Kisses in different places. A kiss on the back. How does a man in love behave

Of course, no one would argue that kissing is an important part of sex play. They can express the most varied shades of ours. They are also just enjoyable.

What is the meaning of kissing different places?

  1. Head... Yes, in the place of the kiss, the feelings of a person are really expressed. So, for example, it is generally accepted that a kiss on the head does not mean passion, but patronage. This is especially true for a kiss on the forehead or crown of the head. When it comes to the kiss of a man, the meaning is most likely care, tenderness. There is usually no sexual connotation here. However, getting such a kiss is still very pleasant, because it proves that someone is caring on their part.
  2. As for the kiss on the temple, the meaning is not so obvious. There is no doubt that he also means tenderness and care. But usually such a kiss is considered more sexy than a forehead kiss.

  3. Back... Considering the meanings of kissing on different parts of the body, you can see that off-head kisses have a more pronounced sexual meaning. The same can be said about a kiss on the back, the meaning of which is passion, desire, delight. In general, kisses on the body are always an inappropriate hint. It is generally accepted that the back along the spine is an erogenous zone. Kissing in this place will evoke a reciprocal desire to be with your loved one.
  4. Lips... Oddly enough, but a kiss on the lips means - that's all.
  5. On the lips, of course, you can kiss in different ways. For example, if a man slightly bites his lips at the same time with a kiss, this means that he wants to dominate in a pair. A kiss on the corner of the mouth has a different meaning. It means tenderness, the desire to be with your beloved, but also some insecurity.

  6. Eyes... Psychologists believe that if a man kisses a woman with open eyes, then this means that he wants to control her, can be interpreted even as distrust or jealousy, especially if he still bites her. If he closed his eyes, he demonstrates trust, tenderness, a desire to be together. Tenderness also means a kiss in the eye. Such affection shows that there is an interest in your partner.

In general, you should kiss the way you want. Scientists have already proven that kissing heals the body and prolongs life. And knowing their meanings, it will be possible to easily determine what feelings a person has for a partner.

Kisses are a symbol of tender affection, love and fidelity, a long-awaited first kiss or an unforgettable last.

They are rarely accidental.

They mean a lot to each of us, have their own individual meaning and, of course, every woman is interested in knowing the meaning of her man's kisses.

Types of kisses and their meaning

Every kiss, even a fleeting one, has its own significance, because a kiss on the forehead and a passionate kiss on the lips are very different from each other. It can become a hint for a woman in a difficult situation, on the contrary, relief after a quarrel, or literally a call to action.


The French kissing passionately is considered the deepest and rather difficult to perform. There are many techniques that differ due to the individuality of each person, but the main element in any case is the movement of the tongue.

Many want to first learn everything well, and then surprise their partner with such actions, in addition, such a kiss is practically not acceptable in the early stages of a relationship, like many other liberties that can only demonstrate the girl's licentiousness.

Young people kissing in French have obviously been dating for quite a long time: this is a very soulful kiss.


A sweet kiss, a little timid, but frank enough. The very first kiss that wakes you up in the morning or the one that warms you on cold evenings.

Soft, gentle touching of the lips shows not yet complete confidence in feelings, when the partner does not dare to do something more. But at the same time, with a long-term relationship, gentle touches can mean that the feelings of a man have not cooled down at all, they are the same as before, the same strong love and affection.


A kiss with strength, passion can demonstrate only one thing - the desire to possess you. The guy clearly missed you, he mentally and physically desires you. Hot touches of lips, tongues clearly mean something more and hint at a continuation, since you are unlikely to let a man so close to you just like that.

Of course, people who kiss in this way are ready to succumb to the passion that has swept over them. Or lovers often do this, who are unable to express all the accumulated feelings and experiences in words.


Often, men who kiss their women harshly with strength and amplitude do not do it on purpose, but out of the spirit of emotional distress, because of the consequences of a quarrel, jealousy that caused bad thoughts or a long separation that awakened physical attraction.

With a bite

Light biting is considered a manifestation of playfulness and passion, such gentle bites seem to transfer and create a completely different atmosphere of solitude and play around you. However, in reality, the guy in this way may well express real anger or, more often than not, jealousy.

Especially if a young man bites his lower lip, this can be considered a sign of not only jealousy, but also distrust.

With open eyes

A kiss with open eyes often speaks of the partner's inability, of his lack of confidence in his actions. Often such actions cause ridicule, because it is simply stupid and ugly looks from the outside.

Or simply about distrust, since he will not be able to completely immerse himself in what is happening, but he will be able to completely control the situation. Also, a partner can leave his eyes open during a kiss if something interests him more than a woman, such as football (a commonplace example), phone, work.

This indicates an incomplete enthusiasm for you. There are quite a few people who kiss with their eyes open, but some love to watch the process, and this excites them much more than the action itself.

The meaning of kissing different parts of the body

By the part of the body the guy likes to kiss, you can also determine his attitude.

To the crown

A kiss on the top of the head, in particular in the hair, according to folk signs, means treason. However, you should not immediately rush to the young man with interrogations, because a banal sign of attention cannot be considered a reliable source. After all, parents kiss us in the same way, a light smack on the top of the head also symbolizes pride, the worthiness of your actions and tacit praise for them.

To the temple

A kiss on the temple symbolizes understanding, it can be done as support and as a sign of trust. Very rarely, touching the hair, forehead or temple can be seen in couples who have recently started dating, their relationship has not yet acquired such a trusting level, they simply cannot provide such strong spiritual support.


Usually, parents kiss their children on the forehead, sending them to school or for a walk. Such a kiss means trust, tender affection, care. A guy kissing a woman on the forehead treats her a little like his own child, he wants to patronize and protect her, he wants to become her patron.

Into closed eyes

The eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, so it is in touching them that you should be especially careful. Therefore, when a guy kisses a girl in his closed eyes, he shows a gentle attitude, fear of harming you and care.

Into the nose

A playful smack on the nose conveys all the tenderness of the attitude towards you, the slight effect of being treated like a child. But this does not mean the absence of serious feelings, on the contrary, it demonstrates them from different sides and shows a sincere, sweet and truthful affection for you. Many people wonder why a man does not kiss on the lips, but prefers the nose of the chosen one - the answer is simple: people who kiss their beloved in this way have not only childish playfulness in relationships, but also absolutely adult affection and, roughly speaking, spiritual connection.

When a girl kisses a guy on the nose, this is also a very good sign for a long-term relationship.

Light touch on lips

Usually, husbands kiss their wives goodbye like this, secretly promising their former devotion. A short kiss of lips, indicated only by a light touch, as if saying: "I'll be back soon and really kiss you, I still love you, dear."

Here you do not need to try to excite a man, show "skills" or actively play with the language, on the contrary, he is calm and gentle. Also, couples often kiss like this when they meet or in public places that do not allow something more frank.

Into ear

A light kiss on the ear means hidden passion, slight awkwardness in connection with the desire that has arisen. At the same time, it can also show the man's desire to become a support for you, to start a new stage in a relationship, more serious and meaningful.

However, ardent sucking on the earlobe openly speaks of such thoughts and the desire to arouse a woman.

In the shoulder

Quite open place, but at the same time rarely any of the men kiss their beloved on the shoulder. This is not traditional, but in no way reprehensible, this is a manifestation of unprecedented tenderness, passionate love and at the same time care.

Most often, a man will be able to seize the moment and kiss his woman on the shoulder when she just woke up or is still sleeping, when she sits with her back to him and is very keen on something, or is busy with some business that cannot be distracted for goodbye, just then the man will capture his sign of attention.

Kiss on the back

The touch of a man's lips to his back symbolizes his admiration for both your body and mind. You have become for him a kind of Monica Bellucci, seductive, desirable, but at the same time wise and respected. Often, starting from the back, the man smoothly moves in the movements of the lips to the caresses of the neck, chest, and, at the final stage, lips.

To the neck

When a man kisses a woman on the neck, it can only mean one thing - insane passion. Such a touch is usually a prelude, because it is not for nothing that it is the neck that is the constant carrier of aspirations, witnesses of a stormy night. Perhaps a kiss on the neck is one of the most erotic touches, but it does not at all speak of intimacy or love, unlike a gentle kiss on the back or shoulder.

In the chest

\ Affectionate touching of the breast, which includes touching the lips with the tongue, implies not only physical attraction, but also the degree of intimacy in a relationship that allows such actions. Of course, such actions speak of a man's strong desire, but also of his desire to please you and please you in bed, to do it nicely.

In the belly

A smack on the stomach is associated with pregnancy, because it is during it that a man most often kisses the mother of his unborn child there. Therefore, in a way, this subconsciously means a man's willingness to become a father. A passionate kiss on the stomach is a natural prelude for a very frank continuation, you have already let your partner get quite close to the so-called “cherished fruit”.

If a man kisses his hand

For several centuries, the gesture of a man taking a lady's hand and kissing it meant a pleasant acquaintance and immense respect emanating from a true gentleman.

Even in our time, adherence to this tradition left its mark on this gesture, today young people usually do this on several occasions. The first option is simple: the desire to flatter the lady and show oneself extraordinary and “not like everyone else”. The second is appropriate at high-flown social events, when you cannot afford any other gesture of attention to a girl or woman, except for a modest kiss of the hand.


The meanings of kissing really differ greatly, and sometimes knowing the hidden meaning can help you understand a man's attitude towards you or solve relationship problems. After all, it is always nice to understand what exactly is meant by a kiss in specific situations.

But at the same time, you should not pay excessive attention to them, because, nevertheless, the main function of kisses is not at all to convey any information, but only the desire to receive and give pleasure, to indicate intimacy, affection and your tender feelings for a partner.

Psychologists say that after the first kiss, you can determine exactly whether a person is right for you or not. Indeed, one touch of the lips can tell a lot. Wondering how to decipher this message? Then read about the meaning of kissing in our article.

Why do people kiss?

Scientists have been interested in such an intimate process for a long time. Many theories are put forward, a lot of myths are born, and the true meaning of the kiss has not been revealed. It is interesting that even ancient thinkers thought about this question. For example, Plato suggested that with the help of a kiss, a person is trying to reunite with his soul mate. After all, ancient myths say that earlier people were bisexual. However, the gods decided to separate them in order to deprive them of arrogance.

The meaning of kisses on the hand

To assess the true attitude of a person, it is necessary to take into account many details: the circumstances of the kiss, the emotional mood, the clear localization of the touch of the lips. If fingers are covered with kisses, then this means admiration and a feeling of tenderness. But the inner part of the palm is preferred by those who are ready to obey their beloved. Kissing the outside of the handle usually implies respect. This is a classic formal gesture that allows a man to show his gallantry and sympathy towards a woman. But touching the lips of the wrist several centuries ago was considered the most frank and sexy. Today psychologists regard this gesture as a desire to subjugate a partner.

The meaning of kissing on the nose

Loved ones are usually kissed on the nose to demonstrate their sympathy and tenderness. This is a very delicate manifestation of feelings, usually emphasizing the importance of the partner and the depth of love felt towards him. If the lips of a loved one touched your nose, then be sure that he trusts you.

The meaning of kisses on the cheek

When the lips slide over the cheek, it usually implies friendship. However, often the first date ends with such a chaste kiss. In this case, this gesture can be regarded as a hope for a romantic continuation of the acquaintance. The partner already feels some sympathy, but is afraid to fully express his feelings. Girlfriends often kiss on the cheek, which emphasizes their strong bond with each other. Although there are those who are frivolous about such kisses and are ready to hand them out to everyone.

A kiss on the forehead

The meaning of this kiss: The person feels like caring for and looking after you. Usually, this manifestation of feelings is characteristic of fathers, therefore a kiss on the forehead is often called a father's. If in a couple a man is much older than a woman, then he often allows himself to touch her forehead with his lips in order to demonstrate a desire to protect and preserve his soul mate.

"And pour my lips with yours into a hot kiss ..."

The meaning of kissing on the lips is clear even to a child. This is a manifestation of love, passion and tenderness. The touching of the lips is one of the most intimate moments between two people. It is by the way a person kisses that you can tell a lot about his character and true intentions. For example, aggressive kissing is characteristic of people who are usually insecure. An abundance of saliva means the insincerity of the partner's feelings. The French kiss is often a prelude to a closer relationship.

The meaning of kissesto the neck

In this case, the partner declares to you by a direct test: "I want you." The neck is one of the main erogenous zones, which will certainly be used by those who want to excite you. A kiss on the neck symbolizes desire and passion.

Kiss in the ear

Most of the time, this is part of the love game. This is a prelude to intimacy or a hint of true desires. If you are kissed in the ear, then be sure of the strength and sincerity of your partner's feelings.

The meaning of kisses:

Kiss on the hand- I adore you, an expression of a feeling of friendship and respect. A kiss of the hand, wrist means that you are being looked after or are showing clear signs of attention and care. It used to be a purely formal greeting kiss. However, now, its meaning has changed somewhat. If a loved one kisses you on the hand, it means adoration, i.e. something much more than love.

Kiss on the cheek- I want to be your friend, necessity and longing desire is next to my beloved. A kiss on the cheek means, as a rule, that they value your friendship, that they do not want to lose you, and that you are important to a person.

A kiss on the neck- I want you, ardent lust for possession.

Kiss in the ear- I'm just playing.

Kiss on the nose- great sympathy.

A kiss on the forehead... A kiss on the forehead usually means maternal care. This is how they kiss little children. In any case, this is a manifestation of attention and a desire to help, in some cases - patronage.

Kiss on the lips- I love you (declaration of love). A kiss on the lips is an intimate kiss. As one of the wise men said: two souls meet on the lips of lovers. Therefore, this kiss only means love. Although, there are an incredible number of them.

Types of kisses:

- love kiss... Expresses a feeling of love, possibly passion. Can be gentle, timid, sensual, or arousing.

- gentle kiss... Expresses a reverent attitude towards a partner. As a rule, it is short-lived, and most often occurs on the lips and cheeks.

- a passionate kiss on the contrary, it can last indefinitely, and most often begins with the lips. It is here that the tongue can come into contact - the so-called "French kiss".

- friendly kiss, most often it falls on the cheek, a kiss of the hand is possible, or even just a movement of the lips that imitates a kiss. In such a sweet way, people express their friendly attitude, affection, warm feelings. It is for this species that the Russian custom of kissing three times a day is acceptable. So, for example, tsars or boyars kissed, meeting important guests.

- respectful kiss get such body parts as hands, possibly a ring on them. Thus, a person is hinted at a respectful attitude towards him, about reverence or even admiration. At the very least, expressions of the aforementioned feelings may be kissing the feet.

- tender kiss most often it gets to small children or animals. Thus, a person expresses a feeling of tenderness, tenderness and joy from their contemplation or appearance in the field of visibility.

- a kiss from a father, son or brother. Such kisses are common among family members. Touches can be on the lips or cheek, even on the forehead, depending on family traditions.

- air kiss it is like a subspecies of a friendly or even a love kiss, denoting increased attention to the person who is being kissed, or even flirting with him. The kiss is transmitted through the air or through touching your palm, and then direct it towards the object to be kissed, or only with your lips make the kiss move in the desired direction.

- Judas kiss. An insincere, insidious kiss that does not express true love, affection, friendship, or reverence. This kind of kiss came from the Bible.

Regardless of the type of kiss, they (in the sense of kissing) are necessary to maintain a positive attitude. Even a kiss on the cheek charges you with positive emotions, not to mention a sensual kiss on the lips. If a person looks into your eyes, then he wants you to kiss him; plays with your hair - cannot live without you. Never ask permission to kiss, just kiss. Close your eyes when kissing. The most "delicious" kisses are kisses received in secret, without the consent of the partner. Such kisses are light and gentle. Both boys and girls are crazy about them.

Kissing Technique:

Kisses with closed eyes- love.

Nibbling kissing- an expression of jealousy.

Kissing lips on lips- touch your partner only with your lips.

French kisses: the lips are parted, the mouth is open, the tongue sensually and gently touches the inner surface of the partner's mouth. This kiss is rightfully considered the most popular in the whole world. The French kiss requires contact between the languages ​​of the partners. You need to get into your partner's mouth and play with his tongue. It can be light and strong touches. The choice depends on the preferences of the partners. You can gently bite your tongue - this will please your partner, but be careful. You can also suck on your tongue while kissing.

Bite kisses: you bite your partner's lower lip slightly.

Soothing kisses: during a gentle kiss, you hug his (her) face with your hands.

Adjacent kisses: you gently suck on your partner's lower lip, while he kisses your upper lip at the same time.

Kisses of Zorro: the duel of each other's languages.

Sleeping kisses: kisses while the beloved is sleeping.

Awakening kisses: kiss your sleeping partner gently, gradually filling the kiss with passion until he awakens.

Butterfly Kisses: you gently caress your partner's cheek with your eyelashes.

Vacuum kisses: pulling air out of your partner's mouth and then suddenly deflecting away from him. Such a kiss is obtained if a small pop is heard when tearing off the lips of a partner.

Kissing with a mouthful: type a mouthful of a drink (you can also alcohol) and pass it to each other with a kiss. Remember that thirst quenching is not the purpose of this kiss.

Sliding Kiss: touch the corner of his mouth with your lips, gently run them along his lips, as if stroking, and kiss on the other side.

Seductive: take a piece of ice in your mouth and kiss it to each other until it melts. You can do the same with a cherry or a piece of chocolate.

Tantalizing: approach him, as if intending to passionately bite into his lips, and suddenly stop; start kissing hot and stop suddenly. And so - several times.

Provoking: play with your tongue, rhythmically and deeply sticking it into your beloved's mouth, simulating intercourse.

A few more types of kisses:

Imata: gentle kiss on the lips. They kiss gently, with their lips alone, without brushing their teeth, but not leaving a single part of their lips outside the kiss.

Shy: she kisses on the lips, moving her lip slightly, trying to pull away.

Povny: he takes her lips in his, making his lips with a tube and sucks into himself, trying to touch his tongue.

Fighting: it is half-open, it is hidden. Both are, with their teeth lightly biting their lips.

Playful: he dips her lips lightly. She, with the movements of her tongue in his mouth, excites the pain of him.

Kiss the teeth: he in a distant kiss cocks her teeth, dropping her head all the way down.

Samayan: he takes her tongue to himself in his mouth and, slightly touching it with his teeth, composes. She tends to sink his tongue as deeply as possible, showing to those the most desperate desire to have him in herself, to possess him like a man.

Necessity: kiss with the tongue of his or her lips, lightly tap with the lips or lower lip. A delight in an easy tap.

Melnitsa: rotation of the tongue in the mouth of another.

Tsapsky: the other's tongue clings to her cheek and squeezes lightly with light strokes of her tongue and teeth.

Paquin: kiss in the ear, lightly biting the earlobe and brushing the lips behind the ear.

Capi: kiss the woman in the palm of the hand from the inner side of the hand, elbow and above. Kiss "Capi" is a woman’s sense of desire to possess her; she answers with a kiss "Capi" means her desire to be with him on a lie, to give him away.

Refined: the language of one lightly touches the other's palate.

Apakmyana: He touches her lips with his fingers and makes them with a bud, which he picks off with his moist kiss. He pulls back her lower lip with his fingers and inserts his tongue into her cheek, exciting her with light movements that incline her head.

Ata: One sticks his lips to the other's lip, pushes out the other's tongue with his tongue and enters his own tongue into it. The tip of the nose is kissing, getting ready.

If you use your tongue when kissing, then it turns on and excites. The part of the body that you kiss at the same time does not matter.

Kissing shapes:

1. The usual kiss on the lips accompanied by weak pressure on them.
2. The usual kiss on the lips, accompanied by stronger pressure.
3. “Love bite”. When a kiss is intensified by sensual arousal, it turns into a love bite. It is believed that women, on average, are much more fond of bites than men; passionate women very often leave marks on the lover's shoulders. The Kama Sutra recommends biting the same places on the body where kissing is. Except perhaps the upper lip, tongue and eyes. In other words, the most suitable bite sites are the forehead, lower lip, cheeks, chest, arms, and navel. Reflecting on the origin of this kind of kiss, Ivan Blokh in "The Sexual Life of Our Days" puts forward a theory about the inheritance of natural sadism from lower animal forms, which tend to eat a partner during intercourse. After all, don't we say: “I love you so much that I’m ready to eat!”
4. "Deep kiss", or “Maraichinaj”. “Kiss of the tongue”, “French kiss”, the French call it “kiss of the soul”. A short description of the French kiss is quoted from the book Sexual Pleasures in Marriage by Jerome and Julia Rainer: “The husband's lips enter the half-open lips of his wife, so that his tongue stops at the gate of her closed teeth, trying to penetrate further. She opens her teeth and puts his tongue inside her mouth; their tongues meet, throbbing rapidly. Then her mouth opens wider to cover his tongue. First, just the tip, and then as deeply as possible ... ”In European culture, the“ French kiss ”was and remains the most necessary phase of the preliminary love game before intercourse.
5. Kiss in the eye with very little pressure on them.
6. Kiss on the neck considered especially pleasing to women.
7. Long kiss. The lips of the lovers, as it were, cannot tear themselves away from each other. The kiss is accompanied by strong, then weaker pressure on the lips.
8. Kiss on the corner of the mouth. Kiss on one or the other corner of the mouth.
9. Pulsating kiss. The lips and nose are pressed against the girl's cheek, vibrating easily and rubbing against the cheek.
10. Lots of little kisses on the inside of the hand, rising from the wrist to the armpit. such kisses can awaken love.
11. Kiss on the cheek. The most common and natural. However, much more pleasure can be obtained from light, very, very quick kisses on various points on the face, excluding the lips. Speed ​​is especially important here.
12. You can add a lot of variety by kissing your partner on the lips, while slightly pouting your own.
13. The previous version can be slightly modified if the one who is kissing is pouting.
14. You can create an extremely pleasant sensation by kissing your loved one's earlobe or next to it. Men especially love to be kissed like that.
15. A variation of the previous method is to lightly suck on the earlobes instead of kissing them.

16. Rain of kisses covering the neck and chest, descending lower and lower at different speeds. Some kisses may be shorter, others may be longer.
17. The inner thigh is especially sensitive to kissing.
18. Many romantic writers have sung shoulder kisses. Men are not very fond of such kisses, but they adore kissing the shoulders of women themselves.
19. Perfect preliminary stage before kissing on the lips - fingertip kissing.
20. A common modification of a kiss on the lips is a lung lip sucking instead of pressing on them.
21 and 22. You can limit yourself sucking on only one lip... Top or bottom.
23. You can continue to add variety to the methods already described, sucking in turn the upper and lower lip. Don't do it too hard. There is also a place for tenderness and attentiveness in passion.
24. Stroking kiss... Lightly touching the forehead with your lips on one side, gently pass them across the entire forehead and kiss on the other side.
25. Exactly the same stroking kiss you can kiss on the lips. Touching the corner of your mouth with your lips, run them along your lips and kiss gently in another corner.
26. Light kiss on the tip of the nose can be a great prelude to more intense kissing.
27. A man can insert the tip of his tongue between the lips of his beloved by swiping from left to right, then from right to left. This can be continued for quite a long time. And there is no reason for a girl to do the same.
28. You can touch your lips and cheek with your teeth, while being careful not to hurt each other.
29. You can also "bite" your partner's lips with your lips alone so that the teeth do not participate in the kiss.
30. Gentle touch of the tips of the tongues.
31 ... The previous kiss can be varied by alternately touching the tips of the tongues and pulling them back.
32. Suction when kissing, it gives lovers great pleasure. Such kisses are used actively, but they are accepted calmly and patiently. At times one partner kisses, at times another, but you can, for a change, kiss at the same time.
33. Many are especially sensitive to kissing in the area where the neck meets the shoulders. Both front and back.
34. When it comes to kissing other parts of the body, most men and women have an unusually sensitive back to caress, especially the lower part at the base and along the spine. The thighs are also very sensitive and form a weak erogenous zone.
35. Kiss with mutual gentle stroking of the erogenous zones.
36. You can kiss directly under the chin with the kissing head up.
37. The throat area is very sensitive to kissing, so a kiss on the lower neck is extremely pleasant.
38. A variation of the usual kiss on the lips is kiss right over the center of the upper lip, under the tip of the nose
39. If his mustache gets in the way, the kiss remains just under the center of the lower lip.
40. A quick “licking” kiss with the tip of the tongue on the auricle.
41. "Profile kiss". A series of kisses along the line of symmetry of the face, starting from the middle of the forehead, then descending along the nose to the center of the mouth and ending in the middle of the chin. You can finish with a kiss on the lips.
42. Kisses on the girl's upper chest. Nipple kissing.
43. The nape and nape of the neck are an erogenous zone for most people, so lightly stroking this area with your lips up and down is very pleasant.
44. "Vertebral Kiss". It is a series of small kisses along the spine, starting near the neck and ending at the lowest point of the spine.
45. The reverse version of the previous one is also a whole shower of kisses, but from the front.
46. ​​“The Kissing Kiss” along the eyebrows.
47. It is possible to suck on your eyebrows instead of kissing them.
48. Quite intimate kissing in the area where the hips pass into the body is very arousing and awakening desire. Most men prefer to be active participants, while women prefer to accept kisses.
49. It is also possible to kiss downward from the navel to the point where the thigh meets the body. The lips should be relaxed so that they can easily pass over the skin.
50. Kiss of the Young when they kiss their fingertip and then momentarily press it to the lips of their beloved. This is also a kiss, but such that clumsy words after it are sometimes unnecessary.

Attitude to kissing in the world.

Kissing is treated differently in different countries.

In Medieval Italy, a man who kissed a girl in public was obliged to marry her.

In ancient Rome, a kiss served as a greeting. They kissed not only relatives and friends, but also strangers.

In its homeland, the famous French kiss is called "merging of souls" - not only lips, but also tongue are involved in a kiss. Not wanting to stop there, the sensual French have invented a second version of this magical kiss, when only tongues are involved.

The kisses of the people of the Far North are more than just rubbing their noses. Having touched the organs of smell, the Eskimos unclench their lips and simultaneously inhale, then exhale, compressing their lips. After enjoying each other's scent, the lovers press their nose against the partner's cheek and freeze like that for a minute or longer. Frank Sinatra found it very cute, which is probably why in every second photo the singer is captured kissing in this position.

In Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea, it is not customary to kiss in full view. Moreover, it seems that the ceremony of the Japanese kiss was invented specifically for the edification of Europeans: most of all it resembles the kiss of two pioneers of the late 70s. For example, in order to kiss, two Japanese need to stand facing their partner at a "pioneer" distance, bend over (hands at the seams!) And touch each other's lips for a split second. And what, against the background of too "adult" caresses, it may even seem intriguing!

Europeans are more liberated in this regard and are not shy about their feelings. They kiss on the streets, in parks, in the subway, in discos and, of course, in the movies.

Kissing in different places helps to express their feelings to people in love. If a guy kisses a girl on the lips passionately and with a tongue, this means that he seeks to master his woman, to enter into an intimate relationship with her, awakening sexual desire in his partner. Kisses on the cheek or forehead are typical for close friends, and a man who kisses hands immensely respects, values ​​his woman and does not want to rush things. If a guy bites a girl's lip while kissing, he is flirting with her.

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Types of kissing on the lips

A guy can kiss a girl in different ways:

  • Fast and a little absent-minded - in this way a man wants to talk about his sympathy for a young lady, he is a little shy and embarrassed by his feelings, because he is not sure that he will be reciprocated.
  • Sensual with closed eyes - such a manifestation of feelings is typical for a young man in love. He wants to communicate his love and completely trusts his chosen one.
  • Biting kiss with open eyes - the guy does not take the girl seriously, he plays with her feelings and does not see a long and strong relationship with her.
  • French, very sensual and long-lasting - such caresses are typical only for very close people who strive not only for physical, but also spiritual intimacy.
  • A detached short kiss - during such a kiss, a man thinks about something outside and is not interested in its continuation.
  • Tough and aggressive - such a manifestation of feelings is characteristic of an insecure young man. He does not seek to please his beloved and treats the girl with great suspicion.

If a guy strongly presses a girl during a kiss and seeks to feel her with his whole body - he loves a young lady and wants to have passionate sex.

How to kiss correctly

Significance of other places

A gentle smack on the cheek means friendly affection or a sign of gratitude for the service rendered. It is also a form of greeting with a person whom it is pleasant to see. If a representative of the opposite sex kisses his beloved in the eyes, it means a strong spiritual bond between a couple in love. A man kisses on the nose - he wants to cheer up a woman, experiencing very tender and romantic feelings for her. Kissing the neck is to arouse desire in your partner, the desire to deliver unearthly pleasure to your beloved. You can be sure that the guy is serious about the relationship.

The man touched his lips to the hand of his chosen one at the meeting - this testifies to the high morality of the young man and his gentlemanly qualities. He is glad to see a woman and missed a lot, but his upbringing does not allow kissing in public. Kissing your beloved on the forehead is to take care of her and protect her from the hardships of life. If a man kisses a young lady on the forehead, with whom he recently began a relationship, this is a sign of detachment and disinterest in this girl.