Jade is a stone for whom the sign of the zodiac is suitable. The main characteristics of jade, its medicinal and magical properties. The magical properties of jade stones


Semi-precious stone jade got its properties thanks to the fine interweaving of crystalline fibers. It is twice as strong as steel and five times stronger than granite. This stone is almost impossible to split or break, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that jade is the most ancient mineral discovered by mankind. It was it that primitive people used to make axes and hammers.

Stone history

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Jade was widely used in ancient civilizations. Its importance in the cults of different peoples cannot be overestimated. This stone was literally bowed down. Last but not least, this was played by the durability of the stone and the fact that, for all its strength, it was remarkably amenable to carving.

The American Indians have used jade for their needs for over three millennia. When they met with the conquistadors, they were struck by the indifference of the Spaniards to this stone. Some historians claim that the ruler of the Aztecs, Montezuma, after communicating with Cortez, told his courtiers that the Spaniards only want silver and gold and do not know anything about jade.

In South America, it was used to make lip jewelry that resembles modern piercings. Wearing a jade cylinder on the lip was a sign that a person was ready to serve the spirits. And among some tribes of the continent, the number of such pendants spoke of the place occupied in the hierarchy of the clan.

New Zealand Maori used jade to make hei-tiki, a guardian amulet that looks like a figurine or portrait of a person. They were inherited, and when the clan was interrupted, the hei-tiki were buried together with the last one who passed away. Jade was so highly prized by the Maori that wars broke out among the tribes over its possession.

The Turks believed in the ability of jade to bring good luck to the warriors. Therefore, they decorated the handles of weapons, belts and rings.

The Chinese have dedicated a hundred-volume treatise to this stone. In the Celestial Empire itself, jade plaques have long been in common use along with metal money. And gold was weighed exclusively with the help of jade weights. Plates of this stone were used as credentials for ambassadors. And the winner in the competition was awarded not gold, but jade. Musical instruments made of this stone - lithophones - were also very popular in the Celestial Empire. The famous philosopher Confucius was considered a very great connoisseur of "stone" music and a good lithophone player. The Chinese even made pillows from jade. True, only members of the imperial families could afford such a luxury.

Variety and colors

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The most commonly found color of jade in nature is green. Such species as yellow, red, white, gray and black are considered more rare and more valuable. And the most precious and expensive is blue.

Mystical properties

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Among different peoples, jade is attributed to different magical properties. The Chinese believed that white jade could secrete a special nectar that only kings were allowed to drink.

Green jade has been the traditional mascot of travelers and sailors. He was credited with magical abilities to bring success in adventurous ventures and gambling.

Jade was also widely used in the rituals of the soul's transition to another world. They were used to decorate sarcophagi and put amulets together with the deceased.

The tombs of Tamerlane and Alexander II were carved from jade.

It was believed that if a jade plate is placed under the corner of a building, then lightning will never strike it. And it makes sense, because this stone has high insulating properties. Nephrite is considered a stone for people with a pure soul. Therefore, in order to wear such a mineral constantly, you need to have high moral qualities, otherwise, if you believe the beliefs, it will "leave" the owner and take his strength with him. By the way, how much the correct way of life is the owner of jade, you can find out by the change in its color. From bad deeds, the stone darkens and loses its luster.

Also, the magical properties of jade help its owner to radically change his life and fight loneliness.

Many peoples have extended the healing properties of jade to the entire body. In any case, it was used as a talisman to drive away diseases.

Jade pebbles are widely used as a heating pad for pain in the stomach and kidneys. The stone retains heat longer than other minerals, and even if it is immersed in ice water, it will not cool below its temperature.

Jade massagers are very popular nowadays. They are used for the body and face. Such devices are considered especially effective in the treatment of bruises and sprains. This stone is believed to heal inflammation well.

In some peoples, white jade has been used to treat stomach pain. Also, white jade improves vision and hearing.

Since ancient times, stones have been attributed to magical properties, but jade is rightfully considered the most mysterious and energetically strong stone. With its unique characteristics of strength, it also has a comprehensive positive effect on humans, both physically and spiritually.

Jade in history

Jade in translation from the Greek "lapis nephriticus" literally means "kidney stone". This is how it was called for a long time in European countries, but later it got its modern name. Some scientists believe that the name is associated with a therapeutic effect on the kidneys, others believe that it appeared due to the external resemblance to the kidney. You can also hear the names of jad, Maori stone, kidney stone, clapstone.

Possessing a viscous structure and being the most durable stone in nature, jade has been used since ancient times to create durable and beautiful tools, sculptures, jewelry, and precious stones. Surpassing even steel and granite in strength, it has long been used as a material for making hammers, weapons and tools, although in the modern world it is mainly used for making jewelry and figurines.

Jade has been considered the national stone of China from ancient times to the present day. The new shi or "divine stone" is so revered that they endow it with human qualities, such as:

  • softness (due to its soft, pleasant sheen);
  • durability (due to its strength and resistance);
  • knowledge of science (the stone has a lingering sound);
  • courage (the stone gets rid of evil spirits);
  • purity (highly transparent).

Jade stone is very durable, it practically does not wear off, which is why for a long time it was the main material for coins in Ancient China.

The Chinese loved this "heavenly stone" so much that they even made original musical instruments out of it - long plates, which, depending on the thickness, produced different notes.

All mystical rituals were associated with greed, entry into the afterlife, whole statues were made from jade. One of the most famous and largest jade statues of Buddha (almost human-sized) is installed in Shanghai. The famous statue is made of uniform white jade with a gray tint.

Another confirmation of the majesty of jadeite is in Samarkand, in the famous Gur-Emir mausoleum, which is also the tomb of Tamerlane. Here you can see a beautiful green jade monument, polished to a shine, crowning the tomb of the famous commander.

Where and how is jade mined?

Burma and China are traditionally considered the main centers for the extraction of this valuable mineral. Jade is mined in Central Asia, European countries - Germany, Italy, India, the Pamirs, the Polynesian islands, as well as in British Columbia, where it is called "British jade". There are also small deposits of jade in the South Urals, in Russia.

It is characteristic that, depending on the area, the color of the stone may vary. For example, jade obtained from the area of ​​Lake Baikal has a greenish spinach color and a high degree of transparency. The stones mined in Poland, the town of Yordanuva, have a whole spectrum of shades - from ivory to transparent green. The main deposits of jade are found in mountain streams and, since the pebbles are very smooth and slippery, they usually look for them with bare feet.

The main processing centers are located in the PRC and China, where many Chinese cutters still use the ancient method, using hollow bamboo lathes, sanding and watering stone.

Pieces of the mineral are used to make most of the jewelry, although ancient craftsmen carved them from huge stones.

Jadeite is a very close rock to jade. These two minerals are formed under the influence of almost the same natural and chemical conditions. The difference is that jadeite forms at great depths and under high pressure, while jade forms at a shallower depth, which is sufficient for a faster crystallization process.

The color of the stone depends on the excess or deficiency of the "strong iron amphibole" substance. If there are many of them, the stone turns out to be almost black, and, accordingly, the smaller, the greener and lighter it will be. The presence of chrome in the composition will give the stone a bright emerald color. If the sedimentary rock is rich in magnesium and contains no iron at all, the jade will be white.

Jade occurs in a variety of forms. It can be whole multi-ton boulders, boulders, and maybe ordinary pebbles near mountain rivers. It is a known fact when a 5-ton jade boulder was discovered in Northern Burma in 1071, and the weight of the largest block found there in 1978 was about 30 tons.

The main characteristics of jade, its medicinal and magical properties

The three most important qualities of jade, in order of their influence on the value in the world market - color, transparency and texture, we will consider them in more detail:

In addition to its unique physical characteristics, the "kidney stone" has a tremendous impact on the emotional and spiritual state of a person, on his health. This noble and valuable mineral has the following properties:

  • possesses magical powers, is able to protect against negative energy, the evil eye (it is recommended to wear a jade bracelet from the evil eye);
  • transfers kindness, love, energy to the bearer, makes his owner a kind and sympathetic person;
  • has medicinal properties. It will help not only strengthen, but also restore the body after a long illness, helps with kidney and liver diseases, migraines, dizziness;
  • widely used in cosmetology to smooth out wrinkles and give the face a fresh look; Chinese jade pads are used for full body massage. Jade helps to strengthen skin, hair and nails.

The magical power of jade is confirmed by unique properties that no other stone possesses:

Natural green jade is officially recognized by medicine as a healing stone.

How to wear a stone and pair it with the zodiac signs

Possessing powerful energy and strength, jadeite is most suitable for energetic people with a strong core. As for the color, green jade will suit green-eyed girls. Light colored stones are suitable for girls with blue eyes. Brown-eyed brunettes are better off choosing rich, bright shades. In order for the stone to have maximum impact, it is best to wear it in a silver or platinum setting.

Jade is traditionally associated with 4 elements. Green corresponds to the elements of the Earth, white and blue - to the elements of Air, yellow jade is associated with the element of Water, and the fire element obeys red jade. The mineral is considered very strong, as it combines the forces of the Moon, Venus and Proserpine. Accordingly, it is necessary to wear it for strong, authoritative people striving for constant change.

Each color has its own influence on the fate of a person, depending on his zodiac sign:

  • blue is the most magical mineral, suitable for all who seek to achieve spiritual balance. Does not correlate 100% with any sign, but is most in harmony with Aquarius and Gemini;
  • a green stone is suitable for Capricorns, it is a powerful biostimulant that affects the physical body of a person and is used more in lithotherapy, and not, as is commonly believed, for the treatment of kidneys;
  • white stone is ideal for Libra, it pacifies their spirit, helps relationships with loved ones;
  • jade of red and brown colors is well suited to the energetics of Virgo;
  • yellow and black colors are suitable for all water signs, but Sagittarius and Taurus are contraindicated.

It is not recommended for children to wear jade because of the strong earthly energy, although peace and tranquility come to those who wear jade, the stone relieves stress, excitement, relieves unnecessary fuss.

The stone can be called "alive", as it has the properties of a chameleon. If a stone on a person has darkened, this is a signal that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in it.

Jade is a semi-precious ornamental stone; it contains an interweaving of crystalline fibers, due to which the stone has rather unusual properties. Strength is considered another of its features. It is 5 times stronger than granite and 2 times stronger than steel. It is absolutely impossible to break or split it without a special device, and thanks to this feature, it has been known about it since ancient times. During primitive times, mankind used it as hammers and axes.

Jade history

The stone was widely used in ancient civilizations. In many cultures, its value was simply invaluable, since in some of them the mineral was even worshiped. The stone has gained such popularity due to its durability and processing ability.

The Indians who lived in America have used stone in their everyday life for several millennia. When meeting with the conquistadors, the Indians were perplexed by the indifference of foreigners to jade, since they did not even know about its existence. According to some historians, Montezuma, the ruler of the Aztecs, learned from Cortés that the Spaniards were only interested in gold and silver.

In the southern part of America, stone was used to make products similar to modern piercings, which were worn as jewelry on the lips. Such products on the lips of a person testified to his willingness to be a servant of spirits. In some tribes, the number of such adornments was a sign of a high position in society.

In New Zealand, the Maori made hei-tiki from jade - an amulet in the form of a portrait or figurine of a person who protected his owner. The amulet was passed down from generation to generation, and when the death of the last representative of the family came, the stone was buried together with the person. This people appreciated jade so much that war broke out between the Maori tribes because of it.

The Turkish people decorated rings, belts and handles of weapons with a stone, because they believed that jade brings good luck in battle.

In ancient China, whole treatises were devoted to this mineral. For some time, the stone, together with metal coins, was used as a currency. Weighing of gold was carried out only with the help of jade weights. Plates were made of stone, which were subsequently certified with various letters. In ancient China, competitions were held between warriors, and the winner was awarded with jade.

In the Celestial Empire, lithophones were very popular - musical instruments made from this mineral. Among the greatest admirers of such an instrument was the ancient philosopher Confucius. Some inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom made pillows from jade. However, only members of the imperial family could afford such a pleasure.

Jade colors

There is some misconception that jade is only green in color. However, the stone has a wide range of colors and shades. Jade comes in the following colors:

  • light green, has an uneven and non-uniform color and is yellowish-green, light green and bluish-green;
  • bright green with a spectacular and saturated color with an uneven color;
  • deep green;
  • gray-green with a blurred pattern and noticeable spotting;
  • greenish gray color;
  • marsh color (greenish brown) with greenish brown veins;
  • black color with a uniform color;
  • a white stone, which is a homogeneous jade with a greenish, bluish, grayish and yellowish tint. Pure white jade does not exist in nature;
  • emerald green - "imperial" is one of the most valuable types of jade;
  • blue color, has an unusual name "dianit";
  • red jade is the rarest type of stone;
  • yellowish brown and brown in color.

White jade

Ishou the winged beast with a cub. Xinjiang White Jade. China, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

It differs from other varieties of this stone for its unusual magical abilities. It is appreciated mainly for its high strength and attractive appearance. Such a stone is able to warm not only the soul, but also the body. White jade perfectly cleans thoughts of all negativity, and also greatly strengthens faith and spirit. Thanks to such abilities, he is respected in many world religions.

It strengthens faith in itself and gives its owner peace and tranquility. Especially good for logical thinking and mental abilities, and also provides significant help in various disputes.

Possesses special mystical abilities that can help any person to believe in a miracle. Its unusual lines, created by nature, will not leave anyone indifferent, they seem to tighten and fascinate.

If you look at a stone for a long time, calmness, harmony and clear thoughts come to a person.

The stone can help any person to find their own self and draw out all the deeply hidden talents. With long-term wearing of jade on the body as a decoration or talisman, you can understand your purpose in life and quietly begin to follow it.

It is very often used in jewelry; such products look mysterious and unusual. It seems to some that in such a stone is hidden an entire eternity and the entire depth of the universe. Black jade is used to create many incredibly beautiful and luxurious jewelry and items for interior decoration.

The stone gives its owner harmony, wisdom and a philosophical approach. It is used by many people who need these qualities.

What are the types of jade

Depending on the color and color saturation, the stone has 3 types of textures:

  1. Homogeneous;
  2. Spotted;
  3. Spotted interspersed.

The homogeneous appearance of the stone has a high level of translucency. Due to the presence of bright colors, such jades are a valuable jewelry material.

As for the spotty-disseminated and spotty nephrites, they contain various minerals such as chlorites, carbonates, magnetites, hydroxites and iron. Due to the uneven distribution of blotches and stains, the most unusual patterns on the surface are created. Such stones are often used to make pyramids, goblets, vases, caskets, and cladding materials.

Where is jade mined?

The Chinese province of Xinjiang was previously considered a traditional mineral deposit, however, in the 18th century, the stone began to be actively mined in Burma. Soon, deposits of jade began to be found all over the world. Jade is mined in the Eastern Sayan, namely in the Ulakhondinsky, Ospinsky and Bortolsky deposits.

For a long time, Burma was considered the only deposit. Nowadays, in addition to China and Burma, jade is mined in Germany, Italy, Central Asia, India and Switzerland, as well as on the islands of Polynesia and the Pamirs. There are also mineral deposits on the territory of Russia, and they are located in the South Urals. But basically only jade, which has a greenish-gray color, is mined there.

How much is jade

As for the cost of this mineral, it is very difficult to name the exact price, since it has a different color and structure. Also, an important role in this case is played by the frame in which the stone is inserted.

For many millennia, the stone has been used by mankind as a material for the creation of various cult, household and jewelry decorations. In ancient China, stone was used to decorate the tombs of kings and palaces, as well as exquisite jewelry for women who lived in the royal court. Craftsmen from the Celestial Empire made miraculous talismans and symbols of power from jade.

Jade stone: magical properties

The stone at all times occupied a significant place in the history of many peoples of the world, however, most of all it was valued in China, where it was considered "divine". The magical properties of jade were compared here with the noblest qualities of man. Its gentle brilliance was compared to compassion and kindness, firmness was compared to courage, and eternity with patience and endurance.

In the Celestial Empire, they sincerely believed that jade in the form of powder must necessarily be in the elixir of immortality, which the rabbit Yuetu prepared. There is a legend that this rabbit has earned immortality and still lives on the moon. Such a gift was made to him by the goddess Chan - e, who is in charge of the night star and lives in the jade palace.

In Eastern countries, for a long time, there was an opinion that a stone gives a person harmony with the world around him and with himself, has a beneficial effect on the mind and spirit, clearing thoughts of evil intentions and vanity.

The magical abilities of the mineral were attributed in Europe, New Zealand, and also in America. Many peoples used jade for various rituals that were associated with communication with the other world.

In Mesopotamia, it was believed that jade can protect the earth from hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning, protects against plague epidemics, the evil eye, promotes family happiness and facilitates difficult childbirth.

Healing properties

Modern lithotherapists widely use jade as a healing stone, since it has long established itself as one of the most effective healing materials. The stone was named jade because it looked a lot like a human kidney. That is why he copes best with the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Many ancient peoples preferred to constantly wear this stone on their bodies, because they believed in its ability to protect people from diseases.

Jade pebbles were used as a heating pad when a person had kidney and stomach problems. Jade has the ability to retain heat for as long as possible, and if placed in cold water, it will maintain its temperature.

Who is suitable for jade according to the horoscope?

Most ancient sources say that the sign of the zodiac is completely unimportant for this stone. This means that jade is suitable for absolutely everyone. But this is only on condition that a person is ready for drastic and big changes. But some astrologers claim that the mineral is most suitable, and especially if it is white.

The rest, before purchasing such a stone for themselves, must compare the compatibility of the color and the sign of the zodiac. So, red jade is great, it will give this person happiness in family life and success in any endeavors. Astrologers advise wearing blue and black jade. And it is worth paying attention to the stone with a green tint.

However, even despite the versatility of jade, it is still not advisable to wear it and.

Drinking from jade mugs was previously thought to promote kidney recovery

Jade (jadeite) is a semi-precious stone that is twice as strong as steel and 5 times stronger than granite. The stone owes its strength to the favorable arrangement of crystalline fibers such as alkaline amphibole. Consists of silicate and actinolite mineral. Jade is so strong that it is almost impossible to split or break it. That is why the cavemen made their "first" tools from this stone. Back in prehistoric times, jade has become popular for its strength and strength.

Buddha made of white jade height 6 meters

Jade has gained popularity among prehistoric people due to its strength and durability. For its qualities and pleasant pale green color, useful jades were placed on the same level with the most valuable stones. Useful jade was literally deified, believing that the "Good Spirit" lives in it, which is able to heal all those who suffer. In eastern countries (China, Japan, Golden Horde), jadeite was more expensive than gold / diamonds. It could only be worn by privileged citizens marked in military exploits or close to the ruler. Eastern medicine uses the properties of the stone to heal the kidneys, which are the storehouse of the vital energy "Chi". The name of the stone, borrowed from Greek culture, sounds like "nephros" - a kidney.

The color of the stone ranges from pale green to dark green, almost black. White / black / green specimens are found in nature. For a Japanese, only black crystals are valuable, for a Mongol or Chinese - white, Europeans prefer green jade. All types are equally useful, valuable for health, and also durable. The Chinese created a cult of jade, erected it on a divine pedestal, believing that the heavenly throne of Buddha was made of it. For the same reason, the imperial crown throne is made of jade. In Thailand, there is a Buddha statue made of this stone, which is called the "Emerald Buddha" - is the national pride of Thais.

Hello everyone!

Today, in our collection of precious and ornamental stones, there is another interesting mineral. This is jade. Translated from Greek, the name of this mineral means kidney stone ( nephros - kidney). The color of the stone can be very diverse, from almost white to black. There can be almost all shades of green: yellowish, herbaceous, emerald, marsh. There are both blue and red stones. But they are rare and very valuable.

The color of jade depends on the content of iron and impurities of chromium and manganese in it.

The color palette can be either monotonous or uneven (striped, spotted, "cloudy"). Moreover, stones with a monochromatic color are valued much higher than with an uneven one.

It is interesting! It turns out that this is the strongest and most durable of all bath stones ...

Physical properties

Photo of a stone on which you can see different colors

Jade is a hydroxysilicate of calcium, magnesium, iron. He belongs to a group of so-called amphiboles.

The name of the group was given because of the rather variable properties of the minerals that are included in this group.

In addition to jade, this group includes stones such as tremolite, actinolite, crocidolite, etc.

In terms of transparency, it is most often opaque, but there are exceptions. Jade is quite viscous and polishes well. At the same time, it has an oily sheen.

Its hardness ranges from 2.90 to 3.02, and its density is 3.5 on the Mohs scale. Based on this, jade is as hard as glass, but it is quite softer than quartz.

Formation and deposits

Geologically speaking, nephrite forms where intrusive or igneous rocks are embedded in serpentelites. This means that it is formed by the impact of magma on magnesium-rich sedimentary dolomites.

Deposits are known practically on all continents. In Russia, the largest deposits were Ulan-Khodinskoye, now it has already been worked out, Ospinskoye (these are the Eastern Sayan Mountains), Khamarkhudinskoye and Khokhurtovskoye (Dzhida group), Buromskoye and Golyubinskoye (Vitim group). There are also known deposits of jade in the Polar Urals (Nyrdvomenshor), in Kazakhstan, Tuva, etc.

In other countries, the most famous are deposits in China (Kuen-Lun ridge and Pamir), in the USA in the states of Montana and Alaska, in Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Poland. But the stone from the deposits in New Zealand is of very high quality. It is well translucent and has the best coloration.

From the history of stone

This stone began to be called jade only in 1863. Until that time, it was called Jade (from "jade" - jade). Now this name has been preserved for a similar and much rarer and more valuable jadeite. Also, the stone has several other names, such as Chinese stone, Maori stone.

This is due to the fact that in China the stone is considered sacred. And among the Maori, it was a memorial family stone on which the heads of families were immortalized.

Mayan warriors, for example, made statuettes from jade, and then broke them so that the liberated spirit of the stone would help the owner of the house.

In general, nephrite has been known since the Paleolithic. In the beginning, people made weapons and tools of labor from it, which were quite durable, and only later they made jewelry. One of the grandiose stone structures is the jade sarcophagus of Tamerlane, located in the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand.

In China, the stone has taken a special place. It became there not only ornamental, from which a wide variety of ornaments were carved. They were endowed with a wide variety of both supernatural and healing properties.

For example, white jade, which was valued most of all, was used to make special plates. Covered with fine carvings, they were hung either from a headdress or from a belt and, while walking, emitted a melodic ringing that frightened away evil spirits.

Chinese symbols carved from stone and their meaning

Blooming peach - longevity

Mandarin duck - love talisman

Deer - indicated a noble origin

Bat - blessing, luck

Fish is wealth

Two Phoenixes - Prosperity

Lotus - holiness

Bamboo - a providence from above

Fan - generosity

Properties of jade on the human body

It is believed that the stone is driven by human impulses. He can protect his master from otherworldly forces, give longevity and family well-being.

If the jewelry is inserted into the frame, then they will protect from the evil eye. And red jade will protect against various natural disasters. Since this stone is called kidney stone, it is believed that it can heal various kidney diseases.

In general, he was considered a stone for all diseases. Therefore, it was often worn to cure all ailments. The stone ground into powder was used for the preparation of various medicines, and sometimes it was simply taken orally with water.

Pregnant women wore jade on their belly to facilitate childbirth. And in order to get rid of insomnia or nightmares, you need to wear beads and bracelets made of this stone. To relieve pain from bruises, sprains, as well as rheumatism, apply stone plates to sore spots. Also, it will help cure various inflammations in the body. Massage parlors still use jade balls to massage the body and face.

Jade in astrology. Who is suitable for the zodiac sign in the horoscope

As astrologers say, the stone is most suitable for Virgo and Libra. For them, the stone gives good luck in business. In addition, the bracelet worn by these signs on the right hand of Virgo brings marital happiness, and Libra can prolong life. In principle, it is considered to be suitable for any sign. The main thing is to choose your color correctly.

It doesn't really matter who you are according to your horoscope. The stone is suitable for every sign of the zodiac ...

This stone is the talisman of scientists, and it also personifies military courage. If you wear any jade figurine, you will be much more successful than others. If you wear a jade ring, then professional success and family well-being await you.

In China, jade is highly prized. It is considered the stone of the Earth and Heaven, and the stone of Wisdom and Eternity. The heavenly throne of Buddha is made of jade. He was considered a stone of intelligence and virtue, and Confucius wrote that jade is also a stone of humanity. Another Chinese writer and thinker, Hiu-Chin, compared the properties of a stone with the qualities of a person. For example, the soft natural sheen was compared with kindness, and strength - with courage. In addition, he gives moderation and justice, purity of thoughts.

But the greatest popularity of jade, nevertheless, is associated with various crafts and ornaments.

Jade products and decorations

All in the same China, from stone, most often they made various mythical animals: a dragon, a hydra, a unicorn, etc. The heyday of jade stone-cutting art in China fell on the 17th-18th centuries. Not only jewelry began to be made of jade, but also vases, cups, bottles, chess. Jade balls have become especially popular.

There was a period when jade was more valuable than gold. For example, in sports competitions, the first place winner was awarded a jade scepter, the second place was awarded a gold scepter, and the third place was given an ivory scepter. Jade plaques had the same circulation as coins.

In Russia, jade was used little, although it was a fairly common stone. There was a cutting factory in Peterhof, which made vases, bowls, various writing instruments, paper knives and brooches.

Nowadays, it is also used for decoration and crafts. Shot glasses, vases, bracelets, rings, pendants and much more can be found in stores.

1. Photo of jade jewelry
2. Photo - a figurine made of solid stone

If we talk about stone prices, then they are different, and are valued, as mentioned earlier, for different parameters, ranging from the properties and colors of the stone, and ending with the complexity of the product.

Here is a small catalog of prices from an online store:

In China, there are such copies at fairs that cost 1 million rubles each and 5 million rubles for a statuette. These are the prices for this stone. We recommend watching the video from the first channel, the program - Opening of China 17 series. The roller is loaded higher. Take a look and you will not only like it, but also be surprised how much this stone is valued.

How to distinguish natural stone from a fake

All lovers of this stone may be helped by a few tips with which you can determine whether you have a natural stone in your hands or a pathetic fake.

- First, natural jade is characterized by high strength. If you have a natural stone, then you will not be able to cut or scratch it.

- Secondly, high heat capacity. Natural jade retains heat for a long time even in cold water.

- Thirdly, his musicality. If the jade plates touch each other, then a melodic sound is heard, which is never the case with fakes.

- Fourthly, jade has a high light transmittance, as a result of which a fibrous pattern appears inside it. If you look at the light through the stone, you can see this pattern.

That's all for us. I would like to ask you - tell me, have you seen and held a natural stone in your hands. And what color or craft was it? Share your opinion below ... Or maybe you have a piece of jewelry or jade products in your home? Your opinion is important. Thanks!