Motherwort during pregnancy for mood swings and for sound sleep. Can motherwort be pregnant

The first advice that is given to all future mothers without exception is advice to maintain inner peace under any circumstances and in no case be nervous. If you can endure the change in taste preferences, habitual regime and desires, then how to maintain constant calm remains a mystery.

Sometimes mothers-to-be do not feel the progress of pregnancy at all, but it becomes more and more difficult to protect themselves from worries at work and at home. So a logical question arises: how to preserve the nervous system, pull yourself together and calm down? Especially if the hormones are naughty, and the mood does not stabilize for a second? Therefore, most doctors advise motherwort during pregnancy.

Is it possible to motherwort during pregnancy

Despite the advice of doctors, motherwort during pregnancy is not suitable for everyone. Nevertheless, there are no serious contraindications for use during the period of bearing a baby, therefore, it can be used as a one-time therapy. It is necessary to pay attention to the motherwort's ability to lower blood pressure. If you suffer from hypotension, or your blood pressure begins to drop during pregnancy, motherwort should be taken with extreme caution.

Motherwort has an excellent sedative, cardiotonic, anticonvulsant and diuretic effect. The tincture has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, which problems are often faced by women in position.

Motherwort is preferred when a woman needs urgent sedation. It is considered to be much safer than the well-known valerian. In order to improve blood flow, get rid of gas, eliminate nausea, you need to take motherwort during pregnancy. It is also used in complex therapy for the treatment of preeclampsia and hypertension.

In the instructions for motherwort tincture or tablet forms of this medicine, you can read that it is contraindicated for expectant mothers. But do not worry: it is not the herb itself that is contraindicated, but the auxiliary components of the composition of the preparations. You can brew the herb directly for yourself, or add one gram of dry herb to your food. The main thing is to make sure that you do not have individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug. Spread dry grass all over the apartment, or near where you are resting. It will also help calm your nervous system.

In order not to be fooled with brewing herbs, you can purchase tea bags at the pharmacy. Various combinations of herbal tinctures are also sold: with hawthorn and valerian. But keep in mind that the composition of all tinctures contains alcohol, and you may have an allergic reaction to other natural components of the drug.

How to take motherwort during pregnancy

If you have tolerated motherwort well before pregnancy, you should definitely not refuse to take it. Take note of a few motherwort recipes:
  1. If you are very nervous, mix ten drops of motherwort, hawthorn and valerian tinctures in an ode. It will relax you.
  2. If you are tortured by gestosis, take thirty grams of motherwort, twenty grams of lingonberry leaves and mix. Pour two tablespoons with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then it will strain. Bring boiled water to a full glass and drink throughout the day, stretching out into three doses.
  3. If bloated, add one gram of the herb to your meal.

Keep calm and be healthy.

(spasm of the muscles of the uterus), which entails certain negative consequences: squeezing of the blood vessels, which are responsible for the flow of blood to the placenta and the baby. It occurs due to muscle spasms.

As a result, the fetus receives less nutrients and lags behind in development. A lack of oxygen leads to severe and irreversible changes in the baby's brain.

Therefore, you just need to provide in your first aid kit sedatives.

Medicinal properties

Motherwort tincture during pregnancy has an anticonvulsant and diuretic effect.

But the most important thing is that the remedy has cardiological and sedative properties:

  1. The blood vessels are innervated by the ANS (autonomic nervous system). And this plant regulates the activity of this system and has a positive effect on it. Together with such a regulating and calming effect, motherwort herb also has hypotensive properties, that is, lowers blood pressure.
  2. Since the body of the expectant mother works for two during pregnancy, the heart also experiences a double load. When the heart muscle cannot cope with such intense work, edema appears and the heartbeat increases.
  3. Motherwort tincture also has a positive cardiotonic effect. Due to the presence of glycosides in the composition of the product, the heart muscle contracts less often and more strongly. This little support from the natural remedy will help the heart of the pregnant woman to cope with the increased stress.

At the same time, this medicinal product significantly improves the functions of the digestive tract, which avoids toxicosis, eliminates excessive gas formation, improves blood circulation. But most often this herbal infusion is used precisely as a sedative or prescribed for hypertonicity of the uterus.

During pregnancy, it is worth giving preference to such dosage forms as tea and broth.

When the nervous system is overexcited the grass of this plant can be placed near the pillow or spread out in small portions throughout the apartment.

Another mild form is tea bags, but the tincture is also suitable for pregnant women, having an effective therapeutic effect.

For a better and faster result, it can be combined with hawthorn and. However, it is worth considering that the tincture contains alcohol in its composition.

But you can get rid of it very easily: just heat a spoon and drip motherwort into it... Thus, the alcohol will easily evaporate and there will be no more threat to the fetus.

It should be borne in mind that all herbal medicines, including motherwort tincture, do not act immediately... And, only accumulating in the body for about a month, the remedy begins to positively affect the state of the body.

Therefore, if you need to quickly establish the work of the nervous system, it is better to give preference to other means. After all motherwort acts gently and gradually... But in comparison with stronger drugs, it does not have a harmful effect on the body of a pregnant woman, as well as on the fetus.

To eliminate nervous excitability, drip 10 drops of motherwort, hawthorn and valerian tincture into a glass of water. Take this remedy at least 2-3 times a day.

With bloating and colic use dry grass. Add 1 gram of the plant to any ready-made dish.

The following recipe will help to cope with hypertonicity of the uterus: 30 grams of hawthorn berries and the same amount of motherwort herbs are combined with 20 grams of lingonberry leaves.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. 2 tbsp. l. collection is poured into a glass of boiling water. Then the mixture is cooked under a tightly closed lid for 15 minutes. After that the broth must be filtered, add boiled water. The resulting broth is drunk 3 doses (half an hour before meals).

Contraindications to the use of motherwort tincture

With constant (due to increased production of the female sex hormone - progesterone), the expectant mother, this drug is not recommended to use.

This plant only increases the amount in the body, which in turn suppresses the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

The above effect is characteristic and with urinary retention... This proves once again that any medicine should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

It can be accompanied or manifested, and in severe cases, a circulatory disorder in the placenta, a delay in fetal development and circulatory disorders in the child's brain.

During pregnancy, very often heart disease worsens: cardiosclerosis (metabolic-dystrophic disease of the heart muscle), myocarditis (inflammation in the heart muscle) and others.

These diseases lead to irregular heart rhythms and even bradycardia (rare heart rate). In this case motherwort should not be taken.

It is forbidden use this tincture in the first 12 weeks... During this period, organs and tissues are formed, therefore, no medications, and even herbal origin, are recommended.

But to reassure all expectant mothers, it is worth noting that in obstetric practice no teratogenic effects of motherwort have been identified... Therefore, anomalies in fetal development should not occur with a reasonable approach to taking motherwort.

Calmness and serenity are important conditions for the normal course of pregnancy. However, in nine months it is impossible to avoid nervous shocks and. After all, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of the child under her heart. Therefore, a nervous state is inherent in almost every woman in a position.

In this case, you need to think about replenishing pharmacy stocks, and better - natural and safe means during pregnancy. And here many doctors will agree that this is what you need.

Can pregnant women take motherwort tablets?

Nobody claims that you cannot do without sedatives during pregnancy. However, there are situations when a woman in a position experiences increased nervousness, and she needs to calm down, but she cannot do it on her own. That's when a herbal preparation comes to the rescue - Motherwort, especially since its use is allowed during pregnancy. In addition, it is much safer than Valerian, as it has significantly fewer restrictions and contraindications.

Motherwort is prescribed for expectant mothers not only to normalize the nervous system. The drug also improves blood circulation, effectively eliminates bouts of nausea and excessive gas accumulation that plague many pregnant women.

Motherwort is also prescribed for late toxicosis (gestosis) and, high blood pressure and heart problems. The dosage and duration of admission is determined depending on the condition of the expectant mother. Therefore, before starting treatment, do not forget to visit a doctor who will make the appropriate appointment.

Moreover, the tableted Motherwort contains in its composition additional components that can ambiguously affect the course of pregnancy, so it must be taken strictly according to the medical prescription.

Basically, to relieve nervous tension during pregnancy, a sedative is taken one tablet three times a day one hour before meals. If a woman in a position suffers from insomnia, then the dosage is doubled (2 tablets three times a day), but the duration is again determined by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to independently adjust the treatment regimen when carrying a child, since the tableted Motherwort contains excipients that can harm both a woman in position and her baby.


Well, firstly, the first and main limitation when taking soothing pills is hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug. Also, you can not use a sedative for:

  • low blood pressure (hypotension);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • low heart rate (bradycardia).

If you have at least one of the above diseases, then you need to choose another drug that will improve the course of pregnancy.

Which is better: tablets or a decoction of Motherwort during pregnancy

Of course, during pregnancy, it is preferable to use motherwort broth. A soothing drink is much safer as it does not contain any additional ingredients. Alternatively, you can prepare it yourself. However, it is important to follow all necessary instructions.

To prepare a healing drink, pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of the crushed plant and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then strain the liquid and add boiled water to it so that the volume of the liquid is 200 milliliters.

You can also use a pharmacy herbal tea. Pour a bag of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. After a quarter of an hour, the drink can be consumed.

Motherwort is a useful remedy during pregnancy. However, its benefits depend on the fulfillment of all the doctor's recommendations and the correct intake of the sedative.

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of any woman, at this time a lot is impermissible, including diseases and their treatment with various drugs of both synthetic and natural origin. But it is impossible to avoid stressful situations with the modern rhythm of life. And pregnancy is no exception. Nervousness, worries about the health of the unborn baby are already stressful. Therefore, taking sedatives such as motherwort and, during pregnancy, is quite justified.
Motherwort during pregnancy is prescribed quite often. This is a drug of natural origin based on medicinal herbs, which doctors recommend without fear for expectant mothers.

Characteristics of the drug

The composition of the preparation is completely natural. The list of its components includes essential oil of motherwort, mineral salts, rutin, vitamin A.

Once in the body, motherwort preparations have a complex mechanism of action, which is based on the following effects:

  • sedative;
  • cardiotonic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • diuretic.

The main pharmacological property of motherwort is its positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. The plant contains leotin, a substance with a mild vasodilating effect.

Motherwort extract, used during pregnancy, relaxes the smooth muscles of the heart muscle, lowers the heart rate, stabilizes its work and partially eliminates arrhythmia.

Motherwort drugs are prescribed during pregnancy also because of their diuretic effect. In addition, they lower blood pressure, cleanse the blood from fat cells - lipids, with the help of which the work of the heart and blood vessels is effectively supported.

Indications for the use of motherwort during pregnancy are:

  1. Insomnia, psychoemotional overexcitation, stress.
  2. High blood pressure. Of course, this remedy cannot reduce the pressure in hypertension, but the motherwort can cope with the increased pressure that occurs against the background of any experiences.
  3. Disruption of the digestive system.
  4. Prevention and elimination of symptoms.

Motherwort preparations are available in the form of tablets, filter bags and alcohol tincture. Motherwort tincture during pregnancy is not recommended for use due to its alcohol content. Better to give preference to filter bags and tablets.

The cost of filter bags is from 50 rubles (EUROPLANT AO), tablets - from 24 rubles (BIOCOR, SESANA, etc.), motherwort tinctures - from 20 rubles (HIPPOCRAT Elfa). The popular drug Motherwort Forte (EVALAR) will cost more - about 150 rubles.

Application during pregnancy

Motherwort tablets during pregnancy should be taken up to 4 times a day, 1 piece 5 minutes before meals. Motherwort broth is taken orally twice a day, 50-100 ml.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that motherwort is considered a completely safe drug, this remedy is not suitable for every expectant mother. Along with the list of useful medicinal properties, according to the instructions, motherwort has its own side effects and contraindications for admission.

Sometimes a woman has an individual intolerance to motherwort, in such a situation it is necessary to refuse further treatment with any drugs that include this plant.

You can not use motherwort tincture during pregnancy due to the alcohol content.

If, in addition to alcohol tincture, a woman has nothing at hand, nothing will happen from a single use of the drug. But for this, it is recommended to drip the product into a tablespoon in advance and wait until the alcohol evaporates a little.

Before taking motherwort during pregnancy, it is recommended to read the instructions, paying attention to the list of contraindications.

The list of contraindications includes:

  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract;
  • exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis.

Motherwort should be used with caution by people with low blood pressure. Excessive enthusiasm for the drug, non-compliance with its dosage can lead to a sharp drop in pressure, which is unsafe for both the pregnant woman herself and her unborn child.

The expectant mother may faint or be in a light-headed state, which can provoke.

Motherwort is able to reduce concentration of attention, therefore, while taking it, it is not recommended to get behind the wheel and work with complex mechanisms. In addition, it is important to keep track of when the drug is taken and its dosage.

Despite the relative safety and natural composition of the drug, the question of the possibility of its use can only be decided by the attending physician. He will clarify the dosage of the product and the optimal form of its release on an individual basis.

An overdose of motherwort can cause nausea and vomiting, general weakness and dizziness.