Nerves and pregnancy: what unnecessary worries can lead to. Pregnancy: Nervous System Changes

Girls, please help !!! Maybe someone came across such a situation ?! We have a son from the first pregnancy, he will soon be 3 years old. In March of this year, I became pregnant for the second time, unfortunately, it so happened that at 6-7 weeks I thundered into gynecology with detachment and hematoma ((there was a coughing and sneezing girl in the next room, from which I contracted ARVI, which later grew into sinusitis. But at the 12th week I went for an ultrasound scan to Stygar, who confirmed that everything is fine with the fetus and it is developing normally in due course.At 15 weeks and 5 days before the vacation, I went to Kulakova for an ultrasound scan to Boykova to calm myself. we find out the gender, my husband and I went into the office. And then our hell began ((((At first she saw our girl's strong clubfoot, then she looked at her hands and said that she was holding them in one position and did not move. found a stomach, it appeared and disappeared (As a result, according to her conclusion: Deformity of the ankle joints as a clubfoot, suspicion of deformity of the wrist joints, suspicion of esophageal arthresia. She referred us to genetics, but I did not go. Clubfoot, as I know, in principle, it is treatable, and I thought that the pens were just put down and it was so comfortable for her.

When we returned from vacation, I took an ultrasound to Schultz (many good uzists were on vacation). It turns out that the period was 19 weeks and 3 days. During the examination, she did not say anything to the uzist doctor, I thought to let him look and see if he could. But my wait was very short and he almost immediately confirmed Boykova's diagnoses in relation to the upper and lower extremities. The only thing he said was that everything was in order with the stomach and that it was normal. My girl turns out to be holding her hands again in the same position.

With tears and the results of an ultrasound scan, I went to my gynecologist at the ZhK, who immediately sent me to the Center for Social Security in Sevastopol, to a geneticist. The next day, on a first-come, first-served basis, I got to a geneticist, she sent me for an ultrasound scan to Malmberg at the PMC. But since Malmbreg had a huge queue, I was redirected to the ultrasound doctor Skvortsova. The diagnosis from her, too, sounded quickly enough, but not just contractures of the limbs, but she connected it with brain damage and called Malmberg to confirm the diagnosis. She showed me on a 3d ultrasound how her daughter holds her pens. They were bent and the fingers on one hand were all gathered in a bundle and intertwined with each other, Olga Leonidovna also made an examination and made a conclusion. upper and lower limbs - abs , retro-micrognathia, echo-shadow of a small stomach (Signs of swallowing disorders) lateral ventricles: posterior horns d = s = 9mm. They connected all these violations with my illness in the early stages, that some virus got to the fetus and she was ill with me. My world collapsed after that (((

Returning to the geneticist's office, she cleared me: "Well, why do you agree that we are interrupting pregnancy?" Tears flowed like hail. I never thought that this could happen to me. Where did we get it? There are no such diseases in the family, the first child is healthy. But I can't go for it and I still believe, maybe it's a coincidence, maybe she just put her hands on like this, I'm not talking about her legs, we will cure them. The main thing is that the arms and legs are mobile, but on the ultrasound they tell me that she completely moves them (((I don't know what to do, I just cry and look for information, but I don't find such cases anywhere. A very similar disease to our arthrogryposis , but not a single specialist told me about him

I was given exactly one week to make a decision ((((On Tuesday I go for an MRI, I will go to an ultrasound scan again, to a geneticist, a gynecologist, with the results of an MRI I will go to neurosurgeons. Today I stood in line for 4 hours to Matronushka, begged for help ...

The emergence and development of pregnancy is associated with the formation of a new functional mother-fetus system. The creation of the concept of the functional mother-fetus system made it possible to evaluate from new positions the whole variety of changes that occur in the body of the mother and the fetus during physiological pregnancy.

As a result of numerous experimental and clinical studies, it has been established that changes in the mother's condition during pregnancy actively affect the development of the fetus. In turn, the state of the fetus is not indifferent to the maternal organism. At different periods of intrauterine development, numerous signals emanate from the fetus, which are perceived by the corresponding organs and systems of the mother's body and under the influence of which their activity changes. Consequently, the name "functional mother-fetus system" is understood as the totality of two independent organisms, united by the common goal of ensuring the correct, physiological development of the fetus. Therefore, all the activities of the mother's body during pregnancy should be aimed at maximizing the normal growth of the fetus and maintaining the necessary conditions for its development according to a genetically encoded plan.

The main link connecting the organisms of the mother and the fetus is the placenta. However, this organ, which has both maternal and fetal origins, cannot be regarded as an independent functional system. At a certain stage of development, the mother and fetus can exist independently of the placenta, but the placenta itself cannot exist outside the mother-fetus system. Nevertheless, the concept of "fetoplacental system" still exists in the literature.

For a more visual and detailed idea of ​​how the mother-fetus or mother-placenta-fetus system functions during a physiologically proceeding pregnancy, one should first of all separately consider the most important processes that take place in the mother's body, placenta and the fetus, and then trace, how their interaction takes place.

During a physiologically proceeding pregnancy, in connection with the development of the fetus and the placenta, significant changes in the function of all the most important organs and systems are observed in the maternal body. These changes are of a pronounced adaptive nature and are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the growth and development of the fetus.

Endocrine system. The onset and development of pregnancy is accompanied by endocrine changes in the maternal body. The complexity of the changes is determined by the fact that the hormones of the placenta, as well as the fetus, have a very large effect on the activity of the mother's endocrine glands.

The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland increases 2-3 times during pregnancy, while the mass of the adenohypophysis reaches 100 mg by the end of pregnancy. Histological examination reveals large acidophilic cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, called "pregnancy cells". The nature of the basophilic cells does not change significantly. It is believed that the appearance of "pregnancy cells" is due to the stimulating effect of sex steroid hormones in the placenta.

Morphological changes in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland are reflected in the functions of this organ. First of all, this is expressed in a sharp inhibition of the production of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. The production of prolactin (Prl) during pregnancy, on the contrary, increases and increases by the end of 5-10 times in comparison with the indicators typical for non-pregnant women. In the postpartum period, serum levels of FSH and LH increase in parallel with a decrease in Prl production.

During a physiologically ongoing pregnancy, the content of growth hormone (STH) in the blood is practically unchanged, only at the end of pregnancy there is a slight increase.

There are significant changes in the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Already soon after the onset of pregnancy, an increase in its content is noted in the mother's blood. In the future, as pregnancy progresses, it increases significantly and reaches its maximum before childbirth.

During pregnancy, there is an increased secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which, apparently, is associated with overproduction of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands.

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, unlike the anterior lobe, does not increase during pregnancy. Oxytocin formed in the hypothalamus accumulates in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Oxytocin synthesis increases especially at the end of pregnancy and during labor. It is believed that its release at the end of term pregnancy is the trigger for the onset of labor.

The onset and development of pregnancy is associated with the function of a new endocrine gland - the corpus luteum of pregnancy. In the corpus luteum, sex hormones (progesterone and estrogens) are produced, which play a huge role in implantation and the further development of pregnancy. From 3-4 months of pregnancy, the corpus luteum undergoes involution and the placenta takes over its function entirely. Stimulation of the corpus luteum is carried out by chorionic gonadotropin.

The blockade of the secretion of FSH and LH of the adenohypophysis is accompanied by a natural inhibition of the maturation of follicles in the ovaries; the ovulation process also stops.

Most women experience an increase in the size of the thyroid gland during pregnancy. This is due to her hyperplasia and active hyperemia. The number of follicles increases, the colloid content in them increases. These morphological changes are reflected in the function of the thyroid gland: blood concentrations of thyroxine (T 4) and triiodothyronine (T3) bound to proteins increase. An increase in the thyroxine-binding capacity of serum globulins is apparently due to the influence of hormones of the fetoplacental system.

The function of the parathyroid glands is often somewhat reduced, which is accompanied by disturbances in calcium metabolism. This, in turn, may be accompanied by the occurrence of convulsive phenomena in the calf and other muscles in some pregnant women.

The adrenal glands undergo significant changes during pregnancy. Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex and increased blood flow in them are observed. This is reflected in the increased production of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Characteristically, during pregnancy, not only the production of glucocorticoids increases, but also the synthesis of a specific globulin, grandsortin, increases. Transcortin, binding a free hormone, significantly lengthens its half-life. The increased content of corticosteroids in the blood serum of a pregnant woman is apparently associated not only with the activation of the function of the adrenal cortex, but also with the transition of fetal corticosteroids into the maternal bloodstream. Morphological changes in the adrenal medulla during pregnancy were not found.

Nervous system. This mother's system plays a leading role in the perception of numerous impulses from the fetus. During pregnancy, the receptors of the uterus are the first to begin to respond to impulses from the growing ovum. The uterus contains a large number of various nerve receptors: sensory, chemo-, baro-, mechano-, osmoreceptors, etc. The impact on these receptors leads to a change in the activity of the central and autonomic (autonomic) nervous system of the mother, aimed at ensuring the correct development of the unborn child ...

Central nervous system (CNS) function undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. From the moment of pregnancy, an increasing flow of impulses begins to flow in the mother's central nervous system, which causes the appearance in the cerebral cortex of a local focus of increased excitability - a gestational dominant. Around the gestational dominant, according to the physiological laws of induction, a field of inhibition of nervous processes is created. Clinically, this process manifests itself in a certain inhibited state of the pregnant woman, the predominance of her interests directly related to the birth and health of the unborn child. At the same time, other interests seem to fade into the background. When various stressful situations arise (fright, fear, strong emotional experiences, etc.), in the central nervous system of a pregnant woman, along with the gestational dominant, other foci of persistent arousal can also arise. This greatly weakens the effect of the gestational dominant and is often accompanied by a pathological course of pregnancy. It is on this basis that all pregnant women should, if possible, create conditions for mental rest both at work and at home.

During pregnancy, the state of the central nervous system changes. Until the 3-4th month of pregnancy, the excitability of the cerebral cortex is generally reduced, and then gradually increases. The excitability of the lower parts of the central nervous system and the reflex apparatus of the uterus is reduced, which ensures relaxation of the uterus and the normal course of pregnancy. Before childbirth, the excitability of the spinal cord and nerve elements of the uterus increases, which creates favorable conditions for the onset of labor.

During a physiologically ongoing pregnancy, the tone of the autonomic nervous system changes, and therefore, pregnant women often experience drowsiness, tearfulness, increased irritability, sometimes dizziness and other autonomic disorders. These disorders are usually characteristic of the early period of pregnancy, and then gradually disappear.

The cardiovascular system. During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the activity of the mother's cardiovascular system. These changes allow the delivery of oxygen and a variety of nutrients and the removal of metabolic products necessary for the fetus.

The cardiovascular system functions during pregnancy with increased stress. This increase in load is due to increased metabolism, an increase in the mass of circulating blood, the development of the uteroplacental circle of blood circulation, a progressive increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman and a number of other factors. As the size of the uterus increases, the mobility of the diaphragm is limited, intra-abdominal pressure increases, the position of the heart in the chest changes (it is located more horizontally), and some women experience a mild functional systolic murmur at the apex of the heart.

Among the numerous changes in the cardiovascular system inherent in physiologically proceeding pregnancy, first of all, an increase in the volume of circulating blood (BCC) should be noted. An increase in this indicator is noted already in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the future it constantly increases, reaching a maximum by the 36th week. The increase in BCC is 30-50% of the initial level (before pregnancy).

Hypervolemia occurs mainly due to an increase in blood plasma volume (by 35-47%), although the volume of circulating erythrocytes also increases (by 11-30%). Since the percentage increase in plasma volume exceeds the increase in red blood cell volume, the so-called physiological anemia of pregnancy occurs. It is characterized by a decrease in the hematocrit number (up to 30%) and hemoglobin concentration from 35-140 to 110-120 g / l. Since a decrease in the hematocrit number is observed during pregnancy, a decrease in blood viscosity occurs. All these changes, which have a pronounced adaptive character, ensure the maintenance during pregnancy and childbirth of optimal conditions for microcirculation (oxygen transport) in the placenta and in such vital organs of the mother as the central nervous system, heart and kidneys.

With a normal pregnancy, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreases in the second trimester by 5-15 mm Hg. Peripheral vascular resistance is also usually reduced. This is mainly due to the formation of the uterine circle of blood circulation, which has a low vascular resistance, as well as to the effect on the vascular wall of estrogens and progesterone of the placenta. A decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, together with a decrease in blood viscosity, greatly facilitates hemocirculation processes.

The venous pressure measured in the arms of healthy pregnant women does not change significantly.

Physiological tachycardia is observed during pregnancy. The heart rate reaches a maximum in the third trimester of pregnancy, when this indicator is 15-20 per minute higher than the initial data (before pregnancy). Thus, the normal heart rate in women in late pregnancy is 80-95 per minute.

The most significant hemodynamic shift in pregnancy is the increase in cardiac output. The maximum increase in this indicator at rest is 30-40% of its value before pregnancy. Cardiac output begins to increase from the earliest stages of pregnancy, while its maximum change is noted at 20-24 weeks. In the first half of pregnancy, an increase in cardiac output is mainly due to an increase in the stroke volume of the heart, later - a slight increase in the heart rate. The minute volume of the heart increases partly due to the effect on the myocardium of placental hormones (estrogens and progesterone), partly as a result of the formation of the uteroplacental circulation.

Electrocardiography, carried out in the dynamics of pregnancy, allows you to detect a persistent deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left, which reflects the displacement of the heart in this direction. According to echocardiography. There is an increase in the mass of the myocardium and the size of individual parts of the heart. X-ray examination finds changes in the contours of the heart, reminiscent of the mitral configuration.

The processes of hemodynamics during pregnancy are greatly influenced, as already noted, by the new uteroplacental circle of blood circulation. Although the blood of the mother and the fetus does not mix with each other, changes in hemodynamics in the uterus are immediately reflected in blood circulation in the placenta and in the fetus and vice versa. Unlike the kidneys, central nervous system, myocardium and skeletal muscles, the uterus and placenta are not able to maintain their blood flow at a constant level with changes in systemic blood pressure. The vessels of the uterus and placenta have low resistance and blood flow in them is passively regulated, mainly due to fluctuations in systemic arterial pressure. In the later stages of pregnancy, the vessels of the uterus are maximally expanded. The mechanism of neurogenic regulation of uterine blood flow is mainly associated with adrenergic influences. Stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors causes vasoconstriction and a decrease in uterine blood flow. A decrease in the volume of the uterine cavity (prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid, the appearance of contractions) is accompanied by a decrease in uterine blood flow.

Despite the existence of separate circles of blood circulation in the uterus and placenta (the placental membrane is located in the path of the two blood flows), the hemodynamics of the uterus is closely related to the circulatory system of the fetus and placenta. The participation of the capillary bed of the placenta in the fetal circulation consists in the rhythmic active pulsation of the chorionic capillaries, which are in constant peristaltic movement. These vessels with varying blood volume cause alternate lengthening and contraction of the villi and their branches. This movement of villi has a significant effect not only on the blood circulation of the fetus, but also on the circulation of maternal blood through the intervillous space. Therefore, the capillary bed of the placenta can quite rightly be considered as the "peripheral heart" of the fetus. All these features of the hemodynamics of the uterus and placenta are usually combined under the name "uteroplacental circulation".

Respiratory system. Significant changes, which have a pronounced adaptive character, occur during pregnancy and with the respiratory system. Along with the circulatory system, the respiratory organs provide a continuous supply of oxygen to the fetus, which increases by more than 30-40% during pregnancy.

With an increase in the size of the uterus, the abdominal organs gradually mix, the vertical size of the chest decreases, which, however, is compensated by an increase in its circumference and an increase in the excursion of the diaphragm. However, limiting the excursion of the diaphragm during pregnancy makes ventilation somewhat difficult. This is expressed in a slight increase in breathing rate (by 10 %) and in a gradual increase in the respiratory volume of the lungs by the end of pregnancy (by 30-40%). As a result, the minute breathing volume increases from 8 l / min at the beginning of pregnancy and up to 11 l / min at the end of it.

An increase in the tidal volume of the lungs occurs due to a decrease in the reserve volume, while the vital capacity of the lungs remains unchanged and even slightly increases. During pregnancy, the respiratory work of the mouse increases, although the resistance of the airways decreases towards the end of pregnancy. All these changes in the respiratory function ensure the creation of optimal conditions for gas exchange between the mother and the fetus.

Digestive system. Many women in the early stages of pregnancy experience nausea, vomiting in the morning, taste sensations change, and intolerance to certain foods appears. As the gestational age increases, these phenomena gradually disappear.

Pregnancy has an inhibitory effect on gastric acid secretion and acidity. All parts of the gastrointestinal tract are in a state of hypotension due to changes in the topographic and anatomical relationships in the abdominal cavity due to an increase in the pregnant uterus, as well as neurohormonal changes inherent in pregnancy. Here, the effect of placental progesterone on the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines is of particular importance. This explains the frequent complaints of pregnant women about constipation.

The liver function undergoes significant changes. There is a significant decrease in glycogen stores in this organ, which depends on the intensive transition of glucose from the mother's body to the fetus. Strengthening the processes of glycolysis is not accompanied by hyperglycemia, therefore, in healthy pregnant women, the nature of the glycemic curves does not change significantly. The intensity of lipid metabolism changes. This is expressed by the development of lipemia, a higher level of cholesterol in the blood. The content of cholesterol esters in the blood also increases significantly, which indicates an increase in the synthetic function of the liver.

During the physiological course of pregnancy, the protein-forming function of the liver also changes, which is aimed primarily at providing the growing fetus with the necessary amount of amino acids, from which it synthesizes its own proteins. At the beginning of pregnancy, the total protein content in the blood of pregnant women is within the normal range for non-pregnant women. However, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the concentration of total protein in the blood plasma begins to decrease somewhat. Pronounced shifts are also observed in the protein fractions of the blood (a decrease in the concentration of albumin and an increase in the level of globulins). This, apparently, is due to the increased release of finely dispersed albumin through the capillary walls in the mother's tissue, as well as to their increased consumption by the growing body of the fetus.

An important indicator of liver function in pregnant women is the serum enzyme spectrum. It was found that in the course of physiologically proceeding pregnancy there is an increase in the activity of aspartate minotransferase (ACT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), especially its thermostable fraction. Other liver enzymes undergo slightly smaller changes.

During pregnancy, the processes of inactivation of estrogens and other steroid hormones produced by the placenta are intensified in the liver. The detoxification function of the liver during pregnancy is somewhat reduced. Pigment metabolism during pregnancy does not change significantly. Only at the end of pregnancy does the serum bilirubin content increase slightly, which indicates an increase in the hemolysis process in the body of pregnant women.

Urinary system. During pregnancy, the mother's kidneys function with increased stress, removing from her body not only the metabolic products, but also the metabolic products of the fetus.

The processes of blood supply to the kidneys undergo significant changes. A feature of renal blood flow is its increase in the first trimester of pregnancy and a gradual decrease in the future. Such a decrease in renal blood flow can be considered as a kind of adaptive response that allows other organs to receive additional blood at the end of pregnancy. A decrease in renal blood flow may underlie the activation of the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys with hypersecretion of renin and angiotensin. In parallel with changes in the blood supply to the kidneys, the glomerular filtration also changes, which significantly increases in the first trimester of pregnancy (by 30-50%), and then gradually decreases. The filtration capacity of the kidneys increases during pregnancy, while tubular reabsorption remains unchanged throughout pregnancy.

Such a decrease in glomerular filtration with an almost unchanged tubular reabsorption of water and electrolytes contributes to fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman, which is manifested by pasty tissues in the lower extremities at the end of pregnancy.

Changes in renal function have a pronounced effect on the entire water-salt metabolism during pregnancy. There is an increase in the total fluid content in the body, mainly due to its extracellular part. In general, by the end of pregnancy, the amount of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman may increase by 7 liters.

During physiological pregnancy, the concentration of sodium and potassium in the blood and the excretion of these electrolytes in the urine are within normal limits. At the end of pregnancy, sodium retention occurs in the extracellular fluid, which increases its osmolarity. However, since the sodium content in the blood plasma of pregnant women is equal to that of non-pregnant women, the osmotic pressure remains without significant fluctuations. Potassium, as opposed to sodium, is found primarily within cells. The increased potassium content promotes tissue proliferation, which is especially important for organs such as the uterus.

Some women have orthostatic proteinuria during an uncomplicated pregnancy. This may be due to compression by the liver of the inferior vena cava and the uterus of the renal veins. Glucosuria sometimes occurs during pregnancy. Glucosuria of pregnant women is not a sign of diabetes mellitus, since such women have no carbohydrate metabolism disorders and the blood glucose level is at a normal level. Most likely, the cause of glucosuria in pregnant women is an increase in glomerular filtration of glucose. Along with glucosuria, lactosuria can also be observed, due to an increase in the concentration of lactose in the mother's blood. It should be noted that lactose, unlike glucose, is not absorbed by the kidney tubules.

Pregnancy has a pronounced effect on the topography and function of organs adjacent to the uterus. This primarily concerns the bladder and ureters. As the size of the uterus increases, the bladder is compressed. Towards the end of pregnancy, the base of the bladder moves upward beyond the pelvic floor. The walls of the bladder are hypertrophied and are in a state of increased hyperemia. The ureters are hypertrophied and lengthened somewhat. Sometimes there is the development of a hydroureter, which often occurs on the right. The reason for the more frequent right-sided hydroureter is the fact that the pregnant uterus turns slightly to the right, while squeezing the right ureter and pressing it against the nameless line.

Dilation of the urinary tract begins in the first trimester and reaches a maximum by the 5-8th month of pregnancy. These changes are based on hormonal factors (production of progesterone by the placenta); to a lesser extent, this is due to mechanical compression of the urinary tract by the pregnant uterus. It should be noted that these physiological changes in the urinary system are a factor contributing to the development of infection during pregnancy (pyelonephritis).

Hematopoietic organs. During pregnancy, the processes of hematopoiesis are enhanced. However, due to hypervolemia (plasma volume increases by 35%, and the number of erythrocytes - by 25%), the activation of hematopoietic processes becomes imperceptible. As a result, by the end of pregnancy there is a decrease in the hemoglobin content, the number of erythrocytes and the hematocrit number. The activation of the erythropoietic function of the bone marrow during pregnancy is associated with increased production of the hormone erythropoietin, the formation of which is stimulated by placental lactogen.

During pregnancy, not only the number but also the size and shape of the red blood cells changes. The volume of erythrocytes increases especially noticeably in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy. A certain role in this process belongs to systemic hypoosmolarity and an increase in sodium concentration in erythrocytes. The increased volume of erythrocytes increases their aggregation and changes the rheological properties of blood in general. From the early stages of pregnancy, an increase in blood viscosity is observed. However, this process is leveled by hyperplasia and the corresponding changes in hemodynamics. All these multidirectional processes lead to the fact that at the end of pregnancy, the rheological properties of blood improve.

Thus, with a physiologically ongoing pregnancy, the average red blood counts are as follows: erythrocytes 3.5-5.010 12 / l, hemoglobin 110-120 g / l, hematocrit 0.30-0.35 l / l.

The concentration of serum iron during pregnancy decreases compared with that in non-pregnant women (at the end of pregnancy, up to 10.6 μmol / l). The decrease in iron concentration is mainly due to physiological hypovolemia, as well as increased requirements for this element of the placenta and fetus.

During pregnancy, activation of the white bloodstream is also observed. As a result, the number of leukocytes increases. By the end of pregnancy, leukocytosis rises to 10x10 9 / l, and the number of neutrophils reaches 70%. There is also an increase in ESR (up to 40-50 mm / h).

The immune system. The state of the immune system of the mother and the fetus during pregnancy deserves great attention. The human embryo and fetus receive 50% of the genetic information from the father, which is foreign to the mother's body. The other half of the fetus's genetic information is shared between the fetus and the mother. Thus, the fetus is always a genetically "semi-compatible graft" in relation to the mother's body.

In the process of development of pregnancy between the organisms of the mother and the fetus, very complex immunological relationships arise and are formed, based on the principle of direct and feedback. These relationships ensure the correct, harmonious development of the fetus and prevent the rejection of the fetus as a kind of allograft.

Antigenic activity of the fetus arises and develops gradually. The earliest immune barrier is the zona pellucida, which forms a protective layer around the egg and is subsequently preserved from the moment of fertilization almost to the stage of implantation. It has been established that the zona pellucida is impermeable to immune cells, as a result of which the mother's antibodies, which could have formed in a fertilized egg and embryo in the early stages of development, cannot pass through this barrier. In the future, the immune protection of the embryo and fetus begins to be carried out by other complex mechanisms due to changes in the maternal body and placenta.

Trophoblast antigens appear at approximately 5 weeks of intrauterine development, and fetal antigens at 12 weeks. It is from this period that the immune "attack" of the fetus begins and progresses. How does the maternal organism respond to this progressive immunological attack? What are the most important mechanisms of protecting the fetus from the mother's immunological aggression, which ultimately contributes to the non-rejection of the ovum as an allograft? It should be noted that these issues, despite a significant number of clinical and experimental studies, have not been sufficiently studied to date, and the data obtained are often contradictory.

The most important factor in the protection of the fetus is the immunological tolerance of the maternal organism to the antigens of the fetus of paternal origin, due to various mechanisms. It is known that antigen-antibody reactions are regulated by humoral and cellular mechanisms. During the physiological development of pregnancy, the humoral immunity of the animal, assessed on the basis of the blood level of immunoglobulins of classes A, M and G, does not change significantly, with the exception of the concentration of immunoglobulin G, which somewhat decreases at the end of pregnancy as a result of the transition of IgG across the placenta to the fetus. Does not undergo significant changes during pregnancy and such an important component of the immune system as the complement system. Consequently, the body of a pregnant woman not only responds adequately to antigenic stimulation of the fetus, but also produces antibodies that bind antigens of paternal origin.

During pregnancy, the ratio of T-, B-lymphocytes, T-helpers and T-suppressors does not change significantly, although the absolute number of these cells is subject to certain fluctuations. The increase in the number of lymphocytes, characteristic of pregnancy, is not significant in the processes of immunomodulation. Consequently, a physiologically proceeding pregnancy is characterized by a well-known immunological tolerance of the maternal organism to the antigens of the fetus of paternal genesis. This tolerance is due to a number of factors. Hormones and specific proteins of the placenta play an important role.

Chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by trophoblast from the earliest stages of pregnancy, has pronounced immunosuppressive properties. Placental lactogen has similar properties. Along with these hormones, glucocorticoids, progesterone and estrogens, which are produced in increasing quantities by the placenta during pregnancy, also play a well-known role in the processes of immunosuppression. In addition to hormones, alpha-fetoprotein - a protein produced by embryonic liver cells, as well as some proteins of the placenta of the pregnancy zone (o ^ -glyco protein and trophoblastic protein (Zrglycoprotein)) contribute to the suppression of the immune responses of the maternal body. These proteins of the placenta, in combination with chorionic gonadotropin and placental lactogen creates, as it were, a zone of biological protection of the fetoplacental complex from the action of the cellular and humoral components of the mother's immune system.

The placenta plays an important role in the immune defense of the fetus. The presence of trophoblastic and then placental barriers separating the body of the mother and the fetus determines pronounced protective functions. It was found that the trophoblast is resistant to immune rejection. In addition, the trophoblast is surrounded on all sides by a layer of amorphous fibrinoyl substance, consisting of mucopolysaccharides. This elephant reliably protects the fetus from the immunological aggression of the mother's body. A well-known role in suppressing immune responses in the placenta also belongs to T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes and some other cellular elements that are found in the tissues of the placenta. Thus, the immunological relationship of the mother-fetus system is a physiological process aimed at creating and providing the necessary conditions for the normal development of the fetus. Violation of this process often leads to the development of pregnancy pathology (miscarriage, gestosis, etc.).

Hemostasis system. Physiologically proceeding pregnancy and physiological roles are associated with the adaptation of the hemostasis system, which is characterized by certain qualitative shifts in various links of this system. They are characterized by a significant (up to 150-200%) increase in the content of all plasma factors (except for factor XIII) of blood coagulation, a decrease in the activity (but not in the content) of natural blood clotting inhibitors - antithrombin III, protein C, inhibition of fibrinolysis activity and a slight increase in adhesiveness. -aggregational properties of platelets. However, this, as a rule, is not combined with pathological hyperthrombinemia and intravascular blood coagulation.

Maternal and fetal hemostasis systems function relatively separately during pregnancy; the placenta has only an indirect effect on the hemostasis of the mother and the fetus. The function of the spiral arterioles, with the help of which the placenta is supplied with blood, is affected by the hemostasis system of the maternal organism, primarily the platelet link. Platelets regulate blood flow in the spiral arterioles through the interaction of their thrombox-generating system and the prostacyclin-generating system of the endothelium. Local processes of activation of hemostasis in the uteroplacental bloodstream with intra- and extravasal deposition of fibrin cause a mild consumption of coagulation factors. An increase in hemostatic potential during pregnancy provides physiological hemostasis during placental separation, which, together with the contraction of smooth muscles, stops bleeding from the vessels of the placental site. Thus, changes in the blood coagulation system during pregnancy consist in a constant decrease in fibrinolytic activity and an increase in blood coagulation. These changes have a pronounced adaptive character and are primarily aimed at reducing the volume of physiological blood loss during childbirth.

Metabolism. With the onset of pregnancy, significant changes occur in the metabolism. These changes are of an adaptive nature and are aimed at ensuring the correct development of the embryo and fetus. Basal metabolism and oxygen consumption increase significantly, which is especially noticeable in the second half of pregnancy.

Significant changes are observed in protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. As pregnancy progresses in the body of bus women, the accumulation of protein substances occurs, which is necessary to meet the needs of the growing fetus for amino acids. Changes in carbohydrate metabolism are characterized by the accumulation of glycogen in liver cells, muscle tissue, uterus and placenta. During the physiological course of pregnancy in the mother's blood, there is a slight increase in the concentration of neutral fat, cholesterol and lipids.

Mineral and water exchange undergoes various changes. During pregnancy in a woman's body, there is a retention of calcium and phosphorus salts. Both of these elements cross the placenta and are spent on building the bones of the fetus. Iron also passes from the mother to the fetus, which is used in the synthesis of fetal hemoglobin. With severe iron deficiency anemia of the mother, the fetus also develops anemia, therefore, the diet of pregnant women should always have a sufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus and iron. Along with these elements in the mother's body, there is also a retention of potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper and some other electrolytes. All these substances pass through the placenta and are actively involved in metabolic processes.

Significant changes concern water exchange. An increase in oncotic and osmotic pressure in tissues, primarily due to the retention of albumin and sodium salts, creates conditions for an increase in the hydrophilicity of tissues, mainly as a result of the accumulation of interstitial fluid. This process is of very great physiological importance, causing softening of tissues and ligaments and thereby facilitating the passage of the fetus through the birth canal during childbirth. In the regulation of water metabolism during pregnancy, an important role belongs to adrenal aldosterone, progesterone of the corpus luteum and placenta, antidiuretic hormone of the pituitary gland and some other factors. Thus, the physiological course of pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body. When the compensatory mechanisms regulating water metabolism are disrupted, edema occurs relatively easily in pregnant women, which already indicates the onset of pathology (gestosis).

During pregnancy, the need for vitamins increases significantly. Vitamins are necessary both for the physiological course of metabolic processes in the mother's body, and for the proper development of the fetus. The intensity of the use of iron for the synthesis of hemoglobin depends on the sufficient intake of vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, PP and folic acid in the mother's body.

Vitamin E contributes to the proper development of pregnancy and, if it is deficient, spontaneous abortion may occur. The role of other vitamins during pregnancy is also great: A, D, C, PP, etc. Most vitamins, to one degree or another, pass through the placenta and are used by the fetus in the process of its growth and development. It must be emphasized that vitamins are not formed in the body, but come from outside with food. Hence, it becomes clear how great is the role of supplying vitamins to the organisms of the mother and the fetus during pregnancy. Often, food contains an insufficient amount of vitamins, which occurs in the winter and spring months of the year due to the seasonal shortage of vegetables and fruits. In such cases, the appointment of multivitamins in the form of drugs is indicated.

Certain adaptive changes during physiological pregnancy are observed in the acid-base state (CBS). It was found that pregnant women develop a state of physiological metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis.

The musculoskeletal system. During the physiological course of pregnancy, pronounced changes occur in the entire musculoskeletal system of a woman. Serous impregnation and loosening of the ligaments, cartilage and synovial membranes of the pubic and sacroiliac joints are noted. As a result, there is some discrepancy of the pubic bones to the sides (by 0.5-0.6 cm). With a more pronounced discrepancy and the appearance of pain in this area, they speak of symphysiopathy. This pathological condition requires appropriate therapy.

Changes in the joints, characteristic of pregnancy, lead to a slight increase in the direct size of the entrance to the small pelvis, which has a positive effect during childbirth. The rib cage expands, the costal arches are located more horizontally, the lower end of the sternum slightly moves away from the spine. All these changes leave an imprint on the entire posture of the pregnant woman.

Leather. The skin undergoes peculiar changes. In many pregnant women, brown pigment is deposited on the face, nipples, and areola, which is due to changes in the function of the adrenal glands. As the gestation period increases, there is a gradual stretching of the anterior abdominal wall. The so-called pregnancy scars appear, which are formed as a result of the divergence of the connective tissue and elastic fibers of the skin. Pregnancy scars have the appearance of pink or blue-purple arched stripes. Most often they are located on the skin of the abdomen, less often on the skin of the mammary glands and thighs. After childbirth, these scars lose their pink color and take on the appearance of white stripes. In subsequent pregnancies, against the background of old pregnancy scars, new ones with a characteristic pink color may appear.

The navel in the second half of pregnancy is smoothed out, and later bulges out. In some cases, during pregnancy, hair growth is noted on the skin of the face, abdomen, thighs, which is due to increased production of androgens by the adrenal glands and partly by the placenta. Hypertrichosis is temporary and gradually disappears after childbirth.

Body mass. An increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman is due to a number of factors: the growth of the uterus and fetus, the accumulation of amniotic fluid, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, fluid retention in the body, an increase in the layer of the subcutaneous base (fatty tissue). Body weight increases most intensively in the second half of pregnancy, when the weekly increase is 250-300 g. At a more significant rate of increase in body weight, we can talk first about latent, and then about explicit edema (gestosis). Throughout pregnancy, a woman's body weight increases on average by 9-12 kg, depending on the constitution.

Mammary gland. The mammary glandular tissue is a complex of tubular-alveolar glands, which are made up of a treelike system of ducts that drain clusters of sac-like structures called alveoli, or anines. These alveoli form the basic structural unit of the secreting system. Each alveolus is surrounded by a network of myoepithelial cells and a dense capillary network. Alveoli form lobules, consisting of 10-100 alveoli. A group of 20-40 lobules forms larger lobes, each of which has a common milk duct. The total number of milk ducts ranges from 15 to 20. The milk ducts come to the surface in the nipple area.

The mammary gland has an abundant blood supply and developed innervation, represented by sensitive and autonomic nerve fibers. In the cellular elements of the mammary glands there are numerous receptors for protein and steroid hormones.

With the onset and development of pregnancy, pronounced changes occur in the tissues of the mammary glands, which are preparatory to subsequent lactation. The blood supply to the mammary glands increases significantly; under the influence of hormonal changes, active cell proliferation of both ducts and acinous structures (mammogenesis) occurs. Proliferative changes in the milk ducts begin earlier than the acinous parts. Proliferative processes are usually observed from the 3-4th week of pregnancy and decrease somewhat in the second half of it.

Active proliferative processes in the epithelium of the excretory ducts and acini lead to a significant increase in the size of the lobules of the mammary glands due to the processes of hyperplasia and hypertrophy. From the second half of pregnancy, against the background of a decrease in proliferation, the preparation of the mammary glands begins for their most important function - milk secretion. Fat inclusions are formed in the protoplasm of the cells, and the alveoli begin to fill with protein-like substances consisting of desquamated epithelial cells and leukocytes. However, during pregnancy, neither lipids nor proteins, which are the main constituents of future milk, still enter the alveolar sacs from the alveoli. At the end of pregnancy, when pressing on the nipples, colostrum begins to be released from them.

Along with changes in the epithelial structures of the mammary glands, activation of the smooth muscles of the nipples occurs. As a result of all these physiological processes, the mass of the mammary glands increases significantly from 150-250 g (before pregnancy) to 400-500 g (at the end of it).

Breast function is mainly dependent on hormonal factors. At the beginning of the mammogenesis process, an important role belongs to ovarian hormones (progesterone and estrogens of the corpus luteum of pregnancy). Then the function of the corpus luteum passes to the placenta, which secretes an ever-increasing amount of both estrogen and progesterone. Placental lactogen plays an important role in the processes of mammogenesis during pregnancy. The role of thyroid and adrenal hormones is also great. The combined effect of all these hormones on the corresponding receptors of the mammary glands carries out the most complex processes of preparation for lactation.

The reproductive system. During pregnancy, the most pronounced changes occur in the reproductive system and especially in the uterus.

The uterus increases in size throughout pregnancy, but this increase is asymmetric, which largely depends on the site of implantation. During the first few weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is pear-shaped. At the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases approximately 3 times and it has a rounded shape. During the second half of pregnancy, the uterus retains its rounded shape, and at the beginning of the third trimester it becomes ovoid.

As the uterus grows, due to its mobility, some of its rotation occurs, more often to the right. It is believed that this process is due to pressure on it by the sigmoid colon, located on the left posterior side of the pelvic cavity.

At the end of pregnancy, the weight of the uterus reaches an average of 1000 g (before pregnancy 50-100 g). The volume of the uterine cavity at the end of pregnancy increases more than 500 times. The increase in the size of the uterus occurs due to the progressive processes of hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle elements. The processes of hypertrophy prevail over the processes of hyperplasia, as evidenced by the weak severity of mitotic processes in myocytes. As a result of hypertrophy, each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times and thickens approximately 5 times. Along with hypertrophy and hyperplasia, the number of smooth muscle cells increases. New muscle cells originate from the corresponding elements of the walls of the uterine vessels (arteries and veins).

In parallel with the changes in smooth muscles, complex processes are taking place to transform the connective tissue of the uterus. Hyperplasia of connective tissue is noted, which makes up the reticular fibrous and argyrophilic frame of the uterus. As a result, the uterus acquires the excitability and contractility that are so characteristic of this organ during pregnancy. Significant changes also occur in the mucous membrane of the uterus, which turns into a developed decidua.

As pregnancy progresses, significant changes occur in the vascular system of the uterus. There is a pronounced lengthening of the vascular, especially the venous system, the course of the vessels is made corkscrew, which allows them to adapt as much as possible to the changed volume of the uterus. The vascular network of the uterus increases not only as a result of lengthening and expansion of the venous and arterial network, but also due to neoplasm of blood vessels. All these changes contribute to increased blood circulation in the uterus. In terms of its oxygen regime, the pregnant uterus approaches such vital organs as the heart, liver and brain. Some scientists tend to regard the uterus as a "second heart" during pregnancy. It is characteristic that the uterine circle of blood circulation, closely associated with the placental and fetal, has relative independence from general hemodynamics and is characterized by a certain constancy. These features of the uterine circulation are of fundamental importance in the uninterrupted supply of oxygen and various nutrients to the fetus.

During pregnancy, the nerve elements of the uterus change, the number of various receptors (sensitive, baro-, osmo-, chemo-, etc.) increases. They are very important in the perception of a variety of nerve impulses that come from the fetus to the mother. The onset of labor is associated with the excitation of a number of these receptors.

Biochemical and electrostatic changes in the myometrium, which prepare the uterus for labor, deserve special consideration. The uterus is rich in various muscle proteins. The main proteins include myosin, actin and actomyosin. The main complex of contractile proteins is actomyosin, a compound of actin and myosin. Myosin is a globulin and makes up about 40% of all muscle proteins. Myosin has the properties of an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) and inorganic phosphorus.

Actin is the second protein of the contractile complex and makes up approximately 20% of fibrillar proteins. The combination of actin and myosin is a complex biochemical process that is of decisive importance in the contractile properties of the myometrium. With the onset of pregnancy and during its development, the amount of actomyosin increases significantly.

Along with contractile proteins, the myometrium also contains sarcoplasmic proteins involved in the metabolic processes of muscle cells. These include myogen, myoglobulin, and myoglobin. These proteins play an important role in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

During physiological pregnancy, various phosphorus compounds accumulate in the myometrium, as well as such energetically important compounds as creatine phosphate and glycogen. An increase in the activity of enzyme systems is noted, among which the ATPase of actomyosin is of the greatest importance. This enzyme is directly related to the contractile properties of the myometrium. The activity of this enzyme increases especially noticeably at the end of pregnancy.

The contractility of the myometrium also depends on the intensity of metabolic processes in the uterus. The main indicators of muscle tissue metabolism are the intensity of oxidative and glycolytic processes. These processes cause the accumulation of various high-energy chemical compounds (glycogen, macroergic phosphates), muscle proteins, and electrolytes (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine ions, etc.) in the uterine muscle.

With the onset of pregnancy, the activity of oxidative processes increases sharply, while the activity of glycolytic (uneconomical) metabolism is suppressed.

The excitability and mechanical activity of the neuromuscular apparatus of the uterus is in a certain dependence on the ionic composition of the extracellular environment and the permeability of individual electrolytes through the protoplasmic membrane. The excitability and contractile activity of a smooth muscle cell (myocyte) depend on the permeability of its membrane for ions. The change in permeability occurs under the influence of the resting potential or action potential. At rest (membrane polarization), K + is inside the cell, and Na + is on the outer surface of the cell membrane and in the intercellular environment. In such a situation, a positive charge is created on the surface of the cell and in its environment, and a negative charge is created inside the cell.

When excitation occurs, depolarization of the cell membrane occurs, which causes an action potential (contraction of the muscle cell), while K + leaves the cell, and Na +, on the contrary, enters the cell. Ca 2+ is a powerful activator of muscle cell excitation processes. During the physiological course of pregnancy, estrogens and progesterone of the placenta, as well as biologically active substances, maintain optimal ionic equilibrium and ensure the spread of the flow of electric charges in the required direction.

A large role in the excitability and contractile myometrium belongs to alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, which are located on the membrane of smooth muscle cells. Excitation of alpha-adrenergic receptors leads to contractions of the uterus, excitation of beta-adrenergic receptors is accompanied by the opposite effect. These are the most important mechanisms that ensure the physiological state of the myometrium during pregnancy, namely: at the beginning of pregnancy, there is a low excitability of the uterus, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, excitability increases, reaching its highest degree by the onset of childbirth.

Along with the uterus, other parts of the female reproductive system undergo significant changes during pregnancy.

The fallopian tubes thicken, blood circulation in them increases significantly. Their topography also changes (by the end of pregnancy, they hang along the ribs of the uterus).

The ovaries increase somewhat in size, although the cyclic processes in them stop. During the first 4 months of pregnancy, a corpus luteum exists in one of the ovaries, which subsequently undergoes involution. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, the topography of the ovaries, which are located outside the small pelvis, changes.

The ligaments of the uterus are significantly thickened and lengthened. This is especially true for the round and sacro-uterine ligaments.

Vagina. During pregnancy, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the muscle and connective tissue elements of this organ occurs. The blood supply to its walls is enhanced, there is a pronounced serous impregnation of all its layers. As a result, the walls of the vagina become easily stretchable. The mucous membrane of the vagina, due to congestive venous congestion, acquires a characteristic cyanotic color. The processes of extravasation are intensified, as a result of which the liquid part of the vaginal contents increases, a lot of glycogen is deposited in the protoplasm of the stratified squamous epithelium, which creates optimal conditions for the reproduction of lactobacilli. The lactic acid secreted by these microorganisms maintains the acidic reaction of the vaginal contents, which is an important deterrent to the ascending infection.

The external genitals are loosened during pregnancy, the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina has a distinct cyanotic color. Sometimes varicose veins occur on the external genitals.

Other internal organs. Along with the urinary system, significant changes in connection with pregnancy are also observed in the abdominal organs. The skinny, ileum and cecum, the appendix are displaced by the pregnant uterus up and to the right. At the end of pregnancy, the appendix may be located in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, which should be taken into account when an appendectomy is performed at the end of pregnancy. The sigmoid colon is displaced upward and can be pressed against the upper edge of the pelvis at the end of pregnancy. At the same time, there is compression of the abdominal aorta, the inferior vena cava, which can lead to varicose veins of the lower extremities and rectum (hemorrhoids).

Many expectant mothers note significant metamorphoses in their character. Excessive sentimentality, tearfulness, irritability appear. Physical changes are also felt: increased fatigue, drowsiness, memory problems, inability to concentrate. It's not just hormones that are to blame for all this. Part of this strange behavior and condition of a woman is a consequence of changes in the central nervous system that occur during pregnancy. What to expect from your own condition during this period, what to prepare for? And how to get through this difficult time without unnecessary stress and excitement? We will talk about this today.

The nervous system is our connection with the outside world

First, let's figure out what the nervous system is and what functions it performs in the body.

The NS covers the entire organism with the most complex network of structures. Thanks to her, every cell of the body acquires the ability to respond to stimuli, internal or external. Thus, self-regulation of the body's vital activity occurs. The nervous system provides collection, storage and processing of information coming from outside and from the internal environment. Also, with its help, the activities of the bodies are regulated and coordinated.

The nervous system consists of central, peripheral and autonomic. The central nervous system is formed by the brain and spinal cord, as well as their protective membranes. It is associated with tangible changes in the female body when carrying a baby.

"Protective field" for pregnancy

From the very beginning of pregnancy, impulses begin to flow in the woman's central nervous system. Their flow is increasing. As a result, a local focus of increased excitability arises in the cerebral cortex. It is also called the dominant of pregnancy. A field is formed around it, where nervous processes are inhibited. This means that from now on, a woman with all her being is turned only to the changes taking place within her, that is, everything that is associated with bearing a baby and the upcoming birth. This feature of the central nervous system is due to nature. But what will happen if this "protective field" is weakened? Let's say the mother-to-be has experienced severe stress or anxiety. In this case, along with the dominant pregnancy, another focus of excitation appears in the central nervous system. In this case, the excitement in the zone of the dominant falls. This can be dangerous for gestation, because the action of the central nervous system, aimed at protecting pregnancy, is weakened. That is why pregnant women need to try to avoid stress and all kinds of unfavorable situations from a psychoemotional point of view.

How the central nervous system changes during pregnancy

Until about 3-4 months of pregnancy, a woman has a reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex. Then it starts to rise. During the gestation of a child, the excitability of the reflex apparatus of the uterus decreases. This is necessary to keep the uterus in a relaxed state. Otherwise, pregnancy will be at risk. This situation persists until the very birth. About a week before the due date, the excitability of the nerve elements of the uterus and spinal cord increases, which is a condition for a successful delivery.

Why do pregnant women get tired quickly and feel sleepy?

Pregnant women are advised to get more rest. But, probably, not a single mother-to-be would spend an extra hour in a supine position if her health allowed her to lead an active lifestyle and do familiar things. After all, before the birth of a baby, you need to have time to do so many things! But the nervous system cannot be outwitted. Such phenomena as weakness, fatigue, drowsiness are its defense mechanisms. They help the expectant mother avoid unnecessary stress and make her spend more time at rest.

Toxicosis and the vagus nerve

Another feature of the body during pregnancy - morning sickness - can also be associated with the work of the central nervous system. Vomiting can be due to changes in the tone of the vagus nerve, which regulates the work of many internal organs.

Rejection of any odors or change in taste preferences is also associated with the tone of the vagus nerve.

Changes in vegetative NS

The autonomic nervous system (or autonomic) is responsible for regulating the work of all internal organs, as well as the excretory and reproductive systems. The work of the ANS is not under the control of human consciousness. The placenta is outside the "department" of the ANS, but the blood supply and contractions of the uterus depend on the autonomic nervous system.

During pregnancy, due to the work of the ANS, cardiac activity is stimulated with increased activity. The same happens with the vascular and respiratory systems. Thus, the body of the expectant mother and fetus is provided with oxygen, which during pregnancy is needed more than usual. The blood supply to the kidneys is enhanced, which during this period work for two, removing waste products.

The nervous system, along with other organs and systems of the body, undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. This is necessary for the normal bearing of the child and successful childbirth. But a lot also depends on the future mother herself. In order not to expose the nervous system to additional stress, you need to follow all the recommendations for women in the position: lead a healthy lifestyle, walk more, try to avoid negative emotions and stress.

Any pregnant woman should know that the waste of nerves during pregnancy can have extremely negative consequences, both for her own condition and for the baby inside the womb. Because the expectant mother is closely connected with the child at the level of all life-supporting systems and internal organs. A small body senses even the slightest anxiety of the mother, and the activity of the nervous system is reflected in it. You need to know and consider how nerves affect pregnancy in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

Troubles happen to each of us on a regular basis, be it minor everyday problems or serious life troubles, it doesn't matter. People react differently to such situations, but the intensity of the nerves during pregnancy increases and what may not be a problem for an ordinary person will become a whole tragedy for a pregnant woman. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, which originates in the first trimester of pregnancy and ends after the birth of a small organism. During this period, women often change their mood, increase emotionality, vulnerability, and susceptibility.


How frequent worries can affect the health of a mother and her child. What threats do they carry:

  1. Miscarriage or premature birth.
  2. Defects of various systems of the child's body, developmental delays.
  3. Disturbed sleep of a child, anxiety, inability to fall asleep and, as a result, feeling unwell.
  4. From an early age, problems with memory, thinking and perception of the surrounding world. Possible dementia or mental retardation.
  5. Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. An increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which entails oxygen starvation, thinning of blood vessels and a lack of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby.
  6. Fearfulness, irritability and hyperactivity of a child born under stress. It is difficult for them to manage and control his actions. In this case, one cannot do without treatment and the use of special methods of psychology.
  7. Asymmetry of various parts of the child's body. These can be differences on the face, limbs, etc.
  8. Fetal presentation is a frequent consequence of a woman's nervous tension during gestation. This greatly complicates the process of natural childbirth and can be fraught with consequences for two organisms: the mother and the child.

Methods for getting rid of anxiety

It is impossible not to be nervous at all, but it is possible to minimize these experiences. Emotions are better controlled when you realize how harmful they are to the body inside the womb.

  1. Information about pregnancy and childbirth. Today, there is a lot of access to information about pregnancy and childbirth, parenting: forums, audiobooks, e-books, magazines, etc. Passion for knowledge during gestation will help to distract from minor troubles, learn more about the processes of the relationship between mother and child and realize the changes that occur in the female body.
  2. Compliance with the regime of the day. These rules apply to all people who want to stay healthy, but are fundamental for pregnant women. It is necessary to balance your diet with vitamins and essential elements, to be outdoors more often, to carry out minimal loads and to sleep well. You can do gymnastics, dancing, yoga or other useful hobby, which will not only charge you with a positive, but also limit the time for extraneous worried thoughts.
  3. Planning. Making a to-do list for a day or a month. Then anxiety will visit you less often, because you will follow a clearly defined plan.
  4. Close ones. The help of your family and friends will not leave you alone with your problems, they will help you find a way out of difficult situations and give advice on time. Feel free to contact them for support and help.
  5. Positive emotions. Get positive from everyday little things: a good movie or book, dancing, singing, meeting interesting people, your favorite hobby. All this will fill the day with colors and will not fade away.

Relationship with the child. Talk to him, tell him about your plans, go songs to him, stroke him. This will forge a closer emotional connection and drive away the worries.

Every woman preparing to become a mother should know about the dangers of experiences and why it is necessary to control her nerves during this period. First of all, you need to remember about the child and the possible consequences for him. If the case is serious and you cannot cope on your own, seek help from a doctor who will prescribe you safe sedatives. But don't use medications on your own.

A storm of emotions is contained in a woman during pregnancy, it is very, very difficult to figure out what she finally wants. She may get angry, cry after a few minutes, and then smile. How can a pregnant woman learn to stay calm again?

The reason for the storm of emotions in pregnant women.

The mood of pregnant women is changeable, while various little things can make them nervous. It should be noted that the woman did not even pay attention to these little things before. The reason for this behavior is the production of a large amount of female hormones necessary for the normal bearing of a child. The main hormones of pregnancy include gonadotropin: in the early stages of pregnancy, a high level of the hormone, the maximum concentration at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy, increased concentration causes nausea, and this becomes the cause of increased irritability; progesterone: a hormone affecting the process of carrying a child, the level of the hormone is high, it is the cause of a woman's rapid fatigue; estriol: a natural antioxidant produced throughout pregnancy.

Most of all, the changed hormonal background affects the emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester. You should pay special attention to yourself when:

· you were predisposed to mood swings before pregnancy;

· during a previous pregnancy, you lost a baby. During a new pregnancy, a woman will listen to her body and look for signs of threat, and this increases irritability and serves as a reason to lose her temper. Keep in mind that negative emotions can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy, we get a vicious circle.

· pregnancy came under the persuasion of her husband or relatives, then you may not understand why you need pregnancy, as a result, the pregnant woman begins to take off her anger at her loved ones, who made her decide to have a baby.

· you are used to giving orders to obey you, you are used to keeping everyone and everyone in subjection, but closer to childbirth, working capacity decreases, often people around you begin to help you out of the best intentions, but such concern seems to be a signal to a strong woman - I have become weak, and this is the basis of nervous stress ...

How do nervous breakdowns affect pregnancy?

Hormonal levels change throughout pregnancy, so mood swings will continue throughout pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that severe stress can provoke the risk of a threat of termination of pregnancy (hypertonicity of the uterus), cause problems with sleep, appetite, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the appearance of skin problems, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can tell you are having a nervous breakdown if:

· quick fatigue sets in, frequent mistakes appear in work;

· cannot concentrate;

· tormented by insomnia, nightmares to take off;

· tormented by overwhelming anxiety;

· there is an increased heartbeat, neck pain, headache, neck pain, back pain.

You have a nervous breakdown - what should you do?

It is difficult to cope with feelings on your own; you should seek help from a specialist. First, inform the gynecologist about your nerves and he will prescribe you: valerian, motherwort infusion, "Glycine", "Person", "Magne B6". Only a specialist will prescribe the dosage you need, tell you how long you should take them. If the measures taken are not enough, the doctor will refer you to a psychologist, psychotherapist.

How to deal with nervous stress during pregnancy.

1. Express your emotions - anger, anger overtook you at work, you can go to the toilet and wash yourself with cold water, open the tap to the full and hit the stream of water with the edge of your palm;

2. Train yourself to relax

3. Sleep is the best medicine. Sleep deprivation can lead to stress. You need to try to sleep 8 hours a day, and if possible, you can take a nap in the afternoon for a couple of hours. Arrange yourself a SIESTA !.

4. Talk about problems. You got nasty at work, pushed in public transport, etc. It is worth talking about the situation, if there is a problem, then it will be easier for you to understand the cause and solve it.

5. Seek support from your husband. Do not take anger out on your husband, this will only aggravate the situation. It is worth explaining to him that you are having a difficult period and you need help. Ask him to help you, even to pull his mustache or beard (if that makes it easier for you). Believe me, your husband wants you to be calm and cheerful as much as you do.