • Destroys acne scars
  • Soreness.
  • Long rehabilitation period.
  • Mandatory follow-up home care
The procedure is carried out using ultrasound and / or vacuum
  • Ideal for normal, non-dry skin
  • Painlessness
  • Helps get rid of blackheads and enlarged pores
  • Does not remove closed comedones
  • Vacuum cleaning is contraindicated in case of rosacea and a tendency to it
Use special chemicals that are safe for the skin (for example, 5% sodium chloride, 1% sodium bicarbonate, 2% sodium salicylate)
  • Painlessness
  • Gentle gentle way to cleanse
  • Has no rehabilitation period
  • It will take at least 5-10 sessions to achieve clearly visible results
  • Not recommended for dry and sensitive skin
  • Does not remove closed comedones

Let's be extremely honest - facial cleansing is by no means a pleasant cosmetic procedure. And if for some it delivers only a little discomfort, then others go to the beautician's office as if it were torture. Whether it's a gentle massage or a moisturizing mask that saturates the skin with the desired moisture ... Unfortunately, neither expensive cleansers nor exfoliating creams can replace cleaning - they will not give a decent effect. And if they give it, alas, not for long.


There is still no consensus among cosmetologists about which cleaning method is better and whether this procedure is needed at all. And therefore, their opinions were divided exactly by half. So, 50% of independent professionals are firmly convinced that with regular and proper facial skin care, unpleasant manipulations with the use of any spoons - hooks can be avoided. And please yourself and others with a fresh and even complexion without scars and scars - the most frequent consequences of the inept hands of an unscrupulous beautician. But what about the other half of no less authoritative experts who believe that only cleaning can keep the skin in a decent condition? And what, they say, cosmetics is one thing, and a cosmetic procedure is something completely different? And in fact, after all, with all our desire to cure a sick tooth ourselves, we are not able to. The opinions of professionals are a serious argument. And in order to find out which of them is closest to the truth, we will consider all the pros and cons of such a simple and at the same time very complex procedure - face cleansing.


The main purpose of face cleansing is to get rid of the skin from the so-called "blackheads" and all types of acne, the causes of which can be very different. From banal pollution to disruption of the activity of some endocrine glands. It is logical that it is necessary to remove "black dots" too, if only because they give the skin an unattractive and neglected look. But again, it depends on how to remove ... Today, most salons practice mainly mechanical and manual types of cleaning. Which, in general, is quite understandable - fast, cheap, but ... angry. Read - painful and risky. Manual cleaning is a rather painstaking and long process, but every stage is important in it. The cleansed facial skin is pre-steamed - in the language of professionals, this procedure is called "vaporization" - and then squeezed out with fingers wrapped in sterile napkins. The metal loop looks a little intimidating, but it perfectly helps to cope with deeply seated sebaceous plugs and significantly speeds up the process.

"A PLUS". Removing black points. "MINUSES". It hurts, and sometimes even very, literally to tears. Cosmetologists associate the appearance of tears with the impact on especially sensitive centers located on the nose. By the way, similar phenomena occur during eyebrow plucking. But the main point lies not in the result, but in the consequences. Prepare in advance for the fact that at least a day your face will not have a "presentation" at all. A red and swollen nose, spots and inflammations, small wounds - only a moisturizing mask or an alcohol-free emollient toner can help. Too sensitive skin - and it can be oily - will burn, ache and itch. But that's not all. Unfortunately, there is a risk of carrying away all kinds of bacteria or, God forbid, infections on your renewed face, since during steaming the skin turns out to be completely defenseless. The infection can be brought in directly during the removal of blackheads. So see if the beautician forgot to wipe the skin with a special disinfectant lotion, and at the end of the procedure - make a tightening and soothing mask. Unfortunately, the possible troubles do not end there. It is possible that the consequences of manual cleaning may appear much later, when, going up to the mirror, you suddenly find small but noticeable holes or, even worse, scars on your smooth face. This is also the result of the unscrupulous work of a specialist, which will be much more difficult to eliminate than to avoid. It is necessary to say a few words about vaporization, that is, about steaming. Have you forgotten that steam baths are strictly prohibited for those who have dilated vessels on their face?


Of course, compared to manual cleaning, vacuum cleaning may seem to you a light massage, although it is carried out in the same way as manual cleaning, which means that the consequences may be the same. The only difference is that the cosmetologist does not work with his fingers, but uses a special tube, inside which an area of ​​low pressure is created, which somewhat reduces the risk of infection and less injures the pores. Thanks to this technology, the sebaceous plugs are literally sucked out of the pores. However, many experts believe that vacuum cleaning does not always completely clear the pores of blackheads. On the other hand, with the help of such a tube it is quite easy to remove sebaceous plugs in places inaccessible for manual cleaning, therefore many cosmetologists successfully combine the vacuum method with the manual one. Only vacuum is used only in cases of slight contamination of pores and with a limited number of pores. By the way, he copes with "black dots" remarkably and completely painlessly.


Chemical face cleansing with ANA (fruit acids) is a relatively new technique. No, of course, they won't smear you with a fragrant strawberry, but a mask with a high content of glycolic acid is for sure. The mask will help open the pores and thus replace the steam bath. Then a composition with a higher acid content is applied to the face,

which heats up the skin, and also softens and even partially dissolves the fat rods. The treatment ends with a soothing pore-tightening mask. "PROS". This cleaning method is officially recognized as the most non-traumatic. The recovery period in this case is also reduced to a minimum. And since fruit acids stimulate active cell renewal, the skin looks very fresh after such cleansing. "MINUSES". It is almost impossible to remove everything with fruit acids. So do not be surprised if most of the coves will remain in their "rightful" places, although they will become less visible. Also, be aware that very sensitive skin can become irritated. On the whole, the procedure is quite favorable and, most importantly, practically safe. If the concept of "acne" is unfamiliar to you, and you remember about kah once a month, this method was invented especially for you. The rest will have to endure spoons and vacuums.


Another practically unknown method for us is desincrustation, or ionization of the skin using a mask or lotion, depending on the condition of the skin. A special preparation, which is applied to acne-affected areas, contains anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and other components, the effect of which is enhanced by the action of a galvanic current. In this case, the contents of the pores are liquefied and stretched. "A PLUS". Non-traumatic and painless. However, in order to achieve a good result, the procedure must be repeated more than once or twice. And this pleasure is not cheap. "MINUS". The high price of the service. However, the conclusion is already clear - the less your skin suffers, the thinner your wallet will become. Therefore, when choosing the type of cleaning, it is sometimes useful to be guided by the price list as well.


Is it possible to get rid of acne at home? The answer is difficult, but possible. And you are deeply mistaken if you think that cleaning the house is not cleaning at all. Cleaning, only even more risky due to lack of proper experience - of course, if you are not a practicing cosmetologist. Therefore, you should approach it with the utmost caution. In no case do not give in to the temptation to get rid of a completely harmless ka by the "handicraft" method of extrusion in one fell swoop. If you have taken up the procedure, then follow all of its points.

  1. Stock up on the tools you need. In particular, soap, a linen napkin, a terry towel, a decoction of medicinal herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, plantain).
  2. Pour hot, but not boiling water or a decoction of herbs into a deep bowl. Be careful not to get scalded by the steam!
  3. Cover your head with a washcloth or towel so that your face is also covered. Lower your face over the bowl and relax.
  4. After 15 minutes, blot your steamed face with a paper or linen napkin.
  5. Sit in front of a mirror and start cleaning your skin. All actions must take place in absolute cleanliness, otherwise infection or suppuration may occur. This means that your hands should be sterile clean, and your nails should be short.
  6. Put clean, pre-boiled gauze on your index finger and squeeze and squeeze on both sides (with the fingers of your left and right hands). If the "landing" did not give up the first time, leave him alone.

For more effective cleaning, first wipe the skin with lotion, alcohol or vodka, slightly diluted with water. The concentration of the solution depends entirely on the type of skin. So, with oily skin, substances containing alcohol can not be diluted with water, while with dry or normal skin, this should be done without fail. Places especially affected by acne, first try to lather with soapy foam. In order to come out as easily as possible, before proceeding with their removal, try to wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. This will dry out the skin a little, but it will keep you from infections. If they are well softened under the influence of a bath, a compress or wiping, then squeezing them out is easy and simple. You can use the composition of 3% hydrogen peroxide, with which you moisten a piece of cotton wool, and then wipe the acne-affected area of ​​the skin. White hypodermic dots can be pierced with the end of a needle, having previously calcined it over a fire or wiped it with alcohol or cologne. Brushing should not be done several times a week, before and during your period. After the procedure, wipe your face with a neutral alcohol-free toner and try to do without cream. As a last resort, use a light, oil-free moisturizing gel. It is better not to go outside on this day, since the pores of the skin are now open for any infection that even ordinary dust can provoke. It is better not to squeeze out single ki, but to heal with the help of special plasters. These small round stickers are impregnated with a healing agent, due to which they intensively work deep into the sebaceous gland. The patch is glued at night, directly to the problem area. As a rule, the result is noticeable after the first time.


There is no unequivocal answer to this question and cannot be. So, with purulent skin diseases, cleaning is not a whim, but a necessity. In this case, it is necessary to constantly be monitored by a specialist who establishes the number and frequency of procedures and monitors the condition of the skin. In general, in any case, even if your skin is healthy and clean, a doctor's consultation will not hurt - he will determine the minimum of procedures your skin needs and recommend different options. Sometimes cleaning is really necessary - even though the risks may arise.

However, do not forget that there are a number of skin diseases in which it is simply contraindicated, for example, increased dryness, as well as allergic reactions. Advice from a beautician from the nearest beauty salon will also not be superfluous, but remember that the beautician is primarily interested in frequent visits to the beautician's office, and it is quite possible that not all expensive procedures offered to you are not so necessary. It would be most correct to consult a dermatologist who will objectively assess the condition of your skin and decide whether you really need cleaning or if the problem does not exist at all. First of all, one should be guided by one's own feelings, then - by the advice of a doctor, and leave the opinion of a cosmetologist "for later". The advice of friends who have tried any procedure on themselves, of course, should be taken into account, but nothing more. Even if one or another method was positively assessed by ten people, it is not necessarily right for you.



Acne is a potential source of inflammation and should be removed regularly. Otherwise, the process will begin to spread throughout the skin, which is fraught with general infection. After the procedure, the skin becomes fresher, smoother, the pores begin to "breathe". Finally, black spots are simply unaesthetic. No amount of even the most sophisticated makeup can hide dirty skin and clogged pores. Of course, cleaning should not take place every day, and it is strictly forbidden to use dirty hands.


During this procedure, a rather large surface of the skin is treated, as a result of which the face turns red and swells for a couple of days. The cleaning effect lasts about a week, so the results of this procedure can only be enjoyed for two or three days. In addition, inept, or rather "crazy" hands can provoke the formation of small round scars, similar to enlarged pores. Steaming dehydrates the skin and becomes more fragile, and the effect lasts only for a couple of minutes. So it turns out that the beautician cleans dehydrated skin with closed pores and impaired blood circulation. If injury occurs during cleaning, the function of the sebaceous glands may be disrupted over time, and they "work" with a vengeance. You run the risk of falling into a real "vicious circle" of constant cleansing. As you can see, the inequality between the "pros" and "cons" is obvious ... However, you should certainly draw conclusions in a company with a dermatologist. Only then will they be correct, and the decision will be correct. Thank you for the help of the cosmetologist Pronina Maria Andreevna

Beautiful and healthy skin is an indispensable attribute. And daily skin cleansing plays an important role. And an important role is assigned to daily cleansing. This procedure is not the least important when looking for an answer to the question of how to look younger than your age. So is it necessary to do facial cleansing? There are various means for this. But they are not able to cope one hundred percent with the negative effects of various factors. And here you cannot do without cleansing, that is, deep cleansing, with the removal of keratinized cells, sebum and comedones.

Nutrients cannot penetrate deep into the skin through dead cells. The result is a loss of natural skin color, a grayish tint and dullness. Excess sebum has the ability to attract dirt and dust. Cleaning is important for any type, but the procedure is especially effective for oily or problem skin. There are many varieties of this procedure. Each type has its own pros and cons.

Mechanical cleaning

First, the skin is steamed with special gels to open pores and enhance the secretion of the sebaceous glands. After that, the beautician removes impurities from the skin. Then treatment is carried out, the purpose of which is to prevent inflammation. A mask is applied to the skin to tighten the pores. At the end of the procedure, a soothing cream should be applied.

  • Pros: The procedure is the most common, and the cleaning is the most thorough. During it, deep skin treatment is carried out, the result is visible immediately, all sensations are controlled, the instruments are sterile.
  • "Cons": Mechanical cleaning is recognized as the toughest and most traumatic for the skin, very painful. During the day, swelling and inflammation can remain on the face. Mechanical cleaning cannot be carried out in the presence of abscesses and inflammations.

Wanting to save money, some women, especially young girls, try to remove acne at home on their own. This is absolutely impossible to wish for: the necessary sterility is impossible, and the result may well be a significant deterioration in appearance.

For her, an apparatus is used that acts on the skin with ultrasonic waves. They perfectly exfoliate layers that have become obsolete, remove impurities and comedones. Especially effective for oily and aging skin.

  • Pros: cleaning is softer, the skin is not injured. Only dead cells are removed, leaving young and healthy cells. During cleansing, the tissues regenerate, the skin seems to glow from the inside, looks renewed and rested. Ultrasonic waves help smooth out fine wrinkles by massaging the skin. No preliminary steaming is required. There will be no inflammation or redness after cleaning. The procedure is completely painless.
  • "Cons": inflammatory and infectious processes in acute stages, facelift and pregnancy preclude the procedure. Cleaning is superficial, and it is better to carry it out as a preventive or in combination with other types.

Vacuum cleaning

To carry out this type of cleaning, a pneumatic device is required. Especially effective is the procedure for oily, aging and normal skin types. With such a skin, the question of whether to cleanse the face is resolved positively. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed with the help of special attachments. Vacuum cleansing removes acne breakouts, exfoliates dead skin cells and cleanses the skin.

  • Pros: does not cause inflammation on the face. As a result of the procedure, the complexion of the complexion is evened out, it acquires a healthy appearance.
  • "Cons": This cleansing is stressful for the skin. The procedure is contraindicated for people with dry skin and in the presence of problems with blood vessels. The effect appears only every other day, and at least during the day, a pinkish tint is still present on the skin. For this reason, vacuum cleaning is not recommended prior to demanding activities.

Galvanic cleaning

Under the influence of electric current and disinfectants, special chemical solutions, the sebum dissolves and is removed, the pores are uncorked, and the face is cleansed of impurities.

  • Pros: the procedure is painless, the face contour is tightened, sebum secretion is normalized, blood vessels are strengthened and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Completely safe for the skin type of cleaning.
  • "Cons": categorically contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and dry skin.

For her, masks and peels with organic acids are used. Allocate enzymatic and preparative cleansing. With the latter, the cosmetologist uses products with acids, and for enzyme - with enzymes, papain and bromelain. There is no physical effect on the skin: the beautician first applies a cleansing composition to the face, then a more "caustic" mixture. As a result, the skin heats up, becomes softer, and the fatty cores partially dissolve. At the end of the procedure - a soft soothing mask.

  • Pros: cleansing is effective for eliminating blackheads, can be carried out in case of skin inflammation, but subject to the rules.
  • "Cons": trauma to the skin.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the degree of skin health. For heavily polluted and oily, the procedure is recommended at least once every ten days, with normal skin one or two times a month is enough.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, it is worth choosing the type of cleaning. The softer the skin, the more careful it requires. The most effective cleaning is complex: a combination of chemical with vacuum, mechanical or ultrasonic.

Any cleaning should combine the removal of make-up, enlargement of pores, softening of comedones, the cleaning itself, massage with the application of a soothing mask and cream. Only with such a package of services, the question will not arise once again whether it is necessary to do facial cleansing at all.