Tearfulness in children: the main causes and treatment of pathology. Childish tearfulness. Causes and solutions

It's not a secret for any of the parents that kids are able to play too actively during the day and overwork in the evening. Also, children may complain of severe fatigue after school lessons, and this is normal. But what if the child has consistently lethargic behavior? What is the reason for chronic overwork in childhood?

Fatigue is a consequence of a lack of energy. It is quite normal to experience it after a long period of activity. But constant complaints of fatigue from a child indicate some disorders in the body. There can be several factors leading to lethargic behavior in children, and each of them is quite serious.

Lack of food and sleep

The well-being of a person directly depends on the daily diet. If a child is lethargic and not energetic, it is likely that he or she is not getting the required amount of vitamins and minerals from the diet. Or he consumes too much sugar, which allows him to feel the surge of vigor for only a short time, which is quickly replaced by a feeling of overwork.

Also, an unbalanced diet often leads to the so-called anemic state, when the child's body lacks iron. Deficiency of this mineral triggers serious processes, reducing attention and physical activity. Children with iron deficiency anemia look pale and tired in the morning, and they need medical attention. However, the lack of other minerals - magnesium, calcium and potassium, as well as vitamins of the B and C groups - leads to chronic fatigue. It is not for nothing that spring hypovitaminosis is associated with sluggish and irritable behavior.

Along with the diet, analyze the child's sleep. Most pediatricians believe that a huge number of children are faced with sleep deprivation in one way or another. Perhaps, if only the clock is taken into account, the child is getting enough sleep. But you need to understand that babies under 12 years old have an increased need for rest, although they themselves do not understand this and do not go to “doze”, feeling tired. If your child has not yet reached adolescence, but at the same time he sleeps only 8-9 hours a day (this is normal for adults, but not for children), it is worth considering naps or, if this is not possible, falling asleep earlier.


It's not just adults who experience stress. Children are susceptible to it not less, and perhaps more because of excessive impressionability. A tense atmosphere in the family, problems in kindergarten or school, quarrels with peers can be the cause of the child's depression. Again, in childhood, the effects of stress are more pronounced. They lead to sleep disturbances, nervousness and depression. If you notice that the baby's behavior has changed and became lethargic precisely after some traumatic event, most likely the problem is of a psychological nature, and you should make an appointment with a neurologist.

Chronic infections and hypoglycemia

Some infectious diseases can cause prolonged, debilitating fatigue and drowsiness. It is often accompanied by muscle weakness and poor coordination. For example, it can be infectious mononucleosis, which is difficult to recognize and cure to the end due to mild symptoms, because parents often confuse it with the common cold.

If your baby's chronic fatigue is accompanied by weight loss and intense thirst, this may indicate low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). It is characteristic that the child's behavior in this case becomes more active after eating, when the body receives a portion of sugar from food. Hypoglycemia is a rather dangerous phenomenon, therefore, if you suspect it, immediately consult a doctor.

What can parents do?

Analyze your child's behavior. If he has always been phlegmatic and calm, perhaps the lethargic behavior is simply due to his character and personality type. It is not worth sounding the alarm, but it will also not be superfluous to consult about this at a scheduled appointment with a neurologist.

The situation is different if your baby was previously cheerful and active, and fatigue and lethargy have only recently appeared. Such changes cannot happen without a corresponding reason, and you should definitely contact your pediatrician. Tell him in detail all your observations. For example, is the child always depressed, or the peaks of activity are replaced by sharp fatigue. A specialist should identify the specific cause and suggest steps to fix the problem.

At the same time, you need to take general measures to improve the child's condition. These include the proper organization of sleep and nutrition, frequent walks in the fresh air, the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes and, of course, a warm, loving atmosphere in the family.

In pursuit of fashion, most parents heavily load their children with extra activities and tutors. Children began to walk less in the fresh air, and the air in the city cannot be called healthy. Instead of outdoor games and communication, children sit in front of a TV and a computer, the pediatrician of the center for the integrated development of childhood diseases at the regional children's hospital in Shymkent, Botagoz Rakhimzhanova, laments. Children who are weakened cannot withstand the load. They develop headaches, dizziness, severe fatigue, apathy and lack of interest even in their favorite activities.

- What are the most common diseases that can cause fatigue in children?

- The most common cause of sudden fatigue is the common cold, or acute respiratory illness, when the throat becomes inflamed and the ears hurt. After suffering a cold, the child may be lethargic, lethargic for 10 days. But if this lethargy persists, then fatigue may be the result of hepatitis. Sometimes the child suffers from bouts of sudden fatigue, which is accompanied by a desire to drink often, and the parents may also notice that the child urinates more often than usual. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, as these symptoms can raise suspicions of diabetes, especially if they are accompanied by abdominal pain and weight loss of the child, and fatigue appears on the eve of dinner or after lunch. It happens that anemia also causes increased fatigue. Therefore, a blood test should be done in order to either exclude this disease, or, upon finding it, to carry out adequate treatment. There are also periods of increased fatigue. Including preschool age, when periods of intense activity are replaced by periods of depression. Over-energetic children also lose most of their energy as they reach adolescence, and this is quite normal.

- What other reasons could there be?

- Basically, children never get tired for a long time, but if this happens, you must first of all make sure that they are not upset or worried about anything. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the child, since there are children who like to read books, and not play a soccer ball all day. Finally, sometimes lethargy and lethargy can be caused by medications prescribed by your doctor.

- What about sleep and rest?

- The appearance of fatigue is facilitated by a decrease in the duration of night sleep or disturbance of daytime sleep, insufficient stay in the fresh air, improper alternation of work and rest. Fatigue easily occurs with prolonged monotonous activities, excessive amusement of the child, persistent requests from adults to be in one position, to sit quietly and not move.

- What harm can fatigue do?

- Everything is not as safe as it might seem at first glance, because the accumulated fatigue can develop into chronic. Often, schoolchildren, with mental activity associated with long-term studies at school and in several circles at the same time, may experience severe fatigue. Its external signs are manifested in the form of pallor of the mucous membranes and skin, uncertain and sluggish movements, sometimes there is a tremor of the hands. The pace of work becomes slower, children no longer show interest in activities. They are easily excitable, whiny and irritable, make many mistakes and are completely inattentive.

- How can parents help such a child?

- Start by improving your physical health. Understand what kind of ailment torments the child. Perhaps he lacks vitamins, or he is not eating properly. Come up with a new menu that will contain the required amount of nutrients. Make sure that your child breathes fresh air at least once a day. Review your daily routine and change it if necessary. You can remove any elective and give the child an extra hour to rest. If, on the contrary, there is too much rest, then choose a useful and interesting activity for your child. Try to get him to go to bed no later than 10:00 pm. Sleep between 11:00 pm and 2:00 am is very important. If you stay awake during these hours, your metabolism will be disrupted. Only after sleeping this time, in the morning you can feel vigorous and sleepy.

- What is the main mistake of parents?

- Did you know that children can easily pick up fatigue from their own parents? For example, a mother or father has been complaining about hard working days for some time in a row: “Oh, what a crazy day. Not a minute of peace! Tired, no strength! " And the child's subconsciousness develops a similar perception of reality. Everything starts to seem complicated and tiresome to him. So, dear parents, watch your emotions. And yet, you can not scold a child for academic failure and changed behavior. Talk to him, figure out what is bothering him, and together determine what needs to be done to overcome this condition.

- Parents do not always manage to find the culprit for fatigue. How to be?

- There are situations when parents cannot figure out what exactly is happening to their child. Only a competent specialist-psychologist and pediatrician can help here. He will not only establish the causes of the problem, but will also give valuable advice, tell you whether the fatigue is caused by physical ailment or discomfort, or the reason lies in the emotional state of the child. In any case, do not despair and panic. Remember, this problem is not unique. 50% of the world's population suffers from fatigue, the other 50% consulted a doctor and found a solution to the problem.


In fact, fatigue, more often than not, is not a childish whim, but a sign indicating serious malfunctions in the body. And if you take a closer look at the baby, you will see that this is a whole set of various symptoms. Let's talk about the causes of fatigue in a small child.

The baby becomes lethargic, inactive, loses interest in the usual types of physical activity (bicycle, sports complex, active games). Sleep is disturbed, and the baby can sleep unusually long, or, on the contrary, suffer from insomnia. A small child regularly complains of headache and muscle pain, dizziness. The toddler does not tolerate any movement in space, especially in transport. Appetite is disturbed, the crumb refuses the usual dishes. Any event, sad or joyful, leads to rapid emotional exhaustion. Behavior changes. Usually a calm, docile little child becomes tearful, capricious, reacts painfully to any remark or failure.

Please note: a symptom of overfatigue can also be overexcitation, which is uncharacteristic for a baby: increased physical activity, refusal from daytime sleep, unreasonable uncontrolled laughter, etc. Of course, everyone can overwork from time to time, and you shouldn't make a reason for panic out of this, but if a small child regularly, at least once a week, complains of fatigue and looks overworked, this is a reason to take a closer look at him. Indeed, permanent fatigue can have very serious reasons that must be identified and eliminated in time. So what are these reasons?

Viral infections - in addition to ARVI and influenza, there are a number of chronic viral infections (herpes, cytomegalovirus), which for the time being are almost asymptomatic, making themselves felt only by persistent fatigue. Violations of the blood count - changes in the level of red blood cells or leukocytes in the blood can lead to constant fatigue. The consequence of head injuries - very often parents miss mild concussions in young children, attributing sudden lethargy to various other reasons.

Rapid growth - during a period of intensive growth, the cardiovascular system may not have time to rebuild to meet the new needs of the body. Stress - a sharp increase in physical or emotional stress, for example, when entering a kindergarten, a strong emotional shock (divorce of parents, hospitalization) often lead to inhibition. The nervous system, protecting itself from overloads, slows down reactions and requires rest.

Please note: a sharp change in climatic and time zones can also lead to severe depletion of the nervous system. Therefore, often children, returning from a vacation in hot countries, look not so much healthier as tired and haggard. If the baby regularly, at least once a week, complains of fatigue, it is necessary to identify and eliminate its cause. See your doctor and get tested. If necessary, go through a detailed examination. Improve your baby's sleep. Be sure to put your child to rest during the day.

Try to spend more time outdoors.

Give your baby quality vitamins and preparations that support cerebral circulation (lecithin, Omega 3). With the help of your doctor, select wellness treatments (massage, gymnastics, hardening, herbal medicine, etc.). Avoid emotional overload, crowded children's parties, long trips, bright shows. Temporarily reduce intellectual and physical activity, and even more so do not introduce new ones. At least for a while, completely exclude the computer, TV, game consoles from the baby's life. Create the most peaceful, welcoming atmosphere at home. Be calm about the emotional outbursts of the baby, do not punish or scold him for "laziness" and "whims".

The child gets tired

The child gets tired, his psyche cannot cope with emotional and physical stress. In young children, this usually manifests itself in the form of unexpected whims, which can result in serious tantrums. Fatigue of an older child can be determined by a constantly exhausted appearance, the appearance of difficulty falling asleep, dark circles under the eyes.

Pediatricians believe that it is not normal for a child to feel tired often. A child may be susceptible to increased fatigue due to many diseases, including: various infections, toothaches, colds, chronic diseases of the throat and nose, allergic manifestations, thyroid problems, anemia, the presence of helminths ... medical examination.

Some of the most common reasons a child is tired are:

  1. The physical and emotional state of the mother during pregnancy. Any health problems of the mother during this period can negatively affect the child. Negative emotions of the mother also negatively affect the development of the fetus, as a result of which the child may sooner or later begin to show excessive excitability or constant depression.
  2. The child often gets tired doing the unloved business.
  3. The child is overloaded.
  4. Some children get tired as a result of their hyperactivity.
  5. A child may become tired as a result of a sudden change in lifestyle.
  6. Fatigue can be caused by inappropriate load distribution throughout the day.
  7. A child can get tired as a result of being around a lot of people.
  8. The monotony that manifests itself every day can lead to childhood fatigue.
  9. A child's psyche can not tolerate too stormy holidays.
  10. The lack of a daily routine (first of all, untimely going to bed) also negatively affects the child. On average, children aged 2-6 years should sleep 12 hours, 6-12 years old - 11 hours, from 12 years old - 10 hours.
  11. Often the child gets tired as a result, breakfast is especially important.
  12. A child's poor health can be the result of negative relationships in the family, in kindergarten or school.
  13. Sometimes the child can imitate the behavior and symptoms of “constantly tired” loved ones.

If the child is overworked, the first thing to do is see a doctor. Once the physical causes of childhood fatigue have been ruled out, use the following guidelines to help relieve the child from fatigue:

  • cancel unnecessary loads;
  • do not let your child understand that you are upset by his weakness and the fact that he did not live up to your expectations;
  • try to spend more time outdoors;
  • realign your busy schedule wisely;
  • be sure to give your child half an hour or an hour a day of quiet time. Give him the opportunity to be alone a little;
  • watch how much the child sleeps and what time he goes to bed;
  • if the child has changed his lifestyle, make sure that at first he rests more, gradually getting used to the new;
  • provide the child with adequate nutrition - he must receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Discuss family and community problems openly with your child. Convince him to talk frankly about everything that worries him;
  • it is necessary to limit the time that the child spends in front of the TV and at the computer;
  • take care of yourself, even if you feel tired, try not to complain about it again in front of your child.

Water can help relieve stress in a tired child. Let the child take a shower, bath, or just wash well under running water.

The classic way to relieve tension is through massage. It can be done before going to bed, with aromatic oil, with melodious music. You can use a special massager, a brush, or a piece of fur. Particular attention should be paid to the feet, where there are many active points.

Modeling is good for many children. Try to play together, you can do it with your eyes closed, the main thing is to have fun.

If the above measures do not help, take the child to a good neurologist. He can prescribe sedatives or tonic drugs, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, professional massage. You can consult a homeopath.

In the frantic pace of modernity, we often do not pay attention to fatigue and lack of sleep, at least when it comes only to us. But when we notice that our children, despite their young age, already have signs of chronic fatigue, then this is at least worrisome.

So what is the reason that the child began to tire quickly?


This malaise can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, adynamism (inactivity).
  • Decreased performance: the child does not want to do homework, homework, and even games / hobbies.
  • Decreased concentration and stability of attention... You can observe that the child began to often forget what he was told at school or even peers. In general, the state is characterized as a state of scattered attention.
  • The appearance of irritable weakness. It manifests itself in response to any stimulus from the outside. Due to fatigue, any external stimulus, even just a simple question from a parent or friend, is perceived as excessive, which entails a reaction of aggression and anger. This is due to the fact that the resources of the body and, in particular, the nervous system have been depleted.
  • There may be lags in learning activities, the development of new skills, etc.
  • Sleep disturbances: insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening at night, prolonged daytime sleep, nightmares.
  • Decreased background of mood or its frequent swings, with a predominance of apathetic, tearful, irritable mood.
  • Due to rapid fatigue, a child may often experience colds, gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) disorders and even allergic reactions.
  • Frequently recurring headaches, dizziness, pressure drops, abdominal pain, excessive sweating, tachycardia or bradycardia.


First of all, the reasons should be divided into psychological, social and physiological. In order not to immediately panic and not run to take a bunch of tests and run to doctors, you should ask the child himself what is happening to him, is there an objective and visible reason that he has become so often tired.

Social reasons

  1. A new social circle to which the child is not yet accustomed.
  2. New social status at school (for example, novice or excellent student), family status (for example, older brother / sister), etc .;
  3. Changes in the social status of the parents.
  4. Wrong parenting model of a child (like hyper- or hypo-care). Improper upbringing affects primarily the regime and satisfaction of the child's needs. For example, in case of hypo care, the child is left to himself, does not comply with the sleep-wake regime, spends almost all the time at the computer, which subsequently leads to increased fatigue.

Psychological reasons

  • Disorders in the child's adaptation to school, stress, etc.
  • Chronic stress in the immediate environment (family, school, friends).
  • Temperamental features (speed and strength of the nervous system response).
  • Personal characteristics of the child, for example, increased sensitivity to everything.
  • The presence of such disorders as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), neuroses, etc.
  • Dysfunctional family relationships: single-parent families, alcoholism in the family, codependency.

Physiological causes of rapid fatigue in a child

  • Diet.
  • High intracranial pressure.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Physical activity inadequate for the body. The child is either excessively overworked, or vice versa - the physical activity of the ultrasound scan of the vessels of the neck and head (ultrasound of the vessels), the immunogram is not enough for him.

    It also follows, firstly, normalize the child's day regimen: he must get up and go to bed at the same time, it is necessary to do homework, to do leisure time at a certain time. Secondly, minimizing stress. Thirdly, it is important to balance the nutrition of your child, he needs more vitamins and minerals, as well as a lot of proteins and slow carbohydrates. Fourthly, it is important to play sports and walk in the fresh air every day. This will normalize blood pressure, increase blood flow to the brain, and promote the release of endorphins.

    You can help your child by taking homeopathic or folk remedies. For example, tincture of ginseng root, lemongrass drops, as well as vitamins such as magnesium, B vitamins, etc. are often used.

    Perhaps the child should be helped in change of scenery- take him somewhere for the weekend, or walk with him in another place, enroll in a new sports section or circle. Or, on the contrary, the child has too fickle and stressful living conditions, and he needs more peace, constancy. In this case, try to provide the child with more calm and static conditions for life: reduce all stressful influences, talk with the child about what worries him and how to help him with it.

Most of us have forgotten what it is like to be a child. Parents look down at children, not understanding why he often cries. Tears are an absolutely normal reaction to various sad or joyful events. Excessive tearfulness is an emotional state, a sign of mental or physical weakening. If parents periodically observe such a condition in a child, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will send you for examination and according to the results.

Causes of increased tearfulness

In fact, there are many reasons for increased tearfulness. List of the most common reasons:

  1. Newborns cry because of hunger, want to be in their mother's arms, because they want to sleep or discomfort.
  2. In the 2nd month of life, before bedtime, the baby cries - this is a kind of emotional release that has accumulated during the day. It will pass over time.
  3. Loud sounds or voices.
  4. Falls and blows, as well as for any other physiological pain. In this case, you do not need to overly pity the child, just hug and say that this happens, and he must deal with it himself, because he is strong. Men don't cry - that's the wrong phrase. Many psychologists say that this is a terrible mistake for moms and dads. They misunderstand her, because masculinity is not measured in tears.
  5. The kid watched a sad cartoon.
  6. Children cry very often because they want to attract the attention of adults. Apparently, they just miss him. In this case, do not scold the child. Show how you love him and thereby you will create a base for friendships in the future, because parents are best friends. If this is not done, then wait for the corresponding reaction of the child: tantrums and disobedience.
  7. Fear of unfamiliar adults. Here the main mistake is made by mothers and fathers, because they scare the child: "Here, you will not obey, I will give you to your uncle or aunt." Children, especially when they are very young, believe in everything. With such phrases, you only instill fear inside the child. If you endlessly intimidate him, then he will have complexes.
  8. Medical reasons. In this case, you should immediately take the child to a neurologist or endocrinologist. If specialists find a pathology, it is necessary to be treated.
  9. A change of scenery or, more simply, a kindergarten or school. If things are better with the school, then with the kindergarten not everything goes smoothly, especially the first year. Every parent encounters this condition. In this situation, you need to lure the child, he should have an interest in what he will do during the day in kindergarten. As for the first trip to school, this is much less common, since during a huge amount of time in the garden, the child gets used to and quickly adapts to the new environment.
  10. Quarrels in the family. In this situation, the adults are to blame. Parents themselves sometimes do not notice that they have inflicted psychological trauma on the child. The slightest conflict or quarrel between parents in front of the baby can lead to consequences such as excessive tearfulness.
  11. Individual personality trait. Each of us has different things. She can be both strong and weak. If a child has weak nerves, then in the future, whether it is a man or a woman, he will be distinguished by increased sensitivity. In children, this condition is more pronounced, often accompanied by sleep disturbances.

  12. The crisis of a certain year of life. Typically, it occurs in a year, three years, and seven years. You should not pay attention to such whims, they will pass on their own over time.
  13. Manipulation. What does it mean? The child begins to be capricious as soon as the elders prohibit something.

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In addition, depression or previous abuse can be the cause of excessive tearfulness. Follow your child if he has any of the following symptoms, contact the doctor:

  • interest in life has disappeared
  • have nightmares
  • became tense, nervous tics and other warning signs appeared

First of all, identify the cause of this condition. Take a closer look at your child's behavior in different situations. If he is capricious, as soon as you have forbidden something, he thereby tries to manipulate you in order to achieve his goal no matter what. This behavior should not be encouraged, otherwise it will be much more difficult to cope with in the future. If tearfulness does not go away over time, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of tearfulness in children

Your child will completely get rid of tearfulness when the environment changes. We'll have to give up a number of things and put away some toys. Parents should be patient, because this process will take more than one or two days. It will take a huge amount of time, but the main thing here is the result.

An excellent impetus for a change of mood will be the emergence of bright colors in the life of your child. Start by renovating the child's room, create a new world for him that is full of positive emotions.
Remove the TV from the children's room, because it negatively affects the child, especially if he watches it at night.

Periodically visit with your child amusement parks, museums and theaters, thus the child will have the opportunity to relax.

Together with your child, do exercises in the morning, go in for sports. Children love to be proud of their parents.

And you also need as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and exclude those products that do not benefit or harm.

Depression treatment

The treatment of such a condition should be dealt with by a specialist: namely, a pediatrician or psychiatrist. Only one of them, having correctly assessed the situation, can prescribe drug therapy.

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Typically, antidepressants are used to treat this condition:

  • Fluoxetine
  • Paroxetine, etc.

They have a calming effect on the body. Medication fights obsessive thoughts and anxiety attacks. These drugs have virtually no side effects.

Depression in children of different ages is also treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy. It combines thought change and behavior correction. This therapy helps the child to deal with psychological problems and negative emotions, as a result of which the child is easier to adapt to society.

Among the tasks of individual psychotherapy is preparing a school-age child to correctly express their emotions, talk about fears, traumas and overcome such difficulties.

If quarrels, problems with mutual understanding occur very often in the family, parents cannot find a common language with the child, only psychotherapy will help in this.

Inappropriate parenting behavior

The main mistake of moms and dads is that parents try to overcome the excessive tearfulness of the child, demanding to stop crying, and sometimes ridiculing this state of the child, especially for boys. It is this upbringing that turns out that the child later becomes insecure and does not perceive himself.

In the future, the child's psyche will get stronger, self-control will develop, and this state will arise less and less. But it is very useful when communicating with him to emphasize the best aspects of life, gradually translating from bad thoughts, not allowing him to stay with them for a long time.

If the child has this condition suddenly, then look for the cause in the presence of chronic stress. Addiction to kindergarten or school, quarrels in the family, divorce of parents, problems with other children - all this weakens the child's psyche, making it emotional.

It is important to grasp the exact reason for the child's excessive tearfulness and cope with it together, and not just fight with tears.

It is worth remembering that this condition often occurs during the period of age crises (one year, three years, and seven years). It will usually go away on its own over time.

Many children, with the permission of their parents, like to play computer games, spend hours sitting with their phones. All this is reflected in their well-being. Posture, general development suffers, but the worst is not even that. . The child's eyesight falls. What to do if the child sees poorly? How to prevent this, how to help children? Let's figure it out.

Diseases of the eyes

Why does the child's eyesight fall? There are various diseases due to which vision deteriorates, but in children it is most often myopia (minus) or hyperopia (plus). The reasons for their appearance are hereditary pathology or work in which objects are located close. Almost all newborns suffer from farsightedness, but over time, vision comes to noma.

Can a child's vision be corrected? A child suffering from farsightedness can be cured; for many, vision is normalized by the age of 11.

This is what Natalia Piotrovskaya, an ophthalmologist who works with children, says about it. Farsightedness is a feature of the structure of the eye in children. It is much shorter. Can it be made to grow? There is no definite answer, much depends on human genetics. But, if you are constantly monitored by a doctor, then the specialist will tell you if there are any changes for the better. Restoration of vision in children is possible when it comes to hyperopia. If the baby's eye is growing rapidly, farsightedness is small, say, +2, at 4 years old, then it is possible that by the 1st or 2nd grade he will take off his glasses. If the situation is more serious, for example, a child has +6, then the first grade may not have one hundred percent vision, but significant improvements are possible.

With myopia, the situation is not so encouraging. A child cannot outgrow it. Myopia is an lengthening of the anterior - posterior axis of the eyeball. The eye lengthens, this is noticeable, we are talking about extra mm. It is impossible to make it small again. This is similar to a parent trying to shrink a toddler's leg with size 36 to 34. Can vision be restored? Unfortunately, it is impossible, but this does not mean that the parent should give up and let things go. If the doctor prescribed glasses for the child, they must be purchased. In addition, parents can, if not cure the baby, then suspend the deterioration at the very beginning, i.e. the child's eyesight will remain, say, at -1, and will not deteriorate to -2 or -3 ..

Digestive problems are a common problem among children. It can be susceptible to both infants, whose digestive system is still weak, and therefore failures in its work are not uncommon, as well as in children of preschool and school age. Many young parents do not know what to do if their child is feeling worse, the stomach has stopped. In medicine, this phenomenon is called atony.

Problems with this organ can be very different, they are accompanied by certain symptoms, have different causes, therefore, before you diagnose the baby yourself, you should study these factors.


Seeing that the baby is sick, analyze what symptoms it manifests itself.

In a child, stomach stoppage has the following symptoms:

  • Belching, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of a rotten egg;
  • Press lightly on the area of ​​this organ - if it works, you will feel the pulsation, otherwise there will be no pulsation;
  • The baby may experience shortness of breath even after little physical activity;
  • If the child's stomach stops, he feels a heaviness in the stomach;
  • He refuses to eat, because the disease is accompanied by a feeling of fullness of this digestive organ.

A symptom of the disease is the absence of a chair, the vain attempts of the baby to empty himself.

Fever can also indicate a disease, and this is the first signal that you should immediately consult a doctor. Often accompanied by his nausea and vomiting.

In some cases, the disease is accompanied by pain.


There are many possible provocateurs of the disease.

Most often, the problem is caused by such factors:

  • The most common cause is poor nutrition. The organism of children is very susceptible, and even a small portion of food, which, as the people say, "did not go", can cause this problem;
  • Some parents try to feed their child abundantly, and overeating is one of the reasons why the stomach can stop;
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs. Ailments are usually accompanied by vomiting, pain, bloating, and intestinal dysfunction;
  • Angina. Initially, the connection between these two ailments may not be seen, but it exists. The phlegm released during angina can enter the stomach, causing it to stop and vomit. The latter, as a rule, is single and is observed at night;
  • Rotavirus infection (intestinal flu). In this case, atony is a symptom of this disease;
  • Acetonemic syndrome. It can develop for a number of reasons. Possible provocateurs include diabetes mellitus, unhealthy diet, violation of its regime, and even an overabundance of emotions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. With an illness, the child may not only stop the stomach, but also smell of acetone, and at night there is repeated vomiting.

The initial stage of viral hepatitis, accompanied by vomiting, which does not bring relief of well-being, can also provoke atony, while the vomit is green.

Babies may also face a problem due to diseases of the central nervous system, as well as defects in the structure of the digestive organs, and only a doctor after examination will be able to understand the root cause in these cases. If atony is observed in a teenager, it may be due to hypertensive syndrome. Another of the provocateurs of the phenomenon is the disruption of the functioning of the endocrine organs.

Make sure that the child chews food thoroughly, otherwise it is possible that he will encounter atony. Provide him with peace of mind during the meal - this is necessary so that the food is absorbed, digested normally.


Not only people, but also stomachs are lazy. This is what this organ is called by the people, if the examination does not reveal diseases that provoke poor health, including stopping the stomach. In medicine, this phenomenon is called dyspepsia, and is understood as a periodic "refusal" of this organ to conscientiously do its job.

In some cases, this diagnosis is used as a temporary designation for dysfunction of the digestive system until its exact causes are clarified. Nevertheless, children often have simple dyspepsia, which is caused by the use of junk food, excessive emotional, physical, and mental stress.

If the stomach has risen for this very reason, it is necessary to be examined and eliminate the disease. Lack of treatment can lead to the development of toxic dyspepsia, which negatively affects the nervous, cardiovascular system, liver.

It is possible to talk about dyspepsia if problems with digestion, in particular, atony, are often observed in a child.

What to do?

It is advisable to consult a doctor with this problem, but, of course, any mother will want to provide first aid to her child.

What to do to "make" the stomach work again?

  • Give your child water to drink. If there is no need to provoke vomiting, you should give to drink several sips of liquid at intervals of 10 minutes. This is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body;
  • In case of nausea accompanying atony, vomiting should be induced in order to cleanse the digestive organ of undigested food. Water will help with this. If the baby is less than 3 years old, you need to give him about 1 glass of purified water. Older children, if the stomach has stopped and need to induce vomiting in the presence of nausea, give about ½ liter of fluid. After vomiting, the baby should feel better;
  • After a while, prepare a weak tea for your child, and later give him a small portion of low-fat food.

The fact that after vomiting the child will feel better does not mean that this process should be prolonged and repeated - this threatens dehydration, since he loses a lot of water with vomit. Give your baby little drinks all the time, and do not delay the visit to the doctor.

The disease can be accompanied by pain. To get rid of these sensations, the child needs to lie down quietly for 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to lie on your back with your legs tucked in. You can warm up a bottle of water, put it on the stomach area, wrapped in a towel.