New Year's riddles for children and adults are funny. New Year's riddles for a noisy and cheerful company

In order for the New Year's holiday to be remembered by all those present, it is necessary to set the table with appetizing and tasty dishes, decorate the premises, dress up, and prepare an entertainment program. Without it, it will be difficult to surprise young and adult guests. Funny riddles for the New Year for children and adults will be an excellent option for creating a cheerful mood. You can prepare separate riddles for different age groups of guests, or you can use questions that are suitable for both young children and their parents. In this article you will find New Year's riddles for children and adults - funny, unusual and always on the theme of winter holidays.

Puzzle options for the whole family

Who is never in a hurry and is never late? (New Year)

Who has no hands but draws? No teeth, but does he bite? (Freezing)

Who decorates trees with silver and creates an unprecedented pattern? (Frost)

Which white carrot grows in winter? (Icicle)

Who dresses up just once a year? (Christmas tree)

What kind of paper chains do children glue? (Paper garlands)

What's growing upside down? (Icicle)

What magic wand does each person light to the chime? (Sparkler)

What kind of toy shoots like a cannon? (Clapperboard)

It was a wheel, it became a tape. What kind of New Year's toy are we talking about? (Serpentine)

Who has a beard - the main tool of labor? (Father Frost)

What winter visitor stands in every yard with a broom in his hand? (Snowman)

Why do people skate in winter? (On ice)

What is heavier than a kilogram of snow or a kilogram of ice? (Same)

Does everyone in the world like an elegant beauty? (Christmas tree)

Who walks without legs, lies without a bed, though light, but the trees and roofs ache? (Snow)

What is it impossible without in winter, but you need to cook in summer? (Sled)

Riddles in verse

Riddles for the New Year for children and adults can be not only in prose, but also in poetry. They will surely appeal to both adults and the smallest participants in the celebration.

Who is fluffy, silvery,

You touch it with your hand, it will melt,

Will it become pure water? (Snow)

Flowers are falling from the sky

Trees and bushes.

White, fluffy,

Only not fragrant. (Snowflakes)

The grandfather is lying - no whiter.

Lies all winter, no one will lift.

Spring will come - it will disappear itself. (Snowdrift)

The most terrible winter beast.

Everyone is afraid of him, because he can bite. (Freezing)

A star fell from the sky

Water spilled onto my palm. (Snowflake)

Everything took refuge under the snow

The house smells of pies.

So the tree goes into the house,

So soon ... (New Year)

Into the field to the track

Someone poured peas,

White fluffy

Soft radiant. (Snow)

All the paths are covered with snow

The windows are painted.

Who gave us joy

And did you ride on the sled? (Winter)

His days are getting shorter

And longer than the night.

This month the whole crowd

We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

Who draws on the window

Snow-white patterns?

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

He can bite his nose. (Freezing)

It just blew in the winter -

My friends are with me.

These are two sisters

And this… (Mittens)

Prickly, fragrant,

Smart green

On New Year's Eve it will come

And it will bring joy. (Christmas tree)

White blanket

Lying on the field.

The sun has warmed up

The blanket is gone. (Snow)

Above sparkles

Decorates the Christmas tree.

You can't live without her

New Year's ... (Star)

We are not sad on New Years

We all sit at the table.

And to each other with expression

We say ... (Congratulations)

Santa Claus and will come to us

Behind the back with gifts.

And although it will quickly leave,

Leave us ... (New Year)

We bought for the Christmas tree

On New Year's Eve they gave her

Like bright chains

Shine in the branches ... (Lights)

Very soon he will come

Joy, happiness will bring.

Protect from bad weather

This is a holiday… (New Year)

Who was a black cloud

I lay down white on the forest,

Covered everything with a blanket

Well, and disappeared in the spring? (Snow)

She is always dressed in silver

The magic granddaughter of an old grandfather. (Snow Maiden)

Who comes on New Years,

Does the smell of the forest bring us? (Herringbone)

Such riddles for the New Year with answers for children and adults will make the holiday fun, bright and unforgettable. You can even arrange a competition or quiz, in which everyone can take part. Each participant who guesses the riddle should be given a piece of candy or a bright star. Whoever has the most such small gifts at the end of the competition won. The most erudite participant of the holiday should be given a special prize. In addition to answers to pre-prepared riddles, you can come up with a competition for the best knowledge of riddles about winter and New Year. Several comers take turns calling riddles on the theme of the New Year and winter. Those who cannot name the riddle are eliminated from the game. And so on until the last participant.

New Year's riddles for adults

To create a fun atmosphere during the New Year's celebration, it is recommended to include funny riddles in the program of the event. They can be used when planning a New Years celebration with friends or colleagues. Consider funny riddles with a trick, which not everyone can guess.

  1. Why does Santa Claus always have a red nose? (The correct answer should be chosen in advance: he was bitten by frost, he was only from the bath, or he took it on his chest).
  2. Without which it is impossible to imagine the New Year? (Here the correct answer can be anything: Santa Claus, Christmas tree, gifts, etc. But in this case, the correct answer would be "Olivier" salad).
  3. Without what explosion is the New Year impossible? (The correct answer is not a cracker, but opening a bottle of champagne.)
  4. What does not have arms and legs, but reacts to electric current? (New Year's garland).
  5. Who is always dressed like winter for the New Year? (Most often this question is answered by "New Year tree", but the correct answer is a herring under a fur coat).
  6. Who does not burn in the fire, but hisses in the snow? (Petard).

To celebrate the New Year without children, you can include more piquant riddles in the program. The choice of riddles depends on the general age and mood of the guests. Riddles can also be used in various New Year contests. They can even be used for an adult drinking contest - whoever does not know the answer to the riddle drinks. You can show your imagination and come up with more complex and unusual contests.

In this article, you have found New Year's riddles for children and adults with answers in poetry and prose. Be sure to use them to plan the event, so as not to turn the holiday into an ordinary get-together.

Barely breathe in winter - they are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you. Their name is ... (Mittens)

The sun will come out - it will cry.

There is no sun - it will hide the tears. (Icicle)

Two birch horses carry me through the snow.

These horses are red, and their name is ... (Skis)

Who is on New Year's holiday

Will he come to us, friends, today?

Whitebeard and red nose.

Who is this? (Father Frost)

Father Frost's shoulder. (Bag)

A canvas for the arts of an invisible winter painter. (Window)

What a sewing needle differs from a Christmas tree. (Ear)

He himself does not lie and does not order to sleep. (Freezing)

She came, scattered, hung in clumps on the branches of oak trees. (Winter)

Carnival platband. (Mask)

Heavenly snow carrier. (Cloud)

A place where children gather a bountiful harvest of cones during the winter holidays. (Slide)

The boys went their separate ways

In different closets.

Every boy -

Into your closet. (Fingers in gloves)

All their lives they have been overtaking

And they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)

Five brothers equal for years

Only the height is different. (Fingers)

Doesn't burn in the fire

Doesn't sink in water

And it does not rot in the ground. (Thought)

And the army, and the commander -

He knocked everyone down. (Dream)

What cannot a person live without? (No name)

Breathes, grows, but cannot walk. (Plant)

They beat me, they beat me,

They turn, cut,

And I endure everything

And I cry good. (Earth)

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not butter,

With a tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip)

The more they take from me

The more I get. (Pit)

In a small barn

They keep a hundred fires. (Box of matches)

What can't you cut with an ax? (Smoke)

No arms, no legs, but asks for a shirt. (Pillow)

And there is no language, but he will tell the truth. (Mirror)

He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water. (Salt)

I don’t know diplomas, but I’ve been writing for a century. (A pen)

Yesterday was, today is

And tomorrow will be. (Time)

New Year's riddles-jokes for adults

1. What clock shows the correct time 2 times a day? (Which stopped.)

2. Where does the water stand? (In glass.)

3. What happens to the red scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (Will be wet.)

4. What disease on land does no one get sick? (Nautical.)

5. When are hands a pronoun? (When they are you-we-you.)

6. What does a person have under his feet when he walks across a bridge? (The sole of the shoe.)

7. What do people often walk on and never do? (On the stairs.)

8. How far can a hare run into the forest? (Until the middle, then he already runs out of it.)

9. What will happen to the crow in 3 years? (The fourth will suit her.)

10. Under what tree does the hare hide during the rain? (Under wet.)

11. What living creature hides its teeth? (Snake.)

12. If a cat climbed a tree and wants to climb down a smooth trunk, how will it descend: head down or tail first? (Tail forward, otherwise it will not hold.)

13. Who is upside down above us? (Flies.)

14. What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)

15. Where can you see a polar bear and a penguin on the same day? (In zoo.)

16. Is it possible to bring water in the sieve? (You can when she freezes.)

17. Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)

18. Which bird is composed of a letter and a river? (Oriole.)

19. Which snake is easiest to spot? (Rattlesnake.)

20. A talking crow is crawling along the wires, and an electric current is meeting it. What will happen to the crow? (At first she will become withdrawn, and then she will stop talking altogether.)

21. That he hears everything and says nothing? (Ear.)

22. What will never fit in a pot? (Lid.)

23. What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing, she sleeps in winter.)

24. What is an elephant without a trunk? (Chess.)

25. What is the worst river? (Tiger.)

26. Which month is the shortest? (May is three letters.)

27. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)

28. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, since he cannot speak.)

29. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (Pooh.)

30. What kind of comb can you comb your head? (Petushin.)

31. What stands between the window and the door? (The letter "and".)

32. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons.)

33. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes.)

34. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months.)

35. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

36. What can travel the world while staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp.)

37. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three it will fly whole.)

38. The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not lit. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (It was a bright sunny day.)

39. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people.)

40. What can be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Shadow of an elephant.)

41. What are all people on earth doing at the same time? (Getting older.)

42. What gets bigger if you put it upside down? (Number 6.)

43. How to jump off a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step.)

44. Which hand is better for stirring tea? (It is better to stir tea with a spoon.)

45. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

46. ​​What question cannot be answered “no”? (You are alive?)

47. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies and eight legs? (A rider holding a chicken.)

Good entertainment will be funny trick riddles with a trick for the New Year, for Birthday, which are very fond of children and adults. New Year's funny riddles, jokes, anecdotes for adults will amuse any company.

It is necessary to read the trompe l'oeil rhymes quickly, and you will see that “on the machine” both children and adults (especially if adults have already begun to see off the old year) give the wrong answer. Trompe l'oeil riddles are very useful - for the development of attention and intelligence. And it's also oh-oh-very fun.

Who is he, with a white beard, himself ruddy and gray,
He is the best and kinder! Have you guessed? - ...

Santa Claus (not Barmaley)
* * * * *

Someone with a huge sack walks through the forest ...
Could it be the Cannibal?
- No.
He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the tree.
A gray beard was overgrown. Who is this?

(Father Frost)
* * * * *

For many, many, many years, Grandfather has been giving us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations. This festival - …

New Year (not Birthday)
* * * * *

Santa Claus came to us. He brought a young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift - This girl - ...

Snow Maiden (not Mermaid)
* * * * *

Sharp needles in a smart ...

(Christmas trees)
* * * * *

Here she is, beauty. Everything shimmers!
They brought her from the cold. This is a tree - …

herringbone (not birch)
* * * * *

With his grandfather, he rushes down the street in a sleigh ...

(Snow Maiden)
* * * * *

Who is Santa Claus's assistant? Who's with a carrot for a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh? Who is made of snow? - ...

Snowman (not a goblin)
* * * * *

Come to our ball! So that no one recognizes you,
Let your mothers sew you carnival ...

suits (not pajamas)
* * * * *

All dressed in white is approaching us ...

winter (not summer)
* * * * *

At night he looks at us at every window ...

moon (not sun)
* * * * *

He is eared, cross-eyed. You will recognize him immediately.
He knows a lot about carrots. Who it? Of course…

hare (not a wolf)
* * * * *

Who likes to run around the branches?
Of course, the redhead ...

squirrel (not a fox)
* * * * *

We welcome all guests:
We drink them freshly ground ...

coffee (not tea)
* * * * *

He walked boldly through the forest, but the fox ate the hero.
The poor thing sang goodbye. His name was ...

bun (not Cheburashka)
* * * * *

And beautiful and sweet, only very small!
Slim figure. And their name is ...

Thumbelina (not Snow Maiden)
* * * * *

Even the kid knows that Matroskin is ...

cat (not mouse)
* * * * *

He lived in Prostokvashino,
A reasonable dog ...

Ball (not Artemon)
* * * * *

He's a big mischievous comedian. He has a house on the roof.
The braggart and the know-it-all. And his name is ...

Carlson (not Dunno)
* * * * *

I get up early in the morning. I'll give everyone milk to drink.
I chew weed across the river. And what am I called? ...

cow (not a lamb)
* * * * *

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of yearsfinally saw the light
He grew a beard, This kind ...

old man Hottabych (not Santa Claus)
* * * * *

With blue hair and huge eyes
This doll is an actress. And her name is ...

Malvina (not Alice)
* * * * *

There are four lions under the tree. One left, left ...

three (not two)
* * * * *

Found five berries in the grass. And I ate one, it was left ...

four (not two)
* * * * *

The mouse counts the holes in the cheese: Three plus two - total ...

five (not four)
* * * * *

dog (not an owl)

* * * * *

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...

cake (not sausage)
* * * * *

Daddy says to us in a bass: “I love sweets with ...

(not with meat, but with nuts or jam)
* * * * *

Both capricious and stubborn, she does not want to go to kindergarten ...

(not mom, but daughter)
* * * * *

In romper shoes he always sleeps in the garden with a dummy ...

(not a grandfather, but a brother)
* * * * *

Dolls always love to sew dresses, pants ...

(not boys, but girls)
* * * * *

For vaccinations and injections, mothers of children are taken to ...

(not to schools, but to the clinic)
* * * * *

During the lessons you will sleep - for the answer you will receive ...

(not five, but two)
* * * * *

Mom asked Julia to pour her tea in ...

(not a saucepan, but into a cup)
* * * * *

I was able to pick up a pair of mittens for ...

(not for legs, but for hands)
* * * * *

Both in Voronezh and in Tula, children sleep at night on ...

(not on a chair, but on a bed)
* * * * *

Frost is bursting in the yard - Put your hat on ...

(not on the nose, but on the head)
* * * * *

All wheezes, sneezes Lada. I ate a lot ...

(not chocolate, but ice cream)
* * * * *

I wanted to paint myself with blue varnish ...

(not the body, but the nails)
* * * * *

Years, probably two hundred Petya ...

(not to the bride, but to the turtle)
* * * * *

Only the fearless enters the class for the first graders ...

(not a diver, but a teacher)
* * * * *

This whole dispute is useless - take the fabric to cut ...

(not an ax, but scissors)
* * * * *

The cold place in our house is ...

(not a stove, but a refrigerator)
* * * * *

He is a reliable guard, the door cannot be without ...

(not without a tap, but without a lock)
* * * * *

To iron a T-shirt, panties, mom plugs in ...

(not a clock, but an iron)
* * * * *

They bought my little sisters by the summer ...

(not boots, but sandals)
* * * * *

Hockey players can hear crying, the goalkeeper missed them ...

(not a ball, but a puck)
* * * * *

Old women go to the bazaar to buy themselves ...

(not toys, but products)
* * * * *

Irinka and Oksanka have tricycles ...

(not sledges, but bicycles)
* * * * *

The alphabet was memorized easily. Number one letter ...

(not O, but A)
* * * * *

The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ...

(not five, but four)
* * * * *

The teacher told Ira that two are more than ...

(not four, but one)
* * * * *

Look at the bird. The legs of the bird are exactly ...

(not three, but two)
* * * * *

Horseshoes clink loudly on the hooves of ...

(not cows, but horses)
* * * * *

A friend of animals and a friend of children, a kind doctor ...

Aibolit (not Barmaley)
* * * * *

Crowing sleepily, sweet, kind ...

cockerel (not a pig)
* * * * *

As soon as the daylight went out, it faint in the dark ...

owl (not cock)
* * * * *

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! Who raised the merry cry?
Don't scare this bird! Made some noise ...

sparrow (not a parrot)
* * * * *

I bark and bite. I guard your house.
I always look with all my eyes. What is my name? ...

dog (not an owl)
* * * * *

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again deftly jumps ...

monkey (not a cow)
* * * * *

A simple question for toddlers. Who is the cat afraid of? ...

dogs (not mice)
* * * * *

The tail is fanned out, with a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ...

peacock (not crow)
* * * * *

A clubfoot walked past the hive ...

bear (not crocodile)
* * * * *

Who gnaws a pine cone on a branch? Well, of course it is ...

squirrel (not a bear)
* * * * *

In the thicket, his head lifted up, howls with hunger ...

wolf (not giraffe)
* * * * *

Kva-kva-kva - what a song! What could be more interesting
What could be more fun? And sings to you ...

frog (not a nightingale)
* * * * *

Hurry up to the shore! The toothy swims ...

crocodile (not a parrot)
* * * * *

Who speaks all languages?

* * * * *

What can you see with your eyes closed?

* * * * *

You are sitting in an airplane, a horse in front of you, a car behind you. Where are you at?

(On the carousel)
* * * * *


How can you live like a human,
if every year is a year of some ... cattle !!!
* * * * *

New Year is a new hope to change your life for the better,
doing nothing for this.
* * * * *

Let's drink to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
As long as I can remember, they do not get sick, do not age, and there is always money for gifts!
* * * * *

There is a grandfather, dressed in one fur coat. They say that it does not exist,
But really, who knows?

(Father Frost)
* * * * *

Grandfather came for lunch, nobody needs it! Call for dinner!

(Santa Claus confused)
* * * * *

How could this have happened -
Is New Year knocking on our door?

(bell broke)
* * * * *

Kind Grandfather Frost, beard made of cotton wool.
Make everyone in the Kremlin and the Duma like our salaries !!!
* * * * *

In the New Year, everything comes true, even that which cannot be sold at any other time!
* * * * *

Every adult is looking forward to this miracle in the New Year.
And he hopes just about, the director will bring it!

* * * * *

Baba will soon be forty years old - but jumping like a fool.
- Give the correct answer. - Who is she?

(Snow Maiden)
* * * * *

What at the festive banquet jumped, jumped,
And just before the chime of the clock, it fell under the Christmas tree!

(Father Frost)
* * * * *

Kind Grandfather Frost, cotton wool beard,
I will buy everything for myself, increase my salary!
* * * * *

This year I will write a letter to the Snow Maiden ...
She, as a woman, must understand me!
* * * * *

Not a gun, but shooting, not a snake, but hissing. Not vodka, but ...

* * * * *

Shoots, not champagne. Twists, not the police.

* * * * *

In autumn it nourishes, in winter it warms, in spring it cheers, in summer it cools.

* * * * *

Stands pale, full to the brim. Whoever loves her, she destroys.

(a bottle of vodka)
* * * * *

Thorny, odorous, brought from the cold. What?

* * * * *

If you, after a feast, waking up early in the morning,
We found ourselves under it ... congratulations, you are a gift!
* * * * *

If firecrackers clap, animals came to you,
If a kind gnome brought the tree to your glorious house,
The next one, quite possibly, will be in the house ...

* * * * *

Fire went through first, and then water and copper pipes. What is it?

* * * * *

Adults and children know. What is sober at the banquet,
All that remains is the festive ...

(Christmas tree)
* * * * *

What quality of the Christmas tree makes it related to every real woman

(desire to dress up)
* * * * *

Your Santa Claus is not real ... Some kind of sober.
* * * * *

Why does Santa Claus deliver gifts alone, and Santa Claus - with the Snow Maiden?
Features of the national character. After the New Year, Santa Claus will get home on his own, and Santa Claus must be carried by someone.
* * * * *

Old New Year is not a holiday.
This is a control shot in the liver!
* * * * *

I woke up at 19 o'clock in the morning ... Immediately made the discovery of the century.
And only half an hour later - the opening of the second century ...
* * * * *

Hello Dedushka Moroz. Here's the deal ...
Good - I brought a bag, I need to hide the body ...
* * * * *

The needle in the egg. The egg is in the duck. Yes, we had a fun New Year in surgery!
* * * * *

Always dressed like a winter, but she doesn't give a damn about it.

(Herring under a Fur Coat)
* * * * *

We watered it with oil, served it under a lush fur coat,
Indeed, not a snack, but an ordinary find ...

* * * * *

The main guest on the whole table in every Russian family is he!
Are you tired, monsieur? Relax in….

* * * * *

Who where, according to the portfolios of food.

(corporate party finale)
* * * * *

Most popular paper size?

(roll 54 meters)
* * * * *

Someone has a sauna and backgammon, and someone Chinese firecrackers.

(social inequality)
* * * * *

No arms, no legs, reacts to electric current.

* * * * *

What a miracle? What a miracle? Smoke and roar from everywhere.
The roof of the house was blown off. Mom fainted.
Suddenly New Year's Eve flies up beautifully ...

* * * * *

Barbie doll is "resting", not on his scale,
After all, for a long time already he has sighed for another - for a snow woman.

* * * * *

If you crush it a little, it will become hard, like a potato.

* * * * *

A cloud has tried, a pile has been piled up.

* * * * *

As snow on your head, but not snow!

* * * * *

The most important, most needed guest for the New Year in the family.
He entertains as best he can and does not ask for Olivier.

* * * * *

How to make a man just go crazy in bed?

(pick up the remote from the TV)
* * * * *

He owns me at night, we have not slept with him for a long time.
He loves to do everything with light, and is called ...

* * * * *

We are daring guys, we love genital slits

* * * * *

What does 90/60/90 mean?

(speed with a traffic cop)
* * * * *

Which wheel does not spin when turning right?

* * * * *

What's on a woman's body
A Jew on his mind
Used in hockey
And on the chessboard?

* * * * *

Earrings for suckers.

* * * * *

Hanging pear - scary to eat. Why?

(boxers will stuff their face)
* * * * *

The husband argues with his wife for a long time. Exhausted, he says:
- Okay, in honor of the New Year, let it be your way ...
- Late! I've already changed my mind!
* * * * *

She: - Who will you dress for the New Year?

Riddles for the new year 2019 comic (with answers) will help you in drawing up a festive program. We offer completely different riddles in this article. Some are ideal for adults, while others can be safely chosen for children's matinees. Each riddle is thematic and is connected, if not with the Christmas and New Year holidays, then definitely with winter.

Riddles for the New Year 2019 (easy)

If such a time of the year is "winter", what is in the center of it? (Letter M)

Quickly answer, which two months of the year end with the letter "T"? (March, August)

Let's imagine that a saucepan is placed on the edge of the table and covered with a lid. The dishes are so that two-thirds of them hang off the table. After a while, the pan fell. The question is what was in the pot and why it stood first and then fell. (Ice)

What does each student hear at the end of the lesson, especially before the New Year holidays, when they so want to go home? (letter "k")

The driver forgot his driving license at home. There was a one-way sign on the road, but the driver went in the opposite direction anyway. The policeman saw this, but did not leave the driver. Why did it happen? (The driver was walking)

A tricky question about how many eggs you can eat on an empty stomach. Not only on the morning of January 1st? (One, because the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach)

The truck was heading for the village, and four cars were driving towards it. The question is easy: how many cars were driving to the village in total? (One)

Before putting something into the pot, what is thrown into it? (Sight)

There were eight benches in the beautiful winter park. Three of them were painted and the question is, how many benches are there in the park? (Eight)

There are 8 benches in the park. Three painted. How many benches are there in the park? This new year puzzle for kids fits well. In general, the riddles for the children's program should be looked for precisely among the lungs. We advise you to save difficult riddles for adults. (8 benches)

What tree will a bird sit on during a pouring rain? (On wet)

It takes Pasha ten minutes to get to school. How much time would he spend on the road to school if he went with a friend? (Ten minutes)

What is the tongue behind the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

You sat in the driver's seat, but your feet do not reach the pedals, what should you do in such a situation? (Sit facing the wheel)

The ostrich is a beautiful creature. Can he call himself a bird? (No, because the ostrich can't talk)

I stayed sober at our New Year's banquet ... (Christmas tree)

There are different questions, but almost all of them can be answered "yes" or "no". What question “yes” cannot be answered if you don’t lie? (Are you sleeping now?)

The student was kicked out of the class. For what? (Out the door)

How many giraffes live in the Black Sea? (Zero, they don't swim or live in the sea)

Why can't robots feel fear? (Robots have nerves of steel)

The glass is empty, how many nuts are in it? When drawing up a New Year's program
do not forget to choose in advance, and other guests. (Zero)

What can't you do in space, even if you really want to? (Hang yourself)

It is not a rhino, although we only see one horn. (This is a cow looking around the corner)

Is he in front of us, but we don't see him? (Future)

It flies and rustles, but it's not a rough. (Rough little brother or sister)

How are people transported across the Earth - the most popular and ancient way? (On foot)

It was tomorrow, but then it will be yesterday. What is it? (Today)

Imagine six legs, two heads, and one tail. Now tell me, what is it? (Rider on horseback)

Which hand should you stir tea or coffee with? (Better stir the drink with a spoon)

Complex riddles for the new year 2019 comic with answers

Snowman and Snow Woman - whose parents are they? Most likely, they will answer you that the Snow Maidens. But the correct answer is Bigfoot.

Why does Santa Claus always have a red nose? Most likely, they will answer that he drank a lot. In fact, because he has just come from a Russian bath. Indeed, in Russia there is such a tradition: on December 31 to go to the bathhouse with friends.

Why Santa Claus has such warm hands. Someone might say that he is not real. But, in fact, because he took on the chest (it is better to use in a male company) or because he is affectionate (the answer is more suitable for a female company).

Why does Snowman wear a bucket on his head? They may say that this is a tradition like that, not to put on a kerchief for him. But the correct answer is that he went to take out the trash on December 31, and only returned home in May.

Why does the Snowman always have a carrot instead of a nose? Everyone will exclaim that carrots are cheap and are in every home. In fact, all because the Snowman in childhood was constantly picking his nose and he was given to the upbringing of Papa Carlo.

Snow Woman has two waists, why is she so lucky? Here logic can come into play: her body consists of three parts. In fact, everything is much simpler - it is more comfortable to hug.