Reveal secrets than useful creams with urea for legs. Cream with urea for face in a pharmacy and its useful properties

Provides natural moistening of the skin of the legs. Many women know that some modern cosmetics contain such a substance as urea. What is this substance and how it acts, not many know.

Urea - An important substance present in skin cells in its natural form. Skin cover on legs without diseases and problem areas contains up to 1% urea.

The main property of this substance is moisturizing. Elevated moisture and problem cover loses up to half the concentration of moisturizing components, among which urea. As a result, the skin is exposed to dying, atopic dermatitis and peeling. Foot cream with urea allows you to fill the lack of this important humidifier in the skin.

Scientific name of urea - carbamide, it is used by manufacturers of cosmetics in their products -. At the stage of creating a cosmetic agent, the substance is used in a concentrated crystallized form. It dissolves in a liquid medium - it can be water or ethanol, as well as other water components that use the manufacturer in its cream.


Urea is used in medicine several hundred years, she also found its widespread use in cosmetology. Despite all innovations, modern cosmetology companies prefer this natural component to create their feet creams, eliminating the addition of synthetic analogs.

What is the peculiarity of the substance and why it is effective in leaving the legs:

  1. This is a natural component, which is contained in any liquid medium of our body and participates in protein exchange;
  2. This is an excellent moisturizer, its shortage is easily replenished by an external way, that is, by applying funds to the skin of the limbs;
  3. This component is a natural solvent, which allows to reduce the number of preservatives and solubilizers of chemical origin. So you can prevent the vestion of the means and the bundle of its components;
  4. Light weight of the substance molecules contributes to their suction in the deep layers.

Why need

The means enriched with this substance performs the following functions:

  • Moisturizing.
  • Keratolithic properties - elimination of the cellular cell layer on the feet. The substance easily breaks dry cells, filling moisture alive and exfoliating dead.
  • Protective functions are caused by the retention of moisture in the tissues of the skin. Foot cream with urea protects the skin from detergent drains that we use for hygiene, as well as external environmental impacts.
  • Promotes the penetration of various active components of the cosmetic agent in the deep layers of the cover.
  • Removing the tension from the legs, local analgesia of pain, elimination of irritation and itching.
  • Promotes the treatment of many skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, fungus and much more.
  • Perfectly stimulates cell regeneration, heals cracks on heels.

It's important to know:

  • The properties of the substance are enhanced by applying the means after the shower on the moisturized, but the skin dried by a towel.
  • It is necessary to be neat with concentrated urea creams.
  • The substance, despite its naturalness, can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Sensitivity test will help to prevent the appearance of irritation.

How to cook with your own hands

Ingredients for cooking at home:

  • Urea - 3 grams;
  • Lime hydrolate - 60 grams;
  • Almond oil, Carite - 5 grams;
  • Any emulsifier - 5 grams;
  • Glycerin moisturizer - 5 grams;
  • Wax of neroli and bees - 3 grams;
  • Menthol in crystals - 2 grams;
  • Preservative;
  • Stearinic acid - 2 grams;
  • Fat Lanolin.


  1. A warm water bath is put on a warm water bath, lanolin, wax, stearic acid and oil used are placed in it. A reverse emulsifier is added to the mixture, for example, Neo Care, which has a property of creating an emulsion of type "Water in oil". So the resulting mixture will be fat, but quickly absorbed.
  2. After that, menthol is added to the oily mixture in crystalline form.
  3. At the same time, we put a different water bath with an alum hydrolate, in which urea dissolves. Glycerin is added to them.
  4. At the end of the total dissolution of substances, the aqueous mixture is poured into the fat. Then everything is mixed with a mixer.
  5. The final stage is the addition of preservative, safe and gentle.
  6. Fill clean jars with a lid for storage.

This cream will allow moistening the skin's skin epithelium and save their softness.

Tip! To make an aroma more enjoyable for you, you can add your favorite essential oil.

Good Foot Creams with urea

Cream leak for legs with urea

Favorably affecting the condition of the skin. Due to the content of urea, the amount of moisture in cells increases. Pokrov becomes more gentle and elastic. The remedy allows you to eliminate natopes, swallowed areas, dryness and peeling, healing wounds and remove painful sensations.

Approximate price: 240 rubles.

Perfectly saturates with nutritional components, vitamins and carotes, as well as organic substances and microelements. The most important function is moisturizing, replenishment of moisture cells.

approximate cost: 40 rubles.

Clarine Foot Cream Mitigating with Urea

Suitable for people with dry and problem skin, as well as people with diabetes, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

Approximate price: 600 rubles.

BAEHR - Foot urea cream

Suitable for those who have dry and sensitive cover legs, as well as for people with diabetes. The tool allows you to provide the necessary moisture. The special composition protects and nourishes, relieves irritation and painful sensations.
This includes:

  • Urea;
  • Glycerol;
  • Panthenol;
  • Macadamia nut butter.

Approximate price: 500 rubles.

We live in the 21st century, it would seem that there are no problems, because the shoes should be comfortable, the clothes are genuine. Unfortunately, many women face a variety of problems in the field of the feet. That is why we will look at such an effective tool as a leg cream with urea from cracks and a holopal.

Cream as a means for comfort

Undoubtedly, shoes, weight, road surface, all this has health importance not only by the human body, but also the legs themselves. After all, wearing uncomfortable, solid shoes appear many such problems as:

  • Nasty smell.
  • Spinal deformation.
  • Corn.

And this is not the entire list that will be not one page. But we will talk about the cosmetic side: about various unpleasant defects. Although, in fact, any cosmetic defect on the leg is also painful. And such defects require timely and integrated treatment. It is in this complex that a special cream takes an active part.

Urea in the cream - benefit and harm

The carbamide, better known as urea, is a natural substance that is a component of our body and provides the body skin with the necessary humidity.

The first sign of the lack of urea in the body is dry heels, the appearance of flagrated and holopesh. This leads to a different kind of disease and discomfort. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the state of your feet and not to leave everything "on samone."

For first and preventive care, it is enough to use cream containing urea. This is a useful and effective means of which contains the following useful elements in itself:

  • Glycerol.
  • Emulsifiers.
  • Cosmetic oils.
  • Lanolin.

And many other flavored and natural components to achieve maximum effect and result.

Since these cream, acting on the affected parts of the skin, provoke a softening effect, then they are recommended to apply for feet feet, thereby, thanks to which it is possible to get rid not only from a hopic, but also from cracks.

Cream with urea from cracks on heels and holopal

In the global market there are many influential, respected and authoritative companies that produce creams with urea. But in pharmacies, most often they buy products of domestic production. This situation is likely to be associated with the availability of goods. After all, creams that are produced by domestic companies are an order of magnitude lower and their price can range from 100 to 300 rubles per tube.

Familiarize yourself with popular cosmetics products:

Leak cream

This cosmetics of the St. Petersburg company "Vis Cosmetics". It has a unique composition and a rich formula that includes not only urea. This is also a lot of such useful components as:

  • oak bark,

Due to this, the tool has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the epidermis:

  • softens natoptyshi,
  • smoothes cracked, dry skin,
  • moisturizes her
  • relieves pain
  • accelerate wound healing.

To achieve the optimal effect, use only 1 time per day.

Cream Cold Sophia

Excellent results are achieved through the use of active ingredients: leech extract, carbamide, chamomile, and others.

Dieders intensive

Cream from cracks on heels contains an increased amount of urea - 10%, therefore softens even the coarse skin of the legs. The manufacturer recommends a means of diabetics.

With proper use of the cream, exchange processes are restored, the skin is moistened, and the effect is kept for a long time.

Thanks to the aluminum tube, all useful components are saved in the medium.

EVO cream with urea

Helps to improve the problem skin heels:


  • safely copes with Mozoles,
  • protects against the negative impact of external factors,
  • prevents the development of fungus and
  • restores elasticity.

Apply either in the morning or in the evening.

Cream from Scholl.

In addition to the carbamide, there are about 2 tens of active substances, keratin, which act on problem heels, quickly eliminating them from corns, hopes. The skin is noticeably softened after several times to use.

Analyzing feedback from women who used urea cream, one can draw conclusions that it contributes to the softening of the flabby skin, removes the swelling and fatigue of the legs, and also has the healing properties and eliminates the wound and cracks.

Diakel cream for people with diabetes mellitus

Since diabetes is not just a disease, but quite serious, and most people have different problems with the skin, face and legs. Therefore, we recommend in any case to select specialized products created specifically for diabetics.

Note! In diabetes, it should be very careful to choose a cosmetic agent. After all, weakened epidermis reacts greatly to all sorts of irritable factors, so the wounds on the skin heal for quite a long time.

Most of all during diabetes are subject to foot suffering. Different fungi can often fall on the sole, even the smallest wounds are inflamed, and the dry skin contributes to the formation of cracks.

In medicine, even there is such a term as the syndrome of the diabetic foot, the signs of which are in purulent skin inflammations, long healing wounds and gangrene.

Cream diaperm - It is designed to care for the skin of the hands and legs in patients suffering from diabetes. For diabetics, caring for problem skin is quite problematic, because cracks and dryness to cure very difficult. Diaderm has special properties and a special composition regenerating damaged skin.

In order to achieve the maximum effect from the drug used with sugar diabetes, you need to carefully choose the tools and use them only by destination.

For example, if the hand cream, mean it is used exclusively for hands. In case you have problems with the skin of the legs, then buy cream with urea for legs.

Real reviews about the cream with urea for legs

Katya 24 years

"Many women face with problems of dry heels. And I'm not an exception. Having done a pedicure, I applied cream - it is very good and quickly absorbed, it smells like. And did not believe their feelings after the first application!

The heels have become much softer, and it lasted this feeling not half an hour or an hour, as after an ordinary cream! And I started using it every day! Very soon my heels have become soft and smooth! "

In addition to this company, there are still many names and products that are also very effective. This can be the cream of the line "Arabia", "Panthenol", "Golden section".

These cream, one way or another, similar in composition and action. The difference in these brands is only the company producer and duration of use. As well as individual allergic reactions to one or no component.

Marianna 27 years old

The problem of dry heels began with me from the moment of childbirth, when I spent a huge part of my time on my feet. I felt that the heels begin to be rude, and also to hurt from fatigue. I had no time to do myself, and it was not enough forces.

When I finally realized that you need to do something, it was late. Heels were terribly dry and white. And the skin cooked with them.

And on the touch they were solid, which seemed, was about to turn into hooves. And using in practice eVO urea creamI reached the desired result "

Anna, 29 years old

"I got on my eyes cream "Golden section". Having bought it and starting the application, in a couple of days I already had a stunning result.

I am very, very pleased with this cream, surprised that at such a price, made a stunning care cream. Which really helps. He copes with his task, I had similar creams, but they were much more expensive than 100 rubles.

Cosmetics producers have long surgested the active effect of urea on the skin and stunning effect. Adding this component to face creams, hands and legs has become ordinary and no longer causes strange doubts. Urea, or carbamide, has a basic and important advantage - the ability to intensively moisturize skin cover. Especially popular uses for legs with urea from and to achieve effect.

Useful properties of urea

The positive properties of the carbamide became scientifically proven relatively recently. But it is precisely the healing effect of urea that made it possible to begin the use of a substance in cosmetology in the production of caring tools. Urea is considered an important component of the epidermis capable of keeping moisture in the body and minimize its loss.

In addition, the main properties of the carbamide are:

  • protection of the skin from the impact of negative factors;
  • exfoliation of epidermis buried particles due to the softening of its layers;
  • establishment of the regeneration process;
  • soothing effect, reducing redness and irritation on the skin;
  • the ability to strengthen other active ingredients contained in a cosmetic agent.

The molecular structure of the urea determines its possibility to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, having a rapidly medicinal action. From the inside of the molecule take out excess liquid and toxic substances. The skin becomes healthy and beautiful.

Foot cream efficiency with urea

If the skin of the stop suffers from the lack of urea, then its coverage becomes dry. They appear peelings and cracks, bringing only discomfort. Similar sensations and symptoms are familiar with those who fight for the beauty and softness of heels.

  • moisturizing dry and dehydrated sections of the legs;
  • removal of itching and irritation;
  • healing and;
  • softening and flapped sites;
  • update the top layer of the skin;
  • relaxing in the legs.

The optimal amount of urea in cosmetic means is up to 10%. If the label is indicated that exceeds the specified numbers, then you should think about the purchase of this cosmetics. High concentration of urea in the cream can appeal allergic reactions.

The main indications for the use of urea-based heels cream are cracks caused by dry skin, natopeshi. In dermatology, urea cosmetics are used to treat fungal infection, psoriasis and eczema.

Due to active nutrition, urea-based cream moisturizes and. The feeling of gravity and fatigue in the legs is eliminated. The cream helps to fight with age manifestations.

Method of applying cream

To achieve the maximum effect from using urea cream, it is necessary to carefully prepare legs before directly applying the means. For this, the heels are sprinkled in a soap bath for 15 minutes. Instead of soap in hot water, you can add a small number of ordinary soda.

After the cleaning procedure, the legs are wiped with a soft towel. Cream is applied by massaging movements to full absorption. It is worth paying the greatest attention to the flap and damaged areas. Feet wrapped with a film for 2-3 hours so that the cream is deeply absorbed and began its healing effect. After time, the problem areas are treated with pimples.

The cream is used in the evening, once a day. Apply the tool is needed to achieve the final result.

Names for leg creams with urea: Top 10

Before our eyes are many different tubes designed to care for delicate skin heels. By preferring a specific means, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the information specified on the label and pay attention to the presence of urea.

The most popular with urea-based heels are most popular:

Scholl Active Repair K +, United Kingdom

A sufficiently generous composition of the reducing cream allows you to change the appearance of the heels in the shortest possible time. Due to the content of several types of keratin cracks quickly heal, and dry corns disappear in a few days.

The cost of cream is about 350 rubles.

Active cream-care from Natura Siberica, Russia

Four-known Siberian herbs are actively feeding the skin of the legs, filling it with nutritional trace elements and vitamins. The bee wax heals the wounds, making the skin soft, and the calendula removes inflammation. Damaged areas are rapidly restored by eliminating discomfort.

Approximate price - 180 rubles.

Cream for legs with sage and flax oil from Green Mama, Russia

The systematic use of the cream will get rid of peeling and cracks on the skin. In addition, the tool is able to remove inflammation and soften the skin. Sage gives a delicate fragrance cream, and flaxseed oil is a silky texture and therapeutic effect on damaged areas. Ease of means provides fast absorption and lack of fat traces or gloss.

Approximate cost - 200 rubles.

Cream for legs with urea doctor, Russia

The composition of the cream is natural, and the amount of active substance is 10%. The product has bright anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Regenerative effect manifests itself in a deep level. The cream gives the skin softness and velvetiness, at the same time eliminating from the hopes and cracks on the heels.

The approximate cost of this cargoing means fluctuates in the region of 200 rubles.

NEUTROGENA heels cream, Norway

The special formula of the caring agent contains not only highly efficient substances, but also a vitamin complex capable of restoring and soften damaged skin. Cream is designed to combat dry corn. The intensive elimination of the epidermis burdown layer occurs for a short time. To complete the existing stuff problems, it is recommended to use a complex of urea creams from Neutrogena.

The average cost is 370 rubles.

Dieders intensive, Russia

Cream is designed specifically for people suffering from diabetes. Carefully verified formula allows you to smooth the skin and get rid of the hopes. Oils included in the cream feed and soften the swabs. Long and systematic use of the means will ring cracks on the heels and moisturize dry skin.

Approximate price - 190 rubles.

Fusscreme Urea from Balea, Germany

An excellent combination of price and quality makes this cream affordable. 10% urea content and a large amount of vitamins in the composition allows you to carefully care for damaged skin heels. Cutting areas disappear due to the presence in the cream of lactic acid, which effectively removes the orified particles. Moisturizing action lasts a lot - as many as 24 hours.

Approximate value ranges from 170 to 240 rubles.

Schutzcreme Fusscreme Für Diabetiker Mit Urea Und Hyaluron from Pedibaehr, Germany

The cream is designed for intensive nutritional nutrition, especially for people-diabetics. The preservation of the optimal balance of moisture in the tissues is ensured by the content of hyaluronic acid. Oils make the skin velvety and pleasant toothpick, contribute to the healing of cracks. The active ingredients reduce the likelihood of redness and bruises on skin cover.

The cost is quite high - about 850 rubles.

Glate 15% from GreppMayr, Germany

Penka-cream has high efficiency and has an excellent healing effect. The means for heels will allow you to quickly eliminate the feet from dry corns and flagranty growths. The pleasant advantage of the cream is the lack of necessity in the preliminary cleaning of the legs from the erased particles. The result from use is similar to the sensation after the procedures in the cabin.

It justifies the high cost of the fund - at least 800 rubles.

Foot cream with urea from EVO, Russia

In addition to healing, cream is used as the prevention of fungal diseases of the foot. The content of 10% urea facility contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues. Prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor.

Approximate price of cream - 120 rubles.

Cooking cream with urea at home

Homemade feet cream is good in that it is possible to include ingredients with a certain therapeutic effect or having an attractive aroma. Ingredients that are part of the caring agent are ordinary for those who have come across soaps:

  • 3.0 g of carbamide;
  • 60.0 g of hydrolate lime;
  • 5.0 g of almond oil;
  • 5.0 g of the emulsifier;
  • 5.0 g of glycerin;
  • 3.0 g of wax;
  • 2.0 g of mentola crystalline;
  • lanolin;
  • preservative.

To begin with a water bath, melt solid wax and lanolin, add almond oil. After you can add any emulsifier and mix thoroughly. In the mass pushing menthol. Simultaneously with the first water bath to heat the glycerin, hydrolat and urea.

After preparatory work, both mixtures are drained into one container and stirred to uniformity with a whin or mixer. The final stage will be adding a preservative. The finished seams for heels are folded over jars and closed covers tightly.

To give a special fragrance cream, you can add a few drops of your favorite ether. A good complement will be fresh smell notes.

Foot cream with urea is salvation for many people having cracks on the heels and dry skin of the stop. Due to the content of the carbamide in cosmetic agents, it became possible to have beautiful feet, without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

You can leave your feedback on foot cream with urea in comments under the article.

Women who seek to have a beautiful well-groomed look, are increasingly used with urea cream. Especially if they suffer from dry skin, hoptes, cracks on the heels. A similar means with regular use can eliminate these problems. The feet will be smooth and moistened, which is especially important in the summer when you want to fit into light sandals. Improper nutrition leads to problems with legs

Causes of dry skin on the legs

Caring for legs must be comprehensive. After all, dry and peeling on the legs may occur for various reasons.

  • Unsuitable nutrition. The appearance is very affected by food used. The snacks on the go of the dryness are unlikely to add beauty, but fruits and vegetables, especially orange, fish, vegetable oils help to keep the skin elastic.
  • Insufficient water. If the body does not receive the desired amount of moisture, he will not be able to maintain a healthy - moisturized - the state of the epidermis.
  • Lack of vitamins. The appearance of natopestes, peeling sites on the legs often means that the necessary amount of nutrients does not come to the body.
  • Diseases. Suhness and untidy levels of the feet can be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor, especially if other possible causes of such a state are excluded.
  • Unsuccessful selected cosmetics. Even behind healthy legs, care is needed, but the unsuitable means will not only not give a positive result, but also can lead to the opposite effect and worsen the view.

Properties of urea

Pick up the perfect cosmetics for the legs is not so easy. After all, it is presented in stores and pharmacies. Not all means are equally effective, but those as part of which urea is present, proven itself well. They are present in different price segments, from expensive to accessible to everyone as, for example, the "Lebel" cream.

Urea is the most important component of the cells. It is produced by the body itself, ensures the saturation of fabrics in moisture and retains it. She also takes part in protein exchange. The disadvantage of this substance leads to dry skin, the appearance of hopes, peeling, cracks on the heels.

Features of the component

  • Naturalness. This is a natural substance that is present in the human body.
  • Moisturizing. Thanks to urea, which is well absorbed by an external way, the skin gets the necessary moisture. This is due to a small size and weight of molecules that can penetrate into the deepest layers.
  • The substance is a natural solvent, which makes it possible to use a smaller number of preservatives in cosmetic products.

Daily use of urea cream will provide:

  • good moisturizing;
  • cleansing from dead skin particles on the legs, while the alive is filled with moisture;
  • deeper penetration of the beneficial substances that are contained in cosmetics;
  • protection against the effects of aggressive detergents and the environment;
  • relaxation of legs, getting rid of tension and pain, irritation, itching;
  • assistance in the treatment of some diseases of the feet: fungus, psoriasis and others;
  • regeneration: Cracks and other wounds heal faster.

Popular urea creams

Means with urea produce different cosmetic stamps. The most popular is the following.

  • "Lebel". It is well moisturizes, eliminates the hopes and underlined skin areas, removes the severity and unpleasant feelings in the legs. It is a softening effect, it is well suited to people with such diseases as diabetes and psoriasis. It feeds the feet, the action is enhanced by Schi oil, allantoine, silver. The tool is optimally for skin holders with increased sensitivity, relieves irritation, has protective properties. In addition to urea, components such as macadamia oil, glycerin, panthenol are included.
  • "Natural Help". Promotes exfoliation of dead skin particles, has a positive effect on regeneration.
  • "DIDERM". It helps to get rid of calluses and natopesh, suitable for people suffering from metabolic disorders. High urea content allows you to provide active nutrition, moisturizing and healing stop. Additional substances remove the severity and refresh. Suitable possessors of extremely dry skin. Normalizes the water balance, is used as both both prevention and treatment in disturbed keratinization.
  • "Sebameed". It has a soothing effect, it takes itching and irritation, neutralizes the effect of free radicals.
  • "Allpresan". Heals the cracks well and moisturizes the skin, promotes regeneration and mitigation. Additional components: Aloe Vera, evening primrose oil.

One of the funds that offer good quality at an affordable price is the "Leak" cream. For its creation, ancient recipes were used, therefore it is dominated in it except the main component - urea - natural components:

  • oak bark extract - has an antibacterial effect;
  • cellular extract - thanks to bactericidal properties, struggles with inflammation, contributes to healing;
  • vitamin E - helps to soften and moisten the skin, takes part in the processes associated with the regeneration of tissues;
  • allantoin - Soothes the skin, helps to remove the burned layer, launches healing processes;
  • the essential oil of a tea tree - has a strong antiseptic effect.

In addition to the main cream, the "Leak" contains additional substances:

  • water;
  • stearin cosmetic to mitigate;
  • sorbitol for moisturizing;
  • emulsion wax to prevent moisture loss;
  • glycerin to attract moisture to tissues;
  • dimethicone to protect the skin;
  • lemonic acid for regeneration.

Thanks to the "Lecker" cream, the cells are saturated with urea. The structure allows the means to be easily absorbed, penetrating into all layers of the epidermis. It contributes to the preservation of moisture in the legs of the leg, which is usually prone to dryness. The water balance is improved, so that the damaged skin softens and easily removes the subsequent use of pembassades or heels. Regular use will lead to a healing of cracks, softening of corns and a hopic, the disappearance of peeling. In addition, the "Lecker" is the prevention of fungus because of its antimicrobial properties.

If you use the remedy every day, then the skin on the feet will become soft and smooth. Legs will be pleasant to the touch and acquire a well-kept look. Contraindications "Lebel" practically does not have. But it is possible to individual intolerance to any components. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to test the sensitivity, trying at first a small amount. In some cases, the "Lebel" cream can cause burning, then it should be strained immediately.

Also, the minuses include the fact that the interaction with water is allocated ammonia, which has a characteristic unpleasant odor. In addition, some components pull moisture out of the environment, and if it is not enough, they can suck it from deep layers of skin. So the cream "Lebel" should be used with caution. But if you do everything correctly, as the instruction recommends, the effect is able to exceed expectations.

The cream will better be better if the legs are pre-displeps.

How to make cream with urea house?

Those who prefer their own prepared cosmetics can make a leg cream with a urea house. This ingredients are needed: Hydrolate lime (60 g), almond oil, reverse emulsifier, glycerin (5 g), wax, urea (3 g), stearic acid, crystallized menthol (2 g), lanolin, preservative.

Two water baths are used for cooking. In the first mix oil with wax, stearic acid and emulsifier. At the end, the crystals of menthola fall asleep. In the second - dissolve urea in lime hydrolylate, then glycerol is added. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you can mix both parts. At the same time, the waterproof overflows to the oily, and not the opposite. After that, they are stirred with a mixer. To complete the safe preservative add. Pleasant fragrance will provide a few drops of essential oil.

Like the "Lecker" cream, the substance cooked independently will moisten and feed the skin of the legs, heal the cracks and contribute to the disappearance of the natopath.

How to use the tool right?

To obtain a larger effect, urea cream should be applied correctly. It is best that he absorbs, if the feet before that displeasure. After all, the pores are opening, which facilitates the penetration of active substances. Therefore, for a more pronounced result, special foot baths should be made, simply with hot water or with the addition of funds that contribute to the removal of the damaged layer and eliminate the holopal. Also, the coarse skin must be read regularly with a pumice or a peel. After that, cream containing urea will act stronger. Enhance its action and a pleasant evening massage under warm water.

The concentration of urea in the cream may differ. Most common - 10%. Such means are suitable for daily use. It is best to apply a substance before bedtime, and then wear socks. If the urea content in the cream is higher, then use it with caution. With very problematic legs - a large number of cracks, peeling, hoptes - it is also applied every day. After the main problems are eliminated, or it is used as prophylaxis two or three times a week.

To have beautiful legs, regular care is needed. Make them gentle and smooth will help the means of which there is urea. Most of them contain additional components. They contribute to the healing of cracks and eliminate the natopesh.

Facial and body care is mandatory and inalienable components of any modern girl and women. Basically, various creams, lotions and other cosmetic options are used for these purposes. One of the popular and effective species are urea-based funds.It is worth noting that such a substance is quite actively used in the field of cosmetology, it is especially true of the development of creams.

Properties of urea

Urea refers to a number of chemical compounds that have organic origins. Its education occurs as a result of such a process as protein exchange.

To date, the substance is actively used in many areas, especially in the sphere of cosmetology. It is due to the fact that such synthesis has a moisturizing and exfoliating effect on the skin.

Acid directly participates in the combination of proteins, and supplies many organism systems an important element - nitrogen. This substance is present in all tissues and performs such an important function as moisture maintaining.

Urea has many beneficial properties, and therefore appreciated in the sphere of cosmetology. The substance has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates malicious microorganisms.

Through the use of this element in cosmetics, the skin does not suffer from moisture loss. Urea or carbamide (the second name of the substance) has hygroscopic properties, due to which it is possible to avoid dehydration.

It is worth noting that the components used in the sphere of cosmetology have synthetic origin. To obtain urea, ammonia and carbohydrate dioxide are used. For this reason, the substance has the second name - carbamide.

Often this component is applied to therapeutic purposes. The funds based on it are fighting well with such diseases as eczema and psoriasis. Often urea is used as an anesthetics.

The substance has healing properties. Using funds with this component, you can quickly eliminate skin damage. Cosmetic options are used in the treatment of fungal infections and burns.

Use in cosmetology

Urea is used to create creams that are struggling with dry skin. Through the use of such cosmetics, the preservation hydration is improved.

It is worth noting that urea is used to create therapeutic options. Preparations not only improve the condition of the skin, but also have an exfoliating effect. Means can be used with strong oroging cover. Most often, such a problem concerns elbows, hands and feet.

Quite often urea is used as the main component in face creams. Such preparations are represented in the form of emulsions and drugs. Cosmetics can be used for daily dry skin care. Components present in the means restore the hydrolyphid layer.

Often the substance is used to create creams for hands. It is known that the skin in this zone needs daily and thorough care. As part of cosmetics, there are many natural components that have a moisturizing effect. The basis contains about 10% of the carbamide.

It is worth noting that the positive effect depends on the concentration of uric acid in the composition of the cosmetic agent.

  • If the indicator does not exceed the mark of 2%, then the effect of the means is directed exclusively for healing the wounds and the regeneration of tissues. Most often, the carbamide is used in shaving lotions and in various balms.
  • If cosmetics are based on 5% to 10% of the substance, its impact will be directed to an increase in moisture in the horn layer. After using the tool, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, and a protective layer appears on its surface.
  • In therapeutic preparations, the concentration of the means fluctuates in the range of 40% -50%. Preparations have an exfoliating effect. Basically, such options are used for diseases such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.


As already noted above, this substance is present in the human body and is an important component of many important processes. But, despite the positive impact, in some cases this element may be contraindicated.

Means based on uric acid, can not be used in the presence of damage to the skin.

Also contraindications to the use of cosmetics are:

  • having redness;
  • strong abrasions;
  • wounds;
  • rash.

In the opposite case, the use of funds will only strengthen irritation.

Holders of oily skin should also be abandoned from the use of cosmetics based on this substance. The presence of a large amount of acne formations is contraindicated. The use of water with uric acid provokes acne appearance. The active generation of skin saline begins.

Cosmetics are forbidden to use super-sensitive skin owners.When exposed to funds, allergic reactions are often manifested on the surface. In this case, it is necessary to pre-check the skin on the occurrence of such defects.

Rules for use when leaving skin

Using urea-based funds, it is pre-familiar with some important rules. To achieve the maximum positive effect, the creams are best to apply on warm skin. This applies to any parts of the body. Cosmetics are recommended to use immediately after taking a bath or soul.

For face

Most often, urea-based means are used to care for the face.Use the compositions with extreme caution. It is necessary to ensure that the cream does not hit the eye.

According to the results of many studies, it is proved that the carbamide does not apply to a number of dangerous elements, and therefore no serious negative consequences will manifest itself. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to apply the tool neatly, evenly distributing it in the face.

As part of most creams, in addition to urea, there are other natural complexes and components. Means need to be applied to the skin massage movements so that all useful elements have absorbed well. Only with this application you can achieve maximum moistening and elasticity.

For body

Modern girls and women use urea-based tools for body care. Thanks to the use of cosmetics, it is possible to get rid of excessive dryness in some sections. The remedy should be applied in a small amount, thin layer.

Special attention needs to be given to the skin there are no damage or abrasion. In this case, it is impossible to use cosmetics for the body.

Modern manufacturers represent the attention of women a lot of high-quality options, which include plant extracts. Due to the combination of carbamide and natural components, the skin gets the necessary power and moisturizing.

For legs

Special popularity uses for leg creams. One of the leaders is the means of Diaderm "Intensive" from the Russian company "Avanta". The tool refers to the group of therapeutic creams. Cosmetics are designed for people suffering from such a disease, like diabetes mellitus.

The softening feet for the legs perfectly nourishes the skin, and helps to cope even with strongly dried areas.

A good option is the cream "EVO" from the same company.The tool helps to get rid of cracks, eliminate natopes and boring corn. The cream for the feet has therapeutic effects, and struggles with such a common disease like fungus.

For the processing of heels, it is best to use the remedy called "Aquapiling".The cream for heels from the company "Avanta" well softens the flabbing areas on the legs, the positive result is noticeable after the first application.

In the presence of severe dryness, you need to perform sprinkling about 2-3 times a week. When carrying out this procedure, the legs are thickly lubricated with cream.

All of the above options contain a set of useful nutritional components, which are positively affected by the skin. Creams need to be used daily. The compositions are applied with a subtle or thick layer (it all depends on the problems of the skin), after which the base is waiting for the base.

Names of the best tools

Modern manufacturers presented a large number of different funds to the customers, the main component of which is urea. But, from an extensive range you need to highlight the highest quality and most popular options.

The first harness cream is the "EVO" product, which has already been mentioned above. The funds contains approximately 10% carbamide. The cream fights great with various defects, improves the condition of the skin, which noticed many buyers. Cosmetics are best used for daily care.

The advantages of the cream is not only high-quality composition and a pleasant consistency, but also a small cost.

The main advantage of the funds is that it is quickly absorbed, and after it can immediately wear shoes or hosiery products. Using this cream, there is no need to perform procedures such as sprinkling or skin treatment with pembias.

Feature is that it is represented as a foam, which is easily applied to the feet.

One of the most popular companies today is Avon trade cosmetic brand. The brand introduced an excellent softening cream "Foot Work" s, Which is well coped with hopes and dry corn on the legs. The basis of the means, in addition to the urea, contains natural components.

Thanks to the daily use of the cream, the skin becomes soft and moistened, and the legs are not tired after a long walk.

One of the best options in the modern market is the leaky tool, intended for the prevention of the diabetic foot. Due to the content of urea at the base, soften the swabs on the skin are softened. The feature of the cream is to increase the reparative processes of the epidermis.