Happy birthday greetings to lover. Happy birthday greetings to a married guy

Today we will drink for you, my lover: for a charming smile, for great achievements in the field of bed science, for an incredible ability to make legs in time. So that you never have to hide in a closet or pretend to be a plumber. Although you are a very good plumber, you fix everything long and passionately, just fine!

I congratulate you, mon Amour, happy birthday! Forget about worries, wife, affairs... Today you are where you need strength for pleasure. Let the husbands fix the sockets, and the wives do the cleaning. And we will save our strength for the holiday. A very pleasant job awaits you, after which you will need a long rest.

My lover, today is your day. I'll steal you from the family reunion and run away from my cuckold myself. We'll go where we'll be just the two of us. No, three of us: me, you and passion. And what will happen next, you will find out later. Very warm congratulations await you. Get ready, sprinter, today you are waiting for the race from home to the meeting point.

With all my heart I congratulate my lover and dear man on his birth in the world! Thank you for your kindness, for your gentle words, quivering and strong hands, for those moments of happiness that you give me. Thank you for being with me, sharing my time. I don't know what I would do without you.

Happy birthday lover! You filled my leisure time and brightened up the hours of loneliness. I blossomed with you. And there will be no limit to my gratitude and love for you. You are the most adored and desired man on earth. I love you! Thank you for being you and for having me by your side.

On your birthday, I wish you all the best in this rainbow world. I wish your eyes to shine with love and warmth, joy and excitement, laughter and tenderness. My beloved and passionate lover, I wish you to find more often than lose, laugh more often than cry and forget that you are alone. I wish you that all your troubles, problems and resentments get stuck in the twilight zone. Happy holiday! ©

On this special day you were born, my dear lover. We are very much connected, because you and I have gone through a lot of life. I wish you to be as strong, brave, self-confident, responsive, generous, smart, kind and beautiful. Never despair and never give up. ©

Happy birthday in the world, I congratulate you, lover! You are a very good person and a wonderful friend. I wish you peace and prosperity, comfort and harmony with yourself. May the soul always be free and light. I wish you prosperity in your career, success at work, a long and joyful life.

My dear sweet man,
Know that I will be there forever!
You, lover, do not reproach yourself,
I know your family is waiting for you at home.

But give me some happiness too!
For me, you are a breath of air!
On my birthday I wish you love
Let your eyes shine with joy.

My dear, beloved, beautiful and delightful - I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a great and bright feeling. Happiness, joy, surprises. May every day bring the desired results. Prosperity to you, prospects and a lot of joy! Kiss.

My dear lover, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you courage and courage, health and good luck, great success and happiness. Be always the same passionate, affectionate, gentle, cheerful, desired and loved, a valiant hero and a unique lover.

My dear partner in carnal pleasures! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you, my dear, good health, male strength and beauty, prosperity and well-being. Always remain as gentle, affectionate, caring and reliable.

Know, I remember about this holiday
And congratulations to you...
The sweetest lover
I wish you one...
Under your favorite gaze
I melt like chocolate
Do not need anything else…
To soar in the sky.

I wish you a birthday
Not just a dumb catch-
More happiness, pleasure,
Brighter than sunny love.
Undivided... Divided -
Anything happens in destiny.
You be in love
Into me lover
You deserve love!!!

My lover is the best
I run to him again
After all, today is the birthday -
It happens once a year.
Be beautiful the way you are
There was strength not to count,
For us to be near
And all dreams come true!

Birthday is a special holiday for each of us. The birthday boy is in the center of attention, receives many compliments, pleasant wishes, gifts. But when it comes to a loved one, I want to be original. How to choose special words that will please a man and emphasize the strength of your feelings?

In our era of a variety of messengers, the most common option is congratulations via SMS. As a rule, these are small, but very beautiful poems. How to choose the right words that can hook a man to tears? What lines to write so that they do not look dry, stereotyped, artificial or overly grandiloquent?

First you need to decide what your lover might like the most. Some will appreciate cool quatrains with subtle notes of humor, others are more suitable for romantic lines, declarations of love.

In a message to a lover on his birthday, first of all, warmth, intimacy, which emanates from the written lines, and not a beautiful construction of phrases, is valued. The main task is to evoke pleasant feelings in a partner.

Congratulations in verse

Sensitive and gentle guys will definitely like romantic congratulations in poetic form.

1. Happy birthday, my cat!
Happy to meet you
Very passionate, gentle, strong,
Charming and stylish.
I love you!

Signature: Your kitty.

2. Every day I need you more.
I'm getting softer around.
And you don't need more happiness
than waking up next to you.
Catch, my passionate, congratulations.
You are my sun! Happy birthday!

3. I thank fate for every year,
that we met together, for every moment,
That is why my soul sings.
I love you, my honey. Happy Birthday!

Examples of playful, flirtatious wishes.

1. Deftly you own the body,
Let's get down to business quickly!
Gentle look full of power,
Passion fiery charge.
I fell into your web
The best lover in the world.

2. Happy birthday
Macho ardent, sweet, passionate
I can't imagine life without you
you are my handsome prince!

3. Partner in carnal pleasures,
let only joy and laughter
fills your day!
Today, all and sundry
gifts were given to you.
Chief with me. I'm waiting, my dear!

4. You can not talk about love
and not be tormented by "to be or not to be",
I will prove my love
doing everything we wanted.
Hot, slightly damp lips
Sending a kiss! Answer, my knight, to the lady!

Congratulations in prose

Composing a holiday wish, we want to avoid banality, to emphasize the sincerity of our words. Write your own birthday greetings to your lover in prose. Use an affectionate nickname he likes.

Do not be afraid of the lack of special skills, knowledge of the basics of writing. Avoid general terms. Your task is to emphasize individuality, to demonstrate the significance of the chosen one. He will definitely catch the sincerity and tenderness of the message.

Wishes to a lover in prose can also have a humorous connotation. Consider interesting examples for inspiration and fresh ideas.

  1. Happy birthday to the man who is the only one who is able to snatch me from a party with girlfriends to teach me the basics of bed science. So you never have to hide in a closet!
  2. Today you will run from home to the meeting point. Save your energy for fun! A message addressed to a dear lover happy birthday!
  3. Thanks to you, I have mastered superpowers: acting, developed intuition, caution, rich imagination and a bunch of other talents. Thank you my superhero!
  4. You are my sun. Under a passionate gaze, I melt like ice cream. Your hands are able to warm me even in the coldest winter. Let your life be bright and colorful!
  5. Let's drink the first glass for good health! The second is for passion and masculine power. The third - for the blindness of our "second halves". Fourth - for the wonderful night that awaits us ahead!

Between lovers can be a variety of relationships. Sometimes they are romantic, sometimes it's just mutual attraction and satisfaction of secret desires. For whatever reason you choose a lover, your union gives both of them something that is not present in relationships with legal spouses.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the desire to congratulate your beloved man - you want to express gratitude for him, the joy of his existence. But how to congratulate a lover to hit the target?

Write SMS

Your beloved is at a distance from you, and you cannot congratulate in person? Write SMS. When writing text for a short message in which you want to put all your love and tenderness, remember that his wife can also read SMS. Therefore, try to veil your words so that only your beloved understands them. Avoid words with sexual overtones. If you are sure that only he will read the message, do not hold back your feelings and proceed from the purpose of the congratulations. Do you want to be reminded of yourself? Write how glad you are that something good happened to him, remind him of some fact that is special for both of you. Promise an unforgettable night as a worthy reward.

Give a special gift

It is best to congratulate a lover with an intangible and very unusual gift. Think about how he will explain his appearance to his missus? Of course, he can say that expensive perfumes or a purse were presented to him by colleagues at work, but it’s better not to put him in an awkward position. Why don't you go with him to the stud farm to ride horses? Or organize something extreme and very original. For example, flying in a balloon, skydiving. Another option is to give him a subscription, according to which, for example, he can go to a paintball club with friends on his birthday.

Turn his life into an oriental fairy tale

Scheherazade is an amazing character in an oriental tale. She became the most desirable woman for the Sultan. She knew how to tell interesting stories, listen to her master and embody his most secret desires. Give your lover a gift - a special time alone when he can fulfill his secret desires. Rent a luxury honeymoon suite if funds allow. If not, arrange lunch or dinner in a romantic setting: on the roof of the house, from where a magnificent view opens, in nature, where no one will disturb you

Write a poem or story

If you have a poetic gift, pour all your tenderness and passion onto paper. Let these two feelings, seemingly opposite, tell your beloved about how much you appreciate him, how you want to make him happy, what he means to you. The story may contain some facts from which your relationship is woven, or it may be fantasy. Anyway you must clearly imagine what feelings you want to evoke in him.

Congratulate your ex? Forget

A very delicate question is how to congratulate a former lover. The answer is unequivocal - no way, especially if they broke up a long time ago. For whatever reason, your message or call will only open up the wounds of your soul, give one of you unnecessary hope. Is it necessary to fill the holiday of a former lover with experiences? If you want to return the relationship, do it not at such moments.

The moral side of the issue

If there is a holiday, there is a need for congratulations. Everything seems to be logical, but the question arises: “Is it necessary to congratulate others on the first announced date, even if it is frankly?” It all depends solely on the accepted style of communication with the object of congratulations. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a category as married men. They need a special approach.

How to congratulate a married guy?

Conventionally, married people can be divided into four categories, this can already be used as a starting point when choosing congratulations.

The first category includes work colleagues, bosses and others with whom you have an exclusively business relationship. Only congratulations on significant dates in life are appropriate here. Such as: marriage, birthday (if this event was announced by the person himself, you should not rely on rumors), professional holidays and achievements.

The second group is friends and relatives. This is where the range of possibilities expands: in addition to standard dates, you can also remember the day of the Angel, Christmas, even congratulate you on a divorce (if this does not become an insult). It is quite normal to even remember the birthday of your wife or child. Comic dates, official holidays - there are a lot of options. The main criterion: relevance and correctness.

And the final, most pleasant group of addressees is their own husbands. Here, as they say, "cards in hand." It is the most beloved and loved ones that can and should be pampered with congratulations even without an official reason. Invent small holidays and dates yourself, don't be afraid to experiment. Let it be "the third day since the last date" or "the evening of the weekly romantic dinner" - it all depends on the courage and imagination.

You will need

  • - aroma candles;
  • - bath foam;
  • - massage oil;
  • - musical accompaniment;
  • - gift.


If you can just buy a good gift and say a few kind words to congratulate your friends and work colleagues, then this is clearly not enough to congratulate. To really succeed, you must turn everything spent together into a fairy tale.

If you have been dating for a long time, then you have probably celebrated various significant dates together more than once. Remember which elements of the holiday (feast, dancing, private communication) he especially likes, and which he practically does not. Separately restore in memory what annoys your passion in order to exclude it from a future celebration.

Try to create a secluded atmosphere so that nothing interferes with your holiday. It is better to rent a suite in a large hotel complex. After all, there the entire infrastructure is aimed at providing you with an unforgettable vacation.

Separately approach the choice of your outfit, jewelry, accessories, hairstyles, makeup. It will be very good if during the holiday you change several outfits from discreet daytime to frank evening.
Make an example of a holiday. At first, you can arrange a walk or attend events that are of interest to both of you, then a gala dinner, dancing.

Use scented candles to create a romantic setting. Also grab a bubble bath with the warming massage oil. Take care of the musical accompaniment. You can choose both calm slow melodies and songs that are associated with your shared memories. Music will be a pleasant background, and under it, if desired, you can dance.

You can also separately prepare a spectacular private dance for your companion. For him, you will need a separate outfit, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

The gift presented by you should be desired and needed. Try to avoid platitudes (this includes the notorious eau de toilette, tie, shaving kit, etc.). Get creative with your presentation. Choose an exquisite gift that yours will be proud to show to others. It can be an expensive watch, a branded pen, a set of leather goods (business card holder, organizer, purse).

If your friend often goes hunting, give him a flask. On weekdays, he will be able to store whiskey or cognac in it, and in nature he will use it as a filter. Silver ions, due to their antibacterial properties, will make any water suitable for drinking in 2-3 hours.