Crafts from natural materials 2. Crafts from natural materials for children

Spruce and pine cones are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining homemade products. Collect all sizes of buds, from the smallest to the largest.

Arrange the sorted species, size and volume (elongated, round, open and closed, old and young, pine and spruce) cones in separate boxes.

In the spring, when old, dried out cones with dropped seeds are harvested, there is no need to be afraid that they will deform from time to time. To avoid deformation, glue the autumn cone: dip it in a liquid solution of wood glue. The glued scales after drying, the cones will not open and diverge in different directions, and the shape of the product will remain.

You can make various animals, birds, all kinds of figurines from pine and spruce cones, using plasticine, clay, sticks, fabric, feathers and other finishing material to help. Each toy consists of several parts that are assembled at the base - a cone. Such a toy is either attached to the board under the stake, or suspended, like a Christmas tree toy, on a loop. The hardest part is to sculpt the head of a toy. To do it right, you should stock up on good pictures depicting one or another animal or bird.

When starting work, you should first of all take care of the strong fastening of the toy, that is, of the stand, if the toy is not supposed to be hanging (Christmas tree). The stand can be plywood or thick cardboard cut to any rectangular or round shape. The stand should not be bulky, but it is necessary that the toy fits freely on it, taking into account additional finishing: moss, cotton wool or other finishing materials.

It is best to fix the cone on the stand on a nail driven into its middle with the tip up. A hole is pierced in the lump with an awl, and it is put on the nail. For a more durable attachment at the base of the nail, you need to grease the stand with wood glue or put a lump of soft plasticine.

Toys made of cones can be presented to a sponsored kindergarten, they can be used to decorate fabulous tabletop theater performances, models, illustrate fables and poems in Russian lessons. Pa branches of a Christmas tree, such toys are hung by loops or they are placed around the tree, at its foot. Make toys made of cones for hanging lighter so that the branches do not bend from their weight. Therefore, the head and all additional parts for them should be made of cotton wool, cardboard and paper, and not from clay or plasticine.

Duck, chicken, goose, rooster- all poultry is made of the same type of cones. For the head and neck, a piece of soft wire, necessary along the length, is bent, which is fixed at the handle of the cone by wrapping between the rows of scales. Make the ratio of the sizes of the head, neck and legs, referring to the drawings or with live birds. Attach the ducks and the swan to the stand with wood glue. The stand can be designed in the form of a river or a pond by placing cellophane or glass painted with blue paint on the base. Cover the banks with moss and dry herbs. To mount roosters, chickens, birds on a stand, use small pieces of plywood, stick them with moss; make the legs of the birds from twisted copper wire.

Make the heads and beaks of all birds from birch bark, cardboard, cloth or celluloid. Make the tails and wings of a rooster from feathers, wings of geese and a swan from pieces of white birch bark.

When sculpting the neck and head from plasticine or clay, all the roughness of the shape must be well trimmed and ironed. There are no irregularities on the neck of birds, and with strokes applied plasticine or clay will give the toy an ugly, sloppy look.

Fox, squirrel, bunny. They are made from cones of different sizes, the assembly principle and fastening are the same.

Tails, except for the tail of a bunny, are made from an additional cone, fastening it to a wire.

The muzzles, sculpted from clay or plasticine, are fixed on the cutting part of the cone.

Attachment to the stand is carried out by placing a cone on a nail. The animals standing on their paws are attached to a stand with nails.

The scales of the cone, facing the animals from the muzzle to the tail, will be like wool. The tail is attached with the scales up.

For chanterelles and squirrels, the tail bump should be long and fluffy. In a bunny, the tail is cut from part of the cone-body.

The eyes of animals are glued from beads on plasticine. The beads can be replaced with shards of black graphite from a pencil.

Legs are made from matches, wire, gluing them with scales or sticking around with plasticine. It is good to stick one scale on top of the plasticine on the paw. The paws, thanks to the wire base, can be bent as you like, giving this a tilt to the figure.

Having sculpted several animals, you can create whole pictures, illustrating fables, fairy tales, puppet shows.

Telescope fish. Made from short, thick pine cones. The telescope's eyes are two bulging balls. Glue them from beads or just stick them from plasticine. The tail is glued from curved feathers of different lengths. If the fish is made for a Christmas tree, it is painted with silver or gold paint.

Chick. The cone-body is selected according to the shape of the selected pattern. The design of the rest of the bird depends on the available material and taste. The head and neck of the bird are made on a wire frame.

You can make several such birds and paint them with colored zapon-varnishes. Feather and varnish.

Hen hen. The pinecone is reinforced obliquely on two twisted wire legs. From the twisted wire, the neck and the spherical frame of the head with the beak are strengthened under the scales of the cone. A round head is molded along the wire skeleton of plasticine, and it is good to glue red cloth or celluloid onto the beak on top of the wire. The tail can be made from feathers, or you can cut out a figured image of feathers from cardboard and paint them brighter. Excellent eyes will be made of black beads on white circles.

Crane. Between the pinecone scales, a wire frame is firmly strengthened for the long legs of the crane. The neck is made no less long. The figure shows how the wire must be bent to give it the shape of the head, beak and neck. The rest of the bird's decoration is as usual.

Pay particular attention to the firmness of the attachment of the cone to the frame and to the stand. Carelessly made frames of paws, neck and head fall off easily.

You can also glue the roof of a small house on a model with scales. It will look like shingles. The scales can be painted with colored varnishes or oil paint. The one-color scaly roof is varnished.

Children's carnival costumes can also be decorated with cone scales. They can be sewn on, strung on, glued onto fabric and paper, and made into various applications.

Teddy bear. For this toy, you will need six old, open spruce cones: one large and wide for the body, four smaller for the legs, and one small, spherical if possible, for the head. To attach the paw to the body, wrap a thin soft wire around the bump at its very base, passing the wire between the scales, and twist its ends together. Then, pulling the bump-paw to the body, wrap the wire two times around the bump-body, passing the wire between the scales, but so that it is nowhere to be seen, twist the ends, bite them off with pliers and hide under the scales of the bumps. Having attached all four bump-paws to the body in this way, attach the bump-head in the same way.

From pieces of old, unnecessary leather, suede or leatherette, cut out the claws for the paws, two circles for the eyes, two ears and the nose of the bear with scissors according to the supplied patterns. Sew two shiny black beads or small buttons in the center of the eye circles. Separate four scales from the cone and glue them on both sides to the ears with wood glue.

Sew the eyes, nose and ears to the bump-head, as imperceptibly as possible, with thick black threads. You can also glue the ears by smearing the base of the ears with glue and sticking them tightly into the depths of the bump-head. Also sew on the claws of the bear and bend them with the pressure of your fingers. Cover the nose and claws of the bear with black varnish or paint them with black paint, and then cover with colorless varnish.

Squirrel. It is done according to the same principle as a teddy bear. Take three spruce cones: medium size for the body, small for the head, large, fluffy for the tail. Connect them together. From scraps of old leather or suede, cut out the squirrel's legs and ears according to the supplied patterns. For a better hold on the feet, make them on a wire frame, then wrap the frame wire with a strip of brown cloth or wrap it with brown darning thread. Attach the tabs to the wire so that the wire is not visible. Put a nut, an acorn or a small lump in the front legs of the squirrel, attaching one or the other to the legs with black thread or a thin wire. Make the squirrel's eyes out of black beads. Ears, as well as a teddy bear, glue cones between the scales or sew. When the squirrel is ready, wire it to a round or rectangular stand. Cover the wire or nails with small tufts of green moss.

Fabulous bird. Prepare a large pinecone with hard-flaked scales, leg twigs, and feathers of various sizes. It is better to choose goose feathers, as they are colored better than others. Before dyeing feathers, dip them first in a soapy soda solution, and when they dry, paint them with aniline dyes in bright colors: yellow, blue, red, green, orange. Long feathers are needed for the tail of a bird, small feathers with down will be needed for the neck. Attach the feathers to the cone as follows: pierce the cone with a triangular awl, smear the end of the feather with wood glue and stick the feather into the hole. Attach the branches-branches to the cone-body in the same way as the feathers.

Make a bird's head out of cardboard, leather or cloth. Be sure to glue a piece of cardboard or wire between the two patterns made of leather and felt to keep the head in place.

Now tackle the tuft: pick up some bright, beautiful, shiny beads or beads, string each bead on a piece of thin wire. Twist the wire in a knot and sink it in the middle of the bead so that it is not visible. Place the ends of the wire on the first pattern of the head, glue them with pieces of paper. Then spread glue on the second pattern, fold them together and place under the press. When the head is dry, glue it to the bump-torso.

Now it remains to paint the head, glue glitter eyes to it and fix the bird either on a wooden stand or on a tree knot. The bird is ready.

Cockerel. Draw the outline of the cock (without tail and comb) on the cardboard and cut out two copies of the cock body with the head. Then select the tail feathers and paint them in the desired colors. From a small piece of red velvet or cloth, cut out a comb and a beard, also two copies, and glue them together.

Spread the first and second patterns of the cockerel body with wood glue, put the comb and beard on one of the patterns, and cover the first with the second pattern and put it under the press. To make the cock more voluminous, lay a wire inside the patterns. The ends of the wire can serve as legs for the cockerel and be attached to the stand. When the patterns are dry, sew the tail feathers to them with threads.

Take a straw, cut it lengthwise and glue the legs of the cock with these strips; they will be very similar to the legs of a live rooster. You can wrap the cock's legs with darning threads of a suitable color, or you can simply paint.

Paint the beak and the upper part of the cockerel's head and glue the neck and the whole body of the cockerel with the scales of a spruce cone, placing the scales so that the upper part covers the lower part.

In the place where the cock should have wings, glue a few feathers.

You can attach unpainted, natural brown or yellow chicken feathers. Make the eyes of the cockerel from beads. You will have a very interesting, bright cockerel. The cockerel can be made more voluminous.

Flying bird. Dip the pinecone in the glue solution. Then cut out the bird's head. Make the head like the head of a bird of paradise, only without the tuft. Then cut out the bases for the wings from thin cardboard and sew feathers to these pieces of cardboard. Glue fluffy feathers on top to cover the bases of large feathers. Make the tail in the same way.

When the wings and tail are ready, use a triangular awl to drill holes in the bump and, after smearing the bases of the wings and tail with wood glue, stick them tightly into the holes made in the bump.

Glue the bird's head and small twigs.

Feathers for such a bird can be dyed, or you can use natural ones - white, yellow, variegated feathers.

To hang the bird on the tree, make a long loop on the back.

Hedgehog. Take a large, unopened cone of spruce and dip it in liquid wood glue so that the scales do not open as they dry. Cut two strips out of the brown fabric, half a centimeter wide and slightly shorter than the length of the bump. Place one strip on a piece of paper and glue the spruce needles onto it, one next to the other. Stick the strip with needles on the bump. When the glue is dry, grease the row of needles you glued at the base with wood glue and at the same time thickly spread glue on the strip on the bump itself. Glue the second strip of fabric so that it adheres to the first row of needles and at the same time to the bump. Glue the rows of needles in this way, alternating them with strips of fabric until you get a round hedgehog. Do not glue needles on the hedgehog's tummy. Leave the hedgehog's face unsealed with the needles. Then attach the legs of the tree knots to the hedgehog, make a nose and eyes out of black beads.

You will have a wonderful prickly hedgehog, very similar to the real one. A hedgehog from needles can be made in another way. Take a close look at the picture, and the second method will be clear to you. Pull a piece of old fabric with studs between two blocks or planks. Then, dipping the needle into the wood glue, stick it into the stretched fabric so that only a small tip remains at the top. And so stick the needles into the fabric one by one, placing them as close to each other as possible. Then remove the fabric, cut it in the shape shown in the figure, and stick it on the bump, thickly smearing the bump and fabric with glue.

Autumn is a wonderful time! On the street there is beauty, golden leaves, autumn flowers, pot-bellied, plump pumpkins and zucchini, fragrant apples have ripened in the beds and gardens. There are many mushrooms, chestnuts, spruce and pine cones in parks and forests. Harvested a harvest of sunflower seeds, peas, beans. And all this enchanting and autumnal fragrant beauty and generosity of nature can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also making wonderful crafts from natural materials with their own hands.

Everything that autumn gives us can be used in creativity. Such crafts are always needed in kindergartens and schools. Teachers organize fairs and exhibitions, where little ones and older children can boast of what they and their parents or themselves created from what nature has prepared for us.

Any ordinary cone, leaf, or even a pumpkin or acorn can be turned into an unusual creature endowed with character or a beautiful composition. One has only to put a little imagination and quite a bit of effort and time, as you can see the magical transformation and birth of a small creation. Let's look at how you can create unique crafts from natural materials with your own hands from everything that is in the beds and in the forest to a school or a kindergarten group. Consider the processes in stages or just the ideas of wonderful creations.

The beginning of autumn in kindergarten is marked by the start of any exhibitions and craft contests. To do this, babies and their mothers collect leaves and acorns, cones and chestnuts and come up with interesting and intricate combinations, turning all this into amazing objects. Let's look at the ideas of crafts from natural materials with our own hands in the kindergarten, we will analyze one step by step.

Since autumn is the time for cobwebs and spiders, let's make such a craft. Make it together with the baby, he will be delighted.

We will prepare everything you need:

  • thin and long twigs of the same size - 4 pieces;
  • white thin threads;
  • several autumn dried leaves;
  • chestnut;
  • a little plasticine;
  • legs from leaves - 8 pieces;
  • hot glue (gun).

We start to tinker:

  1. We fold the twigs crosswise, tightly wrap the middle with threads or glue with a gun with hot lei.
  2. We wind a spider web of thin white thread on the branches according to the pattern, wrapping tightly each branch in turn.
  3. Now we are making a spider. We glue the eyes on the face from plasticine, glue 4 legs from the roots of the leaves on the sides.
  4. In the center we glue a sheet, and a spider on it.
  5. We glue a few more leaves on the cobweb.

The autumn spider web is ready.

Hedgehogs in the meadow

Let's prepare the required material:

  • cardboard base for crafts;
  • cones;
  • leaves;
  • pine needles;
  • plasticine;
  • two potatoes.

And now we are making:

  1. We glue the leaves onto a cardboard base.
  2. Glue the cones around the perimeter.
  3. We make hedgehogs: we make a muzzle, sticking plasticine eyes and socks, stick pine needles into the potatoes from above.
  4. We glue the hedgehogs on plasticine in the middle of the composition.
  5. On the needles of each hedgehog, you can stick a fungus or an apple molded from plasticine.

And here is another version of a hedgehog made from a plastic bottle and cones. To make it you need:

  • plastic bottle and 2 additional caps;
  • cones;
  • foliage;
  • rowan berries;
  • glue;
  • paint (brown).

Making a hedgehog:

  1. We paint the bottle brown and its cork black. We glue black-painted toothpicks to the cork. These are the antennae.
  2. We make the eyes from two white plastic bottle caps.
  3. We glue the cones on the glue as hedgehog needles.
  4. You can stick rowan berries, leaves or something else on the cones.
  5. Let's make a stand for the hedgehog by gluing the leaves onto the cardboard. We put the hedgehog on a stand and bring it to the kindergarten.

These wonderful crafts made from natural materials can be made quickly and beautifully with your child with your own hands. The kid will definitely like the process, and the result will be appreciated by the guys in the group and the educators.

We make from cones and chestnuts

Handicrafts made from natural materials made with your own hands, from cones and chestnuts, are very interesting and unusual. You can make any figurines of a little man, magical creatures, animals from cones. The chestnuts are the same. In one composition, you can use several types of natural material, composing them as needed according to the idea.

You can craft from chestnuts and cones:

  1. Little man.
  2. Muravyov.
  3. Caterpillars.
  4. Snails.
  5. Mice and cubs.

In general, any living creature that only has enough imagination.

All animals can be glued to the base (for this, take cardboard or a box lid). Then fill the base with moss and dried leaves.

Seeds and grains

Do-it-yourself wonderful crafts on the theme of autumn from natural materials are obtained from cereals, grains and seeds. From them, you can lay out a panel, fill in the missing fragments with them in volumetric structures. Let's take a look at a few of these creations step by step.

The child himself can make from this material. This activity is very enjoyable and useful for the development of imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers.

You need to take a thick sheet or cardboard as a basis, draw the outline of the future composition on it. Then coat the individual fragments with glue and stick the seeds. Groats or grains. So you need to fill in all the elements of the picture in turn.

Another version of the panel using seeds and grains. We put a drawing on the cardboard and fill it with plasticine. To do this, fill in different fragments with small pieces of plasticine of different colors, as if rubbing it in. And only then we glue the seeds onto the plasticine where it is necessary, pressing them into a layer of plasticine. For these panels, you can use drawings of animals or insects, landscapes.

Without vegetables anywhere

A special place is occupied by handicrafts made from natural materials with their own hands, made from vegetables or using them. Usually it is very bright and stylish, bouquets or any works of pumpkin look beautiful in autumn. This is a bright vegetable that allows your imagination to unfold. He can turn into a mushroom, and into a woodland, and into an owl, and into a flowerpot for a bouquet. Let's take a look at a few options step by step.

Pumpkin spider house

  1. Cut off the barrels from the round orange pumpkin and clean out all the seeds.
  2. We stick pins with round heads around the perimeter of the resulting window and pull a jute rope mesh onto them.
  3. Making a spider. We glue 2 chestnuts, make eyes from plasticine for him and glue 8 legs from straws.
  4. We put the spider on the glue near the cobweb.
  5. The pumpkin can be decorated with another small window with a cobweb, or you can randomly stick autumn leaves on it.

Apple caterpillars

  1. One caterpillar needs several apples.
  2. We attach eyes and a nose to one apple, decorate it with a hat or a bow, put it on a toothpick and stick it tightly into the other apple from above.
  3. We connect several apples with toothpicks.
  4. On the sides of the toothpick we stick the legs from the carrot pieces, and at the back we put the tail on the toothpick - the tip of the carrot.

"Cornucopia of fruits and vegetables"

You can make a whole family of such caterpillars.

Potato hedgehogs

  1. We take a few potatoes and cut one half into a cone, this will be the muzzle.
  2. We make out the muzzle with eyes (they can be glued ready-made or made from plasticine or beads).
  3. We paint the nose with black paint.
  4. We stick in toothpicks as needles. A small apple or leaf or fungus can be planted on the needles.

For such crafts, you can also use zucchini, cabbage, carrots, apples. What can be done with all this rich harvest. The following are a few photos of do-it-yourself crafts from natural materials for kindergarten or school. You can try to make something similar or come up with variations.

We create masterpieces for the school competition

Many schools hold contests and exhibitions at the beginning of each academic year. Often the task for such events is to create a composition, a bouquet from what can be found in the fall. First-graders are especially responsible for these contests.

We offer several ideas for crafts from natural materials, which you can simply make quickly and beautifully with your own hands in grades 1 and 2. They are pretty simple. With some, first and second graders will cope without the help of mothers, but for more complicated masterpieces, the help of parents is needed.


They love to bring landscapes or scenes with the participation of any characters from cones, acorns, chestnuts, twigs and roots to school, and even to kindergarten. It is very interesting to craft them yourself and imagine how ordinary twigs and cones come to life and begin to live a new, magical life.

Autumn bouquets

The classics of the genre are autumn bouquets of foliage, dried flowers, branches in beautiful variations and in an interesting design.

As a container for a bouquet, you can use a beautiful bright pumpkin and fill it with dried flowers, twigs and leaves. The pumpkin will need to be prepared:

  • cut off the top;
  • clean out the seeds;
  • blot the inside of the pumpkin with a paper napkin.

Now you can fill it with a beautiful composition to your taste.

Maple leaves can be crafted to make roses. How to do it:

  1. Several (6-7) maple leaves are needed for one rose.
  2. Fold the first sheet in half and twist it tightly into a tube.
  3. Next, fold the second sheet in half and wrap the first twisted sheet with it, but press it tightly only at the base, and leave the top free.
  4. We wrap the third sheet folded in half around the second, covering the joints.
  5. So we twist all the prepared leaves into a rose. We fasten with a thread at the base.

We make several of these buds and collect them into a beautiful bouquet. You can supplement it with other leaves or collect a whole basket of autumn roses.


A very interesting kind of bouquet or tree that will be in a pot. Topiary is made from a variety of materials. Let's see how to make it from natural material in the fall. We will prepare everything you need:

  • a pot or small low vase. You can use any tin can by wrapping it tightly with jute rope or wrapping it in burlap;
  • rather plump twig (for the trunk);
  • a foam ball or newspaper crumpled into a ball, wrapped in threads;
  • any natural material: moss, leaves, chestnuts, cones, acorns, dried flowers;
  • gypsum;
  • hot glue in the gun.

Getting started:

  1. We put the ball on the barrel, fix it with glue.
  2. We dilute the gypsum with water to the consistency of very thick sour cream.
  3. Put plaster in the pot and insert the trunk. Gypsum dries quickly, so you don't have to wait long for it to dry.
  4. Fill the pot around the trunk with moss and any material that is.
  5. We glue the ball with hot glue with leaves, dried flowers, cones, acorns and other natural materials.

The topiary is ready. Here you can give free rein to imagination and make very interesting compositions. Such amazing things can be sent to the competition with crafts made from natural materials with their own hands from grade 1 or even from older children.

We decorate the home

You can quickly and beautifully decorate a house or cottage in the fall with your own hands, creating simple crafts from natural materials.

Autumn Lanterns

On a chilly and damp autumn evening, I really want to wrap myself in a blanket, sit on a cozy soft sofa and dream. Candles or lanterns will help create the right atmosphere, which, by the way, can be made with your own hands using maple leaves or any other trees. Let's see how you can do this. First, let's prepare everything you need:

  • beautiful autumn leaves, pre-dried according to all the rules (more on this below in the article);
  • transparent glass jars;
  • PVA glue and a brush (you need to take it wider);
  • decorative candles. You can use conventional or electronic batteries.

Let's start the process of creating candlesticks:

  1. Gently coat the leaves with glue on one side.
  2. In a chaotic manner, we glue them on the outer surface of the can. After all the leaves are glued to the jar, you need to coat them on top again with a thin layer of glue. Allow to dry well.
  3. The neck of the jar can be decorated with a tourniquet or decorative rope.
  4. Now we put a candle inside, light it and enjoy the comfort.

Autumn panel on the wall

We propose to disassemble 2 options for panels that can be used to decorate a room in the fall. The first option is a picture of autumn leaves with a metallic sheen effect.

For a picture you need:

  • the foundation. It can be a small canvas or a base from a photo frame;
  • a few autumn leaves (prepared and well dried;
  • PVA glue;
  • putty;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • gold or silver acrylic paint;
  • wide brush and sponge.

Getting started:

  1. Apply a thin layer of putty to the base. Further, all work must be done quickly, until the putty has dried.
  2. On top of the putty, lay the leaves coated with PVA glue as desired. You need to press them quite a bit into the putty layer.
  3. With a crumpled piece of paper or another piece of paper, blot in some places a layer of putty, where the leaves are not placed, in order to give it a structure.
  4. Now let it dry thoroughly. Since the putty layer is small, the work will dry quickly.
  5. Now we cover the work with black paint. Let it dry.
  6. Now we dip a dry sponge in gold or silver paint, remove the excess and lightly coat the entire work to highlight the relief and give the effect of a metallic sheen.

This panel will look like it is a print of leaves on a metal surface. The finished panel will adequately decorate your interior.

The second version of the panel is a picture of dried flowers and twigs

Let's prepare for her:

  • several branches of different lengths and shapes;
  • rope or thick thread for knitting;
  • dried flowers, dried leaves;
  • scissors.

Let's start creating a picture:

  1. You need to choose what shape the panel will be. It can be square or triangular.
  2. We fold the branches into the desired shape. We wrap the joints tightly with thread, cut the ends of the thread and hide.
  3. We carefully wind a rope or thread over the entire width of the resulting frame, making a mesh.
  4. We lay blades of grass, leaves and dried flowers into the resulting thread mesh.
  5. After everything is ready, the panel can be sprinkled with varnish.

Miracle in a jar

A craft made from natural materials may well fit in a jar and you can do it yourself quickly and beautifully in order to decorate a house or a summer cottage and add a touch of autumn mood to the interior.

Here's how to do it. We will prepare everything you need:

  • transparent glass jar with a lid. The jar can be of any shape;
  • beautiful branch. Its height should be equal to the height of the can;
  • small dried leaves or artificial leaves made of paper, plastic, or felt;
  • glue (a heat gun is better).


  1. We glue the leaves on a branch in any order and in any place.
  2. We fix the top of the branch with hot melt glue to the bottom of the can.
  3. Apply hot glue to the tip of the twig and carefully close the jar with a lid.
  4. We turn the jar upside down and put it on the lid.

House of acorns

This installation can be used to decorate any room in the fall or give an autumn souvenir to loved ones. All these crafts can, if desired, be sent to an exhibition or competition of autumn works in a school or garden.

This article contains the most interesting, easy-to-make crafts from natural materials that you can create with your own hands and tips for their implementation. Based on the above photos, descriptions and master classes, you can create one of the described crafts, or, by imagining a little and combining some tips and tricks, make something of your own, unique and inimitable like autumn itself.

Natural material is the most accessible and interesting material for children's creativity. In the autumn, all children's educational institutions make small and large masterpieces from cones, leaves, acorns, sticks, twigs, bark, flowers, fruits and seeds. In this section, the teacher can find many ideas for children's creativity.

Crafts from natural material

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Crafts from natural material - Master class on making crafts from natural material "On a sunny meadow"

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Volumetric applique "Grapes" from natural material. educator: Hajiyeva Umihanum. Purpose: Development of the creative abilities of educators and preschoolers. Tasks: - to acquaint with the new concept of volumetric application - to master the techniques of working with paper, natural material - ...

"Magic forest of animals" Summary of a lesson in modeling from plasticine and natural material. Purpose: to create a positive motivation for learning activities, evoke an emotional response in children, arouse interest in natural materials, develop imagination, form cognitive ...

Vankaeva Natalya Borisovna "Positive tree" Manual labor. Working with natural material. MKDOU "Kindergarten" Altn Bulg ". Educator: Vankaeva Natalya Borisovna. In the fall in the Viber group I received a wonderful postcard" Tree of positive ". I decided to depict this picture with the help of ...

A wealth of material from nature

For work, everything that lies under your feet is useful - no matter whether it is good or bad. May come in handy: leaves and flowers, acorns with cups, cones, branches. You can bring a lot of nuts from home, suitable for crafts and beans, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables and much more.

And how do you like the idea of ​​creating fluffies, but not from traditional cotton wool, but from poplar fluff or real feathers? Or a black and green tea applique? Or maybe you sharpened colored pencils and you have a lot of multi-colored shavings left. Excellent work is obtained from colored sand or colored salt and semolina.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the pages of the "SchoolLa" blog! It's autumn. And what is “ShkolaLa” in the fall and without autumn handicrafts? That's right, none) Children bring all kinds of different crafts made from natural materials to school every year, around September - October. That is, right now! Therefore, right now, an article dedicated to these crafts is published on the blog.

Most of the works that you will see below were found by me on the Internet. I would like to convey my great greetings to their authors and say thank you for their great creativity and wonderful ideas, which, I hope, will inspire many young schoolchildren and their parents to their craft exploits.

Lesson plan:

From chestnuts

A huge chestnut grows right in front of us. And when in the morning you leave the house, then no, no, and you will get a chestnut on the head. It doesn't hurt at all, it just happens unexpectedly) So we don't have to go far for chestnuts, they literally fall from the sky.

Last year, with our own hands, we made such "Checkers-bugs" from chestnuts, which we then presented to the kindergarten as a keepsake.

A master class for making this game is hidden away.

And you can also make such amazing snails from chestnuts. A very easy craft that does not take a lot of time.

A charming and not at all scary spider. True, making a hole in a chestnut can be problematic. Here, the child will certainly need the help of an adult.

If you add plasticine and a little imagination, you can make a whole Africa!

Well, or a poultry yard.

And this caterpillar is just a sight for sore eyes!

I am sure that she could decorate more than one exhibition and get a victory in some autumn competition.


And for pine cones, my children and I go with a basket to Victory Park. But there you can only collect pine cones.

The playing field is made of branches, and the chips themselves are made of pebbles, but they can be built from chestnuts, and even from halves of walnut shells.

From leaves, flowers, berries

There are a lot of beautiful bright leaves in autumn. Collect - I don't want to. However, like berries, rowan, for example.

I remember when Sasha went to first grade, it was in another life (before the blog), we made roses from autumn leaves for school. We didn’t succeed, we tried it many times. As a result, we managed. It turned out something like this.

Various applications can be made from leaves and flowers.

Use them together with other natural materials.

Or you can try to create a real work of art.

Rowan berries are perfect for making jewelry, beads, for example.

Out of something strange

And while walking through the autumn parks and streets, you can find something strange and, at first glance, completely unsuitable for handicrafts. For example, here's a piece of birch. What should I call it? Did you cut it, or what?

We found him and took him with us. They brought it home. Washed and dried. And they decided to turn it ... into a watermelon! The form is very suitable. See what we got.

We needed:

  • Birch;
  • acrylic paints (white, green, black, red);
  • brushes;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue;
  • plasticine.

First, all our future watermelon was primed with PVA glue.

Then they painted the "crust" in a dark green color.

And they drew a dark strip along the middle.

The "watermelon pulp" was first covered with white paint.

And then, stepping back a little from the crust so that a white rim remained, everything was painted in a juicy red color.

To make the transition from white to red smoother, a pink strip was added between them. When our watermelon dried up, we varnished it. After that, it became even juicier.

Only the bones are missing! We blinded them from black plasticine and glued them in place.

Now this birch watermelon stands in our room in the most conspicuous place and pleases us and our guests, who strive to touch this piece of summer.

Here are how many different crafts you can think of and make for elementary school with your own golden hands. Nothing complicated, but how exciting!

And right now the singing kids will share with you their wonderful golden autumn mood)

What have you already managed to build from natural materials this fall? Will you tell? We are waiting for comments)

Enjoy your creativity!

Yours, Evgeniya Klimkovich.

Do-it-yourself autumn crafts from cones to kindergarten. Senior - preparatory group

Crafts from natural material "Fairy Autumn". Master class with step by step photos

Maksimova Vera, 6 years old, pupil of MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 125", Voronezh
Supervisor: Orekhova Vera Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 125", Voronezh
Description: this master class is intended for children 5-7 years old, teachers of additional education, educators, loving and caring parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift. The craft can serve as work for the autumn exhibition.
Target: making crafts from natural material.
Teach how to use natural materials to make crafts;
Develop fine motor skills;
Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy;
Develop compositional and aesthetic feelings;
Foster curiosity, independence;
To cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work;
To cultivate the ability to bring the started business to its logical conclusion;
Raise interest in arts and crafts.

Baba Yaga- one of the brightest characters in Russian fairy tales. She often acts as a wise assistant to the hero. Hospitable, she sets the table, soars in the bathhouse, gives wise advice. This heroine is loved by both adults and children.

Baba Yaga
There is a hut at the edge,
One old lady lives there
For many, many years
And she has no friends.
Here the hut is spinning
As that old woman wishes.
Will turn back to the forest
And the old woman is very happy.
On a broomstick every night
She doesn't mind flying.
That broom is famous for
That was at the trough.
This trough is many years old

And there is no substitute for him.
In it she cooks dinner
If she really needs it.
In it she washes clothes,
It even supports the doors,
So that an accidental draft
Her barrel did not chill. (V. Kosov)

The game "Baba Yaga"
There is a hut in the dark forest. (Go in a circle)
Stands backwards. (They jump to the other side)
There is an old woman in that hut.
Grandma Yaga lives. (Going in a circle the other way)
She has big eyes (The hands are unclenching at the eyes)
Like lights are burning.
Wow, how angry she is! (Squat)
The hair is standing still! (Get up, put their hands up)

Materials and tools required for work:

1.Cones: spruce and pine with a tail;
2.Plastic cup;
3. Twine;
4.Single sack;
5. PVA glue, plasticine, Macaroni "Horns";
6.Twigs, rowan;
7. Threads.

Step-by-step workflow:

We take a plastic cup, twine and PVA glue. We wrap the glass with twine, covering it with glue. This will be a stupa for Baba Yaga.

Now we take the cones. Using brown plasticine, we connect the cones.

We put macaroni on a pine cone with a tail. It turns out the nose.

We make eyes and mouth from plasticine.

We string rowan berries on a string and make beads for Baba Yaga.

We take twigs and make breaks.

With the help of plasticine, we attach it to the body.

We decorate the stupa with burlap and plant our Baba Yaga.

We take beige threads, make a bunch. We get hair for Baba Yaga.

We take small, thin twigs and collect them in a bunch. We insert the stick.
It turns out a broom.

Here we have such a Baba Yaga, sweet and kind.

Works of children in the "Self-made" circle.

Girlfriends of the Grandma-Yozhki.

Cones, branches and broom-
Cool Yaga came out!
It turned out to be an old woman
Quite beautiful
I even liked my grandmother!