Marina, who was injured in the attack, had her arm torn off. There is hope that you will return to your former appearance

The girl had multiple maxillofacial injuries and burns to her face. Now the courageous Petersburger will have a long rehabilitation. The girl's friends and classmates are worried that her retired parents will not be able to help her, and have started collecting voluntary donations. They ask for money to be transferred to the card of Eva's mom and dad - Irina or Alexander Antonov.

Today, Eva made us happy - she has already come to her senses, she ate for the first time on her own, - Olga, a friend and classmate of Evelina, tells Metro on April 5. - She's already been operated on. They promised that they would "bring" to the state that a minimum of plastic surgery would be needed. But, nevertheless, additional plastic surgery may be needed. As the head physician told us, they are considering transferring from intensive care to a regular ward.

Evelina's friends organized a collection of help the very next day after the incident. By the middle of the day on April 5, a little more than 400 thousand rubles came to the bank cards of the girl's parents. If she needs additional plastic surgery or rehabilitation funds, then, friends suggest, she will need an amount from 1 to 3 million rubles. A friend notes that they try to promptly post reports on the funds received.

Eva and I have known each other since school,” says Olga. - Clever, beautiful, excellent student, she even let me write off sometimes, such a romantic "Turgenev girl".

Exactly one year ago, there was a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. On April 3, 2017, at 14:33, an explosion occurred in the metro on the stretch between Sennaya Ploschad and Technological Institute stations. Investigators found that the explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber. On that day, 103 people were injured, 16 died.

Correspondents of the TV Gubernia portal managed to contact 25-year-old Evelina Antonova, who was injured in the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro. At the time of the explosion, the girl was sitting next to the suicide bomber. Doctors managed to save her eyesight and face. 365 days have passed since that moment, and Evelina still goes to hospitals ...

How has the life of a young resident of St. Petersburg changed after the terrorist attack? Is the subway her phobia now? What does Evelina Antonova feel when she looks at herself in the mirror? What attracts her to Voronezh?

Frank answers of the girl in our interview, especially for the readers of TV Province.

- A year ago, there was an explosion in a subway car. Tell me, do you remember that terrible moment?

Yes, I remember that moment. Thoughts were confused, I seemed to fall into a dream, but I understood that something was wrong. I fell and clung to the tunnel doors with my feet while the train was moving. I had only two thoughts in my head: how to get out of here and how to inform my parents about what had happened, because during the explosion my phone fell out of my hands, and it was not possible to find it. And, unfortunately, all the numbers were erased from memory. As a result, I got out of the car, and some man seated me on the platform. Then a man approached me, whom I asked to dial my home phone number - the only contact number I could remember. The younger sister answered the phone. Honestly, I don’t remember how it happened, but I managed to contact my mother and say that I was alive and everything was in order, and then the connection was cut off.

- Probably, you often think back to that fateful day?

Recently, less and less often, mainly when I come across articles or programs related to the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.

Do you cry when you remember what happened?

I rarely cry, but every time I see a list of the dead, it’s like a black hole forms inside, my stomach starts to cramp ... I still can’t believe that these people were driving next to me, and now they are gone.

- It turned out that the suicide bomber Akbarjon Jalilov was sitting next to you. Do you remember him?

No, I don't remember at all...

Did you forgive him for what he did?

He is just a pawn. The real evil is much more global. I don’t think about him, so I can’t say if I forgave him or not.

- Evelina, do you think your survival is a miracle or fate?

I think it's fate. For some reason this had to happen to me. Perhaps certain changes were to take place in my life, but for some reason such a terrible event preceded them.

- When you woke up in the hospital. What did you feel?

I felt terrible weakness. When I woke up for the first time, I still had a bandage on my face, I could not see anything, but only distinguished voices. Only my parents, my aunt and a young man were allowed to see me, and even then just for a few minutes. At that time, no one told me what had happened. Yes, and I did not understand anything.

We know that the doctors managed to save your eyesight and restore your face. When you first looked in the mirror after the tragedy, what did you think?

I thought that now I will definitely look in the mirror very rarely. I was terribly upset. To be completely honest, up to this point I was very critical of my appearance, so it was difficult for me to accept my new look. But I got over it, though not right away. I think appearance plays a huge role. Especially in youth. Especially for girls. Therefore, it is difficult for me to describe how I was going through in words ... This is hopelessness and at the same time resignation to what happened ...

How many surgeries have you already had?

I somehow tried to count the operations that were carried out, but at some point I got lost. There were about 7-8 of them. There are two more rhinoplasties ahead, but I don’t know the time for them. I have to completely stop growing cartilage, which was transplanted into my nose wing.

How is your rehabilitation going?

My rehabilitation began at the end of May 2017, when I went to a sanatorium for two weeks. Then there were procedures already in the hospital at the place of residence. At the moment, most of the rehabilitation is in all sorts of little things: creams and a glove against scars, vitamins, healthy nutrition, a good orthopedic pillow and mattress, an air humidifier, a salt lamp ... You can go on and on, but these little things come to mind with difficulty, because for me they have already become ordinary things. In addition, I recently received a disability ...

- And now the subway is your phobia?

Yes, I confess, the subway still causes me fear, which I could not overcome. I never went down to the subway after the incident ...

Above, you were talking about the man who helped you connect with your loved ones when you got off the subway. Do you know anything about him?

This is Gennady Borisovich Vinogradov. For me, he is, first of all, a person who helped me in a difficult situation, and then repeatedly visited me in the hospital. I know that he loves flowers, he has a garden in his dacha, and he once told me that he planted a flower in my honor.

In addition to close people and Gennady Borisovich, you were supported by strangers who wrote wishes from different parts of the world. How does it feel to know that millions are worried about your life?

This is something absolutely incredible. People imbued me, a stranger, with such warmth that it was felt even at the physical level. I constantly received postcards, letters and gifts - and there was not a day that my ward was left without flowers. Relatives read all the good wishes addressed to me, and I was sincerely touched by people's indifference. After that, I began to believe that thoughts are material. After all, it was thanks to such powerful support that I quickly went on the mend. I don't know how to describe it more fully. It just needs to be felt the way I feel.

We noticed that after the terrorist attack you stopped accessing social networks such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Why?

I am a completely non-public person. Therefore, it is still very difficult for me to realize that a huge number of people are interested in my life. And I understand that I am completely lost in this situation. I am not yet mentally ready to appear before people, first I need to fully recover and find inner peace.

Psychologists say that after a serious life situation, a person closes in himself. And in general, he begins to look at everything differently. Have you changed your mindset since the incident?

It seems to me that I have not changed, only become more suspicious. Perhaps I would also have closed in on myself, but thanks to my parents, the young man and friends, this did not happen. They just left me with no options, except for one: to live on and enjoy it!

- Tell us about your young man. How did he participate in your rehabilitation?

We have been together for over a year now. He always says warm words to me, makes compliments, makes it clear that I am the most beautiful and best girl for him. If I can't handle something, he will always find a way to help me. Well, or do it yourself. Or teach how to do it. We joke a lot, we laugh a lot, and it's just amazing, because laughter is the best medicine. After love, of course. Yes, I was very worried about my appearance, but he immediately made me understand that nothing had changed for him, and I was still the most beautiful. Truly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

- And we also know that one celebrity supported you! Recently, German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn gave you a gift: a Bayern shirt, an autographed CD and a letter. What did Kan write to you? Confess!

Oliver Kahn wished me fortitude and courage. He also wrote me his motto: “Further, more and more!”, And said that these words always led him forward, and he wishes me the same on the way to my recovery. He also conveyed his best wishes to my family, all my doctors and all the people who support me.

Now I try to lead a normal life, in which there is everything except work. I read, I go for walks, I meet friends, I study English. From time to time I visit my attending physicians, where without it. True, there is not enough work. I never thought I would miss being in the office...

- Have you planned anything for the near future?

I want to travel a lot! Chile, Mexico, Italy, Montenegro, Baikal. True, this is all from the distant future. I plan to change my professional field of activity and become a personnel manager. I would very much like to gather my will and talent into a fist and finish the book, which I have been trying to finish for several years. I also need to resume swimming and start going to fitness. And also learn poems by heart and declare them, walking through cities that are new to me.

- Wow! What are you writing a book about?

The book is about people who in the past were connected with each other in some way, and at the moment they are not connected at all. In the present, something not quite ordinary happens to each of them, and thanks to these events, people from the past are revealed from different sides, reacting in one way or another. That's what I'm writing about. I started writing it a long time ago, several years ago, but without much idea. What comes to mind. And then I was somehow visited by inspiration, and I came up with such a plot.

- We are sure that you will succeed. We wish you a speedy recovery. Come to Voronezh!

With pleasure! By the way, I've never been there. I heard that you have amazingly low prices for nuts, so I, as a nut soul, simply have to come to Voronezh. And after I see the prices for nuts with my own eyes and buy a couple of weeks in advance, I will definitely go to the largest restaurant in Europe, which is located in your city. I also know that you can not only eat there, but also take a walk, like in a museum. That's why I really want to go there!

As a result of the explosion in the metro of St. Petersburg, the victim lost her nose

The list of victims included 24-year-old Evelina Antonova. Her history has been forgotten. And in those terrible days, when some buried their loved ones, while others prayed for the victims, Eva's tragedy made many shudder. This is the same girl whose nose was torn off during the terrorist attack. The footage of a man carrying her, covered in blood, in his arms from the subway, spread all over the country.

Eva was at the epicenter of the explosion - the terrorist was sitting next to her in the car. And then he stood up. And exploded in front of her. Most of the blast wave fell on the upper body of the passenger. The student's eyes were saved by the fact that she was looking at the smartphone at that time.

The struggle for Antonova's life began. Friends, relatives, close girls created a group in social networks under the hashtag #Evazhivi#. The victim herself did not contact.

How does it feel to wake up and realize that you will never be the same. What a person feels even after a while, to whom death has come too close, and how the victim of the terrorist attack lives today - in an interview with Evelina "MK".

“At the time of the attack, there were only two doctors on the spot.”

Information from April, 4: “The eyes were saved, the nose was torn off (sewn on), the face ... I don’t know how to describe it. There are two more operations ahead, one of which is plastic. We all understand what a beautiful face means for a girl, and yet the terrorist exploded right in front of her. There are no words, really ... She is alive, guys, alive!

5th of April:“The government of the Leningrad region decided to pay for the operation of Antonova Evelina. The official fundraising has been suspended, many scammers have appeared who are trying to cash in on someone else's grief. Eva is currently in intensive care. She had her bandages removed. It is too early to talk about her stable condition. Everything is changing every minute.”

April 8:“Yesterday I managed to visit her in person. We were only allowed in for 2 minutes. There are many stab wounds on the body, certain defects on the face. Doctors cannot make any predictions. Rehabilitation will take at least a year. There is still a lot of work to be done, big expenses.”

April 9:“Evochka's condition is satisfactory. In the near future, most likely, there will be no significant changes. The girl eats through a straw, since she cannot chew food herself yet. ”

April 10th:"According to the doctors, we live for today - and no one has yet made serious predictions."

Eva's latest status message by October 30: Treatment continues. Now the tumor of the lower part of the face on the left has become clearly visible, the surgeon says that, most likely, some kind of infection has got in, because almost the entire face was like one open wound. In general, Evelina is doing well, she wanted to find training courses for herself, but doctors still forbid any study and stress.

We contacted Evelina Antonova, who agreed to remember what I would like to forget.

“While the train was going through the tunnel, I was clinging to the walls with my feet”

- Evelina, remember how you felt when you came to your senses in the hospital?

I practically don't remember anything. It was the moment when I came to my senses that was erased from my memory. I learned everything only from the stories of close people who were next to me.

- They hid from you for a long time what happened to you?

No, they didn't hide it. Yes, and there was no point: I roughly imagined what I experienced and how it affected me.

- When did you find out all the details of what happened?

As far as I remember, they began to tell me about my condition only after I was transferred from intensive care to the surgical department. Then they told about the terrorist attack. Relatives wanted to protect me from frequent memories of what had happened, so for a long time conversations on this topic were very short. I learned more about my condition from the attending physicians than from my relatives.

How quickly did you realize that you were so badly hurt?

I immediately realized that the situation was complicated, that my nose had suffered a decent amount. After all, I couldn’t even breathe, I could hardly speak, which was incomprehensible here. Besides, when it all happened, my whole face was covered in blood. When they took me out of the subway and put me in an ambulance, I tried to ask the doctors about my condition, but they apparently did not want to injure me even more, so they repeated that everything was fine and there was no need to panic.

- Do you often think back to that car?

I try my best not to think about it, I drive these thoughts away from me. I understand that that day will forever remain in my memory, but, fortunately, the memories are really erased. Sometimes I find myself thinking that I simply can’t remember any details anymore. Strange, right?

Many victims of various terrorist attacks often spoke of a bad feeling on the day of the tragedy. Did you have something similar that day?

Against. That fateful day promised me quick changes - I was on my way to an interview. No bad feelings. I was in a great mood. I felt like life was getting better. Just as I thought about it, there was an explosion.

You were in close proximity to the terrorist. Already after, when his photographs appeared, did you remember your fellow traveler?

No. I don't remember that guy. In general, I rarely considered fellow travelers before, only if they somehow attracted my attention. This one didn't seem to be attractive. Merged with the general mass. But now I often find myself thinking that I am watching people who are next to me in public transport, on the street, somewhere else.

- Do you remember the moment of the explosion?

Yes, that's what I remember well. I experienced strange sensations. For the first seconds after the explosion, it seemed to me that I fell into a hole, everything happened as if in a dream. The realization quickly came that something had happened, but I could not make out what. I didn't think about the explosion. At that moment it was difficult to concentrate, to collect thoughts in a heap. Moreover, when the explosion was just heard, I fell, lay and I had to constantly pull my knees towards me, as it seemed to me that the earth was moving out from under my feet. Yes, yes, that's exactly how I felt. Later I found an explanation for this. The fact is that the door next to me was badly damaged, and while the train was still racing through the tunnel, I hit the walls with my feet. I don’t know if I was losing consciousness, but I got out of the car on my own two feet, though not without the help of people. I also remember that already at the station a terrible panic began, clouds of smoke, a lot of blood, wounded people, screams and crying.

- What did you feel? Fear, anxiety, desire to run away?

Surprisingly, I didn't panic at the time. Perhaps the worst is behind us? I began to panic later, in the hospital, when they began to prepare me for the operation. When I just got out of the car, I tried to figure out what to do next. Thoughts, of course, were confused, I did not know what to do. I remember that people were constantly passing by me, someone was helping the injured, who were sitting and lying next to me. And I just sat alone on the platform, not understanding where to go next. One man noticed my confusion, later we met. It was Gennady Borisovich. He silently helped me up. And I clung to him like a saving straw. I began to beg not to leave me, realizing that I needed the help of an adult. He helped me up the escalator. Brought to the street. Despite my terrible injuries, I tried to persuade him to contact his parents to calm them down. This thought haunted me. At that time, this was the only desire, I knew for sure: it was necessary to inform relatives. Worried about them, not about myself.

- Despite the fact that you reassured your parents, they could not find you for a long time?

They found me only late at night. I don't know why it happened, apparently my data was nowhere to be found. In the Ambulance, where they called for a long time, they could not give them any information. They traveled to all the hospitals where they took the victims before they ended up at the Janelidze Emergency Research Institute, where I was lying. They let me into intensive care. My head and hands were bandaged, so it was not easy to identify me. They wrote that they recognized me by my manicure, but this is not so. My parents recognized me by my mole and by the color of my skin, I am very light-skinned.

- Did psychologists work with you before you saw yourself in the mirror?

No, no one specifically worked with me. Once a psychotherapist came. But the conversation was limited to a certain set of questions. Nobody comforted me.

- Can you remember your first feelings when you saw a new face in the mirror, or is it too hard for you?

I remember being upset. No, of course not. I got very upset. Thank God that at that moment there were close people nearby who began to convince me that everything is fixable, it only takes time. I myself understood this very well, so I quickly replaced all my regrets with one thought: the main thing is that I am alive.

- Did you cry often?

Cried a little. And because of what awaits me ahead - numerous operations, rehabilitation - I cried even less. Once or twice at most. Seriously. I sobbed more often after operations, when the anesthesia was hard to come off. And I cried a lot more when I saw the list of the dead for the first time. Learned the fate of these people. It shocked me. I was in some frenzied despair, that's when it was very painful.

- Did your friends support you?

Everyone supported me. Even the people with whom we had long cut off communication came to me after the tragedy. Sometimes it seemed to me that they all worried about me more than I did about myself.

- Do you communicate with the same Gennady Borisovich who helped you get out of the subway?

We met several times and exchanged text messages. I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life.

Did you receive the promised compensation?

I was paid all the compensation that was due from the metro and the city, in accordance with the severity of the injuries. There were no problems with this.

- You have survived many operations, how much more time will it take for a full recovery?

At the moment I am at home. Now I am observed at the place of residence by the surgeon, once every two weeks I go to the Janelidze Research Institute for an examination to the maxillofacial surgeon and burn doctors who perform patchwork operations. I am also undergoing a course of laser therapy - there are scars on my hands from burns. I had seven surgeries in total. They say that the healing period of scars will last about a year and a half. And then ... Well, what's next? .. Again operations. So I live - from one operation to another. Doctors have already planned a number of surgical interventions for the next year.

Most of the passengers passed by the wounded.

- Is there any hope that you will return to your former appearance?

I will say this: the doctors have done everything possible at the moment. The nose, of course, is not what it used to be, but next year I will have several more plastic surgeries, as soon as my maxillofacial surgeon agrees. Let's see what happens. Now I go with splits in my nose (special plates so that my nostrils do not stick together) - I was prescribed to wear them for 9 months. Without them, unfortunately, breathing is difficult. And in December-January, doctors will issue me a disability.

- Can a person accept the fact that his life will never be the same?

I think that everything in life is not accidental. If a tragedy occurs, it must be experienced. Learn the lesson and move on. Banal, weird? But it is. If I give up, I can sit all my life, feel sorry for myself and remember what could come true, but did not come true. And I can get together, survive this period, gain strength and do something else. I chose the second option.

- What are you dreaming about?

I'm afraid if I start listing all my dreams, there won't be enough space in the newspaper.

- Do you have nightmares at night?

Do not dream.

- Do you have plans for the future?

I plan to go on a long journey, I want to continue to study, work, seriously go in for sports. And in general, I plan to do what the doctors forbid me, and be glad that I can already breathe on my own.

It happens anyway. But if it were not for the support of family and friends who constantly pray for me, I would hardly have coped.

- Do you have a young man?

Yes, I have a boyfriend. He supports me, calms me down, encourages me. I can rely on him. So my story has a happy ending, so to speak in this situation.

- Have you been down the subway in the last six months?

Not yet. What to dissemble - the fear remained. But in a big city, it's hard to do without this form of transport, so I still plan to muster up the courage, pull myself together and make a trip someday. True, for the first time I will go down to the subway with family and friends.

Gennady Vinogradov: “I didn't do anything special. That's what everyone would do." Photo: social networks

“She looked into my eyes and asked: “I think my leg was torn off”

On October 20, the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg handed out letters of thanks and commemorative watches to people who helped the victims of the terrorist attack. There were 19 awardees.

Among them was the same Gennady Vinogradov who helped Evelina get out of the subway.

The man himself now refuses to communicate with the press: “I did not accomplish any feat, I acted like a normal person. Anyone could have been in my place." Could. But not everyone was in his place. There is a four-minute video of what happened at the station after the explosion on the Web. In that video, you can clearly see how dozens of young men circled around the wounded, looking for the best angle to film what was happening on the phone. Meanwhile, people were dying live on their mobile phones. The "operators" had a choice: stop, turn off the "video" button and help the wounded, or continue filming.

We found only one television story, where Gennady Vinogradov briefly told about his little feat. Outwardly - a man over 50, gray-haired, wearing glasses, in a modest shabby jacket, in the hands of an old briefcase. He spoke reluctantly to the camera, as if he was shy: “I was riding in the next car. Came out. I saw a girl. She asked the phone to ring. I gave. And suddenly she: “Dial yourself. To my dad." I scored. Then we went up the escalator. I told her: “The ambulance will come now. And she immediately: "Don't leave me, don't leave me." I didn't mean to leave her. "Don't be afraid, I won't leave you," he reassured. That's all".

No, not all. Gennady Vinogradov pulled another woman out of the car. She died on the way to the hospital. When the man found out about this, he was worried that he hadn’t carried her into the street in his arms, he hadn’t figured it out in time; reproaches himself for not saving the deceased. And the words that “no one could save everyone” do not console him.

We want to once again name the people who did not pass by, did not turn on their mobile phones, but silently fulfilled their human duty. Accountant Svetlana Nikolaychuk applied harnesses to three people with severed arms and wrote down the details of the victims on a piece of paper while they were conscious to notify their loved ones. train driver Alexander Kaverin miraculously brought the train to the nearest station, and then rushed to pull out the victims. Alexandra Zyablikova she recalled how “a middle-aged uncle helped her get her grandmother out of the car, young guys broke the windows, a girl of 10–11 years old served napkins.” Gennady Palagin together with another elderly man, he pulled four severely injured people out of the car, then assisted in applying tires and harnesses. Anastasia Fedotova she regretted that she could not provide first aid out of ignorance: “I had already passed by when I heard that someone was asking for a drink. I came back and gave water. I would stay if I knew how to help.” Egor Khlystun helped to drag the victims away from the ill-fated carriage, to stop the bleeding. eighteen year old Evgenia Krasnova with the help of a hair tie, she applied a tourniquet to the wounded man, trying to stop the bleeding, put her scarf under his head and handed the wounded man over to the ambulance doctors. Alexey Kolov he pulled the wounds with belts and tried to "talk his teeth" to the wounded in order to distract them from the nightmare. Wounded 20 year old Dmitry Stanislavyuk he knocked out the window of the car with his hands, helped several women get out, and when he climbed himself, his strength left him. Dmitry fell headlong onto the concrete platform and lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital. And only then the doctors told him that he had second-degree burns on his face and hands, as well as a closed craniocerebral injury and contusion. True, during the explosion the guy did not notice his wounds - he really wanted to help.

Julia Valueva, which organized first aid for the victims, later wrote on the social network: “It’s scary when a twenty-year-old girl looks into your eyes and asks:“ I think my leg was torn off. You put a splint on it, you put the pieces of that leg together, you lie to her, "It's okay, honey, you've got an open fracture." You look at the second leg, and there the phalanges of the fingers were torn off. And next to it is a woman with an open craniocerebral injury, a little further the second one, with a torn off arm, right there are young boys with broken legs. The girl frantically screamed for help for her mother. Immediately moaned pensioner with a stomach injury. At the time of the attack, there were only two doctors on the spot - me and a female resident. Then the ambulances just started to arrive.

Thanks and received Nikolai Gritsenko. Here is how he himself described what was happening: “A man, a woman and a girl were sitting at the window. The closest was a man. Alive. His eyes were open. I started to pull it out, but I couldn't do it alone. I called for help from another man. Together with him, we pulled him out and carried him to the stairs. Then we started to drag the woman out. She was in critical condition, unconscious and covered in blood. A girl sat next to her and shouted "help." We ran up and pulled the girl out. I didn't see any more survivors. Then the metro workers came and told everyone to disperse. I got off the subway, all my clothes were covered in blood. I wanted to take a taxi, but I thought that no one would take me. Went on foot. Passers-by mistook me for a bum, but I didn't care. The next day, when I went down to the subway, I was very scared. Not because they can blow me up. I was afraid that I could see the same picture again.

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Some of the patients have already been discharged, but the condition of several wounded doctors is assessed as extremely serious. They have, as the doctors say, combat injuries.

Surgeons saved Evelina Antonova's eyesight, they had to literally restore the girl's face. Experts call her salvation a miracle, in the creation of which doctors and a huge number of caring people participated.

The director of the Institute for Emergency Medicine will keep the pictures of today's night operation for a future textbook. Our surgeons have never done anything like this. A piece of metal stuck in the temple, damaged the vessels of the brain, and the shock wave literally twisted the spine. The fragment, of course, was removed, the bones were fixed, and the intervertebral compression was removed. But the main thing is that they glued the torn artery together. Literally. Special glue. Under the microscope. Its diameter is the size of a needle.

“Essentially, it’s a combat injury. This is a combat mine-explosive injury, ”said the director of the Research Institute for Emergency Medicine. Dzhanelidze Valery Parfyonov.

This night was not easy in all hospitals where they provide assistance to victims in the St. Petersburg metro. The condition of the majority is no longer a concern. But many still have to undergo surgery. Among the extremely severe ones is a girl whose identity was only recently established. Monstrous eye burns, facial injuries, and documents burned.

“Immediately warned that you will not see the face, but according to some signs - nails, manicure, some things like that. We looked at the signs that this is our daughter, ”says Irina Antonova, mother of the injured Evelina Antonova.

The girl was on her way to the interview. She graduated from Polytechnic University and wanted to become a recruiting manager. I was about to get off at the Technological Institute station. She stood a step away from the terrorist. She was protected by the phone - at the time of the explosion she was talking to someone. Then a man on the same phone told his parents that something bad had happened.

“I asked: is she alive? He says yes, but she suffered a lot. I say: Can you give her the phone? He gave her the phone, she said: Mom, I'm alive, everything is in order, and turned off, ”says Irina Antonova, mother of the injured Evelina Antonova.

In her native village of Sertolovo, Leningrad Region, Evelina is called the "Turgenev young lady" - modest, smart, economic. Graduated from the Polytechnic University, works in the civil service. Girlfriends are sure: they generally had the best class in the whole world at school. They learned about the explosion in the subway from the Internet. The fact that Evelina was there is from social networks. The computer generation - they immediately created a website with a call to help Evelina's parents.

The site works only a day, but a lot has already been collected. At some point, the parents' bank card was even almost blocked - the number of transfers went off scale. Moreover, most often modest: 100, 200 rubles each. From the Urals, the Far North, from small villages, from abroad. Along with money, people send text messages with words of support.

“A woman from Vladivostok, apparently elderly, sent 20 rubles. And she wrote: “Sorry, I can’t take it anymore. God bless your daughter." You see, this is not worth any money when such support. So thank you all so much!” - said Irina Antonova, mother of the injured Evelina.

She believes that Evelina survived is a miracle. The fact that strangers responded, too. And the doctors did one more thing - not only saved Evelina's eyes (she will see), but also literally restored her face. So far, the girl is in intensive care, but one of these days they promise to transfer her to the general department.

In St. Petersburg hospitals, four victims remain in critical condition. Two of them are at the Institute of Emergency Medicine. But there is also good news - one patient was discharged the night before for outpatient treatment. His health is on the mend.

As a result of the explosion in the metro of St. Petersburg, the victim lost her nose

The list of victims included 24-year-old Evelina Antonova. Her history has been forgotten. And in those terrible days, when some buried their loved ones, while others prayed for the victims, Eva's tragedy made many shudder. This is the same girl whose nose was torn off during the terrorist attack. The footage of a man carrying her, covered in blood, in his arms from the subway, spread all over the country.

Eva was at the epicenter of the explosion - the terrorist was sitting next to her in the car. And then he stood up. And exploded in front of her. Most of the blast wave fell on the upper body of the passenger. The student's eyes were saved by the fact that she was looking at the smartphone at that time.

The struggle for Antonova's life began. Friends, relatives, close girls created a group in social networks under the hashtag #Evazhivi#. The victim herself did not contact.

How does it feel to wake up and realize that you will never be the same. What a person feels even after a while, to whom death has come too close, and how the victim of the terrorist attack lives today - in an interview with Evelina "MK".

“At the time of the attack, there were only two doctors on the spot.”

Information from April, 4: “The eyes were saved, the nose was torn off (sewn on), the face ... I don’t know how to describe it. There are two more operations ahead, one of which is plastic. We all understand what a beautiful face means for a girl, and yet the terrorist exploded right in front of her. There are no words, really ... She is alive, guys, alive!

5th of April:“The government of the Leningrad region decided to pay for the operation of Antonova Evelina. The official fundraising has been suspended, many scammers have appeared who are trying to cash in on someone else's grief. Eva is currently in intensive care. She had her bandages removed. It is too early to talk about her stable condition. Everything is changing every minute.”

April 8:“Yesterday I managed to visit her in person. We were only allowed in for 2 minutes. There are many stab wounds on the body, certain defects on the face. Doctors cannot make any predictions. Rehabilitation will take at least a year. There is still a lot of work to be done, big expenses.”

April 9:“Evochka's condition is satisfactory. In the near future, most likely, there will be no significant changes. The girl eats through a straw, since she cannot chew food herself yet. ”

April 10th:"According to the doctors, we live for today - and no one has yet made serious predictions."

Eva's latest status message by October 30: Treatment continues. Now the tumor of the lower part of the face on the left has become clearly visible, the surgeon says that, most likely, some kind of infection has got in, because almost the entire face was like one open wound. In general, Evelina is doing well, she wanted to find training courses for herself, but doctors still forbid any study and stress.

We contacted Evelina Antonova, who agreed to remember what I would like to forget.

“While the train was going through the tunnel, I was clinging to the walls with my feet”

- Evelina, remember how you felt when you came to your senses in the hospital?

I practically don't remember anything. It was the moment when I came to my senses that was erased from my memory. I learned everything only from the stories of close people who were next to me.

- They hid from you for a long time what happened to you?

No, they didn't hide it. Yes, and there was no point: I roughly imagined what I experienced and how it affected me.

- When did you find out all the details of what happened?

As far as I remember, they began to tell me about my condition only after I was transferred from intensive care to the surgical department. Then they told about the terrorist attack. Relatives wanted to protect me from frequent memories of what had happened, so for a long time conversations on this topic were very short. I learned more about my condition from the attending physicians than from my relatives.

How quickly did you realize that you were so badly hurt?

I immediately realized that the situation was complicated, that my nose had suffered a decent amount. After all, I couldn’t even breathe, I could hardly speak, which was incomprehensible here. Besides, when it all happened, my whole face was covered in blood. When they took me out of the subway and put me in an ambulance, I tried to ask the doctors about my condition, but they apparently did not want to injure me even more, so they repeated that everything was fine and there was no need to panic.

- Do you often think back to that car?

I try my best not to think about it, I drive these thoughts away from me. I understand that that day will forever remain in my memory, but, fortunately, the memories are really erased. Sometimes I find myself thinking that I simply can’t remember any details anymore. Strange, right?

Many victims of various terrorist attacks often spoke of a bad feeling on the day of the tragedy. Did you have something similar that day?

Against. That fateful day promised me quick changes - I was on my way to an interview. No bad feelings. I was in a great mood. I felt like life was getting better. Just as I thought about it, there was an explosion.

You were in close proximity to the terrorist. Already after, when his photographs appeared, did you remember your fellow traveler?

No. I don't remember that guy. In general, I rarely considered fellow travelers before, only if they somehow attracted my attention. This one didn't seem to be attractive. Merged with the general mass. But now I often find myself thinking that I am watching people who are next to me in public transport, on the street, somewhere else.

- Do you remember the moment of the explosion?

Yes, that's what I remember well. I experienced strange sensations. For the first seconds after the explosion, it seemed to me that I fell into a hole, everything happened as if in a dream. The realization quickly came that something had happened, but I could not make out what. I didn't think about the explosion. At that moment it was difficult to concentrate, to collect thoughts in a heap. Moreover, when the explosion was just heard, I fell, lay and I had to constantly pull my knees towards me, as it seemed to me that the earth was moving out from under my feet. Yes, yes, that's exactly how I felt. Later I found an explanation for this. The fact is that the door next to me was badly damaged, and while the train was still racing through the tunnel, I hit the walls with my feet. I don’t know if I was losing consciousness, but I got out of the car on my own two feet, though not without the help of people. I also remember that already at the station a terrible panic began, clouds of smoke, a lot of blood, wounded people, screams and crying.

- What did you feel? Fear, anxiety, desire to run away?

Surprisingly, I didn't panic at the time. Perhaps the worst is behind us? I began to panic later, in the hospital, when they began to prepare me for the operation. When I just got out of the car, I tried to figure out what to do next. Thoughts, of course, were confused, I did not know what to do. I remember that people were constantly passing by me, someone was helping the injured, who were sitting and lying next to me. And I just sat alone on the platform, not understanding where to go next. One man noticed my confusion, later we met. It was Gennady Borisovich. He silently helped me up. And I clung to him like a saving straw. I began to beg not to leave me, realizing that I needed the help of an adult. He helped me up the escalator. Brought to the street. Despite my terrible injuries, I tried to persuade him to contact his parents to calm them down. This thought haunted me. At that time, this was the only desire, I knew for sure: it was necessary to inform relatives. Worried about them, not about myself.

- Despite the fact that you reassured your parents, they could not find you for a long time?

They found me only late at night. I don't know why it happened, apparently my data was nowhere to be found. In the Ambulance, where they called for a long time, they could not give them any information. They traveled to all the hospitals where they took the victims before they ended up at the Janelidze Emergency Research Institute, where I was lying. They let me into intensive care. My head and hands were bandaged, so it was not easy to identify me. They wrote that they recognized me by my manicure, but this is not so. My parents recognized me by my mole and by the color of my skin, I am very light-skinned.

- Did psychologists work with you before you saw yourself in the mirror?

No, no one specifically worked with me. Once a psychotherapist came. But the conversation was limited to a certain set of questions. Nobody comforted me.

- Can you remember your first feelings when you saw a new face in the mirror, or is it too hard for you?

I remember being upset. No, of course not. I got very upset. Thank God that at that moment there were close people nearby who began to convince me that everything is fixable, it only takes time. I myself understood this very well, so I quickly replaced all my regrets with one thought: the main thing is that I am alive.

- Did you cry often?

Cried a little. And because of what awaits me ahead - numerous operations, rehabilitation - I cried even less. Once or twice at most. Seriously. I sobbed more often after operations, when the anesthesia was hard to come off. And I cried a lot more when I saw the list of the dead for the first time. Learned the fate of these people. It shocked me. I was in some frenzied despair, that's when it was very painful.

- Did your friends support you?

Everyone supported me. Even the people with whom we had long cut off communication came to me after the tragedy. Sometimes it seemed to me that they all worried about me more than I did about myself.

- Do you communicate with the same Gennady Borisovich who helped you get out of the subway?

We met several times and exchanged text messages. I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life.

Did you receive the promised compensation?

I was paid all the compensation that was due from the metro and the city, in accordance with the severity of the injuries. There were no problems with this.

- You have survived many operations, how much more time will it take for a full recovery?

At the moment I am at home. Now I am observed at the place of residence by the surgeon, once every two weeks I go to the Janelidze Research Institute for an examination to the maxillofacial surgeon and burn doctors who perform patchwork operations. I am also undergoing a course of laser therapy - there are scars on my hands from burns. I had seven surgeries in total. They say that the healing period of scars will last about a year and a half. And then ... Well, what's next? .. Again operations. So I live - from one operation to another. Doctors have already planned a number of surgical interventions for the next year.

Most of the passengers passed by the wounded.

- Is there any hope that you will return to your former appearance?

I will say this: the doctors have done everything possible at the moment. The nose, of course, is not what it used to be, but next year I will have several more plastic surgeries, as soon as my maxillofacial surgeon agrees. Let's see what happens. Now I go with splits in my nose (special plates so that my nostrils do not stick together) - I was prescribed to wear them for 9 months. Without them, unfortunately, breathing is difficult. And in December-January, doctors will issue me a disability.

- Can a person accept the fact that his life will never be the same?

I think that everything in life is not accidental. If a tragedy occurs, it must be experienced. Learn the lesson and move on. Banal, weird? But it is. If I give up, I can sit all my life, feel sorry for myself and remember what could come true, but did not come true. And I can get together, survive this period, gain strength and do something else. I chose the second option.

- What are you dreaming about?

I'm afraid if I start listing all my dreams, there won't be enough space in the newspaper.

- Do you have nightmares at night?

Do not dream.

- Do you have plans for the future?

I plan to go on a long journey, I want to continue to study, work, seriously go in for sports. And in general, I plan to do what the doctors forbid me, and be glad that I can already breathe on my own.

It happens anyway. But if it were not for the support of family and friends who constantly pray for me, I would hardly have coped.

- Do you have a young man?

Yes, I have a boyfriend. He supports me, calms me down, encourages me. I can rely on him. So my story has a happy ending, so to speak in this situation.

- Have you been down the subway in the last six months?

Not yet. What to dissemble - the fear remained. But in a big city, it's hard to do without this form of transport, so I still plan to muster up the courage, pull myself together and make a trip someday. True, for the first time I will go down to the subway with family and friends.

Gennady Vinogradov: “I didn't do anything special. That's what everyone would do." Photo: social networks

“She looked into my eyes and asked: “I think my leg was torn off”

On October 20, the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg handed out letters of thanks and commemorative watches to people who helped the victims of the terrorist attack. There were 19 awardees.

Among them was the same Gennady Vinogradov who helped Evelina get out of the subway.

The man himself now refuses to communicate with the press: “I did not accomplish any feat, I acted like a normal person. Anyone could have been in my place." Could. But not everyone was in his place. There is a four-minute video of what happened at the station after the explosion on the Web. In that video, you can clearly see how dozens of young men circled around the wounded, looking for the best angle to film what was happening on the phone. Meanwhile, people were dying live on their mobile phones. The "operators" had a choice: stop, turn off the "video" button and help the wounded, or continue filming.

We found only one television story, where Gennady Vinogradov briefly told about his little feat. Outwardly - a man over 50, gray-haired, wearing glasses, in a modest shabby jacket, in the hands of an old briefcase. He spoke reluctantly to the camera, as if he was shy: “I was riding in the next car. Came out. I saw a girl. She asked the phone to ring. I gave. And suddenly she: “Dial yourself. To my dad." I scored. Then we went up the escalator. I told her: “The ambulance will come now. And she immediately: "Don't leave me, don't leave me." I didn't mean to leave her. "Don't be afraid, I won't leave you," he reassured. That's all".

No, not all. Gennady Vinogradov pulled another woman out of the car. She died on the way to the hospital. When the man found out about this, he was worried that he hadn’t carried her into the street in his arms, he hadn’t figured it out in time; reproaches himself for not saving the deceased. And the words that “no one could save everyone” do not console him.

We want to once again name the people who did not pass by, did not turn on their mobile phones, but silently fulfilled their human duty. Accountant Svetlana Nikolaychuk applied harnesses to three people with severed arms and wrote down the details of the victims on a piece of paper while they were conscious to notify their loved ones. train driver Alexander Kaverin miraculously brought the train to the nearest station, and then rushed to pull out the victims. Alexandra Zyablikova she recalled how “a middle-aged uncle helped her get her grandmother out of the car, young guys broke the windows, a girl of 10–11 years old served napkins.” Gennady Palagin together with another elderly man, he pulled four severely injured people out of the car, then assisted in applying tires and harnesses. Anastasia Fedotova she regretted that she could not provide first aid out of ignorance: “I had already passed by when I heard that someone was asking for a drink. I came back and gave water. I would stay if I knew how to help.” Egor Khlystun helped to drag the victims away from the ill-fated carriage, to stop the bleeding. eighteen year old Evgenia Krasnova with the help of a hair tie, she applied a tourniquet to the wounded man, trying to stop the bleeding, put her scarf under his head and handed the wounded man over to the ambulance doctors. Alexey Kolov he pulled the wounds with belts and tried to "talk his teeth" to the wounded in order to distract them from the nightmare. Wounded 20 year old Dmitry Stanislavyuk he knocked out the window of the car with his hands, helped several women get out, and when he climbed himself, his strength left him. Dmitry fell headlong onto the concrete platform and lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital. And only then the doctors told him that he had second-degree burns on his face and hands, as well as a closed craniocerebral injury and contusion. True, during the explosion the guy did not notice his wounds - he really wanted to help.

Julia Valueva, which organized first aid for the victims, later wrote on the social network: “It’s scary when a twenty-year-old girl looks into your eyes and asks:“ I think my leg was torn off. You put a splint on it, you put the pieces of that leg together, you lie to her, "It's okay, honey, you've got an open fracture." You look at the second leg, and there the phalanges of the fingers were torn off. And next to it is a woman with an open craniocerebral injury, a little further the second one, with a torn off arm, right there are young boys with broken legs. The girl frantically screamed for help for her mother. Immediately moaned pensioner with a stomach injury. At the time of the attack, there were only two doctors on the spot - me and a female resident. Then the ambulances just started to arrive.

Thanks and received Nikolai Gritsenko. Here is how he himself described what was happening: “A man, a woman and a girl were sitting at the window. The closest was a man. Alive. His eyes were open. I started to pull it out, but I couldn't do it alone. I called for help from another man. Together with him, we pulled him out and carried him to the stairs. Then we started to drag the woman out. She was in critical condition, unconscious and covered in blood. A girl sat next to her and shouted "help." We ran up and pulled the girl out. I didn't see any more survivors. Then the metro workers came and told everyone to disperse. I got off the subway, all my clothes were covered in blood. I wanted to take a taxi, but I thought that no one would take me. Went on foot. Passers-by mistook me for a bum, but I didn't care. The next day, when I went down to the subway, I was very scared. Not because they can blow me up. I was afraid that I could see the same picture again.