Why does a man not admit his feelings. How to Know What a Man Loves: Several True Signs. His friends love you

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you. " Maybe every man who doesn't tell a woman about his feelings has inner voice which in the right moment turns on and protects the owner from trouble? While psychologists tirelessly urge to talk to each other as much as possible, in our society there is still a strong stereotype that it is not a man's business to talk about feelings.

Let's say right away that not all women need beautiful confessions in verse. Here again the stereotype about the natural inclination of women to romance is triggered: “It is believed that women are sentimental and romantic creatures, they need beautiful words about love. And men are crackers. If you manage to "spin" such a biscuit into nice words, it means that he really loves you. So you are an exceptional woman! " - psychotherapist Maxim Zagoruiko describes a common misconception.

According to experts, beautiful words are usually not enough for insecure women - they need regular confirmation in self-worth as well as female auditors who are better able to perceive information by ear.

Without many words

Answers to all questions about behavior modern man there is not only British scientists, but also evolutionary psychologists. For many thousands of years, our ancient ancestors adopted a division - men left to hunt in a group, while women stayed with children and the elderly and ran the household.

“For men, it was very important to develop the ability to navigate the terrain, act harmoniously in a team, help each other out in dangerous situations, and restrain their emotions. Men with such qualities were more likely to pass on their genes to their offspring, ”says psychotherapist Maksim Zagoruiko. For women, the ability to understand the intricacies of personal relationships in social group, understand your feelings and the feelings of other people. Thus, evolution supported the development of emotionality in women and inhibition of feelings in men. In addition to evolutionary factors, cultural norms also play a role:

"It is believed that a real man must make money, decide skillfully practical problems and to be restrained, - continues the psychotherapist. - Talking about feelings is not a man's business. Any sentiment there is a sign of weakness. "

Dangerous disease

Social psychology proves that busy men there was no opportunity to learn to understand your feelings and practice expressing them. Some even now are not able to figure out how they feel about the woman living next to them. "Do you love me?" the girls ask them quietly. You can just as well ask the baby to recite Lermontov.

According to Maxim Zagoruiko, many men are characterized by alexithymia (translated from ancient Greek - "without words for feelings") - this is psychological characteristic personality, the main feature of which is the difficulty in defining and describing their emotions. “The signs of alexithymia include the inability to recognize and name their emotions, a paucity of imagination, greater attention to external events and ignorance at the same time internal images and conditions, - the psychotherapist describes the symptoms. - It is difficult for the Alexithymic to distinguish between bodily sensations and emotions, he can, for example, report his displeasure in this way: “After talking with her, I have a headache.”

Observation diary

There is only one reliable way to find out how a man feels towards you - ask directly. If for some reason you cannot do this or your question remains unanswered, it is worth using the very mechanisms that allowed our female ancestors to survive while men hunted. Empathy - the ability to take the place of another person, "join" his feelings - can help you with this tricky business... “If a woman has empathy, she may well — sometimes quite accurately — determine a man’s attitude toward herself,” says Zhanna Gurieva, while recommending to take a closer look at how he builds relationships with other people. If a man is cold enough, detached, taciturn and unemotional, if in his parental family they did not talk about feelings at all, whether it is worth expecting that he will fall on his knees in front of you and burst into tears of love.

“To determine how a man treats you, you need to be able to understand the feelings of another person, not all women know how to do this, although they endlessly complain about the lack of emotionality of men,” notes Maxim Zagoruiko, recommending to observe the actions, as well as facial expressions and gestures of another person and be interested not only in yourself, but also in him. For example, if you notice how your partner is feeling, you might ask, "Are you angry now?" or "Are you happy?" If your guess does not match the answer, that's okay, says the therapist. But you should not blame and insist on your version - this is Right way to conflict and even greater closure of the partner.

What to do?

If we leave the slippery and meaningless formulations on the topic “everything is individual”, then there are three options in such a situation: to continue to wait until the man is determined in his feelings, not to wait and just enjoy the relationship, or not to wait and look for a more talkative person. “A woman herself needs to decide exactly how long she is willing to wait. And if all the deadlines allotted for this have already passed, and the relationship is not satisfying, perhaps you need to think about how to break the unsatisfying connection and open up to new relationships, ”says psychologist Zhanna Gurieva.

“You can force the situation and take the initiative into your own hands, actively getting closer to this man,” says Maksim Zagoruiko. - As a result, you can get yourself a man who you like, with whom you are in love. Or maybe, over time, it turns out that he really does not want to be with you, or he may turn out to be psychologically immature, not understanding his feelings, not wanting to take responsibility for himself. " In the event that you choose the standby mode, you may not wait for an answer or wait, but it will be negative. However, if the answer is in your favor, according to the psychotherapist, it is much more likely that you are facing an adult and responsible man who really needs you.

You can often hear complaints from women who reproach their men for excessive coldness in relation to to them. Many women, during conversations with girlfriends, come to the conclusion that men are simply insensitive blockheads, and this closes the burning topic, since there seems to be nothing more to add to this description. However, in reality, everything turns out to be not entirely sad, as it sounds from the lips of women. Men often show their attention to women, but all this happens through touching, kissing, hugging and so on, and women, as you know, love with their ears. Therefore they need tender words, whispered in your ear, compliments and declarations of love. By the way, with the latter, the situation is especially difficult, since men are not very happy with this occupation. They have several reasons for this.

Men don't like to confess their love, because:
- they think this scene looks too much sentimental... And they, in turn, as one of its participants - is very absurd. Men do not recognize romance: candles, dim lights, walks under the moon, but they follow the lead of women, who, according to the general opinion, are simply crazy about it all. a man, too, can only in order to please his beloved passion. He feeds her, drinks, entertains, kisses, believing that by doing so he lets her know that he loves her. And he sincerely does not understand why a verbal proof of love is also needed.

Men are by nature more materialistic, and women are romantic, dreamy natures, which is why such a difference of opinion occurs. If a man is very much attached to a woman, and really has the brightest feelings for her, then, of course, he will decide on such a feat. But this does not mean that he will feel comfortable during a declaration of love.

- they are afraid that a woman at the moment of recognition will cry with happiness. Women's tears usually lead men into a stupor, and they have no idea how to get out of it. Not understanding how to behave with crying woman, they lose their composure and may become extremely aggressive. Therefore, the fact that an innocent confession can turn the evening upside down and cause discomfort for a man makes him avoid this procedure.

- they think that after a declaration of love, you will have to urgently lead your chosen one to the registry office. Although this is an erroneous opinion, because in this matter everything is purely individual. Therefore, the recognition heard by far not for all women means a veiled marriage proposal, of course, without taking into account the ladies with too rich imagination, but they are rather an exception to the rule.

- they are afraid that the woman will laugh. Romantic words from a man's lips are so unusual in our society that sometimes a woman, having heard them, can begin to be moved by such a touching moment. At such moments, there will be a smile on her face, but a man can calculate this as a mockery and be seriously offended by such behavior. He will think that the woman is openly mocking him, considering his words too romantic and unworthy. male behavior... Thanks to this erroneous opinion, the impression of the evening will be ruined for a long time. And also it is fraught with the development of a complex in a man. The second time, he obviously won't go for it.

- they are afraid that a woman will not reciprocate. Very unpleasant sensation for a person of any gender, when you open your soul to your loved one, express your innermost thoughts, feelings, and he simply does not appreciate it. The man is already ripe for the transition to new level relationships. A woman, perhaps, still does not feel the same emotions in relation to a man, therefore, alas, she cannot respond to his magnificent confessions in the same way. A man after such a fiasco will feel like a complete failure.

And it also happens that the woman generally perceived him only as a friend, without even thinking about something more serious, and the man decided to bare his heart in front of her, thereby discouraging her and putting her in uncomfortable position... Men are very afraid of such an outcome of a declaration of love, because no one wants to look stupid, especially in front of a person to whom you are not indifferent.

There is such a topical anecdote: "Petya said hello to Masha and asked how he was doing, and Masha mentally married him and bore him three children." Of course, this is ironic. But there is some truth in every joke.

This is often how women perceive male attention, whose purpose, for example, is a banal temptation. That is, the representative of the stronger sex, in order to seduce the girl he likes, goes to various tricks and tricks: he writes to her touching sms or whispers sweet and gentle nonsense in your ear. Actually, she does everything that a woman wants and what she expects from a man. Such Snake-tempters are endowed with the talent to seduce the fair sex by nature, or they purposefully learn this in courses on a male pickup truck.

And what about the woman? At first she trusts, then she becomes convinced that she is loved, drawing illusory pictures in her head about a clean and eternal love... But in fact, as soon as a guy gets his way, that is, sex, his ardor fades away and there is no trace of love. V best case he honestly admits what he really wanted from you. At worst, it will simply leave, throwing a cold "goodbye" goodbye.

As a result, the girl is offended, disappointed and considers herself used. Which, in principle, is the case. But this might not have happened! How much less would there be broken female hearts and in vain shed bitter tears in the pillow at night, if we learned to soberly assess the attitude and behavior of the stronger sex.

Substitution of concepts

The Internet and glossy magazines are full of tips on how to tell if a man loves you. But most often such articles are written by women, the essence of which boils down to being gentle, caring, attentive, in everything yielding to their chosen one. The main mistake here is that girls begin to compare male love with their own. But she is completely different and strikingly different from the woman's.

Precise advice on what symptoms indicate it sincere love to you, no one will give. After all, in men, everything is built on instincts. And yet, in order to understand this difficult issue, I had to turn to some reliable sources, as well as interview several representatives of the stronger sex who wished to remain anonymous. So, first-hand information.

When a man loves a woman

The main component of sincere male love- this is the acceptance of a woman as a part of herself, that is, that very half, without which life is no longer possible. And only starting from this axiom, men in one way or another behave with their beloved. What should you pay attention to?

Signs that a man loves if:

1. Sincerely interested in your business and listens attentively. That is, he asks how your day went, he is interested in what you were doing today, what upset you, and what, on the contrary, made you happy. Your hobbies, even if he does not share them with you, are also of interest to him. After all, you are a part of it.

By the way, that's why loving guy accepts his chosen one for who she is, with all the flaws. But we should not forget that ANY feelings weaken over time and that which used to cause affection may begin to irritate him. Therefore, do not stop working on yourself and, if possible, eradicate all the shortcomings, both in appearance and in character.

But be careful: false manifestation interest may be just a cleverly veiled attempt to get you into bed, so don't jump to conclusions and read the following points carefully.

2. If he gives in and sometimes sacrifices his own interests. In order to spend the evening with his beloved, a man may neglect football or refuse a planned visit to his parents. But try not to abuse this willingness. As practice shows, over time, a person for whom we too often sacrifice our life attitudes, we start to hate. And who would like a man who is always and in everything inferior to a woman ?!

Respect each other's interests, each of you should have personal space, without encroaching on this sacred territory. And if there are controversial points, try to find a compromise.

Again, be careful if a man too often gives in and indulges you in everything, it is quite possible that he is only interested in sex with you and thus tries to achieve what he wants as soon as possible.

3. If he publicly declares that. This is already an undoubted indicator of his love and serious plans for you. Men love to show off their chosen ones, whom they consider to be a part of themselves (remember the main component of male love). And if he publicly declares that you are his woman, praises you in every possible way in society, this is a sure sign that you are not indifferent to him.

The same is true if he introduces you to his friends, if not even to his parents, who live many thousands of kilometers away. There is no need to explain anything here. Such an act speaks volumes.

However, do not confuse those moments when your boyfriend is in a fit of passion during sex or whispers "you are mine." This can be a sign of attention or an attempt to make a girl pleasantly liked. For love, it is the declaration to society that it is "my woman" that is important, that is, for the rest, "entry is prohibited."

4. If he is. Since a man considers you a part of himself, he will take care and protect as himself. That is, you can not wait for it affectionate words, he can in again neglect hugs, especially when you are firmly convinced that you have already won. But you will not starve or freeze from the cold. He will definitely take care of your comfortable stay with him. And sometimes, in the early stages of a relationship, please with such a trifle as breakfast in bed. By the way, this is a sure sign that at least he cares about you.

Protection in in this case implies the protection of "their part" from external danger and aggression. Whatever one may say, but men are still driven by instincts. And even if dinosaurs have not been running on the street for a long time and there seems to be no one to save you from, but still a man must protect. Especially your achievement, that is, you. This is its essence! So he can give you valuable advice or just help in certain matters.

If you value your relationship with your chosen one, do not neglect his advice and appreciate everything he does. But try to ask him less about it. He must want to protect and protect you himself. Play on your instincts!

5. Another sign that speaks of his love is when a man seeks you, oddly enough ... to feed you. All the same notorious instincts: for centuries it has developed that a man hunts a mammoth and brings it to the house for his beloved woman, who creates comfort and decorates his home. Therefore, a gentleman asking you directly: "Are you hungry ?!" or “Do you need to be fed ?!”, I am not indifferent to you.

It is important that you do not ask him to do this. It is clear that if you directly talk about what you want to eat or that he takes you to a restaurant, a polite man will not refuse. And it won't mean anything. But when he himself invites you to eat and behaves in this situation, like a breadwinner, you can rejoice. You have every chance to become (or maybe you have already become) the lady of his heart!

To the same point can be attributed the fact that a man will strive to provide for his chosen one, so that she does not need anything. Within budget, of course.

If he does not, then most likely he has a normal physical affection for you, which may wear off over time.

6. Loving man will strive to please you in sex, and not only care about their own interests. The overabundance of his tenderness will not end even after sex (again, only in the early stages of the relationship). Then, unfortunately, they relax.

In addition, if he truly loves you, he will never offer threesome sex with even a girl or a man. In the first case, so as not to offend you, and in the second - because he is not going to share his beloved with anyone, that very part of himself.

7. Finally, the most important sign, testifying to his love, is when a man wants a child from you. This postulate does not require any proof or explanation. It is in you that he sees his wife, mother of his children and companion for life. What else is needed! it highest degree manifestations of his love.

Instead of a conclusion

According to one of the respondents interviewed, who wished to remain anonymous, a man in love behaves like an idiot. That is, his life changes dramatically and he begins to do stupid things, for example, in the midst of working week can take a day off to spend the day with his beloved or meet her early in the morning at the entrance with a luxurious bouquet of flowers. Of course, this flatters the woman and she gives up over time.

Unfortunately, a man who has already conquered a woman calms down and relaxes (after all, she will not go anywhere, she is ALREADY part of him). The words of the famous trainer-psychologist Alexei Chernozem involuntarily come to mind that God created a woman from the rib of Adam and if the rib (that is, the woman) “does not hurt” and no one tries to take it away, they don’t even remember it. But as soon as a man notices the encroachment on "OWN rib" from outside, then a real warrior will immediately wake up in him, ready to fight for his territory and for his achievement.

Therefore, as the expert advises, sometimes remind the man of your “existence” - intrigue, flirt, keep in suspense, take care of yourself, play on his instincts. He should have the feeling that you can be kidnapped or recaptured, but always against your will.

Be that same riddle for him or mysterious book, the pages of which every day open something new for him. And he may never lose interest in you.

In fact, love is a difficult thing and everyone loves in their own way. It depends on the character, type of activity of the chosen one, his interests and circle of contacts. Therefore, never jump to conclusions and pay attention to it.

instincts that will help you more likely to determine whether he really loves you or is just trying to seduce you.

Based on the book "Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man" by Steve Harvey

How does a man show love? A man confesses his love to a woman. What for? Why?

Men know how to love! And not only in the physical sense, as women think. And they show their love in a special way.

In general, a man's love is easy to read in his eyes. Men's views divided by "shades". Shades are very subtle "glance" differences that only a woman can catch.

How does a man's love manifest itself? How does a man show his love?

If a man loves, he will do anything for the sake of a woman. And even more. For what seems impossible:

  1. He will give a thousand roses, sparing no expense. When a man is in love, he does not think about how much money was spent on a surprise or gift for his beloved.
  2. He will wait for his beloved, at the entrance, even for twelve hours, despite the cold and bewilderment of the neighbors.
  3. He will shower his beloved woman with affectionate "text messages". And he himself will compose, and will look for them in books, newspapers and the Internet. A message to a mobile phone is not only fashionable, but also very beautiful, pleasant and romantic. But, for a man, it is very difficult that many girls and women "find fault" with spelling and grammatical errors. Some men in love write messages with dictionaries to amaze their beloved with their language knowledge.
  4. He will cover all the steps of the staircase with roses (or other flowers), from top to bottom, in the entrance where his beloved lives. He will not worry about what the people in the neighborhood say (or might say).
  5. If a man loves, he will give gifts to his beloved. He will give both what he likes and what he considers worthy of her. What do men give? Souvenirs, underwear, clothes, cosmetics, bijouterie, discs, sweets, postcards, apartments, cars…. In general, everything that can only be given. True, each person has their own financial capabilities and their own preferences.
  6. A man will try to fulfill any and every whim of the one he is madly in love with. He, to some extent, acts as a goldfish. But not three desires are fulfilled, but much more.
  7. A man very beautifully looks after the one that is not indifferent to him: he gives his hand when they leave public transport, escorts to the very doors of the apartment (if they do not live together), meets from work (if possible), helps in absolutely everything.
  8. He reverently and sincerely speaks words of love. He quotes poets, writers, philosophers. Declares his love with lines from poetry, words from songs. The main thing is beautiful and without deception.
  9. He can do dangerous stunts, in front of your beloved. He can write on the pavement or on the wall about how much he needs it, and how hard it is for him without her.
  10. He will bring her breakfast in bed. And if she asks, then lunch, and dinner, and dessert.

Why do men confess their love? A man confesses his love to a woman. What for? Why?

Many are interested in the answer to the question: why do men confess their love at all? There can be many reasons. Now we will talk about "causal plurality", answering exciting question to those for whom it really is exciting:

  1. It is recognized because it really loves. He wants to talk about his love often and constantly, in order to make his beloved pleasant, and to remind him that he needs her. V men's hearts can live too real love... And to think that they are “instinctive”…. More than cruel and dishonest!
  2. She confesses, because she often talks to him about feelings. In response to the "beauty" of such words, it is somehow uncomfortable to remain silent. She will say: "I love you" and he will answer. He can even repeat the intonation of the words for lovers. And a woman believes in words, because she wants to believe in them and not doubt.
  3. It is recognized because it is afraid to lose. Perhaps he is simply sympathetic to her, he respects her, but talks about love in order to keep her. He knows how women love beautiful words. But not every woman can be "bought" with words of love. And not everyone believes the confessions, by the way.
  4. He confesses because he wants to sleep with her. He considers a declaration of love - a weapon for "conquering" a woman in an intimate sense. And many ladies are "smitten on the spot" with such a weapon. Naivety ... ..
  5. He confesses, because he wants to "beat off" a woman from her husband or from a man. Met a girl, he liked her and turned out to be married. So he got angry: how is it that she is not mine? An adventurous step. It is not known how the woman will react to the confession.
  6. He is recognized because he is a romantic. And the words of love are attributes of romance. He is a "collector" of things that are somehow connected with romance.
  7. Recognized by using recognition as a synonym for "how beautiful you are" or something like that. After all, both "I love you" and various compliments "light up" the lights in the eyes of any girl.
  8. She is recognized because he wants to thank and say, in these words, how he values ​​her and how he values ​​her. And the woman melts like snow from the charm of words.
  9. He confesses, because he thinks that all sorts of feelings for him have cooled down. Check: if she answers "and I love you," then the feelings remained and did not go out.

A man confesses his love to a woman. Women, to the words of love, take very seriously: "he confessed his love to me, which means that I have every chance of becoming his wife." All women are very eager to get married. If a woman is not married at thirty, that's bad. Such are the stereotypes. And men…. They are in no hurry to get married. They would have to take a walk, figure out their careers. Living with your beloved, without a stamp in your passport, is more convenient, perhaps.

And women, such conveniences, suit for the time being - for the time being. If a man, being next to a woman, does not make a marriage proposal for a very long time, the woman gets the impression that he does not love her, but simply uses her.

By the way, in some ways the woman is right. A man who loves, and he himself will not want to delay the wedding. He will say: "let's sign at least tomorrow." One caveat: men are not very fond of all these wedding celebrations and festivities. It is rather more woman necessary.

But, if a man is in love, he will make any concessions associated with the wedding and with wedding preparations... And he will not spare any money for this event.

The same goes for honeymoon trip... A man will give the right to choose his beloved to make her even happier.

To be continued:

Girls are afraid to confess their love, because men do not always adequately respond to such an expression of feelings. Some men may be rude or laugh in response. Such reactions, of course, discourage the injured girl from talking about her feelings. At the very least, a rude or inadequate answer can open your eyes to the true nature of the object of adoration.

A man brought up in severity, after such confessions, can dramatically change his attitude towards a brave girl, considering her immodest and frivolous, which can put an end to the development of relations. Stereotypical thinking often ruins life. On the other hand, developing a relationship with someone whose thinking is so blinkered doesn't always make sense.

Many girls are afraid to be the first to communicate their love, because such words primarily speak of vulnerability. And if the relationship does not work out, most girls begin to reproach themselves for this and accuse themselves of wrong behavior. Although it is impossible to predict in advance what can cause a love failure.

It should be noted that if you really want to talk about your feelings, because there is no strength to remain silent, you should not abandon this idea. Of course, not in all cases it is worth starting a conversation about love first, but there are several uncertain situations that you can take a risk to resolve.

The pluses of decisiveness

If you are crazy in love with someone, and the object of your love does not see it and does not pay any attention to you, recognition can allow him to look at you in a new way. If he reciprocates, you can be proud of your courage. If his answer is negative, at least you will not have to suffer from the unknown anymore.

Sometimes men are terribly shy and modest, and only the recognition of a woman can make them leave their shell and show their feelings. Usually, relationships with such men are accelerated after the recognition from the girl. Shy men after such a confession, they are not afraid of rejection and reveal themselves from the better side.

If you have been dating a person for a long time, but he does not tell you about his feelings, do not despair, sometimes love is silent.

If you are, choose a form of recognition that is comfortable for you. You can always write a letter or even an SMS if this is acceptable to you. Expressing your feelings in writing is always a little easier.

Men do not always dare to speak out loud about their feelings. It largely depends on upbringing and character. If you are dating a man, but he does not admit to you love, you can take the initiative and tell him about your feelings first. The main thing here is to choose the appropriate setting and time for recognition.


If you are still wondering whether or not to be the first to admit to, evaluate what you are missing. There are only two ways out of this situation - either he will reciprocate you, or he will say that he does not feel for you. love feelings... In the second case, you will not be a loser, since you will find out for sure whether you should spend your time on someone who is indifferent to you.

Going to love, it is better not to guess in advance how this will happen, do not compose long speeches, do not build a plan of action. You will see that the situation in reality will still turn out differently, but the right words will surely be forgotten with excitement. The main thing is to tune in to recognition and decide with what feelings it needs to be done. After all, recognition can carry many emotions and feelings: tenderness, sadness, excitement, passion, etc. What do you want to convey to your own? This is something worth thinking about before opening your heart.

The setting of recognition is playing important role... It is best to avoid crowded places if you are going to open up your feelings. Nothing should distract you from communicating with each other. Take the man to straight Talk... Take a chance and tell him about your love. Good places for recognition - parks and squares, cozy cafes and restaurants. The main thing is that no one bothers you at the moment of recognition.

If you can't make up your mind with words love, as planned, there is another option - to suddenly stun the man with your confession. So to speak, throw out your feelings "on the forehead." The truth and reaction of a man can be very unpredictable. The moment of emotionality of your words is also important here. Don't demand reciprocity by confessing love... Your goal is to tell about your feelings, that the person is really dear to you, and not to tie him to yourself forcibly.

If you find it difficult to express your feelings in words, then you can try to put them on paper in a form or a poem. No man will be left indifferent by such a confession, written from the heart. If the chosen one does not reciprocate with you, be sure that you will leave a mark in his heart forever.

Confess to love if you really feel like man strong feelings... He who does not take risks does not drink champagne. It is possible that if you remain silent about your feelings, you will greatly regret it later. After all, as you know, every blacksmith of his own happiness. Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world - it's not a shame, but to admit it all the more. Only love inspires a person, makes him better and cleaner, so do not hide your feelings and be happy!


The beloved man answers all your SMS messages with cold silence. How should a woman view such ignorance? What are the main reasons that might prompt him to stop responding to your messages?

When a loved one is on messages, in the first place you should not panic and draw rash conclusions. Perhaps your text message did not come to his phone, or he has not yet had time to read it. It is possible that your chosen one is very busy and simply does not have a free minute to write an answer or call back. Remain patient and cool. Wait a while.

But if later enough time he did not answer, no need to blame yourself and convince that he. Suddenly they fell on him serious problems requiring immediate permission, or is he sick, tired, sleeping?

The best way find out why - call him herself. Don't be afraid to take the first step. Remember not to throw your loved ones around. Sometimes you need to step over your own pride and act to save the union. It happens that young people do not respond to a woman's SMS when they want to ascertain the strength of her feelings. Especially if before she rarely called him and practically did not clarify the initiative in the relationship.

Most often, a call quickly relieves tension and clarifies all pressing problems. But how to act if he does not answer not only messages, but also calls?

Of course, a man can deliberately ignore your SMS messages and calls if he is offended, hurt, hurt. Remember if you hurt him in the days gone by? In addition, he could learn from friends or otherwise about any lie on your part and decided to remain silent. In this situation, it is best to write a sincere message in which you need to express your feelings, ask for forgiveness. And then you just have to wait for his reaction.

Your relationship is probably in recent times were far from the best way perhaps he was tired of them and wanted to take a temporary time-out to test his and your feelings. Give him that opportunity. He will definitely get in touch when he realizes that he really needs you.

If the young man stopped answering calls and sms and is completely out of your life, do not be discouraged. Gentlemen are not a relationship in this way, therefore such a man is not worthy of worries and tears.


  • if a man does not respond to messages then

Men are amazing creatures; they can love a woman, but never say a word to her that they love her. That is why it is important to know how to get a man to confess his love, if he himself is not in a hurry with it.


In a relationship between a man and a woman, there are often situations when one side expects some action or word, while the other for some reason does not do or does not say it. This also happens when a woman loves her man and he never says that either. What to do in such a situation?

The main thing is not to despair, but to take everything under own control... After all, you do not know why exactly he does not want to confess to love... Maybe he either thinks that it is enough for you that he constantly gives you something, invites you on dates, or maybe in his family, parents never say how much they love each other. Here are some tips to help you get the hang of it. man so that he finally says that he loves you.

Analyze how your man reacts if you say you love him. If he looks away, then, most likely, he is simply embarrassed by these words. If at the moment of your confessions a man, as if nothing had happened, continues to do something of his own, be wary - this may be a sign of indifference to your feelings.

After finding out his reaction, decide what you best do to get him to confess to love... If he is shy or in his family it is simply not customary to talk about love then you better ask him to say about love to you in response to your own confession. That is, openly tell the man that you want to hear the words "I love you" from him, because it is important for you to know this for sure. Just don't try to do it in public, you'd better exchange words love alone.

If, when asked if he loves you, the man says “yes” or something like that, you can invite your friends and play some kind of game like forfeits. And when it's his turn tell him to confess nice words you in love.

There are situations when it is completely unclear whether a man loves you or not. Then you can go to drastic measures... Give an ultimatum: either he confesses to you love, or you break up. If he agrees with the second option, then do not regret ending the relationship, he simply does not love you.

In some cases, other methods may help. For example, you might talk to a close friend and ask what your man says to him about you. You can also ask a friend to hint to your man that it's time to confess to you. love... If you have good relationship with his mom, you can ask her about it.


  • how to make a guy confess his love