How to protect yourself when attacking the dog. How to protect yourself from stray dogs

Unfortunately, in our life there are situations in which you need to easily and efficiently stand up for yourself. These include incidents in which not only people are involved, but also animals, in particular, dogs.

Not only stray dogs are dangerous, but also "master". Quite often on the street you can see how the dogs shook without a muzzle and a leash. The owners' assumed that the animal does not bite, can little to calm down, especially if the dog is large.

The cooking passion for breeding dogs of fighting and guard rocks is considerable concern from the public. And the negligence attitude of the hosts for walks and the lack of training in dogs can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

As for the stray dogs, they are attacked, as a rule, flocks. Single dogs are more concerned about the search for food, but under obvious signs of aggression can pounce onto a person and alone.

That is why recently the means of protection against dogs are becoming popular, allowing them to protect themselves from an attack of animals.

What to do when aggressive dogs appear?

If you have noticed in close proximity to myself clearly aggressive PSA, the best way out of the situation has become imperceptibly to leave the dangerous territory. At the same time, the animal should not be attracted to himself - to wave their hands, shouting or throwing into it with stones or sticks.

In the event that the dog directly deals "interest" to you, will not be superfluous to have at hand device for straightening dogs. This will help scare the animal without applying physical injections.

Separate history - If the dog attacks a person or is about to make it up. The consequences may be catastrophic - the animal can cause serious damage, to be sick with rabies.

When bites, it is necessary to immediately apply to the trauma. If the dog is home, it should be found out what kind of vaccinations are made by, if the dog is a stray, you will have to go through a full course of injections from rabies.

Best remedies from stray dogs

We bring to your attention a review of funds providing protection from dogs on the street. All information is presented on the basis of real customer reviews, as well as manufacturers' instructions.

Folk Methods

For a long time, the so-called Cayenx mixture was used as protection against dogs. It consists of finely chopped Machorka (you can take tobacco) and any ground pepper, better burning, but anyone is suitable.

The mixture can be filled into a bubble with a neck diameter of 3-4 centimeters, 7-9 centimeters height. With such sizes of the capacitance, one movement is enough so that the powder can easily hit the dog into the face. For these purposes, the bubble from vitamins is best.

It should be known that the Kaine mixture cannot be used in closed rooms.

Important. Specialists recommend in no case to put the container with a mixture in pocket pocket. The best place for it is a chest pocket. When in dangerous areas you can quickly get a bubble and use the mixture.

Another known means is citric acid. You can buy it in food stores, in those departments where spices are sold. Recommendations are the same as above. But the effectiveness of the cayenne mixture is much higher than citric acid.

Ultrasound discharges

Refer to the most effective means to protect against dogs. Verified action gives reason to talk about them as devices with maximum effectiveness.

The effect of dischargers is based on the effect of ultrasound on the hearing organs and, accordingly, on the brain, in dogs. For comparison - imagine that the aircraft flew over you at low altitude.

Ultrasound causes a sense of discomfort in animals, and they try to escape from the zone dangerous for them as quickly as possible. If you notice an aggressively tuned dog, you should send an imaginary beam from the device directly to the animal, better - on his head. When the animal turns and run, the beam must be sent followed.

In the photo one of the sales leaders -

The greatest efficiency of devices is noted at a radius of 5-10 meters, The ultrasound action is significantly reduced.

The best of the series of ultrasound dischargers from dogs is considered, Typhoon LS-300 ,.

Very important. It is categorically not recommended to experience instruments on friendly animals. This can cause them an attack of aggression and inadequate behavior. You should also not direct the device of the device on people - strong headaches and a feeling of discomfort are possible.

Ultrasound dischargers are considered to be the most effective means from dogs for children. Easy in circulation, compactness and aesthetic design of devices resembling a toy, make it possible to use funds with children and people aged.

Pepper cans

Another effective means to protect from animals. The composition includes a mixture of peppers causing burning in the eyes, tearness and strong cough.

From the disadvantages of this method of protection, the next moment should be noted. Caller must be taken out of the bag, remove the lid and direct the jet to the dog. You may simply have these seconds - while you will produce these simple actions, the animal will already attack you. Persis with pepper is not recommended to use indoors.

The cities have recently appeared a huge number of various dogs. Both home and homeless. In this regard, there were quite often problems in people who do not have any relationship. How to avoid meeting with a "bad dog", how to behave in situations when passerving is attacked by such an animal, how to reduce physical losses to a minimum if the contact with it could not be avoided?

With these questions, we turned to a person who lovelessly loves dogs and finds a common language with any. He worked for a long time in a closed institution, so I wished my name to hide behind a kind of nickname - Commissioner Rex. So, read, wash on the Us, and good luck to you.

Let's try to figure it out ...

1. Who bites you.
As a rule, the danger represents dogs (if not listed the breeds) smooth-haired. Many of these breeds have recently been replaced, do not have a steady nervous system and are not intended for apartment content. Not all owners can afford constant training of a pet in a good and expensive school, therefore Nataska is reduced to the development of protection skills without the vaccination of elements of general obedience. To determine the potential danger of such dogs possible by the following features:

  • the dog moves on a stretched leash and is constantly trying to get closer to unfamiliar people;
  • if the dog is in a free state, then she is trying to approach you on the side or behind;
  • approaching you, the dog does not bother, but behaves aggressively (rocks, growl, wool end, the tail is omitted);
  • at the same time, the owner is nearby and silent, or is trying to file a dog (including "Fu") a hysterical cry.
2. How you bite.

Here we consider only those cases when the dog is pressed incorrectly or you have become a victim of her owner. Option when you are attacked professionally prepared (most likely it is American Staffordshire Terrier, German Shepherd or Rottweiler) Dogs, I will not consider it, because it happens unusually rarely, the advice will not help here, and at best you will spend a long time in the hospital.

Most likely, the dog approaches you, appreciating you as an opponent and identifying your weaknesses, which are:

  • hands below elbow;
  • legs below the knees;
  • swinging details of clothing.
Most likely, the dog will try, if possible, not approaching you closely, grab you for a part of the body or clothing, which is maximally distant from the body. At the same time, the bite will be either instant (capture-squeezing - attempt to bite again), or the dog will make a grip and will pull you on yourself with jerks.

3. How to avoid bite:

  • do not watch the dog in the eyes (but track the actions of it and the owner);
  • do not disappear from the dog with your hands and do not hover your feet;
  • do not change the dramatically direction and pace of movement;
  • do not Cry;
  • do not turn to the dog with back or sideways;
  • do not try to sit down or lie down;
  • do not run away;
  • if the dog runs on you, try to quit (aside) a typing item;
  • or his bag (two hands) and already in a running dog (however, the volume of the object can be defended as a shield);
  • if you have time to remove the jacket (jacket, cloak), take it in your hand so that a significant part is dry (only keep stronger and when capturing the dogs do not let go). Many dogs will prefer safely shrink your jacket from Kiton than biting an unfamiliar opponent.
  • do not fit close to the owner, if the dog is not on a leash and in a muzzle. Feel free to ask the owner to attend the dog and take it on the leash. If he does not do it - go another expensive.
4. If avoiding bite fails.

First, understand: I do not need to be afraid. It will hurt you later when everything is completed. Initial sensations from a strong handshake.

  • but) What to substitute:
    • mentioned above objects of the wardrobe;
    • back, if the dog attacks a jump (at the same time, turn around the semi-bok and jump his head);
    • shoulder;
    • the outer side of the hip.
  • b) What not to substitute:
    • hand and hand brushes at all to the elbow joint;
    • head;
    • caviar;
    • patch area.
And then you have two behaviors:
  • but) Passive:
    • sign Following the dog jerks, but do not survive on it (it can be confused and bite anything you need personally);
    • do not lie down and do not squat;
    • try not to fall at all;
    • do not Cry.
  • b) Active:
    • do not try to kick the dog;
    • do not try to hit the dog with your hand (stick, umbrella, bottle);
    • again, let's give after the dog, keeping enough tension so that the dog can not interceptably be more comfortable;
    • try to grab the dog for the collar and burn to the ground (you can knee). The collar should be slightly twisting in order to suffocate;
    • ideally: grabbing the dog for the collar at the time of intercepting or preparing for the attack, try to hold the dog between the knees (tight, as if you were sitting on a horse), Run your hand under the breast of the dog and grabbing her paw (if the hand starts on the left side, That is the right and vice versa), sharply and strongly (!!!) pull on yourself. Vgg is provided. You do not need to let go, just stronger lock the dog. If you jerked hard enough, then the dog is most likely injured and hardly wants to continue the battle.
Try not to releasing evil on the dog and the more not to kill it. Better an amourine of her owner.

We continue, considering the above ...

5. If the dog threatens your child or satellite:

  • do not hide the child behind your back and do not spin with him, trying to protect it from the bite, the dog will still try to get it, because it is for her - the least protected part of the opponent;
  • take the child to the hands, raise higher (not on the elongated hands) and keep stronger. There are already all the means of protection are good, you can fight off legs;
  • if you still fell, cover your baby yourself and substitute your hand;
  • if the dog bit and keeps an adult satellite, try to grab the dog for the collar and then as stated in paragraph 4. Also for liberation from the capture, the second person can grab the dog for the hind legs and turn it onto the back (reflect what is better in a specific situation);
  • again, do not try to beat the dog (you can call even more), try to fix it.
6. If the dog does not bite you, but does not allow to touch (in the entrance, on a bench, or you take a stranger plumber from a new building):
  • do not get up and do not change the positions in general (perfect position - sitting, hands pressed to the knees);
  • do not watch the dog in the eyes and do not shout at her;
  • do not try to give a dog a piece of cookies or share a kebab, unless it sees it;
  • if the expectation of the owner is delayed, you can chat with a dog, occasionally and quietly words "good", "ah, well done";
  • do not think to escape;
  • and if it still impacted (the owner of the plumbing is returned), see paragraph 4b;
  • you can also play with a dog: Surely you have a worthy asshole subject (ball, hat, wallet). But first make sure the dog calmed down and is interested in this subject;
  • but it is not necessary to iron a dog, even if she already put her face on his knees.
7. If a flock of homeless dogs is approaching:
  • remember the childhood, lift a stone from the ground or a stick of the passion (the twig is not always suitable, but you can swing the umbrella or a cloak). The stone can be thrown, without waiting for the attack, and it is desirable that there is enough stones around for the translation of the fire in automatic mode. If there are no stones, then snowballs are suitable, dirt, a trifle from pockets, a cell phone or a bottle of beer. Chop to defeat!
  • try to use the wall as protection;
  • and here you can already disappear especially active legs.
8. If you "drank":
  • all the same, just do not express your love for animals, trying to stroke them or stand on fours for a relative kiss;
  • and do not beat the dog with a bottle, about her (dog) Bottle is difficult to smash.
9. If you have a cold or firearm:
  • apply it only if you are absolutely confident that you are attacked, and not just sniff and inspired by the tail;
  • do not keep the knife cooked for a blow to the elongated hand, you need to act quickly and unnoticed;
  • before applying the weapon, think, and whether it will not have to shoot or cut the distressed host of the killed dog immediately.
10. If the dog attacks your dog:
  • the same thing - find someone else's dog in the ball and grabbing her back paws, turn over the back or fix for the collar as in paragraph 4.
  • if the owner of the attacked dog is interested, as and you are in the pops of the pet, then there are enough hind paws, and he is yours;
  • if your dog is on a leash - give her freedom of action, let go.
P.S. Especially for the owners of cats: if a strange dog is trying to bite the cat in your hands or in a basket, it's just throwing a basket (or a cat) to the side and hope that it will run away.

St. Petersburg, 19 Jul - RIA Novosti, Lyubsha Lepshch. When the dog is attacked, the most important thing is not to turn your back to the dog, do not run away from her, because the animal immediately arises a hunting instinct: to catch up and clinging, the Customs Specialist Inna Borisenko is advised.

From aggressive behavior of dogs, people are not insured in a big city, nor in a small settlement. So, on Thursday, July 18, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog was attacked on the Leningrad region on a small child. As the police said, a woman with a 4-year-old child and a stroller, where the baby was located, went down the street when the Central Asian Shepherd squeezed from one of the courtyards was attacked by a child. Two women began to pull the dog from him, after which she ran away. A child with medium gravity injuries was sent to the hospital.

Shepherd attacked 4-year-old child in Leningrad region, boy in hospitalPolice finds out the circumstances of the attack on Thursday of the Central Asian Shepherd on a 4-year-old child in the village. Morozova in the Leningrad Region, regional GUVD reported on Friday.

Earlier in St. Petersburg there was another case of a dog attack. Then the fighter dog was attacked on a young man, from which he chopped off the knife.

"It is necessary not to lose self-control and try to distract the animal at least with a conversational speech, search for a stick or stone, something, which could be defended from the animal. At the same time, it is not necessary to wave your hands, scream, watch animals in the eyes," says Borisenko.

If it did not work, and the dog attacked you, and you have the strength and the opportunity to fight animals, then, according to a specialist, you need to cling to her in the face of the neck, trying to keep it up to the help approach.

"If there is no physical forces, then you need to turn the face to the ground, close your head with your hands, and do not move. The lack of resistance can calm the dog," the cineologist recommended.

The most effective and affordable protection against an aggressive animal, she believes pepper aerosols. "For example," liquid pepper "- inexpensive and very effective means of protection against the attacker dog. It can be used at a distance," said Borisenko. She mentioned and the electric shock, adding that it is possible to use it only with direct contact with the dog, while there is a high probability that the dog will bite you.

A different situation with stray dogs, believes Borisenko. She advises whether to avoid stray flocks. "If you saw in your way a flock of stray dogs, go to the nearest entrance or shop and wait until the dogs are deleted to the safe distance," the expert said. She added that if your path regularly passes where the flock of stray dogs dwell, try to change the route to not meet with them.

The dog cannot be a friend of every person, since many dogs perform the opposite security feature. Each person is important to imagine how to protect yourself from a collision with a dog and what to do if the attack is inevitable. I propose a brief retelling article about protection against dogs attack With your comments from life. Link to the original version - at the end.

In which cases the dog attacks man

The dog is an animal that can attack a person by the following reasons:

  1. self-defense. If the dog decides that a person is a threat to her life and health, she will defend themselves.
  2. z. ash food. Harness on the dog food is regarded by a dog as an attack on the dog itself.
  3. protection of its territory.

    As a rule, dogs are good distinguish their own and someone else's territory. For example, I know two yard dogs that every time we fiercely have me from the gateway and attack the street near your home, but they show full indifference for a walk in several quarters from their housing. I was surprised because I believed that they had a personal hostility. It turned out that " nothing personal - just work».

  4. host protection.

    Dog - elderly animal that obeys the leader (In this case, the owner). In most cases, the dog is ready to protect the owner to the last.

this implies several conclusions:

  • dog that is located next to the owner, intimidate very difficult (It's easier to kill). You can intimidate a single stray dog, but in most cases it suffered so much from people, so preference to avoid collisions.
  • if the dog lives nearby and regularly goes for a walk with the owner, better to meet her. It is recommended to calmly speak with the owner of something - the weather, the car, ask the Council about the dog (even if you hate this bag with fleas). Praise the owner and the dog. The goal is to do so so that the dog sniffed you, heard your voice and remembered you. The friendly atmosphere of the first dating is always very important. " A friend of the owner - my friend (although not the owner)" Such acquaintance sharply reduce the likelihood of conflict in the future, although it does not exclude it completely, since sometimes dogs attack even on their own owners.
  • right dog must obey the owner and obey his orders. If the attack for some reason still happened, it makes sense to "remove" the owner from the field of view of the dog: to remove the corner, bushes, etc. This is sharp will reduce the desire of the dog to continue the attack: The owner is not visible, the territory is not her, and you obviously do not play. What is the point of attacking next?

The importance of a snack for a dog

Smean For the dog is very important. As a small child should touch everything and even try "tooth", so the dog must all the new sniff. I remember a recent case. Familiar complained to me that it was afraid to walk on the private sector - they say street dogs to him are too not indifferent. I was surprised, because I do not have such problems. I realized the cause of the problem when I saw a friend. He is used to walking with headphones in the ears (which in itself is dangerous) and with the aroma of an expensive perfume on the meter around. No wonder that the combination of exotic flavors attracted the attention of surrounding dogsAnd the sound in the headphones to the latter masked their approximation.

I made my own conclusions about what people are most annoying dogs:

  • drunk (most likely due to the smell of alcohol and inadequate behavior)
  • bum (strong smells of garbage + they are often drunk)
  • people with ratpberry cars, trolleys, wheelchairs (annoy not only dogs).

How to behave at the meeting with the dog

If you meet the dog in the first and last time, better behave as if you are from another world, for example, a bird on a tree. Do not pay any visible attention to the dog. Do not wrap it on it, do not look into her eyes. If the dog manifests your interest to you, you can follow her lateral vision. Let the dog understand that you are busy with your affairs, and she is an empty place for you. That is, you do not apply for its territory, food, place in the flock. Of course, it is better to get around the dog away.

therefore the best way to avoid conflict with a dog - Do not provoke it yourself. Never tease dogs, do not shout and do not wise up on them so as not to provoke response aggression. You can not sneak, suddenly and loud to contact the owner of the dog, behave aggressively, do sharp movements. Do not attempt to give the team to the dog, because by this you apply for the place of the host she protects. It is also not recommended to smile in a conversation too wide and laugh, because the demonstration of the teeth is perceived by the dog as a possible threat. Any of these actions for the dog means an attack on her, her owner and territory. And will cause a response defensive reaction.

Attack dog

Dogs are natasky (trained attack) and unattable.

Take the dog - the cheapest pleasure, which are engaged in special services or completely "frostbitten" owners of fighting dogs. If you attacked the owner on you on the orders of the host, then the main problems should be expected from its owner. Dogs still teach to delay the violators, and not to bite a person to death.

Unbound dogs most. They do not have the skills of attacking a person, usually the attack ends with sacrifice and bite hands, legs, faces. More significant injuries can be applied by chance, for example, when falling.

People are also there prepared and unprepared To the defense of dogs.

  • Prepared man + non-fat dog \u003d Dog death almost 100% of cases.
  • Prepared man + Snack dog \u003d Usually the people are defeated, although often with losses.
  • An unprepared person + non-fat dog \u003d fights usually does not happen, it ends with leg and shouts. Possible random (one-time) bite.
  • An unprepared person + a holled dog \u003d high risk of fatal outcome for a person.

Know that the prepared person able to kill or neutralize the dog almost instantly. For example, by hitting a fist dog in the nose, on the back of the head, into the nose. You can take it to painfully control the blow to the fingers in the eyes, in the solar plexus, plug or snatch nostrils to her. The dog can take a person under control rather rarely, and only if it is absolutely unprepared. Everyone should feel the master of the situation, the dogs feel it. Your motto should be phrase " I will do everything I want, and you with me - just what I will allow you».

Even minimum preparation dramatically improves your chances of way out of battle without serious damage His body, not to mention survival. Want the world - get ready for war.

A flock of stray dogs and breeding means

If you see that a flock of stray dogs was raised on the way, better bypass their side Or even another expensive. Demonstrate full indifference to dogs and go through the pack - an unpleasant pleasure, I never know what can seem dogs. It is an infrequent case when it makes sense to start war first. The dog reacts to intonation. If you are still on the approach to dogs, shout low, but loud voice resembling a growl, Dogs will understand that you are ready for battle. If there is nothing to protect the street flock of dogs, then they are most likely to retreat without a fight.

If dogs do not retreat, you should show dogs, that you are armed. Suitable branch, stick, stone. Most dogs already have some experience in contact with these objects and does not want to repeat it. It is useful to demonstratively burning and raise a pair of stones or stick from earth. Usually this movement is enough. If necessary, to confirm the severity of your intentions, you can run one or two stones into your dogs or demonstrate a punch. However, the last stone always leave with you. In case of fight stone punched, always more destroyed For the enemy than a punch.

"Regular" pocket items self-defense can serve screwdriver with a rod 10 cm or nail 15-20 cm long and if it turns out in the hands pestle (See photo) from a mortar designed for rubbing, then one blow from top to bottom will be enough to break the dog skull, break her to the rib or spine.

C. sticks You can not let the dog closer, and when contacting - poke into the eye, fall, groin or break the spine. The osculus of foliage in the mouth will help win a little time to take a better position, and the dust and mud can climb her eyes and nose. The main thing is to apply with direct contact with the dog's muzzle.

Write umbrella As a club is not very effective, it is better to use it like a shield. Open and close it in front of a dog that does not understand the essence of things. Changing sizes sizes are confused. For example, when the Incas tribes, Maya and Aztecs first saw the rider on the horse, they decided that it was semi-boring-receiving. And they came to horror when this semi-bought was divided into 2 parts (the rider went to the ground). Any dog \u200b\u200bis scared if the dome of the umbrella suddenly swalls it.

Bag You can "take" the mouth of the dog. If she beat in the face, on the nose, the dog reflexively will strive to bite her. Give her to grab a bag. When she grabbing her pull yourself with all my might. The dog will try to hold it. Take the bag to the side, distract the attention and hit the dog with the foot. If there is an opportunity - tilter the dog, fall to her with all the body.

If you manage to remove jacket or coat - Use it to distract the dog, like a shield. Try to sketch the coat on the dog, blinding it and make it difficult to move. If you managed it - you caress on it with your whole mass. If you could not remove the whole coat, try to free the left left sleeve. Use it as a "stand" to take the mouth of the dog. Right, free hand can be shock.

It makes no sense to take care of your clothes and be as crappy. Life and health you have some, and you can buy a new jacket and jeans at least 10 times. At the expense of the owner of the dog.

Remember O. protection of your rear. If a pack of dogs surrounds the defending sacrifice, the first to attack those dogs that are behind. It is better to take care in advance to be behind you there was a fence, a house, bushes or tree.

If attacks do not avoid

The main weapon of the dog - teeth. The dog is not a cat and the claws do not eat. Standard behavior of a unattricated dog - jump, overturning the enemy and bite. Some dogs try to cling to the throat, others apply multiple bites, riding meat pieces. Natasky dogs are taught to dilute from shocks, very mobile and their harder to take pain control (Control behavior with the help of pain). Such dogs should be out of order clean mechanical - breaking joints and ribs. Do not pretend that you break the joint, and really break it. The dog has already crossed the threshold of the permitted and must be destroyed.

The most vulnerable places Dogs are as follows:

  • nasal tip, bridge,
  • the occipital part and the temples behind the ears,
  • solar plexus,
  • ribs
  • sustaines paws,
  • coccyx.

TO vulnerable Places also include:

  • eyes,
  • nostrils (s),
  • mucous membranes
  • genitals.

These places should be influenced - mechanically (hand, stone, stick) or cooked weapons.

What should not be done? Do not run away, as in movies. The dog runs once in 5 faster, so if there is no stairs, wood, fence, then you should not try. The runaway man still stimulates her hunting instinct " catch up and grab».


The most wrong in the case of contractions with a dog - fear and passive protection (fall, close your head with hands, etc.). In this case, a person definitely suffers more than with active defense. Dog gets full (including moral) superiority In such a battle and comes out of it the winner and in general without loss.

Before any fight is important moral mood. If you psychologically difficult to fight with a dog, imagine that it little evil dwarf with sharp teethwho will bite and who caused you a lot of evil. But you must (and have every chance!) To kill him. Yes, you will certainly have any losses, but they will be much smaller than if you gave up without a fight. And some of your clothes will probably be spoiled, but much the big problems are waiting for the owner of the dog. Feel free to assess your moral and physical damage.

Dogs - good telepathsIt is believed that they feel the adrenaline of the winner. Imagine the scene as a brighter as possible, as you break the dog's paws and ribs, laugh with your knee, we climb into parts, and her blood flies in all directions. Let the dog also "see" this picture of his gratitude future. Come like Tarzan, demonstrate the complete determination to take into battle immediately.

Injection into the blood of the winner's adrenaline. Loud and vicious lever voice Scream: " A-aya-s! What I will do with you! How I was waiting for this moment! Finally! Now you will know what pain is!"Shout as you like, but shout" scary. " Screams not only affect the dog, but also attract the attention of others. And unnecessary witnesses in court the owner of the PSA.

If it is not possible to avoid contractions, you need take defense or even attack the first. You can run with terrible screams to run to her towards having swinging with girlfriends or removing a coat (jacket). In this case, the dog itself turns into game, and she starts working the instinct of self-preservation. If the dog was not afraid and runs on you, do not stop.

If she jumps - slim and breathe give her good kick In the groin or under the tail, hit the fist on the back of the bottom. Slip during a dog jumping - strongest stress, sharply reduce her self-esteem - she already lost one round. The main thing is not to give her to knock you down from the legs during the jump due to its kinetic energy. But if she after that does not refuse the active form of an attack, the party goes into the endgame.

You need to continue inadequate behaviorwho does not expect a dog. Immediately need to take a stable pose and turn to the dog sideways. Head clump down and cover the throat chin. If you can have the opportunity - remove the coat, the jacket and use them in order to take the fall of the dog or throw it on her head, blinding it. At the same time it is necessary to beat, beat and vulnerable. If you managed to chat the dog - the lying dog is not a fighter. Jump on it with all the body and knee ahead, on the chest, spine. If you manage to trap the dog's head back - hit the fist in the base of the skull and break her the ridge.

If you are not a big man, and the dog is quite large, you can even become one or two knees for stability (but only after a dog jumping). Thus, you will become more resistant and derive your legs from under the blow - the most unprotected part of the body.

In martial arts exists "Fine" movementwhich can be used against a dog (and a lying person) dodged. We are talking about hit by a sick knee about the chestwho breaks the ribs. The ribs do not have high strength and in most cases can be broken even with the indirect heart massage during resuscitation activities. The fracture of even one edge hurts a strong pain with deep breath and cough. The fracture of several ribs is dangerous damage to the lungs and the accumulation of blood in the chest cavity, which creates a threat to life. A person to the upper ribs are attached to the hand souses, so when the fracture of these ribs, the active movements of the hands are impossible and dangerous if it is not pre-imposed on the chest rose bandage.

For 1 min. 26 C - "Fine" movement leading to the fibement of the opponent.

Do you think a dog with a pair of broken ribs can continue the attack on you or not?

remember, that dog in water is rather defenseless. When it floats, and you are standing on the ground, you just like to dodge her at least once, grab it for the wool or for the head and pumped so that her face is left under the water. And wait a bit. A minute later, everything will be over for a dog. That is, if the dog rushes to the water, drown it, if desired, is easier than simple.

Special needs against dogs

Against dogs useless neuro-paralytic gasesintended for people. But excellent action is provided mustard and pepper gases. If the dog inhales such gas, she quickly disappears interest in continuing the fight. Mustard and pepper (pepper) springs are sold in hunting stores and are relatively inexpensive.

During the war, SMERS officers (death to spies) for neutralization of dogs Used homemade mixture of ground black pepper and tobacco In proportion 1: 1. Both components are grinding to the dust-shaped state (for example, a coffee grinder). You can still add powder mustard. The resulting dust is perfectly settled on wet mucous membranes (nose, mouth, eyes), causing strong growing burning. You can remove such dust only by washing. The dog will be neutralized at least for a few hours and it is unlikely to be able to do without treatment. And if the dog deeply inhales quite a lot of cooked dust, it will not only burn a respiratory tract, but also acute respiratory distress syndrome with swelling of the lungs and fatal outcome.

In the original article (reference below), other specialists are also described (electric shocks, firefights, noise weapons, etc.), but they have a number of shortcomings. In my opinion, for an ordinary person, the easiest special safety against dogs is still caller with pepper or mustard gas.

How to walk dogs

In public places, dogs must be in muzzle and with a leash.

Article 28. Dog walking

1. Walking dogs depending on the place of it can be carried out using accessories (leash, muzzle)ensuring the safety of other animals and citizens, or without the use of such accessories.

Dog walking potentially dangerous rocks And their possessions (with the exception of puppies under the age of three months and hunting dogs) without a muzzle, regardless of the walking site prohibited.

2. Walking dogs with the use of accessories that ensure the safety of other animals and citizens can be carried out in the territory of human settlements on which the finding of citizens with animals is not prohibited from this law and other regulatory legal acts. Puppies in age up to three months and dogs tall in the withers up to twenty five centimeters It is allowed to walk on a leash without a muzzle.

Law of the Republic of Belarus on animal handling

If you are bitten

In cases of bites, you need to contact the nearest traumopuncture. The dog with inadequate (atypical, inexplicable) behavior may be sick rabies. It should be remembered that rabies are incurable, and only vaccination can help (6 injections according to a specific scheme). In addition to the prevention of rabies, it is carried out and principal prevention.

If the owner of the dog is known, it is advisable to contact to court and get compensation from the owner of the dog For treatment, damage and moral damage.

This material is prepared on the basis of the article. K. Tymoshenko « Dog protection in case of attack": Http://

comments 13 to the note "How to protect yourself from the attack of dogs"

    I will express the idea with which many will not agree: "The dog is not a friend of man and it cannot be in definition." The dog (any) is a predatory beast and tolerates a person for a number of reasons. Even special breeds (Labrador, for example). It is absolutely true - the dog is a weapon, and the presence of it in a person is equal to the presence of cold weapons. We have a relative who holds Rottweiler and believes that this is a dog - companion. Recharge him in the fact that Rottweil is an extremely dangerous killer dog, almost impossible.

    All special breeds for official use are extremely dangerous for a person, very aggressive and, as a rule, defeat an ordinary person. Therefore, it is absolutely correct that when attacking such a dog, the battle should only go on its immediate destruction.

    There is still a way to neutralize the dog: if it clung to the brush, you can cause a vomit reflex pulling your hand further. Somewhere also read that if you grab and keep it for the language (I do not know how it did not try, but I think it is quite difficult) then it becomes not more dangerous than the kitten.

    All-Dh.If the dog clung to his hand, it seems to me that it will be impossible to push this hand, because it is necessary for this that the dog immediately weakened the grip.

    You can still grab a small dog for the upper jaw, "driving" her own cheek under his teeth. Checked, it will not be excessively crushing - she hurts himself, it will allow to win not only time, but also intercept, flip over and press.

    I remember with a friend fled to the bus, and the kg ran out of the open wicket to 50 shepherd of the neighbor, which knew us perfectly, but the evil creature was to do not care about friendship. We have become with a dimiest back and spinned together with her ever smaller crugs, shouted, and went-won, as if we were cut, and if I didn't ran out this neighbor, I don't know who she would be the first throat ... it was Already as almost 30 years ago, but I now see all this. As we have become the backs of steel and why - I do not know, Dimych in my opinion I commanded ...

    And why? Because it is forbidden to carry weapons. Allowed B although they would be small-caliber, which are not interesting to Bandyukov, and the dog will cause injury capable.
    And the second - someone somewhere heard that someone sat down for inflicting bodily harm to the dog of Durgoma or for walking without a muzzle and a leash. Giving real prison terms: someone bit the dog - sit down as heavy bodies, brought the dog without a leash - pay 3000 dollars or sit down a year.

    We had to use the pepper can against the dog. The result is zero - she did not even sneeze. Sprayed in a meter from her, she closer did not fit. True, after spraying, quickly lost interest in me and, with the view of the winner, was removed.

    Yuriy.That's good that you were two ... I somehow went to run and in the stadium, right on the treadmill, lay a flock of 6 dogs when I approached them, they all surrounded me and began to rush. The benefit of the instinct of self-preservation worked and I buried, after that they broke and gave pass. Then the truth could not pass closer than 15 meters from any dog.

    Unfortunately, repeated personal experiments with the specified gas canister (pepper shock) showed the complete inefficiency of this fund against dogs. Perhaps the dry mixes described in the article will raise a greater effect, but, as with all sorts of weapons, you need to be able to handle it (i.e. experience and training, without which any weapon is just a hindrance in your hands). Who, having borrowing one cylinder, thinks that now everything is in order and going exactly this can enter your life, it is better to immediately throw this occupation. I advise you to bite them at least three to make sure that you get into the moving goal - the task is very nontrivial and without relevant training and experiments you will suffer from our own weapons (plus will add a dog, which, oddly enough, is very small to the canopy And it will be safe to eat you while you will shrink and sneeze in helpless condition). And that this is a weapon not completely remote, contrary to expectations. Those. It is possible to really get only practically in the focus and even that - in a straight line, when the dog moves simply on you without changing the directions or stands still. Open question in this regard, so far about shockers. How effective are they against dogs? Who really tried? Is there a video? So far, there is only a video that the dog does not respond at all to the smell of ozone and the bit of the discharger, i.e. Colorful refuses of sellers about allegedly some panic animals Instincts on these factors in dogs are, like Ruscazni about gas springs, simple lie.

    It is very offensive that in our society cultivated such attitudes towards dogs. It is from the fact that we treat dogs as enemies and most tragedies happen.

    I love dogs so much. The heart is bleeding when you see a 4-year-old child, which at the sight of a dog on a leash (for the word I have two poodle) begins to yell, rushes into tears, and sometimes even run away. Probably taught him a kind mother. That's just this mom I forgot that I walked into the baby in the head "Oh, Oh, a dog! Do not come! " She increased the chances of the fact that her child would be turned away at times. She would have to teach her child to be friends with the dog, and not conflict with her initially.

    Another heart bleeds displays when you read such articles. I think young Rambo will decide that, after reading the councils in the second half of the article, they are already quite ready to break the ribs and pull out the nostrils. I want them originally understood that the dog is much faster than man. My two poodle without tension run 100 tongs with the speed of the Olympic champion (specially frozen). When they fight among themselves, I can not understand where whose ear, where whose tail, because the reaction and the speed with which this tangle rides at home much higher than the affordable person. Mistoring, for which I have time to catch. If you do not have skills, a dog from nature is better adapted to fight! While you will make a leg to make a hook on the right, the dog will already have time to climb into your teeth into this leg. She does not even pull out the pieces of meat, and squeezes the teeth with an incredible force that the bones crack. It is very very painful! Can you charge for yourself that you continue the fight through this pain? Me not. It's like a car. All of us to the first serious accident of the Mountains to reason how we turn the steering wheel, pulling the car from the drift. And after the first we understand that here I am going, here I am in Kuvette. Between these two states, the half of the second, in which I could not figure out anything.

    Therefore, it is better to be friends with dogs than to conflict! Better for everyone!

    As I constantly communicate with the dogs and their owners, walking my couple, often meet and inadequate dogs, who show aggression towards my favorites, very rarely me. Nevertheless, not sulking hysterically in the handbag in search of cans and other utensils, and not attacking with a stone or stick in hand, I am guided by a couple of rules:

    1. Do not watch someone else's dog straight in the eye (for them it is a sign of aggression); When you look to the side, you show the dog in her tongue that you go with her on a truce.

    2. Do not do sharp movements, incomprehensible to the dog (she can regard it as an attack). Those. If the dog was originally going to attack you, and you staged a dance with an umbrella, a jacket or bag, a dog can change their mind. They bite painfully, I know on your experience. Therefore, arrange dancing to see "what will happen?" I do not recommend. Once again: it is better to avoid conflict!

    3. To behave confident, without panic. With a confident voice to shout on the dog, drive her. Most often, the dog recognizes man's authority, and obeys.

    Remember, if the dog is barking or growling, she herself is afraid. She warns you! The dog never attacks immediately without warning. So, as they say, "Why climb into a bottle?" When I see a drunken cattle, which fussing his face to my dogs with the exclamations "What a pretty!" Or "Ulya-Liu", always speak my dogs "You're smarter! No need to gaze on uncle! "

    Meet with completely frozen dogs, "natasky" to bite a person, I did not communicate. And thank God!

    And remember that such units of thousands. It is appropriate to hold a parallel with a man. After all, there are killer people who also have a special tool that Mom has given a dali, always with me. But this does not mean that you need to destroy all people. This is Nazism. So do not be so one-sided in relation to dogs.

    P.S. In general, the article is not bad, but it is necessary to emphasize that the fight is the last thing and it is necessary to try to avoid all means.

    No, I don't have such statistics, you have to look for. But this percentage is clearly not high. Mostly biting people who are inadequately behave or are in a state of intoxication. Sometimes in the press discusses the need to catch stray animals.

  1. This morning went to work past a residential building. When I switched the roadway to the sidewalk, a woman came out of the house's entrance. Approximately 1.5 m from me the dog began to bark and fell off the leash, rushed to me, but did not attaculate, but continued to bark. I stopped and tried not to turn his back to the dog. The hostess said that the dog would not bite and did not even try to calm her first. When she realized that the dog was not going to calm down, then only began to scold her. No teams like "Fu" or "To me" the hostess did not give anything, even surprised me "Non-Facing". I did not go to meet them, did not come from the back, but I crossed the road from them; I did not smell the spirits, the more alcohol; Nothing creaked and did not even talk. So I could in no way provoke a dog to aggression. For me, this behavior was a complete surprise. In my bag I had a shocker, but I did not have time to just get it and then I didn't even venture it to do so as not to provoke the dog with my movements. The hostess after all approached his dog when I had already moved away from them a few meters. Swearing with the "dogcag" I considered dangerous for myself, because I did not know how the Rotteller behaves next ... I go there every day and another road will not work - my work is near ...

    And now the answer for Alex about the shocker. In May of this year I had a chance to use a shocker for warning. My sister and I went to the cemetery, and on the way back almost at the entrance to the territory saw several lying dogs. They wanted to pass by, but one of the bottom began to bark (she was tied to the tree), and the other two, as the team was silently went to us. There were no people near, we really frightened. I remembered about the shocker, I began to search for him feverishly. My digging in the bag even more interested dogs. Still, I got a shocker and stretching his hand towards dogs, with a fright instead of the discharge button began to press the backlight button. Then I pressed to the desired button. I want to say that the shocker publishes a rather unpleasant crackling and for the human ear, a blue glow appears when the mini-zipper appears. After the first discharge, the dog stopped, and after the next turned and went (did not run by prying the tail) of the ravis. It is good that everything is so over ... But the main purpose of the shocker is the impact of an electric discharge on the attacker's muscles so that he cannot attack. Thank God, did not come to check it ... Of course, it's calmer, but you need to get it and take advantage of it. I would recommend it to purchase not only from dogs ... I wanted to already buy a pep spray, but after reading the comments, changed my mind - a shocker, I think, reliable. Be vigilant! Hope on such mountain hosts who do not raise their dogs, because they themselves are illiterate in this matter and not only in this, as a rule ...

Many people suffer from dog bites. Most of the victims are children who are trusting, suitable for animals or worried dogs during sleep, food, puppy care.

In the summer, when the number of animals abandoned by the masters is increasing, hungry stray dogs become even more dangerous.

In addition to the fact that the bite is painful, he also carries the danger to infected with rabies. In this case, emergency medical care and further treatment are necessary.

To avoid attacks of dogs, the following rules must be followed:

treat animals with respect and do not touch them in the absence of the owner;

do not touch the animals during sleep or food;

do not select what the dog plays to avoid its protective reaction;

do not feed other people's dogs;

do not close to the dog located on the binding;

do not play with the owner of the dog, making movements that can be perceived by animals as aggressive;

do not show fear or excitement in front of a hostile dog;

do not make sharp movements and do not close to the dog;

do not start running not to cause a hunting instinct in the attack animal behind and do not become easy prey;

in case you are attacked by a dog, throw something from the fact that you have at hand to win time;

try to protect the throat and face;

secure with a stick.

If you are biting, then:

rinse the bite of water with soap;

if the wound is bleeding, use the bandage to stop bleeding;

even if the wound is not serious, refer to the injury package or call "ambulance";

contact the owner to find out whether the dog is grafted against rabies;

put the police and sanitary services to know what happened by specifying the exact address of the dog owner.

Conditionally options for dog aggression can be divided into four groups:

when the dog is raving the owner;

when the dog seems to be attacking her owner (or threatening);

when a dog attacks a neutral territory if something annoying is annoying (running people, brassly gesticulating and making threatening movements, drunk ...);

when the dog is mad and rushes on everything that moves.

The dog can be snack and not scattered per person.

Natasky is very dangerous, because knows how to attack even on an armed person and dodge from blows incl. and weapons. The probability will accidentally meet with such a dog, especially without the owner, very small.

Dogs are usually as follows:

Front. They donate from blows defending and try to bypass his side / behind. After that biting hand, behind the leg, etc.

Rear (catching). A heavy dog \u200b\u200busually grabs a man for torso teeth and poured on the ground. The middle dog knocks down a person with legs, jumping by all four paws on it and hitting the lower back area. Light dogs jump on the back and try to cling to the shoulder or neck and hang on a person.

Rules of conduct in a collision with a dog:

In no case can not be afraid of the dog.

You can not run away from the dog (do not scare!), It is impossible to turn to her back.

The untrained dogs feel uncertain if they lose the owner from the type or when they are removed from the protected area. It makes sense to retreat so that the dog is in another setting than at the beginning of the collision. Lost confidence, it becomes less aggressive and may run away itself.

You can try to burl into the dog and show her teeth, or scream threateningly.

Good reception, if the dog jumps on you in front, wanting to clutch in the throat: a hand is set in front of the throat, and as soon as the dog is cling to it, the second is superimposed on the neck of the dog from behind. Then sharply with hand, which is in the mouth, moves from ourselves / up / sidel. Hand that lies on the neck, makes a jerk on yourself. The neck of the dog is broken.

For defense from dogs, all sorts of items are: sticks, bottles, etc. They can be drum down a dog in the vitality, and you can stuff into the throat. Classic is a dumina. Own clothes are also suitable - for example, give a dog clings to the sleeve of the jacket, throw the jacket on the face, etc. While she is engaged in a jacket, it can be knit or strangle it.

List of dog life points:

nasal tip;


transition from the muzzle to the forehead.

From the classics - two fingers above the intersection of lines from the right eye to the left ear and from the left eye to the right ear. To affect a strong blow of a fist or dna perpendicular to the surface;

base of skull;

middle of the back;

sedal Bud;

skinking joint;

solar plexus;


At the same time, digging the eyes, overhearsing the ears, paws, tail, ribs, blows on the sides, although they cause pain, are not always forced to retreat.

The dog lowered from the leash immediately rushes to the enemy (if it was swayed), so it is important to catch the moment of attack, and meet a powerful blow to the chest or stomach. Flew off, bored - a couple more times under the smoke, something heavy in the face, on the nose, on the back of the head. Then - deal with the owner.

The dog's view is always sent to the place she wants to bite, so it's not so difficult to dodge and knock it down from the legs at the time of the jump. Shone, knocking the dog from the trajectory to be strong and fast, otherwise bites. They should be carried out in the blade area, in the neck and chest.

It is impossible to provoke the attack of the dog itself, shouting at her and the owner, wave with his hands, approach unexpectedly behind and suddenly talk to the owner (especially in the dark). You can not pull your hands to someone else's dog, stroking her, command her. Especially cautiously with dogs in muzzles and / or short leashes - just no one cares.

If the dog is closed, then she has a neck under the jaw, on both sides of the trachea, there are recesses. If you put your fingers (big and index) and grind hard on both sides, then release. Thus, you can take a dog, which is called pain control. Only first look at familiar dogs, and then in an extreme situation from the first time it is difficult to find it. Some practice is required.

Kayenskaya mix:

Ingredients: 50% of Machorka or finely loosen tobacco (most faded, which will find) 50% percent - ground pepper, better black. It is best to fall asleep this piece in a plastic container (for example from vitamins) with a diameter of ~ 3 cm and a height of ~ 5-9 cm. Wearing better in the breast pocket, in no case in the pants pocket.

Application: Bulk in the face. Better a couple of times. The effect is 100% by the way, it is also very good for people. It was used during the war by the divisions of Smered.

Deuter is a small instrument of American production for ultrasound scaring dogs. You can buy the device in many armory stores.

Electric butcher:

As practice shows - electric shocks can be very effective against dogs. The following models can be recommended: Imported - Thunder, Scorpion; Domestic - caress. They can be purchased in armory stores.

Gas weapons:

Gas weapons can be effectively against dogs both by the scaretime effect and due to the used gases.

Pepper spray:

Use pepper or special gas springs to protect against dogs. They can be purchased in many weapon stores.

Maglite lamp:

Large lanterns of the American company Maglite are an excellent self-defense (used as a baton) to protect not only from dogs but also from hooligans.

Here are some more comments:

1. Do not attempt to run, turn to the dog face, accept a steady position, raise the cry, call for help, demand from the owner of the dog (if there is) to withdraw it or neutralize it.

2. Prepare the branded means of protection (bag, open umbrella, stick, stone), hold them tightly in front of yourself. If near there is a shelter, slowly retreat with his back, not by releasing the dog from sight.

3. Try to meet the attack with a kick, hand or deviate to the side, beat your hand-made items, cover your face. Leave your back to the wall, fence, not to fall. If possible, invent or kill the dog!

4. Being safe or neutralizing the dog, call the police with the help of neighbors and passersby, try together with them to delay the owner of the dog or remember its signs. Write a statement to the police station to attract the owner of the dog to justice.

5. When bites, immediately contact the nearest injury or call the "ambulance".