The labia is swollen before childbirth. Delicate problems during pregnancy. How the labia change during pregnancy

If you notice that your labia have changed their color, then we advise you to do a pregnancy test first, and then, perhaps, visit a gynecologist. Because such symptoms are highly likely to indicate that conception occurred in the last menstrual cycle of a woman.

There are hardly many girls who regularly examine the color of their labia, but it is quite possible to notice such a change. Moreover: some couples notice this symptom very first, not even suspecting that pregnancy could occur. All in all, this is definitely worth talking about.

Every healthy, sexually mature woman regularly matures an egg, ready to potentially become the foremother of an unborn child. This happens at different times for everyone, but most often - around the middle of the menstrual cycle every or almost every month. After the release of the egg from the mature follicle, that is, after ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone that has risen by this time remains high, creating favorable conditions for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

This will continue throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy, and against the background of such hormonal changes, a pregnant woman can feel and observe a wide variety of signs of pregnancy, many of which sometimes seem unexpected or strange. These symptoms include changes in the labia at the earliest possible date.

In particular, both the labia minora and the labia majora in a pregnant woman can increase in size and change their color from the very first days. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is necessary for the full provision of the fetus with oxygen and nutrients that come with the blood.

For this reason, the labia of a pregnant woman can become poured, enlarged, and swollen. Such changes are noticeable already from the first weeks, but also often appear only by the second or third trimesters. As the gestation period increases, the muscle tissues in the body of the expectant mother become more elastic and resilient, and among them are the labia.

With a tendency to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis in the labia during pregnancy, seals may occur, nodes - enlarging veins appear. This situation should not be ignored. Although this, as a rule, does not pose a great danger, there are still some risks, and therefore, if inflamed areas in the labia are found, it is imperative to tell the doctor about this. The same applies to other formations on this organ: rashes, erosions, seals.

In addition to the size, the color of the labia very often changes during pregnancy. And that shouldn't scare you.

Crimson, dark red labia during pregnancy

It should be noted that the color of the labia is different for all women, and for each of them it can change at different periods of life. This feature is highly individual, and can vary in different colors and shades - from beige to black, from pale light to very dark or saturated.

Most all women usually have pink labia. But whatever their color you have, and with the onset of pregnancy, their color and shade may change.

After conception, the labia that were pale or dimly red before the labia often become deep red, purple, dark, as if inflamed. Do not worry: such changes, as we have already said, are the absolute norm, if, in addition to them, there are no "suspicious" vaginal discharge, itching, burning and other pathological symptoms.

Also, do not be surprised if during pregnancy only one labia changes color, and the second remains unchanged: this also happens normally.

Blue labia during pregnancy

The blueness of the labia during pregnancy is a very common early sign. As a rule, at about the same time, the areoles of the nipples on the breast darken: sometimes they also turn blue, but more often they acquire a dark brown color. The venous mesh on the chest may also show through.

Blue labia in a pregnant woman can also become with varicose veins, which is observed in about a third of women who become pregnant for the first time and in most of re-pregnant women. Overweight pregnant women and women genetically predisposed to this are at risk.

Most often, this condition is temporary and harmless: shortly before childbirth or shortly after it, it goes away on its own. But sometimes the blue labia during pregnancy begin to hurt and bleed, which needs to be told to the doctor. He will prescribe you an anti-inflammatory ointment, and also recommend you to wear special compression underwear without seams, not to sit up and not stand for a long time in one place, move more and lie only on your side.

Also note that blue discoloration of tissues in this area can occur even in non-pregnant women due to wearing tight synthetic underwear, aggressive sex, very early onset of sexual activity, and also with age.

Black labia during pregnancy

Sometimes on the forums you can find messages that in women during pregnancy the labia became very dark, almost black. It scares and worries some of them, but there is no cause for concern.

The color of the labia during pregnancy can actually not only darken a lot, but actually turn gray or black. Moreover, approximately 2-3% of fair-skinned women in the world have this color of mucous membranes in the perineum as their normal norm.

If nothing else bothers you besides the color, then there is no need to worry. If you are not yet confident in your pregnancy, then when you change the color of the labia, you should dot the "i": it's time to buy a test.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

If a woman's labia is swollen and discolored during pregnancy, this may be a sign of infectious or cardiovascular diseases. It is impossible to independently understand why the genitals enlarge and hurt. Therefore, it is recommended to report the problem to the gynecologist. It is necessary to regularly go to the doctor for examination at all stages of pregnancy, and monitor the condition of the veins in the legs.

Why labia ache and swell

The internal and external genital organs of a woman change during pregnancy. If no other pathological symptoms are observed, edema is considered physiological and safe.

The reasons for the increase and discomfort in the perineum:

  • Violation of blood circulation in the small pelvis due to an increase in the uterus and pressure on all organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Preparing the body for childbirth, the deposition of fat in the labia.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

After childbirth, this feature gradually disappears, and the size of the reproductive organs returns to normal.

If a woman experiences itching, pain or redness during swelling, it is necessary to check for the following diseases: varicose veins, infectious vulvovaginitis, inflammatory or bacteriological bartholinitis, genital herpes.

Also in the last months of pregnancy, late toxicosis may develop. Because of it, not only the legs and face swell, but the entire body. This condition cannot be ignored, as it is a threat to the mother and child.


Pathological swelling of the labia arises due to the inflammatory process. It occurs in the case of an advanced infectious disease in the vagina. The colonization of gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia, various fungi and Escherichia coli can provoke such changes.

Vulvovaginitis occurs in a woman during pregnancy and is more often chronic. In this case, the symptoms constantly return and can be troubling almost every month. Therefore, if you develop swelling and redness in the perineal region, and discharge of a serous-purulent color has begun from the vagina, you should immediately consult a doctor.


When the Bartholin gland, which is located at the base of the labia, becomes clogged, an inflammatory process begins. Bartholinitis can develop due to microbes or due to a running infectious process in the organs of the genitourinary system.

The glands constantly accumulate mucus, which leads to the enlargement and thickening of the large lips. Most often, an asymmetric form of the disease is observed. The launched process turns into a tissue abscess or cysts form at the site of the glands.

With swelling of the labia in a pregnant woman, the appearance of seals and local pain is observed. The discomfort increases during intercourse and when urinating.

Genital herpes

If a woman has the herpes virus in her blood, then a relapse may occur during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period, immunity is sharply reduced.

The enlargement of the labia during pregnancy is accompanied by itching and a rash in the form of small blisters. In addition to external manifestations, damage to the vaginal mucosa is observed, the appearance of ulcers on the tissues.

Genital herpes is a very serious condition that can lead to impaired fetal development, miscarriage, premature birth, and even, in some cases, death of the baby. Also, infection can occur during delivery.

Venous varicose veins

With an increase in the external genital organs during pregnancy and the appearance of a bluish tint, varicose veins are diagnosed. Most often, this disease develops in the last trimester and is a consequence of an increased load on the pelvic organs and a violation of blood circulation in them.

A woman feels discomfort and heaviness after prolonged standing or sitting, a tingling sensation is felt in the perineum. There is also swelling of the legs and the appearance of a venous mesh on them.

If the disease is severe, a caesarean section may be prescribed. A woman needs to wear special compression underwear, do therapeutic exercises, use ointments to improve blood circulation.

Other reasons

Puffiness of the labia can be not only due to infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina. This symptom is also a sign of diabetes mellitus, renal and hepatic failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are the following factors provoking an increase in the reproductive organs:

  • an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear or panty liners;
  • absence or violation of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • genital trauma;
  • stress and nervous disorder, mental stress.

To eliminate puffiness, especially if the labia began to hurt, you must consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or other chronic pathologies. If a woman had varicose veins before pregnancy, a phlebologist's consultation is recommended. If you are prone to allergies, it is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, smoked meats, marinades, coffee and chocolate from the diet, and also wear linen made from natural fabrics.

Alarming symptoms

A slight change in the volume of the labia during pregnancy should not bother a woman. Most often, the problem goes away after childbirth and goes unnoticed. The following symptoms accompanying puffiness are not the norm:

  • discoloration of the labia (blue or redness);
  • itching of the labia and vagina;
  • violation of urination;
  • soreness during intercourse;
  • the appearance of a rash and irritation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the perineum, especially after physical activity.

By the nature of the pain, the gynecologist determines the disease: it can be dull, aching, acute, pulling, be temporary or permanent, be tolerant or strong, occur during rest or after touching, physical activity.

If there is an increase in the labia, they constantly itch, there is a burning sensation after using the toilet or washing, you may have herpes, vulvovaginitis, or allergies. Various variants of diseases imply a different method of treatment, therefore, it is not recommended to independently determine and prescribe therapy for oneself.


When the labia in pregnant women are changed and additional pathological symptoms are present, a gynecologist's examination is necessary. If a rash or a change in the color and relief of the skin is detected, the doctor directs it for laboratory diagnostics. It is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • vaginal smears for cytology;
  • bacteriological culture from the vagina and urethra.
  • For a more accurate diagnosis, colposcopy is prescribed.
  • Scraping is also taken to identify worms.

A woman with edema is referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist, urologist or phlebologist, the referral is written out depending on the indicators of blood and urine tests.

What to do with pain and swelling

Basically, puffiness is not treated or eliminated with the help of a general course against preeclampsia during pregnancy. If the swelling constantly increases and is accompanied by pain, the woman is prescribed gentle therapy.

In the case of varicose veins, it is recommended to use folk recipes or topical ointments. It is recommended to walk every day and do therapeutic exercises to accelerate blood circulation in the small pelvis. With inflammation of the lips, which are accompanied by cheesy discharge, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

If you notice swelling of the external genital organs, be sure to tell about it in the antenatal clinic. Some diseases with this symptom can lead to impaired fetal development or miscarriage.

Preventive actions

To make pregnancy easy and not be accompanied by the development of pathologies, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow all his instructions. It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • during pregnancy, regularly examine the labia;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene, wipe yourself correctly;
  • maintain immunity;
  • treat chronic and sexually transmitted diseases in time;
  • rest more often, do not overexert yourself physically and mentally;
  • do not wear tight and synthetic underwear;
  • wear comfortable shoes, especially during the third trimester.

If before pregnancy you had manifestations of varicose veins, monitor your condition and do not allow blue discoloration in the perineum. To eliminate the swelling that has already appeared, it is recommended to take a warm bath and rest more.

A slight change in the shade and size of the labia during pregnancy is a normal physiological condition. However, if the skin is covered with a rash, reddened, or turned blue, swelling is a symptom of the disease. It is impossible to independently diagnose and treat this condition, since it can cause fetal development disorders, threaten the health and life of a woman and a child.

One of the signs of pregnancy is the moment when the labia are swollen during pregnancy. The situation is associated with changes in the body, changes in hormonal levels and an increase in fetal pressure. Another cause of edema is infectious processes that adversely affect the normal development of the child.

Why do labia swell during pregnancy?

As soon as the egg is fertilized and the fetus begins to form, the body adjusts to this process. Increased production of female hormones begins, edema of the labia appears during pregnancy, minor itching is possible.

If the labia has increased, then the physiological reasons for such a reaction can be:

  • The growth of the uterus and fetus, which put pressure on the circulatory system of the pelvic organs. Thus, a decrease in blood flow occurs, causing an edematous reaction;
  • Swelling due to fat deposition, which is normal during pregnancy
  • A change in the hormonal background is manifested in the fact that the edema spreads to the large and small lips.
The manifestation of puffiness due to the physiology and formation of the fetus does not require special medical treatment. Over time, the external organs will return to their normal state on their own.

Infectious causes of puffiness

The enlargement of the labia during pregnancy is accompanied by various infectious diseases. In the first days after conception, a woman's immunity decreases, a sharp restructuring of the body contributes to the development of fungi and harmful bacteria in the microflora of the vagina, which provokes the occurrence of:
  1. Candidiasis or thrush, manifests itself only with a lack of the immune system. Candida mushrooms are always present in the vaginal mucosa, but under certain circumstances they begin to multiply, which causes abundant cheesy discharge, itching and swelling of the lips.
  2. Gandarella, Trichomanada and other pathogenic diseases manifest themselves in a weakened organism. These pathologies are characterized not only by swelling, but also itching, as well as discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  3. Vulvovaginitis is caused by an inflammatory process in the vagina and is characterized by severe burning sensation in the perineum, gray discharge and external edema.
  4. Bartholinitis occurs due to inflammation of the Bartholin glands. With such a pathology, the lips not only swell, but also acquire a brown color.
If an infectious process in the vagina is suspected, urine and blood tests are prescribed, a smear is taken from the vagina. You may need to consult a highly specialized endocrinologist and urologist.

How to treat edema of the labia during pregnancy?

If a situation arises as a result of which the labia is swollen during pregnancy, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment of infectious processes involves the use of topical preparations (ointment, suppositories) to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and destroy pathogens. The use of antibiotics during gestation is not recommended, as they can harm the formation of the fetus.

If untreated, diseases lead to the development of defects in the child, and can also provoke a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. Therefore, you should not wait for the symptoms to pass on their own so as not to cause negative consequences.

To reduce swelling before visiting a medical institution using folk methods, you can use trays with the addition of a small amount of soda. Medicinal plants - chamomile flowers, string or calendula - have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To prevent edema, regular intimate hygiene is required, adherence to a rest and activity regimen, it is worth wearing only natural fabrics so as not to irritate delicate skin.