How to fight off from the dog attacked? Korean Korean

Teleporates and publications about the "dog feed festival", ended in the southern Chinese city of Julin in Guangxi Province, provoked a wide public outrage and a wave of activity of advocates of animal rights worldwide. Before showing video frames and photographs on which you can see how dogs are burning alive and boil, they are separated, they prepare soups and stew, the editorial board of TV channels and publications warn the audience that he seen may cause a serious impact on the psyche. Even photo of dogs different breedsSitting in crowded cells and waiting for a terrible fate cannot leave anyone indifferent - so monstrous they look for residents of the countries of the West, where dogs of dog rights and many other animals are protected by law.

The only one light stain In the illumination of this story, the PSA was salvation in the market, whose appearance is so touched by the Activist of Humane Society International Petaire Lee, that he bought it from traders with dog meat and decided to take it into the United States. Now the dog, who received the name from the new owner, Ricky is located on Quarantine and is waiting for a flight to America.

In response to the perturbed petitions of activists and environmentalists about the Yulian "dog", the Chinese authorities said that officially "such a festival was not conducted", so they will not accept any measures. The traders of the same dog meat indicate the customs of other countries, for example, for the fact that in India do not eat beef, since the cow is a sacred animal for Hindus, Muslims and Jews refuse pork, because they consider this animal "dirty", and some Peoples refuse lamb. And no one in the West is indignant to the counters of meat shops and photographs from the meat storage, where you can see the carcasses of livestock.

There are contrargments against the theory of "antiquity" of the aforementioned tradition. So in the province of Kensan-Pukto in South Korea, the burial of two thousand years ago, in which the skeleton of the dog was located together with the human skeleton. Scientists naturally suggested that the dog was buried with the deceased owner, which, in turn, means that it was actually as a member of the family. On the fiber picture, dated by the fourth century of our era, are visible by a barrane, pigs and dogs. But on the same drawing, freely walking dogs are visible - they do not look like animals at all, which people are preparing to consult in food.

The most active opponents of the point of view, according to which the meat of dogs in Korea eat several thousand years, believe that Koreans began to eat it only in the twentieth century. In this regard, there are two main versions. The first - it all started during the Japanese Colonial Board from 1910 to 1945. The Japanese were requisitioned and pulled into the metropolis almost all the peasant cattle, which actually did not leave the Koreans of a different exit, except to eat dogs, so as not to die from hunger. Some researchers argue that the Japanese killed their dogs themselves, for the use of their skins, but discharged meat, which in Japan is forbidden to eat from 675 of our era. According to the second version, the Koreans began to eat dogs during the 1950-53 Korean War of the Korean War started - also due to the fact that Hunger reigned on the Korean Peninsula.

So there is no speech about any "multiplinary tradition" beneficial features Dogs are embedded, and myths about them are consciously supported by businessmen, activists consider public organizationswho seek a ban on killing dogs for their meat. But, despite their desperate struggle, such a ban is unlikely to be introduced in the foreseeable future - social consequences, if you adopt the right law immediately, will be in South Korea Very tangible. This recognizes the deputy editor-in-chief of the online edition of The Korea Observer James working on documentary film on this problem. Hyms himself - a supporter of a complete ban on the cultivation of dogs on slaughter and selling meat rods:

In South Korea, about nine hundred thousand dogs, which are grown on slaughter

- According to the 2010 statistics, in South Korea, there were about nine hundred thousand dogs belonging to approximately one hundred thousand farms. So it turns out that 7-8 dogs live in small farms, in some even less. Where dogs are 10-20, they become an important source of income for families. Therefore, an immediate ban on the canine meat industry will deprive their livelihoods - this is the last thing I would like. On average, one dog costs about 70 dollars. So, if the farmer is selling dog meat to restaurants, then we must provide him with another source of income. Such organizations like Humane Society International are engaged in the fact that they buy dogs from farmers in order to further with the help of reversed funds they would have the opportunity to start a new business.

According to James Hymsa, quite recently one farmer who has the activists of Humane Society International bought 23 dogs, quite successfully engaged in growing and selling blueberries. According to Hyams and his colleagues, the authorities of South Korea are now in the first place, immediately, should be introduced still missing norms and licensing procedure for the production of dog meat. This will eliminate the black market, which often falls stolen or lost pets. All the same problems are also spoken in the People's Republic of China - there are also often home dogs, and almost no one controls what the animal felt before being in the cell of the merchant dog meat. Complete absence sanitary norms dramatically increases the risk of poisoning.

James Hyams. It emphasizes that in Korea there are breeds of dogs specially grown on slaughter, and the Koreans themselves of such dogs and domestic dogs are perceived as different animals. And the meat of "homemade rocks" they would not have become. But it does not stop unscrupulous merchants:

- CO-EXISTENCE OF ANIMAL RIGHTS ON EARTH (CARE) in 2012 conducted an investigation. Her activists visited several places where animals contain and kill. They found hundreds of dogs "homemade breeds", waiting for death. So for the owners there was no difference - "meat" whether these are dogs, or "home". One of them admitted that 70 percent of dogs sold to meat - golden retrievers And the dogs of other "home" breeds. The price for one animal varies depending on the time of year, but on average it is about two hundred dollars. Another former merchant said that the meat of rapes and others similar breeds Similarly in quality with dog meat, fed specifically, but costs cheaper.

James Hyams, who, recall, would personally wanted the practice of eating dogs in South Korea and other countries to exist, and demands to immediately stop the widespread practice of cruel dogs of dogs, acts against the fact that he calls "cultural imperialism" when "one Culture allows themselves to dictate another, which is right and what is wrong. " He emphasizes that in his new film, I would like to figure it out, whether the tradition of dogs are really in Korea there is a meat of dogs so ancient and established. Or the South Korean society is ready to leave this tradition in the past.

The main breed of dogs for eating in Korea is Nureong, or a Korean edible dog, which is different from those breeds that are contained as pets. However, in 2015, in the media there were reports that many other breeds of dogs, including former pets, were used to eat in Korea, except for the Nureong breed. Different breeds of dogs are also eaten in many other parts of Eastern and South Asia, including in some regions of China and the Philippines.

Only a small percentage of the population regularly eating the dog in Korea regularly, despite the fact that at least once in their lives of dogs tried to 30% of South Koreans. In Korea, there is a large musical team of people who oppose the practice of drinking dog meat. However, this meat is and large group Supporters who advocate the preservation of the traditional culture of Korea with its centuries-old history.

According to the BBC news service, in 2003 in Korea, approximately 4000-6000 restaurants were offered soups made from dog meat. These soups cost about $ 10, and meat dishes are a pair of rice - about $ 25. BBC argues that per year on Korean cuisines up to 8,500 tons of dog meat are used.

Dog meat is most often used during summer months, in the form of soups or stew. It is believed that such soups provide good healthbalancing vital energy Body.

International Attention

In 1988, the Government of South Korea called on its citizens during Summer olympic Games In Seoul, do not drink dog meat to avoid publicity. Also, at this time, all restaurants were closed, where the most popular meat dishes were served to improve the country's image. Nevertheless, in 1998, in the review article, it was reported that, despite the official prohibition of the government for ten years, almost 20,000 restaurants continued to prepare meat dishes from dogs.

Discussions on this subject for the country the topic again lit up in 2001 during the World Cup. The organizers of the Championship under pressure from the group for the protection of animal rights demanded that the Korea government finds possible paths Resolving the issue. The movement on the protection of animal rights prompted people to boycotom if the government does not forbid the sale of dog meat in Seoul restaurants. However, this movement turned out to be unfair and inappropriate for large number Koreans and did not change the situation.

Discussions on the use of dog meat in Korea

Some people in Korea who eat Boshintang (translated as "invigorating soup"), believe that it has medical properties, and, in particular, increases male energy. Meat dogs, as it is believed to have Koreans, helps to keep the heat balance and can help avoid overheating during the heat, although in China, the meat of dogs is used mainly in winter monthsSince the Chinese believe that it is the opposite, it increases heat. Despite this, no scientific evidence In support of such properties and health benefits from the use of meat dogs, there is no.

Many Korean Buddhists consider the use of dog meat crime. Unlike beef, pork or poultry, the dog meat does not have legal status as food in South Korea. Consequently, the farms that grow and prepare dogs of different breeds work at a semi-legal position. As a result, there are no rules in Korea requiring a humane slaughter of dogs on meat.

Disputes around the use of dog meat focused on the methods of slaughter, which include the use electric current, suffocation by hanging and physical dog clogings to death. Sometimes still living dogs are thrown into boiling water to remove wool from them. Some people in South Korea believe that the meat of dogs should be legalized so that legal producers can work more humanely and observe sanitary and hygienic requirements. However, again, many people believe that similar practice Must be prohibited by law.

IN lately Some Koreans changed their attitude to food from dog meat and consider it "unnecessary cruelty." Starting from 1988, international animal protection activists regularly oppose the use of dog meat in South Korea. Nevertheless, Korean nationalists defend traditional dishes Korean cuisine and accuse activists for the protection of animals in coercion to "westernization". Poll of ministry agriculture Korea in 2007 showed that 59% of Koreans under the age of 30 do not want dogs. 62% of people from the same age group They stated that they consider dogs with pets, and not food. Many young Koreans consider those who eat dogs, anachronists.

November 12, 2015 Immediately make a reservation: Meat dogs are used in food not only in South Korea, but also in other Asian countries - Vietnam, China, Laos and others, Dogacatina also enters the traditional diet of many indigenous peoples Far North and the Far East. For example, a pure meat breed was originally the famous Aleutian husky - Malamut.

But it was in South Korea that a dish of dog meat is a whole culinary direction, the fourth place after beef, pork and chicken. For the year only in this country is consumed over eight thousand tons of dog meat, dishes from this particular product are preparing six thousand restaurants.

In the South Korea around the use of dog meat at the beginning of the current century, even serious political passions and debate in parliament erected. Some of the South Korean society, predominantly young people brought up in european traditionsDisapprovingly refers to eating a person's friend.

At the same time, supporters of eating dogs do not understand why there are rabbits, sheep and horses, but wildly eat dogs.

The consequence of the political discussion in 2005 was the law prohibiting the cruel dog's collection in public places, with the use of suffocating techniques, however, the use of dog meat is not prohibited. It must be said that Koreans do not eat domestic dog meat, dogs grown on special farms are used for this purpose.

The most popular dog dish in South Korea is Poshinthan soup, or "longevity soup." The recipe is easy - meat is boiled with green bowBy adding the leaves of the perilles and dandelion. It is believed that such a soup rejuvenates the body and extends life, and men increase potency. However, in Asia, this can be heard almost about any exotic dish, which is offered to tourists.

Other dog dishes are served in South Korean restaurants. For example, a dog in honey under the sour and sweet sauce, or a doggy, stew in garlic sauce. For the preparation of the last dish are used dog paws. Those of European tourists who decided to try such exotic dishes, claim: the dog meat resembles both pork, and beef, but less fat and more delicious.

Eating dogs B. North Korea Or do not eat any reliable information on this account, the country is closed and there is no Internet there. It is only known that in restaurants for foreign tourists (such in North Korea a little), dog dishes are prepared on special orders, and they are quite expensive.

In the spring, everyone wants to spend as much time as possible on fresh air. I want to drop a bike or rollers and to ride a ride. Well, or at least just longer walk. But there is one moment that overshadows beautiful spring days. This is homeless dogs.

Dogs that are most often attacked by people most often. No matter why. It is important to know what to do with it.

Do not be afraid

Not because the dogs feel fear. Of course, they feel, just most often, we are afraid in vain, if we are talking about domestic dogs. Especially if you are a cyclist or rolller. You're going to yourself, you do not touch anyone, and suddenly it rushes after the thicket, tearing off the throat in the Istical Laa. But in fact, nothing terrible happens. The dog just break the template. From its point of view, people should not move at such speed. So just give the dog to understand that you are a person, not a terrible monster. Stop and ask: "What are you yelling, fool?" This will be enough. Or use a scary spell "Where is Mom?! Look for! " All dog lovers call themselves moms and dads. All dog lovers mock puppies using the natural fear of the dog to lose their pack as an element of training. So just ask the dog where her mommy, and it will instantly disappear.

Be carefull

But the homeless dogs are quite another matter. And what is the most offensive - not all. Some quite peacefully coexist with people and never attack. On the contrary, they try to keep closer to people, because we are not wanting to protect them from other, more aggressive dogs. These cute guys are usually boiled in underground transitions, and if they come out from there, they are easily identified at the second stage of obesity. But their wild fellow, alas, are very dangerous. But there is chances of fighting.

Avoid dangerous seats

The attack is easier to prevent than to fight. Therefore, try without unnecessary needs not to fuddle alone in industrial, garage cooperatives and closed markets. Protection of the territory - the main task flocks. They will pounce with lamin anyway. But eat - not in any. Food you turned out to be in the territory that the pack considered it, do not panic and do not fly away. Pursuit instinct is an irresistible thing. You will catch up. If no one has aimed at your pants yet, do not shout and do not stand with a threatening view. A flock will take a fight. Continue to go quietly, as if nothing had happened. As soon as you cross the invisible border of their possessions, the dogs will stop. All they need from you - so that you will be removed away.

Go around the "dog wedding"

If you see the crowd of huge dogs, pursuing one unfortunate little dog, then it is most likely marriage games, not death. Get away. Males at this moment are ready to attack everything alive simply because they have testosterone shrink. Bitch will get one. And the rest will be a cute friendly mordeo. And you will easily be tightened into it, just because you passed by. So pass by - preferably by going on the other side of the street.

Do not feed homeless dogs

The population of grandmothers with a rotten cereal pan, of course, is huge, but they still lack on all four-legs. So, not all dogs are aware that a person with food is useful man And it is not necessary to bite it. Of course, we will eat offered. But it is not a fact that in the process will not try to pull your hand to you.

Do not wear cold weapons

It is easier to get a black belt on karate, than to master at least the basics of the technique of knife combat against the dog. The rate of reaction in dogs is many times superior to human, so do not get your penny knife. He will serve you a bad service - give false confidence in your abilities. Go to a dog with a knife - true way Get injury.

On the traumatic, shock and gas too do not hope

There are chances, as they say, 50 to 50 - you either scare, or not. You will not apply any serious damage to dogs or a trauma (not falling), nor a shocker (discharge is too weak), no gas cylinder (not falling again). Another thing is that a sharp cotton, a crash or a disgusting smell can scare a flock. In this case, the collective dog mind will decide that well, you nafig, it's easier to contact. The only thing that does not give dogs a chance - an aerosol pepper gun. He, unlike the can, allows you to conduct aiming fire. If you know how to aim, of course.

Use scarily tools

Even if you bought this gun, you will meet an aggressive flock when you forget him at home - according to the law of meanness. All you can do in this situation is to try to scare away dogs. Make the view that you raise the stone from the ground and throw in them. If the stone is true - do not look like, and throw. You see the urn - get a bottle from it. See stick - grab. If you have an umbrella with yourself - fine: just send it towards dogs and sharply open. All this works if the package is clearly interested, but still limited to the dialing from afar.

Trust instinctam

The dog language is quite simple and understandable. And, although it is primarily a language of gestures, on human informances with them can also be explained. The dog squeals when she is scary or hurt. The dog growls when he wants to express his discontent and aggressive intentions. Therefore, do not shout on dogs and all the more not to be a member. The higher your timbre, the more you look like frightened prey, drove into the angle. Speak loud and bass. You can say anything, the main thing is to look threatening and take the lowest possible note.

Look for ways to retreat

In most cases, the pack is enough to scare away. Dogs do not attack people in order to enjoy our tender flesh, so they usually decide not to contact a person who is ready to resist. But there are alas, sad exceptions. It's not possible to escape, but there is a chance to fight back differently. You see a tree - climb. See the pond - dive. If you are near the road, do not be afraid to go off the sidewalk. Drill the drivers will see from afar, so you do not teach you. But the engine sound, the headlight light or the dogs will surely scare away. As a last resort - you help will come A man with a mount, and this is power.

Beit is probably

Beats the dog follows only if it clung to you and does not let go. If she bit and taped - you are lucky, decay a vaccine from rabies. If she grabbed you, it remains only to fight. You do not have to try to snatch your hand or leg from the mouth, that you will only apply even great injuries. If the dog clung to his hand, grab the dog's face free handand the one in which she clung to, pushing the deeper into the mouth. From pressure, the dog's tongue is being taken to the throat, it will begin to choke and weaken the grip. At this point you can hit the tip of the nose or the foot in the stomach. In the chest beat it is useless. If the dog clung to the leg, imagine that you must score a nail with a fist, and not in the wall, but in the floor. So bey - sharply, perpendicular to the earth. Bates in the base of the skull - at the point where the neck ends and the head begins. This is usually enough for the dog to see in you a threat to his life and stopped attempts to attack.

Migrant from Vietnam will not be punished for organizing a workshop for the skull of dogs in Samara. Law enforcement officers found that animals were killed there with a humane way, and the man was sold only to his compatriots. Due to the absence of the crime, the criminal case was closed. Nevertheless, the Vietnamese decided to expel from the country.
We will remind, about the work of the workshop on the female dogs in a private house on a southern pass to Samara in law enforcement agencies reported zoozhechnikov who complained to neighbors and involuntary witnesses of underground production. In June, police and activists were guided there with verification. In the workshop, they found a cage in which 11 dogs were located.
As told one of the zoodochiefs Irina, a bloody business waste was lying throughout in the yard: animal skins, skulls, bones, jaws. The organizer of the workshop is a migrant from Vietnam - did not deny anything and completely calmly confirmed what she was doing late.
All saved animals were taken to the shelter "Hope". And in relation to a man, the police opened a criminal case under the article "Cruel-handling of animals". It seemed that the workshop was no longer avoiding punishment. However, according to the results of the investigation, law enforcement officers concluded that there is no criminal principle in the actions of the workshop. In this regard, the criminal case was closed. The prosecutor's office of the Soviet district of Samara confirmed the legality of the decision.
As explained by 63.RU, the head of the department Dmitry Popov, the evidence of ill-treatment of animals in this workshop could not be found. "We checked how they contained dogs. They lived in cells, the Vietnamese fed them, removed behind them, worked. In general, all the fact that our fellow citizens are usually done when growing pigs, rabbits and other animals to slaughter. We found out how dogs killed, and attracted an expert in veterinary medicine with a 40-year experience to assess this method, "said Mr. Popov. - As policemen installed, immediately before the taste, the dog was deprived of feelings with an electric current. The expert concluded that this is the most human way killing animals. According to his conclusion, during the blow, the dog did not suffer from suffering, since the loss of consciousness occurred instantly. "
The prosecutor dispelled rumors that the meat of dogs were supplied to the cafe in the Kirov market and other urban. During the investigation, law enforcement officers found that Vietnamese sold it exclusively to its compatriots who were prepared only for themselves.
"In the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is not written that in our country it is impossible to kill dogs for food. Provided punishment for cruel treatment with animals but in this case It was not confirmed. It is clear that the fact of the slaughter of a dog for food caused shock from our citizens. After all, the dog is a friend of man, a family member. But Vietnamese has another mentality. We interviewed a specialist in the field of culture of South Asia. He explained that for South China, Laos, Vietnam is a normal, ordinary gastronomic practice, "said Dmitry Popov.
"People who sold dogs to the organizer of the workshop, could not be determined. For the most part, Vietnamese supplied homeless animals. Of those dogs that were found in the workshop, two were homely. The owners were found. The police planned to allocate criminal cases into separate production about theft of animals. However, the owners themselves stated that they could not say that the animals were kidnapped, since they were not on the taught and fluently moved on the private sector, "said the prosecutor of the Soviet district.
Thus, for the organization of the workshop and the purchase of animals of the migrant from Vietnam will not punish. However, he was attracted to administrative responsibility for violation of migration legislation. Back in June, the court made a decision to finfing a man for 2000 rubles and expel from the country. However, in connection with the investigation of the criminal case, the migrant was delayed in Samara region. It is located in a special migrant center in Togliatti and, apparently, will soon leave the country.
The decision of law enforcement officers has become shocking news for Samara residents. Main question: Is it really migrants from Vietnam or China with impunity to kill dogs for meat and sell such meat? Zoozhechniki declare that it is unacceptable. They intend to seek the renewal of the investigation of the criminal case and prohibit the organization of similar workshops.
"No longer surprises cynicism and lawlessness. Does not surprise the silence and inaction of Rospotrebnadzor. It does not surprise that the police did not hear anything about Sanpines and the Law "On Veterinary", prohibiting the implementation and use of meat in food, which did not pass by veterinary and sanitary expertise. It is according to these standards a dog meat is not food Product in our country. And laws Russian Federation The same for all, regardless of their nationality and cultural traditions, "said Amal Baeyeva, director of the shelter for homeless animals.
According to her, well-known suppliers of the organizer of the workshop of dogs are also known. "There are names, rooms of cars, phone numbers of these suppliers, - Marka Baeyeva noted. - The interests of dog owners were ignored. By law with neglect, it is necessary to seek, as with any other property - for six months to look for its owners. The dog is someone else's property. The law does not allow them to dispose of them at its discretion and even more so destroy it. "