Recipes for moisturizing face masks at home: the best formulations and helpful tips. Funds from the store. Natural remedies to moisturize the skin

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Honey contains a whole complex of elements valuable for the skin. Penetrating deep into the epidermis, nourishes them and retains moisture, thereby toning and refreshing them. In addition, natural honey effectively removes skin impurities, promotes skin regeneration, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dairy products very useful for the skin of the face, because they have moisturizing, nourishing and toning properties. They, as valuable sources of vitamins A, D, B2, B12, PP, as well as trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) nourish the skin and contribute to its full regeneration. In addition, milk, kefir, sour cream have the effect of whitening and rejuvenating the skin. Face masks based on these products help to maintain a youthful and healthy-looking skin.

Egg contains a lot of useful micro- and macroelements (sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins A, B, D, lecithin. Thanks to this valuable composition, eggs are an excellent natural skin care product. Masks based on them deeply moisturize, nourish, soften and tone the skin.

Indications for moisturizing masks

1. Dehydrated skin
2. Dry skin
3. Aging and fading skin
4. All skin types need periodic hydration
5. Skin care in winter
6. When in dry, hot climates.

Rules for performing moisturizing face masks

Before starting the procedure, the skin of the face should be cleaned of decorative cosmetics, grease and impurities with a special tonic or cream.

A thick mask (creamy) is applied directly to the skin of the face. If the product is liquid, then they either wipe the skin with it, or soak a textile napkin and apply it to the face.

The holding time of moisturizing masks prepared independently from natural products is 20-30 minutes.

Rinse off the masks with water at room temperature. It is recommended to wash off masks based on vegetable oils with water heated to 30 degrees.

Moisturizing face mask recipes

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on water and herbal decoctions

Homemade Chamomile Moisturizing Facial Mask

1 cup (200 g) clean water
3 tablespoons of dry chamomile flowers;
1 small spoonful of any vegetable oil.

Boil water and pour into a jar with dry chamomile inflorescences, close the container with a lid. After half an hour, strain the broth and add oil to it.

Action: moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating the skin, relieving irritation and flaking.

Indications: dry to normal skin, dehydrated skin, unhealthy complexion.

Application: a moisturizing face mask (for dry skin) at home is performed once a week in the cold season and 2 times in summer.

Linden decoction mask for dry, dehydrated skin

dry linden flowers;
vegetable oil;
oat flour.

Decoction with 1 large spoon of lime blossom and water. Cool it down and strain. Dilute them 1 tbsp. l. oat flour. Pour a few drops of oil into the product.

Action: moisturizing, tightening, improving the skin, giving the face freshness, normalizing metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications: moisturizing face masks for dry skin are indicated for dehydrated skin, as well as for wrinkles, pigmentation, inflammation and dermatitis.

Application: such masks for dehydrated skin at home are performed every other day.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for the skin of the face from a decoction of medicinal herbs

St. John's wort;
hop cones;
strawberry leaves;
apple juice (freshly squeezed).

How to make a moisturizing face mask at home from herbs?
From the named plants, make a decoction (for 200 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of each herb), cool and strain it. Add a small spoonful of natural honey, 1 yolk and 1 large spoonful of apple juice to the liquid. Stir the product.

Action: restoration of water balance, nutrition with vitamins, skin tightening.

Indications: dehydrated skin, dull and dry skin, unhealthy complexion.

Application: A homemade herbal decoction mask for dehydrated skin can be performed weekly.

Recipes for moisturizing dairy-based face masks

Face mask with cottage cheese and milk

high fat cottage cheese;

Pour milk (2 large spoons) into a bowl and heat. Add a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese to it. Mix the mass.

Action: nutrition and hydration, lightening of freckles and pigmentation, relieving inflammation and irritation.

Indications: moisturizing face mask made from fermented milk products is suitable for dry, problem skin with rashes, peeling and inflammation on the skin, with pigmentation, freckles.

Application: deeply moisturizing curd face mask can be performed 1 or 2 times a week.

Moisturizing sour cream face mask

half a large glass of sour cream (15% fat);
2 medium-sized young potatoes.

Steam the potatoes or "in their uniform" and mash with a fork. Add sour cream to the resulting puree. Apply a warm mask to your face.

Action: moisturizing, removes impurities from the pores, nourishing with valuable elements, lightening the skin.

Indications: combination and dry skin, aging skin, freckles, emaciated skin.

Application: This natural moisturizing face mask can be applied once every 10 days.

Kefir, sour cream and citrus face mask

kefir or yogurt;
medium fat sour cream;
a slice of lemon and orange.

In a bowl, combine 2 large spoons of the named fermented milk products. Squeeze citrus juice to them.

Action: toning and moisturizing, nutrition with vitamins and valuable elements, lightening of the skin.

Indications: flabby skin, dry and combination skin, manifestations of pigmentation.

Application: a mask for dehydrated skin at home made from fermented milk products is performed 1-2 times a week.

Milk face mask for moisturizing oily skin

almond kernels;
sour milk.

Grind the almonds in a coffee grinder. Dilute 1 large spoonful of this flour with sour milk. The mask should have the thickness of the cream.

Action: moisturizing oily skin, cleansing pores from dirt, fat, dead cells, eliminating oily sheen.

Indications: moisturizing masks for oily skin at home are indicated for acne and acne and aging skin.

Application: a moisturizing mask for oily skin can be performed once a week.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on fruits, vegetables, berries

Zucchini nourishing and moisturizing face mask

young zucchini;
1 small spoonful of vegetable oil.

Grind the zucchini (100 g) on ​​a fine grater. Add oil to it and stir. Spread the product in an even layer on a double gauze and apply it on your face.

Action: stimulation of metabolic processes, cleaning of pores, deep moisturizing, smoothing of fine wrinkles.

Indications: Zucchini face mask is suitable for dry, aging and dehydrated skin.

Application: zucchini moisturizing face mask at home can be performed 2 times a week.

Carrot juice face mask

fresh carrot juice - 1 small spoon;
raw yolk (chicken egg) - 1 pc .;
cream (10-15% fat) - 1 large spoon.

Mix all components together. Use the mask immediately as directed.

Action: moisturizing, tightening, saturation with useful substances, giving the skin a beautiful shade.

Indications: dry skin, pale skin, emaciated skin.

Application: A moisturizing face mask (consumer reviews say this) is very effective. To obtain a positive result, it will be enough to perform it once every 10 days.

Super moisturizing face mask based on sea buckthorn juice

2 large spoons of freshly squeezed ripe sea buckthorn juice.

Soak a cotton napkin, handkerchief or gauze (2-3 layers) with sea buckthorn juice and put it on your face.

Action: nutrition of the epidermis with useful elements, removal of inflammation, antibacterial effect.

Indications: sluggish, inflamed and dehydrated skin.

Application: sea ​​buckthorn moisturizing face mask for dehydrated skin at home can be performed up to 3 times a week.

Apple face mask

fresh apple (you can use cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin instead);
cow's or goat's milk;
oat flakes;
fruit vinegar.

Grind the apple on a grater. Heat the milk to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Grind the oatmeal flakes in a blender. Mix all components. Apply a warm mask to the skin, hold for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cold water and fruit vinegar. Take half a small spoonful of vinegar per liter of water.

Action: cleansing and moisturizing, healing of microcracks and wounds, normalization of metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications: any type of skin, rashes and inflammation of the skin, aging skin.

Application: a nourishing and moisturizing homemade apple face mask can be performed weekly.

Tomato moisturizing face mask

ripe tomato (red or yellow variety);
1 small spoonful of olive oil;
1 small spoonful of potato starch

Use a fork to mash the tomato in a bowl. Add butter and starch to it. Stir the ingredients. Treat your face with the resulting product.

Action: toning, deep hydration, enrichment with vitamins.

Indications: dehydrated skin, loose skin, pale complexion.

Application: A tomato moisturizing face mask at home can be done twice a week.

Banana Moisturizing Facial Mask

cow's or goat's milk - 3 large spoons.

Mash the banana with a fork and dilute with fresh milk. Apply the resulting cosmetic to cleansed skin.

Action: elimination of peeling, moisturizing, smoothing of wrinkles, giving a fresh look to the skin of the face and neck.

Indications: aged and emaciated skin, pallor of the skin.

Application: a moisturizing face mask at home has only positive reviews, it can be done often, literally every other day.

Recipes for moisturizing face masks based on natural vegetable oils

Classic moisturizing mask with vegetable oil

any vegetable oil.

The oil must be heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. Gauze folded in two or three tiers, saturate with oil and apply on face.

Action: restoration of water balance, toning, tightening of the skin.

Indications: dry skin, dehydrated skin, aging skin.

Application: oil masks for dehydrated skin can be performed once a week.

Moisturizing face mask at home with olive oil

100 milliliters of olive oil;
5 drops of solutions in the form of oil of vitamins A and E.

Heat the oil in a water bath. Mix it with vitamin solutions. Soak a gauze napkin with the resulting product and put it on your face.
Action: softening the skin and nourishing, moisturizing and tightening, giving elasticity and a healthy look.

Indications: dry, normal and combination skin, peeling, inflammation.

Application: an oil moisturizing mask for combination skin at home can be performed once a week.

Dandelion and Onion Oil Mask (Makeup Remover)

unrefined vegetable oil;
dandelion flowers;
onions (small size).

Put dandelions (5 pcs.) And chopped onion in oil and put on low heat. Preheat it for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Use every night to remove makeup and wipe your face. After the procedure, you need to wash yourself in warm (30-35 degrees) water.

Action: cleansing pores, removing dirt and fat to the surface of the epidermis, restoring water balance, lightening the manifestations of pigmentation.

Indications: for dry and normal skin.

Application: face mask whitening and moisturizing can be performed daily.

Honey Moisturizing Facial Mask Recipes

Classic moisturizing facial mask with honey

2 tablespoons of natural honey;
8 spoons of water.

Dissolve honey in warm (not hot!) Water. Soak a tissue in the product and place it on your face. Moisten the tissue as it soaks up moisture. Perform the entire procedure within 20 minutes. When finished, wash with clean water.

Action: replenishment of water balance, removal of inflammation, antiseptic and antibacterial action.

Indications: problem skin, acne, acne and inflammation, porous skin.

Application: a mask for dehydrated porous skin can be performed weekly.

Moisturizing facial mask at home with honey for oily skin

1 spoon of liquid honey;
lemon juice squeezed out of 1/2 part.

Mix the ingredients. Treat the face and neck with the product.

Action: enrichment of epidermis with moisture and nutrients, smoothing and cleansing of the skin, elimination of oily sheen, normalization of metabolic processes.

Indications: oily skin, acne, acne, dehydrated skin.

Application: honey-based masks for dehydrated oily skin can be performed weekly.

Moisturizing honey mask for sensitive skin

natural honey;
freshly squeezed aloe juice.
Grind the aloe leaf in a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Toss it with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Action: gently cleansing the skin, nourishing and deeply moisturizing, giving the skin elasticity and smoothness.

Indications:, problem skin, emaciated skin, aging skin.

Application: These moisturizing home masks for sensitive skin can be done weekly.

Egg Moisturizing Facial Masks

Moisturizing and nourishing face mask with egg

vegetable oil (1 spoon);
lemon juice (10 drops).

Mix all components into a homogeneous mass. Saturate a textile napkin with the obtained cosmetic product and apply to the skin of the face. After 5 minutes, moisten the napkin again and repeat the procedure. After that, wash yourself with warm water.

Action: getting rid of the skin from dryness and flaking, enriching the epidermis with nutrients, eliminating wrinkles.

Indications: sluggish, dry, aging skin.

Application: This egg super moisturizing face mask at home can be performed weekly.

Egg Moisturizing Facial Mask

strong black tea;
Rye flour.

Dilute flour with tea until creamy. Next, add the egg to the mass. Stir the product and apply as a mask on the face. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

Action: deep cleansing, restoration of the water balance of the epidermis, tightening, general improvement of the skin of the neck and face.

Indications: problem skin with acne, blackheads and pimples, peeling, wrinkles.

Application: These traditional egg-based moisturizing face masks can be applied every ten days.

The skin loses moisture for a variety of reasons. The epidermis is often "thirsty" during the summer, when exposure to sunlight and high temperatures are at their peak. In addition, dehydration can be caused by taking antibiotics, insufficient basic care, and low intake of clean water per day. Regardless of the true reason, the face must be monitored. Moisturizing masks will help you with this.

Indications for the use of moisturizing masks

  • peeling, excessive dryness of the skin;
  • fading, the presence of mimic wrinkles and creases;
  • dull face with a greenish or gray tint;
  • frequent exposure to ultraviolet light (hot climate).

Moisturizers have practically no contraindications. The exception is the individual intolerance to the components that make up the masks.

The subtleties of using moisturizing masks

  1. To make sure that there is no allergy, do a test before using the selected product for the first time. Spread a small amount of the composition on the bend of the elbow, wait 20 minutes, rinse. If there is no irritation or burning sensation, proceed with the manipulations.
  2. Moisturizing formulations are intended not only for the skin of the face, but also for the hands, décolleté, neck, and the whole body (optional). Do not apply the mask to the area around the eyes.
  3. If possible, steam the skin before using the home remedy. Hold your face over a herbal bath and boiling water. The pores will open, so the beneficial elements will penetrate into the lower layers of the dermis.
  4. When dispensing the product, adhere to the main massage lines. Move from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the center of the chin to the cheekbones, from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the brow zone to the tip of the nose. In addition to the effectiveness of the mask, you will stimulate blood circulation.

Banana and milk

  1. Choose a ripe banana, cut in half and puree the pulp in a convenient way. Heat 50 ml. fat milk, mix with banana. If the mask is runny, add a little flour.
  2. Turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture, spread over the face in a dense layer. Relax with your muscles as relaxed as possible. After 25 minutes, wash off the composition.

Linden and egg

  1. Linden inflorescences are sold at the pharmacy. Brew 20 gr. plants 60 ml. boiling water, wait an hour. After this period, filter the infusion, warm it up, add 30 gr. honey.
  2. When the granules are dissolved, inject 20 ml. olive oil, raw yolk or white. Stir the ingredients, soak a sponge in the product. Wipe the skin, wait until dry and remove.

Sour cream and lemon

  1. Choose sour cream with a high percentage of fat. You will need 50 grams. Mix the milk product with 25 ml. lemon juice, egg white, 10 gr. cornstarch.
  2. Stir until the mask thickens. Apply it on the skin, after rubbing in, wait 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, be sure to apply a hydrogel or serum to moisturize.

Boiled potatoes and yolk

  1. Boil a large potato tuber, do not get rid of the uniform. Mash the vegetable with a blender along with the peel, mix with the raw yolk. Add starch or flour to thicken.
  2. Wash and steam your face to open up the pores. Apply the composition very tightly, wait half an hour. Try not to tense your muscles. After the specified period, remove the excess with napkins.

Tocopherol and Retinol

  1. The listed drugs are available in the form of an oil solution. Retinol is vitamin A, tocopherol is vitamin E. Buy 1 ampoule of each composition, mix them.
  2. Dip your fingertips into the product, start patting the skin of your face, observing the massage lines. The composition can be applied to the area under the eyes. The duration of use is 20-40 minutes.

Olive oil and squash

  1. Choose a young zucchini, it is as rich in vitamins as possible. Peel a quarter of the fruit from the skin and seeds, turn the pulp into a puree. Mix with 20 gr. warm olive oil.
  2. Pre-hold your face over the bath, then distribute the mask. Cover it with a piece of gauze or bandage so that the composition does not fall off. Remove after 25 minutes.

Lingonberry and cottage cheese

  1. Seasonal berries moisturize the skin as well as possible. Take a handful of fruits, wash and dry. Place in a blender and mash. Add 50 gr. fatty cottage cheese.
  2. Apply the composition to the face in a thick layer, rub in for 5 minutes. Then leave the mask to act for another quarter of an hour. Remove with warm water, rub the skin with ice.

Milk whey and black currant

  1. Rinse with 50 gr. black currant, dry the berry, mash with a blender. Place the composition on 3 layers of cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice. Mix it with 30 ml. whey or ayran.
  2. Dampen a cosmetic brush in the product, lubricate the skin. Let the first coat dry, do another 2. After the final application, wait half an hour, rinse with cold water.

Orange and almond oil

  1. Squeeze the juice from half of the orange, pass it through cheesecloth to filter. Warm up 35 ml. almond oil, add to citrus fresh.
  2. If you need to exfoliate, dry and chop the orange peel beforehand. Stir in the mask. Apply the product in a thin layer, hold for half an hour.

Grapefruit and egg white

  1. Peel a quarter of the fruit from the white film and rind, turn the pulp into gruel. Add raw protein, beat the ingredients with a mixer. Steam your face and apply a mask, rinse off after 15-25 minutes.
  2. You can separately wipe the skin with a slice of citrus, then wait until the juice dries and wash. In any case, complete the procedure with cosmetic ice.

Starch and yogurt

  1. Buy yogurt with a high fat content, the composition should have a thick consistency. Combine 50-60 gr. product with 20 gr. potato or rice starch.
  2. Achieve uniformity from the ingredients by beating them with a fork. Scoop the product with your fingertips, spread over the face, adhering to the massage lines. Keep it for half an hour.

Tea brew and flour

  1. Make a green or black tea infusion. Pour 40 g. drink, sift 20 gr. wheat flour. Let the mixture stand for 25 minutes.
  2. Steam the skin by holding your face over the bath. Then apply the mask, put a piece of gauze on top. Go to rest, rinse off after half an hour of exposure.

Honey and lemon juice

  1. Melt 30 g in a steam bath. honey, pour 20 ml into it. vegetable oil. Cool the mixture, add a handful of rye or wheat bran. Inject 25 ml. lemon juice (can be substituted with lime).
  2. Bring the product to room temperature, then apply to previously steamed face skin. The duration of application varies from 20 to 30 minutes.

Raspberry and gelatin

  1. Throw two handfuls of raspberries in a colander, rinse under the tap and dry. Mash the berries with a fork to release the juice. Add some warm water and 20 gr. gelatin.
  2. Stir the ingredients, picking up the mask from the edges of the dish. Let the product dissolve until smooth, then apply. Wait until it hardens, get rid of the film mask.

Aloe vera and grapes

  1. If possible, choose a seedless grape variety. Wash half of the bunch, pass through a sieve. The rind should remain, you only need the pulp.
  2. Now grate a couple of aloe vera stalks, squeeze out the juice with a bandage. Combine the ingredients, evaluate the consistency. If liquid, add flour. Apply for a third of an hour.

Cottage cheese and basil

  1. Rinse with 40 g. green basil, send to a blender and mash. Add the resulting mass to 50 gr. cottage cheese with a fat content of 20-25%, let the composition brew.
  2. After about 15 minutes, start applying the mask. Touch the under eye area to get rid of dark circles. Lie down to rest for half an hour, then wash off the product.

Cream and rose water

  1. Rose petal water is sold in every beauty store and drugstore. Measure 35-45 ml., Mix with 25 gr. cream (fat content about 30%).
  2. Dip a cosmetic swab into the solution, treat your face several times. Let each layer dry so that the mask is distributed in the form of a film. Remove products after 20 minutes.

Cucumber and butter

  1. Wash a small fresh cucumber, get rid of the "butts". Grate the vegetable, put the gruel on the cheesecloth folded in three. Squeeze out the juice. Now melt 30 g. butter, add to the cucumber.
  2. To create a thick consistency, add 5-10 grams. potato starch. Apply the components in a thin layer, keep until completely dry, but at least 15 minutes.

Carrot and apple

  1. Chop off 1/3 of the carrots, rinse, boil. Now chop into cubes, load into blender. Make a gruel. Separately chop half of the green apple with the peel.
  2. Combine the ingredients in a puree, apply in an even layer on the skin of the face. Rub for 5 minutes, then lie down to rest. Remove the mask after half an hour.

Cabbage and apricot

  1. To make this home remedy, you will need 5 large cabbage leaves. Chop them in random order and make porridge with a blender.
  2. Now mash 2 pitted apricots with a fork. Connect the components, apply to the face. Let the mask work, remove after 40 minutes.

Strawberries and cream

  1. For this mask, it's best to use frozen strawberries. Remove the berries from the chamber, hold for 20 minutes until partially thawed. Then run through a blender.
  2. You have obtained a cold mass that needs to be mixed with 30 ml. cream. The resulting composition is applied to the face and skin around the eyes, then covered with gauze. The exposure time is 30-45 minutes.

Egg yolk and tomato

  1. Pick a ripe pink tomato and rub it with a sieve. Discard the peel and seeds, and mix the gruel with raw yolk. Add 10 ml. any natural oil.
  2. Beat the contents with a mixer at low speed, apply to face. Rub in for 3 minutes, then leave on for another half hour. Rinse off with cool water.

Peach and fermented baked milk

  1. Only fresh fruits are used for the mask, canned peaches are not suitable. Take 1 fruit, scald it with boiling water and remove the skin. Remove the bone, mash the pulp.
  2. Add 45 g to the gruel. fermented baked milk 4% -fat or yogurt. Mix the ingredients, make a mask. Lie down to rest with your muscles relaxed. Wash your face after half an hour.

Lemon and medicinal plants

  1. Collect herbs that are good for your skin. Yarrow, linden, hop cones, St. John's wort are needed. Take 10 grams each. each plant, fill with 70 ml. boiling water. Insist 3 hours.
  2. After this period, filter the infusion, pour in 25 ml. lemon juice. Dip a cotton sponge into the liquid, wipe the skin. Dry the layer, make another one. Wash your face after 30 minutes.

Honey and sea buckthorn

  1. Rinse a handful of sea buckthorn under running water, dry on towels. Mix with 60 gr. cottage cheese, 30 ml. yogurt or sour cream, 25 gr. honey, 15 ml. vegetable oil.
  2. Place the ingredients in a blender and spin for half a minute. Apply the resulting puree to a cleansed face, massage the skin and leave the mask to act for a quarter of an hour.

Glycerin and Aloe Vera

  1. Combine 10 ml. glycerin with 30 gr. sparkling mineral water. Add 10g. gelatin, stir and heat. Let the product stand for a quarter of an hour.
  2. During this time, squeeze out the juice from two stalks of aloe vera, add it to the previous mixture. Apply the mask around the eyes. Let it work for half an hour.

Melon and honey

  1. Cut a slice from a juicy melon, peel it from seeds and peel. Scroll the pulp in a blender, then mix with 20 gr. honey, 10 ml. almond oil.
  2. Take a steam bath, hold your face over it for 7 minutes. Then scrub the epidermis and apply the prepared product. Put gauze on top, remove the mask after 20 minutes.

Milk and mint

  1. It is recommended to use fresh mint or lemon balm leaves for this mask. You will need 30-40 gr. plants. Rinse it, mash it in a mortar or blender, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add 40 ml. fat milk or yogurt (natural, liquid), mix. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour, then dip a cotton swab into the mixture. Wipe your face, wait until dry and rinse.

Cinnamon and cucumber

  1. The mask is suitable only for those with oily skin with enlarged pores. Make a gruel from 1 cucumber, place it on a bandage and squeeze out the juice. Add 3 g. chopped cinnamon.
  2. Leave the product on for a quarter of an hour. Then dip a cotton pad into it, lubricate your face. Wash with cool water after 20 minutes.

Masks based on raspberries, strawberries, melons, cucumbers, cabbage, apples, etc. have a powerful moisturizing effect. Fruits and berries are mixed with dairy products, honey, oils. After distributing the product, do not strain the muscles, the face should be as relaxed as possible. Lie down to rest, don't laugh, don't talk.

Video: moisturizing banana face mask

The skin begins to deteriorate and wear out when it loses its natural moisture. In order to retain moisture, you can use a variety of home cosmetics. Like our body, skin is 70% water and has the ability to evaporate through the pores. With insufficient moisture in the skin, an intensive process of cellular aging occurs. As a result, unexpected wrinkles are observed, and the epidermis makes itself felt, flaking and peeling.

Women whose skin is constantly dry are most susceptible to the need to moisturize the face. But this does not mean at all that even a normal epidermis does not require cellular water saturation through regular procedures. To leave silky and clean skin for a long time, washing is not enough, but moisturizing masks, trace elements that enter the depths of the skin, will serve your face perfectly.

Similar masks are good for constant use. In the summer they need to be used about 2-3 times a week, and in the winter at least 1 time. To be honest, in order for the epidermis to regain its original shape, it is advisable for women with inflamed and dry skin to carry out procedures every day. Moisturizing masks are one of the best anti-dry skin products and are easy to make yourself.

How to apply moisturizing masks?

First, to start making yourself a mask, you need to thoroughly clean your skin, remove all excess dirt.

Against shrinkage, a nourishing cream will work to help dry skin, and it will be enough just to moisten the oily epidermis with a towel or napkin.

Try using a hot compress immediately before applying the mask itself, this is a bonus to the effect. When the mask works, it is advisable to relax, sit comfortably in an armchair and listen to your favorite music.

Better time than before bed, you can't imagine using a mask. If it turns out that the operation takes place during the day, then it would be wise to stay at home for a couple of hours.

Homemade moisturizing mask recipes

There are various products that are great for making your own mask: berries, honey, fruits and vegetables.

Zucchini mask

The removed and finely grated squash pulp is placed on a cotton cloth, wait 15 minutes, then remove. The epidermis is hydrated, while metabolism is stimulated. The mask is ideal against dry-looking skin, you feel refreshed at the end of the operation.

Moisturizing mask with honey

Perhaps this will be the best choice against skin peeling. It is necessary to mix 50 g of honey with 1 yolk and 50 g of vegetable oil. The resulting mass must be slightly warmed up before applying. It is necessary to apply the mask in even layers, each with pauses of 6-7 minutes. The mask is removed with a sponge or cotton swab, which has been previously soaked in linden broth.

Oatmeal Moisturizing Mask

For her, 2 large tablespoons of oatmeal porridge are cooked in milk, in the end you should get something similar to mashed potatoes. Then we give her time to cool down, it remains to pour a little honey. Then leave the warm mask to lie for 20 minutes.

Viburnum face mask with moisturizing effect

Fresh crumbled viburnum leaves are placed on the skin, carefully lubricated with a greasy layer of cream. We leave for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the operation, a surge of tone is felt.

Mask with the addition of carrots

Combine 1 large spoonful of cream with 1 yolk, then mix with one small spoonful of carrot juice, and apply, wait about 20 minutes. The mask is removed with warmed vegetable oil and cool water. It moisturizes, invigorates, rejuvenates and gives a pleasant complexion. It is used for dry, dull skin with a grayish pale shade.

Sea buckthorn for face skin

A thin layer of cloth or napkins with more than one gauze layer is moistened in sea buckthorn juice, then squeezed out a little and put on the face in the form of a mask for 15-20 minutes. Before this, the skin is washed or cleansed with lotion. The mask is removed, and the face must be wiped first with a wet and then with a dry cotton swab. 1-1.5 large tablespoons of squeezed juice will be enough for one operation. The cycle of operations is 2-4 receptions weekly, their number is 15-20. Great for dry to normal skin.

Moisturizing curd mask

We take such ingredients as olive oil, milk, cottage cheese and carrot juice, and mix in the same amount, spread the mass on the neck and face. Rinse off everything with warm water. Finally, run a piece of ice over your neck and face.

Chamomile mask with moisturizing effect

Fill 3 large spoons of dried chamomile inflorescences with 200 ml of hot water, then everything is cooled and filtered. 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil is poured into the gruel, mixed well, applied between 2 layers of cotton cloth. After 35 minutes, the mass is removed with a cotton swab, which must be dipped into warm water before that. The mask works wonderfully on dry skin and relaxes.

Cucumber mask

This is suitable for everyone, especially it works wonderfully on tired skin. Beat 1 large spoonful of squeezed cucumber juice and the same amount of heavy cream until frothy. The mask is applied in a thick layer for 20 minutes. You need to clean it with a wet warm napkin or towel. It will be great if you wash your face with mineral water at the end.

Carrot-apple face mask

We rub the apple and carrots on a grater and mix, put this mass on the face. Wait about 20 minutes. The mask is well suited for flabby and flabby skin, having the property of moisturizing.

Egg honey mask

Perfect for oily skin. Take two egg whites, with the addition of 30 grams of real honey and 0.5 teaspoon of peach or almond oil. We achieve the same type of gruel. Next, put 2 large spoons of fine oatmeal porridge. We leave the mask for 20 minutes, it is washed off first with warm water, and then with a cool compress.

Moisturizing Express Mask

With it, it is easy and quick to achieve radiant skin. Take one yolk and combine it with 100 grams of sour cream with zest. We are waiting for the mass to be infused in a covered dish for about 15 minutes. Finally, pour out 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Now we mix everything, it's done. Spread on the face with a large layer for 20 minutes, then remove with mineral water. This recipe takes time to make, but it's worth it.

Anti-dry skin mask

Grated apple on 1 large spoon, butter, also 1 spoon and 1 yolk with 1 small spoon of honey (only if you are not allergic to it). Rub the well-grated apple with butter. Add the honey-whipped egg yolk to the butter and apple mixture. Everything is mixed and placed in a thin layer on the skin of the face and neck, wait 20 minutes. What is left is removed with a napkin. Skin replenishment is done before going to bed, it is then that the mask is preferable to use.

Fresh mask for face skin

Pour two tablespoons of finely grated cucumber or apple with hot milk, just a little bit. Then we heat it in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. We combine the mass that we have with oatmeal or ground rolled oats to a medium viscosity consistency. The gruel, while still warm, is put on the face and after 15 minutes it is washed off with cool water, adding vinegar or fruit juice.

Masks have many healing functions - skin rejuvenation through blood circulation, removal of unnecessary wrinkles. They improve your skin, leaving it youthful and firm. Today there is a large selection, there are quick masks for 5-10 minutes. Of course, they are not suitable for a long time, but in order to improve their appearance for the better in a short time, they are irreplaceable. It is best to use masks at home and apply in cycles of 15 procedures at your pleasure. It must be remembered that you need to take care of your skin all year round. Therefore, take care of her more often, do not be lazy. Thus, you will always look your best.

It is very important to maintain and replenish the natural moisture balance of the skin. Homemade moisturizing masks made from natural ingredients do this well.

Dry skin can be caused by genetic predisposition, weather conditions, diet, excessive washing, and other reasons. Dry skin loses its elasticity, flakes, is prone to wrinkles, there is a feeling of tightness. It is very important to maintain and replenish the natural moisture balance of the skin. Moisturizing face masks made from natural ingredients do this well.

Moisturizing masks for facial skin of different types

The ingredients for homemade moisturizing face masks should be selected based on skin type. Naturally dry skin needs natural oils. Mixtures based on coconut oil, olive oil, argan oil, almond oil and shea butter are suitable. Oily skin, which is prone to comedogenic formation, requires lighter hydration, moreover, antibacterial, astringent and pore-tightening components should not be neglected in caring for this type of skin. To moisturize oily skin at home, you can use various herbal decoctions, berry and fruit purees, egg white, citrus juice, honey, green and pink clay. Normal and combination skin also needs light moisturizing masks, but it is permissible to add vegetable oils to their base, albeit in smaller doses than for dry skin. Sensitive skin masks are blended in the same way as dry masks, but add soothing products such as aloe vera gel or chamomile tea and avoid ingredients that could trigger an allergic reaction. Mature skin needs the most intense hydration, antioxidants and products that stimulate collagen synthesis. This type of skin needs moisturizing oil masks with vitamins A, E and C, egg yolk, and fermented milk products.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Make a homemade moisturizing mask for dry skin with almond oil, shea butter, and coconut oil. Almond oil restores the acid-base balance of the epidermis, makes the skin soft and elastic, gives a healthy glow, and is quickly absorbed. Almond seed oil contains B vitamins, vitamins A and E, calcium, zinc and iron. These micronutrients are beneficial for any facial skin. Shea Butter, or Shea Butter, has a pleasant nutty scent, contains vitamins A and E, and twice as much saturated fatty acids as most other natural oils, including olive oil and grape seed oil. Coconut oil not only perfectly moisturizes, but also forms a thin, non-absorbable film on the skin, which is able to protect the skin from dryness, dirt and exposure to harmful UV rays. Bergamot essential oil, which is also part of this mask, is able to normalize endogenous processes that regulate the normal fluid content in the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis. You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 3 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Melt the coconut oil and shea butter in a water bath, cool and add the remaining oils. Stir well and use your fingertips to apply to cleansed face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. Pat dry your face with a soft dry towel and apply moisturizer.

Natural moisturizing mask for oily skin

French green clay is most effective when it comes to absorbing fats and toxins from the upper layers of the epidermis, in addition, green clay has antibacterial properties, nourishes the skin, saturating useful minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium and iron. Based on this clay, you can also prepare a moisturizing mask for oily skin. Take:

  • 1 tablespoon dry green clay
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 3-4 tablespoons of mint broth;
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil.

Pour the clay into a bowl and add the mint water. Let the clay sit for 5 minutes to absorb the liquid, then knead vigorously to form a smooth, thick paste. Add honey and stir again. The mask should be of the consistency of liquid sour cream. Add a little more broth if necessary. Add lemon essential oil and stir again. Apply the mask to clean, steamed skin and leave on for 15 minutes. If the clay begins to dry earlier, spray your face with distilled water using a spray bottle. Rinse off the mask with warm water, avoiding harsh rubbing. Rub your skin with toner and apply a light moisturizer.

Recipe for a moisturizing face mask for normal skin

Use a combination of natural ingredients known for their beneficial properties to moisturize normal skin. You will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of natural honey.

Whisk the egg white lightly until light foam forms, mix with honey and add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mask to the previously cleansed face, avoiding the eye and lip area. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, pat dry with a clean towel and apply moisturizer.

Egg white nourishes the skin, tightens and removes fine wrinkles. Lemon juice has astringent and whitening properties. Honey is a natural moisturizer that can attract moisture and retain it in the upper and deep layers of the epidermis.

Moisturizing mask for sensitive skin

Prepare a homemade mask for sensitive skin from:

  • 1/2 mango;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil.

Place the mango pieces in a blender and smooth into a smooth puree, add egg yolk and chamomile essential oil. Mix well and apply with a cosmetic spatula to cleansed skin. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water. Remember to pat dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer.

Mango contains vitamin A (retinol), which stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. Egg yolk moisturizes and soothes sore skin. Chamomile essential oil relieves inflammation, itching, manifestations of allergic reactions, fights rosacea.

Moisturizing mask for mature skin

An avocado works well as a mask base for mature skin. This fruit is a source of lecithin, which repairs damaged skin cells and stimulates the formation of new ones. Lecithin has a softening and tonic effect, helps fatty substances to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Take:

  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of heavy cream;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 chicken egg.

Grate the carrots and squeeze out the juice. Remove the skin from the avocado half and place the pulp in a blender bowl. Add carrot juice, cream and egg. Purée the mixture with a blender until a thick, homogeneous paste forms. Using your fingertips, apply onto cleansed face and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse with alternating warm and cool water, pat dry with a soft towel and apply moisturizer.

The combination of egg, avocado, cream and carrot juice will save skin from dryness, improve tone, stimulate collagen production and get rid of recurrent age spots.

Comment on the article "Moisturizing face masks at home: 5 best recipes"

owners of dry and very dry skin ... The dry layer of the skin exfoliates, and the new one again remains unprotected from moisture loss. When it starts pinching, the mask needs to be washed off. This mask whitens the face well and cleanses the skin from acne.


Me and mycelia is good with the simplest, rose water or the subject of the same make-up remover wipes from the intimo sano series, do not dry and even wash off normal mascara.

Isn't it easier to clean with any make-up cleaner and then spread with a good moisturizer?

How do you apply alginate masks? Facial care. Fashion and beauty. Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. In continuation of the morning topic about alginate masks - it looks like it’s for me too.

- For adolescents with dry and normal skin, home care is enough, they usually do not need professional procedures. The application of the cream is the next step in the care. A light moisturizer is ideal for dry to normal skin.


My daughter sometimes uses the Pure Line.
And I can also tell a horror story about how in my childhood (i.e. a long time ago) my mother took out an acne cream somewhere, and from it a fluff appeared all over my face, I don’t remember exactly which one, but it was, we were terrible got scared, threw it away, everything was restored.

creams - no, but the washbasin is good - Neutrodzhena. and to her anti-oily lotion.

But this mask is only superficial moisturizing, it will not give deep - too large a molecule of hyaluronic .. Recipe for a moisturizing mask for dry skin of the face Natural moisturizing mask for oily skin Dry skin loses elasticity, flakes, prone to ...


Planet! I had a similar situation, the pores were completely clogged and nothing helped, I tried everything I could. a friend advised me to use a proactive. after a month, the result is tangible, I got rid of any imperfections on my face, if necessary, you can use it for two months, but one was enough for me. try it.

I read the entire thread.
I will join those who are talking about the abused skin.

Unfortunately, when irritation reaches "the whole face is peeling, in places even some reddish islets", then IMHO - this already needs to be resolved only through a dermatologist. I don’t want to croak, but we must first remove the issue of allergies / neurodermatitis and all kinds of evil spirits such as ticks.

And then you will take sedative measures, but it turns out that it was necessary to CURE it. God forbid, of course, it will cost, our ladies usually exaggerate their problems, tk. look in the mirror at a distance of 5cm :))))

solving such problems by typing, i.e. busting some sedatives, WITHOUT DETECTING REASONS - usually uh .. not very effective.

Good luck! In 30 years - everything will recover quickly !! if you find a reason .. :)

Price 350 r. Suitable for oily and combi skins. Effectively cleanses, improving complexion. Home moisturizing face masks: 5 best recipes. Dry skin loses its elasticity, flakes, is prone to wrinkles, there is a feeling of tightness.


I sometimes use it as an eye mask, but the best use for me is hair masks. And it is also good to add to henna, but this is for those who dye their hair with henna - then the hair does not dry out, it is elastic and shiny. Yes, and it has a short shelf life, I've personally packed my packaging in small sealed bottles and keep it in the freezer.

It must be heated to body temperature. Or apply to your hands and rub, apot already on the desired area, or, if the package is small, just warm it in your hand / pocket.
But I agree that it will not work as an alternative to cream.

All my adult life I have very dry skin, especially on my forehead. Usually I smear all the creams on wet skin (I've tried a lot of things), but right now nothing helps at all - even our super-fat creams such as luxury, gerontol, and so on. Plus, I was not lucky with the next ...


Try the cream "F 99" bold or bold, sold in pharmacies, it costs about 100 rubles, we even passed diathesis crusts. I also liked the cream for dl VERY dry skin Johnson Baby Cream Special Care

Try Garraud's Hydro range of creams and day and night very rich. Under them, you can try a moisturizing fluid from the same Garraud. I really like

02/08/2007 11:54:53, Madu

As for moisturizers. Any moisturizer (even medical ointments) burns very much when applied to damaged skin. Moisturizing day cream for combination skin is worse, but not bad either. Now I tried their moisturizing mask with aloe and violet.


thanks to all.

This happens to me when I start using a new cream. There is no redness and swelling, just a slight tingling and burning sensation. It passes through several applications.
As for moisturizers. Any moisturizer (even medical ointments) burns very much when applied to damaged skin. If the skin is very dry, it is by definition damaged. When it cools, the burning sensation goes away. How unpleasant it is to reanimate the skin on the nose after a cold :)))
By the way, the best moisturizer I've ever used is a night cream for dry skin (I have a combined one with dry areas in winter) "Pure Line" with aloe and wheat germ, it seems. Used both day and evening. The result is noticeable. More expensive creams, up to suites, did not give such an effect. Moisturizing day cream for combination skin is worse, but not bad either. Now I tried their moisturizing mask with aloe and violet. Light peeling + mask + cream = mimic wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed. Try it! The issue price is 30 rubles.

It is believed that moisturizers for normal to dry skin are absolutely not suitable for combination and oily skin, and only often the phrase oil-free makes poor owners of oily skin and enlarged pores buy cosmetics that are ...


Here's a more comprehensive list of comedogenic ingredients. The higher the number, the worse. But this is general information, you have to look at your skin.

PEG 16 Lanolin- 4
Acetlyated Lanolin- 4
Ethoxylated Lanolin- 3
Anhydrous Lanolin- 2
Lanolin Alcohol- 2
Lanolin Oil- 1

Acids, Esters, & Ethers
Stearic Acid- 3
Isopropyl Myristate- 5
Myristyl myristate- 5
Myristyl Lactate- 4
Isopropyl Neonpentanoate- 3
Isopropyl Isotearate- 5
Isopropyl Palmitate- 4
Butyl Stearate- 3
Decyl Oleate- 3
Isodecyl Oleate- 4
2-Elyhyl Hexyl Palmitate- 4
PPG2 Myristyl Propionate- 4
Diocetyl Succinate- 3
Glyceryl 3 Distearate- 4
Ascorbyl Palmitate- 2
Disopropyl Adipate- 0
Ethylene Glycol Monostearate- 0
Polyethelene Glycol (PEG) 400 - 1
PEG 75 Lanolin- 3
PEG 5 Soya Sterol- 3
PEG 8 Stearate- 3
PEG 100 Stearate- 1
PEG 100 Distearate- 2
PEG 150 Distearate- 2
PEG 200 Diluarate- 3
Disodium Monocleanido
PEG 2 Sulfosuccinate- 4
Laureth 4-5
Laureth 23- 3
Steareth 2- 2
Steareth 10- 4
Steareth 20- 2
Steareth 100 - 0

Alcohols, Glycols, Sugars
SD Alcohol 40- 0
Isopropyl Alcohol- 0
Cetyl Alcohol- 3
Oleyl Alcohol- 4
Hexadecyl Alcohol- 5
Cetearyl Alcohol - Cetearth 20- 4
Propylene Glycol- 0
Butylene Glycol- 1
Hexylene Glycol- 2
PG Caprylate / Capric- 1
PG Dipelargonate- 2
Carboxymethyl Cellulose- 1
Carboxypropyl Cellulose- 1
Magnesium Aluminum Silicate- 0
Carbomer 940-1
Bentonite- 0
Kaolin- 0
Sorbitol- 0
Sorbitan Laurate- 1
Sorbitan Sesquinoleate- 3
Glycerin- 0
Glyceryl Stearate NSE- -1
Glyceryl Stearate SE- -3

Cocoa Butter- 4
Coconut Butter- 4
Crisco- 3
Sesame Oil- 3
Avocado Oil- 3
Mink Oil- 3
Soybean Oil- 3
Wheat Germ Glyceride- 3
Sulfated Castor Oil- 3
Cotton Seed Oil- 3
Peanut Oil- 2
Olive Oil- 2
Sandalwood Seed Oil- 3
Almond Oil- 2
Apricot Kernel Oil- 2
Castor Oil- 1
Hydrogenated Castor Oil- 1
Chaulmoogra Oil Squalene- 1
Safflower Oil- 0
Sunflower Oil- 0
Mineral Oil- 0
Petrolatum- 0

D&C Red # 4- 2
D&C Red # 9- 1
D&C Red # 21- 2
D&C Red # 30- 3
D&C Red # 36- 3
D&C Red # 40- 2
Ultramarine Violet- 0
Iron Oxides- 0
Carmine- 0
Chromium Hydroxide- 0
Titanium Dioxide- 0

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate- 4
Polysorbate 20- 0

Cholesterol- 0
Soya Sterol- 0
Choleth 24- 0

Vitamins & Herbs
PG Monostearate- 3
Tocopherol- 3
Black Walnut Extract- 0
Papain- 0

Methyl Paraben- 0
Allatonin- 0

Candelilla Wax- 1
Carnuba Wax- 1
Ceresin Wax- 0
Beeswax- 2
Lanolin Wax- 1
Jojoba Oil- 2
Sulfated Jojoba Oil- 3

Octyl Dimethyl PABA- 0
Oxybenzone- 0
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether- 0
Xylene- 4
Simethicone- 1
Lithium Stearate- 1
Magnesium Stearate- 1
Triethanolamine- 2
Aminomethylpropionate- 0

Harmful substances
... sebum thickens, turning into a viscous mass - "sebum" Friction increases, the pressure of liquid protein and accumulated sebum in the bulb increases.
... that restoring hair growth is essentially simple. It is necessary to fluidize the sebum in the canal, suck it out and relieve the spasm of the vessel when the pressure in the follicle decreases. However, in reality, not everything is so simple. First, you need to liquefy the sebum. and not sebum, it must fulfill its ...
08/06/2004 - 87 Kb - - Restore text - Find similar - Rubric: Medicine

The skin on the face is exposed to numerous negative factors every day, which provoke dryness and loss of vital moisture. To maintain a normal level of hydration of the skin, you need to take good care of it, use natural cosmetics, and also make moisturizing masks that help to solve the problem in a short time. What products help saturate the epidermis with moisture and how to prepare effective masks to moisturize the skin of the face with our own hands, we will tell in today's article.

Natural products to help moisturize the skin

There is a list of foods that, when consumed regularly, help to replenish the lack of moisture and prevent future dryness of the skin.

  • Plain water... Pure spring or spring water is the basic source of hydration for the body. In order for all organs and systems to work smoothly, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. You can also moisturize your skin with water. To do this, it should be treated with boiled, mineral or infused water, make decoctions, freeze and wipe the dermis with ice cubes. In addition to its moisturizing effect, water also perfectly tones and tightens the skin, making it look younger and more attractive.
  • Fruits, berries and vegetables... In addition to precious moisture, these products also contain a huge amount of vitamins that support the healthy appearance and color of the dermis. Due to the presence of elements such as magnesium, fluoride, potassium, iron, calcium, etc., as well as vitamins A, B, C, D and E, the fruits of these plants are ideal ingredients for creating moisturizing and nourishing face masks.
  • Various oils... These products effectively moisturize, nourish and tone the dermis, which is why oil masks are recommended for dry and peeling skin. To moisturize the skin, sunflower, burdock, olive, corn, castor and rose oil should be used. These products contain fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements that cope with aging of the skin, restore it to a fresh look and healthy color, and also help to normalize the moisture level in the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Bee Honey... This product is a valuable carrier of nutrients that help the skin to stay young and fresh. Honey tones the dermis, gently cleanses it, activates regeneration processes, and also fights inflammation and redness.
  • Dairy products... As part of dairy products, you can find vitamins A, D, B12, PP, B2 and the following trace elements: phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. These substances tone the skin, moisturize it, promote rejuvenation, whitening and good nutrition.
  • Chicken eggs... These products are rich in macro- and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and the whole body. Egg masks effectively nourish, tone and moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis, soften it and prevent irritation and redness.

The presence of the listed ingredients in the mask will provide it with high functionality and maximum effectiveness. Do not forget that all products must be fresh, otherwise the action of the remedy you have created can give the opposite result and provoke the occurrence of diseases and problems, for the treatment of which you will have to spend a lot of effort.

Homemade moisturizing masks

Folk recipes for masks are highly effective and have a lot of other positive qualities. First, it is beneficial to use home remedies. most of the ingredients are inexpensive and are often found in every household's medicine cabinet or refrigerator. Secondly, the quality and naturalness of the components of the mask will not cause you any doubts. Thirdly, on your own you can prepare such a remedy that does not cause allergies and is calmly transferred by your skin. Fourthly, you will have a great time, you can relax and enjoy the exciting process of maintaining your beauty and health. We present recipes for folk remedies for moisturizing the epidermis below:

  • Aloe and flour mask... We make mashed potatoes from aloe leaf using a blender or meat grinder, add 15 g of liquid glycerin and oat flour. Cover the entire face with a creamy composition and wait 20 minutes, remove the product with plain water, decoction or tonic.
  • Apple mask... Before creating a mask, prepare the following ingredients: make mashed potatoes from an apple using a grater or blender, grind the rolled oats in a coffee grinder or blender, heat the goat milk to 35 degrees. We mix all the components and distribute in a dense layer on the dermis. We wash off the product with ordinary or vinegar water.
  • Milk curd mask... We heat 40 ml of milk to 38 degrees and mix with warm cottage cheese, as a result, you should get a mass of cream consistency. Apply it to the skin with a cotton pad or spatula for half an hour or an hour, remove it with a decoction, tonic, ordinary or vinegar water.
  • Olive oil mask... In a water bath, heat 85-90 ml of olive oil and combine it with liquid vitamins A and E (5 g each). We dip a thin cotton or linen napkin into the mixture (if there are none, then make a napkin of 3 layers of gauze) and put it on the skin for a quarter of an hour. We remove it with ordinary or vinegar water at the optimum temperature (34-36 degrees).
  • Lemon honey mask... In a water bath, heat 15 g of honey and pour 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice into it. Stir the product and apply with a brush on the skin of the neck and face. We remove the composition with ordinary or lemon water after half an hour or an hour.
  • Chamomile decoction mask... Pour 30-40 g of dry chamomile collection into a glass container and pour a glass of boiling water, cover the container and leave for half an hour. Then, using a sieve, we remove the raw materials from the herbs and pour 10 ml of oil (castor oil, from olive, burdock, rose, sunflower or corn) into the resulting liquid. Dip a gauze, linen or cotton napkin into the composition and leave it on the face for half an hour, remove it with the remaining decoction or ordinary water of the optimal temperature.
  • Squash mask... We peel the fruit of a young zucchini and use a blender or grater to make puree from it. We combine 90 g of squash gruel with 10 ml of oil (castor oil, from olive, burdock, rose, sunflower or corn). We apply the composition in a thick layer on a gauze napkin, fold it in half and put it on the skin. We remove it with ordinary or vinegar water after half an hour.
  • Sour cream and potato mask... Steam 2 unpeeled potatoes and use a fork, grater or blender to puree them. Add 80-90 g of low-fat sour cream (maximum fat content - 15%), stir the composition and cover the skin of the neck and face with it. We remove it with ordinary or vinegar water after half an hour or an hour.
  • Sea buckthorn juice mask... We survive from ripe sea buckthorn berries (at least 30 ml). We dip a cotton napkin, gauze or flax into it, cover the face and hold it for half an hour, remove it with broth, tonic, lemon, ordinary or vinegar water.
  • Linden decoction mask... Put 20 g of dry lime blossom in a glass container and pour 60-80 ml of boiling water. Filter the cooled broth and pour in 7-10 ml of oil (castor oil, from olive, burdock, rose, sunflower or corn) and add 20 g of oat flour. Mix the composition and apply to the skin in several layers, remove after half an hour or an hour with a tonic, the remaining broth or boiled water.
  • Tomato and starch mask... Peel the yellow or red tomato, put it in a deep plate and use a fork to turn it into a homogeneous mass. Add 15 g / ml of starch and olive oil to it, stir and spread it evenly over the dermis of the entire face with a spatula or thick brush. We remove the product with lotion, ordinary or vinegar water after half an hour.
  • Sour cream and citrus mask... Combine 35 g of sour cream (low-fat) and yogurt (can be replaced with kefir). Squeeze juice from a quarter of lemon and orange fruit and pour it into a mixture of fermented milk products. Stir everything and evenly cover the dermis with a spatula, cotton pad or thick brush. We wash off the mass with broth or ordinary water after half an hour.
  • Oil mask... We heat oil to 37 degrees (from olive, burdock, rose, sunflower, corn or castor oil). We dip a linen, gauze or cotton napkin into it and cover the entire face, remove it after an hour with tonic or broth.
  • Carrot cream and juice mask... Combine 10 g of freshly squeezed carrot juice with 20 ml of low-fat cream and raw chicken yolk, stir the mass and apply a thin layer on the dermis with a cotton swab, thick brush or spatula. Remove after a quarter of an hour with a decoction, tonic or boiled water.
  • Mask of various herbal decoctions... We mix collections of such herbs and plants: yarrow, strawberry leaves, chamomile, hop cones and St. John's wort (10 g each). We put them in a glass dish and pour a glass of boiling water, let it cool, and separate the vegetable raw materials from the liquid. Add raw yolk, liquid honey (10 g) and 20 ml of fresh apple juice to the broth. Stir the composition and wipe the epidermis with it at least 3 times. Remove after half an hour or an hour with a decoction, ordinary or boiled water.
  • Milk almond mask... Grind 100 g of almonds in a coffee grinder and dilute with sour milk, as a result, you should get a creamy mass. Apply it with a cotton swab, spatula or thick brush with a dense layer on the dermis of the entire face, remove it with ordinary water or decoction after half an hour.
  • Milk Banana Mask... From the ripe fruit of a banana, using a blender or fork, make mashed potatoes and pour 60-70 ml of milk into it, stir the mixture and apply it to the skin with a spatula or brush. We wash off the product after half an hour with ordinary water.
  • Onion and Dandelion Mask... Pour sunflower oil (no more than 100 ml) into a saucepan or ladle, add chopped onion and 5 dandelion flowers to it. We put the composition on the stove over low heat for 10 minutes. After the oily mass has cooled, remove the plant materials and pour the oil into a glass bottle. Use the mask to wipe your face before bed or use it as a makeup remover.
  • Bee honey mask... We dilute 40 g of honey in 80-90 g of warm water. We dip a gauze, cotton or linen napkin into honey water and cover our face with it, after 15 minutes we repeat the procedure. We remove the composition with ordinary water or decoction.
  • Chicken egg and butter mask... Pour 10 ml of sunflower oil and 10 g of fresh lemon juice into the fresh raw yolk. Stir the mixture and dip a gauze or cloth napkin into it, put it on the face for 5 minutes, and then repeat the procedure. In total, you need to moisten the napkin 3 times. We wash off the composition with plain or boiled water.

Hydration of the epidermis is an integral part of skin care. With the correct and timely implementation of the necessary procedures, your face will look young and healthy, it will be able to get rid of existing problems on it, and the skin will become soft, smooth and velvety. Use homemade moisturizing face masks as often as possible and your skin will thank you.