Whether to lighten the hair. What is the best way to lighten your hair. Thank you all for reading, see you in the next post

Sometimes it happens that you really want to change your appearance, but there is no money or the opportunity to get out of the house to visit a beauty salon (for example, if you are on maternity leave with a small child and there is no one to leave him with for a few hours). In such cases, you can go to the store, buy everything you need for your grand reincarnations and ... act! Right at home! In our article, you will learn how to properly use professional hair lightening products at home, as well as how not to harm your hair in the process of bleaching your hair.

Assess the condition of the hair and its capabilities

According to the rules of hairdressing, before any coloring, and even more so lightening, you need to assess the condition of the hair and scalp. Healthy hair strong and elastic, have a natural shine, a small amount of split ends is allowed. There should also be no wounds, rashes, sores, allergies on the scalp.

Signs of hair damage - this is a strong hair loss, brittleness, excessive dryness, a change in structure. This condition of the hair can be observed after repeated dyeing with aggressive dyes, after a perm, after suffering any diseases, and also due to hypovitaminosis. In any case, if the hair is severely damaged and weakened, then the idea of ​​​​lightening should be abandoned, since the risk of losing hair after bleaching is very high.

Determine how many tones you need to lighten your hair

To do this, you can use the palette of shades of any hair dye. Compare your hair shade with the natural range shades of any professional color palette, and also find the desired shade that you want to get as a result. This will give you an idea of ​​how many tones you will need to lighten your hair.

Knowing the desired result is very important in order to evaluate your capabilities. If you are going to lighten dark hair by 5 or more tones, then be prepared for a noticeable loss in hair quality. Strongly bleached hair will require more care, as a rule, it becomes very dry and highly susceptible to mechanical damage and breakage.

To lighten dark hair at home, you will need to buy:

  1. Illuminating powder or powder. They are usually sold in single-use sachets or larger jars.
  2. Oxidizing emulsion (oxidant). Also available in single use and larger bottles.
  3. Gloves
  4. Ampoules with protective oil. Almost all manufacturers have protective agents that are added to the coloring or brightening mixture immediately before application. They are designed to reduce the harmful effects of the chemical composition on the hair structure. In principle, this is not a mandatory product, and it can be neglected if your hair is strong enough.
  5. Tinting permanent dye + activator. Lightening powder does not give the desired shade of hair, but only prepares the base for obtaining it, removing natural pigments from the hair to a certain clarification background. In addition, bleached hair looks lifeless and feels very dry to the touch. To get a beautiful shade, as well as restore the lost elasticity of the hair, you need to tint.

What is backlighting? A bit of color theory

In nature, there is only three primary colors that cannot be obtained by mixing are red, blue and yellow. All other colors are obtained by mixing these three primary colors, for example:

  • Red+yellow=orange
  • Red+Blue=Purple
  • Blue+yellow = green
  • blue + red + yellow = brown.

Lightening background - This is the color that is obtained after the partial destruction of the natural pigment due to the chemical action on the hair. As a rule, the blue pigment in the hair is destroyed first, so the hair turns red first in the process of lightening. Then the red pigment is destroyed, and the hair becomes yellow. The yellow color of the hair during the lightening process means that the lightening background already corresponds to the “blond” level. Further, the less yellow pigment becomes in the hair, the hair color is closer to white. Determine in advance the background of lightening to which you need to bleach your hair in order to achieve the desired shade.

Where to buy professional hair products?

  • The easiest way to buy clarifying agents and dyes in professional hair cosmetics stores your city. There you can see the palette of dyes, decide on the desired shade, get advice from the seller. If there is no opportunity to go shopping, then you can look for similar online stores in your city. Since I live in Ufa, I will give examples of several online stores of professional hair cosmetics in our city:
  • Online shopping professional hair cosmetics with delivery throughout Russia. In such stores, it is profitable to buy products in small bulk, so you can recoup the shipping fee. For example, one of the popular stores of professional hair products is the store "HiHair.RU" http://www.hihair.ru
  • Joint purchases. Nowadays, this type of shopping is becoming more and more popular. If you have experience in ordering goods in joint purchases, then you can easily find a couple of purchases of professional hair cosmetics organized in your city.

Which clarifying powder (powder) to choose?

In general, the use of salon products at home often becomes problematic. In particular, professional brightening products usually contain a lot of ammonia, the sharp and unpleasant smell of which can spread throughout the apartment. In the process of applying the clarifying composition to the hair, you will also experience a lot of discomfort associated with the release of the smell of ammonia, for example, burning and redness of the eyes. Also, if there are children in the apartment, then it is undesirable to use ammoniac clarifiers.

Fortunately, there are safer hair lightening products on the market. For example, Kapous produces an ammonia-free clarifying powder. Kapous Magic Keratin. I know from my own experience that when working with this powder, there is no smell of ammonia, and there is no burning and redness of the eyes. Plus, it is relatively inexpensive (about 80 rubles for a bag of 30g, 450 rubles for a 500g can).

Similar clarifying powders without ammonia are available from other manufacturers, for example:

  • L'Oreal Professionnel Platinum (3500 rubles)
  • Brelil No AMMONIA Bleaching (2700 rub.)
  • Baco Soft Color Collection Powder Lightener Ammonia Free
  • CHI Professional Blondest Blonde Powder Lightener

How much brightening powder and oxidizer do I need to buy?

The easiest way to lighten short dark hair and shoulder-length hair at home. It will take 1-2 sachets of 30g powder for lightening short hair, 2-3 sachets for hair up to the shoulders, 3-4 sachets for hair up to the shoulder blades, up to 8 sachets of powder may be required for longer hair. The calculation of the amount of oxidizing emulsion is based on the amount of clarifying powder in a ratio of 2: 1 (for example, 60g of oxidizing agent and 30g of clarifying powder)

Which oxidant to choose?

To make lightening less traumatic for the hair, take an oxidizing emulsion containing 3% hydrogen peroxide. Oxidizers with a higher content of hydrogen peroxide destroy the hair structure more strongly. In addition, the use of oxidizers with a high content of hydrogen peroxide implies a very fast application, so it is not worth the risk of buying a high percentage of oxide for bleaching hair at home.
Oxidants with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide are also commercially available. These are the so-called "activators" intended for toning blond hair. They are also not suitable for lightening dark hair with powder, since the result will be little noticeable at best.
How to lighten hair at home step by step guide for beginners
Lightening hair is not an easy task, no matter how it seems. Choose a day when you have a few free hours to do everything right.
Bleaching and lightening of hair is done ONLY on dirty hair to minimize the harmful effects of the lightening composition on the hair. It would also be nice to make an oil mask on the hair a couple of days before the procedure.

So, let's get down to action:

For toning, a dye is taken a tone lighter than desired, as well as an oxidizing emulsion of 1.5% or 3% for a more stable result. The tinting process itself is similar to regular hair dyeing, but the dye in this case is applied to wet hair. You also need to carefully read the instructions for the recommended exposure time, because. bleached hair can be dyed more intensely.

After the exposure time of the tinting dye, you need to rinse your hair under warm running water and apply a balm for colored hair.

  • Do not resort to lightening your hair with professional products if your hair was previously dyed with natural dyes such as henna or basma, and also within a month after using tint balms like Tonics.
  • Strictly study and follow the instructions for use of each product used, do not resort to a combination of professional products and folk advice (for example, add vegetable oil to a clarifying emulsion).
  • Do not use metal utensils and metal objects in the process of lightening and dyeing hair.
  • After the bleaching procedure, the hair will need special care for a long time, combining special shampoos for colored hair and moisturizing and nourishing masks.
  • For the first time after dyeing, refrain from using aggressive hair brushes and combs, it is preferable to dry your hair naturally.

Thank you for your attention! Let your hair be healthy and beautiful, and you are always satisfied with your appearance!

The decision to become a blonde is often spontaneous. A woman simply goes to the store and buys the white paint she likes. At home, she mixes something in a tube with something in a bottle, puts it on her hair and waits. Not surprisingly, the result differs from expectations.

The creation of a blond always takes place in two stages.

  1. Lightening (bleaching). This is a process in which the natural or artificial pigment of the hair is destroyed.
  2. Toning. Giving hair the desired shade.

Clarification is carried out with a special powder or cream and an oxidizing agent of a certain percentage. For example, in order to make dark hair lighter by 4–5 tones, you need an oxide of at least 6%. If the hair is blond, a 1.5-3% oxidizing agent is usually used. But everything is very individual. Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired result, 6–9 percent oxide is used to lighten blondes.

The result of lightening is always a warm shade. Why this happens, you will find out a little later. In the meantime, remember: between the concepts of "lightening" and "coloring in blond" you can not put an equal sign. After all, you can lighten up to create a nuclear orange or acid green hair.

Lightening is just the first step towards blonde. It sets the substrate on which the color must necessarily lie.

The result of dyeing depends on many factors: the condition of the hair, the initial tone and shade and, of course, the coloring composition and the method of its application.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 2. Ignore lightening background and tone level

In everyday life, people are divided into blondes, brown-haired, redheads and brunettes. Everything is more complicated for professional hairdressers and colorists.

Human hair consists of a nourishing rod (medulla), which gives strength and elasticity to the cortex and a protective cuticle (many dense scales on the surface).

The cortex contains melanin, which is responsible for hair color. Melanin is made up of two pigments eumelanin and pheomelanin. The first has a dark shade (from brown to blue-black) and the shape of elongated granules. The second is round molecules of yellow and red colors.

Natural hair color depends on the ratio of melanin pigments. The more eumelanin, the darker the hair, and vice versa: pheomelanin prevails in blondes.

The level of tone (or, as they say, the level of depth of tone) depends on the amount of eumelanin.

The tone level (UT or UGT) is the gradation of the natural hair color by lightness.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Allocate 10 UT, where one is black, and everything above seven is considered blond.


When lightening, the level of depth of tone increases and the background of lightening appears. This is the color that is obtained after the partial destruction of the natural or artificial, if the hair was dyed, pigment.

Imagine a flask with red and yellow balls inside. The initial tone level is 6. We lighten up to 9. Only yellow balls remain in the flask. The next step is toning, and you need to understand how much blue and red to add so that the colors mix and from a distance the bulb looks beige.

Before moving on to blonde, you need to determine the tone level, the predominant pigment and the desired result. It depends on what to lighten (powder or cream), what percentage of the oxidizing agent to use, where to start applying the composition and other nuances. Hairdressers make special formulas to calculate how many grams to squeeze out of which tube to tint specific hair.

Vika Glu, hairdresser

Mistake 3. Not following instructions

It is important to take into account not only the level of tone and the background of clarification, but also to understand what type the composition belongs to and how to use it correctly. Lightening and dyeing hair are chemical reactions, the course of which depends on the dye used.

All dyes can be divided into direct and indirect.

Straight lines do not mix with an oxidizing agent and do not penetrate into the hair. Their molecules settle on the cuticle. Direct dyes are produced mainly in the form of tinted shampoos, balms and mousses. Colored crayons also belong to direct dyes. They are easy to use at home (no need to mix anything) to maintain or refresh color.

Indirect dyes open the cuticle, penetrate the inside of the hair and destroy the natural pigment to make room for the artificial one. Such dyes are always mixed with an oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide with various additives. They are usually produced in the form of creams. It is more difficult to work with them (exact proportions are needed).

Indirect dyes also include dyes in which there is no ammonia, but its derivatives are present. They do not have such a pungent smell, but the principle of action is the same as that of ammonia dyes.

When working with indirect dyes, it is very important to choose the right percentage of oxidizing agent. It depends on him how much it will be possible to rise in terms of the level of depth of tone and how much to keep the composition on the hair.

Many mistakenly think that the longer they keep the dye on their hair, the better the effect will be. In fact, manufacturers conduct more than one clinical study to calculate how long a particular composition takes to lighten, develop and fix artificial pigment. If the package says "Keep 30 minutes", keep for half an hour. Overdoing the paint, you only dry your hair.

Mistake 4. Not taking care of your hair

To become a luxurious blonde, it is not enough to lighten up. Blond requires constant careful care. Otherwise, the hair that has gone through the lightening reaction will hang like a lifeless tow.

Hair does not have strength and energy, because it is keratinized appendages of the skin. Some repair cosmetics regenerate disulfide bonds and protein, but most conditioners simply close the cuticle scales tightly to reflect light. As a result, the hair looks good, it is pleasant to touch them.

There are a lot of folk recipes for lightening hair on the Internet. It must be understood that lemon juice, chamomile decoction or kefir will never turn you into a platinum blonde. The maximum will make light brown hair half a tone lighter.

But natural ingredients can be used to improve the condition of dyed hair. Here are some good masks.

  1. Honey. Mix equal proportions of honey, aloe juice and castor oil. Keep on hair for 30 minutes. Wash off with plenty of warm water.
  2. Banana. Mix one medium banana, one egg, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon and two tablespoons of full-fat yogurt without additives with a blender until completely smooth. Keep for about an hour, then rinse and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. egg. Pour two tablespoons of gelatin with warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell the gelatin. Then melt it in a water bath, add the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of your hair balm. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep 40-60 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water.

Be careful with folk remedies. They can ruin even the most beautiful cold blonde. "Food" on the hair will never give such an effect as professional cosmetics. From what is unlikely to make it worse - vinegar (an acidic environment will smooth the scales), coconut oil (but it is difficult to wash off).

Vika Glu, hairdresser

In addition, it is necessary to constantly maintain the color with tinted shampoos and other products, which also often contain care components.

Majority women on the globe have natural dark hair and secretly envy those who are the owner of blond hair. Let funny jokes be told about blondes, representing them as stupid and helpless creatures, but it was they who always attracted men's eyes and attracted their attention.

Whatever they say, modern men, as before, they prefer blondes. Blonde hair evokes chivalrous feelings in men, they consider blondes to be delicate and fragile creatures. Apparently, this is why many brunettes want to turn into a blonde over the years. They get tired of being independent and strong, they also want to look like a weak woman and shift the solution of life's problems onto men's shoulders.

Responding to question: "How to lighten the dark ones?", you need to give the most important recommendation - seek help from a hairdresser who knows a lot about this matter. The fact is that only hairdressing professionals can determine what will happen to your face after you turn into a blonde. Often brunettes begin to lighten their hair without thinking about the consequences, and then do not know how to return their hair to its previous color and healthy shine.

Blonde hair should be in harmony with skin color and type of face. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake, ask the hairdresser to give you the opportunity to try on a blond wig or create your future image of a blonde on a computer. If your face at the same time acquires a dull and earthy hue, then you better forget about the dream of becoming a blonde. Tell the hairdresser what color you want to see your hair and find out how she intends to achieve lightening.

Usually masters with experience work know how to make a good bleaching mix that won't turn yellow or orange. In good hairdressing salons, you will not be offered to come back in a few days for re-blonding, so as not to expose your hair to the chemical effects of dyes again. It's no secret, for various reasons, many women do not like to use the services of hairdressers. They themselves buy hair dyes in the store and, having come home, proceed to perform a simple procedure for lightening their hair.

Well, the choice is yours, we only wish you suggest how to lighten your hair if you want to turn from a brunette to a blonde. To begin with, do not risk and do not try to lighten your hair yourself if:

You are an "artificial" brunette, it is impossible even for specialists to lighten them completely and achieve a good result. The more often you dye your hair, the worse it will lighten.
- you have previously permed or dyed your hair with henna;
- You do not have the opportunity to buy professional paint. Any conventional paints sold in the store will provide a clarification of a maximum of one or two tones. That is, it will not work to turn from a chestnut brunette into a bright blonde with their help. Here you need special compositions.

Before bleaching do not wash your hair with shampoo for two or three days, so as not to wash off the sebum and remove the natural protection of the hair. Prepare an unnecessary towel and a comb with rare teeth. First, carefully comb your hair and apply the bleaching mixture prepared in advance strictly according to the instructions on the entire length of the hair. Leave the hair roots uncolored, otherwise the heat of the head will make the dye work more intensively and the hair at the roots will turn out lighter.

Apply to the roots paint Lastly, don't forget to cover your shoulders with a towel before dyeing. Keep the dye on your hair for as long as indicated in the instructions. After thoroughly washing off the dye from the hair, rinse the hair with a balm for colored hair. It will make them smooth and soft, in the future you will need to use shampoo and conditioner for bleached hair for hair care.

When lightening hair paint chemicals remove natural pigments from hair, and if they are not completely removed, then you cannot avoid an unpleasant yellow hair color. The darker the color of your hair, the greater the chance of yellowing after lightening. In hairdressing salons, color stabilizers are used to avoid yellowing of hair. Unfortunately, such funds are not sold in ordinary stores. Therefore, to give the bleached hair the desired shades, it is necessary to use tint foams, mousses and shampoos after lightening. After about 30-40 days, the hair will have to be dyed again, since the regrown dark hair roots look completely unattractive.

Hair bleaching- a procedure that affects the structure of the hair and scalp is not the best way. After lightening, the hair becomes dry and brittle. Therefore, even if all the rules of the blonding technique are observed, it is often not necessary to lighten the hair.

- Return to the section heading " "

In this post, I want to tell you not about my hair at all. The story will be about how we corrected the mistakes of my mother's illiteracy. Or rather, how I tried to bring to mind the state of my mother's hair and what came of it. Or, in simple terms, I decided to play hairdresser.

Let me start by saying that my mother is a difficult person. In terms of hair - she needs everything at once. This is one of the main mistakes. If she wants to grow her hair, she will not cut it, and she thinks that by doing so she will grow it faster. If she wants an ashy hair color, then she takes paint (any of the ash-colored masses) and dyes her hair with it.

For example, here is such a multicolor on the hair for us a common occurrence:

But after a few days it does not look so good (the hair is catastrophically empty, it lacks pigment, so the color is washed off instantly).

And it's been like this for a few years now. Well, you understand what I'm getting at - marking time, a vicious circle. Of the care, only Avon shampoo (which is not so bad, I washed my hair with it, but nothing special). At the same time, she blames not her ignorance, but anything, for example, the same unsuitable paint. Somehow, three years ago, I tried to set her on the “true path”, we even took a course of oil masks ... But, you know, if a person doesn’t need it, then he won’t do it either. It was then that our understanding of leaving with her categorically diverged: I became a hairmaniac (yes, I’m not afraid of this word), and my mother remained with her firm conviction from the Soviet Union. Time passed, the situation did not change, and I understood that if I didn’t do something now, then my mother would be left without hair (I’m not exaggerating, the photo below will show you everything in detail). In general, in order not to pour a lot of water and not carry a lot of lyrics, we go straight to the point.

What we have?

Roots - dark shade (+ gray hair).
Length - multicolor - a lot of yellow, burnt ends of the color of "ash".
I am attaching a photo of this "thrash":

What do we want?

Ashy hair color. “Like the one on the box!”

How to achieve it?

The question is difficult. I am far from a master professional (by the way, my mother flatly refuses to go to the hairdresser, so I had to take matters into my own hands). But thanks to our community, you can learn something. Thank you for its detailed and very useful, which prompted me to all of the following!

So what have I decided to do to try and get what I want?

To begin with, the roots need to be discolored, to make the so-called base, since the source of the ashes will never work. (We swam, we know). If the situation with the roots is more or less clear, then with the length it is much more problematic: based on how many coloring substances of different concentrations were there, I was generally afraid to touch it! I really thought that everything would fall off, and suggested that my mother just cut everything off. But, it’s clear, it’s clear to her: “it’s a pity, I don’t want to part with the length.” I beg you, what is the length. But don't explain. Okay, it was decided to discolor the length too, you can’t get anywhere. Maybe this redhead will go away. Or maybe everything will fall off to ... my pleasure.

In general, I went to a professional store for an adequate clarifier, and not for aggressive Blondex or Supra (as my mother likes, which is simpler and smellier).

My choice fell on bleaching powder (Blondierpulver) Estel ULTRA BLOND De luxe. To her, in addition, she took 6% oxygen, also Estel.

Why 6%?

I was advised by a sales assistant (by the way, she understands these nuances). In general, this is how I understood: if you take 9%, then not only will it be too much for gray hair, but also the yellow pigment can get into the hair, so much so that you can’t get rid of it later. 3% to reduce this yellowness may not be enough. And by the way, the consultant explained an interesting thing to me - why, after all, 6%, and not 3%, even though the hair is thin. Yes, because a thin hair has a glassy structure, and it is more difficult for the dye to get to it. For example, porous hair has a structure like an “open bump”, in turn, it is easier for the dye to penetrate. Seems like you explained it right.

Hah, and it’s finally clear to me why there is a constant yellowness on my mother’s hair - she dyes her hair by 9%. Thanks to the courteous sellers in cosmetics stores, who just want to sell.

Lighting preparation.

So, we have two bags of brightening powder 30g each.

There are details from the manufacturer:

And two bottles of oxygen 6% 60ml.

In a non-metallic cup, mix powder and oxygen. The powder gives off a little purple.

And the oxygen is white in color and has a thick consistency. Due to this, it is difficult to remove it from the bottle, but I try.

Mix well. It turns out here is such an air mass with a purple tint. Reminds me of a soufflé.

By the way, not so much came out of such a number of components of the clarifier. The smell of the mass is tolerable, not sharp. But I did not feel the notes of peppermint essential oil.

The content is ready, let's go to apply. Previously, we washed our hair twice (I don’t have WGO) and dried it. I apply the mixture with a brush. I just start not from the back of the head, but from the bottom, from the neck. It's more comfortable for me. First, I apply the clarifier to the roots, and at the very end to the length and ends - in order to injure them as little as possible. It turned out that there was nothing to injure there, for a long time I had not seen such dead hair - they are like cobwebs! Completely lifeless and thin. What is interesting is that the mixture does not dry out, does not crumple (as, for example, Blondex does).

It was not possible to take a photo of the process, since both my hands were busy, but there is a photo of the result.

We do not cover our hair with anything, we do not insulate. We leave for 40 minutes of exposure, but I still look at the state of clarification.

So, 40 minutes successfully passed. Let's go flush. First, just rinse your hair well with water, then rinse it twice with shampoo, the second time leaving it to act for several minutes.

Why do we wash our hair with shampoo after bleaching?
To stop the lightening reaction on the hair by washing out the dye well.

By the way, my mother was more afraid that the hair would come out due to such frequent shampooing, and not from the bleaching process itself. After the shampoo, we use a mask, since today we will not tint the length.

Illumination result.

I think that it turned out pretty well - the overgrown roots lightened to the desired shade and without obvious yellowness. What can not be said about the length - the yellowness has not gone away. But at least the hair stayed in place.

Mom really liked the result, she generally didn’t want to be tinted. I had to explain for a long time why you actually need to tint your hair.

This is how we completed the first stage and became a little closer to the goal - the ashy shade of hair. Did we succeed? Read on.

Gel hair dye was chosen Estelle Quality Color.

I did not choose it, it was bought by my mother. In general, I am skeptical about this type of dyes. Of course, I trust professional paints more, and if I ever have to resort to coloring, I will definitely turn to professional products.

Light Hair Color Polar Silver (128)

Very beautiful promises of the manufacturer, which I do not believe.

Speaking of why I did not immediately began to tint my hair. Everything is elementary, it seemed to me that one package of paint was not enough. I focused on volume.

The contents of the clarifier turned out to be 180 ml. And the paint should have turned out 100 ml. I decided that it would be better to let it remain than not enough, and we went in search of the same shade.

But, miracles do not happen, we did not find just such a pack, bypassing about five stores. Mom suggested postponing the painting, but I know her, it could last until March. And I don’t like this at all, since we decided, we need to finish it as it should be. It was decided to acquire another ashy shade - "Ash" (124)

I confess I don't know if paint can be mixed in this way. And the seller in the store did not inspire confidence in me with her confidence that: "Nothing terrible will happen!" But, the shades on the packs were basically similar, my mother was not against it, there was no time to look.

Our original hair color matched the one listed on the pack. This inspired confidence that the result would be expected.

So, let's move on to coloring.

The package contains:

Bottle with gel-base 50ml
Sachet with oxygen 6% 2x25ml

Bonus included:

Balm sachet 15ml
As well as instructions for use, containing: precautions, recommendations, application, words of gratitude for the purchase of paint and a warning that the final result of dyeing depends on the original hair color. Yeah, after all, the manufacturer is reinsured.

Let's move on to mixing. I pour the base gel into a plastic bowl, add an oxygen agent to it.

I mix everything thoroughly. The consistency is gel-like. And I, according to old memories of paint, am still waiting for it to become the consistency of sour cream.

Everything. The coloring mass is ready. Let's go apply without delay!

I start the application in the same way with lightening - from the bottom of the head. Every minute, the color of the hair begins to change: at first it gives off green, then purple and even brown.

Mom has a fear of becoming black. I'm afraid that it will turn out to be a rich purple. After 40 minutes, the following changes occur.

We also wash off the gel paint with shampoo, after we apply a balm, which was a bonus.

Of course, all the violet is washed off, and on wet hair, I can only see a light shade so far. After drying, I also don’t notice much ash.

And here I no longer blame the color reproduction of the camera - there is simply no ash, whether it is a flash, or daylight.

Although no, there are dirty ashes at the ends. How he got there is a mystery to me.

This is such a two-day epic, but there is no expected result. I'm not satisfied with this of course. And why did the dye behave like this on the hair? In general, I still have to study and study. And my mother liked the result, albeit without ashes. She is generally satisfied with that fashionable earlier scorched blond.

One thing pleases me - I still took up the restoration of my mother's hair. Although not in the most sparing way, but a start has been made. Perhaps I can talk her out of the permanent dye and she will start to grow her color, which has ashes on it, and it looks quite good on her dark hair.

And I wish you a thoughtful approach to decisions about changing hair color, because this entails consequences. Such, for example, as a more thoughtful and difficult care.

Thank you all for reading, see you in the next post!

Black hair color is very elegant, it is associated with conservatism, peace of mind and wealth. But almost all owners of dark strands want to change their own image. It should be noted that black hair is the most impractical in terms of changing shade and color, since before you color it in a different color, you must definitely lighten it. The result of this procedure may not always be what we expect it to be. Let's figure out how to properly lighten black curls.

The order of the clarification procedure

To achieve the maximum effect on lightening black hair, you need to pay attention to the following algorithm:

  1. It is desirable to divide the clarification process into several stages. Namely, instead of a strong clarifying agent, we take a more gentle one and carry out the procedure in three to four doses with a weekly interval. Thus, we do not injure the hair structure and get a more pleasant shade.
  2. To get the desired color, you should choose the right paint by tone. Compare the palette and determine your tone. We take the paint 3 shades lighter.
  3. In addition to the coloring matter, we need to purchase a 9% oxidizing agent. Mix it in half with paint. There are rare series where the proportions are different, but for this it is better to initially study the instructions.
  4. We apply the composition to dry hair, distribute along the entire length. We keep the time allotted by the instructions (usually about 40 minutes), rinse with water and shampoo.
  5. The next operation is repeated no earlier than a week later.

Lightening by highlighting

Highlighting is a lightening method in which the hair is partially lightened, that is, strand by strand. To do this, you need to understand the technology:

  1. We mix the paint and clarifier 12%.
  2. We cut the foil into long strips, the length is determined by the size of the hair.
  3. We filter each strand for black hair and those that will become light.
  4. We apply the foil to the hair, lay the desired strand on top and coat it with the composition.
  5. We paint over the entire perimeter, but without touching the scalp.
  6. Carefully wrap the foil from the bottom up and bend the edges so that the liquid does not get on the adjacent strands.
  7. Keep the mixture for about 30 minutes, you can increase the time to an hour.
  8. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo and apply a protective cream.
  9. After a couple of weeks, we do a similar procedure with the remaining black curls. Gradually, the entire structure of the hair will become light and uniform.

How to eliminate black color after staining

There are times when, having painted our head black, we realize, looking in the mirror, that it does not suit us. How to correct the situation and return the previous color or just make the hair lighter? There is a special corrector for decoupage. It perfectly cleanses the curls, washing off the paint in which our hair is dyed. The substance is applied to dry hair and washed off like a regular mask, after about half an hour. When the substance is washed off, those pigments that made the hair dark are removed from the hair composition. If the effect does not please, then we will still resort to the method of clarification with the help of paint and an oxidizing agent.

Features of clarification

In order for the clarification procedure to take place without a time delay and without unnecessary difficulties, you need to remember a few important points:

  • We always prepare the mixture in a slightly larger amount than required, this will help reduce time and not have to cook a new mixture if it is in short supply.
  • The container in which we dilute the paint should not be made of metal, since it can change the composition of the mass for the worse by adding some harmful elements to it. It is recommended to use glass or plastic.
  • The brush should be with natural hairs for the same reasons.
  • There is no need to wash your hair before bleaching. If you wash off all the fat, then they will be damaged more under the influence of oxidation.
  • Before the procedure, we lubricate the skin on the border with the hairline with a nourishing oily cream to protect it from paint.
  • Do not wash your hair with a shampoo that is too foamy and has a low percentage of alkali.

Lightening folk methods

If our task is to lighten the hair quite a bit, then it will be very useful to use folk remedies. They will not be able to damage the integrity of the hairline, but rather nourish them with the necessary trace elements.

Chamomile infusion

We brew three bags of ordinary chamomile tea with a liter of boiling water and insist it for a couple of hours. Each time we wash our hair with infusion after the usual shampooing. The decoction cannot be washed off. Perform the procedure at least three times a week. After about a month, a slight lightening will be noticeable.

Hydrogen peroxide

We select peroxide according to the thickness and strength of the hair. If the strands are thin, you need to treat them with 5-6% peroxide, and with strong and thick hair, the available strength of the substance reaches up to 12%. We wet the hair, and the longer we hold the product, the stronger the effect. However, do not overdo it so as not to burn the strands.

Honey and lemon

Mix the juice of two lemons with a couple of tablespoons of honey and apply to the hair. We wash off the mixture only after 20 minutes. It is not recommended to keep this composition for a long time, so as not to dry out the curls.

Now we know how and with what black strands are lightened. It turns out that technology and the right tips for use are very important in this matter. And it will not be difficult for us to betray our favorite light shade to the curls.