Original birthday greetings to the man. Birthday greetings to a man How to congratulate an unfamiliar guy on his birthday

    everything is the same as for a friend ... only the best :)

    da pozdravlaju! daze na one jesli vdrug visve4evajeca ktoto u kogo denj rozdenija ja pozdravlaju, vedj 4eloveku srazu prijatnee stanovica daze jesli on menja neznajet. a u tebja denj rozhdenja? I want to wish today
    Love, health, joy, good luck,
    Parting and grief can never be known.
    The path will be the only way, and not otherwise!

    I also wish to avoid debt,
    Resentment and quarrels, anxiety and sorrow,
    So that our crisis ravages enemies,
    Friends, on the contrary, to prosper.

    I also want to wish you
    In all matters of luck and success,
    Peace only from love to lose
    And cry solely from laughter.

    Let the glasses be full of wine
    Joke, sing, fall head over heels in love.
    Don't think about sad and sick
    And just enjoy this life.

    I wish you happiness and good,
    And a lot of money to boot
    So that tomorrow is better than yesterday.
    Let it be only this way and not otherwise.

    Provided that she has such a desire.

    No way

  • it happens. accidentally met a person. and now I see him often. he recognizes me and smiles. but I am so pleased ...

    a new person is not predictable, you can discuss with him in a new way what has already been condemned hundreds of times with friends, you can tell your brightest impressions and thoughts, since everything said will be new to both.
    for this reason, I like one-time dates with girls :) cinema-cafe-bye :)

    There are a lot of ways! The main thing is to have imagination :)

    If this is a beloved man, then you can make a decorative pillow with your photograph.

    You can present a cup with inscriptions to the best man / friend / colleague.
    A girl with the same success can be presented with a glass with an engraving. Engraving takes place on "Hurray" on whatever it is.

    You can donate money, but present it in a special way ... Pack it as a treasure, in a chest, then organize a treasure search. Hide it somewhere, write hints and the person must look for it. (Hints can even be in the style: dance to get the next one). Both fun and a gift.

    If a person likes various strong drinks, you can present glasses, pour a certain drink into each of them and ask the person to determine what is in what.

    You can, of course, also the girl / guy in the cake.

    Fireworks can be gifted.

    You can organize an album of understandings - collect children's photos, wishes of friends, funny incidents ...

    You can make a giant bouquet of flower-shaped balloons.

    A gift should be from the heart, no matter how much it costs, for a person who has everything, the value of the gift is no longer an issue ...

Let it be
Health - good,
Any day - fine
Your house is cozy
And the wind is fair
Luck is familiar
The dream is unusual
Smile - careless
Love is endless

So important in any situation
Stay confident in victory
So that it doesn't happen - be yourself,
And even if it's difficult - don't give up!
Let the support of relatives and friends
Will support and help in every matter,
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

Always let the hand be strong
Shoulder secure, hawkish look.
Even if the fate of men is not easy,
But the peak of success will be taken by you!

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years
All-all dreams come true
And every day in great love!
Sufficiency so that it was huge
No one so as not to forget you
And my soul was warm
The rest is all the same!

Happy birthday dear
May your world shine with the sun today!
I wish you a daring life
So that no fluff, no feather, as they say!

So that you are lucky from now and forever,
So that your dreams come true faster ...
You are a wonderful and sincere person
Eh, more often such would be born!

Follow five important rules in life
And on earth you will see paradise)
- In worldly affairs, do not disturb the peace,
- Don't risk your head in vain,
- Take care of your health like a rare treasure,
- Live well, but don't be rich.
And let him come to share the leisure,
Your best friend to you!

You are the only one in the world:
Cheerful, kind, groovy.
It's not boring with you on the couch
It's not scary with you in the ocean.
You conquer everyone with yourself
Mischievous smile.
Eyes sparkle with charm -
Speech can be lost!
Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you keep doing it!

May the next year of life
There will be no worries at all
Joy only gives
Will not leave without good luck.
And I wish you
Always be on top
Be what you want
Get whatever you want!

We certainly wish to become
A hero of our time!
Increase and preserve
All the most important values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation,
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temperament!

Always achieve your goals in life
Let all the questions find the answer,
Believe in yourself, never give up
Bold ideas, new victories!

We wish to live and not grieve,
There is a lot of wealth, a lot of happiness.
To love, to dream, to be loved,
Let there be bad weather!
Let the changes be good
There is enough time and energy for everything,
And remains unchanged in life
The law "I came, I saw, I won!"

I wish you breaks
For lunch, for tea, for beer,
That the salary went up -
The wallet did not fit,
So that working days
We flew like a rocket
The weekend didn't end
Well, vacation is only in summer!

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions
Joyful, vivid pictures and moments!
In life, everything will turn out the way you wanted,
There will always be courage, courage in the heart!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

Who does a man sleep with in his life:
Up to 5 years old - with a pacifier,
from 5 to 10 - with a bear,
from 10 to 20 - with a dream,
from 20 to 30 - with his wife,
from 30 to 40 - with a stranger,
from 40 to 50 - from any,
from 50 to 60 - with a heating pad,
from 60 to 70 - with a closed window.
So let's drink to never
the window did not close!

Happy Birthday:
So that you are lucky everywhere!
To be the first on vacation
Was not the last in labor!
So that the apartment is big
The house outside the city is high!
So that salaries and advances
Didn't fit in your wallet!
So that health is strong -
Without it, it’s impossible!
So that you are not forgotten
All old friends!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you many happy years
Not knowing failures and gloomy days.
We wish only to smile
Do not be upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
But in general - to live, and not to regret!

From the bottom of our hearts we want to say -
Never change!
Stay yourself -
Simplicity is in short supply!
May happiness be with you
Beauty shines on life,
Live happily, calmly
Let fate give it all!

We wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
May everyday bad weather you
Always bypassed.
Store carefully as before
There are beautiful features in my soul.
As before, give generously to everyone.

Birthday is extremely beautiful
And the weather is shining like a sun for us.
May today, on your holiday, be cheerful,
Happiness will greet you with a smile.

And will give you for all the years
True and true friends
Feelings of ardent ladies beloved,
And good, healthy children.

I wish you, as a real man, to buy a house. It is not necessary to build, someone else can build it. Let there be a beautiful garden around the house. It is not necessary to plant it yourself, the main thing is that the plan for planting trees has been completed. And of course, I want to raise my son, a real man. Here you will have to try. I think you will be able to become a worthy example for him. I wish you success in all your endeavors!

I wish life as in the picture
Resorts, hotels, cafes, parties
An apartment, a car and a summer house to boot,
Miss World, hand in hand for good luck!

Always be cheerful, give smiles,
To be able to relax and live happily!
Walk only along the white stripe for you,
In the morning, run barefoot through the dew!

Merge with nature and enjoy
Swim, laugh and relax!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you
Happiness, success and be loved!

Everything that sounds beautiful in life
We would like to wish you personally:
So that love never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Great happiness, great friends,
Health, success and sunny days!

Who has a birthday here?
Substitute your ears!
We will not pull for them -
Just sit down and listen.
Be healthy, smart and happy
Grab your luck by the tail.
Do not let go of her -
Ask for a car, a dacha.
Fortune is a mischievous girl,
Anyone can teach a lesson!
But we wish you had enough strength
You will tame Fortune!

We wish you good luck, health, success,
Love, affection, joy, laughter!
We wish you a beautiful and peaceful life,
Happily, joyfully and do not grieve!

I wish life to seem
You have a real fairy tale,
Health bale, love bag,
And a big box of money!

Oh, how difficult it is to find words
Which are not spoken in passing ...
May the head remain clear
The seriousness abides with each passing year.
Let everything that I've ever been wrong
Will be corrected by you, will be changed,
Be healthy in mind, body and soul,
Let luck change luck.
Think often! Life, alas, is one ...
And no matter how beaten the words
She must pass with dignity,
So that the hearts of relatives are not broken.

Today you are in the spotlight
You shine like a new fifty dollars!
We are noisy by our company,
We wish you birthday boy

Kohl silushki - then heroic,
If there is happiness - so that the ocean!
Let health be Siberian,
Let love seethe like a volcano!

Happy birthday to a successful and wonderful man! You have many happy years ahead - let them be filled with new ambitious goals, the love of loved ones and the recognition of others.

I wish you strength and I wish you will
Walk through life proudly, straight ahead,
So that you are pleased with your fate,
So that you love the world and be happy in it.

I wish you knew how to live
And everything that life gives to appreciate
And if the Lord did not give,
That you do not give up,

And to be able to achieve everything,
I did not stop learning everything.
Well, and a little more luck,
I wish you happiness! Happy Birthday!

We are glad to congratulate you on the next date on the calendar of your life and wish you three whales on which male happiness rests: a loving family, a faithful friend and beloved work.

Every year you only become wiser
And of course, stronger, kinder, healthier,
Oh, what a man - one feast for the eyes,
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you high victories in life,
Let the moments of luck, like sweet candies,
There will always be a lot to make dreams come true
So that you are loved and happy in your fate!

Life has already made you its best gift, in the form of your beloved wife and children, who, providing a reliable rear, are waiting for you at home. We wish you that mutual understanding lived in the family, keeping happiness in the house.

A man has no "age"
Always be young and successful.
Live your life to a hundred years
Washing my face only with sinless happiness.

We are the best of all men
We hasten to wish you a happy birthday,
And all the heights, and all the peaks
We wish you conquest in your life!

We also want to wish
It's easy to achieve your goals
And in any situation
You managed to win with honor!

Happy birthday to a real man! We wish you only take what you need from life, not save up too much, not waste your time on trifles and be able to appreciate what is most easily given!

To be strong means to be always yourself,
Sometimes to enter into an unequal battle with fate.
But you are. And thank God.
Let fate break your leg by kicking you!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
And I wish you from my heart
To make happiness always smile
To give good luck to fate!

So that there are fewer difficulties,
So that there is enough patience and strength,
So that you are sure to be rich
In this life, and in the next was!

We wish that life will definitely give you the opportunity to make your dreams come true, and that you do not miss it. And obstacles on the way will be dispelled by the wind of luck, which will surely accompany you.

It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of their hearts
And you are happier than anyone in the world
Where is Birthday, there are dreams
And I will congratulate you now,
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday,
I wish you a colorful smile
And the cake is above the ceiling
To make all the postcards shine
So that everything is as never before!

I wish only happiness in life,
Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
Let all the bad weather pass by
And there will be good friends nearby!

I wish your dreams come true
Health so that it never fails
And, no matter how swiftly your years would rush,
You stay young always, always!

And brutality and hardening,
And posture, and savvy,
Strength, courage and honor -
Everything in you, of course, is.
You have left to wish
An insignificant little.
In personal life - understanding
And support - in your endeavors.
In good friendship - respect,
And in a career - promotion.
Be happy and content
Expensive, but still free,
With money and in the mood.
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul and, most importantly, health - it is never superfluous. So that you are always glad that you already have, but at the same time you never stop setting big life goals for yourself. May the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and your beloved will be a reliable support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved!

Happy birthday
To have a lot of strength for everything.
Always playing in life,
To be able to do everything, to be in time everywhere.

Be lucky, lucky
And happy on Earth.
Kind, glorious and mighty,
Live in comfort and warmth.

May dreams come true
There is always money.
And the problems will dissolve
Never come.

Happy Birthday!
I wish you happiness and luck.
Stability in all matters
Be successful with money.

May everything be fine in life
Any goal will become subservient.
Be reliable, always loved
In all matters, irreplaceable.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
Wish you good and happiness
Good luck in life, luck.
Adversity is not to be seen at all.

Health so as not to fail
Success accompanied your path
Body and soul were getting younger
All that was heard in the house was laughter.

I wish you vigor for the body,
Pleasant minutes - for the soul,
Hands - the skill of gold,
And words of wisdom - for the head.

Let there be tears only from happiness
A warm corner is waiting at home,
Where the door is closed from bad weather,
And the castle hangs from adversity!

Happy birthday, congratulations!
We wish you financial stability,
Health, happiness, optimism,
Steep climbs, bright life,
Stability, love and peace
Well-being and positive!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish with all my heart
Smiles, happiness, inspiration
And the conquest of all peaks.

Reliable and good friends,
In the family - comfort and warmth.
So that the days are pleasant and beautiful
More life brought you.

May the strength be heroic
The mind will be sharp as a blade.
And in the heart to be warmer
From the sincerity of these lines.

What a real man
Wish on your birthday?
That there is no reason
To be sad, bored and discouraged.

Let everything be as it should be in life,
Let happiness flow over the edge
In the family, everyone lived very amicably.
Love, dream and prosper.

Bright life, new chances
In fate - luck nod.
And laughter, joy, finance -
Endless stream!

I wish you happiness and good
Love, family well-being,
Take only the best from life:
There are many smiles, a sea of ​​inspiration,
In all matters - success and luck,
In a career - steadily progressing upwards,
And in friendship - loyalty to you and respect.
In the family - harmony, support, understanding.
So that all cherished desires come true!

A wonderful man, father, family man -
Everyone knows about this, you are the only one.
Let the envious rest on the sidelines,
Let's open the kegs on the name day.
You will have time to work, walk today,
And to put it more clearly, rest.
After all, fun on a holiday is not only appropriate,
It must certainly take place.
We wish you a cool career
Respect for relatives, great love,
May success always be by your side!

Personal development

Happy Birthday to 18250 strangers in one year

Every day I wish 50 strangers a happy birthday. Congratulations to people via social networks using regular messages. I set an ambitious goal for myself to congratulate over 18,000 people by the end of the year.

Target history

Remember that story with Forest Gump, in which he decided to just go for a run? He ran to the edge of the road, then he ran to the edge of the city, and eventually decided that this way he could run the whole country.

In the same way, in October 2013 I decided to just wish 50 strangers happy birthday, the next day I wondered if I could congratulate 50 people every day for a month, now I want to know if I can congratulate people in throughout the year.

What's the point

Have you ever forgotten about the birthday of your loved one or good acquaintance due to the fact that you are loaded with work so that you do not even see the white light?

When I started to do this, I did not put any meaning in my congratulations. They were just congratulations. But after the reviews with gratitude of people began to accumulate, I realized that it can be very pleasant: to receive 1 more congratulations than you expect. Let this congratulation be from a complete stranger. But this is where miracles lie when you get something pleasant that you did not expect at all.

The result of the feat

In the final, I plan to congratulate over 4,000 people on the coming 2015 year with personal messages from the list of friends who will answer my friend request. This will be a good ending for such a feat.

Your participation

I invite everyone who wants to receive congratulations from me on their birthday to be added to my VKontakte friends.

Gifts, anticipation of the event, joy and fun at a young age were much brighter for many than when they were mature. What is the reason that a man may lose interest in his birthday? How to congratulate a man on his birthday so that he is very happy?

You can always sincerely please and congratulate a man on his birthday. A beloved man, close friend or unfamiliar work colleague - there are some interesting ways to embellish someone's holiday.

For a beloved man

At first glance, it seems that it is much easier to congratulate a loved one and a loved one. Knowing well about your partner's tastes and preferences is a big plus for choosing a congratulation. But in relationships, especially long-term ones, there is often a routine and a lack of original ideas. It begins to seem that all the best ideas have already been implemented, and interesting ways to spend time have been exhausted.

But congratulations from your beloved woman can be very diverse! The main secret of success is his desire in tandem with your capabilities. No matter how simple this phrase may sound, many women overlook one of the factors, or even two at once.

For example, if you don't cook well and don't like it, then making a dinner for two would be a bad idea. Or if you are eager to do needlework, make handmade cards and cute velor gifts, and your chosen one appreciates free space, minimalism and practicality - you should not waste time and effort on this.

Sometimes, even the best gift option becomes boring over time if it is repeated from year to year. A non-standard solution will play into your hands and will pleasantly surprise your chosen one.

Think about what you like and what you feel confident about. Flexible and nimble ladies can congratulate a man with a private number or a newly learned belly dance. If you cook well, arrange a dinner for two, while you can creatively diversify it.

For example, decorate baked cookies or cupcakes with lettering and drawings made from colored creams or sugar tubes available at the store. If a man is fond of computer games or some famous TV series, you can make several original products with this symbolism.

What can be an interesting and romantic gift for a beloved man:

  • A certificate or ticket for a joint massage session. If this is not possible, buy oils and arrange a massage at home!
  • Sports shooting for two or karting
  • Private dance or your creative improvisation
  • Dinner for two, or a variety of treats you have prepared for him alone
  • Romantic board game with erotic tasks
  • An invitation to a master class or an important event for it
  • Travel to another city for a few days for the two of you
  • A stack of chips in the poker club for the long-awaited tournament
  • The subscription to the online game he has long wanted

Original gifts and congratulations

How to choose something "original" and what is meant by that?

If it is a decorative item, then pay attention to unusual design solutions or entertainment products. They can be seen in a wide variety of specialty stores or ordered online. The latter is especially popular, as the assortment is usually larger when buying online.

Originality can be expressed both in the choice of a gift and in its appearance or presentation. If you were going to buy a mug or a set of glasses as a gift, pay attention to non-standard designs and ideas. Consider also the personality and preference of the birthday person: if he is interested in technology or works as a programmer, you can look for ideas from design in this area.

A ticket to a concert, admission to an event or a paid master class in parachute jumping - choose original gifts wisely, depending on the interests and character of the chosen one. For some, extreme and original congratulations can become an event of a lifetime, for others - another awkwardness.

Gift additions

If you have chosen a basic and practical expensive gift, you should not give up interesting details that will complement your choice and please the birthday boy even more. In addition to the gift, an original but cheaper item is often chosen that has an entertaining or decorative role.

An item made by your own hands or a prepared dish is an ideal addition to a gift for a loved one. This is an opportunity not only to give the necessary and practical thing that the birthday person has long wanted, but also to add joyful and romantic emotions to the holiday.

You can also congratulate a man on his birthday in prose, expressing in your own words the feelings that you have for him.

How to congratulate a man if you know him well

If your partner appreciates fun and a relaxed atmosphere, pay attention to the games rooms and establishments that have become more popular lately. Such a congratulation is suitable not only for a loved one, but also for a best friend or acquaintance of a man with whom you like to spend time. Time and room are bought in such establishments. In it you can watch movies together, play games, sing karaoke, listen to music and just have fun.

A play environment with a console can be interesting to a friend or acquaintance, and an evening spent together watching a romantic movie is well suited to complement the holiday for a loved one.

As a material gift for a well-known person, they choose those things that are in the range of his interests. This could be his main hobby or something he is well versed in. But keep in mind that in this case you can “guess” badly with the gift and choose not the best option.

Perhaps in a conversation you have heard something that the birthday person wants or is just beginning to be interested in. Pay attention to this option and remember well most of your conversations. The attention you show with such a gift is priceless.