Features of conflict behavior and ways to eliminate children in children of senior preschool age. Saving a small aggressor from aggression. On the example of fabulous characters, children learned to settle conflicts, correctly evaluate the emotional state of each

The conflict is always a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Conflicts can involve a variety of parties: both one individual and social groups, national-ethnic community, states and their coalitions.
The word "conflict" comes from the Latin Conflictus, which means a collision. In other languages, the word "conflict" is almost unchanged (conflit - Franz., Konflikt - it., Conflict - English) Definitions adopted in modern encyclopedias are also very similar.

The conflict behavior of children at the preschool childhood stage has a number of psychological features that determine the emergence, course and completion of conflicts. As such features, it is possible to allocate: the formation of self-consciousness, the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and temperament, as well as the leading activity of the child-preschooler - gaming.
All of the listed in their entirety affect the behavior of the child in conflict and for the causes of its appearance. Thus, the conflict of preschoolers has common features inherent in all ages and specific, caused by age characteristics.
The conflict of preschoolers may be provoked by the development of self-consciousness, which is closely related to self-esteem and self-regulation.
Self-consciousness is a relatively conscious and sustainable system of person's ideas about himself. Includes three components:

· Cognitive (self-knowledge),

· Emotional (reaction, experience, evaluation judgments),

· Volve (decision making).

During preschool childhood, these components are formed, so the preschooler has not yet a solid personal position.
For the development of self-consciousness, communication with other people has a great influence. Estimates and judgments of adults form a child's self-esteem, between the peers there is a first exchange of views, judgments. With inadequate self-esteem, the child cannot objectively assess other children and regulate its behavior independently, therefore conflicts may happen in this background.
In other words, inadequate self-esteem is accomplicted. Children are often offended by each other due to unfair comments, judgments.
In addition, conflict can be provoked by a child who has formed a selfish position when other children are indifferent to him, and its interests are concentrated on objects. Such children are often rude, aggressive in relation to the comrades. Usually, preschoolers with a selfish position know little about their peers and do not even always remember their names. But such a child always remembers toys that bring other children. This position is harmful not only for peers, but also for the child himself. He does not like comrades, do not want to play or be friends with him, so it becomes more aggressive and causes conflicts.
Another feature of the conflict behavior of preschoolers is high emotionality and inability to a full-fledged volitional solution.
The emotional-volitional sphere of preschoolers is characterized by the presence of elements of arbitrariness, the formation of goal-setting, hierarchies of motifs, the role of emotions changes, there is a development of social forms of sense expression.
All these features in their comprehension can provoke conflicts among preschoolers, as the interests of children are faced, there is no experience in solving problem situations, etc.
And although feelings and emotions in preschool age gradually become arbitrary, they still have elements of impulsiveness, can be very violent, especially in the situation of rivalry, which often leads to conflicts.
Also, preschool age is characterized by a tendency to affect, i.e., to a rapid transition from one emotional state to another, which is expressed in unnatural intonations, facial expressions, gestures, poses, etc.
Conflict is expressed in the desire to defeat, show the best result. In the conditions of acute personal rivalry, emotions are overlooked a preschooler, the number of negative expression to the address of the peer increases sharply. The child does not lead any arguments against the peer, but simply (in speech) expresses his attitude towards him.
In preschool age, due to the expansion of the sphere of vital activity, the properties of temperament are also manifested, which are vividly noticeable in games, household processes, communication with adults and peers.
Since the nervous system in children is close to weak type, it is characterized by rapid exhaustion, decrease in working capacity, as well as increased excitability and sensitivity, which leads to inadequate behavior in the event of a conflict.
Throughout preschool age, the processes of excitation and braking are not balanced, the first prevails. Therefore, the child resembles a choler. Unbalance is expressed in the instability of reactions, their variability, reduced control over their actions, the child often changes the mood, it is impulsive, which can also contribute to the development of conflict.
In addition, the most important psychological feature of conflict in preschool age is leading gaming activity. As mentioned above, there are 7 reasons for the occurrence of conflicts, but researchers of this problem - J. L. Kolominsky and B.P. Nisja - noted that the types of conflicts are differentiated at the stages of preschool childhood.
As the data obtained by Kolominsky and Livyhevsky show, in children 1-2 years of life, the largest number of conflicts arise:

· Because of the possession of toys - 75%,

· Due to the destruction of the game - 25%.

In children of the next age group (2-3 years), this ratio remains approximately at the same level, but there are already conflicts "due to the distribution of roles" -6%.
In 3-4 years, the causes of conflicts are already more diverse:

· Because of the toys and the destruction of the game - 38%,

· Because of the roles - up to 23%, which just reflects the process of becoming a plot role-playing game at this age.

There are also new types of conflicts:

· When choosing a common theme of the game - 2%,

· When determining the game plot - 3%,

· Regarding the correctness of gaming actions - 10%.

In the middle preschool age (4-5 years) conflicts most often arise:

· Because of the roles - 32%,

· Regarding the correctness of gaming actions - 26%,

· Because of the toys - up to 17%.

New conflicts appear:

· Regarding the composition of the participants of the game - 10%,

· Regarding the plot - up to 8%.

The number of conflicts is very sharply reduced due to the destruction of the game - up to 6%.
Approximately the same ratio remains from senior preschoolers (5-6 years), but the exception is conflicts about the correctness of the gaming actions - 26%. A little less conflicts because of the roles - 24%, 21% of conflicts due to toys.
Thus, it can be said that since children preschoolers spend most of the time in the game, this is due to the emergence of conflicts, and the further development of conflict behavior.
In conjunction with other psychological features, this makes it possible to determine the specific, characteristic of the preschool age, a portrait of a conflict situation and behavior. It also allows you to outline the paths of further prevention and correction of conflict behavior in children at the age stage in the prevention of conflict of preschoolers.

"Psychological features of conflict and conflict situations of preschool children."

The life experience of each person shows that conflicts often arise in the process of personal and emotional meaningful communication. Conflict relationship is one of the important items of studying modern social psychology. Quarrels, conflicts, fighting-inevitable phenomenon of the life of the children's group. Some children quarrel only occasionally, others constantly conflict with peers, do not know how to find a way out of the easiest situations.

At the preschool childhood stage, the child's position is becoming becoming the position of the child in communicating with other people (adults and peers). In this case, not only any extreme, but also quite typical, often repeated situations requiring them to agree with other, adoption and understanding of another person from it.

The conflict can cover different spheres of children's relationships. You can allocate the external and internal conflict of preschoolers.

External conflicts arise in the field of business relationships of children and, as a rule, do not capture interpersonal relationships. Therefore, they are situational and are usually allowed by the children themselves.

The intrapersonal conflict arises only when due to the existing contradictions the leading needs of the child are infringed, and he himself is aware of it. It should be noted that the initial external conflict is easily transformed into intrapersonal, the main signs of which the decrease in self-assessment becomes the appearance of a sense of inferiority, inferiority.

Conflict-quality personality expressing its predisposition to conflicts. Some general characteristics of preschoolers conflict are: activity in establishing contacts with peers; the desire to exacerbate the situation and dominance over others; inability to compromise; selfishness and egocentric; inattention to others; The desire by increasing aggressiveness to get rid of their own anxiety, etc.

A group of conflicting children is inhomogeneous in its composition. The tendency to conflict, the intensity of their flow, the occurrence, as well as the way out of it is different from different children.

TA Pavlenko and A.G. Ruzaya analyzed the enormous actual material and allocated several groups of children prone to conflicts in cooperation with peers.

The first group is "I am always right." Such children most often initiate a conflict situation. In cooperation with peers, they openly and rigidly dominate, rejecting any suggestions of another child. They are zealously monitor the success of peers and, seeing competitors in them, seek to continue to exceed them, become the subject of universal attention.

The second group is "I'm better than others." Such children also conflict often, sharply, emotionally and actively. The partner impose his will, react negatively to resistance. For these children, a demonstration of its superiority is characteristic. Such children tend to try to draw attention to themselves, their activities, knowledge.

The third group is "I-adult, I-main." The conflict of children is expressed less than in the first two groups. Such children-commanders, leaders, leaders. They claim home all over, but diplomatic; Binding samples of actions, show how much he will lose if it does not accept them. In cooperation with peers often resort to prohibitions and accept their proposals only if they are beneficial.

The fourth group is "I will stand for myself." The peers for these children is significant, they are sensitive to his attitude towards themselves, strive for contacts, but very careful: they are afraid of infringement of their interests. At the same time, they want to show their capabilities so that peers recognize their value. Usually feel undervalued. Cooperation with peers for these children-ways to self-expressive, allowing to show and prove their worth.

Fifth group - "I am good." These are the least conflict children from the most conflict preschoolers. They strive for equal cooperation with peers, are markedly centered on themselves, negative estimates fear. In any luck, the attention of peers attracts to themselves so that they see and appreciate them. With the general similarity of the development of the conflict, the dynamics of the experiences of children, negative reactions to failure can be expressed ambiguously - from internal closetness, alienation, poorly accuracy until aggression in behavior.

The attention of adults (primarily negative), first of all, attract a variety of facts of aggressive behavior of preschoolers.

In preschool age, aggressiveness can take different character. The most common variants of aggressive behavior include:

* Physical aggression-conflict situations with peers The child permits with the help of fists;

* Oral aggression-cry, brand, complaints. Demonstrative threats, insults and humiliation of another;

* Destruption - when a child deliberately interferes in the game of peers, destroys the products of the other, destroys or spoils other things.

* disobedience - a kind of protest for the requirements, requests of adults, etc.

Specific causes of children's conflicts are largely determined by age. So, with age, the number of conflicts due to toys sharply decreases. Also significantly reduces the number of conflicts due to the destruction of the game. The middle preschool age is considered peak for conflicts on the distribution of roles. Conflicts about the correctness of gaming actions, appearing later than others, steadily increase in their total.

Conflicts often occur in those children who do not have enough parental attention, their concerns. In this case, a quarrel can be destructive way to attract adult attention. Significant influence on the development of conflict is such characteristics of the parental relationship, as authoritarianism, authority, affectivity in communicating with children. A child who is constantly scolded and criticized, takes away in conflict accumulated in the shower feelings of resentment, anger.

Children of early and younger preschool age in disputes with peers are used as the main argument for those or other means of physical impact, which is why conflicts are mainly completed. Children 4-5 years old often use ways of "verbal exposure" on rivals in a conflict situation.

The older preschool age is becoming increasingly used by children of various substantiated their actions, self-and-conjuring itself and partners in the game, which allows you to negotiate, i.e. Allow a controversial question arising from the game. This allows you to continue IRGU in the initial composition of the participants. When resolving the conflict from the standpoint of cooperation, the preschooler acquires the ability to defend its opinion, argued it, analyze the opinion of other conflict participants and take them into account in their behavior.

So, specific ways of resolving conflicts preschoolers can be classified depending on the interaction position (dominance, equality, submission). In each case, you can talk about smoothing, exacerbation or resolution of a conflict situation as a result of interaction in conflict.

In preschool age (from 3 to 6-7 years), the interpersonal relations of children pass a rather complicated path of age development, in which three main stages can be distinguished.

For junior preschoolers, the most characteristic is an indifferent-friendly attitude towards another child. Three-year-old children are indifferent to the actions of peers and to its assessment by an adult. At the same time, they, as a rule, easily solve problematic situations in favor of others: inferior in the game in the game, give their items, however, their gifts are more often addressed to adults, parents or educators than peers). All this may indicate that the peers still does not play a significant role in the life of the child. The kid seems to notice actions and peer states.

At the same time, its presence increases the overall emotionality and activity of the child. This is evidenced by the desire of children to emotionally practical interaction, imitation of peer movements. The ease with which three-year children are infected with common emotional states with peers may indicate a special community with him, which is expressed in the detection of identical properties, things or actions. The child, "Looking at the peer,", as if it would object to himself and highlights specific properties in itself. But this community has a purely external, procedural and situational character.

A decisive fracture in relation to peers occurs in the middle of preschool age. In 4-5 years, the picture of the interaction of children changes significantly. In the medium group, emotional involvement in the actions of another child increases sharply. In the process of the game, children intently and jealously watch the actions of peers and evaluate them. The reactions of children on the assessment of an adult also become more acute and emotional. Successes of peers can cause the grief of children, and their failures cause undisguised joy. At this age, the number of children's conflicts is significantly increasing, there are such phenomena as envy, jealousy, resentment to peer.

All this gives rise to numerous conflicts of children and such phenomena as boasting, demonstration, competitiveness, etc. However, these phenomena can be considered as age-related features of the five-year plan. To the older preschool age, the attitude to the peer is again significantly changing.

By 6 years, the number of promotional actions is significantly increasing, as well as emotional involvement in the activities and experiences of peer. In most cases, senior preschoolers carefully monitor the actions of peer and emotionally included in them. Even contrary to the rules of the game, they seek to help him, prompt the right move. If 4-5-year-old children willingly follow the adults condemn the actions of peer, then 6-year-old, on the contrary, can be united with a friend in their opposition to an adult. All this may indicate that the prosocial actions of senior preschoolers are directed not to a positive assessment of an adult and not to comply with moral norms, but directly to another child.

It is widely known that there are significant individual differences in relation to the child to peers, which largely determine his well-being, the situation among others and ultimately the features of the formation of the personality.

Throughout preschool age, chatting children with each other varies significantly in all respects: the content of the need, motives and means of communication are changing. These changes can flow smoothly, gradually, but they observe high-quality shifts, as if fractures. Two such fractures are celebrated from two to seven years: the first is occurring approximately four years, the second is about six years.

The first fracture appears in a sharp increase in the significance of other children in the life of the child. If by the time of its occurrence and within one to two years after that the need for communicating with the peers occupies a sufficiently modest place (a child of two or three years is much more important to communicate with adults and play with toys), then four-year-old children put forward this need for first place . Now they begin to clearly prefer the society of other children with an adult or a single game.

The second fracture is externally expressed less clearly, but it is no less important. It is associated with the emergence of electoral attachments, friendship and with the emergence of more sustainable and deep relations between children.

At the age of 4 to 6 years old, preschoolers have a situational and business form of communication with peers. In 4 years, the need for communicating with peers is put forward at one of the first places. This change is due to the fact that the plugly role-playing game and other activities acquired, acquiring a collective nature. Preschoolers are trying to establish business cooperation, harmonize their actions to achieve the goal, which is the main content of the need for communication.

The desire to act jointly is so strongly expressed that the children go on a compromise, inferior to each other toy, the most attractive role in the game, etc. Children pronounced the tendency to competition, competitiveness, irreconcilability in the assessment of comrades.

At the 5th year of life, children constantly ask about the success of comrades, demand to recognize their own achievements, notice the failures of other children and are trying to hide their missions. The preschooler seeks to attract attention to himself. The child does not distinguish interests, the wishes of the comrade, does not understand the motives of his behavior. And at the same time shows a close interest in everything that makes the peers.

Children use a variety of means of communication, and despite the fact that they say a lot, speech remains still situational.

Features of communicating with peers are pronounced in the topics of conversations. What kind of preschoolers are talking about, allows you to trace that they appreciate in the peer and at the expense of which they assert themselves in his eyes.

Middle preschoolers more often demonstrate to peers what they know how to do and how it turns out. In 5-7 years, children tell a lot about themselves, about what they like or do not like. They are divided with their peers with their knowledge, "plans for the future" ("Who I will be when I grow up").

Despite the development of contacts with peers, in any time of childhood there are conflicts between children. Consider their typical causes.

In infancy and early childhood, the most common cause of conflicts with peers is the appeal to another child as with an inanimate object and inability to play near even if there is enough toys. The toy for the baby is more attractive than the peer. She overshadows the partner and slows down the development of positive relationships.

The preschooler is especially important to demonstrate ourselves and surpass comrade in something. He needs confidence that he is noticed, and feel that he is the best. Among children, the baby has to prove its right to uniqueness. He compares himself with a peer. But the comparison is very subjective, only in his favor. The child sees the peers as a matter of comparison with him, so the peers and his personality is not noticed. The interests of the peer are more often ignored. The kid notices the other when he starts to interfere. And then immediately the peers receives a harsh assessment corresponding to the characteristic. The child is waiting for an approval and praise from the peer, but since he does not understand what the same is needed the same thing, it is difficult for him to praise or approve the comrade. In addition, preschoolers are poorly aware of the causes of the behavior of others. They do not understand that the peers is the same person with his interests and needs.

By 5-6 years, the number of conflicts decreases. The child becomes more important to play together than to establish himself in the eyes of the peer. Children are more often talking about themselves from the position "We". It comes to understand that the comrade can have other classes, games, although preschoolers still quarrel, and often fighting.

Consultation for teachers

Children's conflicts and ways to overcome them

Pedagogian psychologist Ropotova A.A.

With children's conflicts adults face pretty early. For younger children, conflicts often arise because of the toys, in middle-aged children - because of roles, and at an older age - because of the rules of the game. Children's conflicts may arise about resources, disciplines, difficulties in communication, values \u200b\u200band needs.

There are two types of conflict patterns:outdoor and internal . External conflicts in preschoolers are associated with contradictions arising during communication and joint activities. The arising in the field of relations of children, they, as a rule, do not master deeper interpersonal relations. External conflicts are temporary, situational nature and are usually allowed to children themselves through independent adoption of the norm of correctness and justice. Such conflicts are often useful, as they provide the child with the right to be responsible, on an independent solution of the problem situations that have arisen and act as a regulator of the full relationship of children.

The internal psychological conflict is mostly hidden from observation, and appears from preschoolers in the context of their leading gaming activity. Unlike external, caused by objections related not to the organizational part of the activity, but with the activity itself, with contradictions between the requests of the peers and the objective possibilities of the child in the game or contradictions in the motives of the child's game and other children.

Internal contradictions cannot overcome children without adults. During these contradictions, the internal emotional world of the child is oppressed, its positive emotional well-being, the baby cannot satisfy his needs, personal relations are distorted, psychological isolation from peers arises. Internal conflicts are negative, they slow down the formation of full, harmonious relations and comprehensive personality formation.

Causes of conflict:

In the communication of children with each other there are situations that require consistency of actions and manifestations of a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to abandon personal desires for the sake of achieving common goals. The preschooler is not aware of his inner world, his experiences, intentions, so it is difficult for him to imagine what another feels. He sees only the external behavior of another and does not understand that each peer has its own inner world, interests and desires.

The group is brightly distinguished by children popular and unpopular. Popular children are clever, skillful, intelligent, neat; Unpopular enrolls untidy, quiet, fuse, harmful, aggressive, weak and poorly owning gaming actions and speech. In peers cause irritation to those children with which it is difficult to negotiate, who violates the rules, can not play, slow, inept.

In the children's team, conflict situations often provoke difficult or conflict children (aggressiveists, complainants, beznays, maxima, etc.).

For 5-6 year old children, they are significantly accepting their peers, their assessment, approval, admiration are very important. Children experience the need to get an interesting role and show themselves, behave in different ways in a situation of success and failure. All these aspects of the relationship of children can provoke a conflict between them.

Psychological problems as a source of conflicts

Disobedience, stubbornness, inorganization of behavior, slowness, non-immortability, tape, falsehood, weakness - often serve as the discontent of adults, causing emotional tensions of relations and mutual irritation. The main thing is to know the age of the child's age characteristics.

Features of communicating with peers:

  1. A wide variety and wide range of communicative actions (imposing their will, requirements, orders, deception, dispute);
  2. Overly bright emotional saturation of communication;
  3. Nonlarity and non-inflammatoryness of actions (unexpected actions and movements - the adoption of bizarre poses, concern, inventing new words, non-pieces and teases);
  4. The predominance of initiative actions on response (for a child, its own self-statement or action is important - inconsistency generates conflict).

The emotional disabilities associated with difficulties in communication can lead to a mental illness. In preschool age, the child is actively formed in nature and it needs a constant correction of adult behavior. You need to teach a child socially acceptable norms of behavior and communication.

Main approaches in resolving conflicts in the children's team

Conflict resolution is:

  • minimization of problems separating parties through a compromise search, agreements;
  • elimination of fully or partially caused by the conflict;
  • changes in the objectives of the conflict participants;
  • agreement on the controversial issue between participants.

In childhood, conflict situations, the great set and most children's quarrels are usually resolved by themselves. Small shocks are natural phenomena of life, the first lessons of interaction with peers, with the world around the world, the stage of teaching by samples and errors, without which the child cannot do. Adults without any particular need to join the quarrels of children. They need to learn to independently come out of controversial situations and stop conflicts.

The task of adults is to teach children to interact with other people, the ability to express their desires, listen to the desires of the other, to negotiate. At the same time, the child must be an equal member of this process, and not just blindly obey the requirements of an adult or stronger partner (finding a way out of the current situation, the options for solving the conflict).

It is necessary to teach children to explain to each other, which they want, and then offer them to think about the way out.

Two ways to resolve conflict:

  1. Destructive - "Leave, and I will not play with him", "I will play I'll", "Pozov's teacher, and she will make everyone play," "Everyone will beat and get playing."
  2. Constructive - "I will offer another game", "I will ask the guys what is better to play."

In the resolution of children's conflicts, the tutor provides the "general language" finding, which is the result of achieving understanding.

The activity of the educator in the resolution of children's conflicts should be a systematic and include the following sequential steps:

1. Definition and evaluation of the essence of the conflict situation, its reasons. Message about your displeasure the emergence of conflict. Getting rid of the "viewers".

2. Evaluation of the objectives of the conflict situation: approval of personal claims; imposing his behavior style; The details of the other side; mercenary aspirations. It is important to show the differences in understanding the goals that each of them pursued in a quarrel. Most often these goals are different.

3. Pay attention to the emotional state of children entered into conflict, to understand the causes of this state, resolve the rapid reactions. The teacher must suppress its own and children's negative emotions. The educator can usepositive messagewhich includes:

Description of the action ("When you ...");

A description of the possible or inevitable result of this action ("may happen that ...");

The proposal for an alternative behavior ("better ...").

4. Find radical tools to eliminate the causes of the conflict situation:

Apply the measures of educational impact (take into account the needs of everyone, to use a creative approach, develop communication skills leading to rapprochement, to form a readiness for self-resolution of the conflict, to learn to manage emotions; evaluate the act, not the identity of the child; neutralize the struggle for power; develop alternatives, attracting children; to a joint creative search);

Put forward certain strict requirements;

To indicate the need to adhere to the established certain norms of behavior not only during the stay in kindergarten, but also in everyday life.

5. Evaluation of the features of conflict participants.

6. Determine the dynamics of the conflict development process. If the problem cannot be solved "going away", then determine the time and presence of an intermediary - a parent, a psychologist, a replaceable caregiver.

With the children of the group, you need to constantly conduct diagnostic conversations on approximate issues:

  • Do you want to go to kindergarten? Why?
  • What mood you most often go to kindergarten?
  • What games do you know? What games do you know how to play?
  • What games do you like to play most?
  • Tell me, please, how to play your favorite game?
  • Is there a ruler in this game that must be observed?
  • Is it possible to violate these rules?
  • Do you have many friends among your peers in the group?
  • Do you have conflicts with parents? How often?
  • What do you think conflict and quarrel is the same thing?
  • If at the time of the quarrel you understand that the wrong, then what will you do?

When solving conflict situations, the educator should applyactive techniquehearing. This is the ability to listen and hear the child. Actively listen - it means to return to him in a conversation what he told, while having denote his feeling. The teacher takes the "Eyes in Eye" pose, configures on a child, listens with sympathy, uses support, clarification, clarifications in conversation, clarify the most important thoughts and feelings (i.e. confirms, reflects the content of the information and feelings of the child). The teacher shows the adoption and understanding of the child with the tone of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, look, the look, does not interrupt and does not give advice, does not result in examples, remains neutral, without accepting an draw of the side, receives his information that interests him, tries to put himself in his place. It is important in a conversation to keep a pause - this time belongs to the child, the pause helps the child to figure out his experience. No need to hurry with conclusions, check your assumptions and make sure that the child understood correctly. You need to wait and after the child's answer - maybe he will add something. The conversation passes in a relaxed, calm atmosphere. The educator does not dominate in conversation, he is a mediator, assistant.

To learn that the child is not ready to hear the replica of an adult, it is possible by his appearance: if his eyes look to the side, "inside" or away, then you need to continue to be silent, because The child occurs very important and necessary inner work.

The tutor is sometimes useful to repeat, as he understood what happened to the child, it is advisable to use other words with the same meaning.

Both sides are listening: if at the moment one of the participants in the conflict is saying, and he begins to understand that he is delivered to his problem, then it is necessary to understand another participant in any way that he will be as closely listened. The child must draw conclusions from his own words, gradually enhancing their emotional heat. The tutor should not lead to the effect of "self-absorption".

You need to discuss the following:

  1. What happened? (Formulate the essence of the conflict).
  2. What led to conflict? Why did this happen? (find out the reasons).
  3. What feelings caused a conflict from the collision participants? (Determine, call feelings).
  4. How to be in this situation? (find a solution).

If you show the child that he really is listening, they understand and sympathize, thereby declining the severity of the conflict: it is important for the child to feel heard and understood.

Methods of prevention of conflict

Conflicts in the children's team are easier to warn than to resolve. The most promising conflict warning at the stage of their origin, signs of what can be: clashes between children, disorder of discipline or game rules, tag, mind, the alienation of the child from the group. The educator must draw attention to each such barcode and take measures to prevent the brewing conflict.

The group of children should be formed, provide and maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in it, respectfulness to the person, its advantages and individual characteristics, self-criticality, goodwill, organization of productive activities, the high authority of the educator. The educator should notice unwanted behavioral trends and rebuild them not by an ordinary order, but a psychological way using joint games and classes. A personal example of an educator who avoids judgments and estimates who infiltrate the dignity of the child is important.

A very important aspect of education is the developmentselfontrol - This is when individual behavior complies with certain standards, rules, regulators that were established in this society.

A number of principles can be distinguished, according to which the educator may affect this process:

  • Children are more willing reacting to adult arguments if they mutually experience attachment and trust each other. Children are less aggressive with parents who provide them with emotional support.
  • Educational techniques are more effective when the action is constantly, and not temporarily. The positive effect is achieved if adults do not have disagreements on discipline issues.
  • Training occurs easier when encouraging prevails in the process for positive actions or statements, and punishments are applied in extreme cases. Disciplinary impacts cease to be effective if the child should be scolded no matter what and how he did. Physical punishments must be excluded. Excessively strict, degrading and cruel punishments do not give a positive effect, because they provoke from the child opposition, a sense of alienation and aggressive behavior.
  • External behavior control is needed to all children of preschool age. Controls should not be extremes. Educational techniques can be based on the organization of the child's activities, for example, with the help of interesting plot and rolling games, toys, development environment.

One of the directions of the teacher's pedagogical activity should be the development of skills of communication of children with peers, for this uses:

Scene-role games (including the presence of a problem situation);

Imitation games (imitating any human process);

Interactive games (interaction games);

Socio-behavioral training (training models of constructive behavior in the resolution of the conflict situation);


Reading and discussing artworks;

Viewing and analysis of multiplication films fragments with subsequent modeling of new versions;


The educator offers children games and actively participate in them. For trust conversations with children in the group, you can equip such corners and zones as: "Sunny Circle", "Corner of Trust", "Island of Desires", "Islet of Selfie", "Secret Room", "Cozy Corner", "Table of Negotiating", "Peace Rug", "Peace Chairs", "Corner for Friends", etc. And literary heroes can come to visit children.

Introduction 3.
Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of studying the problem of conflicts in children of senior preschool age 6
1.1 Concept of conflict, its characteristics and causes of participation in teachers and psychologists 6
1.2 Children's conflicts and their logic - structural analysis 11
1.3 Features of the manifestation of conflict behavior in children of senior preschool age 17
Conclusions on the first chapter 22
Chapter II. Experimental - Experimental study on conflict prevention by means of gaming activities in children of senior preschool age 23
2.1 Detection of the level of conflict behavior in children of senior preschool age 23
2.2 Creating conditions for the prevention of conflict behavior of senior preschoolers in kindergarten 34
2.3 Research results and analysis 42
Conclusions on the second chapter 47
Conclusion 48.
References 51


Table 1 - Sociometric Status of Senior Preschool Children (State Experiment)

This technique was carried out with all the children of the group. Analysis of the statements of children showed the following: in the surveyed group of 5 children (25%) (Ulyana Sh., Ksyusha G., Anya P., Vika V., Sasha R.) had the status of "rejected", 2 children (10%) - Status "Isolated" (Nadia M. and Artem L.). The characteristic of unpopular children was revealed by peers through a description of negative forms of behavior: "sticks", "calls", "does not listen", "everything breaks", "does not give toys" and so on. In the group "Isolated" preschoolers got often sick children who again arrived in the pre-school institution.
In the surveyed group, children were prevailed with the sociometric status "Pre-firstized" - 10 children (50%), which according to observations showed activity, could play both alone and with a small subgroup of peers.
Popular children in the team of preschoolers were revealed 3 children (15%), peers characterized them as follows: "kind", "my friend", "the smartest", "always play together", "beautiful", "no one offends" and . (Nastya A., Nikita P., Roma Sh.)
From the observation, it was followed that it was such "stars" actively attracted those around the children to their actions, they gladly responded to the initiative of peers, were friendly to all.
Thus, the results of a sociometric study turned our attention to the fact that children who had adverse status in the peer environment, conflict situations preferred to resolve by aggressive actions or complaints with adults, while their self-esteem was inadequately overestimated (95% of children).
Methods No. 2 "Unknown story" (FPPEL K).
Purpose: Identify the level of formation of empathy in children of senior preschool age.
Material: unfinished stories (situations)
Content: Each child is individually proposed to listen to the story containing situations aimed at manifesting a sense of empathy, sympathy. The child must offer his version of the completion of this story.

    The boy caught butterflies. He had a cuckoo. He ran through the forest glance and tried to catch a butterfly. He wanted to cover her sacc. And here is one butterfly sat on a flower. The boy came up and ......
    Sasha had a beautiful machine. Mom and dad gave her sachet for his birthday. Sasha loved his typewriter very much, played with her. Once he went outside to play and put the machine. When he played, adult guys came up and one of them broke the machine with his foot. The machine rolled down from the slide and crashed. Sasha ...
    Masha had a dog. She loved her very much, fed, walked, stroked her. The dog was called gun. Once, Masha went to the street with her, walk. The gun ran around the courtyard and suddenly completely disappeared. Masha ran, I was looking for, shouted the gun, but he did not respond. Then Masha was very upset and ......
    Kostya and Vanya two brothers. Kostya Senior, and Vanya Jr.. One day Kostya and Vanya went to the forest for mushrooms. They walked, holding hands to not be lost. Boys came to the forest, began to collect mushrooms. They had to let go of the hands to collect mushrooms. They went to different directions and lost. The little Vanya was very frightened and began to shout, he was scary to one in the forest, he cried and began to look for his brother. And brother ...
Criteria and evaluation of results: Assessment of results is carried out according to the following criteria:
      the level of emotional response to events, situations;
      The level of empathy to the story heroes;
      the level of empathy, sympathy for the heroes of the story;
      The level of development of reflection;
      The level of manifestation of feelings (verbally and non-verbal);
Analysis of the results is carried out according to the severity of these criteria in children's responses.
According to the dedicated criteria, children are conditionally divided into three levels of empathy formation:
High level: Children have a highly developed sense of empathy, sympathy. They emotionally react to injustice, suffering and pain, actively express their attitude to what is happening. These children have reflexes, that is, they can put themselves in place of another and empathize to him. Children express their feelings with the help of intonation, gestures and facial expressions.
Middle level: Children do not always actively show their feelings, they can empathize and sympathize, but depending on the situation. Do not always show reflexion, more detained in the expression of feelings, less emotional
Low: Do not show feelings of empathy, sympathy, emotionally rigid, kept.
The results of the technique are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Empathy formed

Analyzing quantitative data, we can state that 3 children (30%) have been identified a high level of empathy formation. This was expressed that the children were emotionally reacted in the situation of injustice, the manifestation of suffering and pain, actively expressed their attitude to the proposed situations. These children showed the ability to reflection, that is, in the process of analyzing situations, they set themselves to the place of another person and emphasized him. We also note that these children freely expressed their feelings in relation to the proposed situations, using verbal and non-verbal means of expressiveness, that is, with the help of intonation, facial expressions and gestures.
The average formation rate of empathy was revealed in 5 children (50%). They did not always actively showed their feelings, empathy and sympathized only in situations relating to injustice. These children were less emotional, more detained in the expression of their feelings in relation to the proposed situations.
Finally, 2 children (20%) showed a low level of empathy formation. They did not show their feelings, were indifferent to the proposed situations, emotionally rigid.
Methods No. 3 "Pictures" (Kalinina R.R).
Purpose: studying the child's relationship to a conflict situation;
Material: Scene Pictures
Content: Each child is individually offered four pictures with scenes from the daily life of children in kindergarten, depicting the following situations:

      A group of children does not accept their peers in the game.
      The girl broke her doll from another girl.
      The boy took a girl's toy without demand.
      The boy ruins the construction of cubes in children.
      The child should understand the conflict depicted in the picture between the children and tell what he would do on the site of an offended character.
Criteria and evaluation of results: As the criteria for assessing the relationship of a child to a conflict situation, a way of responding to a child to a conflict situation is:
      avoiding a conflict situation;
      aggressive solution of the conflict situation;
      verbal response to a conflict situation;
      A productive way to solve a conflict situation.
The protocol recorded the number of ways to respond to a conflict situation reflected in the picture. The results of this technique are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Attitude towards a conflict situation

Analysis of the results of the implementation of the technique showed that the children were easier to escape from a conflict situation, complaining of an adult. This is how 4 (40%) of the subjects were accepted. Aggressive solutions have significantly dominated in children's responses 3 (30%), rather than verbal reactions 1 (10%) and a productive solution method - 2 (20%). Interesting were the answers of children, for example,
Nikita P: "If you do not take to play, I will play without them, I have your own toys"; Ulyana W.: "I run away from them, they are bad, I will not communicate with them";
The most distinguished answers of the children of the group for the basic ways to respond to a conflict situation can be represented as follows:

      Care from a situation or an adult complaint (Usah, I will play without them, a call for a teacher, I'll tell you my mom).
      Aggressive solution (also knocks, everything is from him and break, I will throw stones, make it clear).
      Verbal solution (let me apologize; I will say that it is impossible to do so).
      Productive solution (I will repair a doll, I can; I will play with them later; I will show how to play correctly).
The results of the stateing experiment are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 - Quantitative results of a stateing experiment

F. I. Child
    Sonya C.
    Dima K.
    Julia K.
    Nastya A.
    Nikita P.
    Artem L.
    Ulyana Sh.
    Yana K.
    Roma sh.
    Nadia M.

Based on the results of the stateing experiment, we conventionally attributed children to one of the levels of conflict behavior:
We settled 4 children to the low level of conflict of behavior (40%). These are children who have a sociometric status preferred. These children are characterized by no conflict, calm, they try to maintain a normal relationship with everyone, they are easy to contact. If conflict arises, they try to solve it productively or verbally. These children identified a high level of empathy, high sensitivity and initiative, steady positive emotional background.
To the average, we conditionally attributed 3 children (30%). These are children who have the status of preferred or isolated. In the process of communication with peers, they do not provoke conflicts, they are easy to contact, actively and productively interact. However, during the game, they have conflicts about choosing a role or violation of the rules of the game. These children do not show physical aggression, they try to resolve the conflict, or avoiding it or turning to an adult. They also use verbal behavioral methods in a conflict situation. These children empathy is situationally, an emotional background is not stable.
To the high level of conflict behavior, we conventionally attributed 3 children (30%). These children have in the peer group the status of rejected or isolated. In the process of interaction with peers, these children often provoke conflicts, especially in the game, apply physical aggression, destroy the game or deliberately violate the rules, take toys, conflict about the distribution of roles in the game. They have a low level of empathy, low sensitivity, unstable emotional background.
All of the above techniques were carried out with the children of the control group. The control group included 10 children, senior preschool age, of which 5 girls and 5 boys.
The quantitative results of the stating experiment are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Quantitative results of a statement experiment (control group)

F. I. Child
    Nastya N.
    Vika V.
    Kirill K.
    Dasha R.
    Kostya G.
    Lion B.
    Angelina K.
    Lida D.
    Danil K.
    Seryozha S.

Thus, the analysis of the results of a statement experiment confirms the need to organize work with children aimed at preventing conflict behavior in children of senior preschool age. This requires the creation of certain psychological and pedagogical conditions.

Table 6 - promising plan


Name of the game
I week
Unit of interactive games for cohesion,
"Good animal", "Varotozik".
Contribute to the cohesion of the children's team, teaching children to understand the feelings of others, support and empathy.
II week
"Hugging", "Dragon bites your tail."
Teach children to the physical expression of their positive feelings, thereby contributing to the development of group cohesion.
III week
"Applause in a circle", "bug".
Formation of group cohesion.
I week

An interactive game unit for learning effective ways to communicate.

"Ask toy"
Development of communicative skills.
II week
"Good friend"
Development of skills to establish friendly relationships between children.
III week
"I like you"
Development of communicative skills and good relationships between children.
I week

An interactive game block aimed at lifting conflict
"Quarrel", "reconciliation".
teach children to analyze actions, to find the cause of conflict, differentiate opposite emotional experiences: friendliness and hostility.

Relationships in the team of children The most relevant topic today. Among children there are conflict children who create a lot of problems. I think that these recommendations will help to some extent to help adults to get out of the current conflict situation in the children's challenge.



Municipal educational institution

additional education of children

"The Center for Children's Creativity" Rainbow "

Features of the conflict behavior of children of senior preschool age

IS HE. Okoschetseva,

teacher of additional education

MOU DOD "CDT" Raduga "



  1. Features of the conflict behavior of children of senior preschool age ...................................................................... 3
  2. Games and exercises aimed at developing the emotional sphere of children, feelings of collectivism, the development of attention to all members of the group and empathy ............................................................... ... 7
  3. Exercises for removing negative emotions, switching emotions ..................................................................... 9
  4. Games for solving problems and conflicts ..................... 10
  5. Psychological and pedagogical recommendations ........................ 14
  6. References ...................................................... .17

Helping children to overcome difficulties, we make a kind of miracle every time. This is the result of the joint efforts of the teacher and children, a small work of art, in the creation of which everyone takes part like musicians of one orchestra.

K. Fophel.

Attitude towards other people is the main tissue of human life. According to S. L. Rubinstein, the heart of man is all woven from his relationship to other people; The main content of the mental, internal life of a person is connected with them. It is these relationships that give birth to the strongest experiences and actions. The attitude to the other is the center of the spiritual - moral formation of the person and largely determines the moral value of a person.

Relations with other people are born and most intensively developing in childhood. The experience of these first relations is the foundation for the further development of the identity of the child and largely determines the peculiarities of the self-consciousness of a person, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

The topic of interpersonal relations is extremely relevant, since many negative and destructive phenomena among young people observed recently (cruelty, increased aggressiveness, alienation and other.) Have their origins in early and preschool childhood. It encourages to considerse the development of children's relations with each other at equal stages of ontogenesis, in order to understand their age and psychological nature of the deformations arising in this path. Without pretending to comprehensive coverage of these interpretations, we will try to consider the main approaches related to the study of children's relations in preschool age, namely children of senior preschool age.

Today, no one needs to prove that the problematics associated with the study of conflicts has the right to exist. The problems of the emergence and effective resolution of conflicts, negotiations and finding consent are of great interest not only by professional psychologists and sociologists, but also teachers, politicians, managers, social workers, in a word, all those in their practical activities are related to the problems of people's interaction.

Each of us intuitively understands what conflict is. In everyday life, the word "conflict" is used in relation to a wide range of phenomena: from armed clashes and confrontation of various social groups to service and marvelous twilights. The word "conflict" comes from the Latin word - a collision.

The basis of any conflict is the accumulated contradictions, objective or subjective, real or illusory. Sometimes the very very small occasion and the conflict can flare up.

At the present stage, the conflict can be considered a normal phenomenon. Although the conflict may not be the best form of human interaction, we must stop perceiving it, as some pathology or anomaly. The conflict does not always and does not necessarily lead to destruction. On the contrary, it is one of the main processes that serve as safe. Thus, the conflict is not necessarily bad.

Talking about conflicts with any person, you can be sure that he will respond to discussing this problem in the most alive way. Any of us came to those or other controversial, conflict situations arising from the incomprehension of perception and assessments of various events. Often, constant contradictions are at the heart of conflict situations, but there are enough little things enough: the words unsuccessfully said, opinions - and the conflict can begin.

In conflict situations, the system of relations and values \u200b\u200bchanges, people, as it were, in a different way, begin to perceive reality, often performing actions that they are not peculiar in the usual situation.

The conflict is able to identify a variety of points of view, it allows you to get new information, identify a large number of alternative solutions to the problems that have arisen. Discussion of controversial issues gives people the opportunity to express their point of view and thereby satisfy personal needs in respect and recognition.

It is known that the origins of the formation of a person lies in preschool age. At this age, the child is most sensitive to form good feelings to other people. But there is already a simple observation in any group of short stay makes it possible to find that it is not always a relationship of children with each other to be worn safely. Some come and feel their hosts, others very soon turn out to be subordinate to the first, the third remains at all out of the game, for some reason they do not take them (and to some of these children they are extremely negative, others do not notice others); Fourth, although they keep confidently, but in the absence of any quarrels and the abundant, they themselves leave the peers, preferring the game alone. This is not a complete list of relations between children.

Conflict relationships with children, ultimately, contribute to significant distortions in the behavior of the child, in its attitude to peers, to themselves. Negative forms of behavior, as a rule, indicate the occurrence of protective reactions in a child in response to difficulties in relations with children.

Already in preschool age, the relationship of children is very complex, multifaceted and make up a whole system, with their internal structure and dynamics of development. From the same moment, as a child falls into a group of peers, its individual development can no longer be considered outside of relationships with other members of the Group. In the society of peers, the mechanisms of interpersonal perception and understanding (empathy, reflection, identification), which underlie the formation of such positive personal qualities, as sympathy, the desire to assist and friendly support, the ability to divide the joy, sense of justice, decency, and also Quality, providing the ability to self-knowledge and self-orientation. The child studies one or another form of behavior, focusing on the requirements of the group in the form of "role expectations", i.e. Exercising in performing certain social roles specified by the system of interpersonal interaction in the group.

The approval of the group provides a child with the possibility of self-confidence, self-affirmation, contributes to the development of confidence, activity, positive self-perception. However, the group is distributed. Already in preschool age, they differ next to the parameters of their development. Consequently, the influence of the children's group on the formation of a child's personality will be different.

These parameters include: features of the nature of interpersonal relationships, communication, the content of evaluation relations, the specificity of public opinion, the level of development of joint activities.

In the senior preschool age, the leading activity is the plot-role-playing game. The level of building the game becomes quite high. In gaming associations there are community requirements, consistency of action, joint planning. Real and gaming relations are differentiated and recognized by children. The child begins to take the interests of the partner. Interaction with peers acts not only as a condition for achieving a common goal, but also as a goal itself. The ability of mutual support, a sense of partnership, empathizing success and failures. Children are able to realize the effectiveness of the joint form of organization of activity and its construction in their games, work, design. In the activity built by the type "together - together - together" the relationship between mutual responsibility, dependence and assistance is the basis of collectivism and partnership.

In the older preschool age, the child can already differentiate his personal relationship. Interpersonal bonds become more inventive and acquired more sustainable. The meaningful characteristics of the "stars" at this age are the ability to organize the game, the desire for justice, kindness, friendliness, external appeal, the breadth of the horizon. "Unpleasant" children characterize the defects of the moral and volitional sphere, closure, unattractiveness.

Sympathy and antipathy are due to the extent to which the child corresponds to a special standard formed on the basis of adult assessments and its own relationships. Children of senior preschool age prefer peers based, mainly from understanding friendly attitude towards them.

In preschool age, each other are consistently replaced by each other 3 forms of communication of the child with peers:

Emotionally practical;

Situational business;

Impochetically - business.

The child strive to act with "equal to him by people" because "an equal position in principle is only in relations with other children," only with them he learn to live "on the horizontal plane", which means to build the special ties that he could not Purchase by communicating only with adults.

As for the younger preschool age, the need for peers acts as a need for a partner in the game. Children often prefer a coarse, selfish "interestingly playing" child kind, responsive, but low-reaching in the game. Even positive personal qualities are not compensated in the eyes of peers of the "main defect" of such children. Especially actively peers avoid contact with the child who has insufficient formation of gaming skills combined with ignorance of positive ways of cooperation.

The child is also actively rejected by peers in the inadequate ownership of them by ways of cooperation, which occurs from unnecessarily active, not able to manage their behavior of people, although those who have playing skills and positive ways of cooperation; On the other hand, these are slow children who do not know how to develop the dynamism of the actions necessary in the game.

As a result, devoid of opportunities to fully participate in games, such children cannot satisfy their own sharp need for a joint game, which leads, in the end, to a deep conflict with peers.

The non-formation of gaming skills leads to mismatch between the requirements of the partners and the possibilities of the child in the game. Success in the game is so important for the child that its absence leads to a decrease in self-esteem, to distort the child identity.

It is known that the preschooler is difficult to cooperate and communicate, especially with peers. Often, conflicts break up during communication and interaction, resentment, quarrels, rivalry, confrontation.

Relationship between children is a central problem in the life of any children's team. This is what is not taught. But it is the relationship between children that determine the moral climate of the group and the state of each individual child. In the game, the preschooler coordinates his behavior with the behavior of its other participants.

The conflict between the child and peers takes particularly acute forms when not possession of game skills is complicated by insufficient development in a child's positive ways to cooperate with children (inability to give up, share).

The conflict with peers arises and then when a child, owning the skills of the game, cannot realize them because of the inadequacy of cooperation methods. The main reasons for this: excessive motor activity or, on the contrary, the slowness of actions.

A sharp conflict with peers followed by the alienation of the child from the children's group and then when, by playing the game skills and ways to cooperate, the child implements such skills only partially, constantly lagging behind in their actions from peers.

The causes of conflicts of children with peers may be not only the non-formation of actions and operations, but also distortion in the motives of the game. Conflicts in the motives of the game to a lesser degree inhibit the development of the identity of the child than the mismatch in the operations of the game. Disadvantaged individual dominant needs for significant distortions in the development of emotions, self-assessment, self-consciousness, behavior motives.

In world practice, a very extensive set of recommendations for the management of conflict situations was formed. But in order for everyone to find his way of behavior, it is already in preschool age to acquaint children with different ways to exit conflict situations:

Conflict care

Attempt to agree


The path of "struggle",

Device (pliability).

Thus, try to allocate the main causes of the child's conflict:

  1. Low status position in the group.
  2. Inadequate estimation of oneself in a situation of communication:

High surrounding requirements (especially if the child is developed intellectually and has a level of mental development above the average-range),

Emotional impassableness

Anxiety and fear of communication,

Notification of game skills.

3. Lack of communication skills.


The distortion of the general formula of the motivation of the game "Do not win, and play."

Depending on what reason the reason takes place, the child is either passively obeys when the peers "pushed" him out of their circle, or he himself goes away and take revenge with the desire.

Games and exercises aimed at developing the emotional sphere of children, feelings of collectivism, the development of attention to all members of the group and empathy.

"My name"

Each participant says in a circle about how the sound of his name is more like, and what - I do not like it. How he wants to be called in a group.

"Let's get acquainted"

At the beginning of the game talk about different ways of greeting (real and comic). Children are invited to say hello shoulder, back, hand, nose cheek, ingest your greeting method for today's game.

"The wind blows on ..."

With the words "the wind blows on ..." the presenter starts the game. In order for the participants of the game more learned about each other, the presenter sets the following questions: The wind blows on:

Who has blond hair (all the blonde gather in the center of the circle),

Who has blue eyes

Who has a sister,

Who loves animals

Who has no friends,

Who cries a lot

Who loves to listen to fairy tales,

Who loves to sing, etc.

"Good animal"

Participants get into the circle and take hands. Leading a quiet voice says: "We are one big kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! " Everyone listens to their breathing. And now we get together: inhale - a step forward all together, exhale - a step back. So not only breathes the animal, it is also clearly beating his big good heart: a knock is a step forward, knocking - a step back, etc. We all take the breath and knock of the heart of this big kind animal to yourself.

"Adhesive rain"

She passed the glue rain and glued all. Children hold hands (shoulders, belt). In this position, they overcome obstacles all together: walk to the site, sprinkle under the table, go down the stairs, hide from "wild animals". The game promotes group cohesion.

"Hands get acquainted, quarrel, put together"

The game is carried out in pairs with eyes closed. The presenter gives tasks: Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know one hands, try to get to know your neighbor. Your hands quarrel. Lower your hands. Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to make up, they ask for forgiveness, you will partear your friends.

"Naughty twin"

The presenter agrees with children that they repeat all his gestures, except one, instead of which children should make their movement.

"Polite words"

The game is held with the ball in a circle. Children throw each other ball, calling polite words. Then the game becomes more complicated: only the words of greetings should be called (hello, good afternoon, hello, etc.), thanks (thanks, thank you, please, etc.), apologies (sorry, sorry, very sorry, I did not want and so d).


In this game, the skills of effective interaction, the ability to cooperate are being implemented. The game is carried out in pairs. One child from the pair is the owner of a beautiful toy with which he loves to play. Another child must persuade the toy master to let him play.

IMPORTANT - when performing this exercise, any toy is given, which must be represented as the best, most beloved. As soon as the owner of the toy gives her, the game stops, and the child is asked why he gave the toy.


Children offer to draw their portraits and "settle" them in the house. Children draw together and paint the house. The game is aimed at the formation of a sense of unity with the group.


Children walk freely or run. The signal should be combined into groups (3 people, in color of eyes, hair, etc.). This game develops attentive attitude towards each other.

Exercises for removing negative emotions, switching emotions.

  1. Who will tell about him good (often this child failed to "fit out" into a group of children, an aggressive child, an animal, a thing, etc.)
  2. Who will help find good, good words for ... (child, teacher, toys, books, etc.)
  3. Who will tell about themselves (about mom, about dad, about grandmother, about grandfather ...)
  4. Who and what I will be when growing up.
  5. I feel very good when ...
  6. When did you do pleasant? What it is? (interview with microphone)
  7. I dream of ... (You can arrange in the form of a newspaper for parents).
  8. Using one hand, together or more children, sew a button.
  9. Being in one shirt together, collect all the toys from the floor, fallen leaves, garbage from the site, etc. (Holding hands, can be performed in a pair and even a large number of children).
  10. How to raise the mood to a friend, mom, dad, etc.
  11. Why would I praise myself?
  12. What would the greed? (The teacher also participates if the children are interested).
  13. Who is the most cheerful in the group? (the kindest, inventive, hardworking, honest, etc.).

Such games and exercises help to bring up friendly connections between children in the group, encourage children to revise their place in the team. The child has the opportunity to speak, hear the opinion of other children, a lot to know about each other.

Games for solving problems and conflicts.

These games will help children in a relaxed atmosphere to concentrate on making decisions and teach to refuse to quickly make a solution to the problem in their favor.


Purpose: This game gives children the opportunity to be in the spotlight for a while, while no one is confusing and not offended. It is most useful for aggressive and shy children. They get the right to express all their desires. In the role of the king, they can even show some generosity and discover new parties in themselves. The subsequent analysis of the game allows to prevent the possible appearance of "victims" in the team.


Which of you ever dreamed of becoming a king? What kind

benefits get the one who becomes king? And what kind of trouble brings it? Do you know what kind of king differs from evil?

I want to offer you the game in which you can be king. Not on - always, of course, and just 10 minutes. All the rest become servants and must do everything that the king orders. Naturally, the king cannot give orders that can offend or offend other children. But he can afford a lot. He can order, for example, so that he was worn on his hands, so that he was put on, so that he was served and so on. Who wakes becomes the first king?

Over time, every child will get the opportunity to be a king. 1 time in the role of the king can be 2-3 children. When the time of the king's rule is over, we all discuss the experience gained.

How did you feel when was the king?

What did you like most in this role?

Is it easy to give orders?

What did you feel when I was a servant?

When was the king, he was good or evil king for you?

"Unexpected pictures"

Purpose: During this game, children have the opportunity to see which contribution makes each member of the group in the overall drawing.

Material: Each child is paper and color pencils.

Instruction: Sit into one big circle. Take yourself every sheet of paper and sign your name from the reverse side. Then start painting any picture (2 min.).

According to my team, stop painting and pass the started drawing to the neighbor on the right. Take the goth sheet that will give you your neighbor on the left, and continue to draw a picture launched by it (2-3 minutes), etc.

The game can be done to the music. As soon as music stops, children change patterns. At the end of the exercise, every child receives the picture that he began to draw. Then discuss:

Do you like the drawing that you started to draw?

Do you like to draw other people's drawings?

Are these drawings differ from those that you usually draw? Than?

"Bees and snakes"

Purpose: The result of the game depends on the coherence of actions inside the group. At the same time, bees and snakes compete with each other, which makes the game even more exciting.

Materials: Sponge and pencil.

Instruction: I want to offer you to play the game called "Bees and Snakes".

To do this, you need to crash into two approximately equal to the size of the group. Those who want to become bees will leave to the windows, and those who want to play a team of snakes, go to the wall on the contrary. Each group must choose your king.

And now I will tell you the rules of the game. Both kings go out of the room and wait until they are called. Then I hide two objects that kings should find in the room. The king of bees should find honey - this is this sponge. And the snake king should find a lizard - this pencil. Bees and snakes should help their kings. Each group can do this by making a certain sound. All bees should be buzzing: Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh .... the closer their king is suitable for honey, the louder should be a buzz. And the snakes should help their king of hissing: Schshshshshshshshsh ... The closer the snake king is approaching a lizard, the louder should be hissing.

Now let the kings come out to be able to hide honey and lizard. Bees and snakes can cope in their place. Make sure how your king is removed from its purpose. Then you can easily help him, increasing the volume of buzzing or hissing when it approaches the target and lowering when deleting. Please remember that during this game you have no right to say anything. I am very interested to find out who from kings will be the first.

Exercise Analysis:

Your group helped the king?

Are you strengthened or reduced the sound?

How did the bees interacted with each other?

How did the snakes interacted with each other?

How did you feel as a king?

What was the most difficult thing for you?

Did you be satisfied with your subjects?

What do you think the sponge, and the pencil look was the same easily?

"Carpet of the World"

Purpose: The game offers a good conflict resolution strategy in a group with negotiations and discussions. The presence of a "carpet of the world", encourages children to abandon the fight, disputes and tears, replacing them, discussing the problem with each other.

Materials: A piece of not too thick plaid with a size of 90x150 centimeters go a soft rug of the same size. Feltolsters, glue and materials for decorative design, for example, sequins for embroidery, beads, shells, etc.

Instruction: Sit in the circle all together. Can you say about what you sometimes argue with each other? What do you share with your brothers and sisters? What are you arguing here in a group? How do you feel after such a dispute? What can happen if various opinions are faced in the dispute?

I brought for you a small piece of fabric, which will be our "carpet of the world." As soon as the dispute arises, "opponents" can sit on him and talk to each other of the gas to find a way to solve their problem.

Let's see what will happen from this (put the plaid into the center of the circle, and on it - a beautiful book with pictures or any busy toy.) Imagine that ... and ... want to get this toy, but it is alone, and their two. They are both sitting on the "carpet of the world", and I will be taught next to help them, they will want to discuss and resolve this problem. None of them has a lava just take a toy (let both children take their places not carpet). Who has an offer, how could this problem be resolved?

After two minutes of discussion, offer children to decorate the "carpet of the world": "Now we can turn this piece of plaid into the" carpet of the world "of our group. I will write on it the names of all children of our group, and you have to help me decorate it."

This procedure is of great importance, gas like, thanks to her, children are symbolically making the "carpet of the world" part of his life. Whenever the dispute breaks, they will be able to use it to resolve the problem, discussed it. Use the "carpet of the world" exclusively for this purpose. When children are accustomed to this ritual, they will begin to apply the "carpet of the world" without the help of an adult. And it is very important, gas as an independent solution of problems and is the main goal of this strategy. The "carpet of the world" will give children internal confidence and peace, and will also help them concentrate their strength on finding a mutually beneficial solution to the problem. This is an excellent symbol of refusal of verbal or physical aggression.

Exercise Analysis:

Why is it so important for us "carpet of the world"?

What happens when the dispute wins stronger?

Why is unacceptable application in the dispute of violence?

What do you understand for justice?

"Sweet problem"

Purpose: In this game, children can learn to solve small problems through negotiations. The most important thing is that children can concentrate in a relaxed atmosphere on making a joint decision and learn to refuse to quickly solve the problem in their favor. At the same time, this game is a good reason to talk about justice.

Material: Every child must have one liver, each pair of children - one napkin.

Instruction: Sit into one common circle. I brought you a few cookies. But to get cookies, you need to first choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit together opposite each other and look at each other.

Between both partners, I immediately put a napkin with cookies. Please do not touch him.

And now let's go to our problem. You can get cookies only if your partner, by goodwill hesitates it to you. Please remember this rule. Now you can start talking, but remember that you have no right to just take cookies without the consent of your partner ...

The presenter gives children time in order to take some solution. At the same time, they can act in different ways. Some can immediately eat cookies by receiving it from a partner. Others take cookies, they break it in half and one half gives her partner. Some will need relatively long time to complete their negotiations.

And now I will give each pair for another liver. Discuss how you do with cookies this time.

And in this case, there may be different options. Children who divided the first cookies in half, usually repeat this "justice strategy." Most children, in the first part of the game, who gave biscuits to the partner and who did not receive a piece from him, are expecting now that the partner will give cookies to them. There are children who are ready to give a partner and second cookies.

And now let's discuss what we did. This is a good option of cooperation. Tell us what you did with the first biscuit. What happened to the second.

Exercise Analysis:

Did you give cookies to your partner? How did you feel at the same time?

Wanted you to have cookies left? What did you do for this?

What do you expect when politely contact someone?

In this game, with you rightly cost?

How much time did you and your partner need to come to a joint decision?

How did you feel at the same time?

How else could you come to a consensus with your partner?

What arguments did you learn to get cookies?


Playing is invited to crash. One with closed eyes is standing ahead. Another at a distance of an elongated hand, slightly touching the back of ahead, rises with closed eyes. The guide first slowly begins to move around the room, "blind" follows him, trying not to get lost. Gradually, the trajectory and speed increases. The game lasts 5 minutes, then the pairs are changing roles.

"Good wizard"

The game develops a sense of collectivism, the ability to be friends, cooperate with peers. "If you were a good wizard and could work wonders, what would you give to all of us together?" The game continues until everyone becomes a wizard, the desire cannot be repeated.

At the end, you can spend a competition for the best desire for everyone.

"Magic thickets"

Purpose: Development of skill with an acceptable way to achieve its goal.

Each participant takes turns trying to penetrate inside the circle, formed closely clinging to each other "magic thickets" (all other participants of the game). "Algae" understand human speech and feel touched, they can relax and skip the participant in the circle, and may not miss if they are poorly "asked." Then there is a discussion when the algae was broken, and when not, and why.


Children are sitting in a circle on the chairs, the lead calls the number. There should be a named number of children (necessarily called the number 1 and the number corresponding to the number of children). This game for the development of the ability to coordinate their desires and desires with the desires of others, teaches children to negotiate and give up. At the end of the game there is a discussion: "Have you got up how many times today and why?", "And how many times you inferior", etc.

As the experience of work aimed at the development of communicative skills, the degree of conflict has changed in children.

Children are more often trying to find a non-conflict solution, i.e. Try adequately to respond to the situation.

In our opinion, in the group where the proposed games and exercises were conducted, a successful picture was observed, the status status of children is changed.

In any case, pedagogical methods and techniques should not infringe the dignitychild, threaten its safety and prevent the formation of an image of herself.One of the directions of pedagogical activity of any teacher or psychologist should be the developmentskills of communication of children with peers, which provides:

Firstly - instilling basic social skills: ability to listen to another andshow interest in it, maintain a common conversation, participate in the collectivediscussion, tactfully criticize and praise the other, learning them to jointly findmutually beneficial solutions in difficult, including conflict situations, trainingthe ability to take responsibility.

Secondly - Teach a child does not make a measure of perfection to anyone or to themselves, notallow no accusations or self-vacation, as well as develop a desire all the timestay in contact, learn to extract the experience of failed communication.

Thirdly - Child learning should be provided:

a) receptions of self-regulation of their condition, which would allow them to leave from under the authoritiesconflict, thereby restoring its social flexibility. Mastering techniquesself-regulation will help the child in time to reduce the tone instead of uselessprove your right thing, or try to negotiate in conflict insteadin order to respond to it with offend and care from communication;

b) the ability to own their feelings, understand and distinguish with emotional statesother people;

c) express friendly feelings, sympathy, sympathy and empathy to others.

As the main methods, techniques, forms of children

constructive wayswe offer to use conflict situations:

a) plot - role-playing games (with the presence of a problem situation);

b) imitation games (imitating in the "pure form" of any "human" process);

c) interactive games (games for interaction);

d) socially - behavioral training;

e) beating conflict situations and modeling the exit of them;

e) psychohymics;

g) reading and discussing artworks;

h) discussions.

The teacher in the playful interaction with children can help them realize their values \u200b\u200band establish priorities, can also help them become tolerable, flexible andattentive, experiencing fewer fears, stress and feel less lonely.

He can teach them simple vital wisdoms:

People's relationships are great value, and it is important to be able to support them tothey did not deteriorate;

Do not expect from others that they will read your thoughts, tell them about what you want, feel and think;

  1. do not hurt other people and do not let them "lose face";
  2. do not attack others when you feel bad.

Experience with children of senior preschool age allows to give educators and educators the following recommendations:

  1. In the educational and educational process, more time should be given to the development of the communicative abilities of children through organized games.
  2. Part of the free time of children should be used to carry out games and exercises aimed at removing muscle and emotional stress, which contributes to the creation of a positive emotional attitude, cohesion of the children's team, the development of adequate self-esteem, solving conflict situations through the game.

3. In the course of educational interaction, be sure to take into account the individual qualities and the possibilities of each child. The game and communication should not be "from under the stick", it is necessary to include the successful motivation: "I am sure you will succeed."

  1. Do not try to use several games for 1 time. In a child, 5-6 years old work is still small, it is quickly tired.
  2. Classes and games are held regularly within 20 - 30 minutes, when a child in good mood is not overwritten, not worked.

6. Between these games in everyday activity it is necessary to draw the attention of children to actions, emotions of their own and others, thus fixing the material. It also contributes to the development of care to people, the habit of thinking about themselves and their actions.

7. Do not evaluate children, do not tell the child that he did something wrong, otherwise in the future he will give insincere answers.


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