Rule Communication with pets. Use of communicating with animals. Be polite with someone else's dog - before trying to stroke her or play with it - ask her master's permission in her presence

Not all dogs found on the streets are home.

Unfortunately, in recent times You can find a lot of stray dogs.
. If you really want to stroke homemade dogBe sure to ask the permission from its owner. If he is allowed, I am careful and affectionately, without making sharp movements so that the dog will not be small, that you want to hit it.
. No need to assume that the hopping of the HVO-Stom speaks of the expression of a dog of his friendliness. Sometimes it speaks of her non-friendly setting.
. Do not closely look into the eyes of the dog and smile. On dog language It means roney and show your superiority.
. In no case can not show your fear of the dog. The dog may feel this and behave aggressively. And even more so you can not run away from the dog. By this, you depict the running game and offering a dog to hunt ...
. Do not feed other people's dogs and do not touch them while eating or sleep.
. Do not approach the dog sitting on the leaving.
. Do not approach K. large dogs Security breeds. Some of them are ourselves to rush to people approximately a certain distance.
. Do not make sharp movements, communicating with the dog or with its owner. The dog can think that you threaten him.
. Do not touch the puppies and do not try to select the item with which the dog plays.
. It is always better to move aside and skipped a dog with Ho-Zyin going to meet. Especially if this happens somewhere in a narrow place.

E.if the dog will attack on you

If the dog is going to attack, sometimes they can help firmly said teams: "Fu!", "Stand!", "Sitting!".
. Especially it should be feared by squatting dogs - it means that she is preparing, smiling to jump. Just in case, it is better to immediately protect the throat - for this you need to press the stick or portfolio.
. The most sensitive place in the dog is a nose. Sometimes it's enough to get into it, so that the dog runs out.

Cats can be dangerous

Cats - far relatives Tigers.
Do not pull the cat or the cat per tail, as well as do not smooth strangers.
If a person does not torment the cat, he can contact him his hand or scratch the face to the blood. There are cases when the cat deprived a person's eyes. Cat can be in the infection.

Rabies - A terrible disease from which people and animals are dying. From wild animals, it is especially often a fox, and from home - dogs. Infection falls with a lying animal into a man's blood. If you were bitten a dog (or a cat), go as follows:

  • Do not attempt to immediately stop blood. Bleeding can help bullion to saliva animal from the wound.
  • If possible, rinse the wound with the number of water and smear the skin around the bite with iodine or cologne.
  • Tell us about the parents that happened and try to immediately contact the nearest hospital.
  • If you know the owner of the dog, to a shield his address to the doctor, so that the dog will hold-rili to rabies.

And how to find out - a mad dog or not?
Feeding dogs usually become capricious. They work, but drink water - they are even afraid to under-walk. The gait from them is insecure, Lai - hoarse. They hide in a dark place, people face, and sometimes on the contrary - they are suddenly aggressive, attack other dogs and people ...

Safety Rules from Snake Bite

Snakes in our country, fortunately, a little. Basically you can meet a poisonous viper or harmless horns.

Basically you can meet a poisonous viper or harmless horns.
But their bite is not poisonous. In fact, neither the snake nor the curses just do not bite and do not napa-human, on the contrary - when he appears, they try to escape in Ukry Tie.
Snake in two cases attacks: if it was blocked by the road and if the man is eyelid-drank on her. Snake has bad eyesight and smell, so it's easy to step on it.
Viper and varying the shape of the head and the pattern on the body. But with fear, they can be confused.

KGBS (K) OU "Aleis Special (Correctional)

secondary school boarding school VIII. kind

Obligation "Safety when handling animals"

(6-9 skates)

Educator: Firsova S. G.

purpose : maxue Children with Pet Communication Rules


Pictures of animals

Video film

Travel course:

The teacher makes children puzzles for pets:

If the paws instead of hands,

If most true friend,

If the Zabi

So friend - (DOG).

Soft Paws,

And in the legs - scratch.


At home, in the field, on the road -

This is a master on all legs.

And when sometimes disadvantaged,

- Igo, - shouts (Horse).

The sun rises. I heard: "Moch,

How not to be ashamed of the shepherd - u?

Early in the morning in a half

Wants to sleep (COW).

Shaggy shit milk drinks soon sings. (CAT)

Even a cat in the yard

It will say very Grozno: "Me - E!"

Not afraid of anyone never,

Because there is a horns (Goat).

On the road with him full of hassle -

He does not want to go ahead.


Instead of nose - Piglet,

Instead of tail - hook.

I'm funny (Piglet).

Glazes wet

Tail, claw,

And everything is cleaned.


Lives in the yard

In a personal house - Konure,

And at all who do not know

It grows it, then barks.


Guys, raise your hand, who has pets from you at home. Name what? (Children call pets)

Today we will talk about how to handle pets.

Animals must be loved, they need to take care of them, but at the same time it is necessary to remember that even pets can be dangerous.

Reading poem Yunna Moritz "Huge dog secret"

The dog is biting,
Only from the life of a dog
Only from the life of a dog
The dog is bruising!

The dog is enough
Teeth for the heel,
The dog eats
Citizens horse,
And with her Citizen Cat,
When living
The dog is not in the booth,
When she overwhelms
In the stomach,
And everyone is clear
That this dog is
Cro-U-u-thinking of orphan.

Nobody is missing
Teeth for the heel,
No one eats
Citizens horse,
And with her Citizen Cat,
When the dog is
There is a booth and bowl,
Collar, Moon,
And in the stomach sausage.
And everyone is clear
That this dog is
Not a round orphan!

Dog Unhappy -
Very dangerous
After all, she is not lucky
In this life
Awful how she is not lucky!
So she gets
Like a dog.
So the evil one
Like a dog.
And everyone is clear
That this dog is
All without parsing -

Beautiful dog,
Sitting in a booth!
She is blooming in the shower
The stomach plays clarinet!
But jokes
With stray dog \u200b\u200bhomeless
Dangerous, especially
Full of dark, -
Here is the dog
Here is the most huge
Huge dog secret!

The dog is biting,
Only from the life of a dog
Only from the life of a dog
The dog is bruising!

Issues for discussion:

Why are dogs are evil? -

(Children's answers are listening to).

How to take care of your pets? - (children's responses are listening).

Now I will introduce you to several rules when communicating with dogs.

Rule number 1. Even if you are afraid of dogs, never show it. The dog may feel it and attack you.

Rule number 2. In no case do not run away from the dog. She can take you for game and hunt.

Rule number 3. Remember that the tailing tail does not always talk about the friendly mood of the dog.

Rule number 4. If you want to stroke someone else's dog, ask the permission from the owner of the dog. It is careful, without making sharp movements.

Rule number 5. Do not feed other people's dogs and do not touch them while eating or sleep.

Rule number 6. . Do not approach the dog sitting on the leaving.

If you are going to visit,

And the dog at the gate,

Dog sausages throw

Or with a cheese sandwich.

Throw her sausage in a bowl,

You can fresh savory,

After a couple of Cotlet

Offer her pate.

Offer her stew

Chicken leg, liver,

Finally throw mince

And in the gate boldly - march!

And the dog was buried -

Start all first ...

Guys, you now listened to a comic poem about what you need to do if you went outside, and a dog sits at the entrance.

Rule number 7. Do not approach big dogs of security breeds. They are often taught to rush to people approached close.

Rule number 8. Do not try to take away the subject that the dog plays.

So guys, we talked to you that dogs are not only kind, but also evil. And now we will talk about how the cats may be dangerous.

Cats can scratch and bite. From cats and dogs, people are transferred to such diseases as deprived, scabies, rabies. Rabies are very dangerous diseasewhich may occur after the bite of animals. From her you can even die.

Rule number 9. After you stroked a dog or a cat, be sure to wear hands with soap.

Rule number 10 . If a dog or a cat was bitten, I immediately tell about this to my parents so that they take you to the doctor.

Guys, one of you traveled to a grandmother in the village, where other pets live - cows, goats, sheep? - (children's responses are listening).

Rule number 11. Do not come close to someone else's cows, bulls, goats.

How to invent, why can not be close to someone else's cows, bulls, goats? - (Because they have a horns and they can make unfamiliar people).

We have health

Milk cow.

But if you want to be healthy,

That is not suitable for cows!

Rule number 12. If you meet a flock of cows, then go around it.

Rule number 13. Be careful with calves. They will cure horns, they can cause you serious injury.

For goodbye, I want to recall that you need to comply with the safety rules when communicating with animals. No need to offend animals on the street. And if you have any animals at home, then you need to constantly take care of them, then they will love you.

Homework:the teacher distributes coloring children with the image of pets or offers children themselves to draw their favorite animal.

Summing up: watching the video "Rules for pet behavior"

Pets for children for children

1. It is impossible to touch the animals and close to them if they eat or sleep.

2. It is impossible to touch their food and a bowl.

3. You can not approach dogs and cats with offspring, as they will protect their puppies and kittens.

4. You can not approach the fighting dogs and cats, and even more so to distribute them.

5. You can not tease animals: do not give a bowl in which the food is located, offer a piece and immediately hang off the hand, threateningly wake up, screaming and staring with your feet.

6. You can not poke an animal in the eyes, pull them behind the tail and ears, touch the face.

7. Do not approach dogs who behave strangely. For example, if there are signs of rabies: chromotype or stepling, saliva or foam on the lips, aggressive behavior (throws on people, animals or objects), loss of orientation.

8. To approach the animals, you need a quiet step, you can not approach the run, on a moving bike or other types of transport, do sharp moves, jump in front of them or through them.

9. If the dog is angry (shows the teeth, growls) - you can not run away, it is better to stand still, closing the face, but if suddenly the dog will attack, Cut out the grassland on earth and close your face with your hands.

10. It is impossible to bring your face to a dog or feline face. The reaction of homeless cats and dogs is unpredictable.

11. The fool must be stroking the head, behind the ears or under the chin, it is not recommended to iron the dog.

Very important prevention measure - clarify the risk of communicating with homeless animals.

What threatening are stray dogs for a person, what consequences can it lead to?

The first danger representing stray flocks is a source of infection for pets. There is such a thing as a carriage - when viruses live and breed from an externally healthy animal. In all cases, virus particles are released with a feet, urine, an expiration of eyes, nose, contents of guncrows, etc. Hitting the environment, the pathogens of some infections may remain viable very for a long time. Most often infection occurs when patients with animals or carriers with healthy.

Third, and the most dangerous is rabies. Most cases of infection with a man with rabies occurs when the sick dog bites, but the cats are often the carriers of the virus. Freshness - a deadly disease. Attempts to treat already developing rabies effect will not give. The main measure of rabies prevention is domestic vaccination. Unfortunately, cat owners and dogs often ignore. If the pet was pissingly wild, its quarantine is recommended for 6 months and subsequent vaccination. If the animal before the bite was vaccinated, it holds a new vaccination course and the 45 days are observed.

Animal bites are fraught not only with rabies, but also the impulse of the bite. In the mouth, many types of microbes live on animal teeth - both aerobic and anaerobic. The latter multiply in the wound, the more active than the wound. Therefore, children with deep wounds who did not receive complete course vaccinations of DCAfter bite, the prevention of a tetanus is carried out, as with any injury, and in some cases an antibiotic is prescribed for 1-2 days. Cat's sharp teeth leave deeper wounds than the teeth of the dog, such wounds are more often caught. If, after a bite or deep scratch, signs of inflammation of the wound appeared (the increase in soreness, redness, swelling, temperature increase) appeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In the bite of pets, the place of bite must be carefully disinfected with iodine, "green", hydrogen peroxide. If bleeding occurred, the necessary measures are taken to stop. A sterile bandage is superimposed on the wound. The affected child needs to show a doctor. An animal must be left to the vet and establish observation after him.

To avoid pet bite, children should be firmly remembered several simple rules. Animals always defend their cubs bravely, so you can not take a puppy dog, and the kitten's cat has to look or stroke them. You can not take the dog from the dog, to wade into her with a stick or hand, run away from her. Standing little child pet almost never touches, and the running can pursue.

Communication without bites and scratches

For some reason, very many people are panicly afraid to be bited or scratched four-legged friends. Moreover, they see the problem in the animal - they say, evil, aggressive, uncompatible ... but in practice - 9 out of 10 bites and scratches occur due to human, and not an animal. Moreover, no matter how surprising it sounds, but scientifically proven that 8 out of 10 busting suffer from their own (or neighbor) cats -sobak! Homeless are trying to stay away from us (apparently, they have their own good reasons). So, security rules in communicating with animals need to be learned no less carefully than road signs.


1. Do not impose an animal as a friend if it does not want - you do not need scratched hands or bite finger.

2. Be polite with someone else's dog - before trying to stroke her or play with her - ask her the presence of permission from her owner.

3. Do not push and do not attack a joke on the owner of the dog - she does not have a sense of humor to understand your true intentions.

4. Do not touch the dog or a cat when she eats or something (someone) protects - she will think that you are attempting at her food (guarded "richhood") and can be great to bite, or scratch.

5. Do not climb someone else's dog or a cat when she is busy with their children - you will get great.

6. Lack of animal for the hind paws, cereals or tail - that you are not right, you will understand very quickly.

7. Respect your own dog or cat - they are ready to demolish much from you, but they have a limit of patience.

8. Walking with her dog, learn to be polite: a dog that rushes on passersby and breaks with a leash, first of all, not the best way characterizes its owner.

9. Not the smooth of unfamiliar animals: In addition to the usual problems of type of bites or scratched grooves, there are such troubles like a rhythmic deprive, typhoid, plague, rabies and a whole bouquet of diseases (more than 20) - do you need them?

10. If the dog is on the street on you and the dog is rushing, nor in any case do not grow out of her - she will perceive it as weakness and try to hunt your ankles. Instead, turn to her face and sharply burn to the ground, as if you take a stone in my hand - this is enough to homeless dog bounced off for a respectful distance. To secure the effect, you can swap "raised stone" - it will produce a sideling effect on it. Most likely, she will still pursue you from afar, but only from afar, and to the border of their territory.

11. If such a "attempt" will happen to you in the protected dog of the Masterian yard - it is better to immediately reter for its limits - the watchdoggy dog \u200b\u200bwill not go outside - this is not her security territory.

12. Remember that stray dog \u200b\u200bor cat rarely attack the first. This is usually due to the fact that a person violated the "rules of courtesy," bites on the boundaries of its territory, and if the animal found it that he had nowhere to go when a man was going to meet her (in a narrow corridor, street, entrance) . Believe that they are afraid of us - large, and sometimes cruel, even more than them.


8. Walking with his dog, learn to be polite: a dog that rushes on passersby and breaks with a leash, first of all the best way characterizes its owner.

Lucky Young dog, and rushes to other dogs .. and there are different other people's dogs. There are different and dangerous.

9 .. If on the street on you and the dog is rushing, nor in any case do not grow out of it - she will perceive it as weakness and try to hunt for your ankles. Instead, turn to her face and sharply fade to the ground, as if you take a stone in my hand, it is enough for a stray dog \u200b\u200bbounced off for a respectful distance.

In -ye, it is impossible to remove dogs without a leash ... But there are different owners in dogs. And often it is necessary to try to influence the owners of dogs.

Believe that they are afraid of us - large, and sometimes cruel, even more than them.

My wife is a good woman, went to the "Tsar Le Baalie Haim" - a place where abandoned animals gather, and took Laki. And they always consider all our animals to be born in my birthday. 13 April ...

To the question of the rule of pet behavior (for children) as the author chevron The best answer is basics of child education
Animal behavior rules
Little children should know how to behave with our four-legged friends. Some children are very much afraid of dogs, others, on the contrary, show amazing courage, bordering as if with the recklessness. In order to avoid misunderstanding, parents must instill their children with the right attitude with animals. We offer rules formulated by Arline Eisenshherg (author of the book "Encyclopedia of the Future Mom".

Ninth: if the child wants to touch the animal (stroking), he must ask permission from adults, best of all among the parents. The dog must be ironed on the head, behind the ears or under the chin, it is not recommended to iron a dog on the body.

Answer from Rass[guru]
Very often we hear scary, and sometimes tragic stories about dog attacks on small children. Cute domestic lovers at one moment turns into an evil monster and throws out on his little owner. Children who were in such circumstances are usually no five years. What to do?
Is the child and pet are not compatible?
Of course, everything is not quite so. There are some security rules that follow the situation that you will check. For example, cellular specialists advise not to start a puppy until the child is six years old. From this age, a small owner is already able to empathize, well distinguishes living and non-living, but also will not cause harm to animal just out of curiosity.
However, not only a dog damage to the health of the baby. There are cases of attacks on children cats, homemade rats, hamsters and, even, guinea pigs. The direct responsibility of the parent is to protect the child from such accidents. And for this it is worth only to follow several rules:

Observing these simple rules, you not only prevent any forms of an animal attack on a child, but also upbringing a faithful friend and defender for the baby. Well, about the fact that domestic pets help the development of the child is not worse than Mary Montessori technique, knows every loving parent.

Answer from Alena Khishchenko[newcomer]
First: not approaching animals, if there are no adults nearby.
Second: you can not touch the animals and close to them, if they eat or sleep. It is impossible to touch their food and a bowl.
Third: not approaching dogs and cats with offspring, as they will defend their puppies and kittens. It is impossible to approach fighting dogs and cats, and even more so to distribute them.
Fourth: It is impossible to tease animals. It is necessary to show the children that it means that it means: not to give a bowl in which the food is located, to offer a piece and immediately hang off the hand, threateningly to wade, scream and stump. It is impossible to poke an animal in the eyes, pull them behind the tail and ears, touch the face.
Fifth: You can not approach dogs who behave strangely. For example, if there are signs of rabies: chromotype or stepling, saliva or foam on lips, aggressive behavior (throws on people, animals or objects), loss of orientation.
Sixth: To approach the animals, you need a calm step, you can not approach the run, on a moving bike or other types of transport, do sharp movements, jump in front of them or through them.
Seventh: If the dog is angry (shows the teeth, growls), you can not run away. It is better to stand still, closing the face, but if suddenly the dog attacks, curl up on earth and close your face with your hands.
Eighth: You can not bring your face to a dog or cat face. The reaction of homeless cats and dogs is unpredictable.
Ninth: if the child wants to touch the animal (stroking), he must ask permission from adults, best of all among the parents. The dog must be ironed on the head, behind the ears or under the chin, it is not recommended to iron a dog on the body.
1. Do not hurry to buy a pet for your one year old, because at raising an animal you need to spend a lot of time, wait a few years and the child will help you in the upbringing of a puppy or kitten.
2. Help your child and animal to get used to each other.
3. Control the process of communication, help in the first stages, explain the child the rules of behavior with a domestic pet.
4. If the child shows the elements of cruelty to the animal - tell him about what the beast feels, that he hurts and unpleasant. In any case, show an example of kindness in communication. Remember that your child copies you in your behavior.
5. Tell the child about threatening signs. The growl, hissing, twitching from side to the side of the tail - all these signs, the child should recognize on time and immediately stop the game with animals.
6. Explain when not time to play with animals. You should not show any forms of attention to the animal, which at the moment eats, sleeps or experiences pain. Teach the child do not take anything from the beast with the help of power. Animal rights also need to respect. Favorite toy Dog, pulled from her from graze, may well be the cause of bite.