Pregnant women can take analgin tablets. Analgin can be replaced with less harmful drugs. Side effects and contraindications for taking the drug

Treatment during pregnancy is essential. And you don't even need to explain why: every woman knows this. Also, everyone knows that taking any medications during this period is very undesirable. Especially in the first trimester. But it is not always possible to bear a baby without a single pill. And not every drug that we are accustomed to using in everyday life can be safe for you now. But it used to be convenient: I had a toothache - I drank Analgin - it seemed like it had passed for a while.

How does Analgin work?

Analgin is the main drug from the group of non-narcotic analgesics, that is, those that eliminate pain without affecting our psyche. However, it also has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. The first is so insignificant that Analgin is not used for these purposes. And the second one finds its successful application in practice. That is, with an elevated temperature or pain (regardless of the location: tooth, leg, stomach, ear, head) Analgin helps. It should be said that it helps quickly enough, because it dissolves well in water, although not for very long, that is, the pain may not be completely eliminated.

As you can see, Analgin is a symptomatic remedy. That is, it does not cure anything, but only eliminates the manifestation of specific symptoms, in this case, pain and.

Why is Analgin dangerous?

To suppress pain with Analgin is a fundamentally wrong action. Because the cause of pain or temperature must be clarified and eliminated. Removing a symptom and not treating it is never an option. It is quite another matter when you have a toothache in the middle of the night, naturally, you will not go to the dentist before the morning, and you would like to sleep at least a couple of hours, then taking an analgesic can be justified as a temporary measure. But first, read the instructions carefully.

Firstly, Analgin has contraindications, and they must be taken into account. So, you cannot take Analgin for any diseases of the hematopoietic system, for bronchiolospasm, as well as for violations of the functions of the kidneys and liver. There are other contraindications as well. In no case should Analgin be given to children under 3 months of age, unless prescribed by a doctor.

Be prepared for side effects, from rashes to anaphylactic shock. Doctors assure that this happens rarely and only with prolonged use. But anything happens, including individual intolerance. In addition, Analgin is capable of inhibiting the hematopoietic system, which is not desirable in all cases, and especially during pregnancy.

Analgin during pregnancy: to drink or not to drink?

Naturally, during pregnancy, all risks increase and taking any medication is undesirable, and as for Analgin, it is highly not recommended. It is believed that long-term use during pregnancy can cause disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system in the fetus. However, the World Health Organization does not recommend taking Analgin to anyone!

The whole trick is that it is impossible to determine for sure whether taking Analgin during pregnancy affected the development and growth of the fetus.

Recent data indicate that even a single dose of Analgin has a negative effect on the hematopoietic system and is potentially dangerous for the functioning of the kidneys and in terms of the development of anaphylactic shock. And when it comes to taking the drug by a pregnant woman, the fetus is at the same risk. It is known that Analgin crosses the placenta, so all the risks associated with its use apply to both the mother and the child.

Of particular danger is taking Analgin in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. In general, in the annotation to the drug, pregnancy and lactation are listed among the contraindications for use.

It is important to know

People's love for Analgin, it would seem, is absolutely justified: it costs a penny, is dispensed without a prescription, acts quickly and reliably, is always available in a pharmacy, and at home as well. But folk stupidity, at times, is even very unjustified. After all, Analgin is able to reduce only mild pain. For example, for pain relief after severe burns, after surgery or serious injury, it is not used, because for this it is clearly weak. That is, Analgin acts only on weak and not very strong pain that can be tolerated. He cures nothing, as we have already said. This means that it makes sense to take Analgin very rarely, because if the pain can be tolerated, and the disease needs to be treated, then it should be tolerated and treated. Again, in most cases.

You need to know that with pain in the abdomen, Analgin may be unsafe. Therefore, if the cause of such pain is unknown, these pills should not be taken.

Just in case, we note that if Analgin is injected intramuscularly (intravenously, you are unlikely to inject it yourself), you definitely need to take a long needle, because, when it gets under the skin, it irritates the tissues.

It will not be superfluous to know that in a company with many other substances, Analgin acts more effectively, because they mutually reinforce each other's action. However, if the pharmacy sells you a very effective pain reliever, in a beautiful box and at the same price, and somewhere on the side or below it is written metamizole sodium or metamizole natricum in small letters - this is the most common penny Analgin in expensive clothes. It makes no sense to spend money on packaging and another name, of which there may be hundreds (Toralgin, Nebalgin, Novalgin, Ivalgin, Novapirin, Nobolon, Pirizan, Tovalgin, Diperon and others).

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Doctors and patients argue constantly about whether it is possible to use various pharmacological agents during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should understand that even the seemingly harmless medication can cause significant harm to an unborn baby. It is such a drug that is the popular Analgin, which everyone has taken at least once in their life. Why not take analgin during pregnancy, and in what cases can it be prescribed?

In contact with

Analgin - is it possible for pregnant women at different periods?

Analgin is a non-narcotic analgesic that eliminates pain without consequences for the nervous system, it also has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, headache or toothache is not uncommon, so the desire to take this drug may appear more than once in 40 weeks of carrying a baby. And here it is worth thinking - is it safe for the future baby and mother?

The effect of the medication on the fetus depends on the gestational age. Particular attention should be paid during the first trimester, that is, up to 12 weeks. The first trimester is the period when the organs and systems of the unborn baby are laid, therefore at this time only vitamins can be taken and, if indicated, hormonal therapy, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use this medication in the first trimester.

Such a ban is due to the severe consequences of taking Analgin during early pregnancy, so this can cause:

  • malformations of organs,
  • congenital malignant neoplasms,
  • short term miscarriage,
  • uterine bleeding
  • underdevelopment of pregnancy.

All these defects arise due to the underdevelopment of the placenta, which is a natural barrier for the fetus from harmful influences, it is not yet fully formed and all harmful components directly go to the fetus.

Important! It is also forbidden for future fathers to take Analgin during the planning of a child, since the drug negatively affects the quality and mobility of sperm.

During the second trimester, 14 - 28 weeks, a pregnant woman can use the drug, but according to the strict indications of the attending physician. As a rule, it is applied once, in the event that relief from other remedies does not come with heat or severe pain. However, this does not mean that the drug has become absolutely safe for the mother and the unborn baby. In the case of prolonged use of Analgin, the child may experience problems with the development of the cardiovascular system, and according to the latest research by doctors, even a one-time intake during pregnancy has a negative effect on the hematopoietic and excretory system of the fetus.

Reception of Analgin during the third trimester should also be single, since, starting at 30 weeks, it has a significant effect on blood clotting.

Important! It is categorically impossible to take this analgesic from 34 weeks of pregnancy.

Reckless intake of the drug in the last 6 weeks of bearing a child can lead to such bad consequences as:
  1. Decrease in the level of platelets in the mother's blood.
  2. Development of water scarcity.
  3. Lead to the occurrence of agranulocytosis - the absence of specific leukocytes responsible for the mother's immunity.
  4. Suppression of the production of prostaglandins, which leads to weakness of labor.

Important! Analgin cannot be used during lactation either.

The active ingredient of Analgin is sodium metamizole. When buying it at a pharmacy, you should remember that the same active substance can be called differently by different manufacturers. Drugs that should also be avoided include:

  • Analdim,
  • Cofalgin,
  • Benalgin,
  • Andifen,
  • Andipal,
  • Revalgin.

The pharmacological agent is available in several forms at once:

  • Pills,
  • Capsules,
  • Candles,
  • Ampoules for injection.

During pregnancy, the medication can be used from 14 to 34 weeks, and only under the supervision of the attending physician. Indications for use:

  • increased body temperature
  • toothache,
  • migraine,
  • neuralgia
  • osteochondrosis,
  • renal colic,
  • radiculitis.

During pregnancy, the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, or orally after a meal. You can take 250-500 mg per day no more than twice a day. Intramuscular and intravenous injections are used to eliminate very severe pain - a dosage of 1-2 mg of a 25% solution 2-3 times a day. In this case, the daily rate should not exceed 2 grams.

Important! Symptoms of an overdose with Analgin are: vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath, drowsiness, delirium, convulsions, decreased blood pressure.

Why is Analgin banned all over the world?

It turns out that Analgin, popular in our country, is a medication banned all over the world and it is impossible to find metamizole sodium in a European's medicine cabinet. For the first time, they started talking about the fact that it is very dangerous at the end of the 60s of the last century, and already in 1972 the drug was banned in Sweden, and 5 years later the USA followed its example.

After numerous studies, Western doctors have established that it is dangerous and leads to a number of serious diseases:

  1. Suppression of bone marrow function.
  2. Decrease in the number of platelets in the blood.
  3. A chronic allergic reaction is possible.
  4. The risk of developing agranulocytosis increases,
  5. It can lead to the development of bleeding with stomach ulcers, liver diseases.

Interesting! There is an opinion among pharmacists that in fact Analgin was banned after the appearance of Paracetamol, thus getting rid of a competitor drug.

Drug price

Despite the large number of contraindications and side effects, Analgin remains a very popular remedy for relieving pain of varying intensity, and this is mainly due to the low price of the drug. The cost is really minimal:

  • 10 tablets in a blister costs only $ 0.35, that is, about 20-30 rubles,
  • in ampoules $ 1.15, - 65-85 rubles,
  • in candles $ 0.55. - 30-40 rubles.

Analgin has been used in Russia for a long time and is considered a universal remedy for various types of pain, inflammation and fever. But is it really that safe, especially during pregnancy? Analgin has many side effects and contraindications. It has already been abandoned in many countries of the world. Does the benefit of taking such a drug outweigh the possible harm to mom and baby?

Description of the drug

Let's refer to the instructions. Analgin is an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Available in the form of tablets, injection solutions, rectal suppositories. The active substance is metamizole sodium. Should be taken with caution during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks.

General indications:

  • pains of various origins (including headaches, toothaches);
  • fever in infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Most doctors recommend refraining from taking Analgin during pregnancy. Moreover, there are drugs that are safer for the mother and child that can lower the temperature and relieve pain of various origins.

Sometimes the introduction of Analgin with Diphenhydramine is practiced to reduce high fever, eliminate severe headaches or migraines. A single administration of these drugs is acceptable.

Photo gallery: analgin release forms

According to the instructions, during pregnancy, Analgin suppositories should be used with caution. Analgin injections, especially in combination with Diphenhydramine, should be carried out for pregnant women only in extreme cases. Analgin is not recommended for long-term use during pregnancy due to the high risk of side effects

Contraindications and possible side effects

Among the general contraindications to the use of the drug, the following are distinguished:

  • impaired renal and / or liver function;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypersensitivity.
  • an allergic reaction (including anaphylactic shock);
  • impaired liver function;
  • nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys);
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • leukopenia (drop in the level of leukocytes in the blood);
  • agranulocytosis (a sharp decrease in the level of granulocytes in the blood).

In the 70s-80s of the last century, studies were conducted on the effect of Analgin on the hematopoietic system.

In total, 590 cases of agranulocytosis were recorded in the study regions, of which 221 (37.5%) were associated with the use of analgin.

Many countries have abandoned Analgin due to side effects, in particular with the risk of agranulocytosis and anaphylactic shock.

The reasons for not using metamizole are associated with numerous side effects.

Side effects are possible with prolonged use of the drug, but, according to doctors, a single use of Analgin is not dangerous.

Short-term use of even very high doses almost never creates problems. In principle, it is possible, but it is better to refrain from using Analgin during pregnancy.

E.O. Komarovsky

Table: Possible negative consequences for a woman and a child in the early and late stages

Effects I trimester II trimester III trimester
For Mom - -
  • A decrease in the number of platelets in the peripheral blood (a violation of blood clotting), which can cause bleeding in the birth and early postpartum periods;
  • weakness of labor.
Contraindicated in gestosis, as it can provoke severe intoxication.
For a child
  • Violation in the processes of laying the neural tube and nervous system;
  • violation of the activity of the bone marrow;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Violation of the development of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of the development of the hematopoietic system and kidneys.

The negative consequences of taking Analgin for the mother in all trimesters of pregnancy can be any of the side effects of the drug.

What can and cannot be substituted for Analgin during pregnancy

There are many medicines that can be used during pregnancy without a high risk of side effects for mom and baby. The safest drugs are those based on Paracetamol. Typically, doctors prescribe either Paracetamol or Panadol. Side effects are the same as with Analgin, but, according to statistics, the negative consequences of taking Paracetamol are much less common.

Table: paracetamol-based medicines allowed during pregnancy

Name of the drug Indications Active substance Side effects Contraindications
  • Pains of various origins;
  • fever with an infectious and inflammatory disease;
  • high temperature.
Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis) Allergic reaction Hypersensitivity to drug components -
Xumapar -
Strimol -
Disturbances from the urinary system (renal colic, nonspecific bacteriuria, interstitial nephritis, papillary necrosis). Hematopoietic system disorders (anemia, thrombocytopenia, methemoglobinemia) -
Impaired liver and kidney function
  • Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • I and III trimesters of pregnancy.

Photo gallery: safe Analgin substitutes for pregnant women

Paracetamol MS tablets, like Dialeron, can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the hematopoietic system Eferalgan soluble tablets are contraindicated in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy
Soluble tablets Panadol have a number of side effects from the kidneys
Dialeron tablets have the same dosage of active ingredient as Paracetamol MS

Do not self-medicate during pregnancy!

Along with drugs based on Paracetamol and Analgin, drugs containing Ibuprofen are common. They also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, but are contraindicated in pregnancy. An analgesic such as Nurofen is widely known. In accordance with the instructions, it is contraindicated for taking in the third trimester of pregnancy, and it is not recommended to take it in the rest. There is also a list of medicines based on metamizole sodium (analgin) and paracetamol that should not be taken by pregnant women.

Table: Analgesic Drugs Dangerous for Pregnant Women

Name Active substance Reception during pregnancy
Tempalgin Metamizole sodium Tempidon Contraindicated
Baralgin M - Contraindicated in I and III trimesters of pregnancy. In II it is not recommended.
Pentalgin-N Naproxen, caffeine, phenobarbital, codeine (as phosphate) Contraindicated
Spazmalgon Fenpiverinium bromide, pitofenone

Analgin during pregnancy is not the best choice.

First, it does not eliminate the cause of the pain syndrome, but only prevents the brain from feeling pain. The pathological process, which was signaled by pain, goes on as it did, only the person does not realize it.

Secondly, in the early stages of pregnancy, it can negatively affect the process of laying the vital organs of the fetus.

Thirdly, at the end of pregnancy, taking it can lead to complications during childbirth (postpartum hemorrhage). But there are times when this drug is still prescribed.

What is Analgin?

A non-narcotic analgesic, a pyrazolone derivative is metamizole or Analgin. Its main qualities:

  • pain relievers;
  • antiperetic (antipyretic).

Additionally, this drug (MP) has mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. The achieved effect is justified by the ability of metamizole to block COX and reduce the synthesis of mediators of the inflammatory process and pain - prostaglandins.

The active substance of the drug enhances the transfer of heat by the human body and prevents the transmission of impulses along the pathways, and also reduces the sensitivity of the centers that perceive pain. Due to its weak anti-inflammatory effect, Analgin has a minimal effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and practically does not affect the electrolyte balance, unlike active non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Whether it is possible to take a medicine like Algin during pregnancy should be decided by the doctor, weighing the benefits for the expectant mother and correlating it with the possible harm to her baby growing in the womb. If a pregnant woman is tormented by unbearable pain, this can lead to a serious and even threat of relapse. In such a situation, blocking pain makes sense.

Justified use of this remedy in the gestational period is considered:

  • with acute toothache (if it is impossible to get help quickly);
  • with biliary / renal colic;
  • neuralgia;
  • with severe headache, including migraine in nature;
  • severe myalgia;
  • with serious burns and injuries;
  • in the postoperative period.

An effective antipyretic agent is considered to be an injection of Analgin with Diphenhydramine. But injecting this mixture yourself during pregnancy is not worth it. An injection can be given by an ambulance doctor, with very high numbers on the thermometer, if he considers that the temperature threatens the patient's life. The drug is produced in several forms:

  • pills;
  • a solution that is administered intramuscularly or intravenously;
  • rectal suppositories.

The dosage is determined by the attending physician, but according to the official annotation, the maximum daily dose of drugs in tablet form and suppositories is 3 g, in injections - 2 g. Usually, the medication is prescribed at 0.25-0.5 g per dose and is drunk or injected into a muscle / vein 2-3 times / day.

Dangers of using Analgin

Annotation to the medicine strongly recommends refraining from using it at the beginning and end of gestation. What is the danger of Analgin in? During this period, the organs of the unborn child are being laid. At this stage, any chemical substances can have a negative effect on the forming structures.

The consequences of taking Analgin in (especially the last 1.5 months) concern the mother more than her baby. Taking the medication affects the blood count, causing:

  • agranulocytosis (decrease in the number of leukocytes);
  • leukopenia (a decrease in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood);
  • thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count).

The last change before delivery is unacceptable. Because a decrease in the number of platelets leads to increased bleeding, and, therefore, increases the risk of postpartum bleeding. This bleeding will be difficult for doctors to stop. It can become not only the cause of hemorrhagic shock, but also the death of the patient. Therefore, experts recommend not drinking Analgin at the end of gestation.


The instruction for the medicine categorically does not recommend the use of drugs at the beginning and at the end of gestation. Do not prescribe the drug for blood diseases. First of all, with hereditary hemolytic anemia. If the hematopoietic function of the brain is impaired, this remedy should also not be taken.

Also contraindications are:

  • bronchial and aspirin asthma;
  • pathology, accompanied by bronchospasm;
  • serious liver and kidney disease.

Taking any medication must be justified. For women carrying offspring, if necessary, Analgin and more serious and dangerous drugs are prescribed. When it comes to preserving their life and health. Careless relief of pain is not encouraged by medicine outside of gestation and at the time of gestation.

Most doctors categorically forbid analgin during pregnancy for their patients. There are exceptions, though. Treating all kinds of illnesses that flare up in pregnant women, from colds to flu, is of fundamental importance. Not all drugs that a woman is used to in everyday life can be taken with the same ease while carrying an embryo.

The prenatal period of development is nine long months, during which a woman is sick, worried, copes with ailments, overcomes fears, losses, troubles at work, financial difficulties. At the same time, she never ceases to enjoy life, relax in the company of her closest people, develop and learn about the world. Unfortunately, there is no escaping disease. Frequent outbreaks of infections against the background of a general weakening of the immune system of most residents of megacities put the lives of pregnant women and unborn babies at risk. There are rare cases when pregnant women practically do not get sick throughout the entire period of gestation.

Why does a person need analgesics?

People at all times did not want to endure pain. Pain syndromes bring a person continuous discomfort. Most people at any age, when pain appears, immediately try to get rid of it, or at least reduce these sensations. Pharmacology provides a wide range of pain relievers at affordable prices. Unfortunately, all analgesics are of synthetic and semi-synthetic origin. Therefore, taking such drugs can adversely affect the development of the embryo and the further life of the baby born.

The group of non-narcotic analgesics is represented by a wide range of drugs that are effective pain relievers, reduce temperature, and can have a weak anti-inflammatory effect. Some of the more readily available and over-the-counter products are listed here:

  • Tempalgin;
  • "Spazmalgon";
  • Novalgin;
  • "Pentalgin";
  • "Dipiron";
  • Benalgin.

All these drugs are not capable of causing euphoric states and addiction, affecting the psyche. They reduce pain syndrome, unfortunately, without even trying to "figure out" the cause of the pain. It turns out that analgesics simply temporarily numb the pain without treating the inflammatory process, which is essentially just temporary anesthesia.

They cope with various pain syndromes, be it headache, toothache, joint, neuralgic or muscle pain. Relief is observed a few minutes after taking the pill or injection. The active substance is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, or, in the case of an injection, is carried by the blood stream throughout the body, quickly getting to the disturbed area.

Most drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, and the instructions for some drugs say “not recommended”. Probably, it is possible to differentiate such drugs, which occasionally, nevertheless, in critical situations, admitting the possibility of taking them by pregnant women:

  • it is possible to use analgin in combination with diphenhydramine, papaverine in case of a high temperature above 38 ° C associated with an infectious process in the expectant mother;
  • it is allowed to use it once in case of severe pain syndrome in a pregnant woman.

Side effects of analgesics

Analgesics can cause a number of side effects. Basically, they appear with prolonged use of drugs, as well as with uncontrolled dosages. For example, when a toothache is so strong and unbearable that a person tries to drown it out by increasing the dosage, but at the same time he is in no hurry to eliminate the cause.

Everyone should know the most typical side effects:

The decomposition products of analgesics are found in wastewater, reservoirs, and even in the areas of water intakes of filtering stations that feed drinking water pipes. The common man can only guess what risks his life is exposed to when he buys fish for consumption, drinks tap water and so on.

The metabolites formed after the breakdown of the active substances of analgesics are excreted by the human body through the kidneys in the urine. But in lactating women, they are excreted in breast milk. Consequently, a newborn, even without using the drug, can receive its decay product in food. Most analgesics are prohibited for children under the age of three, and some are not recommended for use even before the age of twelve. Well, what can we say about babies!

It is clearly stated in contraindications to "Analgin" that the drug is most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnant women, during the last forty weeks and during the lactation period.

"Analgin" for pregnant women

Can pregnant women drink Analgin? Recent studies, which were carried out under the auspices of the World Health Organization, have given new disappointing results in the work of analgesics on the body of pregnant women, which had not been previously indicated. So, it has been proven that the risk of all sorts of side effects is several times higher than the therapeutic effect when the drug is taken by a pregnant woman. And again, attention is focused on increasing the level of danger in the early stages of pregnancy.

When taking "Analgin", the active substances freely penetrate the placenta. The embryo is able to react to the intake of such substances with anaphylactic shock, which will cause its death, or infantile leukemia.

In addition to inhibiting the work of hematopoiesis in the body of a pregnant woman, analgesics disrupt the work of the urinary system, provoking increased swelling and increased stress on the cardiovascular system. Of course, this has an extremely negative effect on the development of the embryo, even in the prenatal period, determining the tendency to various pathological conditions of all body systems.

"Analgin" is strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women in more than forty countries of the world. Among them are the countries of the European Union, Japan, USA, Canada, Australia. In some countries, Analgin is not available without a prescription.

From all of the above, we conclude that neither Analgin tablets nor injections with this drug can be used by pregnant women.


Popular cravings for analgesics are quite justified: low cost of drugs, general availability (you can buy at any pharmacy or borrow from someone), leave without a prescription, get quick results in pain relief. However, one does not always have to rely on such drugs, because they cannot help with severe burns, traumatic, postoperative pain syndromes. It follows that the pain that analgesics relieve can be tolerated.

Moreover, analgesics do not have the ability to influence diseased organs at the cellular level, they only drown out the symptoms (and even then for a short time), which is just necessary from the point of view of medicine to identify serious internal ailments. By blocking pain with drugs of this group, people only postpone the process of identifying a true ailment, signaling through a pain symptom of a sometimes deep problem in the body that can cause complications and the transformation of the acute phase of the disease into a chronic one. Remember, analgin is only a symptomatic medicine, it only relieves pain!

Today, in the age of high technologies and the unconditional breakthrough of mankind in the fight against ignorance, on the other hand, we have a very unattractive picture. Diseases "got younger". All kinds of addictions poison the lives of a huge number of people with different skin colors, religions, gender. The ecological situation is simply appalling - the quality of drinking water is deteriorating every year, precipitation is a threat to human health. People are frivolous about their health, this is especially fraught with the upbringing of the younger generation. Children are not taught from an early age to take care of their health, to monitor their diet, to observe the rules of basic personal hygiene.

I would like to hope that the new inhabitants of the planet, who are born every day in families with different living standards and energy resources of their body, will seriously think and rationally plan not only their future, but also the future of all the inhabitants of the Earth.

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