SDA, traffic light. Traffic rules for children. Project for preschoolers "Traffic rules

From childhood, the child is faced with various emergency situations on the road. The exit of a preschooler to the big world requires an understanding of behavior on different sections of the roadway. Knowing the basic rules of the road helps to protect our children from accidents. The use of modern interactive complexes contributes to the fastest mastering of the rules of safe behavior on the sidewalk and on the street.

In accordance with statistical data, preschool children often become participants in emergency situations. In most cases, this is due to ignorance and misunderstanding of the basic rules. Parents do not always understand the importance and urgency of this problem. The integration of sensory equipment allows you to increase interest in the development of traffic rules and to form behavioral skills.

ANRO technology offers multimedia interactive complex of traffic rules- a progressive device that allows you to teach children traffic rules... With its help, preschoolers will be able to get a general idea of ​​the norms of movement on the street, learn about possible dangers and acquire vital skills. Modern equipment is equipped with special software developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the recommendations of the traffic police.

Introducing children to traffic rules using ICT

  • Children learn to recognize the movement of bodies, for example, they begin to understand what it means to move their arms up.
  • Preschoolers actively participate in all kinds of tasks and exercises, which contributes to their all-round development and broadens their horizons.
  • Interactive equipment, thanks to special exercises, allows them to correctly assess various situations.

Role-based activities using ICT enable teach children the rules of the road and consolidate them in a game format that is not subject to strict rules. Systematic classes in preschool educational institutions, equipped with interactive devices, help to increase the culture of behavior of children and help prepare competent road users.

Traffic rules games for schoolchildren using interactive equipment

  • Acquaintance with the traffic light. A video picture with a realistic road situation appears on the scoreboard. The user needs to fix the location of the traffic light. In addition, the child must identify the light signal signs of automobile and pedestrian traffic lights. Thanks to this, he will always feel confident, even if he remains under the supervision of older brothers or sisters.
  • Study of signs. In a playful way, children should establish the meaning of the road sign, choosing the correct answer from the options offered. Preschoolers can also get acquainted with the types of signs - warning and prohibiting, so that in real life they can correctly assess the situation and make the right decision.
  • Study of the carriageway. During the game, you can determine what situation is shown on the screen. If there is a danger, you need to sit down, if everything is safe, move in place. You can also ask the children to draw a pedestrian crossing at the locations of the corresponding sign.

Children love to push buttons and roll cars. This allows you to form a conscious attitude to the rules of safe behavior and teach SDA for preschoolers... Children will become better acquainted with the basic provisions, which will protect them from danger and help them quickly navigate in space. By simulating real-life situations and actions using interactive equipment, we can help our little participants avoid dangerous situations.

Advantages of a multimedia interactive traffic rules complex

  • The simulator will allow you to master the management of a virtual machine in compliance with the relevant rules.
  • Reference information will allow you to get an idea of ​​the visual teaching objects of road traffic.
  • The soft game module will help to recreate traffic situations, demonstrating the work of certain signs.

The interactive module was developed taking into account the recommendations of the traffic police. With its help, children will be able to feel more confident on the sidewalk and roadway. Learning in a playful way will allow you to form an appropriate set of knowledge and develop practical skills necessary for safe behavior on the road.

Riddles in verse on traffic rules for kindergarten.

Riddles for preschool children according to the rules of the road.

1. You can't take this tape
And you can't weave it into a pigtail.
She lies on the ground
Transport runs along it. (Road)

2. I never sleep,
I look at the road.
I will tell you when to stand
When to start moving. (Traffic lights)

3. The car will not work here.
The main one here is a pedestrian.
That not to interfere with each other,
You need to keep the path on the right. (Sidewalk)

4. What kind of transport is this
That takes you home.
He runs back and forth
Pushing against the wires. (Trolleybus)

5. Under the feet of Seryozhka
Striped track.
Boldly he walks along it,
And all the people followed him. (Zebra)

6. Stand on the sidelines,
They speak to us in silence.
We are ready to help everyone.
The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)

7. Two roads took a long time
And they approached each other.
They did not quarrel,
Crossed and ran further.
What kind of place is it,
We are all interested. (Crossroads)

8. Our bus drove and drove,
And I drove up to the playground.
And on it people miss you,
Silently, the transport awaits. (Stop)

9. Two wheels are enough for him,
And the motor will not pump up.
You just need to start -
And happy journey! (Motorbike)

10. What is this store?
Gasoline is sold in it.
Here the car pulls up
A full tank fills them.
Started up and ran.
So that another drove up. (Gas station)

11. Builders are held in high esteem
This smart truck.
He is almost always at work
He was not used to rest.
Will bring and unload it himself
Crushed stone, gravel and sand,
And then he hurries back
No matter how far the path is. (Dump truck)

12. Near the highway lies
Transport does not run along it.
Well, if suddenly trouble,
Then all move out here. (Curb)

Riddles for children (kindergarten).

1. Guess riddles:

We go in a taxi and a taxi cab,
On the bus and train. (Passengers)

I'm driving
I look at the road. (Driver)

A man walks over me.
Calls me a zebra. (Crosswalk)

2. What words are missing?

A brand new bus goes through the city.
To ... drives up, (to stops)
Quickly ... opens, (doors)
... releases. (passengers)

Riddles for schoolchildren 1-4 grades

3. Blitz - poll.

- How are the words "Driver" and "Passenger" related?
- What qualities must a public transport driver have?
- Is it easy or difficult for a public transport driver to work? Why?
- Does the driver have obligations to the passenger? Which?
- Does the passenger have obligations to the driver, to other passengers.
- A polite driver is….
- A polite passenger is ... ..
- Can the driver and passenger communicate? In which cases? What should be their communication?
- When do they say about a person that he is a "hare"?

4. Analysis of scenes-situations.

a) In a moving bus, a passenger asks the driver to sell him a ticket for travel. The driver refuses to do so. Is he doing the right thing?
b) The passenger saw that his neighbor was driving the bus. The passenger started talking to the driver, asking him questions about work and family. Such a polite passenger. But is he behaving correctly?
c) The passenger did not like that the driver abruptly touches the bus from the meta and stops it abruptly. He began to reprimand the driver while driving about this. Is the passenger right. How should a driver behave?

5. Correct any errors.

- Try to travel in transport for free.
- Order passengers to validate your ticket.
- Do not hold onto the handrails.
- Never give up that place to anyone.
- Do not prepare in advance for the exit.
- Jump out without waiting for the vehicle to stop completely.
- Get plenty of food and eat all of it while you drive.
- Talk loudly, laugh.
- Cover your ears and do not listen to the driver when he announces stops.
- Don't be afraid to drive through your stop.

6. Game "Road Alphabet".

For each letter of the alphabet, come up with a word related to traffic rules. (Children receive leaflets with letters of the alphabet and add words or the presenter calls out a letter, and the children shout out the words)

a - bus b - ticket c - bike, etc.

7. Summary. - What kind of passengers will you be?

Hello our dear readers! Did you know that more than 90% of children injured on the roads as a result of road traffic accidents were in relatively safe areas - at stops, sidewalks or pedestrian crossings? So that misfortune does not happen to your child, you need to promptly teach him the rules of behavior on the road. Today we will tell you how to have a conversation about traffic rules for preschool children in a relaxed manner.

You already know that most reliably a child assimilates information that is presented to him in the form of a game. Let's not deviate from this rule and play the didactic game "Adventures on the streets of a big city" with the kid.

Take a large piece of Whatman paper and draw roads, alleys, sidewalks and intersections on it. In addition, you will need:

  • small toy cars;
  • small dolls or animals that will represent pedestrians;
  • some traffic signs (they can be found on the Internet, printed and pasted on cardboard);
  • traffic light layout.

Spread a Whatman paper in the middle of the room and invite your baby to play. You can start with a small poem:

The city in which
You and I live
You can rightfully
Compare with the ABC book.
The alphabet of the streets
Avenues, roads
The city gives us
Lesson all the time.
Here it is, the alphabet,
The signs are hung
Along the pavement.
ABC of the city
Remember always
So that it does not happen
Trouble is with you.

(S. Yakovlev)

First of all, the kid needs to be told the rules of behavior at the intersection. Explain that you need to cross the road only at a green traffic light, yellow is a warning, and red prohibits traffic. Simulate the situation at your mini-intersection by placing toys and cars. Change traffic signals, and let the baby "cross" across the road with the doll or bear. To consolidate the material, learn a poem with a crumb and ask a few riddles.

Three multicolored circles:
Red shines - wait
And on yellow - stop, my friend,
Go to the green light!
The traffic light gives advice
How to cross the road.
To a pedestrian in this
You can't find a better friend!

(M. Novitskaya)

The sentinel looks keenly
Behind the wide pavement.
How he looks with a red eye -
All will stop at once.

(Traffic lights)

What is the light of the traffic light
Does he say to us: "There is no passage"?


The traffic light is on
“Go ahead,” he says.


The traffic light is on
"Get ready" - says?

Tell the little one the basic rules of behavior on the road and show them clearly on your model.

  • You only need to walk on the right side of the sidewalk because it happens that the driver cannot cope with the control and the car jumps out onto the sidewalk.
  • Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing. Even crossing the road along the "zebra", you need to first look to the left, walk to the middle, look to the right and continue the journey.
  • Crossing the road, you need to see if there are any cars nearby. Even a slow-moving car can be dangerous because it could suddenly drive another car out.
  • You can not bypass a stationary bus... You need to wait until he drives away from the stop. Buses and cars standing by the side of the road block the road, and you may not see a fast moving car.
  • It is forbidden to cross the road in front of a fast moving car... Even if the driver applies the brake in time, the car will move for some time and may knock a pedestrian.
  • You can not run across without looking even the most deserted street... It often happens that on the streets where cars rarely appear, the child loses vigilance. Get your baby into the habit of first looking around, listening, and only then crossing the road.

Play with your child various situations that may arise on the road. First, let the baby be a pedestrian, and you will be a driver, then switch roles.

Show the little one the main road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "No traffic", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop", "Children" and others. Place them together with your child on the streets of your makeshift city. The funny poems of O. Emelyanova will help explain to the kid the meaning of the signs:

Children sign
Children in the middle of the road
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful, driver!

Road works sign
Road works sign.
Someone is fixing the road here.
You will need to slow down the speed,
There are people on the road.

Hospital sign
If you need to be treated,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One Hundred Serious Doctors
There you will be told: "Be healthy!"

Sign "Bus stop place"
There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is patiently waiting.
He's tired of walking on foot
Wants to become a passenger.

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing"
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He does not decorate the city,
But it doesn't interfere with the cars!

Pedestrian crossing sign
There's a ground crossing here,
People walk all day.
You, driver, do not be sad
Pass the pedestrian!

Play the “Intruder Bunny” scene with the child, tell us how to behave if an unforeseen situation arises - the traffic light does not work, the ball rushes out onto the road, the car goes to a red light. To understand if the kid has learned the new information well, invite him to take a tour of the real city.

Approaching the intersection with the little one, ask the kid to help you cross the road. Let him tell you how to proceed. Correct if the child is mistaken, ask leading questions. Pay the baby's attention to the road signs, road markings, underground crossings. Ask him riddles:

Leads down from the sidewalk
There is a long entrance under the road.
There is no door or gate -
That ... (underground passage).

You can find a sign like this
On the high-speed road
Where is the big pit
And it's dangerous to walk straight
Where the district is being built
School, house il stadium.

(Road repair)

What a zebra without hooves:
The dust does not fly under her,
A blizzard of dust above her
And cars are flying.


Try to confuse the child by suggesting to cross the road in the wrong place or by pretending to be crossing a red light. If the kid stops you and says that you cannot do this, it means that your lessons were not in vain. If not, focus on this and explain the rule again.

It is imperative to teach the toddler how to behave in public transport:

  • you need to approach the door of a bus, trolleybus or tram only when it comes to a complete stop;
  • do not hang on the footboard of a crowded car;
  • An adult must be the first to get off public transport.

In order for the kid to learn the rules of the road well, draw thematic pictures with him, which you will place on the wall in the nursery. Watch together with a little cartoons on the rules of behavior on the road, read stories and poems, for example, "The Ball" by S. Marshak, "The ABC of Safety" by O. Bedarev, "For Pedestrians" by V. Timofeev. Learn with your child a rhyme that he should repeat every time you cross the street:

I cross the road like this:
First I'll look to the left
And if there is no car,
I go to the middle.
Then I look closely
To the right is obligatory
And if there is no movement,
I walk without a doubt!

Teach the toddler to observe traffic, focus his attention on how both pedestrians and drivers are breaking the rules. Ask the kid why this or that person did the wrong thing, what needed to be done? Remember that by a constant reminder of the observance of safety rules on the road, you care about the health and life of your beloved child.

Explaining to the baby the rules of behavior on the roads, do not forget, dear parents, that you conduct the best training by example. You can repeat many times that the street needs to be switched to green light, but once the kid sees you, being late, run over to red, maneuvering between the signaling cars, and all your efforts will come to naught.

When teaching your child the rules of the road from an early age, you, dear adults:

  • instill in him discipline and composure;
  • teach to be responsible and independent;
  • develop quick response to emergencies.

We wish you all the best! Until next time!

Knowing the rules of the road (SDA) is vital for every child. Life in the modern world requires the most careful attention to vehicles and roads. Moreover, in recent decades, most adults constantly find themselves in the role of pedestrian and driver alternately. Of course, you can learn the rules at any age, but the guarantee of their deep and meaningful knowledge is precisely the gradual acquaintance and constant application in practice from early childhood.

First meeting

Even before kindergarten, the foundation of the culture of the pedestrian and the culture of the driver is formed in children. In the stroller, in the car, in the arms of the parents, the child becomes a participant in the road traffic: the child sees and remembers the reaction of adults, gets used to the behavior of older family members, hears their comments. It was during this period that the attitude towards compliance with traffic rules was formed.

Caring and prudent parents will always draw the child's attention to the traffic light and its signals, pronounce the algorithm for crossing the carriageway, comment on the danger if the child witnesses a violation of the rules.

At 2-3 years old, you can draw the attention of children to some road signs: "pedestrian crossing", "underground pedestrian crossing", "pedestrian traffic is prohibited."

Illustrative material

  • You can download the SDA package for children.
  • Individual pictures:

  • you can download a synopsis of traffic rules for preschoolers.
  • An educational game for preschoolers on the topic of traffic rules.

From 3-4 years old, children develop a conscious interest in traffic rules. Both at home and in kindergarten, it is important to pronounce the main rules more often, consider, color and comment on pictures illustrating various traffic situations, and study road signs.

It is very effective to complement pictures with quatrains. It is especially helpful to remember these quatrains in a real traffic situation. So the kids in a playful way consolidate the main skills of following the rules.

At 5-6 years old, you can use board games for children according to traffic rules. They allow each child to be in the role of a pedestrian and a driver, develop visual memory, and consolidate the basic skills of participation in road traffic.

Young cyclists

Perhaps, riding a bicycle is the first serious test for a child. Even the territory of the playground or sports ground, the park alley requires attention from the little cyclist and compliance with the basic rules. Therefore, parents should more often play games with their child that will allow them to remember road signs faster and better. Remember to spell out the rules before going outside.

It will be interesting for a kindergarten to conduct a game program with elements of competition for the best traffic rules expert. Little cyclists will be able not only to compete, but also to remember important rules and road signs, without knowing which it is impossible to get on a bicycle.

Drawing competition

The kindergarten has corners and stands for traffic rules. However, it is very important to involve the preschoolers themselves in competitions and exhibitions on this topic. Children can draw plot pictures, depicting favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales as road users. Then you can discuss the situations depicted.

Coloring books are convenient and interesting. Kids make the image vivid and at the same time discuss with adults what is shown in the pictures, what is their assessment of the traffic situation.

Traffic regulations help to protect children and adults from road accidents. Illustrative material will help make learning effective and fun. Such pictures should be not only in kindergartens, but also at home.

« Teaching preschool children the rules of the road "

Ensuring the health of children is the main goal, the main task of a civilized society. Teaching the rules of the road in kindergarten is a vital necessity, therefore, various activities on traffic rules are always relevant in preschool educational institutions. In kindergarten, the child must learn the basic concepts of the traffic system and learn the most important rules of behavior on the road. Traffic rules in kindergarten are a fairly large complex of knowledge that educators try to convey to children, because their safety on the road depends on it.

The practice of preschool institutions has now included programs on the basics of children's life safety (OBZH), aimed at developing the child's skills of correct behavior in non-standard, and sometimes dangerous situations on the roads and in transport.

The growth in the number of cars on the streets of cities and villages of our country, an increase in their speed, traffic density, and growing traffic jams are one of the causes of road accidents. No one is left indifferent by the disappointing reports of road accidents, where, unfortunately, children are also victims. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety on the road is becoming an increasingly important state task. An important role in solving this problem is played by the organization of work to prevent child road traffic injuries in preschool institutions.

In our country, the situation with child road traffic injuries has been and remains very alarming. In Russia, the number of injured children per 100 thousand of the population is 2 times more than in France and Germany, and 3 times more than in Italy. The number of road accidents involving children under the age of 14 is 10 thousand vehicles 10 times more than in England, 30 times more than in Italy. (DV 2007 No. 7, p. 122.)

Children's injuries in our country are tens and hundreds of times higher than injuries in other countries, and it is necessary to stop treating teaching safe behavior of a child on the roads as a secondary subject. We are convinced that teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the roads while a child is in kindergarten can reduce the serious consequences and the possibility of getting him into an accident. The only thing that can save a child on the road is the belief in the prohibitive properties of red. The only one who can convince him of this is an adult. And the only way is by example.

The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of a wheel, a horse-drawn carriage and a carriage. The relationship between the drivers of these vehicles and the drivers with pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensured their safety, i.e. protection of life and health.

The slogan “Take care of the child”, under which Catherine 11 in 1764 issued the Decree on the application of the death penalty to the coachman or cab driver, guilty of the death of a child, should today become a guide to action for many organizations and countries, especially for preschool educators.

Most often, children and pedestrians become participants in car accidents. The main reasons for road accidents committed by negligence of underage pedestrians are crossing the road in an unidentified place, disobeying regulation signals and playing near the carriageway. Children - passengers are injured in more than a third of road accidents, and the number of children suffering in the cars of their parents, relatives or friends is constantly increasing. Ensuring the safety of children on the streets and roads, the prevention of child road traffic injuries are the main of the most urgent tasks requiring urgent solutions.

1. Research of the problem in the field of teaching preschoolers to the rules of the road.

The child gets acquainted with the road alphabet and safety rules on the streets very early - as soon as he starts stomping his feet next to his parents along the streets, where he was recently rolled asleep in a stroller.

The road with the child from home to kindergarten and back is an ideal moment to develop his skills of safe behavior on the street. The child should always have a personal example of parents' observance of all traffic rules without exception.

Today, the problem of educating preschool children in the skills of safe behavior on the streets of the city is very urgent. In domestic pedagogical practice, sufficient experience has been accumulated in teaching preschoolers safe behavior on the roads by N.N. Avdeeva, RB Sterkina, N.L. Knyazeva, A.V. Gostyushin, N.I. Klochanov, M.M. Kotik, O.A. Skorolupova, T.A. ShorygioY and others.

This problem was dealt with by T. F. Saulina, who developed a manual for teachers and parents "Three traffic signals". The manual presents the main directions of work on familiarizing preschoolers 3-7 years old with the rules of the road, outlines of classes and entertainment, games, literary and other additional material. The book is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, methodologists for preschool education, as well as parents.

Danilova TI also studied this problem and developed the Traffic Light program. Teaching preschool children traffic rules. The relevance and vital necessity of teaching preschool children the rules of the road is undoubtedly important. The purpose of this manual is to develop the skills of safe behavior on the roads in preschoolers. The manual presents a system of lessons of the cognitive cycle, excursions, targeted walks.

Research in this area is still taking place in kindergartens.

Many teachers develop programs and projects to teach children the rules of the road. The problem of child road traffic injuries is still relevant. And the need to bring the first information about the rules of the road to children already in preschool age is dictated by life itself. The most important role in the prevention of child - traffic injuries belongs to the preschool educational institution. Educators, pedagogical workers, parents should help the child become a disciplined pedestrian who strictly follows traffic rules by carrying out activities in various forms.

2. Methodology for teaching traffic rules for preschool children.

An analysis of modern methodological literature has shown that when teaching children the rules of behavior on the streets and roads, explanatory and illustrative methods are most widely used: conversations, didactic games, stories, reading works of art, as well as practical in the educational field "Artistic creativity" is drawing, modeling, applique. More and more diverse and differentiated forms of work with children are needed. Moreover, most of them should be illustrated, theatrical, musical, fictional. Existing educational programs to one degree or another solve the problem of establishing the foundations of safe life in preschoolers. They allow in the shortest possible time to convey a large amount of information, to pose problems for preschoolers and indicate ways to solve them, to bring up vivid pictures and traffic situations in their minds, to activate memory and feelings. The content of education in them is determined by the current Traffic Regulations.

The methodology of work within the framework of training traffic rules should be built taking into account an integrated approach. Performing assignments, preschool children conduct observations, explore, draw, design, model, listen to music, etc. They have a very well-developed creative imagination that leaves bright moments in the minds of children, helps to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, embodying them in their creative works. Any child will quickly understand and master the traffic rules, presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a road fairy tale, a quiz, a game that is close to children, but doing artistic creativity - drawing, creating compositions, applications, crafts made of clay, plasticine, etc. rules, not only theoretically, but also practically, children will achieve undoubted success in the study of traffic rules.

Only through joint efforts, using knowledge, patience and tact, is it possible:

Expand children's perceptions of safe street behavior.

and city roads, in public and private transport through active forms of knowledge: design, construction, modeling, artistic and creative activities - drawing, modeling, application;

Teach children to reflect in the picture knowledge and ideas about traffic rules and share their experience with others;

Awakening emotional interest in learning traffic rules, improve children's skills to design, model, combine, draw, sculpt, create creative compositions on a given topic;

Raising interest in the knowledge of traffic rules, develop the desire to show intellectual and constructive abilities, teach our children the skills of organizing a safe image, activate attention, observation, ingenuity, initiative

Traffic rules training, cultivation of a culture of behavior on the street should be carried out in accordance with the implementation of program requirements in the entire educational process, avoiding overloading children with unnecessary information and taking into account the state of health and mood of the children. Such work requires from the educator a clear selection of the necessary visual and play material.

An important condition for the successful teaching of children the rules of safe behavior on the roads is the creation of an appropriate material base and a developing environment. The developing environment for teaching the basics of road safety in a group includes models of city streets, sets of vehicles, road signs, traffic lights, attributes for role-playing games, didactic games. When building a system of work for preschoolers to study Traffic Rules, three aspects of interaction with the city's transport system should be kept in mind:

    The child is a pedestrian;

    A child is a passenger of urban transport;

    A child is a driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, snow scooter, sleds, rollers, etc.).

In this regard, the work to educate the skills of safe behavior of children on the streets in no case should be a one-time action. It must be carried out in a planned, systematic and constant manner. It should cover all types of activities so that the child passes the knowledge gained through productive activities and then implements it in games and everyday life outside of kindergarten. This work should not stand out as an independent section, but should be included in all sections and directions of the kindergarten upbringing program.

    organized forms of teaching in the classroom,

    joint activities of an adult and a child,

    independent activity of the child,

    education of behavioral skills,

    familiarization with others,

    development of speech,




    the game.

Methodical work in a preschool institution plays a special role. The main role is played by the methodological office, which is created to provide daily and targeted methodological assistance to educators in working with children and parents, including the prevention of child road traffic injuries. There are generalized materials, together with their own experience, the experience of other kindergartens in the city is presented. All materials are annotated with brief recommendations for their application and use.

The teaching room should contain visual teaching aids for different age groups - demonstration pictures, posters, didactic handouts, street models, diagrams, various toys: special vehicles (cars, trucks, ambulances, firemen and others); dolls dressed in the uniform of traffic controllers; necessary attributes for traffic control - wands, traffic lights, etc .; methodical fiction, literary material for reading and memorizing; scenarios of holidays and entertainment. Much attention is paid to the issues of improving the qualifications of teachers, including in the field of prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Exhibitions of children's drawings, manuals, didactic games are organized; reviews for the best group in the work on traffic rules; materials are being developed for working with parents (questionnaires, tests and other materials).

N.N .. Avdeeva points out that the educational process is recommended to be carried out:

Through direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children observe the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc .;

In the process of special developmental and training sessions on road topics

It is especially important to develop such skills and habits as a conscious attitude to one's own and other people's actions, that is, the child's understanding of what is right or wrong. It is also of great importance for the preschooler to form the habit of restraining his impulses and desires (for example, to run when it is dangerous, etc.).

At this age, children are especially good at suggestion. They need to be taught that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten on their own. On the street, you can only be with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be brought up constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in albums for drawing, stroking, shading, designing, performing applications, etc. on a road theme, in classes for developing speech using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe road situations

Especially important is the principle of visibility, which is traditionally used in work with preschoolers, when they themselves have to see, hear, touch everything and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Thus, the program of upbringing and conducting didactic classes is aimed not so much at teaching preschoolers directly to the rules of the road (by the way, the teacher himself should know them well), as in the formation and development of their skills and positive stable habits of safe behavior on the street.

A.V. Gostyushin believes that we must not forget that in every group of kindergarten there are preschoolers who are in the “risk group”. These can be overly mobile children or, conversely, too inhibited. The teacher conducts classes with them, taking into account their individual characteristics and necessarily organizes work with their parents.

Simulation of dangerous and safe road situations;

Independent work in drawing albums or specially designed notebooks, which forms and develops the cognitive processes of children;

Interactive survey;

Collective activities of children to study, comprehend and understand the rules of the road, danger and safety in the road environment.

of younger preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers in such a way that by school they can already navigate the street and clearly know the rules of the road.

Thus, an analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

The program of upbringing and conducting didactic classes aims not so much to teach preschoolers directly to the rules of the road, but to form and develop their skills and positive stable habits of safe behavior on the street.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street are formed in a preschooler, the easier it will be for him to be given knowledge on road topics in a general educational institution.

2. Effective forms and methods of teaching preschool children with the rules of the road.

The main goal of educational work on teaching children the basics of road safety should be to develop the necessary skills and abilities in children, to develop positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street. The educational process is recommended to be carried out:

1. Through direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children observe the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc .;

2. In the process of special developmental and training sessions on the road. It is especially important to develop such skills and habits as a conscious attitude to one's own and other people's actions, that is, the child's understanding of what is right or wrong. It is also of great importance for the preschooler to form the habit of restraining his impulses and desires (for example, to run when it is dangerous, etc.).

While raising preschoolers, the teacher uses methods such as suggestion, persuasion, example, exercise, encouragement. At this age, children are especially good at suggestion. They need to be taught that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten on their own. On the street, you can only be with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be brought up constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in albums for drawing, stroking, shading, designing, performing applications, etc. on a road theme, in classes for developing speech using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe road situations. Especially important is the principle of visibility, which is traditionally used in work with preschoolers, when they themselves have to see, hear, touch everything and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Thus, the program of upbringing and conducting didactic classes aims not so much to teach preschoolers directly to the rules of the road, but to form and develop their skills and positive stable habits of safe behavior on the street.

We must not forget that in every group of kindergarten there are preschoolers who are in the "risk group". These can be overly mobile children or, conversely, too inhibited. The teacher conducts classes with them, taking into account their individual characteristics and necessarily organizes work with their parents.

The use of an interactive teaching method aimed at actively involving children in dialogue is especially effective. Using this method, the educator can help children visualize the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, understand dangerous and safe actions in specific situations, develop their ability to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and ultimately transfer it to real road conditions.

It is necessary to start learning already from a younger preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers so that by school they can already navigate on the street and clearly know the rules of the road.

In the younger group, classes are best carried out on walks (for better clarity). It is important for the teacher to explain to the children how much more dangerous real cars are compared to the toy ones they know.

In group lessons, it is useful to resort to visual simulation of traffic situations. The best way is to encourage preschoolers to play with cars, during which they will say out loud every action (the car turned, reversed, increased speed, etc.).

To develop the correct orientation of children in space, you need to teach them to determine the location of objects (right, left, front, back, top, bottom), their sizes, and also teach them to compare objects by these parameters. As a result of such activities, preschoolers gain knowledge about what a traffic light, transport, road is. They get used to holding an adult's hand while on the street.

Didactic lessons on road-related topics can be carried out in the form of drawing in albums or in special notebooks with tasks on shading, outlining, and painting objects that develop fine motor skills of the hands. On walks with children of middle preschool age, you need to start learning orienteering on the ground, namely on the territory of the kindergarten. Also, the educator must certainly explain that it is impossible to go beyond it on your own.

On walks outside the territory of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their types and design features. The teacher shows the children those parts of the street on which pedestrians are safe: the sidewalk, pedestrian crossings, along which, holding an adult by the hand, you can cross the carriageway. On the street, it is useful to carry out exercises for the development of the eye and lateral vision.

Thus, the children develop the ability to feel and distinguish between latent threats in the road environment.

In the classroom in a group, the teacher can give the task to compose a story about the road situation. At the same time, the teacher unobtrusively reinforces the preschoolers' understanding of which places on the street are dangerous, and also finds out how well the children know road vocabulary.

In the explanations, it is useful to use illustrative material: books and posters that depict dangerous situations, for example: in the yard, as well as various instructions on behavior near the roadway.

Thus, by the age of five, children have a broader understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the street, and the skills of observing what is happening in the road environment are being formed.

When walking outside the territory of a preschool institution, it is recommended to draw the attention of preschoolers to the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians. At the same time, the teacher needs to make sure that the children themselves can tell what exactly some pedestrians are doing wrong, why their actions are dangerous, and what needs to be done to be safe. Both on walks and in class in a group (with the help of illustrative material), preschoolers should be drawn to the peculiarities of the movement of large and small-sized vehicles. The educator explains what a "closed review" is.

An interesting and effective form of work will be the organization of role-playing games, in which the children will bring the skills of safe behavior on the street to automatism.

If the kindergarten has a model of a microdistrict with streets adjacent to the territory of the kindergarten, then the teacher, placing the children around the model, can tell them about the city, streets, traffic lights: transport and pedestrian, pedestrian crossings, etc. Using figures of pedestrians and vehicles , visually show what can happen if you violate the rules of the road. And also explain how to behave correctly on the streets and roads, show dangerous turns of transport at intersections, etc.

Thus, in the older group, ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the street are expanded, the awareness and understanding of preschoolers of dangerous and safe actions is checked.

You need to be especially careful about the children of the preparatory group, because they are future schoolchildren, who very soon will have to cross the road on their own, perform the duties of a pedestrian and a passenger. With them, classes continue on the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech. Preschoolers of this age group need to develop the ability to

perception of spatial segments and spatial orientation.

They should be able to independently assess the actions of the driver, pedestrian and passenger, and anticipate danger on the street.

Therefore, in the playing corner 1 of the younger group there should be:

1. A set of vehicles

2. Illustrations depicting vehicles

3. Circles of red and green color, model of a pedestrian traffic light.

4. Attributes to the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of one or another type of transport, etc.)

5. Didactic games "Assemble the car" (from 4 parts), "Put the car in the garage", "Traffic light".

In the second junior group, children continue to work. Therefore, you should add:

1. Pictures for the game for the classification of transport modes "What are the passengers on", "Find the same picture".

2. The simplest model of the street (preferably large), where the sidewalk and the roadway are marked.

3. Layout of a traffic light (plane).

For the children of the middle group in the road safety corner, there must be:

1. Model of a traffic light with switching signals, powered by a battery.

2. Didactic games "Find your color", "Collect a traffic light"

3. It is necessary to draw a pedestrian crossing on the street model.

In the senior group in the road safety corner, the following should appear:

4. Model of the intersection, with the help of which the children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety, to practice the skills of safe crossing of the carriageway at the intersection. It is desirable that this model be with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street.

5. Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: information and direction signs - "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Bus and (or) trolleybus stop"; warning signs - "Children"; prohibiting signs - "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycles are prohibited"; prescriptive signs - "Footpath", "Cycle path";

priority signs - "Main road", "Give way"; service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point". It's good to have small signs on stands for mock-up work, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games.

6. Didactic games: "What do the signs say?", "Guess the sign", "Where is the sign hidden?", "Crossroads", "Our street"

7. In addition, children of the older group are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. This means that in the corner of the traffic police there should be a traffic policeman's gesture schemes, a didactic game "What does the rod say?", Attributes of a traffic police inspector: a baton, a cap.

In the preparatory group, children encounter problem situations on the roads (the so-called road "traps"), the knowledge of children about the traffic rules is already being systematized. The content of the corner is more complicated:

1. A card index of "dangerous situations" is being assembled (for their display, you can make an impromptu TV set, or a computer)

2. A window for issuing driving licenses to those who passed the traffic rules exam is organized.

In all groups it is good to have a flannelegraph - for modeling situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics.

Educators should remember that teaching children the rules of the road should not be limited to verbal explanations. A significant place should be devoted to practical forms of education: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children can learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe traffic, consolidate previously acquired knowledge on the correct behavior on the road. A very interesting form of prevention of child road traffic injuries is targeted walks with kindergarten pupils.

Targeted walks are aimed at consolidating the knowledge gained in the classroom on traffic rules in groups by preschoolers. In each of the age groups, targeted walks to teach a child the correct behavior in road situations provide for their own tasks, topics and frequency of conduct.

You can use a combination of various types of children's activities in terms of content and form:

Observations, excursions;

Games, competitions, mobile, didactic, role-playing ("Family", "Crossroads", "Hospital"), theatrical;

Collage making;

Modeling and analysis of given situations;

Writing stories and putting them into books;

Conversations, reading fiction.

Educational quizzes where children show their knowledge;

Security minutes;

Most of all, children love to watch cartoons and game programs, and also enjoy watching educational videos: "Cautious fairy tales".

Much attention should be paid to working with parents. In meetings and in conversations, use visual propaganda to emphasize the moral responsibility of adults. By unconditional obedience to the requirements of road discipline, parents should set an example for children, since preschoolers learn to break the rules of behavior, first of all, from adults. Therefore, the teachers of the preschool institution are faced with the task of conveying information not only to children, but also to their parents in such a way that they develop a vital habit of observing traffic rules and teaching their children to do the same. Only in close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can children develop solid skills in cultural behavior on the street, the discipline that prompts them to obey order. Then the habit of walking on the street correctly will become the norm for children.

1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city;

2. Causes of road traffic accidents involving children;

4. List and description of games aimed at reinforcing the existing knowledge of the rules of the road in children;

5. Stories of children about their behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents.

Thus, teaching children road safety rules is a systematic and purposeful process, during which trainees acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for safe movement.

3. The role of parents in teaching children the rules of the road

Parents Help Teach Children Traffic The child's real experience on the street relates to where his parents live, what types of transport they use, how far is his kindergarten from home, and how he gets to him.

A child's behavior is influenced by the behavior of adults. Since most often he crosses the road with his parents, the interaction of the kindergarten with the family in matters of upbringing, prudent attitude to transport is paramount.

It is important to explain to parents that a child should not only be afraid of injury or be scared of cars, but understand that accidents and other people may suffer through his own fault. Adults should, while communicating with a child on the street, constantly explain their behavior when crossing the street, when using personal and public transport.

By acting out situations with cars, trains, dolls, street plans, etc. children can already at preschool age understand how the rules of interaction between road users are arranged. Looking at walking and standing people from the driver's point of view, while skating, rollerblading, skiing, sledging, scooters, bicycles, children can gain the experience of moving at different speeds, feel what it means to collide with an obstacle at high speed.

All this should be known to parents as well.

Working with parents can take many forms:

    Joint entertainment and leisure: “Everyone should know the ABC of the streets”, “Competent pedestrian”.

    Educator's consultations: "The role of adults in teaching children safe behavior on the road", "Features of the behavior of preschool children on the road."

    Creation of memos, screens on the road theme: "Attention - we are crossing the street", "For the parent - the driver", "How to ride in public transport", "Do you remember?"


    Demonstration classes.

    Meetings with the traffic police inspector. Video views: "What does inattention to children lead to."

    Thematic conversations, round table meetings: “And so in our family” - exchange of experience.

    Contests: drawings: "My street", "The road through the eyes of children", "Necessary signs"; layouts, traffic lights.

Maintenance of parenting corners for learning traffic rules

The main goal of creating a road safety corner is to explain to parents that they are the main link in teaching children the rules of the road. It depends on their actions how firmly the child will acquire the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is their behavior that is of decisive importance when a child chooses "his own style" of crossing the carriageway.

Making out such a corner, the educator must make parents his main allies in teaching kids the complex alphabet of roads. Here it is important to show parents the seriousness of the problem, identify situations that often lead to tragedy, explain in what cases and why children do not feel comfortable on the road.

The corner can be designed like this:

    A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30 * 65 cm).

    A set of components, each of which is designed to accommodate separate information

    Clamshell book

To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example:

    "The price of haste is your child's life"

    "Attention - we are your children!"

    "The child has the right to live!"

    "It is foolish to save your time at the expense of a child's life"

Considering the important role of parents in teaching children the rules of the road, the corner for parents should contain:

    Information on the state of road traffic injuries in the city

    Causes of road traffic accidents involving children

    List and description of games aimed at reinforcing existing knowledge of the rules of the road in children

    Stories of children about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents.

During the school year, at parent-teacher meetings, it is necessary to bring the curriculum to the parents in the part that provides for measures to prevent child injuries on the street, in the yards. Draw the attention of parents to especially dangerous areas in the yard, on the street, and also recommend places for children to play.

Recommend, especially to young parents, to draw up a diagram of the yard with an indication of dangerous places. This helps children navigate faster and avoid accidents. Using these schemes, you can invite children to tell how they will play in the yard: where is it safe to ride a bike, play ball, badminton and other games. Conversely, children should be told where they are not allowed to play; these are car parks, garages, garbage cans, various buildings. All this disciplines children, they quickly understand what can and cannot be done. In the course of daily work with parents, inform them about how the child behaves on walks, in a group, and give them the necessary recommendations, for example: read a poem; buy a child (or make together with him) toy cars, traffic lights, figures of guards and organize a game with various situations that children can get on the street.

Now, when many parents have video equipment, computer equipment, they can be used to teach a child traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads and streets.

Observe the work of the traffic light, draw the child's attention to the connection between the colors at the traffic lights and the movement of cars and pedestrians;

Show traffic signs, tell about their purpose and the procedure for pedestrians and drivers.

A child learns the laws of the road, first of all, through the example of adults. The example of elders should help the child develop the habit of behaving in accordance with the rules of the road. This is the main factor in fostering disciplined behavior on the street. To consolidate the program material, children are given homework assignments, which they performed under the guidance of their parents.


Systematic work with children on teaching the rules of the road, the use of effective, modern methods and techniques, taking into account age characteristics give positive results. Diagnostics of knowledge on traffic rules and safe behavior shows the following results: that all children have mastered road signs well, they know the rules for crossing the road with and without traffic lights, they know the rules of passenger behavior very well.The main thing for educators and parents in introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road is to convey to children the meaning, the need for knowledge and skills on this issue. And it is always necessary to remember that the child learns the laws of the roads, following the example of family members and other adults. After all, it is not enough just to read, tell, teach a child, you need to show how to behave correctly on the street. Otherwise, any purposeful training loses its meaning.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that every teacher entrusted with the upbringing of children needs to master modern scientific and pedagogical knowledge based on practical experience and recommendations of traffic police officers. Only then will the number of road accidents involving children decrease significantly. Understanding the problem of road safety and carrying out systematic and purposeful work to form the foundations of safe behavior in preschoolers on the roads and streets of the city, we can assume that the knowledge gained will be useful to pupils and parents of preschoolers in the future and will preserve not only health, but also life.

List of used literature

1. Antyukhin E., Sulla M. The concept of life safety education // Fundamentals of life safety. - 1997. - No. 5. С-5

2. Klimenko V.R. "Teach preschoolers the rules of the road."

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3. Lapshin V.I. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation. M. "Transport" 1999

4. Childhood program. The team of authors - teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

5. Program "Origins". The team of authors - researchers of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V. Zaporozhets.

6. The program of health-preserving direction "Fundamentals of safety of preschool children" Authors: RB Sterkina, OL Knyazeva, NN Avdeeva.

7. Saulina T.F. "Three traffic signals" M. "Enlightenment" 1989

8. Stepanenkova E.Ya., Filenko M.F. "For preschoolers on the rules of the road." M. "Education" 1975

9. Khromtsova T.G. Education of Safe Behavior of Preschoolers on the Street: Textbook - M .: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2007.

10. Cherepanova S.N. Traffic rules - M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2009.

11. Yuryanin "Traffic light" M. Publishing house "Children's Literature" 1971