Grease parchment paper for baking. Do I need to grease parchment paper

When the inspiration comes to cook something, but the house lacks the right ingredients or tools for this, you have to look for alternatives and improvise. Parchment paper is a dense and smooth material suitable for oven cooking. Sometimes you don't notice how it ended, because it does not happen every day to apply the product. In this case, you can replace it with other options, especially for baking.

Parchment or baking paper

On the supermarket counters in the confectionery section, you can see not only parchment, but also baking paper. Often consumers purchase these products thinking that they are the same in their properties. But is it? How do these products differ and for what purposes is each suitable? Let's try to figure it out.

Baking parchment

This type of baking paper is very popular among culinary specialists. And this is not surprising, since parchment has many useful properties:

  • retains fat and moisture;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • made from natural materials;
  • can be used as packaging material;
  • does not crumble.

The peculiarity of parchment paper is also that it does not need to be oiled. Even the most sticky dough will easily come off a sheet of parchment. The use does not require special knowledge. A piece of parchment of the desired size is cut from a roll and stretched onto a baking dish. It is better to cut off the excess at the edges of the form so that it does not wrap inward. Parchment paper does not require special storage conditions, but it is desirable that moisture does not get on it.

Baking paper

The use of this paper is also widespread in the household. Baking paper is a material made from fatty cellulose. It differs from parchment in that only fat can withstand. Moisture and other liquids freely pass through it, without lingering on the surface. The maximum temperature that baking paper can withstand is typically 170 ° C. It is allowed not to grease it if products from fatty shortcrust pastry will be baked on it. In all other cases, in order to avoid sticking of paper to the finished product, it is better to oil it.

What can replace parchment paper when baking

Sometimes the inspiration to bake a cake or cookie is taken by surprise when there is no pastry parchment at home or in a nearby store. In this case, you have to replace the parchment with what is. Depending on the dish, this versatile culinary item can be successfully replaced with foil, sewing tracing paper, silicone mat, regular writing paper, or flour (breadcrumbs, semolina) sprinkled over a baking dish. Each replacement option has its own pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


It is possible to use foil instead of parchment, but you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • for baking confectionery, the product must be greased with oil;
  • when baking meat dishes, oil may not be needed;
  • the products are laid out on the shiny side;
  • during cooking, a small amount of aluminum from the surface can get into the dish.

A significant plus of this naaoga is that, thanks to its properties, you can make any desired shape from it (for example, for a cake). To prevent the dish from burning during the cooking process, cover the form with the culinary product with a sheet of foil.

Sewing tracing paper

This paper differs little from parchment: color, density, material of manufacture. As a substitute, sewing tracing paper is perfect for baking pastry from shortcrust and yeast dough. You just need to pre-oil it. This option is also relatively cheap. It is convenient to bake cookies on tracing paper, but it is not recommended to cook a biscuit or meringue on it, because it can get wet and stick to the finished dish.

Silicone mat

It is a very ergonomic baking and roasting tool. Culinary products do not stick to the surface of the rug. A silicone mat, when used and cared for correctly, will last a long time. It is convenient to bake almost any pastry dish on it: from meringues to pies. With the help of a silicone mat, it will be possible to prepare a dish without getting any stains on the baking dish.

Writing paper

If there are no baking alternatives to parchment at hand, plain writing paper will do. It is, of course, not recommended to use it for baking. But why not give it a try? The sheet must be well greased with oil and baked on it at a relatively low temperature, because there is a risk of fire. When working, you should be prepared for the fact that it can get wet or stick both to the form and to the confection itself.

Flour (crackers, semolina)

It is permissible to sprinkle the surface of the mold or baking sheet with flour, breadcrumbs or semolina if you plan to bake from shortcrust or yeast dough. When using this method, you should carefully monitor the baking process, because these types of powders may start to burn and the product will absorb the burning smell.

Fat (butter or sunflower oil, margarine)

These are good substitutes for parchment paper, but they cannot save the confectionery blank from sticking and burning. A significant disadvantage of this method is also that the product can absorb the taste and aroma of these products.

With a strong desire, a way out of the situation can always be found, even if there was no parchment paper in the house. The main thing is to act wisely and evaluate the consequences of using alternative improvised means when baking. And, of course, it is better not to forget to purchase the necessary devices for cooking delicious dishes for future use.

  • Before buying, pay attention to the recommendations for use and the composition. The manufacturer indicates this on the packaging: there is a disposable one - made of cellulose, and for repeated use - with silicone impregnation.
  • If you bought paper that is only for baking, you should not bake vegetables, meat, or fish in it. It will get wet, tear, and the product will stick - and you will have to separate it in a plate.
  • Reusable thick baking paper is equally good for baking a variety of dishes and for baking. But this does not mean that after baking fish or meat, you can cook cookies, pizza or cakes on it.
  • Indispensable for rolling thin cakes. Some shortbread doughs can only be rolled between two layers of baking paper.

Which baking paper to choose?

  • Thin and fragile Several different materials can be referred to as baking paper. The least durable (and cheapest) is thin tracing paper. Translucent, thin, easily soaking and sticks to biscuits and muffins with a little fat. Another disadvantage of tracing paper is that with prolonged baking, it can become brittle and even crumble. It is suitable for yeast baked goods, shortbread baked goods as well as cold pastries such as cheesecakes based on cookie crumbs mixed with butter. It is recommended to grease it.
  • Thick and durable The next strongest is ordinary parchment, similar to packaging. It is a smooth parchment paper for baking, usually brown in color, impregnated with a sulfuric acid solution, and because of this, it has become more durable, plastic, resistant to moisture and high temperatures. Does not change its properties at specific temperatures and absorbs fat relatively well. Ideal for baking dough with a lot of fat. If the same parchment is used for baking low-fat dough, it must be greased with oil.
  • Universal The most popular option is thin silicone coated parchment paper for baking, which lags best behind finished products, including biscuits, does not allow moisture to pass through, hardly absorbs fat, and requires additional lubrication. It can be used to bake any type of dough, and for everything except biscuits, many times. Inside, they usually bake dishes of meat, poultry and fish. There is a variety that can withstand temperatures up to 250-300 ° C and is intended for bakery production.
  • Silicone A separate, expensive option is baking paper with a double-sided silicone coating that forms air chambers and a three-dimensional baking structure. It features a thicker silicone layer. It is usually brown in color and sold in sheets.

How to use baking paper

There are many options for paper envelopes for baking dishes. We offer the most popular ones - proven by years of practice.

  • Put a square of paper on the table, place the products in the center. Lift the two opposite ends, connect, tuck and secure with skewers, do the same with the remaining two.
  • Cut out a rectangle, place food on one side, cover with the other. Join the edges and twist tightly.
  • Cut two circles out of baking paper. Put the food on one, cover with the second circle. Connect the edges and, turning them 2-3 times, twist and pinch tightly. This option is good because when serving on a plate, the upper circle of paper can be easily removed.

How to replace baking paper

There are also paper molds for muffins and other dough products: they are usually placed in metal or ceramic molds so that they do not have to be washed, and baked goods do not blur at a high oven temperature, but retain the desired appearance. In addition, small muffins and muffins in a bright paper wrapper can be served beautifully and conveniently.

  • Please note that baking pans for cakes, muffins, shortbreads and rolls are inexpensive and are sold in the utility departments of supermarkets. 9 common baking mistakes
  • In addition to baking in such forms, you can cook fish and meat rolls from minced meat, casseroles.

Mini pizzas with caramelized onions


12 pizzas


50 minutes


  • 200 g ready-made frozen pizza dough
  • 100 g mozzarella
  • 3 large onions (peeled, chopped into thick circles)
  • 100 g ketchup or other tomato sauce
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter and olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara

1. Fry the onion in slices on both sides in a mixture of oils. Season with pepper, salt and sugar.

2. Cut 12 circles out of rolled dough and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Grease the dough with tomato sauce, put a circle of onion, a slice of mozzarella.

3. Preheat oven to 200 ° C, bake pizzas for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.

Advice: Mini pizzas are good with cheese, capers and olives, or toasted bacon and pickles.

There are several ways to use baking paper. In addition to the classic lining of the inner surface of the form, you can use other methods:

  1. Cut a square of the desired size from the roll. Place food prepared for roasting in the center. Now take the opposite corners in your hands and connect them together with a skewer. Do the same with the other two corners.
  2. Cut a rectangular piece of paper from the roll. In this case, lay out the products on one side of the rectangle. The rest will be used as a lid. Then the edges of the rectangle must be tightly twisted together.
  3. Cut out two circles from paper. On the first place, we place the products. Cover with the second. Now we tuck the sides like a pie and pinch them well.

All options for use are good because they prevent the food from burning and drying out during cooking. You now know how to bake on parchment paper.

What kind of baking paper is there?

Manufacturers offer several varieties of parchment. The simplest option is tracing paper. It is very thin and gets soaked easily. It is not recommended for baking biscuits and muffins, the recipe for which contains a lot of oil. Tracing paper will be appropriate for yeast and shortcrust pastry products. It must first be lubricated with oil.

Parchment is considered more durable. This paper is distinguished by a smooth surface and a brownish color due to a special impregnation. Sulfuric acid is used as such. It is she who makes the parchment more durable and resistant to high temperatures combined with moisture.

All-purpose baking paper is the most popular. The thin silicone coating allows baked goods to be removed without damaging the parchment, so it can be reapplied. This paper can be used for roasting meat and fish.

The best type of parchment paper is silicone paper.

Thick paper can be used for cooking fish, meat and vegetables, as well as baking.

Who doesn't love treating themselves to fresh baked goods for dinner? Light and airy meringue, soft raspberry puffs, pies, sweet and salty - everything your heart desires. Each housewife has her own culinary secret. One uses parchment paper for baking and baking, the other uses oiled paper or foil. The taste of the prepared dishes depends on what to cover the baking sheet with. Of course, parchment paper is the most convenient way. But if suddenly there is no such paper at hand, you can find a replacement for it.

What is baking parchment

Parchment paper, or, its other name, baking paper, is a unique material that has a lot of advantages. It is not subject to combustion, does not get wet or crumble, is grease-proof and resistant to high temperatures, and also retains the shape of the baked goods and its aroma, preventing the ingress of foreign odors. The parchment is impregnated with a solution of treated sulfuric acid (in the manufacturing process, after applying the solution, the parchment is immediately washed), and it is absolutely harmless for preparing confectionery and any other products on it, it can be used many times, maybe once, depending on the quality of the parchment sheets.

How baking paper is used

Such paper is placed on a baking sheet, covered with a baking dish and baking dish. It serves as a layer between a baking sheet, frying pan or special form and the dish that is cooked on them. So the product will not burn, stick, or damage the dishes, which is also a clear plus. It must be remembered that the parchment should not touch the walls or door of the oven, it should only come into contact with the baking sheet itself, the form and the dish. Also, parchment paper can be used in the preparation of cold confectionery products, such as cheesecakes, in this case its main function is to preserve the shape of the product.

Parchment and baking paper - is there a difference

There is a difference, but it is quite insignificant. Parchment is thicker and works well for baking oily items, while the grease will make the paper soak.

Parchment is intended both for baking products and for storing them. It usually contains very fatty foods or very moist foods such as butter, spread, margarine or curd products. Confectionery and bakery products are baked in parchment. If the parchment is additionally covered with a silicone film on top, its water and grease repellent properties increase, then it is used for baking oil products from batter.

Baking paper is usually suitable for baking and storing medium-fat foods - these include hard cheeses in addition to confectionery.

Important: Baking paper, parchment, is intended only for baking, and you should not bake meat, fish or vegetables in it. For such purposes, there is a baking sleeve that will not get wet, tear or spoil the appearance of the product.

Do I need to lubricate them with oil

Parchment paper for baking greasy items is not greased, and additional greasing is required for baking low-fat and non-greasy items. Paper is less grease-repellent than parchment and should be greased to avoid sticking to it.

What can replace parchment paper for baking

There are situations when you really want to bake something, but parchment paper was not at hand. How it can be replaced - consider in the table.

Table: the pros and cons of different options for replacing parchment paper.

Replacement optionsprosMinusesIs lubrication requiredWhat can you bake?What cannot be baked?
Drawing (or sewing) tracing paper
  • Can be purchased at any stationery store;
  • Affordable.
  • Too thin
  • It gets soaked from the juice from the products;
  • The baked goods may burn;
  • Sticks to the bottom and sides of baked goods;
  • Cracks at temperatures over 200 degrees.
RequiredSuitable for baked goods with a high fat content (eg shortcrust pastry or yeast dough) and for cold baked goods (cheesecakes).
  • You should not use it for making biscuits and muffins, as well as other products with a low amount of fat - it will simply stick to them, even if it is well oiled;
  • Remember that tracing paper is a thin material that can easily get wet, so pies with berry or fruit fillings are not baked on it.
  • Does not burn;
  • Absorbs moisture released;
  • Can be applied up to six times;
  • Suitable for freezing workpieces.
  • Heats up quickly.
Not requiredThe moisture-absorbing paper is suitable for baking products with medium fat content - curd products, bread, kefir baked goods. Even without smudging such paper, they will not stick.You can not bake very fatty products on such paper, such as biscuits with sour cream or shortbread, butter baked goods.
Plain oiled office paper
  • The baked goods are burning;
  • Products stick to office paper;
  • Do not leave in the oven for a long time;
  • May begin to crumble;
  • Fire may occur at high temperatures (250-300 degrees) if not soaked in oil.
RequiredOiled office paper is suitable for baking unpretentious and uncomplicated products such as Easter cottage cheese or biscuits.Not suitable for baking French macaroons, strudel.
  • Not afraid of heat;
  • Allowed to be used many times.
Not requiredA silicone mat is a universal device, you can bake whatever you want on it, its surface will not damage the shape of the products and will not affect their structure.
Silicone coated paper
  • Suitable for multiple use (up to eight times);
  • Does not dry out the dough.
Not requiredSilicone coated paper easily lags behind the finished baked goods, so it can be used many times, and it is suitable for any type of dough (for a whimsical biscuit, use it only once, otherwise it will begin to stick).
Roasting bag
  • Prevents food from burning.
  • Cannot be used at temperatures over 200 degrees.
Not requiredThe baking bag can be used to bake shortbread cookiesYou cannot bake juicy pies and pies
  • Baking can burn because the foil raises its temperature;
  • You need to follow the process - turn over the baking sheet with foil.
RequiredBiscuits can be baked on shiny foil, but there is a high risk that they will burn.Foil as a material is more suitable for baking juicy things, not for baking.
  • Products do not stick to such forms;
  • Ready-made baked goods can be easily removed from them;
  • Heat-resistant (withstand maximum 250 degrees);
  • They are easy to clean.
Not requiredAny type of dough is also baked in silicone molds, it is important to remember that they are filled only by one third, because the dough greatly increases in volume during baking.
Paper baking dishes
  • Products do not burn;
  • Baking is obtained in portions;
  • You can use brightly colored molds.
Not requiredPaper molds are suitable for baking muffins, muffins, Easter cakes and cupcakes.Not suitable for baked goods such as eclairs and profiteroles

You do not need to use an intermediate layer in the form of various papers, but simply grease the baking sheet with margarine, spread or butter. There is an option to stop at this, or cover the top with an oil layer with semolina, flour or bread crumbs. Be careful, the flour may burn.

The oiled baking sheet can be used to make pies, pies, casseroles. You cannot bake tender meringues or French macarons on such a baking sheet - they will definitely burn.

Prepare cake layers and bake cookies on an oiled baking sheet with sprinkles.

Also, one of the options for replacing the use of baking paper is baking on non-stick baking sheets, in which case they do not need to be oiled.

Some housewives use a non-stick mixture, grease it on baking dishes or baking sheets. Here is her recipe:

  1. Take half a glass of any flour of any kind, vegetable oil and culinary (confectionery) fat. As fat, you can use ghee and even lard, everything except margarine. The fat should be cold.
  2. Mix all the "ingredients", start whisking with a mixer at low speed, at low speed.
  3. Gradually increase the whipping speed, the mixture should turn white and increase in size.
  4. As soon as the non-stick mixture becomes silvery, we turn off the mixer and can use it.
  5. The mixture is applied to the bottom and sides of trays and baking dishes with a special silicone brush.

Such a mixture is prepared more than once, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one year and can be used not only for baking, but also for other culinary purposes - for example, baking meat, fish or vegetables.

Video: how to make a non-stick baking mixture

Using parchment paper, you can make meringues, eclairs and custard cakes, bake cakes - delicate and fragile sweets will not stick to the baking sheet, and their shape and structure will not be disturbed. Parchment also helps when baking from yeast dough with fillings - berry or fruit, which involve the release of sweet fruit juice, without parchment it can flow out and turn into fruit caramel right on the baking sheet, and it can be very difficult to wash it. Such capricious things as biscuit, which loves to stick very much, are also baked on parchment.

Parchment substitutes for baking: examples in the photo

The tracing paper has a very low density. Absorbent paper suitable for baking curd and kefir products Silicone baking mat - versatile Silicone coated paper is reusable It is very easy to get ready-made baked goods from silicone molds - you just need to turn them out Cookies in silicone molds turn out to be very beautiful Baking in paper forms turns out portioned and beautiful Paper tins are convenient for baking muffins and muffins

Housewives who are engaged in baking know about baking paper firsthand. The use of parchment keeps the shape of the culinary product, frees you from washing the baking sheet, saving the hostess's time and nerves. The advantage of parchment is the ability to bake without sticking to the baking sheet, and the cake or muffin will not fall apart when removed.

Baking paper is an environmentally friendly natural material. Its possibilities are not limited to its use only in baking - it is suitable for freezing food, in the preparation of cold confectionery dishes (here the material performs the function of preserving the shape of the product).

In baking, parchment is used repeatedly (at least 5 times), and this is an undoubted economic benefit. There are several types of baking paper - they differ in the raw materials used in the manufacture and quality.


Depending on the raw materials used, 3 types of paper are produced, intended for baking or preparing certain dishes.

Tracing paper

Tracing paper is a cheap type of baking material. It cannot be used several times, because the finished material is thin, swells quickly and spreads out during use. In fact, the presented paper is not intended for use in baking - this habit has remained from the times when baking paper rarely appeared on sale and housewives adopted tracing paper, which is used mainly in the construction of patterns for sewing, in cooking.

Tracing paper is used for baking products made from yeast dough or shortbread. This paper must be oiled before baking.


Parchment paper is a special material made for baking. It looks like a packing material, dense, smooth, brown in color. To give the parchment strength, resistance to high temperatures, resistance to moisture, it is impregnated with sulfuric acid.

Parchment is used repeatedly and does not lose its properties. It perfectly absorbs oil and fat, therefore it is good to use it for baking pastry with a high oil content. In this case, it is not necessary to additionally lubricate the parchment with oil. If the dough is not greasy, then for safety reasons, you can grease it with a thin layer of oil.

Silicone parchment

Silicone coated parchment is the most popular baking material. It does not swell with moisture and is not saturated with grease, so you do not need to lubricate it. Suitable for absolutely any dough, for baking meat and fish dishes. It is the most heat-resistant, will not burn and smoke in the oven.

Baking paper, laid on a baking sheet, should be cut off so that it does not touch the walls of the oven. Whether it is necessary to grease it with oil depends on the type of dough being prepared. Butter dough with a high fat content does not need additional grease on the paper, but yeast dough should be greased if simple parchment or tracing paper is used for baking.