Handicraft from a glass bell. How to make a bell from a plastic cup. Bells made from other unusual materials

Bells from cups. MK.

Bells from cups. Master class from the author irinaje

I saw big and beautiful bells in the store, well, I wanted them so much, but a little expensive. I decided to make it myself from the cups. We just have a lot of pudding and yogurt cups. And my youngest daughter and I decided to try to make bells out of them.
And here's what we got.

We will need: yogurt cups, a plastic egg or a bottle cork from a kinder surprise, foil, glue, wire.

We coat the glass with PVA glue, wrinkle the foil a little, then straighten it and put it on the glass, as if wrapping it. My daughter did it without glue, it keeps well too.

Turn the glass over and fill the leftovers inside, cut off the excess. In my bell, I smeared everything with PVA glue, and the edges, so that it would better hold. After processing PVA, the object becomes stronger.

And now the base for the bell is ready.

Cut off the wire 40 cm, fold it in half. We take one half from the kinder, turn it over and make a hole on top in the middle, push the wire into it, leaving a loop of 10 cm, wrap the kinder with foil, hide the rest of the foil inside.

We make a hole on top in the middle of the bell blank (as in the photo). We push the wire into this hole, glue the blank from the kinder and the glass with hot melt glue.

We make a ball out of foil. We twist the wire inside the bell blank slightly longer than the middle of the blank, divide the wire in half, put the ball, connect the ends of the wire and twist it, cut off the excess. Then we take some foil and wrap it tightly around the ball.

The bell is ready.

They can be paired and decorated.

The bell symbolizes the beginning of a new year - academic or calendar, as well as the end of studies, entry into a new student life. Therefore, a souvenir in the form of a bell will be relevant for many moments in the life of a child and even an adult, and if you make it yourself, you will get an interesting and original surprise gift.

Since making a bell with your own hands is an easy task, even children can cope with it.

There are many options for making souvenir bells. One of the most interesting ways to make a bell with your own hands is to use a ready-made small bell souvenir and a beautiful teacup with a handle for this.

We tie a thin string to the bell.

We glue its tip to the bottom of the cup from the inside.

From the outside to the bottom, glue the lace more tightly, for which the bowl will be hung.

We tie the lace outside with a bright wide satin ribbon.

Such a bell will do well with the role of ringing the first bell in the school year.

The simplest and most effective way to make a bell is from a plastic cup. With the help of sharp scissors we make two holes in the glass.

Using a spray can, cover the glass with red paint. When the paint dries, paint the glass with a golden marker.

We will need a small bell with a hole, which can be bought at DIY stores. We insert a hard wire into the hole and twist it several times.

We insert the bell on the wire into the holes. The bell should hang low enough in the glass. To fix the bell, twist the wire at the top of the cup.

Apply glue to the top and bottom of the cup and sprinkle with sparkles.

We decorate our craft with a ribbon tied with a bow. Our bell is ready!

Paper bells

Someone may find the idea with a paper bell interesting. We glue a small iron bell and colored ribbons to it. Such a bell can be used to decorate the classroom.

Very graceful bells are obtained from a folded disposable plate. Cover the plate with golden paint and fold it in two, as shown in the photo. The craft should be decorated with a red bow.

Take a look at the video on how to make beautiful paper bells:

Bells from egg cartons

Graduates need bells that can be hung around their necks. Since it will be necessary to make a bell for the last bell for each graduate, it is better to use ready-made template forms for its manufacture - for example, cardboard egg packaging cells.

We carefully cut out each cell. We use the remaining cardboard from the packaging to cut decorative oval leaves, pointed at the sides, in shape.

We color the cells and leaves, give time to dry.

We string several leaves on a thin cord, then thread a cell (bell) and a large bead into it.

Pull the end of the lace out again, string a few more leaves, tie the ends.

The present for the graduate is ready!

And here is another quilling bell in the article ""

Clay bell

Bells can be so different, symbolizing the beginning of a new period in a person's life.

Oksana Dudchenko

New Year is one of the most beautiful, magical holidays. Great opportunities are opening up for the creative self-expression of children. Everyone loves to receive gifts, but for parents it is a special joy and pride of crafts made by the hands of their children. We are with children had a small master-class for which it is easy to make many unique souvenirs. At least we surprised everyone who saw our bells.

So what do we need for work:

Simple pencil

PVA glue, glue stick.

Scissors (regular and curly).

Cotton pads

White cardboard.


All the "magic" accessories that will be at hand (sequins in the form of snowflakes, multi-colored beads, beads, rhinestones, sparkles

Colored ribbons or decorative ribbon for gifts or bows for Christmas toys

"Magic" toys from kinder surprises

Disposable plastic cups with legs

The first step is to make a circle of white cardboard in the size of that cups from which our little masterpiece will subsequently turn out. Then cut it out with curly scissors, retreating from the edge of 3-4mm.

Then, you need to take the toy you like and fix it in the center of our blank.

You can fix it both with glue and with a regular piece of plasticine. This is as convenient as it is.

Then comes the moment of "decoration". This is where all the beaded beauty comes in handy, which will not only adorn our under the tree, but also allows you to play a little if you want. After all, beads make a lot of interesting various sounds, if shake the bell.

You need to try to carefully lay out the beads on the disc, so that later it is easy to glue a glass

We smear the edges of our cups with glue.

And carefully lower it onto our workpiece

Well, then the flight of fantasy begins. We decorate as they want. Here's what we got

If you wish, you can make holes in the leg cups, to thread a beautiful ribbon and then the toy can be hung on tree... Adults can use moment glue in their work. Of course, it glues more reliably, but because of the sharp, unpleasant smell, children do not need to give it.

Hope our master-class will come in handy at work. Someone next year, and someone this work will inspire new ideas for creating original gifts for other holidays.

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Lesson "Bell from a plastic cup"


Consolidation of technical skills and techniques manual labor.

Making a bell from a plastic cup.

Develop horizons, consolidate knowledge pupils about New Year's traditions.


Establish rules for safe work with scissors and needles in class.

Develop accuracy and patience in work.

To cultivate hard work and perseverance.

Encourage creativity and out-of-the-box solutions to get the job done.

Develop interest and love for the environment, nature.

Correction of general and fine motor skills.

Equipment and materials:

1. Samples of bells, paints, scissors, awl, ribbons, lace, sequins, rhinestones, beads and other decorations.

2.Music center, CD with children's New Year's songs.

Stroke classes:

I Organizational moment.

II Communication of the topic of the lesson.

Today we are going to make a Christmas tree bell from a plastic disposable cup.

III Introductory conversation.

Soon we will decorate the Christmas tree, and for this we need Christmas tree decorations. But the decorations for the Christmas tree are not cheap, but they break and break every year.buy new Christmas decorations. But you can save money if most of the Christmas tree decorationsmake with your own hands. Indeed, in at home you can find many unnecessary things that are suitable for making a great New Year's toy! For example, burned out light bulbs, old cups can be used to make wonderful bells. We have already made an asterisk out of salted dough, made a snowflake using the "Quilling" technique, and today we will try to make a Christmas bell for a Christmas tree from a glass with our own hands.

Disposable cups are on sale and colored, it remains only to think over how to decorate them, here trust your imagination, for dyeing everything that you have at your fingertips will do: ribbons, beads, pieces of colored foil, beads, sparkles, or you can just use beautiful paint.

Let's think - what else can bells be made of? (crochet; using the papier-mâché technique; from a plastic bottle, yogurt cups, etc.). If you want, you can arrange a master class at home for your parents and friends.

Now let's get to work, withattentive, hardworking and friendly guys with a rich imagination will be able to cope with her!

IV Practical work.

1. Sample display.

2. Work plan.


    Cut open


    Registration of work

3. Repetition of work rules.

Safety rules for working with scissors:

1. Pass the scissors closed, rings forward!

2. Do not hold the scissors upside down!

3. Do not leave the scissors open on the table!

Let's remember the rules for safe handling of glue.

    Glue is a dangerous chemical. Care must be taken when working with it.

    Use a brush when working with glue.

    If glue comes in contact with skin or eyes, rinse with water. See a doctor if necessary.

    When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Safety rules for working with needles.

1. Do not drop needles. Check their number before starting work and at the end.

2. Do not pierce the needles into the workpiece material or into your clothing.

3. Never put the needle in your mouth or play with the needle.

4. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without thread.

5. During work, stick the needles into a special pad - the needle bar.

6. Use a thimble when sewing.

7. Do not get distracted while working with the needle.

Rules for safe work with knitting needles and crochet.

1. With knitting needles and hooks must be handled very carefully, do not bring them to the face, store in boxes and pencil cases.

2. Knitting needles, hooks and pins must be counted before starting work and after finishing it.

3. Knitting needles and hooks should not be very sharp, otherwise they can injure your fingers.

Do not use rusty knitting needles, hooks, needles and pins - they spoil yarn and threads.

4. Broken knitting needles, hooks, pins and other waste should be put in a separate box and then thrown away wrapped in a piece of disposable paper or newspaper.

Getting started:

1.Take disposable glasses or plastic cups.

2.Cutting off wide legs scissors

3. With an awl we make a hole for the ribbons on top.

4 .. We paint with stained glass paints, nail polish, glass contour. we attach the ribbons.

V Physical culture minute.

VI Practical work (continued)

Also bells can be decorated with sequins, lace, beads, ribbons, etc. It all depends on your imagination!

VI Outcome classes.

Our occupation comes to the end. Let's see how beautiful and interesting bells you did it!

(A comparative analysis of the work performed is done, all works are reviewed and discussed, identifying the most accurate and tasteful ones.

Collective assessment of completed creative works. Based on the pupils' answers, the teacher analyzes the level of mastering new material.)

Guys, tell me what have you learned today? What was especially difficult to do?

Well done boys!

You can decorate a street tree, the front door of a house, or an apple tree in the winter garden with bells from a regular yogurt glass.

Take a low and wide glass - it looks more like a bell. You will also need a large bead, 25-30 cm of thin tape or string, a cap from an ordinary plastic bottle.


I also need paint - I took a water-soluble metallic of different colors (it dries quickly, odorless, pleasant shine) and PVA glue for decoupage.


WITH instruments prepare an awl and hot melt glue, as well as scissors.

How to make a New Year's bell.

First, rinse the drawing out of the cup with a dishwashing powder (this is very easy). If the paint still adheres firmly, paint over the inscriptions with white paint - in the future, the decoupage drawing will be placed there. Paint over the top and bottom of the bell and set aside to dry.

In the meantime, prepare a pattern with a napkin for sticking. From my previous work, I still have a strip with Christmas trees and cones. The length of these drawings is sufficient. If you are using napkin designs, remove the white napkin layer from the prepared sections. Given the shape of the bell (tapering at the top), I cut out the corners between the trees.


Then glue the drawing onto the white strip of the cup (decoupage). Apply a thin layer of a napkin with a dry pattern to the place of gluing, apply PVA glue diluted with water 1: 1 on top with a soft brush, straighten the folds with a brush while gluing. Leave the work to dry completely. Apply 2-3 coats of water-soluble varnish to the picture, each varnish should dry.


While the varnish is drying, paint the bottle cap and bead golden. Prepare an awl and a large needle with strong thread, cut off 30 cm of ribbon.

With an awl, make 2 holes in the lid, populate the ends of the tape into these holes. If the ribbon is too thick, populate 20-25 cm of strong thread into the needle, tie the ends of the thread with a knot. Populate the tip of the tape into the resulting loop. Place a needle with a thread loop into the hole of the cover, the thread loop will pull the tape through this hole. This technique is often used when you need to collect beads on a ribbon or thick thread. Tie the ribbon in a knot at a distance of 7-8 cm from the fold.


Use an awl to make a hole in the center of the bottom of the cup, use a needle and thread to populate both ends of the ribbon into the hole, collect a bead and tie the ends of the ribbon with a knot. Trim the ends so that there is about 0.5 cm after the knot.


Now with a glue gun, glue the knot under the lid to the hole in the bottom of the glass, then glue the lid to the bottom.


Do the same for the blue bell, only the shape of the cup is slightly different.

When I hung up the bell, I realized that the golden rim would not interfere with it, so I applied it. But it is better to do this while painting the parts.

Another, red bell, adorned a straw Christmas wreath. The tongue of this bell is a small Christmas tree ball.


This is how ordinary plastic cups turn into Christmas bells! Try and find unusual use for ordinary things. Enjoy your creativity and happy coming year!