What you can talk about with the boy you like. A good start is the key to success. Communication when meeting with a well-known young man

Many girls face the fact that they just don't know what to talk to guys about. And it does not matter whether they have known them for a long time or only recently. Of course, it can be very problematic to find suitable ones with an unfamiliar young man. Perhaps this article will help you with this.

You can talk about the following:

3. If you have nothing to talk about with a guy, think about the events that are happening in the world. This topic will be interesting for everyone.

4. If a guy starts a conversation on a male topic, in which you know nothing, try to listen to him carefully. But if you do not understand something, you can ask to clarify these points for you.

What to talk to guys you know for a long time?

It’s much easier to talk to guys you’ve known for quite some time.

1. You can ask how your boyfriend's day went, or just ask, "How are you?" This will let him know that you are not indifferent to him, and you are worried about him.

2. If a guy wants to talk to you in those moments when he has certain problems, try to listen carefully to him, without imposing your opinion. You can cheer him up and tell him what you would do in this situation, but this does not mean that he should do the same.

3. Optionally, you can tell him about your problems and ask him for advice. Of course, if his opinion is useful to you.

4. You can remember your mutual friends and the incidents that happened during your time together.

What do guys like to talk about?

As strange as it sounds, sometimes guys just like to be quiet. True, in this case, you should know each other well. It can even help you bond.

A lot of guys like to talk about themselves. All you have to do is ask questions, for example: "Where do you like to spend your free time and how?"

Favorite male themes are computers, sports, politics and cars. Do not hesitate to talk about what is interesting to you, talk about your successes, about yours. Do not think that this does not interest the guy who cares about you.

Many guys love when they talk about eternal life, soul, spiritual growth. The main thing is to smile if possible, listen carefully to the guy and do not forget about the sense of humor!

Now you know what to talk to guys about and how to get them interested. We wish you good luck!

Lovers and friends can talk about anything: discuss common interests, tell stories, share experiences. It is even pleasant for them to be silent together. But during the acquaintance and first meetings, there is often an awkward silence when you do not know what to say. The easiest way to communicate on the Internet: you can share funny pictures or discuss the news. But for a personal meeting, it would be good to prepare in advance and keep in mind a list of interesting questions and topics.

What to talk about with a stranger

Today, almost all acquaintances are made on the Internet. The first questions you can ask a stranger are about his place of work or study. They can be not only closed: “Where do you study?” - but also open: “Why did you choose this particular specialty?”. This will help not only keep the conversation going, but also get to know the person better, appreciate him.

The first rule of courtesy when communicating on the Internet is to correspond without long pauses. It is assumed that two people start a conversation and set aside a certain amount of time for this. If one suddenly disappears without explanation, the other quickly loses interest in him.

Many find it difficult to start a conversation with a guy they like. If this is a stranger, a banal message with an offer to communicate will be enough. In the worst case, he will not answer anything, and in the best case, this will serve as the beginning of a new relationship.

You can talk with a person about his family: who do the parents work for, are there any siblings. But there is no need to delve into personal issues that relate to family wealth. Strangers are not asked about this.

A big topic for discussion is hobbies and interests. You can talk about this with both a friend and a fan. Men like to talk about hobbies in which they are strong, such as winning sports. Guiding questions will help keep the conversation going.

List of interesting topics:

  • a family;
  • hobby;
  • Work;
  • studies;
  • trips;
  • world News;
  • favorite books / movies / dishes.

You can talk to a guy you know about more personal topics. The most universal question is, "How was your day?" It is assumed that the person will tell in detail what he did and remember interesting or funny moments of the day. To support the topic, you need to ask clarifying questions and talk about your day.

When a guy is in the army, you can ask how his day went, what sports disciplines they teach him, what types of military equipment he studies. You should not ask such questions over the phone if the young man is serving in a secret military unit.

How to answer the question how are you

Topics for conversation with spouse

If a couple has been dating for a long time or has already been married, the problem of a lack of topics for communication still arises. It may even seem that you know your partner, you read his thoughts and words are not needed. But it's better to spend time with communication, as this is the key to a harmonious relationship.

Do not bore your man with lectures about the correct behavior of a gentleman or the future of a relationship if it is unpleasant for him. You can talk over dinner or invite your husband for a walk. Many philosophers have noted that walking promotes brain activity and leads to the emergence of new ideas. Therefore, this is the perfect time to exchange thoughts with your loved one.

What to talk about:

  1. 1. Discuss the books you have read and the TV series and films you have watched. Watching a movie together is a great leisure time for a couple. After that, you can arrange a discussion: why the hero did exactly that, whether the plot could develop differently, which of the characters liked the most. Ideas for discussion can be found even in comedy, especially in serious philosophical films.
  2. 2. Discuss news. War and politics are not the most pleasant topics, but sometimes it is pleasant to have a discussion with your spouse. To avoid controversy, you can read sports or science news and tell them to your significant other.
  3. 3. Talk about work. Even if the husband and wife work in completely different areas, you can try to figure it out at the everyday level and be interested in what interesting happened during the day at work. For a husband to be interested in his wife's work too, you need to talk about her in an interesting way, notice funny or exciting moments and share them with each other.

If you run out of topics for conversation - this is not a reason for divorce. Many couples face this problem. No need to worry about this, this is a temporary period. If both are interested in contact and want to develop relations, it will work out to find common topics.

Dirty questions to a guy

To communicate by correspondence or in person, it is better to prepare a list of questions. This will help maintain dialogue and arouse the interlocutor's interest.

What you can ask:

  • Do you live alone or with your parents?
  • Today I cooked ... Do you like these dishes?
  • Do you like cooking?
  • What's your favorite movie and why?
  • What books do you like to read?
  • How do you spend your free time?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • Which country would you like to travel to?
  • What did you want to become as a child?
  • If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?

With a person you like, topics of conversation are by themselves. But if they are exhausted, you can set one of the listed ones. Learning to communicate correctly is not difficult: you need to ask questions and listen to the answer with interest. But there is no need to turn the meeting into an interrogation, if the person answered in monosyllables, you can talk about your preferences in this matter.

What to talk about with a man so that he was interested

The first date is often tense and awkward, especially if the man and woman have never seen each other. If you like a man and want to continue the relationship, you need to follow the rules of communication:

  1. 1. More silence than listening. It is known from psychology that the most interesting object for a person is himself. Forcing a man to talk about himself and his hobbies means already half-winning his heart.
  2. 2. Find common interests. To make it interesting for both on the first walk, you need to find common interests and discuss them. If there are no such ones, it is better to find out more about the man's hobbies and hobbies.
  3. 3. Answer questions honestly and openly. It always captivates people. If the topic is complex and you don’t want to talk about it with a stranger, it’s better to say so than to play around and avoid answering.

When a guy actively talks about his hobby, you need to ask questions and show interest. You shouldn't check messages on your phone or make eyes at the waiter. This is a taboo for dating, as it immediately shows disrespect for a person. It is better to look at the person, smile, show participation in facial expressions and gestures. This will immediately make it clear that the interlocutor is interested in communication.

Prohibited Topics

If some topic is unpleasant for a man, it will immediately become noticeable. Better to turn the conversation around and not ask clarifying questions. Not everyone likes to discuss personal things with strangers.

You shouldn't talk to a new acquaintance about your ex-boyfriends. If he asks, you can answer in monosyllables without going deep into the topic. And you definitely shouldn't complain about your ex, tell them how badly they did. This characterizes the girl not from the best side.

For unfamiliar people, topics are considered prohibited:

  • money;
  • religion;
  • politics;
  • health problems.

Also, a woman who begins to gossip, discuss mutual acquaintances and start too frank conversations leaves not the best impression.

It’s difficult to strike up a conversation with a stranger just the first time. Over time, self-confidence develops and a list of neutral topics for discussion is formed. Don't be afraid to write to the first guy and start a conversation with him.

Mention a mutual friend. Mentioning a mutual friend in conversation can help you create a personal bond with your boyfriend, even if you don't know him very well. He will feel more comfortable, because you will no longer seem like a stranger to him! A mutual friend can help you find a topic of conversation.

Mention pop culture. Pop culture references are a smart, unobtrusive way to learn more about his personal interests. Having learned what genre of films or music a guy likes, you can learn a lot about a person according to his interests.

Mention the event in the future. Mentioning an event in the near future, such as a school concert or an exam, will give you a reason to worry or worry with your boyfriend. This will create a bond between the two of you and allow the guy to see how much you have in common!

Mention general interest. Talking about common interests is a great way to bond with a guy. It doesn't matter what kind of interest it is - be it reading, running, racing, or playing the guitar - what matters is that it brings you closer.

Ask an interesting question. Asking an unusual or profound question will break the ice and allow the guy to give his opinion. This will give him a chance to express himself, while you will make a good impression by coming up with such an interesting question. A win-win situation!

Talk about your general experience. Talking about a shared memory will help create a personal bond between the two of you and set the stage for that bond. Whether you went to kindergarten together, whether you had tonsils removed as a child, find something that you both can remember and laugh about.

  • Remember a great joke. Whether you think of a great joke, a funny story, or just something short, this is a great way to keep the conversation going. If you can make a guy laugh, then you are definitely doing the right thing.

    • Don't worry if you screw up the joke, he'll think it's cute and touching!
    • Make sure the joke is not offensive and understandable. However, if the joke is flat, you will feel embarrassed.
  • Ask a personal question. If everything is going well and you enjoy spending time together, now is the time to move on to personal topics. Remember that your goal is to show him that you are interested in him and want to get to know him better, not create an uncomfortable situation. Don't ask him about anything that would embarrass you.

    • Be positive! Don't ask about his biggest fear or secret, ask him about summer plans or which university he wants to go to.
    • Try asking about his family, start with something simple and unobtrusive, like "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
  • Building a relationship with someone you like is not easy. I want to do everything right, not to cheat and not be stupid. That is why in this article I want to tell you what you can talk about with a guy and what topics it is better not to touch upon in a conversation with representatives of the opposite sex.

    First meeting

    The first date with a man is always exciting. Girls prepare for it in advance, carefully thinking over their wardrobe, makeup, accessories. But what is better to talk about at the first meeting - not every lady thinks about. So, first of all, of course, you need to get acquainted. The girl must tell the main information about herself. As they say, she was born-baptized-studied. However, it is not worth going into details yet, for the first meeting, a somewhat formal tone of communication will be enough. You don't need to tell funny situations about your relatives just yet. We can confidently say that on the first date there may not be enough time for this. So, here's a short list of what you can talk about with a guy at the very first meeting:

    • About the place of birth (tell a little about the small homeland, about the family - who the parents are, what they do, about the brothers and sisters).
    • About the date of birth (many girls miss this point, but you can just talk about the month of birth or who the lady is according to the horoscope - for many this is quite important and interesting information).
    • About study (school, institute - profile, tell about your inclinations to certain sciences, about the interest shown in this or that subject, and if the girl is already a student - tell what the choice of the future profession was based on).
    • About hobbies (you can briefly talk about what you like, what hobbies, what circles or courses the girl attended for self-development).

    For now, we can stop at this. For the first date, this information will be enough for the guy to draw certain conclusions about the girl. You should not open up too much at the first meeting, because it is not a fact that there will be a second one.


    Many girls are also worried about what you can talk to a guy about on the phone. It should definitely be said that long conversations on a mobile phone are not worth it, it is not interesting. Better still to talk live. Thanks to mobile communication, you can always be within reach, but it is better to use the "tube" for short conversations about specifying the meeting place, you can just ask the guy how his day went (if there is no way to meet), you can wish him a great day or pleasant dreams. Philosophical reasoning on the other end of the line will simply tire the interlocutor, and such communication will not bring pleasure to anyone. It is very good to send a cheerleader text messages to a guy.


    So what can you talk to about the guy you like? Yes, about everything! If people, as they say, suit each other, they will not even have a situation when they have to think about what to discuss. The conversation will just be natural and fluid. However, you can still give a list of those topics that are good to talk about.

    • News. If young people have an active social position, they can easily discuss everything that has happened in the country or city recently.
    • New items. If a girl or a guy has common interests, you can discuss new items in this area.
    • What can you talk to a guy about when you walk? Sports is a great topic. This is an eternal topic that can be talked about not only for hours, but for years. A couple can exchange opinions about a particular sport, tell who likes what and what.
    • Animals. It's also good to talk about animals, find out if a guy has a pet, talk about his own, if any. This will be especially true when a couple wants to feed pigeons in the park or ducks in the pond.
    • Hobbies. It is always pleasant for people to talk about what they like. So why not pay attention to your hobbies and your boyfriend's. The conversation about this can drag on for an entire evening.

    A cafe

    What else can you talk to a guy about? So, you can consider a list of those topics that you can talk about in a cafe over a cup of aromatic tea. We can say that there are no special restrictions here, you can talk about anything, but it is worth remembering that the situation is of great importance. Here you will no longer be able to wave your hands, telling something very funny. In such establishments, it is better to talk about something calm. Why not tell the girl about her position in life and ask how the guy plans to build his life. There is no need, of course, to go into details: at this time I want to get married, at this time I want to give birth to a child, this can scare the guy. Especially if the lady will also ask him about it. You can simply give a general description of the desired future life. Why not talk here about childhood, about the past, about something pleasant and touching? These are all great, so-called "calm" themes. What else can you talk to a guy about? So, why not tell the girl about her achievements and ask about him. It will be very interesting and informative.


    What can you talk to a guy about when meeting at an educational institution - a school or an institute? So, here it is best to hook a young man with questions about his studies. It is good to first know in which sciences a man is strong and ask for help in this, provoking a date or just a meeting. You can also discuss the latest news of the school (institute), talk about what events are planned. Well, how not to chide a teacher or teacher who is unloved by everyone? Nothing brings people together like a dislike for something in common.

    Intimate setting

    What topics can you talk with a guy if a couple is in an intimate setting, left only together in a cozy place? So, if the relationship allows, you can tell the guy about what he liked, what is good about him, what character traits he likes. However, here you need to know the border and not overpraise the young man, because this may already seem too pretentious. In such an environment, you can talk about those interesting places that a person has visited: it can be excursions, vacation at sea. It is important to say that you should not rush to the young man's neck and kiss at the first opportunity, some guys may regard this as the girl's "easy behavior", her easy accessibility in an intimate sense.


    Looking through the topics that you can talk to a guy, it is also worth mentioning that not everything can be talked about with representatives of the other sex. So, there are certain topics that should not be raised in any situation.

    • Disadvantages (both your own and others').
    • About intimate life (in general, it is necessary to talk about this very carefully and only in a suitable setting for this, and you should not go into details at all).
    • Problems (you also don’t need to burden a young person with your problems for one reason or another, especially if they relate to your own health or the well-being of the family).
    • Beauty (a woman should not be told about when, where and how she did her hair, manicure, bought a dress or a handbag, the young man will be extremely uninteresting).
    • Politics (you also don’t need to go into reasoning about politics, to talk about it, you need to know a lot, but just talk about it - imitate the grandmas on the bench).
    • Financial questions (you cannot ask a guy about his solvency, about financial opportunities, you should not talk about your material well-being, this can show a material interest in a person, and not everyone will like it).

    General rules

    There are some general rules that are good to use in a conversation with a young man. So, you don't need to burden the guy with yourself, you need not only to tell, but also to listen. We need to conduct a dialogue. The tone of the conversation should be set by both members of the couple. If a young person, for example, has a headache, it is better to talk about something calm without jumping or telling a funny funny story. It is also good to show your emotions in moderation, you do not need to sit like a mummy or be too hyperactive. From time to time, you need to praise your interlocutor, doing it naturally, without exaggeration. Well, if a so-called inconvenient moment has arisen, when you do not know what to say or ask about, you need to start a conversation about immediate plans for the future.

    Do not try to follow the advice from this material 100%, because you can pick up a "key" for a guy only in the process of live communication. Template phrases will only help you move in the right direction.

    What to ask a guy in a correspondence and how to do it right

    The reason for the correspondence can be a like under a photo, a clash in an interest group, the presence of mutual acquaintances offline, and a thousand more reasons.

    His "hello" can be expected, or it can be a pleasant surprise.

    Whatever scenario turns into life, I want not only to show my interest, but also to learn more about the interlocutor, to understand what kind of person is hiding behind the screen. How he laughs and gets angry, how real his photos are (or staged), why did he even decide to make a virtual acquaintance ...

    But before pouring a stream of questions on a guy, remember - on the network, as in real life, there are certain unspoken rules. And breaking them often means being left with nothing.

    So remember:

    • nobody likes an obsession that makes a person feel uncomfortable and come up with the "right" answers to the questions asked. Do not turn communication into interrogation, because the points of interest to you can be clarified not immediately, but over time in the process of correspondence;
    • do not try to be better, more beautiful, smarter, sexier, more original, etc. Behavior unusual for you, pompous phrases, photoshopped photos betray themselves as lack of a "soul" - and who wants to communicate with an ideal robot? Therefore, be yourself, do not try to adapt to everyone you meet. After all, as you know, for every catcher there is a beast;
    • publish your own photos of good quality in your profile, do not hide behind pictures - such actions give out a fake that hardly anyone wants to communicate with;
    • write correctly. Of course, complex phrases that have descended from the pages of scientific works of the past will scare off even a fighter for the purity of speech, but the banal absence of spelling and grammatical errors will only play in your favor. And do not hide emotions under the monosyllabic "aha", "xs", "ok", write in such a way that a stranger sees you as a real interlocutor with his own opinion and outlook on life;
    • end the conversation so that the guy wants to continue the conversation.

    How to please a pen guy

    To begin with, critically assess your page - how interested would you be with such an interlocutor? Look through the photos (and not only the latest avatars, but also the archive ones, which you yourself have long forgotten), flip through the audio recordings, read the available information in the profile. And if incriminating evidence, strange records of unknown origin, errors and typos were found there, it is better to spend half an hour and bring your "Internet face" into a proper form.

    If your page attracts a guy, try to create a positive first impression. But do not overplay - if the day turned out to be difficult, it is better to be honest about it than to pretend to be miss fun. The Vedic interlocutor is not an idiot. Even if he does not recognize outright lies, the chill and tension between you is guaranteed for a long time.

    An important point is the correct avoidance of "slippery" places in the conversation. If the topic is unpleasant for you, it is better to honestly say that you do not want to discuss this issue now, than try to make a strained joke or awkwardly translate the topic. Appropriate directness will appeal to the guy, but trying to get out of the quagmire will make you laugh at best, and make the guy lose interest in you at worst.

    How to get your pen guy interested

    To keep the conversation from getting bored, add a note of interest to it. For example, offer to talk in either-or format. Such games help not only to have a good time, but also to find out the type of temperament of the interlocutor. For example, questions like "mountains or beach", "racing car or Mercedes S-class", "redhead or brunette" will help you get to know the guy better, his inclinations, attitude to risk, etc. After all, a direct question can be given "convenient "Answer, but veiled under the game more often gets a more frank return.

    Another way to interest a guy is to skillfully ask for his opinion, show interest in his hobbies, ask for advice. It’s especially cool if you’re smart and ask him about something you haven’t discussed yet. Review his photo, look for pages in other social networks, do not be too lazy to look for photos with him - such materials sometimes give more information than correspondence. And the more original you ask the question, the more interest you are guaranteed.

    What to talk to a pen guy about

    Of course, being original in the intimate plane is unacceptable. As well as joking or teasing a guy. It’s better if you leave questions about his past and sexual preferences for the future, when you have every right to ask such questions. In the meantime, be content with general topics: travel, books, films, friends, family, hobbies, dreams, interests, work (study). Such discussions are capable of providing a basic characterization to any person.

    Chatting with a guy: examples of questions

    1. What dreams have you already realized, and what are you planning in the near future?
    2. What do you do in the evenings after work?
    3. An act that you are proud of? The most daring act?
    4. What were you like as a kid?
    5. How do you dream of spending your old age?
    6. Do you like to travel? What countries do you dream to visit?
    7. Favorite movie, TV series, book, superhero?
    8. What is your relationship with your family?
    9. Are there brothers or sisters?
    10. How do you feel about children?
    11. Are you a lark or an owl?
    12. Who did you dream of being when you grow up?
    13. Do you like spontaneity?
    14. What's your best birthday ever?
    15. Do you have a lot of friends? Tell us about them.
    16. Can there be friendship between a guy and a girl?
    17. What wish would you ask to fulfill right now?
    18. What do you like about girls? What can you hate?
    19. What kind of clothes do you prefer?
    20. Can you cook?

    How to tell if a pen guy likes you

    The most important "beacon" that will help you understand a guy's attitude is his readiness and desire to correspond. If he is waiting for an online meeting, writes to you first, is not late for the agreed time, is not too inclined to say goodbye, most likely, you are pleasant to him.

    It is also important how willingly he is to share intimate things with you. And it is not necessary to wait for a confession - a story about how the day went can mean more than a confession of something supposedly very personal. Ask about his mood, ask questions about relationships with friends, funny experiences that happened at work, and note if the guy is ready to share a part of himself with you.

    The same applies to you - if the guy talks about himself and does not try to get to know you more deeply, in front of you is a typical narcissistic chatterbox.

    Flirting can be noticed by his tone: you are clearly not indifferent to the guy if he praises you, makes compliments, wishes you pleasant dreams in the evening and a good day in the morning. He can send virtual gifts, delight you with funny emoticons, make surprises, that is, show his attention in all available ways. Caring, the desire to protect and advise is also important - it is characteristic of any man in love.

    Just in case: how to turn off a pen guy

    Sometimes the reason for the desire to end the correspondence can be the obsession of the guy, sometimes - boredom and chill, sometimes - the mismatch of characters, tastes and interests. In any case, do not delay, hoping that tomorrow he will definitely change.

    If you don't even want to start a dialogue, it's time to end it.

    Honestly write to the guy that you don't want to communicate with him anymore, that real life means more to you than letters on the monitor. Stop showing interest, because the flirtatious "we need to take a break from each other", on the contrary, fuels the hunter's instinct in the man's soul.

    In general, the easiest, honest and most effective way to end communication is the "spam" or "black list" button. Everything else is half measures.

    Conduct correspondence only with those who are interesting, with whom you would begin to communicate in real life. And you yourself be the same as usual, do not pretend and do not hide behind a fictitious personality. And, you know, if you had to figure out what questions to ask a pen guy - most likely, it's just not your person.