Everyday makeup for the impending century. Basic makeup for heavy eyelids. Makeup for narrow Asian eyes with overhanging eyelids

With age, the skin folds above the eyelids begin to drop slightly and weaken, because of this, the eyes often become less expressive, lose their depth. Special makeup for hanging eyelids will visually solve this problem. Simple tricks in darkening and lightening certain areas will help give the look a sharpness and drama.

Day and evening makeup for the impending century

If classic eye makeup is built strictly along the crease of the eyelid, then for those who have it overhanging, it is categorically not suitable. It's just that the fold is completely hidden by the skin, respectively, such a make-up will not give any positive effect. Therefore, the scheme is constructed in a different way - this fold is replaced by an overhang. That is, the shape of the century is built right along the overhanging part.

We do daytime makeup step by step for the overhanging eyelid and eye enlargement:

  1. On the open eye, the outlines of the fold are drawn along the overhang. It is important to use shades that are as close to natural as possible - dark gray, brown, beige and other natural tones;
  2. Directly along the fold, on the lowest line to the movable eyelid, a thin strip of dark color is drawn. In the future, it will replace the usual transition between the eyelid and the eyebrow;
  3. The pencil line is shaded with a dense beveled brush towards the eyebrow. It is necessary to rub the paints carefully so that the shadow is uniform, but clear;
  4. After that, the moving part of the eyelid is corrected. With strongly overhanging folds, it is likely that it will not be visible at all. Therefore, it is simply pointless to perform any complex techniques. But if a fold at the outer or inner corner is clearly visible, this should be used. Very light shades of shadows are applied to them - satin, pearl or highlighter;
  5. The lightened areas are also well shaded. With a dark color, you also need to slightly lower the eye from below so that the makeup looks symmetrical and neat. For the owners of the impending century, drawing the arrow is also perfect;
  6. The arrow, like the fold, is drawn directly over the overhang. With an open eye, a tail is drawn with a pencil or liner; in the future, strokes from the middle of the eyelid and the lower eyelash line will be suitable for it. The tail should be small (especially if it is a daily make-up). We also recommend using natural shades - brown or dark graphite;
  7. It remains only to finish the arrows (from the middle of the upper eyelid and the middle of the lower one), put a few light strokes above the shading line and highlight the eyelashes with mascara.

Softly darkening the corner with the arrow and shadows will create the effect of large, open eyes.

The evening make-up technique differs from the day one by the brightness of the colors. Brown shades are replaced by more catchy black, burgundy, blue and others that match the color and image.

New Year's smoky ice makeup for hanging eyelids with a step by step photo:

  1. The eyelid skin is prepared with foundation and powder. You can use both special tools and ordinary pastel shadows (strictly, matte);
  2. Sculptures for the face or dark brown shadows determine the location of the imaginary fold. You don't need to pay attention to the real crease of the eyelid. Instead, the cavity between the moving and stationary areas is darkened. To check, you need to click on the selected place. If the brush fails there, then you are doing everything right;
  3. To make bright makeup look organic, you need to use a soft round brush, and soften the contour with a shading flat brush. Please note that with overhanging eyelids, the shading is done quite wide, by about 70% of the fixed part;
  4. After the shadow is applied to the outer corner and under the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. To create a "cat" silhouette, you need to draw a thin tail and a shaded center with soft movements. The result is a neat shadow arrow;
  5. The drawing is duplicated with shadows of a light scale throughout the eyelid, but its contour should not reach the borders. After applying cosmetics, the paints are gently shaded;
  6. The main specificity in this make-up is to draw the imaginary fold as much as possible. To do this, with a thin brush and dark shadows, it is additionally drawn, deepened. The outer corner of the eye is being worked out in the same colors, the "bird" or arrow is now more distinct;
  7. Light matte shadows are applied to the main part of the movable eyelid. After that, you need to shade the borders and make a thin line between the eyelashes. To complete such a soft smoky ice will help false eyelashes, which will create another shadow on the drooping eyelids.

Makeup technique depending on eye color

The technique of applying shadows or the shape of the arrows does not change depending on the shade of the eyes. But the shades of cosmetics are changing. For example, green can be beautifully shaded with brown and beige, but with gray and black this color will look poor. It is the same with almost all other shades.

Makeup for brown eyes with a drooping eyelid

Eye makeup looks luxurious with an overhanging eyelid in blue and purple tones. Warm dark brown is very effectively set off by a cold deep range. There are different application options, we suggest dwelling on the simplest one:

Professional design for drooping brown eyes:

  1. The eyelids are smoothed with a base or matte powder. Beige eyeshadows without pearlescent pigment are also suitable;
  2. On the open eye, an imaginary fold is drawn in dark blue or purple. To do this, a flat brush is used to determine its location (between the movable area and the bone, with the correct choice of the zone, the brush should fall slightly downward). After the line is shaded up along the overhanging fold;
  3. The fold is darkened with the darkest shade available. Also, a very beautiful makeup will turn out with a combination of cold tones and graphite gray or black. A thin bright line is drawn in the center of the fold, which extends to the inner corner. This will create an arrow effect;
  4. The moving part of the eye is lightened with a nude shade. You can also use shadows of a shade slightly lighter than the main dark ones. This is also a very good technique for an evening smokey eye;
  5. The line of cilia is additionally outlined by a feline arrow. Remember that when removing it, you need to focus not on the real, but on the imaginary fold. And draw a tail, too, on it;
  6. The arrow on top can be highlighted with glitter or rhinestones. It is most beneficial to emphasize the extreme part of the arrow. The area between the eyebrows and the darkening should be well lightened. The outer corner is the same. This is a great option if you need to do wedding makeup;
  7. Finish the makeup with a little dark shadows on the lower lash line, a highlighter under the eyes and mascara. Many bloggers additionally recommend trying on false eyelashes.

For blue and gray eyes

For heavenly blue eyes and all possible shades of gray, the same scheme can be used as for drawing brown. It is important to consider the features of this color. All light eyes become especially expressive in combination with dark graphite shadows, orange, cosmetics with reddish pigments.

Bright yellow shadows in combination with burgundy look very interesting. If the makeup is complemented by arrows, then it is better to give preference to the eyeliner in classic colors: black or brown.

Makeup for green eyes

For women with green eyes and mixed eyes, almost all shades of a warm palette are suitable. Makeup artists advise using cosmetics with red and pink pigments, as well as all brown colors. It can be nutty, chocolate, copper, honey, as well as all known beige (including porcelain nude).

If you are going to work with a red palette, then be sure to use a black liner. Otherwise, the eyes will appear tired and dull. Alternatively, you can also opt for a dark brown or gray eyeliner.

Features of eye makeup

If the owners of almond-shaped eyes do not have to worry about the peculiarities of the technique of applying shadows and types of arrows, then girls with round or convex shapes have to select special schemes.

Small eyes

Makeup for small eyes with a drooping eyelid requires special scrupulousness, the technique itself is extremely complex, not to mention the fact that you will have to darken almost the entire movable area. But this problem is often found among girls of oriental blood.

Phased execution:

  1. The outline of the lower eyelid is drawn first. This is done with a flat brush and dark shades of gray or bluish tint. To make the outlines appear as large as possible, this line is drawn under the lower eyelashes at the maximum possible distance, and then shaded;
  2. The outline of the future arrow is outlined on the open eye. It is important to choose a shape that fits and mark the imaginary fold with a liner. In the future, this will allow you to quickly outline the contours;
  3. Again, on the open area, a darkened contour of the imaginary fold is drawn. A sufficiently dark and wide line should pass along it, which will be shaded in the future and become even more pronounced;
  4. It is best to do makeup in pastel colors to shade small eyes with a drooping eyelid. Then it will turn out to be light, but neat and stylish. On top of the darkened fold, another line is drawn, but already light - its outlines are brought to the beginning of the eyebrow;
  5. To complete this festive make-up, accents in the form of bright shadows of a suitable scale are placed in the outer corner and on the lower lash line. After a wide shading brush, the shadows are drawn to the temples;
  6. It remains to complement the image with mascara for volume, lipstick and contouring agents.

Round eyes

Owners of round or bulging eyes with a drooping eyelid also have a difficult time - the peculiarities of their anatomy rarely allow shading an imaginary fold in a standard way.

Step-by-step photo and instructions on how to paint bulging eyes with an overhanging eyelid:

  1. An imaginary fold is drawn almost above the real level - the anatomy of such a form is such that this is the only possible option;
  2. To draw a fold, the main part of the eye is lightened as much as possible. Afterwards, the future fold is drawn with a thin or flat brush in the most suitable dark color. Minimal shading is required - it is important to leave the outlines of the folds clear and bright;
  3. To hide the bulging apple, the center of the eyelid is slightly darkened, the inner corner and fold will be lightened. To do this, a thin dark line is clearly drawn along the contour of the eyelashes. From it, the tail is brought to the fold pattern and they are shaded together;
  4. A light darkened veil is drawn from the middle of the eye to the inner corner, this will make the apple less bulging and emphasize the contrast between the light areas;
  5. A little highlighter or light shadows with glitter are applied under the eyebrow and on the outer corner. They do not need to be shaded, although makeup artists still recommend distributing and mixing colors as much as possible;
  6. Eyelashes are applied with ink, if necessary, they are additionally darkened with a liner or decorated with rhinestones, stones.

Narrow and Asian eyes

How to do makeup for narrow or Asian eyes with drooping eyelids:

  1. The entire area is highlighted, for this it is best to use matte nude shadows;
  2. The darkest shadows in the palette work out the upper fixed eyelid and make an imaginary fold. The outer and inner corners are darkened with the same shade;
  3. The lash line and lower eyelid are additionally applied with a black liner. Then a small stroke rises from the outer corner at an angle of 45 degrees. According to its shape, the eyelid darkens from the middle;
  4. The resulting bird is drawn additionally on the upper eyelid along an imaginary fold. This approach allows you to make it more effective;
  5. Light shadows with a shimmer should be applied to the area of ​​the eyeball (center of the eyelid). Makeup artists often use a special glitter. Then the makeup will look especially bright;
  6. The lower eyelid must also be supplied with eyeliner and shadows from the range used. The most important thing is to carefully shade the paints;
  7. At the end of the make-up, eyelashes are glued to the eyes and additionally tinted with mascara.

Almond shape

If the upper eyelid does not hang too much over the mobile one, then girls with an almond shape do not even need to do complex makeup. It is enough to apply a light make-up with emphasis on the main advantages: shape and color. For this shape, you can use any recommendations, for example, draw an imaginary fold along the overhanging area or emphasize the outer and inner corners, and then extend the lines to the temporal lobes.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to draw the eyelash lines well and, if possible, use false eyelashes. This will create extra shading across the eyelid and add mystery and drama to the look.

How to make age-related makeup step by step for the impending century

Light age makeup with a lifting effect is very similar to the classic make-up for small eyes with a drooping eyelid. Its main feature is that the imaginary fold is darkened along the open area and brought almost under the very eyebrows.

Video: The specifics of the impending century makeup

With age, the skin folds above the eyelids begin to drop slightly and weaken, because of this, the eyes often become less expressive, lose their depth. Special makeup for hanging eyelids will visually solve this problem. Simple tricks in darkening and lightening certain areas will help give the look a sharpness and drama.

Day and evening makeup for the impending century

If classic eye makeup is built strictly along the crease of the eyelid, then for those who have it overhanging, it is categorically not suitable. It's just that the fold is completely hidden by the skin, respectively, such a make-up will not give any positive effect. Therefore, the scheme is constructed in a different way - this fold is replaced by an overhang. That is, the shape of the century is built right along the overhanging part.

We do daytime makeup step by step for the overhanging eyelid and eye enlargement:

  1. On the open eye, the outlines of the fold are drawn along the overhang. It is important to use shades that are as close to natural as possible - dark gray, brown, beige and other natural tones;
  2. Directly along the fold, on the lowest line to the movable eyelid, a thin strip of dark color is drawn. In the future, it will replace the usual transition between the eyelid and the eyebrow;
  3. The pencil line is shaded with a dense beveled brush towards the eyebrow. It is necessary to rub the paints carefully so that the shadow is uniform, but clear;
  4. After that, the moving part of the eyelid is corrected. With strongly overhanging folds, it is likely that it will not be visible at all. Therefore, it is simply pointless to perform any complex techniques. But if a fold at the outer or inner corner is clearly visible, this should be used. Very light shades of shadows are applied to them - satin, pearl or highlighter;
  5. The lightened areas are also well shaded. With a dark color, you also need to slightly lower the eye from below so that the makeup looks symmetrical and neat. For the owners of the impending century, drawing the arrow is also perfect;
  6. The arrow, like the fold, is drawn directly over the overhang. With an open eye, a tail is drawn with a pencil or liner; in the future, strokes from the middle of the eyelid and the lower eyelash line will be suitable for it. The tail should be small (especially if it is a daily make-up). We also recommend using natural shades - brown or dark graphite;
  7. It remains only to finish the arrows (from the middle of the upper eyelid and the middle of the lower one), put a few light strokes above the shading line and highlight the eyelashes with mascara.

Softly darkening the corner with the arrow and shadows will create the effect of large, open eyes.

The evening make-up technique differs from the day one by the brightness of the colors. Brown shades are replaced by more catchy black, burgundy, blue and others that match the color and image.

New Year's smoky ice makeup for hanging eyelids with a step by step photo:

  1. The eyelid skin is prepared with foundation and powder. You can use both special tools and ordinary pastel shadows (strictly, matte);
  2. Sculptures for the face or dark brown shadows determine the location of the imaginary fold. You don't need to pay attention to the real crease of the eyelid. Instead, the cavity between the moving and stationary areas is darkened. To check, you need to click on the selected place. If the brush fails there, then you are doing everything right;
  3. To make bright makeup look organic, you need to use a soft round brush, and soften the contour with a shading flat brush. Please note that with overhanging eyelids, the shading is done quite wide, by about 70% of the fixed part;
  4. After the shadow is applied to the outer corner and under the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. To create a "cat" silhouette, you need to draw a thin tail and a shaded center with soft movements. The result is a neat shadow arrow;
  5. The drawing is duplicated with shadows of a light scale throughout the eyelid, but its contour should not reach the borders. After applying cosmetics, the paints are gently shaded;
  6. The main specificity in this make-up is to draw the imaginary fold as much as possible. To do this, with a thin brush and dark shadows, it is additionally drawn, deepened. The outer corner of the eye is being worked out in the same colors, the "bird" or arrow is now more distinct;
  7. Light matte shadows are applied to the main part of the movable eyelid. After that, you need to shade the borders and make a thin line between the eyelashes. To complete such a soft smoky ice will help false eyelashes, which will create another shadow on the drooping eyelids.

Makeup technique depending on eye color

The technique of applying shadows or the shape of the arrows does not change depending on the shade of the eyes. But the shades of cosmetics are changing. For example, green can be beautifully shaded with brown and beige, but with gray and black this color will look poor. It is the same with almost all other shades.

Makeup for brown eyes with a drooping eyelid

Eye makeup looks luxurious with an overhanging eyelid in blue and purple tones. Warm dark brown is very effectively set off by a cold deep range. There are different application options, we suggest dwelling on the simplest one:

Professional design for drooping brown eyes:

  1. The eyelids are smoothed with a base or matte powder. Beige eyeshadows without pearlescent pigment are also suitable;
  2. On the open eye, an imaginary fold is drawn in dark blue or purple. To do this, a flat brush is used to determine its location (between the movable area and the bone, with the correct choice of the zone, the brush should fall slightly downward). After the line is shaded up along the overhanging fold;
  3. The fold is darkened with the darkest shade available. Also, a very beautiful makeup will turn out with a combination of cold tones and graphite gray or black. A thin bright line is drawn in the center of the fold, which extends to the inner corner. This will create an arrow effect;
  4. The moving part of the eye is lightened with a nude shade. You can also use shadows of a shade slightly lighter than the main dark ones. This is also a very good technique for an evening smokey eye;
  5. The line of cilia is additionally outlined by a feline arrow. Remember that when removing it, you need to focus not on the real, but on the imaginary fold. And draw a tail, too, on it;
  6. The arrow on top can be highlighted with glitter or rhinestones. It is most beneficial to emphasize the extreme part of the arrow. The area between the eyebrows and the darkening should be well lightened. The outer corner is the same. This is a great option if you need to do wedding makeup;
  7. Finish the makeup with a little dark shadows on the lower lash line, a highlighter under the eyes and mascara. Many bloggers additionally recommend trying on false eyelashes.

For blue and gray eyes

For heavenly blue eyes and all possible shades of gray, the same scheme can be used as for drawing brown. It is important to consider the features of this color. All light eyes become especially expressive in combination with dark graphite shadows, orange, cosmetics with reddish pigments.

Bright yellow shadows in combination with burgundy look very interesting. If the makeup is complemented by arrows, then it is better to give preference to the eyeliner in classic colors: black or brown.

Makeup for green eyes

For women with green eyes and mixed eyes, almost all shades of a warm palette are suitable. Makeup artists advise using cosmetics with red and pink pigments, as well as all brown colors. It can be nutty, chocolate, copper, honey, as well as all known beige (including porcelain nude).

If you are going to work with a red palette, then be sure to use a black liner. Otherwise, the eyes will appear tired and dull. Alternatively, you can also opt for a dark brown or gray eyeliner.

Features of eye makeup

If the owners of almond-shaped eyes do not have to worry about the peculiarities of the technique of applying shadows and types of arrows, then girls with round or convex shapes have to select special schemes.

Small eyes

Makeup for small eyes with a drooping eyelid requires special scrupulousness, the technique itself is extremely complex, not to mention the fact that you will have to darken almost the entire movable area. But this problem is often found among girls of oriental blood.

Phased execution:

  1. The outline of the lower eyelid is drawn first. This is done with a flat brush and dark shades of gray or bluish tint. To make the outlines appear as large as possible, this line is drawn under the lower eyelashes at the maximum possible distance, and then shaded;
  2. The outline of the future arrow is outlined on the open eye. It is important to choose a shape that fits and mark the imaginary fold with a liner. In the future, this will allow you to quickly outline the contours;
  3. Again, on the open area, a darkened contour of the imaginary fold is drawn. A sufficiently dark and wide line should pass along it, which will be shaded in the future and become even more pronounced;
  4. It is best to do makeup in pastel colors to shade small eyes with a drooping eyelid. Then it will turn out to be light, but neat and stylish. On top of the darkened fold, another line is drawn, but already light - its outlines are brought to the beginning of the eyebrow;
  5. To complete this festive make-up, accents in the form of bright shadows of a suitable scale are placed in the outer corner and on the lower lash line. After a wide shading brush, the shadows are drawn to the temples;
  6. It remains to complement the image with mascara for volume, lipstick and contouring agents.

Round eyes

Owners of round or bulging eyes with a drooping eyelid also have a difficult time - the peculiarities of their anatomy rarely allow shading an imaginary fold in a standard way.

Step-by-step photo and instructions on how to paint bulging eyes with an overhanging eyelid:

  1. An imaginary fold is drawn almost above the real level - the anatomy of such a form is such that this is the only possible option;
  2. To draw a fold, the main part of the eye is lightened as much as possible. Afterwards, the future fold is drawn with a thin or flat brush in the most suitable dark color. Minimal shading is required - it is important to leave the outlines of the folds clear and bright;
  3. To hide the bulging apple, the center of the eyelid is slightly darkened, the inner corner and fold will be lightened. To do this, a thin dark line is clearly drawn along the contour of the eyelashes. From it, the tail is brought to the fold pattern and they are shaded together;
  4. A light darkened veil is drawn from the middle of the eye to the inner corner, this will make the apple less bulging and emphasize the contrast between the light areas;
  5. A little highlighter or light shadows with glitter are applied under the eyebrow and on the outer corner. They do not need to be shaded, although makeup artists still recommend distributing and mixing colors as much as possible;
  6. Eyelashes are applied with ink, if necessary, they are additionally darkened with a liner or decorated with rhinestones, stones.

Narrow and Asian eyes

How to do makeup for narrow or Asian eyes with drooping eyelids:

  1. The entire area is highlighted, for this it is best to use matte nude shadows;
  2. The darkest shadows in the palette work out the upper fixed eyelid and make an imaginary fold. The outer and inner corners are darkened with the same shade;
  3. The lash line and lower eyelid are additionally applied with a black liner. Then a small stroke rises from the outer corner at an angle of 45 degrees. According to its shape, the eyelid darkens from the middle;
  4. The resulting bird is drawn additionally on the upper eyelid along an imaginary fold. This approach allows you to make it more effective;
  5. Light shadows with a shimmer should be applied to the area of ​​the eyeball (center of the eyelid). Makeup artists often use a special glitter. Then the makeup will look especially bright;
  6. The lower eyelid must also be supplied with eyeliner and shadows from the range used. The most important thing is to carefully shade the paints;
  7. At the end of the make-up, eyelashes are glued to the eyes and additionally tinted with mascara.

Almond shape

If the upper eyelid does not hang too much over the mobile one, then girls with an almond shape do not even need to do complex makeup. It is enough to apply a light make-up with emphasis on the main advantages: shape and color. For this shape, you can use any recommendations, for example, draw an imaginary fold along the overhanging area or emphasize the outer and inner corners, and then extend the lines to the temporal lobes.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to draw the eyelash lines well and, if possible, use false eyelashes. This will create extra shading across the eyelid and add mystery and drama to the look.

How to make age-related makeup step by step for the impending century

Light age makeup with a lifting effect is very similar to the classic make-up for small eyes with a drooping eyelid. Its main feature is that the imaginary fold is darkened along the open area and brought almost under the very eyebrows.

Video: The specifics of the impending century makeup

All women are different: someone has a perfectly flat lip or eyebrow line, a beautifully shaped nose or a neat oval of the face, while someone is constantly tormented with makeup, trying to give their face the perfect shape or make their eyes look more open and “alive”. With eyes, those women who have a special structure of the eyelids are especially tormented - when the outer corners of the eyes are lowered down, and the eyelid seems to hang over the eye, and it seems that the lady's gaze is tired and sad. But do not worry - such a "flaw" is easy to correct with the right makeup, and in some cases it will even help to emphasize the beauty of a woman.

The correct makeup for this shape of the eyes should, first of all, correct the shape of the eye, creating the effect of "wide gaze". With the right approach, such a make-up will allow you to make your eyes open, filled with vital energy. It should turn the shape of the eyelid that you do not like into a "highlight" that will emphasize your beauty.

Basic makeup rules for drooping eyelids

But not all standard techniques and cosmetics are suitable for drooping eyelids. Without knowing the rules for the design of eyes of this form, not only will it not be possible to hide this flaw, but you can also get the opposite effect - the “flaw” will be striking. What are the basic makeup rules for heavy, drooping eyelids?

  1. Discard pearlescent eyeshadows. No matter how beautiful they look on your girlfriend, this is not your option. Mother-of-pearl will visually increase the size of the eyelid, and at the same time disrupt the proportions of the eye. Iridescent, as well as glitter shadows are applied only to the area under the eyebrow.
  2. Do not use liquid eye contour. It is best to replace it with a pencil or dark shades of eyeshadow, as the eyeliner does not lend itself to shading. When shading the dark pencil, letting it extend beyond the border of the eye will help hide the overhanging folds.
  3. Borders between the transition from one shade of shadow to another should not be even and clear- Careful shading will help to get rid of them.
  4. Don't forget your eyebrows- they should be thin, light, graceful, slightly elongated.
  5. All lines in a similar make-up should go up and the corners of the eyes stand out.
  6. Make-up for overhanging eyelids should be done with high-quality and long-lasting cosmetics - shadows on the eyes of this shape do not hold well.
  7. Don't forget the lower eyelid- if left untouched, the makeup will appear unfinished. Add some shadow and contour under the lower lashes.
  8. Wear makeup when open eye.

The ideal solution for makeup with drooping, drooping eyelids is the use of matte tones. Light or dark - it's up to you or the occasion for which your makeup is created, but most often, dark shades are used when designing eyes with an overhanging eyelid. But there are many makeup options using light shadows - in this case, a dark contour will help to bring out a beautiful eye shape.

Avoid using bright colors with such makeup: pink, burgundy, blue, indigo. These colors draw too much attention to the eyes and do not hide the flaw.

When designing the upper eyelid, use several shades of the same color: apply a light shade to the inner corner of the eyes, and a dark one to the outer corner. Medium shades of color are usually applied to the lower eyelid.

Video - Makeup for drooping eyelids. Stylist tips

Makeup technique for drooping eyelids

It is not difficult to create a wonderful make-up for drooping and heavy eyelids, following the basic rules that can be found above. How, with the help of make-up, hide the overhanging eyelid and create a unique image that shines with freshness, vigor, beauty?

  1. To begin with, you need to apply a make-up base to the eyelid - it will help keep the finished makeup and facilitate the process of applying it.
  2. Take care of the eyebrows - they need to give a clear outline with a pencil, lengthen them.
  3. The area under the eyebrows needs to be lightened - apply a little shadow of a light color.

  4. On the moving eyelid, slightly capturing the area above, an average shade of shadow color is applied and shaded.

  5. The darkest shade is applied from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner. If you compare the application of a dark tone with standard eye makeup, then it is applied with an open eye and much higher.

  6. Add some dark color to the lower eyelid as well.

  7. Next, draw neat arrows and add a dark outline. Note: the end of the arrow must point up, not to the side.
  8. The finishing touch is the application of mascara. Apply volumizing mascara to the upper lashes, do not dye the lower ones.

This technique of applying makeup is suitable for both the everyday type of make-up and for the evening - in the latter case, you need to experiment a little with the brightness of the shades and arrows.

Correctly applied makeup- this, of course, is the key to the success of every woman. It is he who is able to give freshness to the face and hide the existing flaws and problem areas. Thanks to various techniques, it is possible to correct the shape of the eyes or the overhanging eyelid that some women have. Achieving an irresistible look with the help of cosmetics is possible only if you place the accents correctly. To delve into the intricacies of application, it is necessary to consider a number of certain features.


So that the overhanging eyelid does not cause any inconvenience when applying makeup, you need to know some techniques that will help you choose a color palette of eyeshadows, a pencil or specially designed gels. To learn about some of the subtleties that emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages, the following recommendations will help:

  1. Use a type of makeup, which will hide the area of ​​the overhanging eyelid, it is necessary only with the help of dark shades of shadows. Light or shiny will accentuate the effect. They can be applied to the corners of the eye, since it is in this part that they literally open their eyes.
  2. Women over 50 you need a nourishing makeup base. It will not allow the shadows to roll and clog into wrinkles.
  3. If you are the owner the impending century, this means that liquid eyeliner is strictly prohibited. It can be exchanged for a black pencil. It is only necessary to draw arrows from the middle of the century. Another technique for drawing arrows will only aggravate the situation and make the look more languid and sad.
  4. Women with this type of eyelids you need to monitor the condition of the eyebrows. They should distract from the hood, be as raised and extended as possible. This will create a visual effect.
  5. You should forget about applying any funds to the lower eyelid. Highlighting this area with a pencil or shadows can only worsen everything.
  6. The look must be given expressiveness with the help of shadows and applying a light haze, highlighting it with a dark layer of shaded eyeshadow palette.
  7. For this kind of makeup you should choose good persistent products that will not wear off or slide off the mobile eyelid after a few hours. You need to purchase a quality brush that can blend shadows and make makeup using the smoky eyes technique.
  8. You need to pay attention to the eyelashes. Thick layers of mascara will only ruin your makeup - it should be applied in a thin layer, after curling your eyelashes with tongs. This accent will open up the look and make it deeper.
  9. Remember that that dark shades of shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eyelid, light shades to the inner corner, and middle shades to the middle or lower part.

Make-up artist receptions

Overhanging eyelids give the look languor, fatigue and expressionlessness. To hide this, make-up artists use a huge number of techniques that allow you to forget about this small flaw. Some techniques that are popular among specialists will help to correctly adjust this feature:

  • To hide heavy upper eyelids, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows first. They should be lifted with a pencil or other special means such as eye shadow. Having given them geometry, it is necessary to outline the eyebrows from below with a highlighter, which will visually raise them.

If you don't have a make-up base, you can use a foundation before applying the eyeshadow. Each applied layer must be shaded towards the temples. Light tones - in the corners of the eyes, richer or darker - in the upper eyelid. Using this technique, the eyeshadow can be applied and shaded beyond the lids. It is worth putting a ban on liquid eyeliners, which will only make the look heavier.

  • To increase lowered eyes, makeup artists use several secrets. The first is to emphasize the eyebrows, but not with a pencil, but exclusively with shadows (in a small amount and with the help of a beveled brush). You can raise the bottom line with a highlighter.

The second secret is to distract attention from the eyelids - with the help of shadows of natural shades. The most successful combination is beige and brown, applied around the perimeter of the eyelid and beyond.

The final secret is to replace the eyeliner with eyeshadow. The eyeliner makes the eyes small and close-set, which will ruin the visual experience.

  • One of the most popular techniques is the pencil loop, which anyone can master. She is quite spectacular and extravagant. This technique helps to open up the gaze, it can increase the distance between the eyes.

Using this technique, it must be borne in mind that light and pearlescent colors are categorically not suitable. You only need to use shadows with a dense base - preferably three or more shades.

With this technique, a loop will eventually appear on the eyelid. The loop effect is great for those with an overhanging eyelid, as it lifts it up and distracts it from the pouch. Such makeup is performed in any scale, it is quite light and simple, suitable for both daytime and evening looks.

  • There is also a lifting makeup that gives the face a rejuvenating effect. However, its implementation requires more attention and time than regular makeup.

Make-up artists lighten all existing facial cavities with the help of correctors, and the bulges are masked under a layer of dense dark foundation or powder. The main purpose of this technique is to raise the contours of the face using correctly drawn parallel lines. For such a make-up, bright shades of lipstick, shiny tonal means, various eyeliners and powders are not suitable.

Major mistakes

Makeup is a kind of tool that you need to be able to use. It was created in order to improve feminine features, to give the face a well-groomed and fresh look, to emphasize the existing dignity. But there is a certain number of mistakes that women make without even noticing and not realizing it.

Incorrectly applied makeup can not only make the face look ridiculous, but also add age.

To avoid such situations, you need to parse the errors:

  1. When drawing arrows the effect of the line going down must be avoided. Such a mistake will make your eyes look sadder than they really are.
  2. The eye must be closed when applying shadows. With open eyes, the cosmetic product can be applied unevenly, intermittently, unevenly.
  3. Eyeshadows with a pearlescent hue and sparkles, only draw attention to the existing problem. They can make your eyelids puffy and heavy because they have a shiny oil base. These shadows can only be applied under the brow line to raise them as much as possible.
  4. Inner corner of the eye you can not paint with iridescent shadows, you must use only light shades that do not give the effect of disproportion to the eyes.
  5. It is necessary to abandon the direct and curved eyebrows, since the former will enhance the effect of overhanging eyelids, and the latter will give the face a frightened expression.
  6. Liquid eyeliner must be excluded, replacing it with a pencil.
  7. Clear and straight lines should not be left. When applying shadows, they need to be shaded from layer to layer. Even when using a pencil, they should not be conspicuous, as they can make all the shortcomings more noticeable.
  8. The main mistake is ignoring the makeup base. Without it, the shadows can lie down ugly and roll, which will add carelessness and sloppiness.
  9. The most common mistake is non-compliance. Excessive colors and shades will ruin the image, thereby aggravating the situation.
  10. Don't forget to curl your eyelashes. Long open eyelashes will only open your eyes and enlarge your eyes, hiding the overhanging eyelid.

The problem of the impending century is masked quite easily and simply. You just need to know some tricks, skillfully use them, and most importantly, avoid obvious mistakes that introduce disharmony into the make-up.

How to apply?

For makeup to look spectacular, it is not enough to have high-quality expensive cosmetics. Much depends on the application technique and your own skills. Tips that are based solely on the correct application of cosmetics will help to attract the attention of others, emphasize the existing advantages and cause admiring glances.

Brown eyes are the most common, and almost the entire color palette of shadows and pencils suits them. There is a special application technique for this eye color. It is worth considering in stages:

  1. First, prepare your skin for makeup, after removing the oily sheen with special means.
  2. Pay special attention to your eyebrows. Gently contour and fill in the gaps with eyebrow shadow, creating the desired shape.
  3. Chocolate is suitable for brown eyes, green and gold shadows. Apply your chosen palette to your upper eyelid, blending gently. It can also be applied just above the surface of the eyelid.
  4. Draw a border with the shadow brush above the upper eyelid and a corner that goes at an angle to the top of the eyebrow.
  5. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows, to visually raise the eyebrow line.
  6. Paint the lower eyelid with shadows medium shades.
  7. Apply a dark shade along the eyelashes, gently blending.
  8. Pay special attention to eyelash coloring. They should be painted over with a middle coat and look neat, without clumps of clumps.

This technique will make the look bright and open.

Experts consider green eye color to be the most versatile, since almost any shade of eyeshadow and pencil is suitable for them. The most suitable are bronze, copper, purple and green shades. They will make the look easy. To create such an effect, you need to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  1. Matte pigment paint the top of the eyelid. For light skin, pink pigment is suitable, and for dark skin, brown or black.
  2. Basic rule- Thorough shading of borders and lines, creating a light haze effect.
  3. Draw a line at the crease of the eyelid, blend it, get a dark stripe.
  4. Blend dark shadows in the outer corner, with a brush, draw a smooth line towards the inner corner of the eye, thus hiding the existing border.
  5. Lower eyelid(namely, the upper part) paint with green shadows, shade and hide the border again.
  6. With a beveled brush from the pupil, draw line to the outer corner. If it is omitted, with a brush with shadows, draw a strip along the eyelid (closer to the temple), visually raising these corners.
  7. Pay attention to your eyebrows. Draw lines with a pencil, simulating hairs where there are gaps.

The technique for applying shadows for blue and gray eyes has the same features. Stylists recommend shades of pink, gold, silver and turquoise. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply silver eyeshadow on the upper eyelid and paint it with lavender shadows, blending carefully so that no sharp transition is visible.
  2. From the middle of the century to the corner of the eye, connect the purple shadows in the form of the letter V, blend.
  3. Underline the bottom of the eye with a pencil.
  4. Paint over your eyelashes.

Makeup schemes for different eye shapes

Different application techniques and different shade colors are suitable for each type of eye. If a girl has beautiful eyes of a narrow Asian shape, you need to find out how to paint them and what shades to choose for a high-quality make-up:

  1. Above the upper eyelid you need to draw a line.
  2. Connect the two formed lines.
  3. Apply matte shades on the inner corner of the eye and on the upper eyelid, giving depth to the look.
  4. Paint the lower eyelid with shadows dark palette, mostly black and brown. Blend.
  5. Above the eyelashes apply a pencil.
  6. Curl your eyelashes with tongs apply mascara, removing excess.

Owners of round small eyes need to shade the existing fold using the technique described below:

  1. Highlight all part of the century to the bottom line of the eyebrow with light shadows. Draw a thin line of the future fold with dark shadows.
  2. Darken the middle of the eye, to hide the bulging eyeball. Lighten the inner corner.
  3. Darken part of the eyelid from the middle of the eye to the side, creating a slight haze. This will make the apple look less prominent.
  4. Under the eyebrow line and in the corner of the eye apply light eyeshadow or highlighter, blending as much as possible.
  5. Well painted eyelashes will be the finishing touch to your makeup.

Another eye shape is almond-shaped. The owners of this form have the opportunity not to do complex makeup, which takes a lot of time. They can only emphasize the existing advantages with a light make-up. You can, for example, mark the outer and inner corners of the eye by extending lines to the temples. The most important touch will be long eyelashes.

This can be achieved with careful dyeing in mascara or false eyelashes. This is what will give the look the maximum depth.

Girls who have deep-set eyes may appear frowned and angry due to improper makeup. To avoid this, you need to remember the make-up technique for this type of eyes:

  1. Choose light shades and apply one of the selected on the entire surface of the eyelid and slightly above.
  2. Draw arrows which must necessarily have a thin line that fits closely to the eyelashes.
  3. It is necessary to add volume to the eyelashes with mascara, which needs to be applied in 2-3 layers. For the most expressive look, you can extend your eyelashes.
  4. For deep-set eyes thick eyebrows are suitable, but not very lowered.
  5. Lips with enough soft makeup should stand out and catch the eye.

Nowadays, the correct application of makeup can hide even such a small flaw as close-set eyes, which gives many women inconvenience and discomfort. It is worth noting that many stars have the same problem, but skillfully correct it and make it a highlight. To do this, you need to take into account the key secrets:

  1. Apply to the corner of the eye and the middle of the upper eyelid are light shadows. They should be only light colors, but not pearlescent and shiny.
  2. Apply dark shades to the outer corner. Please note that you do not need to blend them.
  3. Draw the arrows with liquid eyeliner. It is worth noting that the line should start from the inner edge, smoothly moving to the outer edge. It is not necessary to thicken the arrow, it should be as close to the eyelash line as possible, without darkening the open part of the eyelid.
  4. With this arrangement of the eyes, eyelashes, extended over the entire diameter are strictly prohibited. You need to paint over or extend eyelashes only from the outer edge, not reaching the middle.
  5. Eyebrows for close-set eyes it is necessary to thin out at the base, you need to make the tip longer.

Many celebrities have long proved that wide-set eyes are not a flaw, but a distinctive feature that makes a woman special and unique. This will help the correct implementation of makeup, which visually reduces the distance:

  1. As is known, the eyebrow should start where the wings of the nose end. If the eyebrows are close together and the eyes are wider, this is a plus, as it visually helps to bring the eyes closer. If the eyebrows are located further away, you need to finish drawing them with a pencil.
  2. For this type of eye shadow can be combined, combined, applying them in a special way. If dark and light shades are chosen, dark ones are applied from the outside and shaded towards the middle of the eyelid. Light ones are applied to the corner of the eye and shaded to the middle.
  3. M You can use eyeliner but no arrows. The line must necessarily lie in a thin strip from the middle of the eye and thicken to the outer part.

Examples of stars

Nowadays, the stars by their example make some special changes in both clothing and makeup. Often, when looking at photos of socialite girls, you want to repeat your makeup and look just as extravagant. To do this, you can consider some options for a stellar make-up and adopt them.

Experimenting with makeup is currently only welcome. Eva Green t Auger uses this technique, and is quite successful. Wine lipstick, a lowered lower eyelid and gray-green smoky eyes emphasized all the dignity of the French actress and added a twist to her evening make-up.

A drooping, or "heavy" eyelid cannot be considered a disadvantage if it is not a consequence of age-related changes. Rather, it is a feature that can be easily turned into a "highlight" of the appearance. Of course, you can take advantage of expensive salon procedures, but the correct makeup for the impending century will be an effective and simple tool that does not require special knowledge and large material costs. It is enough to look at the photos of your favorite actresses with a similar shape of the eyes, which does not spoil the stellar appearance in the least.


To get rid of the illusion of "sad" eyes, and often it is the overhanging eyelid that gives the look such an expression, you need to learn how to make up competently. Many famous world beauties have such a feature that only adds charisma to their appearance: "Oscar" beauty Jennifer Lawrence, charming Emma Stone, Catherine Zeta-Jones, sexy Khloe Kardashian and others. A "heavy" eyelid (another popular name) is corrected by professional makeup artists for actresses, but every girl and woman can do such a skill.


In makeup for the impending century, great attention should be paid to the eyebrows. If there is any doubt that the correction on your own will be successful, then it is better to contact a professional.

Do not leave your eyebrows too thick, as this makes the look “heavier”. A beautiful raised bend is the best way to achieve "perfection" in the face. The slightly angular break of the eyebrow goes well with the overhanging eyelid. A similar shape can be seen in Asian beauties, which are characterized not only by a narrow cut of the eyes, but also by swelling on top. Many people curve right over the outer corner of the eye. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of appearance: for someone a clear bend will suit, but for someone it will only aggravate the situation.

Advice: A preliminary "sketch" using a colored cosmetic pencil will suggest the desired shape.


On the Internet, you can often find information that in makeup for the impending century, you need to use shiny and pearlescent shadows. Mother of pearl as the main color is categorically contraindicated with this shape of the eyes (the exception is the line under the eyebrow and the middle of the moving eyelid). Matte shadows solve the problem with success.

As a rule, two shades of different saturation are used in make-up: the upper, overhanging eyelid is highlighted with a lighter shade, and a darker tone will emphasize the fold between the upper and the moving part. The same color can be used to shade the outer corner of the eye.

Advice: You need to lay dark shadows not in a crease, but a little higher (closer to the protruding bone under the eyebrow).


Without lush eyelashes that attract attention, make-up for the impending century is impossible. Eyelashes can be dyed thickly, focusing on areas that are closer to the outer corners of the eyes. The main thing is to do it carefully, avoiding the "gravity" effect. You can use a curler to lift the tips of your eyelashes. For evening make-up, false eyelashes are suitable. Here, as they say, all methods are good!

Since imprinting mascara on the skin is a common problem, it is preferable to use moisture resistant mascara in makeup.


For a “heavy” century make-up, only dark eyeliner tones are suitable. The arrow is drawn from the middle, gradually expanding on the rise (the direction is always up and towards the temple). Do not make it very thin, so as not to create the illusion of another fold.

The eyeliner line should not be very sharp, so a soft cosmetic pencil is better for this kind of makeup than a liquid eyeliner or liner. It is very important that the arrow does not break. To do this, you can make it shorter, but the "tip" is always thicker than the beginning.

Video: Arrows for the Looming Age


This tool will help good makeup for the impending eyelid, because the condition of the skin under the eyes should be perfect (bruises or swelling will emphasize the existing feature, which will add "fatigue" to the look). Concealer will help relieve unwanted symptoms, but will not cancel good sleep. Yes, girls with this eye shape need to get enough sleep so as not to add puffiness.

"Pantry of secrets" from professionals

Makeup tricks for the impending century are shared by professional makeup artists:

  1. Foundation, or primer for the eyelids. Unfortunately, shadows can wrinkle or smudge. This is a feature of such a structure of the eyelids. The primer will keep your eye makeup looking all day long.
  2. Cut Crease. An original and fashionable technique in make-up, in which attention is focused on the fold: it and the section of the immovable eyelid above it are darkened, which helps to “hide” the problem.
  3. Smoky eyes. Makeup artists suggest using a popular technique the other way around, so that makeup with an overhanging eyelid is gorgeous. The "haze" is done below: the upper eyelid is in medium tones, and the lower eyelid is in dark tones.
  4. Highlighter. Despite the fact that we were talking about the unwanted use of mother-of-pearl, quite a bit of shimmering highlighter in the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow is a wonderful "distraction" from heavy eyelids.
  5. Lips. The masters say that shifting attention from the upper part of the face to the lower one is a great trick for girls who have little time for makeup. Quite a bit of mascara is enough for the eyelashes, while lips should be painted expressively (bright or dark lipstick will do).

Step-by-step master class: makeup for the impending century

The specificity of the shape of the eyes requires special attention during make-up and constant observation. Therefore, the whole process must be learned to do with open eyes:

  1. Prepare the skin of the eyelids by applying a makeup base (work under the eyes with a concealer or corrector).
  2. Correct the eyebrow line.
  3. Apply a medium shade of shadows to the surface of the moving eyelid (its color can be any: pastels are suitable for daily make-up, and for the evening version, you can choose something to match the eyes).
  4. Now draw a new "fold" with a color darker than the base one by several tones. It will be taller than the real one, and its edge forms a corner with the outer edge of the eye. Shade the line gently.
  5. Underline the lower eyelid with a base shade or a slightly darker color. For a solemn exit, eyes with soft colored eyeliner and kayal inside will look very beautiful.
  6. Mascara is applied, moving obliquely to the outer corner of the eye. You do not need to paint the lower eyelashes with mascara.

Do not make a thick or too clear line on the lower eyelid, use black shadows as the main ones.

Correctly performed makeup for overhanging eyelids will dispel any doubts that such eyes cannot be large.

Video: Make-up for a flat / impending eyelid. Visual eye enlargement

Age makeup with overhanging eyelids

In adulthood, the problem of a "difficult" century is quite common. But she does not become an obstacle to a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. The appearance of wrinkles changes not only the contours of the face, but also the habits. If in his youth "doll" eyes looked amazing, then in adulthood it, at least, looks funny. And swollen or drooping eyelids require special care in working with the face:

  1. Makeup should be natural.
  2. The thickness of the eyebrows is average.
  3. Matte shades of calm shades: for fair-skinned women, shades of ivory and tea rose are suitable, for dark-skinned women, a beige and brown palette.
  4. Above the crease, shadows are applied a couple of shades darker.
  5. The upper eyelid can be slightly emphasized with a soft pencil and shaded.
  6. There are very few light shadows in the inner corner of the eye.
  7. The final touch is mascara on the upper lashes.

If we talk about some specific feature in the makeup for the impending eyelids, then this is a complete lack of "graphic". All lines should be soft and blurry.

Video: An example of age-related makeup