Inaccessible girl. An impregnable girl - an ice block or a mysterious stranger

The phrase that the forbidden fruit is sweet is also applicable in the relationship between a man and a woman. After all, it often happens when a woman idolizes her chosen one, and he responds only with cold indifference. We suggest thinking about why we like inaccessible men so much, and what to do to put the relationship in the right direction, writes

Liza lived with her husband for 15 years - and this despite the fact that their interests did not coincide at all. She is a successful business woman, he is a teacher with an unfulfilled career.

Liza devoted all her leisure time to children and solving everyday problems, and her husband devoted to his hobby. He was fond of rafting, Lisa was not, so they rested separately. In general, they lived on different planets.

One day my husband said he has another woman but he is not going to leave the family.

He motivated such a strange decision by the fact that he has love there, but here he has a familiar life.

Lisa invited her husband to leave home, even promised to rent an apartment for him and his mistress, but he resolutely refused. And so began their new life.

It was very difficult for Lisa to be near a man who does not love her and actually lives with another woman, but for some reason the divorce procedure seemed to her more difficult than such a humiliating situation.

For three years now, Sveta has lived with a man who, in addition to her, had many mistresses.

He often asked Sveta to spend the night with her mother today, because she would come with a girlfriend. This situation upset the girl, but it never even occurred to her to break this connection.

All Alice's novels were beautiful, serious and surprisingly similar to each other. The fact is that the girl was attracted only by married men.

The last of her novels almost ended in a wedding - the fan even left his wife, but, however, after a few months he returned to her.

Natasha meets her husband once a week, because he spends the rest of the time at work in another city. This has already been going on for two years, but the husband is in no hurry to move the family to his place.

Anya is married to a workaholic who works even on weekends, Lena has been unrequitedly in love with her boss for many years, Olga has been in love with a guy who lives in Australia for five years, their rare meetings are full of romance, but cohabitation is still impossible due to the great distance from each other .

It would seem that all these stories are completely different from each other, but in fact they are united by the fact that all heroines love inaccessible partners.

Let's look at the reasons why women initially doom themselves to relationships that, in fact, are not relationships at all.

Inaccessible man - who is it?

The main condition for a healthy love union is the availability of a partner. That is, the partner is open for love relationships with you.

This means that he: is not busy, is not married, is not engaged, has no other love unions and sex with others, you live in the same world both physically and spiritually (he does not live in another country, does not spends whole days and nights at work or with friends, you have many common interests in addition to solving everyday problems).

Based on this, A person who is unavailable is:

Married, engaged, dating another woman.

He does not pay any attention to you, and you are always trying to interest him.

He accepts your love and gives nothing in return.

He dates you, but is constantly going to leave you.

He dates or lives with you, but doesn't really love you.

You are together but not having sex.

He is with you, but he says that he does it only for the sake of the children.

He lives or meets with you, but he has another woman who has nothing against you.

He is with you and already with another woman, but does not want to part with you.

He left you from another woman, but that and look back.

He lives many kilometers away from you, in another country, another city, and you do not have the opportunity to meet often. Talking about cohabitation terrifies a partner.

You love him in absentia, and he does not even know about your existence.

He is so preoccupied with his work, hobbies, friends, etc. that he does not pay you enough attention.

He appears, then leaves, and cannot decide in any way whether he wants to stay with you forever.

Each of you lives your own life, you are united only by life.

There are many reasons for this behavior of a partner, but they all do not matter, because the result of such unions is the same - you suffer and deprive yourself of a full life.

Why are you doing this?

Why, despite all the pain and humiliation of such relationships, some women maintain unpromising unions for years and choose unavailable partners each time? Consider the main reasons for this choice:

As a child, you felt abandoned. Parents often left, worked hard, etc.

As an adult, you repeat this situation, looking for partners who will ignore you.

Such a state is natural for you and it does not even occur to you that there may be some other relationship.

You are not used to getting attention, and therefore your husband's indifference is normal for you, not nonsense.

You have low self-esteem. If you grew up in a dysfunctional family where you were not taught self-respect, it is quite possible that, without realizing it, you consider yourself unworthy of love and are ready to share a partner with anyone.

Also, low self-esteem can arise as a result of negative opinions of other people about you.

You are afraid of intimacy. Connecting with an unavailable partner is a great way to avoid genuine intimacy.

You may find it convenient if your partner does not go with you for real emotional intimacy - by doing so, you protect yourself from emotional wounds.

You avoid intimacy because, despite the desire to create relationships, there is absolutely no place for them in your life.

You are building a career, you have many hobbies, you are completely absorbed in yourself - in general, you do not have time for another person.

Again, subconsciously you choose partners who will keep you at a distance.

Meanwhile, you can be quite sincerely upset that you are "unlucky with men."

You are not ripe for true love and prefer to live in a fictional world, because a romance at a distance seems better than it really is.

What to do?

Let's see if it is possible to get out of the vicious circle of such relationships?

Here are a few tips to help you get started on the path to a truly intimate and fulfilling relationship.

1. Boost your self-esteem

According to psychologists, our partners are a reflection of our inner state.

That is, the more you love yourself, the less you allow others to mistreat you.

Based on this, we can conclude that by increasing self-esteem, we attract partners who love us more.

In order to have more self-respect, you just need to stop doing things that do not give pleasure, and stop communicating with people who do not bring anything positive into your life, but, on the contrary, constantly humiliate you.

Communicate only with people you like, improve your inner world and physical shell, find something you like - all this will help restore inner harmony.

And harmony is the basis for an adequate attitude towards one's own person, and as a result, respect for other people.

2. Make demands

To enjoy relationships you need to determine what you want from a love union.

Take the time to describe how your dreams can come true in the real world.

What should your partner do to make you happy? How should he express his feelings? How should I treat you? What do you need to do in a relationship to be happy?

How will you express your feelings, how do you want to treat your partner? How do you see your ideal union and what sins are you ready to forgive your partner?

All this is very important to determine before the start of the novel, because this is how you set the criteria for your own choice. This is a kind of filter for candidates.

Criteria will help to pay attention only to suitable partners and immediately cut off those with whom you cannot have a full-fledged relationship.

3. Define relationship boundaries

If you tend to choose unavailable partners, then it is very important for you to define clear rules for your own behavior.

It means that you react in a certain way to certain partner behavior in order to prevent violation of the boundaries of your relationship.

For example, if you constantly fall in love with men who do not pay attention to you, then make the following principle for yourself the main principle: "Love is reciprocity. I take the next step if I only see that a person is coming towards me. If this does not happen, I'm cutting off all ties with him."

Here are some more helpful rules:

Never date men who are not free and cannot give you the full love that you deserve.

A full-fledged relationship is when feelings are mutual and partners equally share emotions and energy.

You are unique, and therefore worthy of a partner who considers you unique and therefore loves only you and keeps you faithful.

Analyze your romances and come up with your own rules to help you avoid humiliating and unpromising relationships.

If you fell in love with an inaccessible man

On the other hand, if you fell in love with a person who is inaccessible for one reason or another, this does not mean at all that your union is doomed to failure.

Zoya met Raul on vacation in a Mediterranean country. Their romance developed rapidly, and when it was time to leave, Zoya became worried about the upcoming separation from her beloved, because he lived in a completely different country!

But her fears turned out to be in vain - Raul arranged everything so that they met several times a month. They flew to each other as often as they could, for half a year.

But one day, a loved one said that he was being transferred to work in a very distant country. Zoya was upset, because this meant that their meetings would become very rare.

Then she made a difficult decision for herself and talked with Raul that they either need to leave or start living together. The second option was adopted by general vote. Zoya moved to her beloved and married him.

Arina, when she found out that her friend was married, immediately decided to part with him. She said that she loved him, but she had an iron rule: never meet married people.

Arina suggested that her beloved understand himself and call her only if he makes the final decision to be with her. The girl clearly knew what kind of relationship she was ready for and what not.

She knew what she wanted from life and got it. They met again when the beloved divorced his wife, and started all over again.

If you immediately define the boundaries of your relationship, then you will have a chance to get exactly the kind of relationship that you want.

For this convey to the partner the information that you like him, but you are ready to accept him only when he decides and puts things in order in his business or personal life.

Of course, by doing so, you risk losing that person.

But the plus is that you immediately find out the attitude of your partner towards you and get the opportunity not to waste time, and make room in your heart for true love.

Remember: we ourselves teach other people how to deal with us. And if you have been trying for years to maintain a humiliating or illusory relationship, content yourself with rare meetings or sharing a partner with other women, it is only because you yourself have determined such a place in life for yourself.

Believe me, you are unique and deserve all the best!

If at any moment you are ready to put aside all your affairs and run away to meet a girl, then you will be less interesting to her than if she knew about your employment and tried to get a couple of hours of your time at her disposal. important to be inaccessible for a girl and know exactly how to do it.

Why does a girl show unavailability

When a girl shows - she tries to fill her price and wants to check how much you need.

Unfortunately, guys who don't know much about girls make "closer" in these moments. And they show a willingness to do whatever the girl wants.

Of course, this not only does not give a result, but also worsens the situation, because the girl perceives this as a weakness. At this moment, the girl instantly sends the guy to the alternate airfield.

And so that the girl understands that you, too, “do not bastard” ...

Why is full accessibility bad?

Society and television make young people believe that a girl needs to be pursued, taken to restaurants and always be ready to help.

But, remembering all our rich life experience, we understand that the more effort we spent to get something, the more we appreciate it and are afraid to lose it. Each person even produces a hormone that makes him act further to get what he wants.

The same is true with girls. If a girl has done a good job of developing your relationship, then, accordingly, she will appreciate them more. To do this, you need to let her try a little and enjoy the fact that she will seek your favor.

How not to be easy prey

Let's consider two "variants" of behavior demonstrating .

The first: you are in no hurry to show a strong interest in a girl and show with your actions and words that you need to earn it. Your entire meta message in this case should be about how she needs to get out of her skin in order to build your relationship. In order for you to be able to do this naturally, you need to be in the appropriate.

Second: you communicate with her very well (make "closer"), but at the same time you often do not have enough time to meet with her. This option is the most "thermonuclear". By the way, if you communicate with her positively, say compliments, and then stop communicating, you will only increase the effect.

She may smile sweetly at you or show interest in some other way, but do not allow yourself to react enthusiastically to this. Otherwise, she will understand that your inaccessibility is just a mask that you clumsily pulled on yourself. If you do not want to fail in the process of seduction, then lead your game into inaccessibility in accordance with your plan(allowing her to gradually gain your interest) rather than according to her reaction. I know that you often want to go to a meeting and meet a girl faster. But you need to be able to force yourself to endure your impulses in order to get a real result.

Let her know that you have many interesting things to do in your life and that you will always find something to do if she refuses to meet you.

Once you overcome the stereotypical delusion that you need to always be persistent, you will be surprised at how far and quickly you can move in a relationship. inaccessibility- this is not only the prerogative of women, as some people think. It can (and should) be used by men to interest a girl.

Sergey Kulikov

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In every man there is a natural instinct of a hunter, therefore it is generally accepted that unapproachable girls are considered the most interesting among the opposite sex for them. After all, it is very difficult to win her, and this “turns on” real men.

All means to achieve the goal are included - gifts, flowers, often even persecution. And all this is only in order for the person you like to turn her attention to the person.

Make a man conquer you!

It happens that this does not even happen from "Great love", but purely out of sport. In most cases, this very interest develops into something more. And sometimes the development of such relationships is much more productive than with mutual sympathy. After all, as you know, a man gravitates most of all to the lady who got him especially hard efforts.

How does that same impregnable stranger behave, and in general, by what signs can you recognize her in ordinary communication?

What means "to be an impregnable girl"?

It means to be a real problem for men. Being touchy, you will inspire them to exploits, pump out all the strength and energy from them, devastate them morally, but ... greatly interest them! Affordable girls do not like anyone, even if they are incredible beauties. Can something be valuable that came into your own hands, that you didn’t have to desperately strive for, for which, in the end, you didn’t have to spend elementary money? Of course not! In any case, for a man, with his something "hunting instinct".

Even if you are madly in love with some guy, you should not demonstrate your willingness to hang on his neck right here and now. Otherwise, you will irretrievably lose his interest in you, even if there was one at first.

What is an impregnable girl?

Sometimes it happens that ostentatious inaccessibility for a woman is something like a tool for obtaining a certain profit. This applies to those who turn the good "dynamo" into men. They willingly communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, flirt, even allow hints of intimacy on the part of a fan who has appeared, but by all means delay "moment of truth" as much as possible.

During that very “pulling”, a woman receives a lot of personal benefits - trips to expensive restaurants, theaters, concerts; purchases of equipment, clothes, fur coats and other things; vacation abroad. Some women do not pursue material gain, and do it simply in order to obtain moral satisfaction due to the constant admiration of their persons (which does not make it easier for rejected men). Is this how an impregnable girl behaves? Not really.

True touchy people do not actually pursue any goals. And all their "icy" visual component, as a rule, hides completely different problems. For example, failures on the personal front in the past, or psychological trauma. And some women, indeed, are almost impossible to please because of their wisdom or life experience. Young girls are almost always greedy for "sugary" guys. They like a pretty appearance, and for the sake of it they are ready to endure many character flaws, just to meet with the "king" of the school or university.

As she grows older and experiences, a woman gains worldly wisdom and learns to automatically "screen out" everyone who does not become a good candidate for her hand and heart. And sometimes this process becomes so fanatical that a woman completely ceases to notice any objective virtues in men.

All elements of courtship seem to them ridiculous and comical, all attempts to win their hearts are stupid, all real positive aspects are insignificant.

So what is impregnability - a gift or a vice?

You can't say for sure. What is known is that each "snow queen" sooner or later, exactly the fan appears who is 100% worthy of her.

An impregnable girl definitely appreciates herself. She does not exchange for everyone she meets and does not fall into the arms of fans on the first date. Perhaps she does not intentionally “ignite” interest in herself with her behavior, but she always knows exactly what kind of man she needs, and she is looking exclusively for him. Or rather, waiting for him to find her.

What do men think about impregnability?

From the point of view of men, an impregnable girl is one that:

  1. "Waiting for his finest hour";
  2. “Trying to present himself as unique”;
  3. “Behaves like she has a stone instead of a heart”;
  4. "Not interested in guys at all";
  5. "Want everything at once."

Despite the unflattering remarks, it is for such women that men are ready to give not only all their dignity and pride to the rest, but also, if necessary, their lives. It is in such women that they fall in love once and for all, knowing the value of owning them. These are the women who inspire men and keep them going. "on a short leash", and so skillfully that you can never tell about it from the outside.

If a girl loves herself, it can be seen by others, and people are drawn to her. But loving yourself doesn't mean "put on a crown" and be prejudiced towards others.

How to love yourself and become touchy?

In this context, the expression "love yourself" does not mean at all what is usually meant by it.

Moreover, it needs to be done so that self-esteem grows. But to love yourself means not to exchange for every man. There are girls looking at whom you might think that they have despaired of looking for love.

They can be incredibly beautiful, smart, caring, loyal and economic, but suffer constant breakdowns in their personal lives. Partly because they do not love themselves, and give all their warmth to men who skillfully use it.

The expressions on the faces of these women seem to bear the seal of loneliness and suffering, and of course, they are ready to rush towards anyone who offers to pass the summer evening together.

The logic of men in the matter of choosing a partner is extremely simple - if no one needs her, then why do I need her? That's why impregnability always wins. Do you want to be "on horseback" and become the one "snow queen"? We'll be happy to give you some tips!

How can you become an impregnable girl?

  • When meeting a man, don't act like he's your last chance;
  • Make it a rule not to call or text first;
  • Pretend that you have many fans, and you are constantly being won (but not directly, but indirectly);
  • Delay time when making a date - intentionally delay the date and show that you are a busy woman;
  • Do not allow yourself to be touched during the first meetings, even if you like the man a lot;
  • Do not agree to sex on the first date (and in general, it is better to wait at least two weeks with this matter);
  • Love yourself. Really appreciate your personality, and in no case do not let a man offend you;
  • Let your companion constantly think about how to win such an impregnable girl like you. But do not go too far and do not beg for anything in return for your attention;
  • Give all the initiative in the hands of the stronger sex. Do not be humiliated and do not ask for anything. Don't push for the next meeting;
  • If you're already in a relationship, don't make a fuss or engage in "silent" pressure. When a man is really guilty, pretend that you are very disappointed in him. It's better to be direct about it. Operates flawlessly;
  • Stay impregnable always! Do not wallow in everyday life and do not place your personal time on the altar of household chores. You must be constantly busy with something. And be sure to be among people so that your man "achieves" you permanently, afraid of losing your attention when rivals appear.

Among pick-up artists, there are many versions of how you can conquer the “top” in the person of a woman who loves and respects herself. These are stupid SMS to impregnable girls, and no less stupid gifts to them, and, even worse, aggressive actions "snapping".

The problem of the male battalion of the army of love is the fear of female pressure or obsession

Love and Dignity

Russian women of the 21st century are trying to learn how to get a vaginal orgasm, train certain muscles in order to finally see their man happy or show him their ability to do business in order to calm the desired partner: “I’m not interested in the bank account of the one with whom I go to bed to bed".

European women convince the male population that it is unpleasant for them to drink coffee for which the boyfriend will pay. Nigerian women, in an attempt to survive, come to Europe and engage in prostitution.

But any woman, whether she believes it or not, wants to give all her love to that one man who would personify for her father, husband and child, in a set. Unconsciously, since the time of the existence of tribes, female genetics requires self-realization in love for their man and their child, and male - in hunting the beast and bringing prey to the family.

The problem with women is that they looking for a chance to feel weak in the arms of a strong man, the problem of the male battalion of the army of love is fear of female pressure or obsession.

How to go from divine love to hellish revenge

A man, suppressed from childhood by his mother’s excessive love, which is expressed both in too much care, fear for his son or an exaggerated amount of caresses, and in constant control over his beloved child, up to jealousy for his girlfriends, grows up as an insecure female conqueror or or a lazy moral impotent. Two of the male inferiority complexes mentioned above are solvable, and intelligent men show their highest wisdom in the ability to transform from an insecure boy into a man who knows how to love ... not to mention the mass of attention that such transformed men cause from the opposite sex, returning to that human respect, gratitude and sympathy.

However, those who did not manage to develop their spiritual potential to the mentioned level of an adequate attitude towards themselves as a self-sufficient man who loves and respects himself make up the majority of men living on planet Earth to this day.

And it is not the desire of even a bright and intelligent woman to give love to her partner that excites such gentlemen, rather than the inaccessibility of a woman as such. Such men attract the attention of the opposite sex, however, they themselves are not able to feel the joy of being loved. Such men do not trust women, moreover, they do not perceive the trust of a sexual partner as a value.

If we analyze the relationship of a boy with his mother in his childhood, the habit of a child raised by an overwhelming mother and a weak father becomes obvious, to live in anticipation of true female tenderness from the mother, her affectionate attention, her faith in the strength of the future man and her respect for the personal boundaries of her son. The absence of such an attitude gives rise in the boy to the habit of wishing for an inaccessible mother, a prototype of a future sexual partner.

The result of such a childhood habit is a man's need for an inaccessible woman. In the case of a successful combination of circumstances in the life of two and the creation of a relationship desired by both, the problem of a man becomes his projection of the usual expectations of maternal love on his chosen one, his constant dissatisfaction with the lack of the necessary loving attention from a woman, his condemnation of his beloved and his inevitable betrayal of his once blazing passion, feelings for her. The problem of an abandoned woman is, of course, a complete confusion of feelings and humiliating feelings of anger towards her beloved man who once cared for her.

It is likely that such situations - or stories about them - encourage the female sex to love pornography, which can be shared with a man, and to train to have multiple orgasms in order to please a loved one. At the same time, the female sex forgets about its feminine essence: an orgasm occurs, first of all, on a spiritual level, and the male sex continues to unconsciously blame the “mother” for the lack of love on her part, to condemn the wife’s desire to see a respectful size of her husband’s bank account. With age, the faith of such men in the feminine feeling of love disappears altogether or turns into a desire to humiliate the woman as such. Revenge is generally a very seductive feeling for both sexes. Not only a feeling, but also a motive.

A woman who suppresses her son with her love in the form of fawning or in the form of excessive control, as a rule, is the unloved daughter of a weak father in childhood ... married to a suppressive woman.

Why does a woman who dreams of protection, of a strong man, spend her life in a feeling of loneliness next to her once beloved? Perhaps the explanation for such a vicious circle lies in the weakness of the husband, whom his mother once disliked.

In an attempt to feel their masculine power, "boys" of all ages choose the behavior of a dictator and wean themselves from the feeling of love in general. Their daughters grow up unloved, and their sons grow up as unsure of their spiritual strength as their sad father.

Love and money

When a man believes that a woman loves his money in him, and not himself, then the man becomes greedy. It is worth mentioning only the results of studies by American psychologists who asked generous gentlemen a question: a man’s desire to offer a woman dinner in an expensive restaurant, pay for a beloved fur coat, or simply give her money, speaks of a man’s sexual desire.

Money is an unconscious way for a man to express gratitude to a woman for the opportunity to enjoy a sense of sexual satisfaction.

Greedy representatives of the “strong” sex almost always suffer from a lack of love in their lives, which is why they themselves do not want to give this love to anyone at all, and even more so to the woman who offended them.

In turn, the smartest female half of the population - out of fear of being defiled in their devoted feeling of love for the first man in their life (daddy) - decides to eradicate the feeling of respect for men in general and really stops caring about a partner. Or he begins to train his sphincter apparatus ...

And so men, meeting a woman's desire to practice pornographic humiliation of a feeling of love for a partner, joyfully realize their animal need, while confirming their opinion that a woman is not capable of love and that she only uses a man and his money. At the same time, the instinctive male - as well as female - thirst for mutual love suffers a 100% fiasco ... Ten orgasms per night, all organic holes are used for entry (and exit), all positions of the "Kama Sutra" are tried, which is easy to find on the Internet in any language, but love feelings never arise. (Wow!..)

Vicious circle of insincerity

A person of any gender who condemns the opposite of their own is not able to enjoy the feeling of "being loved." This person is afraid of sincere relationships. More precisely, it will be the fear of the pain inflicted on those you love. (After all, mother was loved, her heart was entrusted to her ... and she left without even kissing goodbye! And she came in a bad mood ...) So many shortcomings! .. Just can not bear.

And now a man meets exactly that one and only, the sincerity of which he has dreamed of since he began to masturbate, but suddenly he feels her unusual "accessibility", i.e. her sincere desire to give love. The man gets bored and ends the relationship without even starting it. Boredom, as a feeling, is an unconscious human fear of making a decision.

And a woman falls in love once, twice, three ... Soon she finds a friend from whom she expects trust, responsibility for what has been said, generosity (in love as well as in money) and simply fortitude, however, due to the absence of such masculine qualities , having given birth to a girl, shows her an example of how to despise the male sex, or, having given birth to a boy, begins to suppress him with her love ... which she once so wanted to express to an adult man in bed. The “beloved husband”, in turn, waiting for the attention of his chosen one to no avail, sooner or later comes to the conclusion that female love is deceptive and that the illusions of youth led to divorce and the desire to forget the once beloved mother of her own children.

Live in the present without living the past...

A person will not be able to enjoy and live in the present while he is running away from his past. We are always where we are trying hard to escape. Those who are not aware of that report, live in their past - namely, unforgiven pain experienced as a result of this or that relationship of a loved one - are afraid of death. Those who live in the pain of their past are not able to enjoy love in the present. This person will simply be afraid of the truth of love if it arises in his life. He will be afraid of the pain to which he has become so accustomed since childhood, and he will certainly find reasons blocking his path to the found love and responsibility for maintaining the reciprocity of this feeling.

And so, men walk around the world ... waiting for love ... and enjoy pornography that degrades human dignity, as such ... and when they meet the one they were looking for, they begin to condemn it and can not cope with the feeling of many shortcomings of the one who just wants to give love.

The problem of a person who condemns loved ones or simply those he likes is the habitual condemnation of himself.

The only way to enjoy the daily details and the more important events of your present is the fact that a person forgives himself, in particular, his dependence on the expectation of love from the opposite sex during the period of growing up (well, for example, from mom, from dad ...).

Usually the one who waits dies waiting; and the one who accepts life as it is, draws reasonable conclusions and forgets about the unpleasant moments of his fate. To forgive a mother (father) means to understand the motives of his actions and the apparent lack of desire of the parent to hurt the child. To forgive yourself means to stop criticizing yourself for the conclusion you made in childhood about yourself as a person unworthy of love. Stop criticizing yourself for anything at all means choosing to love yourself.

He who loves himself enjoys the pleasure of being loved by others. Such a person does not have to train his sphincter in order for his partner to experience amazing feelings of pleasure with him in bed.published

Many girls have situations where they fall in love with guys, but do not receive any reciprocity. But cold ladies, who are touchy, on the contrary, bathe in the attention of guys. So why do guys like inaccessible girls and what does it have to do with it. It's much better to follow the beaten path. But there are several explanations for this. And the main one is the hunting instinct.

Why do all guys like unavailable girls?

It has to do with the hunting instinct. It exists in both men and women. That is why we run shopping, trying to find savings, overcoming difficulties, fighting with ourselves, and so on.

When a guy does not need to seek a girl, he takes her for granted. His instinct says that this is not right and that he must look for something that will have to be obtained in torment.

As a result, he himself, not knowing why, goes to another. The same applies to girls. After all, they are also not attracted to those who are ready for a relationship. Everyone wants to get a bully.

Popular opinion and craving for inaccessible girls

In society, it is believed that if a girl is unavailable, then she:

  • Will not change;
  • Is monogamous;
  • Good hostess;
  • Never betray and so on.

Therefore, it is much more profitable to conquer such a person than to be content with ordinary ladies. However, these prejudices are not always true. It is possible that on the contrary, it will be impossible to live with an inaccessible person.

In addition, gaining access to the inaccessible, a man becomes a winner. He did it, he did it! And everyone wants it. Although, it's stupid and conceited.

In addition, several guys can look after the unavailable at once. And this is also a competitive moment, which can neither attract. In general, impatiens are often very attractive. After all, it is difficult to find a fat woman who is popular, but repels everyone.

Is it worth it to be inaccessible to men?

Despite all this, there is no need to specifically play the role of a cold touchy. You have to look at the situation. So, if a person is sincerely in love with you, then you can reciprocate him. Otherwise, you risk being left with nothing.

Despite the attention of guys, inaccessible ladies are often lonely and unhappy. They cannot understand themselves and do not know what they need from life. Becoming one of these, you risk getting serious problems on your own.

Often, such women choose someone older than themselves, live in a marriage not for love. And their arrogance quickly fades away.

To find your man is not worth being easily accessible. But you don't have to pretend to be a queen. In general, it is better to be yourself and use your naturalness. Then you can seduce anyone without a mask of indifference.