What can you talk about with a friend VKontakte. Topics for conversation on the phone or Skype, examples of dialogue. Communication when meeting with a well-known young man

Ears love not only women. Every man loves when next to him is a sociable, interesting and boring girl. But it is not so easy to find topics for conversation when a man is silent, or vice versa, chatting about what the girl is not interested in or incomprehensible. How to arrange the interlocutor to yourself, arouse his interest and learn more about him with the help of a conversation is a question that worries many girls.

Subtleties of virtual communication

On the one hand, virtual communication is much more complicated than real communication: the interlocutor’s face is not visible, his reaction is not visible, he has time to think and change his answer, lie or leave him, sometimes you have to wait a long time for a response message. On the other hand, you also have time to choose an answer and formulate the right thought and hide your secret emotions, and the bonus of email correspondence is the opportunity to send photos, videos or audio that will be of interest to the interlocutor.

Virtual communication occupies a huge place in the modern world; there are a lot of instant messengers and social networks for it:

You can chat anywhere, but it’s much more important to know the right tactics for texting a guy.

Starting a conversation

Starting a conversation with a guy is not as easy as it seems, regardless of whether you know each other personally or just found your favorite profile on the social network. Many girls believe that texting a guy first is beneath their dignity, while others calmly write first. Opinions are divided and the question arises - to write or not to write?

If a guy, roughly speaking, is not yet aware of your existence, then definitely worth writing. There is no need to even think about it. Your happiness is in your hands and the man will definitely appreciate that you took the risk of taking the first step.

If you already know a man and corresponded, but he no longer writes first, before writing to him, you must first understand the reason for the lull.

The reasons may be different, especially if a man:

  • Not sure of himself and simply afraid to take a step;
  • He waits on purpose, gives the opportunity to prove himself;
  • Busy with important things;
  • Has problems with communication, unforeseen force majeure;
  • Does not like correspondence;
  • Lost interest or found another object of sighing;
  • Angry or offended.

To write first or not is a personal decision, but we recommend that you write anyway, and act according to the circumstances. Analyze his reaction to the message and decide what to do next, but don't be pushy. You can write to the guy once, but you should not write every day if there is no answer, and the message is read.

Another question is how to start such a conversation? If you're already familiar, there are several options:

  • A simple "How are you?" - Demonstration of attention and participation. The question will make the man want to talk about how he is doing. Option "How are you?" sounds unemotional, this question is better not to use.
  • More creative: “Hi, how are you? I have a story like this…” The main thing is to intrigue, and then it's up to the imagination, the story should be interesting and exciting.
  • Just send him an interesting article or picture from the Internet, news or publication, wait for a reaction, and then continue the conversation at ease.

If you want to meet a man on the Internet, you can do it in different ways:

  • Cunning: “Hi, we don’t know each other? I think I saw you somewhere." The man will begin to speculate and speculate, and when it turns out that you "confused" him with someone, he will not want to stop an interesting conversation and will try to find out more about you.
  • Leave a witty comment under his publication on an abstract topic, or express your original opinion about his profile picture, status, personal data. The man will be attracted by the attention shown and he will happily continue the correspondence.
  • Another option is to talk to the VK guy. Just write "Hi. Interested in your profile. Do you mind talking?" Simplicity and ease are the key to a good relationship.

Avoid starting a message with flirting, make it clear that you cannot be called frivolous and that you are primarily interested in a person.

Do not overload the message with emojis and stickers, this is annoying for many men. Try not to use affectionate diminutives for no reason and write as competently as possible in order to earn respect from the interlocutor.

Questions and topics for conversation

The first step is taken, the conversation is tied up, and then everything starts to fade away smoothly. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly keep the conversation going with questions, discussions and interesting remarks. Ask the guy something about him or you can talk to the guy about topics that interest him.

When looking for topics for conversation in correspondence, you should turn to the guy’s hobbies, interests and hobbies. Among them, there may be both common and unusual ones that you have never heard of, ask about them. You can also turn to topics that are always interesting:

  • Favorite multimedia: movies, series, music, books. There is always something to discuss, especially in social networks, where you can calculate tastes in literally everything by profile;
  • General interest groups and communities;
  • Travels;
  • New music, cinema, literature, video games;
  • Latest city news;
  • Sport;
  • Common acquaintances and friends.

You should not linger on one topic - change and experiment. In addition to topics for a conversation with a guy, there are universal questions that you can ask by chance. For example:

  • How are you with the weather? It's cold here, but I want to put on my sneakers and run out for a walk. By the way, are you running?
  • I don't know what to play. Advise an interesting strategy / RPG / simulator, if not difficult. What is your favourite game?
  • I want to go somewhere. Where did you go last?
  • Thinking about what to make for dinner tonight. And what would you prefer?
  • Do you have a younger brother or sister?
  • I collect fruit stickers. Do you collect any unusual collections?
  • Do you like cats or dogs more?
  • Do you know how to ride a bike?
  • I am afraid of darkness. Do you have any unusual phobias?
  • I'm allergic to avocados, it's such a shame... Do you have allergies?

When asking a question, try to assume whether the guy would be interested in answering, and also whether you will be able to answer the same question honestly and completely if he asks it to you. If you really care about the answer to the question and you put some kind of subtext into it, veil it so that the guy does not guess. Everyone loves questions that reveal their personality, so try to ask the guy really interesting questions.

A little tip for the future: start a document with the guy's questions and answers, so as not to get into trouble and not ask the same question twice. It also helps to remember important information.

It makes sense to have a separate document for your answers to his questions - this will not only allow you not to “miss” if you are slightly cunning, but will also allow you to analyze, understand how much you are interested in him, and why.

How to end a conversation correctly?

The correct completion of the dialogue is the key to its continuation. If you want to communicate further, you even need to say goodbye beautifully. But the situation can develop in different ways:

  • The guy may be in a positive mood and actively respond to your messages, heating up the conversation;
  • The guy may respond reluctantly and in monosyllables, ignoring some messages.

In different cases, the procedure will be different. In the first, one should, without stinting on warmth, wish good luck, a good day or good night. After some long time of communication, you can even thank him for the conversation or the individual events to which it led.

In the second, it is necessary to say goodbye even before the interlocutor shows obvious dissatisfaction with your attention. Alas, but such a person is not interested in you. Don't waste your time on it.

Video chat with a guy: the subtleties of flirting and communication

Video chat is a cross between correspondence and a meeting in reality. You still have the opportunity to interrupt the conversation or hide it with cheat sheets with questions under the keyboard, but you will no longer be able to hide your emotions and carry on a conversation in your favorite home retouches. Flirting with a guy in a video chat has its own secrets and subtleties.

First of all, it is important to present yourself correctly. Clothing, accessories, cosmetics - not bright, but original. Appearance should individualize you as much as possible: find your style and “zest”. It can be a T-shirt of your favorite football club, a delicate blouse, beautiful earrings or a bright scarf. Pay attention to the hairstyle - let it be neat, but laid-back, as if you dress like this every day, and not especially for him.

Before starting a conversation, turn on your webcam and see how you look in different poses. Choose the one in which your face is played from the best side - and sit during the conversation.

Where to look while talking with a guy is a more interesting question. If a girl looks at the camera all the time, a guy may feel embarrassed because her gaze is directed at him all the time. Well, if a girl only looks at the screen, then the guy may think that she is fixated on his image, or, even worse, on her own.

Sitting, looking and moving properly is not everything. It is necessary to prepare for the conversation in advance: prepare a list of questions, topics for conversation, interesting things that you can allegedly remember and tell about when an awkward pause comes. It's important to know what to talk about with a friend and a guy you like.

What to talk about with a guy on a date?

A personal meeting is an important and responsible step. You should not decide on it if there were difficulties in communicating with a guy over the network. However, practice shows that sometimes people who communicated for days on end in VK sometimes do not find topics for conversation in life, because everything has already been said in correspondence.

When meeting with a person whom you do not know well, you need to be able to keep the conversation going and find common topics that have not been discussed before.

There are seven immutable rules of communication on a first date that will allow you to present yourself from the best side and be remembered as a boring and interesting interlocutor:

  1. Be natural and feminine, behave modestly and neatly. Speak calmly and openly, answering questions honestly, but not too frankly. Have a trusting attitude towards yourself, but do not reveal all the cards at once.
  2. Make eye contact with the guy, don't move your eyes or avoid eye contact. At the same time, do not bore him with a searching eye. Do not be afraid to express your reaction with facial expressions, it allows the guy to understand that you are listening and hearing him.
  3. Keep up the conversation. If a guy says something, ask leading questions, clarify incomprehensible nuances, smile and laugh at his jokes. Don't be afraid to speak your mind if you think it's competent, and don't be afraid to change your mind if the guy makes a good argument.
  4. Let the man be the leader - give him the right to choose the topic and start the conversation. But do not be passive, take the initiative at the right moments.
  5. Remember everything that the guy tells you - in the future you will be grateful to yourself for it.
  6. The first date is meant to get to know the person and their interests, so try to open it up for yourself from all angles. Try to remember the topics, interests and hobbies mentioned by him, and later learn more about them in order to get closer on this basis.
  7. Avoid long pauses, keep the conversation going, ask questions, show that you are interested in the guy's personality.

You should not talk on a first date on taboo topics: relatives, illnesses, exes, the past, failures and problems from life - all this must be left for later. It would be much better to talk about hobbies and entertainment, movies, books, travel, sports, psychology, the latest news.

You are very lucky if a young man himself takes the initiative in communication, finds topics for conversation, striking the girls with his horizons and intellect. But this is not always the case. And sometimes it's hard to find the right words.

However, there are certain topics that do not bind you both to anything. First of all, this is music, the film industry. You share your tastes. If you met a guy recently, try asking him about your favorite movies.

When you get an answer to your question, try not to criticize the young man's tastes. The ideal option would be at least a partial match between the genres you both prefer.

In addition, you can talk about the pastime of a young man, about his hobby. Tell him about your hobbies as well. It is possible that the interests will be similar, and you will find common topics for conversation.

Even if your interlocutor says something that is not very interesting, in your opinion, try not to openly show it to him. You need to listen to him. Always be tactful in your questions. Another taboo topic is never tell a stranger about your past personal life. It doesn’t matter if you communicate with him face to face or just decide to write him a message on a social network. You don't need to share intimate things with strangers.

If suddenly the conversation reached a dead end, you can remember a couple of jokes. Humor always comes to the rescue in such situations.

Communication when meeting with a well-known young man

If you have known each other for a long time, it will undoubtedly be easier for you to find common topics for conversation. You are no longer so shy in communication, you know the circle of interests of your interlocutor, his preferences. There are personal topics that concern only the two of you.

During your acquaintance, you probably made common friends, common interests, you will have something to remember from recent events.

It is necessary to ask how the day went for the young man. Treat him the way you would like him to treat you. This golden rule will allow you to avoid many conflict situations. This will let you know that you care about him.

If your young man has temporary difficulties in life (for example, problems with studies), try to help him. But in no case do not impose your opinion on him. Conversely, if you need advice, ask him for it. There are a certain range of issues that guys are better at, and they can be very helpful.

In any case, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you the right topics for conversation.

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Are you one of those who have already visited unpleasant situation when next to the girl they could not connect even two words, and she looked at the floor, and both of you were awkwardly silent? Don't despair, many have already gone through this. If you prepare for a date with a girl in advance and make a little effort on yourself, the next time you will know what to talk about.

A good start is the key to success

Start with a light theme. Do not start with something that can confuse a girl. Don't talk about the weird rash you have on your back and don't ask her what has confused her the most in her life. Stick to neutral themes that can be developed into something more interesting. Avoid cursing. Girls love to be treated like a lady.

Here are some possible topics to start a conversation:

Favorite music groups

Movies recently watched


Brothers and sisters,

What did you do last weekend and what are you planning to do next weekend?

Your plans for the next vacation or vacation.

Avoid personal topics

Conversation on personal topics can be saved for further communication. In the meantime, do not mention who in the family has died, whom you once loved, what strange illnesses you had, or how afraid you are of death. Too deep conversations at the beginning of dating can scare the girl away.

On the other hand, if she herself started a conversation on a personal topic, then you can respond in kind. You'll be even, but don't go over the line.

Pay attention to the girl's facial expression and body language. You ask a simple question and she seems upset and recoils? So, the conversation turned to a sensitive topic for her.

Don't forget to smile

A positive attitude and a friendly demeanor will help win the girl's attention and cause her affection for you. No need to smirk until your mouth hurts. But a pleasant facial expression will brighten up your conversation. Then the girl will have a positive feeling from the conversation. It is especially important to smile at the beginning and end of a conversation. A beautiful beginning and a graceful end to a conversation will leave a good impression of you.

Yes, eyes talk too. Stroking a girl in the eyes, as if you are telling her that you appreciate her. Due to shyness, you may start to look at your feet or around, but get over yourself. On the other hand, constant eye contact can confuse a girl. But look into her eyes when she talks.

Ask questions

The best way to show a girl how much she means to you is to ask her about what she's been up to recently or just talk about herself. Questions don't have to be personal, and it's even better if they don't involve personal topics. The point is to make the girl feel like you are trying to get to know her better. If she is not, then it is better for you to refrain from them for a while. Perhaps she had an uncomfortable feeling that she was being interrogated. Here's what you can ask a girl about:

Her hobbies and interests

Her favorite bands, books and TV shows,

Her favorite school subjects

Her dream job

Her best friends

Her plans for the future.


After a successful start of the conversation, you can do. Be honest. Don't bend the stick. Compliment her jewelry, hairstyle, sweater, or even some trait of her character. But avoid directness. "You have beautiful legs" is too much. Stay as neutral as possible. Don't get carried away.

One compliment per conversation is enough. Otherwise, the girl may have the feeling that she is being coaxed in this way or simply telling a lie.

Keeping up the conversation

Moving on to the main part of the conversation, look for a topic that would be of interest to both of you. Perhaps you grew up in the same city, had a common teacher, a common acquaintance, or do you like the same sport? Ask what movie she recently watched. But don't get hung up on just one movie. Let there be more understatement in the conversation. Then there are more themes.

Another great way to keep the conversation going is to ask a girl for her opinion on a particular issue. What does she think about the political situation in the country? Does she like her new shoes? By getting to know her opinion, you thereby show that you respect and value her as a person.

You will make a great impression on a girl if you draw her attention to something from the environment. Maybe there's a bookstore nearby and she goes there? Does she have an interesting logo of a well-known public organization on her jacket? Such a creative approach will show the girl how attentive you are to details.

Make her laugh. If your interlocutor liked your joke, she will want to communicate with you again and again. Look for opportunities to joke around. Laugh at yourself, at a common acquaintance, but in a kind way. A short funny story can also cheer her up.

If humor isn't your thing, don't force yourself to joke. The girl will feel it, and she will also feel uncomfortable. It's better to let things happen naturally. Be yourself.
Don't make fun of her if you're not sure of her reaction. She may be offended by you. And then the conversation is over.

Keep your confidence. Say goodbye on a good note. The best way to leave a positive impression of yourself is to leave before the conversation is exhausted and seems interesting. Say that you have to go, promise to continue the conversation. The girl will be intrigued and want to meet again.

Building a love relationship is a difficult task, but an interesting one. The main place is given to numerous conversations, thanks to which both the guy and the girl get to know each other. Some topics can be discussed again and again, but it is better for a young man not to know about some points.

Freedom of speech: honestly and frankly

At first, some lovers prefer to do without words. Others, on the contrary, carefully get to know a new person, asking a lot of questions and being interested in seemingly real trifles. If a guy constantly asks for something or you yourself want to open up as much as possible, feel free to talk about the following facts of your biography.

For example, openly and honestly tell where you studied, work, how much you are interested in your field of activity. Such information will demonstrate in you business qualities, a desire for independence, a desire to be useful. Fascinated by her chosen profession, the girl looks successful and contented with life. And this is very attractive to young people.

Also, a guy in love will be interested to know about the girl's hobbies. Tell us about your favorite and currently reading books, recently watched films or visited exhibitions. If your interests include sports, animals, travel, etc., discuss those as well. Be sure to ask follow-up questions to keep abreast of the guy's interests.

If your date is not the first, you can tell the guy about your plans for the future. This must be done in order to understand how much he shares your aspirations. There should be a person nearby in whom you will find support and support in any situation.

Don't forget to talk about your relatives too. Just be careful and don't share too personal information. Remember that someday your boyfriend is with the person being discussed (mother, father, sister, etc.) and may accidentally indicate knowledge of details that he does not need. This situation will be uncomfortable for both you and your relative.

Necessary Filtration

With a loved one I want to talk about everything. This desire is feasible under one condition: if you know how to filter the information presented. This quality will save your relationship from unnecessary disputes, thoughts and disagreements.

The most slippery topic in a new relationship is girls. At some point, your young man will be interested to know their number, features, reasons for parting and other facts that he does not need. Dodging discussion will lead to bad assumptions, honesty can cause subsequent jealousy.

In this aspect, you can safely tell the guy, for example, about the first kiss. This memory looks romantic and somewhat naive. But you should not go into details of the first and subsequent sexual contacts or features of the former, even if the guy is actively asking. This information may be used against you in the future.

You should also not discuss your bad habits. Modern young people for long-term relationships are increasingly choosing girls who do not like nightclubs, rarely attend parties and do not drink alcohol. This behavior is due to nature: they intuitively look for a healthy mother for their children. If you like to sit in a smoky cafe or drink wine in good company, start from afar. Ask the guy about his attitude to such a pastime and decide what should be changed: the way of rest or the young man.

When talking with a guy, do not forget about his person. Ask questions, be interested in hobbies, work, study, attitude towards family and friends. The main thing when communicating: keep positive, good mood and try to be frank.

Having an interesting conversation is a difficult task, especially in a nascent relationship. In this case, as a rule, the fear of saying something wrong or creating the impression of a boring interlocutor stops. Fortunately for a girl, there are universal ones for discussing with a guy of any character and mindset.

If you find it difficult to come up with a topic for conversation, do not despair. There are themes that unite all the guys on Earth. Keep them in mind and chatting with a new guy can be exciting for both of you. If, nevertheless, there is a pause in the conversation, do not be frightened, do not fiddle with clothes and do not look away. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Sometimes silence only helps to feel the nascent feeling even more. This is the best sign that you are good together and without the flow of words. However, in order to establish contact, you can safely stick to the topics listed below in the conversation.

Suggestive questions

Have you corresponded or discussed personal stories before? Wonderful! Ask additional questions that will help develop the theme of family, school or work. Firstly, such conversations help to learn more about each other, and secondly, these topics bring the interlocutors closer.

What is happening in the world?

With a guy, you can safely discuss the events taking place in the country and the world, as well as news from the life of stars. It may turn out that you love the same musical group. Just do not delve into politics - this is one of the taboo topics.

Men love to dominate. They think they know everything about everything. If you want to get close to a guy, ask for his help, whether it's school, work, or personal care. Make him feel strong and smart. This way you will let him know that you trust his opinion.

How was the day?

This is the simplest and most unobtrusive question. It is universal, both for new relationships and for family life. At the beginning of any story, everything seems new and interesting. Talking about the events of the past day will not be boring for you. In addition, such a conversation usually touches on a lot of other topics.

Hobbies and hobbies

Find out if the guy has any hobbies and show genuine interest in what he has to say. After all, what he is fond of is certainly important to him.


What does he dream about, what does he want from this life? Guys like to make plans for life. Find out about them and subtly suggest ways to achieve his dream. Believe me, by finding the right words, you will easily achieve trust in the eyes of this guy, which means that he will want to hear your advice in the future.


Guys love to fool around. A little flirting in a conversation doesn't hurt. However, you need to subtly feel when you need to stop, so as not to seem vulgar and. Choose the right moment and ask some naughty questions about his fantasies and whether he finds you attractive. Such a conversation can take place even if you communicate via SMS or social networks.


Friends hold an important place in the heart of any man. Show interest in this side of his life. Maybe he wants to tell some funny stories or even introduce you to some friends. By the way, when you meet them, remind them of one of the curious cases from their friendship. You can laugh at him together, this will set his friends positively towards you, and your boyfriend will shine with pride for you.

Games and cars

Maybe it's a cliché, but most guys really know a lot about games or cars. Just don't try to talk about what you don't know. You can get into trouble and look stupid. Just try to find out what video games he likes and if he has a car. A little detail will help you better know if you have common interests.

Do you have a future?

When asking a question, try to answer it yourself. When suggesting a topic for conversation, be prepared to open up. In a new relationship, it is important to find out as early as possible whether the partners are suitable for each other. If you have nothing in common, is it worth spending time on such communication?

5 tips for starting a conversation online

If you are or are on social networks, then you probably have more than once encountered the fact that it is quite difficult to start a conversation with a stranger - the “reality” instinct works. What if you are misunderstood, considered intrusive, or decided that you have no pride?

It is worth discarding all these doubts and just stick to simple rules during a conversation so as not to look stupid. Although, the concept of stupidity is very flexible.

1. Study profile/profile

So, the first and basic rule is that you need to get to know a person even before you enter into a dialogue with him. Check out his profile. Look at the photo - what is shown on it, which photo is chosen, read about his hobbies, pay attention to the spelling, whether he indicated marital status and other facts. After you make a first impression of a stranger, use the knowledge gained to start communication. If you have found common hobbies and interests, then half the work has already been done, it remains to write a message and start a conversation, you definitely have something to talk about, at least in the first three sentences.

2. Be original

You can write the words “hello, how are you,” but you can hardly stand out from the mass of other “writers”. Therefore, if you still have the courage to enter into a dialogue, then show originality. Think about what the first message from you should be. Perhaps a playful question in the spirit of “I see you like skiing, but how do you spend your time in the summer without snow?” will help to attract the attention of the man you like and thus start a dialogue. You should not start a conversation with the phrases: “What are you looking for here?”, “What are your plans for the evening?”, “I also like to drink” - this is unconstructive and rude. Reputation on the Internet is also a reputation.

3. Do not interrogate

Once you have begun to communicate with a man, try to keep the conversation in the spirit of small talk. This means that you do not need to ask direct questions: “How many children do you have?”, “What is the name of your ex-wife” and “What did you do in the 90s?”. Talk about general topics, look at the reaction, evaluate the sense of humor and literacy. You can ask all the questions that interest you later, when communication develops into something more, but at first an attempt to get into a person’s soul will be perceived solely as tactlessness.

4. Do not insist on contact exchange/meeting

If during the correspondence the person did not offer you to meet or at least use more real means of communication, you should not reproach him for this, and even more so insist on a date. Perhaps he has his own reasons for not going offline, which he is unlikely to tell you about. At the same time, if your plans are real communication, it makes sense to look for a new interlocutor, so as not to waste time chatting with an unrealistic man.

5. Don't impose

What is meant by this word? Writing one or two messages a day is normal, but 5-10 is already a lot? This is not the point at all. If you wrote a man a message, but he never answered it, you can try again. If the second message was ignored, back off. The same applies to dialogues. It’s one thing when you intensively correspond, ask each other questions, share impressions, discuss something and “keep in touch” all the time, and it’s quite another when a man answers your messages in monosyllables and once a week.

The main advantage of virtual communication is that you do not owe anything to anyone. You can interrupt the correspondence at any time or, conversely, translate it into real time. During communication, you have the opportunity to really somehow get to know a person and get an idea about him, so that during a date you feel more confident and relaxed. The main thing - do not be shy, and if you are looking for your love using the Internet, then this is your choice, and therefore - it is definitely the right one!

In our time, communication on the Internet has become the norm, now most people prefer virtual communication than live. After all, it is easier than communication in real life. But, no matter how easy it is for you, most people, whether it is the real or virtual world, still experience some difficulties in communication. If you don’t know what you can talk about with a VK guy, then this article will help you with this.

What to talk about with a guy in VK questions:

  • Videos. This is a great way to find something in common, thanks to this topic you can chat for a long period of time. In addition, you will find out what he likes to watch and which video bloggers he prefers.
  • His favorite place. So, each person has his own special place, which no one knows about. In such a place, a person can relax and be alone with himself. Therefore, carefully ask him about such a place, if he says it without any problems, then it means that he likes you.
  • What is your favorite song? Of course, in our time, communication on the Internet cannot be imagined without this question. It's great for getting to know his taste in music and seeing how well it matches your own. In addition, everyone is passionate about the music they love, and he will most likely be happy to talk about it in detail.
  • Do you have a favorite joke? Everyone loves to laugh, and everyone has at least one joke that they know by heart. In addition, and you can tell him a few jokes that you remember. If you do not remember, then do not worry, this is not a problem.
  • What is your favorite genre/movie/series? Movies and series are very popular now. Therefore, you simply have to ask the guy what his favorite movie or series is, usually people are happy to talk about it, and even more so after that they will force you to watch this movie or series.

What to talk about with a guy in VK dialogue example

So, let's imagine that you decide to write to some guy, in order to start a dialogue, you first need to feel free and try to write. Don't be afraid if you don't know what to talk about with the guy you like on VK, it's fixable.

You: Hello!
Him: Hello.
You: How are you?
Him: “OK, how are you?”
You: Thank you, it's great. What are you doing?
He: - I'm sitting on the street, and you?
You: I watch TV.
Will the dialogue continue on its own? what you watch, where you walk and so on.

Usually, just at such moments, there is a lull, no one knows what to talk about, so do not be shy and continue the dialogue, ask the guy about what he likes, what he reads, etc. don't give up, just keep talking.

If you want to share your knowledge or examples of correspondence with VKontakte guys, write in the comments, we will definitely add this to the article

All topics for conversation have run out, and you don’t know what to talk about with the guy you like? When meeting, how to find a topic that will be of interest to both? In fact, finding common ground with a stranger is easy! And we will tell you how to do it. In addition, you will find here a list of universal topics for talking with any guy at the first meeting, and you will learn how to properly maintain a conversation and what is better to keep silent about.

How often have you seen girls who are able to practically maintain a conversation with a completely unfamiliar man, able to listen, ask the right questions? There are few of them, because the ability to conduct a conversation is a complex art, which can be learned throughout life. A newbie has a lot of questions. What to talk about with guys? What topics to choose? What is not worth discussing?

The first thing to think about is the topic of the conversation. But how to choose it if you are practically not familiar with the interlocutor? A great chance to learn more about a guy is to ask him directly about his hobbies. Perhaps your passions will match.

Here is what you should unobtrusively find out from him at the first meeting:

  1. what he does in his spare time, his hobbies, hobbies;
  2. favorite movie, book;
  3. how he spends time more often - hanging out in clubs with friends, or prefers a relaxing holiday at home;
  4. what plans do you have for the future;
  5. you can ask if he ever did crazy, thoughtless things;
  6. where he likes to spend his holidays/holidays.

It is possible that already at this stage you will find several points of convergence of interests.

Universal topics for conversation with any guy

If there is no intersection of interests - do not be discouraged, there are several win-win topics of conversation that are suitable for communicating with any guys. Here are the topics:

  1. Sport. What sport does he do? Does the gym, fitness club, swimming pool visit? Does he lead a healthy lifestyle?
  2. His family, relatives and friends. Are there brothers and sisters? Favorite uncles and aunts? Who does he get along with the most? Perhaps he will tell some interesting stories from his childhood. You can tell something about your childhood. It brings together very well.
  3. Animals. Does he have pets? If not, does he dream of having someone?
  4. Technique. Many guys are fond of technology, well versed in electronic innovations. You can ask for advice, help in choosing a new phone, setting up a computer, etc.
  5. gastronomic preferences. All guys love to eat, and this can and should be enjoyed.

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Another inexhaustible topic for conversation with any guy is the latest news and events in your city. Here are some examples:

  • new films;
  • theatrical premieres;
  • concerts held in your city;
  • music festivals;
  • sport events.
  • last news;
  • discussion of interesting places you have visited;
  • trendy nightclubs;
  • beaches;
  • parties.

In a conversation with a guy, do not forget about the ability to listen to the interlocutor. You should not exclaim after each phrase: “It can’t be”, “Wow!”, “Cool!”. Such "patterned" cries often sound feigned. Try to listen calmly and very carefully to the interlocutor, you can ask relevant questions.

This should be avoided

Obviously, you can not continue the conversation on a topic if you see that it is not interesting to a man.

In addition, there are so-called "forbidden topics". Their discussion is undesirable if the guy is not your friend. Here are the topics:

  1. His and his past relationships. The main danger of such conversations is the comparison of past and current relationships, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste and hurts pride. You should not touch on this topic, especially if you practically do not know your interlocutor;
  2. His failures. Guys take any troubles very hard: failures at work, losses in sports competitions are perceived by them very painfully. Talking about past troubles affects self-esteem. In such a situation, it is better to switch his attention to something positive;
  3. Bad habits, weaknesses. If you begin to discuss in a negative way, his bad habits, he will perceive this as a gross interference in his life. This topic should not be raised at the very beginning of a relationship. In the future, when you get closer, you can return to this.
In addition, unsuccessful topics are:
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Nationalism

Your views on these topics may differ significantly, so these topics should be avoided at first.

In general, if you're on a first date with a guy, it's best to talk about something fun and positive. Too serious topics for conversation are best left for later.

There are some more helpful tips in this video:

Finding an interesting common topic for conversation is half the battle, the conversation still needs to be skillfully conducted. Here are some helpful tips for keeping the conversation going:

Many girls make mistakes in communicating with guys. Here are the most common ones:

  • Talk about several things at the same time. Do not quickly and often "jump" from topic to topic. This will tire the interlocutor. Focus on one thing.
  • Interruption. This mistake is made by many girls, trying to make the conversation more "alive", but guys perceive this behavior as aggression. You need to learn to listen.
  • Conversation in hints. This is a "feminine" way to carry on a conversation. If you want to make a good impression, be direct. Hints are perceived as a way of manipulation.
  • Don't complain. No need to immediately complain about a bad life, lack of finances, bad friends, neighbors. This behavior can be embarrassing. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a positive person. Focus on your accomplishments and successes.