Lush womens. Unearthly beauty: the most famous fat female models in the world

Men love "fat" and thin alike, not for their shape or lack thereof! A man loves a person in a woman who has a bright personality, is distinguished by a cheerful disposition, is beautiful on the inside, and most importantly, who loves and respects herself. Men perceive women as a whole, together with her flaws and virtues, her inner world and character, with her natural beauty and grooming, self-confidence and, of course, with all her pounds. A woman who knows how to present herself correctly always arouses interest in the opposite sex, and here nothing depends on weight at all.

10. Natalie Laughlin

Sizes of this beauty range from 12 to 14 (L - XL), but Natalie Laughlin is not at all embarrassed. The model, originally from Trinidad, is called "Plus Size Cindy Crawford." Not a bad compliment for a plump woman who, contrary to stereotypes, decided to pursue a modeling career.

9. Maggie Brown

Recognition came to Maggie after winning a competition with the awful name "Fat and Sexy Models" in 2006. After the Tyra Banks show, she signed with Wilhelmina Models and Macy's and Mervyns. Her exotic looks and sensual curves keep her busy.

8. Barbara Brickner

At first, Barbara was offended when she was offered to join the ranks of models with non-standard sizes. But after traveling, high fees and the popularity that came, Barbara stopped taking offense, realizing that she also had something to be proud of. She does not regret at all that she became a model, albeit with a plus size. She has had the good fortune to work with brands such as Eddie Bauer, Target and many more. Having received recognition in one area, this girl with appetizing forms decided not to stop there. The new peak that she seeks to conquer is the career of a country singer.

7. Crystal Rennes

One of the most famous and highly paid curvy models. She has been in the modeling business since the age of 14. And once, when her ascent in the modeling business was just beginning, she was thin, like other girls. Due to strict contractual requirements, she had to diet. Naturally, this led to unwanted eating disorders and other illnesses. This knocked the girl out not just from the rut, but also from the fashion world. Over time, Crystal gained weight and began to promote herself as a model with a sensual body. Apparently, she is doing pretty well. Since today she is the only model in her niche to appear on 4 Vogue covers from different continents.

6. Keith Dillon

Once upon a time, Kate Dillon was one of the most successful skinny models. But no matter how successful she was, inside her all the time there was a desire to renounce diets and eat well. She was terribly tired of struggling with her weight. In addition, quite often she was denied filming, calling her "too fat", and this despite the fact that the girl almost did not eat, constantly smoked and drank coffee. The point of no return was the moment after which she was hospitalized due to health problems. After two weeks of treatment, Kate looked haggard and tired, but a modeling colleague claimed that she was incredibly beautiful.

From that moment on, Kate Dillon was determined to end dieting forever. She gained weight, but was not going to quit her modeling career. Using numerous connections in this area, Kate managed to become a successful model and with a new weight.

5. Emma Aronson

Some girls, born with their imperfection (is it imperfection?), Live their whole lives fighting against it. Others, like Emma, ​​find nothing imperfect in their bodies and earn money from it. Emma never paid attention to either criticism or mockery of skinny girls (and not only girls, her father sometimes took up a black marker and marked places on her daughter's body where it would not hurt her to lose weight). She let all her negativity and resentment into sports. Her rowing success earned her a scholarship to the University of Syracuse. After university, she worked in a boring position in television, and then got into the modeling business, where she achieved success.

4. Mia Tyler

When your sister is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and your father is a rock star, people have a lot of expectations about all people who are closely related to them. The beauty Mia, having a size L, was able to overcome all prejudices and make her love herself for who she is. Photos of her far from bony body have repeatedly appeared in glossy magazines: Vogue, Marie Claire and many others.

3. Chloe Marshall

This lively and fun-loving UK girl is the ultimate proof of just how far plus-size models can go. Thanks to her, the scope of such models is not limited to photographs for clothing catalogs, shooting for gloss and fashion shows. Before your eyes is a photo of the Miss England finalist. The girl managed to get ahead of the seven skinny participants and get the title "Miss Surrey". She did not become "Miss England", but received a lucrative contract with the modeling agency Models Plus. The girl is incredibly confident, she is cheerful and, of course, has good prospects in the modeling business.

Everyone has their own concept of beauty, just like the concept of standards. Someone likes fat women, someone - thin. Modern society dictates its rules to us and imposes certain standards. And most of us strive for them.

The most beautiful and non-standard photo figures:

Ashley Graham

If you think that having a size 54, you need to close in yourself and complex, then this is not so. Ashley Graham proved to the world that you can be magnificent and beautiful at the same time. How many men dream of her body! And women finally believed in their own individuality and beauty. Ashley has become one of the most beautiful women in the world with a complete non-standard figure.


Many people compare Beyoncé with Kim Kardashian - also plump, also married to a rapper. But the famous singer did not resort to plastic surgery and went a long way to success. Many awards, a horde of fans, a beloved man appeared in her life out of love for herself and her body. Curvy forms do not interfere with the singer wearing short dresses and getting sold out.

Crystal Rennes

In order to become a model with overwhelming success and huge fees, Crystal Rennes has done a long job. She was not noticed in the fashion world for a very long time, claiming “non-standard”. The girl worked out for hours in the gym, exhausted herself with hunger strikes and constantly compared herself with other models. But one day I decided to spit on everything and work in the plus size category. Thanks to this, the world admires the figure of the model, and millions of women have become more determined, because they realized that their extra pounds are not a punishment, but a gift.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet, the famous British actress, fell in love with the audience for her directness and femininity. Her debut in Titanic made her popular and beautiful. Lush breasts, small belly, plump arms and a weight of about 70 kg do not prevent the actress from building a successful career and a happy personal life.

Monica Bellucci

This woman changed the understanding of female beauty and charm for many decades. As soon as she appeared on blue screens, men instantly fell in love with her, women dreamed of becoming like her, and fashion houses and magazines dreamed of photo shoots.

Monica Bellucci showed the world a new standard of femininity. Weight - 65 kg, ideal "hourglass", luxurious appearance and daring look still drive men crazy.


British singer Adele is known to us not only for her cool voice, but also for her non-standard figure. A plump face, wide hips, a blurred waist - well, we are not used to such representatives of show business. But the extra weight does not at all prevent Adele from feeling beautiful, and her fans from copying her style and singing along with her songs.

Tara Lynn

Tara Lynn is a charming plump who proved to the world that being beautiful and successful with a 116 cm booty and 86 cm waist is real. Fashion houses like H&M really liked her sweet, gentle face, feminine forms, and her confident and professional presentation made Tara Lynn a star of Elle and Vogue magazines.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is also far from the embodiment of the ideal, but her contribution to the return of curvy forms to fashion is undeniable. Her huge ass, big breasts fell in love with the famous rapper Kanye West.

Tanesha Avashti

The famous blogger Tanesha Avashti blew up the fashion world. Her photos in branded clothes and love for her body were so fond of fans that they consider Tanesha one of the prettiest women with non-standard shapes. The girl created her own brand of clothing for puffy young ladies. Millions of plus-size women thank her for giving them confidence and beauty advice.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie also got into the rating of the most beautiful women with a non-standard figure. Gorgeous, successful actress, wonderful mother and owner of the status of "Brad Pitt's wife" is admirable. Her elegant and very fragile appearance disposes to herself, and the ability to choose the right clothes makes Jolie one of the most stylish women in the world. But her figure is far from ideal - a very thin, almost anorexic body, long arms with protruding veins and a weight of 35 kg do not look healthy. But the charm and inner beauty of this woman make her one of the most beautiful.

Today, the attitude towards the female body is contradictory, as is the female logic. On the one hand, we adore sculpted bellies and pumped-up priests and, in the hope of achieving the same result, carry countless containers of the right food to work and buy fitness passes that we don't use. On the other hand ... The term "plus-size" has firmly settled in our life. Brands create new collections especially for young ladies with curvaceous forms and carry out advertising campaigns aimed at them. And big ladies working in the modeling business are becoming more and more popular.

Why did this happen and what events from the world of glossy magazines tell us that everything: there is no turning back? See for yourself.

1.Vogue launches lingerie shoot with plus-size models

In 2014, the magazine supported a heated wave of discussions about the female body and figure by releasing a series of photographs of lingerie worn not by fragile straws, but by women with impressive shapes. Among them were Ashley Graham, Inga Eiriksdottir and Markita Pring, the founder of the ALDA modeling union, which advocates for girls of all shapes and sizes to become models.

3. The manufacturer of underwear Cosabella in the new collection has replaced the term "plus size" with "extended"

It's no secret that most girls are annoyed by the plus size tag. In order not to upset customers, underwear brand Cosabella deleted the words “plus size” from the description of their models, replacing them with the more delicate word “extended”.

4. Swimsuits For All Brand Response to Protein's World Protein Supplement Manufacturers

5. Launch of the latest collection of lace underwear from the Adore Me brand

Plus size womenswear brand Lane Bryant challenged the famous Victoria's Secret angels and shot a campaign called #ImNoAngel to prove that absolutely all women, regardless of their parameters, are beautiful and sexy.

7. British fashion magazine for big women SliNK

In 2011, SLiNK received the 100% People Awards as the best magazine for large women. Its founder and editor Rivka Baum (she herself wears sizes 16-18) wants to show with her publication that models "in the body" can be as attractive as ordinary ones.

8. #fatkini hashtag blows up Instagram

In 2014, the hashtag #fatkini won the love of puffy social media users. Women from all over the world posted their pictures under this hashtag, absolutely not worrying that their bodies did not meet the generally accepted standards of beauty.

Ekaterina Blokhina

34 years

About myself: deputy general director of a defense enterprise.

My weight is 98 kg, and my height is 168 cm. But I am never ashamed of it and I feel very comfortable. For me, the standards of female beauty are different from international ones. After all, I believe that if nature has endowed a girl with magnificent forms, then one should be proud of this, and not change oneself and not torment oneself with diets. I live in harmony and in complete understanding with the body. I hate gyms, but that doesn't mean that there is no physical activity in my life. A year ago I decided to learn such a graceful and challenging sport as figure skating. As a result, in a year I learned not only to stand on skates perfectly, but also to do various elements. Snowboards, alpine skiing - all this I also love very much. And most importantly - I'm good at it!

I love sweets and after another candy I don't run to the scales to measure my weight. I do not limit myself to anything. Simply - I live and enjoy. I understand and, by my example, show others that overweight women are the most feminine.

Razina Zaripova

28 years

About myself: HR Manager.

My name comes from the Italian name Rosina - a beautiful rose, but only with a little national flavor. I really live up to that name. I am tall, quite slender, although the shapes of my body are somewhat lush, but at the same time they have a certain appeal - like a bouquet of roses. And add to this my creative talents. I am cheerful, energetic, cheerful. And most importantly, I have practically no complexes, and all my environment, both in the family and at work, feel joy and pleasure from communicating with me. So I feel comfortable in my body and soul. And for every girl and woman, no matter what shapes and kilograms they have, I wish to be positive and self-sufficient.

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