Appointment of early retirement pension prospector. Social security and social insurance. Pombourg years old, 10 years old head of a fuel and lubricants warehouse on a collective farm, head of a grain warehouse on a collective farm.

What documents confirm the length of service in the relevant types of work when considering the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension under subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On fear retirement pensions "of employees (including management, administrative -at management, support personnel) of geological exploration expeditions and individual parties, which according to statutory documents are referred to year-round field and receive field allowance all year round?

In accordance with subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions", an insurance old-age pension can be assigned ahead of schedule to persons who worked in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades. directly in the field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and prospecting works.

In accordance with this provision, the right to an early retirement pension is granted to employees, regardless of what profession or position they are employed in performing the relevant work, in the state of which organization they appear. The main thing is the compliance of the work performed with the conditions determined by the legislation.

Thus, the main criterion for providing early retirement benefits to an employee of a geological exploration organization is his direct employment in field geological exploration work and the performance of such work as part of expeditions, parties, detachments, sites, teams, which must be confirmed by relevant documents.

It should be borne in mind that the work book contains information only about the periods of labor activity, professions (positions) and the name of the organizations in which the labor activity took place.

According to clause 4 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 No. 258n, in cases where data is required on the nature of work and other factors (indicators) that determine the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension established for certain types of work (activities ), certificates are accepted, as well as other documents issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies.

Documents confirming the employment of a particular employee directly in the field geological exploration work may be orders to send as part of an expedition (party, detachment, site, brigade) to perform geological exploration work with an indication of the place of their conduct, documents for wages, where available information on the payment of field allowance and other documents from which it is seen that the employee was engaged directly in the performance of field geological exploration work.

It should be borne in mind that the payment of field allowance (if this is the only data) cannot serve as confirmation of the employment of an employee directly in field geological exploration and other works specified by law. This is due to the fact that field allowance is also paid to those workers who are not involved in the technological process of geological exploration, but serve expeditions. Such employees do not enjoy the right to early retirement benefits.

It should be noted that exploration work ends with the preparation of a geological report, i.e. processing and classification of the collected material (office work).

The period of office work at the site of field geological exploration is counted in the length of service, which gives the right to early retirement benefits, and the performance of office work on the basis of the expedition or in stationary parties, i.e. outside the place of production of field geological exploration work is not included in the relevant experience.

As for considering the issue of early retirement benefits for a geologist, the job responsibilities specified in the Qualification Handbook of Positions of Heads and Specialists of Geology and Subsoil Exploration Organizations, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. and office conditions during exploration, geophysical and other geological work, drawing up graphic materials, reports on geological results of work, etc. In this case, the nature of the work is determined by the title of the position and only documentary confirmation of his employment in the field as part of the expedition party, detachment, site, brigade.

In some cases, for the periods of work before 01.01.1992, when determining the circle of persons who, by the nature of the work, may be employed in field geological work, one can be guided by Section II "Geological Prospecting" of List No. 2, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 22.08.1956 No. 1173. This section of List No. 2 contains a list of professions of workers who, by the nature of their work, are directly involved in field geological exploration, topographic-geodetic and other geological works, including managers and specialists involved in the technological process of geological works, as well as workers servicing technological equipment with the help of which field geological work is carried out.

One of the production units in all geological work is a batch or a detachment. Geological works can also be carried out by teams or sections. To carry out complex geological work, parties and detachments can be united in expeditions, which, under certain conditions, can have the status of a legal entity, which allows them to have workers or services in their structure who are not directly involved in field geological work. These are management, administrative and management personnel, support personnel, warehouse workers, road transport units, etc.

The question of which of the workers is engaged in field geological exploration is decided by the organization on the basis of documents characterizing the work performed by the employee and the technological process of conducting geological exploration in general.

The fact that the expedition (party) is year-round and field cannot serve as a basis for confirming the direct employment of a particular worker in field geological exploration, since such expeditions (parties) may include workers serving expeditions (parties) and not employed at work stipulated by law, i.e. in the technological process of geological exploration.

Based on the foregoing, when considering the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension in accordance with subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of 28.12.2013 "On Insurance Pensions" of workers of year-round field expeditions (parties) employment of such workers on field geological exploration work in each specific case must be confirmed by appropriate documents.

Reply from 10/10/2014 11:02

Let's try to figure it out.
According to subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", men have the right to early retirement before the deadline when they reach the age of 55, women after reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and prospecting works and have an insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.
This is the norm of the current law. It came into effect on January 1, 2002.
Prior to him, the Law of the Russian Federation "On STATE PENSIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" was in force, according to which (Article 12, clause "e"), a pension in connection with special working conditions was established for men upon reaching 55 years of age, for women upon reaching 50 years of age, if they worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in brigades directly on field geological - exploration, prospecting, topographic - geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works and have a common labor length of service specified in Article 10 of the Law. At the same time, the period of work directly in the field from six months to a year was taken into account for a year of work, less than six months - according to its actual duration, and for seasonal work - in accordance with Article 94 of this Law.

Thus, the conditions for early retirement for surveyors have not changed with the introduction of the new law. They are the same.
At the same time, the conditions that in the event that these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, a labor pension is assigned to them with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 7 of this Federal Law, neither the norm of the old law, nor the norm of the new law in relation to surveyors (in contrast, for example, for persons with difficult and harmful working conditions (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 27 of the "new" law) does not contain.

There is a LETTER FROM THE PENSION FUND OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION dated July 2, 2003 N LCh-25-25 / 6922, according to which citizens who, prior to January 1, 2002, worked out the length of service, which gave the right to early retirement benefits under the previous legislation with taking into account the procedure in force at that time for the summation of work with various special working conditions (Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation"), they have the right to establish an early retirement pension with a reduction in age in proportion to the length of service in accordance with the Federal Law " On labor pensions in the Russian Federation ".

As of January 1, 2002, your experience as a surveyor was 6 years and 6 months, that is, you did not work out the required 12 years and 6 months. There is no stipulation that you need to have half of the experience in order to be able to retire in proportion to the hours worked, neither in the old nor in the new law in your profession, therefore, in my opinion, you did not acquire the right to an early retirement pension as a surveyor.
But still, I recommend that you check the possibility of receiving an early pension in the Pension Fund itself, where you have the right to contact with this issue.

For, but I don't want to argue

Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1993 No. 05-16 30-16 On the procedure for applying section XXIV of List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension benefits.

Communism is human evolution.

Per. The main reason for this is that most of the population lived under the USSR and everything that they had good was then, not now.

The holding authorities have always lived and live under communism

There are no examples of countries that built communism.

According to the "moral code of the builder of communism" in capitalist society, man to man is a wolf. There, man is man's friend, comrade and brother. So, the current wolves of capitalism cannot be driven back there. And it is useless to exaggerate this question. They already (former, bitten) with their wolf's grip, will not release their honestly earned.

Question lt I worked as a car driver on an exploration expedition. Am I entitled to an early retirement pension? The list of professions and positions of working foremen directly engaged in logging and timber floating, approved by the decree ...

Marika's answer is the most comprehensive one. practice is the criterion of truth, the communist philosophers said. so here is the comm. practice gave us sowing. Korea, Cuba, + Khmer Rouge and Albania in due time and .... perhaps all.
so the truth is PROVEN.

Step one. Nationalization.
Natural resources and strategic sectors of the economy will be nationalized. Long-term planning - restored. Operational management of the economy will be provided by branch and line ministries. The oil and gas industry, electric power industry, communication routes, the military-industrial complex, illegally privatized objects will become the property of the state. The law will establish the obligation to use them in the interests of the whole society.
The export of irreplaceable natural resources such as oil, gas and diamonds will be limited. A course is set for their deep processing within the country, along with forest and marine biological resources.
The state will serve the people. Nationalization will create a solid financial basis for further transformations.
Laws that threaten national security and social rights of citizens will be revised or canceled. Among them are the law on the monetization of benefits, the Housing, Land, Forestry and Water Codes.
The share of wages in the national product will rise from 28% to 50-55% in accordance with Soviet and world experience. The seniority will again include years of study, army service, parental leave.
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation will establish a real living wage. Today it is 10-12 thousand rubles a month. The size of the minimum wages and pensions will be guaranteed not lower than the subsistence level with annual indexation by the value of infStep three. To produce is to develop.
The funds received from the nationalized property will be used by the state for the modernization of industry, agriculture and the transport system. Invest in housing and road construction. Deploy a large-scale exploration program. Expanding the resource potential of countries, it will provide measures for environmental protection and nature protection.
Overcoming the raw material orientation of the economy will begin. Knowledge-intensive industries will be a top priority.
The development of science will become a strategy of the state, which:
- will immediately double the funding of science with the prospect of bringing it to 8% of the expenditure side of the budget;
- modernizes the laboratory and technical base of scientific institutions
etc. ›Party life›
Pre-election program
electoral program of EDRA
Fedorov said that the working version of the five-year plan reflects such sections as strategic challenges and targets, priorities for the country's development, issues of state and local governance, the functioning of the political system, civil society, interaction between the state, business and society, issues of quality of life, education, culture, health care, development of the pension system, social policy, housing, youth policy, environmental safety, economic development (macroeconomics, sectoral and innovation economy), international relations, regional development.

Development stability and confidence in the future

For the nationalization of resources, stop feeding thieves and Pindos!

Somewhere like this ...

On this issue, the specialists of the pension fund explain the following Right to an early retirement pension in accordance with section XXVII List of 2 industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to a preferential pension ...

No matter what the communists promise, you cannot believe a single word of them. They promised to give the peasants the land as their property - they took away the one that was. They promised freedom, gave the iron curtain and took away the passports of the peasants.
They promised a ruble backed by gold and diamonds (as it was written on the soviet ruble) - they gave a wrapper. The factories were promised to the workers - they took away private property. They promised freedom of speech - they gave the GULAG. They promised to overtake America. They promised financially communism by 1980. They promised each family a separate apartment, and the people remained in the hostels. They promised peace-peace, gave a ten-year Afghan war. They promised a bright future - they destroyed their state.

Communist China and thieves' rash, I think there is no need to argue

Retirement early retirement pension

If you do not have documentary evidence of work in the field, then you will not achieve anything. the amount of per diem has nothing to do with hotel accommodation, it is paid by the travel agent separately, it has nothing to do with it at all.
From the experience of working on a harmful industry, I can say that there are almost never questions about working personnel. but you have both positions - engineers and technicians, and this category should prove work with harmfulness. Nowhere and never are engineers and technicians equated in harmfulness to workers, they always have less.
So collect evidence

A preferential nurse's pension is a type of early retirement pension, that is, an old-age pension, which is assigned by a medical officer. The list includes certain positions whose employees are entitled to an early retirement pension, including a nurse

Oil and Gas Driller Assistant Retirement Benefits

If your company was engaged in the production of oil and gas and gas condensate .... then the name of the profession in Lists No. 2 of section 1. Drilling is 2130100а-11297 Driller of production and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas, in section No. 2 Oil and gas production and gas condensate 2130200а-11292 Drillers for workover, 2130200а-11294 Drillers of floating drilling units at sea. Driller assistants in chapter XII Drilling, production and refining of oil ... not found. But I advise you to contact the location of the organization to issue a certificate confirming the preferential nature of the work. They will tell you more precisely what code your position is based on.

6685 Categories of persons entitled to an old-age pension on preferential terms not related to working conditions. Workers employed in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in brigades directly at field geological exploration, prospecting ...

6 years old Pombour, 10 years old head of a fuel and lubricants warehouse on a collective farm, head of a grain warehouse on a collective farm.

Only if very harmful

Employees holding positions and working in institutions, the lists of which are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002, have the right to an early retirement pension. 781 in the List of Jobs, Professions, Positions, Specialties and Institutions ...

The head of the fuel and lubricants warehouse, for sure, is not, but the pombur (production and exploratory drilling or workover of oil and gas wells) can be taken into account. True, you need at least 6, 5 years (that is, you do not have enough work experience), then for each full year you can get a pension 4 months earlier. And if you had 12 years of experience, then you would have left at 55. But this is all provided that the company was serious and submitted information to the pension fund as a beneficiary (this must be confirmed by job certification cards, if they are at the enterprise no, you're out of luck). If you have drilled wells for water, then there are no benefits

If the zavskad of fuels and lubricants and pombour have a 2nd list, then yes. Full experience on the 2nd list for men 12.5 years. if you have 6 years and 3 months, then the retirement age is reduced in proportion to the worked

If there is a year and three months left until the old-age pension, can you retire now? sick.

As the commission decides.

Women on this List receive the right to a preferential pension at 45 years of age, with at least 7.5 years of work experience in a particularly hazardous industry and an insurance record.

No. Men who reach the age of 60 and women who reach the age of 55 have the right to an old-age labor pension. But in some cases, you can retire earlier. When is early retirement possible? Early retirement is sometimes called a preferential pension by the people, although this is not a very correct name. Usually, early retirement pension is assigned to people who worked in jobs with harmful, difficult or specific working conditions, and the retirement age in this case depends on the specifics of work, duration of work and seniority. A complete list of professions, positions and industries, work in which gives the right to early retirement, is contained in the federal law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001), specifically - in the 27th and 28th articles. But we will not give it in full, we will name only some of the activities so that you have a rough idea of ​​what kind of work gives you the right to early retirement. work with harmful working conditions, underground work, work in hot shops; work with difficult working conditions; work as a tractor driver, driver of road, construction and loading and unloading machines (for women); work with increased severity and intensity in the textile industry (for women); work related to the organization of transportation by railway transport and subway, as well as as a truck driver in the technological process in mines, etc.; work in expeditions, detachments, parties, teams and at sites on geophysical, geological exploration and other works; work on timber floating and logging; work in seafarers on ships of the river, sea and fishing industry; work as a trolleybus, bus, tram driver on regular city passenger routes; work in the flight and engineering staff of civil aviation; work as a rescuer in professional emergency services and units; work with convicts. As already mentioned, this is far from a complete list of professions and occupations that give the right to early retirement. Artists, doctors and other health workers, teachers and representatives of many other professions can count on early retirement. The main thing is to have the appropriate experience. Each profession has its own conditions for early retirement. For example, a woman who worked in hot shops has the right to retire at 45 if she has worked for at least 7 years and 6 months, and her insurance experience is at least 15 years. A man working in similar conditions must have worked for at least 10 years and have an insurance record of at least 20 years in order to retire at 50. Similar requirements (with different figures, of course) apply to representatives of all other professions and occupations from the list. And for teachers, health workers and artists, the exact age of early retirement is not defined at all. For example, a teacher may not retire early if he has worked in institutions for children for at least 25 years, regardless of his age. For health workers, this period is 25 years if they worked in rural areas and urban-type settlements, and 30 years if they work in cities, rural areas and PTGs, or only in the city. Also, some categories of the population have the right to an early retirement pension, for example, mothers with many children (with five or more children), visually impaired people of the first group, etc. So, in order to qualify for early retirement, three basic conditions must be met: basis (type of work, profession, etc.); term of work, depending on the specific type of work; insurance experience, also depending on the specific type of work. To find out if your job qualifies for early retirement, you need to see if it is on the appropriate list.

About retirement. garbage chute workers can retire earlier, after all, they are harmful ?!

Well, they get some benefit from this activity, but in general, there are general provisions.

The government of the Russian Federation approves lists list 2, list 1, which determine the professions eligible for a preferential pension, a prerequisite for its appointment is work with harmful and difficult working conditions.

I left at 30 :)
Early retirement is sometimes called a preferential pension by the people, although this is not a very correct name. Usually, early retirement pension is assigned to people who worked in jobs with harmful, difficult or specific working conditions, and the retirement age in this case depends on the specifics of work, duration of work and seniority.
A complete list of professions, positions and industries, work in which gives the right to early retirement, is contained in the federal law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001), specifically - in the 27th and 28th articles. But we will not give it in full, we will name only some of the activities so that you have a rough idea of ​​what kind of work gives you the right to early retirement.
work with harmful working conditions, underground work, work in hot shops;
work with difficult working conditions;
work as a tractor driver, driver of road, construction and loading and unloading machines (for women);
work with increased severity and intensity in the textile industry (for women);
work related to the organization of transportation by railway transport and subway, as well as as a truck driver in the technological process in mines, etc.;
work in expeditions, detachments, parties, teams and at sites on geophysical, geological exploration and other works;
work on timber floating and logging;
work in seafarers on ships of the river, sea and fishing industry;
work as a trolleybus, bus, tram driver on regular city passenger routes;
work in the flight and engineering staff of civil aviation;
work as a rescuer in professional emergency services and units;
work with convicts.
As already mentioned, this is far from a complete list of professions and occupations that give the right to early retirement. Artists, doctors and other health workers, teachers and representatives of many other professions can count on early retirement. The main thing is to have the appropriate experience.
Each profession has its own conditions for early retirement. For example, a woman who worked in hot shops has the right to retire at 45 if she has worked for at least 7 years and 6 months, and her insurance experience is at least 15 years. A man working in similar conditions must have worked for at least 10 years and have an insurance record of at least 20 years in order to retire at 50. Similar requirements (with different figures, of course) apply to representatives of all other professions and occupations from the list.
And for teachers, health workers and artists, the exact age of early retirement is not defined at all. For example, a teacher may not retire early if he has worked in institutions for children for at least 25 years, regardless of his age. For health workers, this period is 25 years if they worked in rural areas and urban-type settlements, and 30 years if they work in cities, rural areas and PTGs, or only in the city.
Also, some categories of the population have the right to an early retirement pension, for example, mothers with many children (having five or more children), visually impaired people of the first group, etc.
So, in order to qualify for early retirement, you need to meet three main conditions:
have a reason (type of work, profession, etc.);
term of work, depending on the specific type of work;
insurance experience, also depending on the specific type of work.
To find out if your job qualifies for early retirement, you need to see if it is on the appropriate list.

Irin) work = find out!))

They have only personal harm :)

Do you say "garbage chute worker" in your labor book?
You can ask this question in the "Humor" category.
And the garbage chute is monitored by housing and communal services and staircase cleaners, whose harm does not go.

Something I have not seen such a position in the classifier of professions ...

The list of institutions, organizations and positions, work in which gives the right to a seniority pension to certain categories of medical and pedagogical workers.

Pension benefits for employees of an asphalt concrete plant

Here is an excerpt from the decree of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers about that. who is eligible for a reduced pension on List No. 2, and you see if your position is suitable.
2290000a a) Workers
2290000а-11140 Asphalt concrete workers
2290000а-11141 Asphalt concrete workers - grinders
2290000а-11200 Bituminous workers
2290000а-11295 Borehole drillers
2290000а-11663 Water jets
2290000а-12282 Lime killers
2290000а-12520 Insulators

2290000а-12529 Waterproofing insulators, including

2290000а-12531 Insulators on thermal insulation, including
employed in the repair and manufacture of equipment
2290000а-12533 ​​Insulators - film workers, including those employed
on the repair and manufacture of equipment
2290000а-12680 Bricklayers permanently working in brigades
bricklayers and specialized units
bricklayers complex brigades
(introduced by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 09.08.1991 N 591)
2290000а-12690 Stonecutters, including those engaged in processing
marble and granite by hand on

sites) and enterprises of the monumental
2290000а-12751 Acid repellents - vinyl plastics
2290000а-12753 Acid proofers - gummers
2290000а-13121 Copiers
2290000а-13201 Roofers for roll roofs and for roofs made of
piece materials employed in works with
using mastics and primers
2290000а-13511 Asphalt distributor drivers
2290000а-13590 Drilling rig operators, including
employed in drilling exploration -
production wells for water deeper than
50 m and supervised by the state
2290000а-13783 Drivers of pile drivers
2290000а-14199 Drivers of mobile asphalt concrete mixers
2290000а-14288 Asphalt concrete paver drivers
2290000а-14612 Steel and reinforced concrete erectors
2290000а-15416 Refractory
2290000а-16540 Sandblaster
2290000а-16542 Glass sandblaster
2290000а-17493 Drivers of mountain slopes
2290000а-18447 Locksmiths for emergency recovery works,
permanently employed in underground work
sewer networks
2290000а-19233 Pipes of industrial reinforced concrete pipes
2290000а-19234 Industrial brick pipelines
2290000а-19455 Nozzles
2290000а-19483 Stone milling cutters, including those employed in
stone processing enterprises (workshops,
2290000а-19496 Liners (acid-proofers)
2290000а-19660 Grinders - polishers of stone products, in
including those employed in stone processing
enterprises (workshops, sites) and enterprises
monumental sculpture
2290000а-19829 Electricians - linemen for the installation of air
high voltage lines and overhead lines
2290000а-19855 Electricians repairing overhead lines
power transmission (voltage 35 kV and above),
engaged in work at a height of over 5 m

1. I have 10 years of field experience in geophysics. Can I go to Pension at 56-57 years old?

1.1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned to ... the following persons: men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 years and 20 years "

2. Is the internship while studying at a higher educational institution in the field expedition included in the seniority for early assignment of a pension? Thanks.

2.1. Yes, practice is included in the experience.

3. 27 years of work experience in the Far North and 3.4 field work experience, man, when can you retire?

3.1. Good evening. You do not write how old you are .. Without this, it is impossible to answer. Under the new law, you will be retired at 60 years of age. But if you have a pre-retirement age, then the term gradually increases .. Specify the question.

4. I have field experience - 7 years and 3 months. Born 1964. Is there any special feature for retirement earlier?

4.1. Good afternoon, Elena Alekseevna, incomplete field experience does not give the right to an early retirement pension, men need 12.6 years of preferential work experience and 25 years in general, women need 10 years of preferential work experience and 20 years in general (clause 1.6 of Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ)

5. To my mother in 1997, when calculating the preferential (field experience) pension, they did not take into account the years of study at a technical school and university, is it possible to recalculate the pension now?

5.1. Yes, it is possible. Apply to your pension fund to include these periods in your seniority. In case of refusal, appeal to the court.

6. In April I will be 50 years old. I have been working in the far north for over 25 years and have field experience for over 13 years. can i retire at 50?

6.1. Hello! At the age of 60, you will be able to receive an early retirement insurance pension.

An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following citizens:

Men upon reaching the age of 60 and women upon reaching the age of 55 (taking into account the provisions provided for in Appendices 5 and 6 to this Federal Law), if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in the same them localities and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years (paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 32 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions").

7. Explain whether it is a field experience working as a geologist at a drilling rig. ? Directly and accommodation and work on a rotational basis for 15 days. The drilling company specializes in production drilling.

7.1. Article 30 of the Law on labor pensions, clause 6.6) for men upon reaching the age of 55 and for women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades directly in the field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and prospecting works and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;
(old version of the law)

8. Worked for 5 years in the field, of which 3 years in the subway, it is possible to summarize the experience for early retirement at 58 years.

8.1. Hello Oleg!
For a correct answer to your question, information about the specialty, place and period of work is required.

9. Field experience in a topo-geodetic expedition for 8 years. Am I eligible for early retirement at 57 or do I need a field experience of 12.5 years?

9.1. Good day! The pension reform is still only gaining momentum. Although, of course, the law has already been adopted according to the idea. In connection with your question, we can say that it is better not to rush with early retirement. The more you have the option of not retiring, the better for your pension amount.


10. If I have 15 years of experience in the field, how many years will I retire?

10.1. It is not known, the changes in the retirement age have not yet been published, but if the insurance period is sufficient, it will be 5 years earlier than in the general case.

Federal Law of 28.12.2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on 27.06.2018) "On insurance pensions"

6) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 years and 20 years;

11. Should the field experience be continuous?

11.1. If about the calculation of the special experience required to determine the right to early retirement - then no, all such periods are simply summed up, there is nothing to do with continuity.

12. 1967 year of birth I work in a field geophysical party. Work experience 34 years. On 2 grid 15 years. What year will I retire. Whether the new pension law will affect the preferential experience.

12.1. Unknown, changes are pending. According to the option proposed by the government, you will come out two years later. The issue of the time of exit is being considered, and not the procedure and conditions for the appointment of early pensions.

13. Work experience in the field as a geologist in a geological exploration organization - 2 years 6 months. 25 days; total work experience in an area equated to the Far North - 5 years 9 months 23 days, incl. not coinciding with the field northern experience - 3 years 2 months. 28 days. Total work experience over 25 years. Is it possible to summarize the experience for the early appointment of a pension to a woman at 53 years old.

13.1. No. summation of the experience in this case is impossible. Since the Federal Law On Insurance Pensions does not provide for it for this situation.

13.2. Only the total preferential work experience is summed up, without breakdown by grids. Article 33. The summation of the length of service in the relevant types of work and the reduction of the age giving the right to an insurance pension for old age, to persons who worked in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them

1. When determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension in connection with work in these areas and localities (except for cases of determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas to establish an increase a fixed payment to the insurance pension provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law) the work that gives the right to early assignment of an insurance old-age pension in accordance with Clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of Part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal Law shall be equated to the specified work, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or for at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have an old-age insurance pension required for early appointment as provided for in clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal law, insurance experience and seniority in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension is reduced by five years.
Open the full text of the document.

13.4. Hello. Unfortunately, if you have a total of 5 years 9 months of work in harsh conditions and in areas equated to DCS, even if you add these values, you will not get the required 10 years of work. And without this, there is no way to get the right to early retirement. Exit on the presence of at least half of the required experience will not work here.

Federal Law of 28.12.2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on 07.03.2018) "On Insurance Pensions"
Article 30. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension

1. An old-age insurance pension shall be assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons: 6) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works and have insurance experience at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;
Federal Law of 28.12.2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on 07.03.2018) "On Insurance Pensions"
Article 32. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension to certain categories of citizens

1. An old-age insurance pension shall be assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following citizens:
6) men who have reached the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North regions or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have an insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively ... Citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in localities equated to them, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. Moreover, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are assigned an insurance pension with a decrease in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. When working in localities equated to the regions of the Far North, as well as in these localities and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in localities equated to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North;
Federal Law of 28.12.2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on 07.03.2018) "On Insurance Pensions"
Article 33. The summation of the length of service in the relevant types of work and the reduction of the age giving the right to an insurance pension for old age, to persons who worked in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them

1. When determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension in connection with work in these areas and localities (except for cases of determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas to establish an increase a fixed payment to the insurance pension provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law) the work that gives the right to early assignment of an insurance old-age pension in accordance with Clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of Part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal Law shall be equated to the specified work, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or for at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have an old-age insurance pension required for early appointment as provided for in clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal law, insurance experience and seniority in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension is reduced by five years.
In other words, when summing up the various grounds, the preferential experience should be fully developed, and not half.
All the best and most successful problem solving to you.

14. The question of field experience.
I work on a rotational basis on a drilling platform in the sea, Sakhalin Region, Nogliki District. In retirement I found out that the company does not apply for field service for us. The company told me that the platform created quite comfortable living conditions, and on the basis of this field experience does not suit us. Is it legal?

14.1. You need to check.
Employers, with the exception of employers who are individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, adopt local regulations containing labor law norms (hereinafter - local regulations), within their competence in accordance with labor laws and other regulations containing labor law norms , collective agreements, agreements.
Why hire a lawyer.

15. How many years does it take to develop field experience?

15.1. Dear Denis! I remind you that in accordance with clause 6 of clause 1 of article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", an old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by article 7 of Law No. 173-FZ for men upon reaching the age of 55, if they have not worked less than 12 years 6 months in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, forest management and prospecting works and have an insurance experience of at least 25 years. The main document confirming the performance of work as part of an expedition, party, detachment may be a work book or a staff schedule, the structure of an organization that includes permanent expeditions, parties, detachments, brigades, sections, as well as orders for the creation of expeditions, parties and etc. Documents confirming employment directly in the field of geological work, mb: order on the direction to perform geological work, indicating the place of their conduct; wage documents confirming the payment of field allowance; job or work instructions, etc.

16. Field experience 8 years in the Far North, worked in the field as a mobile power plant operator, retirement experience 30 years, how many years will I retire.

16.2. The answer given by the lawyer Frolovys is incorrect. The first part of the answer contains a quote from the article. The second part is a quote from another. But the second part does not apply to 1. Just with geo-prospecting, everything is tough - it is necessary to work out the specified period for men and women - 12.6 years and 10 years, respectively. The exception indicated by the author below (about not less than half of the time worked) is provided for in another paragraph and for another category of professions! Eh you. Read carefully!

17. Is the work of an assistant driller included in the field service when assigning a preferential pension?

17.1. Good day!
Yes, it is. Certain types of beneficiaries include workers who worked in difficult conditions (climatic or harmful). These, for example, include - employees of the Russian Railways (railway), teachers, rescuers, firefighters, geologists ... According to list No. 2, a preferential pension is assigned from professions with less harmful working conditions, which are in the following industries: refractories, hardware, non-ferrous metals, mercury converting stations, chemical production, drilling, power plants, steam power facilities, metalworking, peat extraction, light industry, food industry, medicine production, social security institutions, copying, printing production, transport, communications, agrochemical services, etc. A relatively new Law No. 426-FZ entered into force on 01.01.14. Its introduction canceled the existence of the AWP mechanism (certification of workplaces) and introduced a new regulation for identifying the negative impact of working conditions on the human body. A set of measures for assessing workplace hazards is called SOUT (stands for special assessment of working conditions) and is carried out exclusively by accredited organizations included in the special register of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Contact the PF RF.

18. I work in the Far North, by the age of 50 I will have 20 years of northern experience, and 10 years of field experience, how many years can I retire. Now I am 48 years old. total work experience 31 years.

18.3. You can retire at 55. With 20 years of experience in the north. Since the total age in this case is reduced by 5 years
Federal Law of 17.12.2001 N 173-FZ (as amended on 04.06.2014, as amended on 19.11.2015) "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"
Article 28.1. The summation of the length of service in the relevant types of work and the reduction of the age giving the right to a labor retirement pension for persons who worked in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas
(introduced by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)

1. When determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent localities for the early assignment of an old-age retirement pension in connection with work in the aforementioned regions and localities (except for the of the fixed base size of the insurance part of the labor pension in accordance with clauses 7-14 of Article 14 and the labor pension for disability in accordance with clauses 6-9 of Article 15 of this Federal Law) a job that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in in accordance with subparagraphs 1-10 and 16-18 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of this Federal Law, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law of 24.07.2009 N 213-FZ)
(see text in previous edition)
2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have the necessary old-age retirement pension for early appointment, provided for in subparagraphs 1-10 and 16-18 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of this Federal law, insurance experience and seniority in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension is reduced by five years.

18.5. You will retire at the age of 55, and it is not clear what specialty you will have in the field.

List No. 1 (in everyday life, the "first grid") defines the industries and professions for the early appointment of old-age pensions to persons who worked with harmful and dangerous working conditions, in hot workshops, in underground work. NS On this list, professions with a special (critical) degree of harm and danger are retired.

To the professions and positions indicated in the List No. 1 work periods are not summed up, provided for by List No. 2, "small" lists and other periods of work with special working conditions.

18.6. Hello! You can retire. According to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended of December 28, 2017) "On insurance pensions" Article 33. Summing up the length of service in the relevant types of work and reducing the age that gives the right to an insurance old-age pension to persons who worked in the regions The Far North and equivalent areas
1. When determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension in connection with work in these areas and localities (except for cases of determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas to establish an increase a fixed payment to the insurance pension provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law) the work that gives the right to early assignment of an insurance old-age pension in accordance with Clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of Part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal Law shall be equated to the specified work, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or for at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have an old-age insurance pension required for the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension provided for in clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal law, insurance experience and experience in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the said pension is reduced by five years. Since field service also qualifies for early retirement, the experience is cumulative and the retirement age can be reduced.

18.7. Hello. You will retire at 55. The fact is that you have not developed a field experience that should be 12.5 years. If they did, it would add up and you would have the right to retire at 50. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, employees who have less experience of such work are not summed up the periods of work.

Federal Law of 28.12.2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on 07.03.2018) "On Insurance Pensions"
Article 33. The summation of the length of service in the relevant types of work and the reduction of the age giving the right to an insurance pension for old age, to persons who worked in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them

1. When determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension in connection with work in these areas and localities (except for cases of determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas to establish an increase a fixed payment to the insurance pension provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law) the work that gives the right to early assignment of an insurance old-age pension in accordance with Clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of Part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal Law shall be equated to the specified work, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or for at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have an old-age insurance pension required for early appointment as provided for in clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal law, insurance experience and seniority in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension is reduced by five years.

18.8. Good afternoon, Ravil, you have the right to an early retirement pension at the age of 55 in accordance with clause 1.6 of article 32 of the Federal Law No. 400-ФЗ. (northern experience). The retirement age for incomplete field experience is not reduced (paragraph 6 of Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ). If you worked 12.6 years in the field, you would be eligible for early retirement at the age of 50.

19. Field experience in geophysics 6.7 years. I am 53 years old can I apply for a preferential pension. The pension fund refuses. Motivating themes. which takes 10 years.

19.1. No you can not. The only option is to add the number of months to the retirement experience at a preferential interest rate. The length of service is really not enough under the Labor Code. It is in the pension fund that your inspector, a specialist on your application, will recalculate the percentage of the allowance for the time being. And then if he wishes, this usually does not happen, although legally it is possible. In this case, you will not receive a preferential supplement in retirement points.

20. I have been working in geophysics since 19 years in the north, 15 years of harmful experience (hydrogen sulfide, radiation, field), have I already worked out 42 years old, what time will I retire?

20.1. At 50 years old with a total insurance experience of at least 20 years and work experience of at least 10 years at work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops (List No. 1).
Article 30. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension
1. An old-age insurance pension shall be assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:

Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions".

21. There is a certificate of field experience where it is indicated that the experience goes for a year for a year and a half in the pfR calculated a year for a year why.

21.1. Good afternoon, Oleg, to determine the right to early retirement, seniority is considered calendar, Government Decree of 11.07.2002, No. 516.

22. I am a geologist. Are the spouse's letters, photos and video materials proof of field experience?

22.1. Hello,
You submit all available evidence to the court. The judge assesses how they can confirm the circumstances that you are referring to in your application to the court.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

23. The issue of pension law When retiring to a preferential pension of 55 years in sp # 2 (field experience geology), there was a shortage of general experience (25 years). in the archive any documents are missing, there is only a record in the labor. How can this experience be confirmed? In addition, who can be contacted to make the correct calculation of the experience on the basis of certificates and Labor Book Thank you.

23.1. Tatiana, good evening. Where (in which country) will you apply for your pension? The correct calculation of the pension according to certificates and labor can be done by the branch of the pension fund.

24. Northern experience of 24 years. Field 6.5 years old. Overall 28.5 years. When am I eligible to retire?

24.1. You are eligible to retire at 55 years of age.
Federal law on insurance pensions. Article 33. The summation of the length of service in the relevant types of work and the reduction of the age giving the right to an insurance pension for old age, to persons who worked in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them

1. When determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for the early appointment of an insurance old-age pension in connection with work in these areas and localities (except for cases of determining the length of service in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas to establish an increase a fixed payment to the insurance pension provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law) the work that gives the right to early assignment of an insurance old-age pension in accordance with Clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of Part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal Law shall be equated to the specified work, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or for at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have an old-age insurance pension required for early appointment as provided for in clauses 1-10 and 16-18 of part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal law, insurance experience and seniority in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension is reduced by five years.
Federal law on insurance pensions. Article 30. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension

1. An old-age insurance pension shall be assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:
1) men upon reaching the age of 50 and women upon reaching the age of 45, if they have worked, respectively, at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months in underground work, in work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops and have an insurance experience, respectively, at least 20 years old and 15 years old. In the event that these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the period established above and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a decrease in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, by one year for each full year of such work - to men and women;
2) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions, respectively, for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years and have an insurance record of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively. In the event that these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law, by one year for every 2 years and 6 months of such work for men. and for every 2 years of such work for women;
3) women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked as tractor drivers in agriculture, other sectors of the economy, as well as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines for at least 15 years and have an insurance experience of at least 20 years ;
4) women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 20 years in the textile industry at work with increased intensity and severity;
5) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years as workers of locomotive crews and workers of certain categories, directly organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport and the subway, as well as as truck drivers directly in the technological process in mines, open pits, in mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, shale, ore, rock and have an insurance record, respectively, of at least 25 years and 20 years;

25. Excuse me, can you tell me more, field experience is not taken into account?

25.1. Good afternoon, dear visitor!
In this case, field experience is not taken into account.
All the best, I wish you good luck in resolving your question!

26. I have 5 years and 4 months of field experience, 27 years of northern experience, when am I supposed to retire?

26.1. Good afternoon, Tatyana, you will have the right to an early retirement pension at the age of 50 according to subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of article 32 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions", according to the northern experience.

27. Northern and field experience at retirement is summed up if field work 11.3 years, watch work for 9 years.

27.1. The current legislation provides for the summation of the harmful and northern experience. Apply with the documents to the branch of the pension fund at your place of residence.

28. Gender male age 53.5 years. Northern work experience - 15 years, confirmed field work experience of 7 years 4 months - on geological work; total experience - 26 years. UPFR refused to establish a pension. Am I eligible for a pension?

28.1. The FIU refused correctly, since "field" experience is not fully developed. For men, "field" experience must be at least 12 years 6 months. According to the northern experience, you have the right to a pension at 55 years of age. The retirement age is reduced by another 5 years, if both the northern experience and the field experience are fully worked out, the partly worked is not summed up. Article 30.33 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions".

29. Year of birth 1961, field experience 4 years 26 days - am I entitled to an early, preferential pension?

29.1. Good afternoon!
Unfortunately, you do not have the right to an early retirement pension, the length of service is not enough.
a preferential pension is given to men upon reaching the age of 55, women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting , topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years;

Good luck to you success!

30. I live in 1968; I work in Surgut since 1990; I have field experience of more than 12.5 years, is it possible for me to get an early retirement double reduction in the age of 50 years.

30.1. No, since work in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in teams directly on the field, geological exploration, prospecting, topographic-geodetic, geophysical,
hydrographic, hydrological, forestry and survey work gives the right to retirement for men at the age of 55.

31. Please, my total work experience in the north is 30 years of which 9 in the field. Can I retire before 55 years.

31.1. --- Hello, it's not a fact that you can, but you need to prepare the answer and raise the Federal Law, and this is a paid service. Choose a lawyer and negotiate a service, based on the "Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two)" dated 26.01.1996 N 14-FZ (as amended on 23.05.2016) Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 779. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V. : sm_ax:

32. How does field experience affect retirement age?

32.1. Good day! An old-age insurance pension is assigned to men who have reached 60 years of age and women who have reached 55 years of age, if they have an insurance record of at least 15 years and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30.

33. Field experience of 9 years. When can you apply for a pension Severny experience of 29 years.

33.1. To assign a northern pension in 2017, you must have: / p>

20 years of insurance experience, while work experience in the Far North must be at least 12 years;
25 years of insurance experience, when working in areas that are equated to it for at least 17 years.
This seniority is the same for both women and men, but women retire at 50 and men at 55. However, if a woman has two or more children, her northern seniority is reduced by 3 years. When calculating the northern experience, it is necessary to take into account only those periods when the pensioner worked in the north at full time. If a citizen worked part-time at several northern enterprises, then he will have to prove the time worked out, that is, submit labor contracts, work contracts, acts, certificates from employers and other documents.

34. Is 14 teaching experience and 3 years of field work in geological prospecting summed up?

34.1. Good afternoon, Nadezhda, the summation of the preferential experience is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.07.2002, No. 516, the teaching experience is not summed up with any other preferential experience.

35. I retired on a field service at 55 years old, now I have already worked out the northern experience, will my pension be recalculated.

35.1. --- Hello, no, your pension cannot be recalculated, since it is preferential. Good luck and all the best, best regards, lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva : sm_ax:

36. I have been working in the field for 4 years. The total work experience is 20 years. Can I count on early retirement?

36.1. Good day! An old-age insurance pension is assigned to men who have reached 60 years of age and women who have reached 55 years of age, if they have an insurance record of at least 15 years and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30.

37. I have 13 years of field experience in the far north and 12 years of northern experience in the far north. From what age I have retirement rights. Thanks.

37.1. Hello, at 50 you can, if ... a preferential pension is due:
men upon reaching the age of 55, women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey works and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years;

I wish you good luck and all the best!

38. The region of the far north 7 years and 8 months and field experience 5 years and 1 month I am 52 years and 8 months when I can retire.

38.1. Good day! For early retirement, you need to have at least 15 calendar years of northern experience or 20 years in territories equated to the northern ones.

38.2. Hello, your experience is not cumulative,
"Northern Pension" is provided in accordance with Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015, as amended on December 29, 2015) "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation":

Men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or for at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Citizens who worked in the Far North and equated localities are entitled to a labor pension for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. Moreover, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are assigned a retirement pension with a decrease in the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women) by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas;

Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or less than 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and who have the insurance experience and length of service required for the early appointment of an old-age retirement pension, the age established for the early appointment of the said pension, decreases by five years.
women who have given birth to two or more children, upon reaching the age of 50, if they have an insurance experience of at least 20 years and have worked for at least 12 calendar years in the Far North or at least 17 calendar years in equivalent areas;
men upon reaching the age of 50, women upon reaching the age of 45, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equivalent localities, who have worked for at least 25 and 20 years, respectively, as reindeer breeders, fishermen, hunters.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

39. Where can I go for confirmation of my field experience?

39.1. With the early appointment of an old-age retirement pension in connection with field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and exploration work on expeditions, parties, detachments, for information, you need to contact directly the organizations in which you worked, or, if the organization does not exist, to the local municipal archive. Where the organization was located.

39.2. Hello Vladimir! It is necessary to apply for confirmation of your field experience at your place of work. With respect and willingness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

39.3. Good afternoon, Vladimir! Confirmation of the length of service, which gives the right to confirm the length of service in harmful working conditions, you can only in the company that sent you to this work. If the company no longer exists, then contact the city archive at the location of the legal entity. I advise you to contact the site's lawyers by personal mail, they will help in solving your problem, suggest ways and means of solving it, and draw up the necessary documents. You can successfully resolve your issue with legal assistance.

40. Please tell me, the preferential field experience upon retirement should be 12.6 years, my father worked for 8 years in the organization of vznomprom as a driller, he was given a certificate that he had worked 8 years and 5 years in the organization of permneftegeofizika ltd. they also have preferential field experience, in total it turns out 13 years, I have such a question, can this experience be summed up? Or should 12.6 years have been worked for only one organization?

40.1. 12 and a half years need to be worked not in any particular organization, but in a corresponding position, possibly in different organizations, but for this to be a position that gives the right to a preferential pension.

41. Work experience in areas equated to the Far North - 8.5 years, plus worked mountain and field experience giving the right to retire at 55 years (husband)

41.1. Good afternoon. If you have 12.5 years of mining experience, you have the right to apply for an early appointment of a pension. Northern work experience requires 15 years, you have more than half, so if you apply for the Northern benefit, your retirement age will be reduced, but not by much. Benefits do not add up, so choose which benefit to use - northern or mountain.

41.2. What is the question? Will the retirement age be reduced by another five years as a result of the summation? No, it will not increase, because for this, the experience in an area equated to the Far North must be fully developed (20 years).
Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

42. Is it possible to summarize the northern experience and field service for early retirement.

42.1. Good afternoon, dear visitor!
Yes, you can summarize the northern and field experience
Good luck and all the best, thank you for contacting us!

43. I have five years and ten months of calendar field experience in areas equated to the far north. Am I eligible for retirement at fifty-three?

43.1. Good afternoon, Alexey, no, you have no right to an early retirement pension, since work experience in areas equal to the Far North must be at least 10 years (clause 1.6 of article 32 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ).

44. By chance I heard that geologists receive an additional pension for field service. Is it so?

44.1. This is not true
In accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Federal Law of 17.12.01 No. 173. FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - the Law on Labor Pensions), workers, managers and specialists employed in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in teams directly on the field geologist. Exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrological, hydrographic, forest management and survey works. An old-age retirement pension is assigned to them: men upon reaching 55 years of age, women upon reaching 50 years of age, if they have worked, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in the specified jobs and have a total length of service specified in Art. 7 of the Labor Pension Law.
Nothing else is provided for by law.

45. Are the two preferential lengths of experience in the north of Yakutia, the peaceful northern experience of 9.8 g, the field north, 6.11 g, of the peaceful Yakutia, and another 2.5 g of the field experience in the Kemerovo region.

45.1. On the northern experience - yes, on the field - no.

calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation"
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 N 516)

2. In case of the early appointment of an old-age labor pension to citizens in the manner prescribed by these Rules, the periods of the following work are summed up: 6) work in expeditions, parties, teams, on sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work; 11) work in the Far North and equivalent areas;

3. The summation of the periods of work specified in clause 2 of these Rules is carried out in the following order by adding:

By the periods of work specified in subparagraph 6 - the periods of work specified in subparagraphs 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 12;

For the periods of work specified in subparagraph 11 - the periods of work specified in subparagraphs 1-10, 16-18;

46. ​​How long does it take to retire in the field?

46.1. Hello. What "field experience" are we talking about? We are not clairvoyants. More than one position may fall under this definition.
All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

47. Tell me there is a difference in the wording of the rotational method of work and field experience.

47.1. Good afternoon, Anatoly!
Of course have. The rotational method is a special form of implementation of the labor process outside the place of permanent residence of workers, when their daily return to their place of permanent residence cannot be ensured.
And field experience is work experience in the field:

Article 168.1. Reimbursement of expenses related to official travel of employees whose permanent work is carried out on the way or has a traveling nature, as well as work in the field, work of an expeditionary nature

(introduced by the Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

Employers whose permanent work is carried out on the way or has a traveling character, as well as employees working in the field or participating in expeditionary work, the employer shall reimburse for the following related to business trips:
travel expenses;
the cost of renting a dwelling;
additional costs associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (daily allowance, field allowance);
other expenses incurred by employees with the permission or knowledge of the employer.
The amount and procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to official travel of employees specified in part one of this article, as well as the list of jobs, professions, positions of these employees are established by the collective agreement, agreements, local regulations. The amount and procedure for reimbursement of these expenses may also be established by an employment contract.

Art. 168.1, "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" dated 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on 03.07.2016)

48. If the northern experience of 20 years and the field 10.5 years, how many years to retire?

48.1. Hello! According to Art. 28 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" early pensions are assigned 6) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent localities and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years.
According to Art. 27 pre-term is assigned 6) men upon reaching the age of 55, women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked accordingly at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in brigades directly on field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and prospecting works and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years;
Therefore, according to the northern experience, you can leave at 55 years old.

49. He has 18 years of total underground experience and 16 years of work in Surgutneftegas in the field. Will the size of the pension change when you change your place of residence from the city of Surgut to the Chelyabinsk region?

49.1. Will the size of the pension change when you change your place of residence from the city of Surgut to the Chelyabinsk region?
In the Chelyabinsk region, the size of the regional coefficient is different, for the difference between the regional coefficients and the size of the pension will change.

50. I have experience on the list No. 2 - 1 year (1978), field experience 7 years (1984-1991). respectively, these 7 years and according to the list No. 2 and work in the Far North for 2 years (2014-2015). How can they be summed up?

50.1. You yourself will not calculate the preferential length of service, in addition to the length of service in harmful conditions, you also need insurance experience and reaching a certain age. Contact a pension fund, ask to calculate the length of service that will give you the right to retire on preferential terms. You can successfully resolve your issue with legal assistance.
Thank you for using the site's services!

The themes of many of our publications are "ordered" by the readers themselves, contacting the editorial office with questions. As a rule, the answers to them are published in the "Question - Answer" section. But it also happens that the consideration of one specific situation entails the need to deal with other, "accompanying" issues. So, the editorial office received a letter: “We ask you to explain the rather difficult situation that has developed at our enterprise. The fact is that difficulties arise when employees of our enterprise receive preferential, early retirement pensions for field conditions. The Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Kostroma region requires such documents as job responsibilities for people of working specialties, permanent confirmation of preferential field service, etc. Explain what documents are required when registering an employee for a preferential pension and whether employees of such specialties are entitled to it, as an electric and gas welder of a field party, a driver of a rotational transport, a cook. Respectfully yours, employees of the personnel department of JSC “Kostromageofizika”. In the letters of readers, other categories of workers are also named, employed in field geological prospecting, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrological, hydrographic, forest management and prospecting works. In this regard, we considered it necessary to provide more detailed information on this issue.

In accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Federal Law of 17.12.01 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Law on Labor Pensions), workers, managers and specialists employed in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in teams directly at field exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrological, hydrographic, forest management and survey works. An old-age retirement pension is assigned to them: men upon reaching 55 years, women upon reaching 50 years, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years in these jobs and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years.

Geology is a complex of sciences about the structure, composition and history of the Earth (earth's crust), about the methods of prospecting for minerals. All of the above works are in one way or another related to the study of the earth's surface and the exploration of the minerals contained in it, therefore they should be considered as geological.

Geological research can be carried out both on the surface of the earth and in underground conditions. Exploration of seas, rivers and other bodies of water on the earth's surface also refers to geological work. In subparagraph 6 of clause 1 of Art. 27 of the Labor Pension Law provides for surface geological work. Workers engaged in exploration work in underground conditions enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension in accordance with List No. 1 (Section I “Mining”, Subsection 1), approved. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10.

For example, miners, loggers, geologists enjoy the right to a preferential pension.

Employees of geological prospecting organizations employed in open pit mining are assigned an old-age retirement pension ahead of schedule according to the list of professions and positions provided for in List No. 2 (Section I “Mining”), approved. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10.

Logging station hoist operators, loggers, self-propelled logging station minders, explosives and some specialists and leaders of field and geodetic crews and crews engaged in geophysical surveys in wells during drilling and oil, gas and gas condensate production, acquire the right to pension benefits in accordance with List No. 2 (Section XII "Drilling, production, refining of oil and gas").

Does work in a revision party give the right to benefits?

Note! Cameral work (from late Lat. Camera - room) is a comprehensive scientific processing of materials collected in the process of field topographic, geological, soil and other special studies of any territory.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

As part of geological organizations, revision parties are sometimes created to clarify or check the activities of various expeditions. They work with the same methods as the geological parties specified in sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, but with the involvement of more qualified specialists. At the same time, an audit of both field research and office work can be carried out. Therefore, if an entry is made in the work book about work in the revision party, then in this case it is necessary to clarify what the employee who applied for an early retirement pension was engaged. If a specialist of this party conducted field research, then this time is counted in the length of service, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension. The audit of office work does not give the right to early retirement benefits, since these works are not fieldwork.

When establishing the criteria for employment in jobs that give the right to the early appointment of an old-age retirement pension, workers specified in sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, the following circumstance should be taken into account: this pension is assigned regardless of the profession or position in which the employees are engaged in the performance of geological exploration and other work provided for in this subparagraph.

Do I need to confirm the nature of the work performed by a particular employee?

Each name of the profession and position corresponds to the nature of the work that the employee must perform in accordance with the tariff and qualification characteristics established in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS), the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Reference of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (TS ), or the responsibilities set out in the job descriptions of specialists and managers. Therefore, when establishing the right to early retirement benefits of insured persons employed in geological field work, there is no need to confirm the nature of the work performed by a specific employee. It does not matter in which organization the geologist works.

For example, an employee performs prospecting work as part of a geological party at a research institute. The fact that this party is organized and sent to carry out prospecting work by the institute cannot serve as a basis for refusing to assign an early retirement pension for old age, if the employee directly performed field geological work.

The criteria for employment in jobs that determine the right of geologists to early retirement benefits in accordance with this subparagraph are the following factors that the employer or insured person must confirm with appropriate documents: 1) employment in exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological , forest inventory and survey work; 2) the direct implementation of field geological work; 3) the performance of geological work as part of an expedition, party, detachment, brigade or site.

Exploration works

Geological exploration is a complex of geological and special types of research for the industrial assessment of mineral deposits (determination of the quantity, quality and conditions of occurrence). Geological exploration work includes: geological survey (study of the geological structure of the upper parts of the earth's crust and identification of its prospects in relation to mineral resources), prospecting (finding new deposits) and exploration (establishing the quantity and quality of the mineral contained in the deposit). Geological exploration ends with the drawing up of a report that determines the quantitative and qualitative reserves of a particular mineral, as well as the suitability of the deposit for exploitation by industrial organizations.

In the technological process of geological exploration, along with prospecting and exploration work, there may be operations for the beneficiation of a mineral in order to determine the qualitative and quantitative properties of ores and other minerals.

Employees, including crushers, engaged in the enrichment of minerals in the process of exploration work and, as a rule, working on manual crushing, are assigned an old-age labor pension in accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions.

Currently, exploration organizations can be engaged in the production of products from minerals, starting with the operation of the field (extraction and processing). Workers of such geological exploration organizations engaged in the extraction of minerals may receive an old-age retirement pension ahead of schedule in accordance with Section. I "Mining works" of Lists No. 1 and 2, and for those employees of geological prospecting organizations who are engaged in the beneficiation (after completion of geological exploration and mining operations) of minerals, - under Sec. II "Ore preparation, beneficiation, agglomeration (agglomeration, briquetting, pelletizing), roasting of ores and nonmetallic minerals" Lists No. 1 and 2.

Search and topographic and geodetic works

Prospecting work is a set of research work to find mineral deposits, which are produced by geochemical and other methods.

Topographic and geodetic work is a complex of geological research work to study the shape and size of the Earth, as well as to measure land areas for displaying them on plans and maps and for carrying out various engineering activities. Employees of topographic and geodetic organizations acquire the right to early retirement benefits regardless of the name of the profession and position and regardless of what they are doing research for (for exploration of minerals or for other geological purposes). Topographic and geodetic research can be carried out as an independent type of work, as well as as a research method when carrying out other geological works.

Topographic and geodetic studies carried out for the purpose of exploration of minerals can be carried out by topographic and geodetic (geodetic) parties, teams, teams as part of exploration expeditions or teams, teams, teams sent to perform field geological work by order (contract) of organizations of other industries economy. And in fact, and in another case, it does not matter for the establishment of the right of workers to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension.

Geophysical, hydrological and hydrographic works

Geophysical work is one of the methods of geological exploration, which consists in the geophysical study of the structure of the Earth and the physical processes occurring in the earth's crust, in order to search and explore for minerals. Geophysical work can be carried out by different methods: seismic, gravimetric, electrometric, metallometric, magnetometric, logging, etc. When performing these works, a significant amount is made up of topographic and geodetic works.

The names of parties, detachments, expeditions, brigades and areas carrying out geophysical work often correspond to the method of their implementation.

For example, the names “seismic crew”, “logging crew”, “metallometric crew” correspond to the method of performing geophysical works by these units.

An old-age retirement pension for employees of such subdivisions of geological (geophysical) organizations is assigned ahead of schedule, regardless of what methods are used to carry out the work.

Hydrological work is a geological study (study) of groundwater in order to solve problems related to the search, exploration, assessment of groundwater resources for the needs of water supply, irrigation, industry, health resort business, construction, etc.

Hydrographic work is a part of hydrogeological work on the study of individual water bodies with qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Forest management works

Forest management works as the main element are part of the state forestry management. All forest management work on the territory of the forest fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by forest management organizations (expeditions).

In the process of forest inventory in the forest fund of each forestry organization, a set of works is carried out, including an inventory of forests, topographic and geodetic works, forest mapping, the development of scientifically based standards for the use of diverse forest resources and principles of forestry and other activities aimed at obtaining comprehensive information on the forest fund of the Russian Federation, ensuring rational use, increasing productivity, reproduction, protection and protection of forests.

In the course of forest management, control over the state of the forest fund and the results of economic activities is carried out both in individual organizations and in regions, territories, republics and in the Russian Federation as a whole.

In forest management organizations, expeditions consisting of parties, detachments and brigades are organized to carry out field forest management work. Expeditions, as a rule, enjoy the rights of a legal entity. The main categories of workers leaving for field work are workers (including drivers), as well as engineers, technicians, heads of parties, detachments and expeditions and other workers.

NA No. 2'2009 According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.07.02 No. 498 "On the approval of the List of seasonal industries, work in organizations of which during a full season when calculating the insurance experience is taken into account in such a way that its duration in the field forest management work refers to seasonal work. The timing of seasonal field forest management works is established by geographic regions of the Russian Federation.

When determining the length of service of a geologist in the relevant types of work, which gives the right to early retirement benefits, it should be borne in mind that the period of work directly in the field from six months to a year is taken into account for a year of work, less than six months - according to the actual duration.

Prospecting work

Survey work is a complex of economic and technical studies of the area of ​​construction of an object of one purpose or another, providing the necessary material for the project and estimates for its construction. When carrying out these works, geophysical, topographic-geodetic, geological prospecting, hydrogeological, hydrometric and other geological methods of studying the upper layer of a part of the earth's crust in connection with the tasks of engineering construction can be used.

Currently, organizations of various sectors of the economy carry out field work for the purpose of paleontology, land inventory, introduction of the state land cadastre, land surveying, land management, determination of the boundaries of hunting farms, forest parks, anti-corrosion research of pipelines, gas pipelines, etc. using geological methods. research. These works can be carried out both by expeditions and by permanently working organizations.

Is it necessary to confirm the nature of the survey work?

Since neither pension legislation nor other regulatory legal acts give a clear definition of exploration work, then when considering the issue of the early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, the bodies carrying out pensions, in each specific case, may require the employer or the insured person to provide documents confirming that the research being carried out, not related to the tasks of engineering construction, refers to exploration work.

The right to early retirement benefits is given by field prospecting work carried out by employees as part of prospecting (hydrological, hydrometric, geophysical, etc.) parties, detachments, expeditions, teams, sites.

In the absence of supporting documents, there are no grounds for the early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with the specified subparagraph.

Field geological work

As a rule, any method of geological work can consist of field research and office processing of the collected material. In the course of office work, the results of field studies are specified, and a geological report is drawn up. As you know, office work is not field work, since it is carried out not at the place of direct geological work, but on the basis of the location of the expedition or in stationary parties. The period of office work is not included in the length of service, which gives the right to the early appointment of an old-age retirement pension.

How to confirm employment in geological field work?

As noted above, the old-age labor pension in accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions is assigned to employees regardless of the name of the profession and position, therefore, the issues related to the determination of the direct employment of a particular employee in the field geological works specified in this paragraph are not always unambiguously and correctly resolved.

To confirm employment in field geological work, which gives the right to early retirement benefits, it is advisable to be guided by the old legislation, bearing in mind List No. 2, approved. by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 22.08.56 No. 1173 (hereinafter - List No. 2 dated 22.08.56). This List contains section II "Geological exploration (surface)", which contains a list of professions and positions of employees of geological organizations who acquire the right to preferential pension benefits. When compiling this section, it included workers who, by the nature of their work, are directly involved in field exploration, topographic-geodetic and other geological work. These are drillers, water jets, rock crushers, sumpers and other workers, including managers and specialists involved in the technological process of geological work, as well as workers servicing the technological equipment with which field geological work is carried out.

Therefore, when determining employment in the performance of field geological work, there should be no difficulties in relation to those workers whose professions and positions correspond to the professions and positions specified in this section. In this case, for such workers, the content of Sec. II List No. 2 dated 08.22.56 can serve as a document (in the absence of other materials), confirming their direct employment in field geological work.

How to determine the employment of persons whose professions and positions are not provided for in the List No. 2 of 08.22.56

It is necessary to approach carefully the issue of determining employment directly in the field geological works of those insured persons whose professions and positions are not provided for in List No. 2 of 08.22.56. This may apply to car drivers, tractor drivers, electric welders, bulldozer drivers, etc. As a rule, not in all cases they are constantly and directly involved in conducting or maintaining the technological process of geological work.

For example, if a car driver or a bulldozer driver of a party (detachment) transports drilling rigs to the drilling site, rolls up temporary roads, serves a field party with the necessary fuels and lubricants at the site of geological work, then in this case he can be classified as field workers. geological works.

If the driver of the car, who is on the staff of the geological expedition, carries out the daily delivery of workers to the place of field geological work and back, then in this case he cannot be considered employed directly on the performance of geological work.

Documents confirming employment directly in the field of geological work may be: an order on the direction to carry out geological work with an indication of the place of their conduct; field allowance document; payroll, etc.

Work as part of expeditions, detachments, parties, brigades and sections

In subparagraph 6 of clause 1 of Art. 27 of the Labor Pension Law lists the subdivisions performing geological work. One of the main production units in all geological work is a batch or detachment. Depending on the nature and scope of work, the party can be single-row or multi-row. To carry out complex geological work, parties and detachments can unite in expeditions, which, under certain conditions, can have the status of a legal entity, which allows them to have workers and even services in their structure that are not directly involved in field geological work. These are workers in warehouses, trucking departments, personnel services, etc.

Geological works can also be carried out by teams or sections.

If the payment of field allowance was not made, does this mean that the field geological work was not carried out?

In some cases, an entry is made in the work books of workers, indicating that they worked in a stationary field organization (expedition or party). The transfer of such organizations to the number of stationary ones presupposes the conduct of geological works for a long time. In this regard, the workers of such organizations are sometimes not paid field allowance, but they do not lose the right to early retirement benefits if they continue to perform field geological work, which is confirmed by documents. Termination of payment of field allowance in this case does not always mean termination of field geological work.

The main document confirming the employment of the insured person in performing field geological work as part of an expedition, party, detachment may be a work book or a staffing table, the structure of an organization, which includes permanent expeditions, parties, detachments, brigades, sections, as well as orders on creating expeditions, parties, etc.

Thus, to determine the right to early retirement benefits in accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, it is necessary to confirm direct employment in performing field geological works listed in this subparagraph, and also establish that these works were carried out as part of expeditions, parties, detachments, teams, at sites.

Quoting the document

5. The amount of field allowance payments is set per one employee per day, multiples of the daily expenditure rate provided for by the current legislation on payment of business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation (regardless of the position held and the official salary received):
when working at field work sites located in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories and the Amur Region - 2.0;
when working at field work sites located in other areas - 1.5;
when working at the bases of geological prospecting enterprises, organizations, institutions located in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories and the Amur Region - 0.75;
when working at the bases of geological exploration enterprises, organizations, institutions located in other regions - 0.5.

When introducing the above conditions for payment of field allowance, provide for the preservation of the amount of the previously paid field allowance for the workers, if it was higher than the amounts introduced in accordance with this Regulation.

6. When traveling to field work sites within one day and being on the way to field sites for more than two hours in excess of normal

the duration of the working day in each direction, field allowance is paid in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Regulation ...

8. Field allowance payments to workers are retained:
for a period of temporary disability;
for the period when women are on maternity leave;
for the duration of state and public duties.

Field allowance in these cases is paid subject to the presence of workers at the bases or at the place of work, where its payment is established.

9. Field allowance is not paid:
employees who have the opportunity to return daily from their place of work to their place of permanent residence, where the payment of field allowance has not been established, except for the cases provided for in clause 6 of these Regulations;
employees during their annual leave and sanatorium treatment.

Regulations on the payment of field allowance to employees of geological prospecting and topographic and geodetic enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Russian Federation, employed in geological prospecting and topographic and geodetic works, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 07.15.94 No. 56

Calculation of the length of service

To calculate the length of service in the relevant types of work of insured persons who directly perform field geological work as part of expeditions, parties, detachments, brigades and sections, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with subpara. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, the criterion (factor) of employment in the field is essential.

Geological work, provided for by the specified subparagraph and performed continuously throughout the full working day, in accordance with the Rules for calculating periods of work, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Art. 27 and 28 of the Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Rules), approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.07.02 No. 5), are calculated on a calendar basis. This procedure applies to workers of expeditions, parties, detachments, brigades and sections who perform field geological work in non-field conditions.

Note! The length of service includes periods of receiving benefits for state social insurance during the period of temporary disability, as well as periods of annual basic and additional paid leaves

The periods of field geological work provided for in sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on labor pensions, which are carried out in the field, are calculated in the manner prescribed by clause 7 of these Rules, namely: work from 6 months to one year is counted for a year of work, and work less than 6 months - according to the actual duration.

This preferential procedure for calculating the period of work, which gives the right to the early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with sub. 6 p. 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, compensates workers employed directly in the field for a special regime of their labor activity associated with exceeding the normal working hours in the field period and the lack of an objective opportunity due to climatic conditions to continue this labor activity in the inter-field period.

The privilege provided to these employees is of a compensatory nature and consists in crediting the length of service in the relevant types of work for a full year of work of the period of actual work of a shorter duration.

The acquisition by employees of the right to such a benefit is associated with compliance with two restrictions provided for in clause 7 of the Rules.

First, the actual duration of work directly in the field should not be less than 6 months.

Secondly, the actual duration of work directly in the field, calculated with the use of the specified benefit, should not exceed 12 months of special work experience.

The concept of "field conditions" is contained in the Regulation on the payment of field allowance to workers of geological prospecting and topographic and geodetic enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Russian Federation engaged in geological exploration and topographic and geodetic works, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 07.15.94 No. 56.

Field conditions are special conditions for the production of geological exploration and topographic and geodetic works associated with the lack of accommodation of workers and the location of production facilities outside of urban-type settlements.

Documents confirming the payment of field allowance can serve as confirmation of the employee's employment in performing field geological work in the field.

For example, it is possible to confirm employment in field geological work in the field with the help of an order to send an employee to such work.

As a rule, the order contains information about the payment of field allowances to the worker. In some cases, in the absence of such an order, other data indicating the payment of field allowance are presented as a confirming factor.

Does the payment of field allowance mean that the worker was engaged in field geological work?

It should be borne in mind that the payment of field allowance (if this is the only data) cannot serve as confirmation of the employee's employment directly in the field geological work. This is due to the fact that field allowance is also paid to those workers who are not directly engaged in geological work, but serve expeditions.

For example, field allowance is assigned to employees of schools, medical and cultural and educational institutions, preschool institutions, etc.

Field allowance is not paid for living or performing work in cities and urban-type settlements (except for those located in the Far North and equivalent areas, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories and the Amur Region). Sometimes this restriction is violated, and field allowance is paid in cities and urban-type settlements to those persons whose activities are not related to field geological work. This once again testifies to the fact that the very fact of payment of field allowance cannot serve (in the absence of an order to send to field work) a confirmation of employment in field geological work in field conditions.