The most famous traitors in the history of human society. What is meanness and betrayal

In history, it is often not the names of the heroes that remain, but the names of traitors and defectors. These people do great harm to one side, and benefit to the other. But all the same, they are despised by both. Naturally, one cannot do without confusing cases when a person's guilt is difficult to prove. However, history has preserved several of the most obvious and classic cases that do not raise any doubts. We will tell below about the most famous traitors in history.

Judas Iscariot. The name of this man has been serving as a symbol of betrayal for about two thousand years. At the same time, the nationalities of people do not play a role. Everyone knows the biblical story when Judas Iscariot betrayed his teacher Christ for thirty pieces of silver, dooming him to torment. But then 1 slave cost twice as much! The kiss of Judas has become a classic image of duplicity, meanness and betrayal. This man was one of the twelve apostles who were present with Jesus at his last supper. There were thirteen people and after that this number was considered unlucky. There was even a phobia, fear of this number. The story goes that Judas was born on April 1, also on a rather unusual day. But the traitor's story is rather unclear and full of pitfalls. The fact is that Judas was the keeper of the cash register of the community of Jesus and his disciples. There was much more money there than 30 pieces of silver. Thus, in need of money, Judas could simply steal it without betraying his teacher. Not so long ago, the world learned about the existence of the "Gospel of Judas", where Iscariot is depicted as the only and faithful disciple of Christ. And the betrayal was committed precisely on the orders of Jesus, and Judas took responsibility for his action. According to legend, Iscariot committed suicide immediately after his deed. The image of this traitor has been repeatedly described in books, films, legends. Different versions of his betrayal and motivation are considered. Today the name of this person is given to those who are suspected of treason. For example, Lenin called Trotsky a Judas back in 1911. He also found his "plus" in Iscariot - the struggle against Christianity. Trotsky even wanted to erect monuments to Judas in several cities of the country.

Mark Junius Brutus. Everyone knows the legendary phrase of Julius Caesar: "And you, Brutus?" This traitor is known, albeit not as widely as Judas, but also one of the legendary ones. Moreover, he committed his betrayal 77 years before the history of the Iscariot. The two traitors are also related by the fact that they both committed suicide. Mark Brutus was Julius Caesar's best friend, according to some data, this could even be his illegitimate son. However, it was he who led the conspiracy against the popular politician, taking a direct part in his assassination. But Caesar showered his favorite with honors and titles, endowing him with power. But Brutus's entourage forced him to participate in a conspiracy against the dictator. Mark was among several conspiratorial senators who pierced Caesar with their swords. Seeing Brutus in their ranks, he bitterly and exclaimed his famous phrase, which became his last. Wanting happiness for the people and power, Brutus made a mistake in his plans - Rome did not support him. After a series of civil wars and defeats, Mark realized that he was left without everything - without a family, power, a friend. Betrayal and murder took place in 44 BC, and just two years later, Brutus threw himself on his sword.

Wang Jingwei. In our country, this traitor is not so famous, but he has a notoriety in China. It is often incomprehensible how ordinary and normal people suddenly become traitors. Wang Jingwei was born in 1883, when he turned 21, he entered a Japanese university. There he met Sun-Yat Sen, a famous revolutionary from China. He influenced the young man so much that he became a real revolutionary fanatic. Together with Sen, Jingwei became a regular participant in anti-government revolutionary uprisings. Unsurprisingly, he soon ended up in jail. There Wang served several years, leaving us freedom in 1911. All this time, Sen kept in touch with him, morally supporting and taking care of him. As a result of the revolutionary struggle, Sen and his associates won a victory and came to power in 1920. But in 1925, Sun-Yat died, and it was Jingwei who replaced him as the leader of China. But soon the Japanese invaded the country. It was here that Jingway committed the most real betrayal. He essentially did not fight for the independence of China, giving it over to the invaders. National interests were trampled in favor of the Japanese. As a result, when a crisis erupted in China, and the country most needed an experienced manager, Jingway simply left it. Wang clearly joined the conquerors. However, he did not have time to feel the bitterness of defeat, since he died even before the fall of Japan. But the name Wang Jingwei got into all Chinese textbooks, as a synonym for betrayal towards his country.

Hetman Mazepa. This man in modern Russian history is considered the most important traitor, even the church has anathematized him. But in modern Ukrainian history, the hetman, on the contrary, is a national hero. So what was his betrayal or was it still a feat? For a long time, the hetman of the Zaporizhzhya Army was one of the most loyal allies of Peter I, helping him in the Azov campaigns. However, everything changed when the Swedish king Charles XII came out against the Russian tsar. He, wishing to find an ally for himself, promised Mazepa Ukrainian independence in case of victory in the Northern War. The hetman could not resist such a tasty slice of the pie. In 1708 he went over to the side of the Swedes, but just a year later their united army was defeated near Poltava. For his treason (Mazepa swore allegiance to Peter), the Russian Empire stripped him of all awards and titles and subjected him to civil execution. Mazepa fled to Bendery, which then belonged to the Ottoman Empire, and soon died there in 1709. According to legend, his death was terrible - lice ate him.

Aldrich Ames. This high-ranking CIA officer had a distinguished career. Everyone predicted him a long and successful job, and then a highly paid pension. But his life turned upside down, thanks to love. Ames married a Russian beauty, it turned out that she was a KGB agent. The woman immediately began to demand from her husband to provide her with a beautiful life in order to fully meet the American dream. While the officers in the CIA make good money, it was not enough for the constantly required new jewelry and cars. As a result, the unfortunate Ames began to drink too much. Under the influence of alcohol, he had no choice but to start selling secrets from his work. A buyer quickly appeared on them - the USSR. As a result, during his betrayal, Ames gave the enemy of his country information about all secret agents who worked in the Soviet Union. The USSR also learned about a hundred covert military operations conducted by the Americans. For this, the officer received about 4.6 million US dollars. However, all the secret someday becomes apparent. Ames was discovered and sentenced to life in prison. The special services experienced a real shock and scandal, the traitor became their biggest failure in their entire existence. The CIA has long retreated from the harm done by one single person. But he only needed funds for an insatiable wife. That, by the way, when everything was clarified, was simply deported to South America.

Vidkun Quisling. This man's family was one of the oldest in Norway, his father served as a Lutheran priest. Vidkun himself studied very well and chose a military career. Having risen to the rank of major, Quisling was able to enter the government of his country, holding the post of defense minister there from 1931 to 1933. In 1933, Vidkun founded his own political party "National Accord", where he received a membership card for the first number. He began to call himself Fuehrer, which was very reminiscent of the Fuehrer. In 1936, the party gathered quite a lot of votes in the elections, becoming very influential in the country. When the Nazis came to Norway in 1940, Quisling suggested that the locals submit to them and not resist. Although the politician himself was from an ancient respected family, the country immediately dubbed him a traitor. The Norwegians themselves began to wage a fierce struggle against the invaders. Then Quisling came up with a plan in response to take Jews out of Norway, sending them directly to the deadly Auschwitz. However, history rewarded the politician who betrayed his people what he deserved. On May 9, 1945, Quisling was arrested. While in prison, he still managed to declare that he was a martyr and strove to create a great country. But justice found otherwise, and on October 24, 1945, Quisling was shot for high treason.

Prince Andrey Mikhailovich Kurbsky. This boyar was one of the most loyal associates of Ivan the Terrible. It was Kurbsky who commanded the Russian army in the Livonian War. But with the beginning of the oprichnina of the eccentric king, many hitherto loyal boyars fell into disgrace. Among them was Kurbsky. Fearing for his fate, he left his family and in 1563 defected to the service of the Polish king Sigismund. And already in September of the following year, he marched together with the conquerors against Moscow. Kurbsky knew very well how the Russian defense and the army were organized. Thanks to the traitor, the Poles were able to win many important battles. They set up ambushes, took people prisoner, bypassing the outposts. Kurbsky began to be considered the first Russian dissident. The Poles consider the boyar a great man, but in Russia he is a traitor. However, we should not talk about treason to the country, but about treason personally to Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Pavlik Morozov. This boy had a heroic image for a long time in Soviet history and culture. At the same time, he passed under the first number, among the children-heroes. Pavlik Morozov even got into the book of honor of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. But this story is not entirely unambiguous. The boy's father, Trofim, was a partisan and fought on the side of the Bolsheviks. However, after returning from the war, the servant left his family with four small children and began to live with another woman. Trofim was elected chairman of the village council, while leading a stormy everyday life - drinking and rowdy. It is quite possible that in the history of heroism and betrayal there are more domestic than political reasons. According to legend, Trofim's wife accused him of hiding bread, however, they say that the abandoned and humiliated woman demanded to stop issuing fictitious certificates to fellow villagers. During the investigation, 13-year-old Pavel simply confirmed everything that his mother said. As a result, the unbelted Trofim ended up in prison, and in revenge the young pioneer was killed in 1932 by his drunken uncle and godfather. But Soviet propaganda created a colorful propaganda story out of everyday drama. And the hero who betrayed his father did not inspire somehow.

Henrikh Lyushkov. In 1937, the NKVD fought, including in the Far East. It was Genrikh Lyushkov who headed this punitive body at that time. However, a year later, the cleansing began in the "organs" themselves, many of the executioners themselves were in the place of their victims. Lyushkov was suddenly summoned to Moscow, allegedly to be appointed head of all the camps in the country. But Heinrich suspected that Stalin wanted to remove him. Frightened by the reprisals, Lyushkov fled to Japan. In an interview with the local newspaper Yomiuri, the former executioner said that he really does recognize himself as a traitor. But only in relation to Stalin. But Lyushkov's subsequent behavior suggests just the opposite. The general told the Japanese about the entire structure of the NKVD and the residents of the USSR, about exactly where the Soviet troops are located, where and how defensive structures and fortresses are being built. Lyushkov passed military radio codes to the enemies, actively urging the Japanese to oppose the USSR. The traitor himself tortured Soviet intelligence officers arrested on the territory of Japan, resorting to cruel atrocities. The pinnacle of Lyushkov's activity was his development of a plan to assassinate Stalin. The General personally set about implementing his project. Historians today believe that this was the only serious attempt to eliminate the Soviet leader. However, she did not have any success. After the defeat of Japan in 1945, Lyushkov was killed by the Japanese themselves, who did not want their secrets to fall into the hands of the USSR.

Andrey Vlasov. This Soviet lieutenant general was known as the most important Soviet traitor during the Great Patriotic War. Even in the winter of 1941-42, Vlasov commanded the 20th Army, making a significant contribution to the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow. Among the people, it was this general who was called the main savior of the capital. In the summer of 1942, Vlasov took the post of deputy commander of the Volkhov front. However, soon his troops were captured, and the general himself was captured by the Germans. Vlasov was sent to the Vinnitsa military camp for the captive high military ranks. There the general agreed to serve the fascists and headed the "Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia" created by them. On the basis of KONR, even a whole "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA) was created. It included captured Soviet servicemen. The general showed cowardice, according to rumors, since then he began to drink a lot. On May 12, Vlasov was captured by Soviet troops in an attempt to escape. The trial over him was closed, as he, with his own words, could inspire people dissatisfied with the government. In August 1946, General Vlasov was stripped of his titles and awards, his property was confiscated, and he himself was hanged. At the trial, the accused admitted that he pleaded guilty, as he became cowardly in captivity. Already in our time, an attempt was made to justify Vlasov. But only a small part of the charges were dropped from him, while the main ones remained in force.

Friedrich Paulus. There was also a traitor on the part of the fascists in that war. In the winter of 1943, the 6th German Army under the command of Field Marshal Paulus surrendered at Stalingrad. His subsequent history can be considered a mirror image in relation to Vlasov. The captivity of the German officer was quite comfortable, because he joined the anti-fascist national committee "Free Germany". He ate meat, drank beer, received food and parcels. Paulus signed a proclamation "To prisoners of war German soldiers and officers and to the entire German people." There, the field marshal announced that he was calling on all of Germany to eliminate Adolf Hitler. He believes that the country should have a new state leadership. It must end the war and ensure the people restore friendship with their current opponents. Paulus even made a revelatory speech at the Nuremberg trials, which surprised his former associates a lot. In 1953, the Soviet government, grateful for their cooperation, freed the traitor, especially since he was beginning to fall into depression. Paulus moved to live in the GDR, where he died in 1957. Not all Germans accepted the field marshal's act with understanding, even his son did not accept his father's choice, eventually shooting himself because of mental anguish.

Victor Suvorov. This defector made a name for himself as well as a writer. Once the intelligence officer Vladimir Rezun was a resident of the GRU in Geneva. But in 1978 he fled to England, where he began writing highly controversial books. In them, the officer, who took the pseudonym Suvorov, quite convincingly argued that it was the USSR who was preparing to strike Germany in the summer of 1941. The Germans simply preempted their enemy by a few weeks, inflicting a preemptive strike. Rezun himself says that he was forced to cooperate with British intelligence. They allegedly wanted to make him an extreme for failure in the work of the Geneva department. Suvorov himself claims that in his homeland he was sentenced to death in absentia for his treason. However, the Russian side prefers not to comment on this fact. The former intelligence officer lives in Bristol and continues to write books on historical topics. Each of them causes a storm of discussion and personal condemnation of Suvorov.

Victor Belenko. Few lieutenants make history. But this military pilot was able to do it. True, at the cost of his betrayal. We can say that he acted as a kind of bad boy who just wants to steal something and sell it to his enemies at a higher price. On September 6, 1976, Belenko flew on a top-secret MiG-25 interceptor. Suddenly the senior lieutenant abruptly changed course and sat down in Japan. There, the plane was disassembled in detail and subjected to a thorough study. Naturally, it was not without American specialists. The plane was returned to the USSR after careful study. And for his feat "for the glory of democracy" Belenko himself received political asylum in the United States. However, there is another version, according to which the traitor was not such. He simply had to land in Japan. Eyewitnesses say that the lieutenant fired a pistol into the air, not allowing anyone to approach the car and demanding a cover for it. However, the investigation carried out took into account both the behavior of the pilot in everyday life and the manner of his flight. The conclusion was unambiguous - the landing on the territory of an enemy state was deliberate. Belenko himself was crazy about life in America, he even found canned cat food tastier than those that were sold in his homeland. From official statements it is difficult to assess the consequences of that escape, the moral and political damage can be ignored, but the material damage was estimated at 2 billion rubles. After all, the USSR had to hastily change all the equipment of the "friend or foe" recognition system.

Otto Kuusinen. And again, a situation where a traitor for some is a hero for others. Otto was born in 1881 and joined the Social Democratic Party of Finland in 1904. Soon and leading it. When it became clear that nothing would shine for the communists in the newly independent Finland, Kuusinen fled to the USSR. There he worked for a long time in the Comintern. When the USSR attacked Finland in 1939, it was Kuusinen who became the head of the country's puppet government. Only now his power extended to the few lands captured by Soviet troops. It soon became clear that it would not be possible to capture all of Finland and the need for the Kuusinene regime disappeared. Later, he continued to hold prominent government posts in the USSR, having died in 1964. His ashes are buried at the Kremlin wall.

Kim Philby. This scout has lived a long and eventful life. He was born in 1912 in India, in the family of a British official. In 1929, Kim entered Cambridge, where he entered a socialist society. In 1934, Philby was recruited by Soviet intelligence, which, given his views, was not difficult to implement. In 1940, Kim joined the British secret service SIS, soon becoming the head of one of its departments. In the 50s, it was Philby who coordinated the actions of England and the United States in the fight against the communists. Naturally, the USSR received all the information about the work of its agent. Since 1956, Philby has already served in MI6, until in 1963 he was illegally transferred to the USSR. Here the scout-traitor and lived for the next 25 years on a personal pension, sometimes giving consultations.

These people do great harm to one side, and benefit to the other. But in any case, both of them despise them. History has preserved several of the most obvious and classic cases that do not raise any doubts. We will tell below about the most famous traitors in history.

Judas Iscariot.

The name of this man has been serving as a symbol of betrayal for about two thousand years. At the same time, the nationalities of people do not play a role. Everyone knows the biblical story when Judas Iscariot betrayed his teacher Christ for thirty pieces of silver, dooming him to torment. But then 1 slave cost twice as much! The kiss of Judas has become a classic image of duplicity, meanness and betrayal. This man was one of the twelve apostles who were present with Jesus at his last supper. There were thirteen people and after that this number was considered unlucky. There was even a phobia, fear of this number. The story goes that Judas was born on April 1, also on a rather unusual day. But the traitor's story is rather unclear and full of pitfalls. The fact is that Judas was the keeper of the cash register of the community of Jesus and his disciples. There was much more money there than 30 pieces of silver. Thus, in need of money, Judas could simply steal it without betraying his teacher. Not so long ago, the world learned about the existence of the "Gospel of Judas", where Iscariot is depicted as the only and faithful disciple of Christ. And the betrayal was committed precisely on the orders of Jesus, and Judas took responsibility for his action. According to legend, Iscariot committed suicide immediately after his deed. The image of this traitor has been repeatedly described in books, films, legends. Different versions of his betrayal and motivation are considered. Today the name of this person is given to those who are suspected of treason. For example, Lenin called Trotsky a Judas back in 1911. He also found his "plus" in Iscariot - the struggle against Christianity. Trotsky even wanted to erect monuments to Judas in several cities of the country.

Mark Junius Brutus.

Everyone knows the legendary phrase of Julius Caesar: "And you, Brutus?" This traitor is known, albeit not as widely as Judas, but also one of the legendary ones. Moreover, he committed his betrayal 77 years before the history of the Iscariot. The two traitors are also related by the fact that they both committed suicide. Mark Brutus was Julius Caesar's best friend, according to some data, this could even be his illegitimate son. However, it was he who led the conspiracy against the popular politician, taking a direct part in his assassination. But Caesar showered his favorites with honors and titles, endowing him with power. But Brutus's entourage forced him to participate in a conspiracy against the dictator. Mark was among several conspiratorial senators who pierced Caesar with their swords. Seeing Brutus in their ranks, he bitterly and exclaimed his famous phrase, which became his last. Wanting happiness for the people and power, Brutus made a mistake in his plans - Rome did not support him. After a series of civil wars and defeats, Mark realized that he was left without everything - without a family, power, a friend. Betrayal and murder took place in 44 BC, and just two years later, Brutus threw himself on his sword.

Wang Jingwei.

In our country, this traitor is not so famous, but he has a notoriety in China, the largest country in the world. It is often incomprehensible how ordinary and normal people suddenly become traitors. Wang Jingei was born in 1883, when he turned 21, he entered a Japanese university. There he met Sun-Yat Sen, a famous revolutionary from China. He influenced the young man so much that he became a real revolutionary fanatic. Together with Sen, Jingwei became a regular participant in anti-government revolutionary uprisings. Unsurprisingly, he soon ended up in jail. There Wang served several years, leaving us freedom in 1911. All this time, Sen kept in touch with him, morally supporting and taking care of him. As a result of the revolutionary struggle, Sen and his associates won a victory and came to power in 1920. But in 1925, Sun-Yat died, and it was Jingwei who replaced him as the leader of China. But soon the Japanese invaded the country. It was here that Jingway committed the most real betrayal. He essentially did not fight for the independence of China, giving it over to the invaders. National interests were trampled in favor of the Japanese. As a result, when a crisis erupted in China, and the country most needed an experienced manager, Jingway simply left it. Wang clearly joined the conquerors. However, he did not have time to feel the bitterness of defeat, since he died even before the fall of Japan. But the name Wang Jingwei got into all Chinese textbooks, as a synonym for betrayal towards his country.

Hetman Mazepa.

This man in modern Russian history is considered the most important traitor, even the church has anathematized him. But in modern Ukrainian history, the hetman, on the contrary, is a national hero. So what was his betrayal or was it still a feat? For a long time, the hetman of the Zaporizhzhya Army was one of the most loyal allies of Peter I, helping him in the Azov campaigns. However, everything changed when the Swedish king Charles XII came out against the Russian tsar. He, wishing to find an ally for himself, promised Mazepa, in case of victory in the Northern War, Ukrainian independence. The hetman could not resist such a tasty slice of the pie. In 1708 he went over to the side of the Swedes, but just a year later their united army was defeated near Poltava. For his treason (Mazepa swore allegiance to Peter), the Russian Empire stripped him of all awards and titles and subjected him to civil execution. Mazepa fled to Bendery, which then belonged to the Ottoman Empire, and soon died there in 1709. According to legend, his death was terrible - lice ate him.

Aldrich Ames.

This high-ranking CIA officer had a distinguished career. Everyone predicted him a long and successful job, and then a highly paid pension. But his life turned upside down, thanks to love. Ames married a Russian beauty, it turned out that she was a KGB agent. The woman immediately began to demand from her husband to provide her with a beautiful life in order to fully meet the American dream. While the officers in the CIA make good money, it was not enough for the constantly required new jewelry and cars. As a result, the unfortunate Ames began to drink too much. Under the influence of alcohol, he had no choice but to start selling secrets from his work. A buyer quickly appeared on them - the USSR. As a result, during his betrayal, Ames gave the enemy of his country information about all secret agents who worked in the Soviet Union. The USSR also learned about a hundred covert military operations conducted by the Americans. For this, the officer received about 4.6 million US dollars. However, all the secret someday becomes apparent. Ames was discovered and sentenced to life in prison. The special services experienced a real shock and scandal, the traitor became their biggest failure in their entire existence. The CIA has long retreated from the harm done by one single person. But he only needed funds for an insatiable wife. That, by the way, when everything was clarified, was simply deported to South America.

Vidkun Quisling.

This man's family was one of the oldest in Norway, his father served as a Lutheran priest. Vidkun himself studied very well and chose a military career. Having risen to the rank of major, Quisling was able to enter the government of his country, holding the post of defense minister there from 1931 to 1933. In 1933, Vidkun founded his own political party "National Accord", where he received a membership card for the first number. He began to call himself Fuehrer, which was very reminiscent of the Fuehrer. In 1936, the party gathered quite a lot of votes in the elections, becoming very influential in the country. When the Nazis came to Norway in 1940, Quisling suggested that the locals submit to them and not resist. Although the politician himself was from an ancient respected family, the country immediately dubbed him a traitor. The Norwegians themselves began to wage a fierce struggle against the invaders. Then Quisling came up with a plan in response to take Jews out of Norway, sending them directly to the deadly Auschwitz. However, history rewarded the politician who betrayed his people what he deserved. On May 9, 1945, Quisling was arrested. While in prison, he still managed to declare that he was a martyr and strove to create a great country. But justice found otherwise, and on October 24, 1945, Quisling was shot for high treason.

Prince Andrey Mikhailovich Kurbsky.

This boyar was one of the most loyal associates of Ivan the Terrible. It was Kurbsky who commanded the Russian army in the Livonian War. But with the beginning of the oprichnina of the eccentric king, many hitherto loyal boyars fell into disgrace. Among them was Kurbsky. Fearing for his fate, he left his family and in 1563 defected to the service of the Polish king Sigismund. And already in September of the following year, he marched together with the conquerors against Moscow. Kurbsky knew very well how the Russian defense and the army were organized. Thanks to the traitor, the Poles were able to win many important battles. They set up ambushes, took people prisoner, bypassing the outposts. Kurbsky began to be considered the first Russian dissident. The Poles consider the boyar a great man, but in Russia he is a traitor. However, we should not talk about treason to the country, but about treason personally to Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Pavlik Morozov.

This boy had a heroic image for a long time in Soviet history and culture. At the same time, he passed under the first number among the children-heroes. Pavlik Morozov even got into the book of honor of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. But this story is not entirely unambiguous. The boy's father, Trofim, was a partisan and fought on the side of the Bolsheviks. However, after returning from the war, the servant left his family with four small children and began to live with another woman. Trofim was elected chairman of the village council, while leading a stormy everyday life - drinking and rowdy. It is quite possible that in the history of heroism and betrayal there are more domestic than political reasons. According to legend, Trofim's wife accused him of hiding bread, however, they say that the abandoned and humiliated woman demanded to stop issuing fictitious certificates to fellow villagers. During the investigation, 13-year-old Pavel simply confirmed everything that his mother said. As a result, the unbelted Trofim ended up in prison, and in revenge the young pioneer was killed in 1932 by his drunken uncle and godfather. But Soviet propaganda created a colorful propaganda story out of everyday drama. And the hero who betrayed his father did not inspire somehow.

Henrikh Lyushkov.

In 1937, the NKVD fought, including in the Far East. It was Genrikh Lyushkov who headed this punitive body at that time. One year later, a purge began in the "organs" themselves, many of the executioners themselves were in the place of their victims. Lyushkov was suddenly summoned to Moscow, allegedly to be appointed head of all the camps in the country. But Heinrich suspected that Stalin wanted to remove him. Frightened by the reprisals, Lyushkov fled to Japan. In an interview with the local newspaper Yomiuri, the former executioner said that he really does recognize himself as a traitor. But only in relation to Stalin. But Lyushkov's subsequent behavior suggests just the opposite. The general told the Japanese about the entire structure of the NKVD and the residents of the USSR, about exactly where the Soviet troops are located, where and how defensive structures and fortresses are being built. Lyushkov passed military radio codes to the enemies, actively urging the Japanese to oppose the USSR. The traitor himself tortured Soviet intelligence officers arrested on the territory of Japan, resorting to cruel atrocities. The pinnacle of Lyushkov's activity was his development of a plan to assassinate Stalin. The General personally set about implementing his project. Historians today believe that this was the only serious attempt to eliminate the Soviet leader. However, she did not have any success. After the defeat of Japan in 1945, Lyushkov was killed by the Japanese themselves, who did not want their secrets to fall into the hands of the USSR.

Andrey Vlasov.

This Soviet lieutenant general was known as the most important Soviet traitor during the Great Patriotic War. Even in the winter of 1941-42, Vlasov commanded the 20th Army, making a significant contribution to the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow. Among the people, it was this general who was called the main savior of the capital. In the summer of 1942, Vlasov took the post of deputy commander of the Volkhov front. However, soon his troops were captured, and the general himself was captured by the Germans. Vlasov was sent to the Vinnitsa military camp for the captive high military ranks. There the general agreed to serve the fascists and headed the "Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia" created by them. On the basis of KONR, even a whole "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA) was created. It included captured Soviet servicemen. The general showed cowardice, according to rumors, since then he began to drink a lot. On May 12, Vlasov was captured by Soviet troops in an attempt to escape. The trial over him was closed, as he, with his own words, could inspire people dissatisfied with the government. In August 1946, General Vlasov was stripped of his titles and awards, his property was confiscated, and he himself was hanged. At the trial, the accused admitted that he pleaded guilty, as he became cowardly in captivity. Already in our time, an attempt was made to justify Vlasov. But only a small part of the charges were dropped from him, while the main ones remained in force.

Friedrich Paulus.

There was also a traitor on the part of the fascists in that war. In the winter of 1943, the 6th German Army under the command of Field Marshal Paulus surrendered at Stalingrad. His subsequent history can be considered a mirror image in relation to Vlasov. The captivity of the German officer was quite comfortable, because he joined the anti-fascist national committee "Free Germany". He ate meat, drank beer, received food and parcels. Paulus signed a proclamation "To prisoners of war German soldiers and officers and to the entire German people." There, the field marshal announced that he was calling on all of Germany to eliminate Adolf Hitler. He believes that the country should have a new state leadership. It must end the war and ensure the people restore friendship with their current opponents. Paulus even made a revelatory speech at the Nuremberg trials, which surprised his former associates a lot. In 1953, the Soviet government, grateful for their cooperation, freed the traitor, especially since he was beginning to fall into depression. Paulus moved to live in the GDR, where he died in 1957. Not all Germans accepted the field marshal's act with understanding, even his son did not accept his father's choice, eventually shooting himself because of mental anguish.

Victor Suvorov.

This defector made a name for himself as well as a writer. Once the intelligence officer Vladimir Rezun was a resident of the GRU in Geneva. But in 1978 he fled to England, where he began writing highly controversial books. In them, the officer, who took the pseudonym Suvorov, quite convincingly argued that it was the USSR who was preparing to strike Germany in the summer of 1941. The Germans simply preempted their enemy by a few weeks, inflicting a preemptive strike. Rezun himself says that he was forced to cooperate with British intelligence. They allegedly wanted to make him an extreme for failure in the work of the Geneva department. Suvorov himself claims that in his homeland he was sentenced to death in absentia for his treason. However, the Russian side prefers not to comment on this fact. The former intelligence officer lives in Bristol and continues to write books on historical topics. Each of them causes a storm of discussion and personal condemnation of Suvorov.

Victor Belenko.

Few lieutenants make history. But this military pilot was able to do it. True, at the cost of his betrayal. We can say that he acted as a kind of bad boy who just wants to steal something and sell it to his enemies at a higher price. On September 6, 1976, he flew on a top-secret MiG-25 interceptor. Suddenly the senior lieutenant abruptly changed course and sat down in Japan. There, the plane was disassembled in detail and subjected to a thorough study. Naturally, it was not without American specialists. The plane was returned to the USSR after careful study. And for his feat "for the glory of democracy" Belenko himself received political asylum in the United States. However, there is another version, according to which the traitor was not such. He simply had to land in Japan. Eyewitnesses say that the lieutenant fired a pistol into the air, not allowing anyone to approach the car and demanding a cover for it. However, the investigation carried out took into account both the behavior of the pilot in everyday life and the manner of his flight. The conclusion was unambiguous - the landing on the territory of an enemy state was deliberate. Belenko himself was crazy about life in America, he even found canned cat food tastier than those that were sold in his homeland. From official statements it is difficult to assess the consequences of that escape, the moral and political damage can be ignored, but the material damage was estimated at 2 billion rubles. After all, the USSR had to hastily change all the equipment of the "friend or foe" recognition system.

Otto Kuusinen.

And again, a situation where a traitor for some is a hero for others. Otto was born in 1881 and joined the Social Democratic Party of Finland in 1904. Soon and leading it. When it became clear that nothing would shine for the communists in the newly independent Finland, Kuusinen fled to the USSR. There he worked for a long time in the Comintern. When the USSR attacked Finland in 1939, it was Kuusinen who became the main puppet new government of the country. Only now his power extended to the few lands captured by Soviet troops. It soon became clear that it would not be possible to capture all of Finland and the need for the Kuusinene regime disappeared. Later, he continued to hold prominent government posts in the USSR, having died in 1964. His ashes were buried at the Kremlin War.

Kim Philby.

This scout has lived a long and eventful life. He was born in 1912 in India, in the family of a British official. In 1929, Kim entered Cambridge, where he entered a socialist society. In 1934, Philby was recruited by Soviet intelligence, which, given his views, was not difficult to implement. In 1940, Kim joined the British secret service SIS, soon becoming the head of one of its departments. In the 50s, it was Philby who coordinated the actions of England and the United States in the fight against the communists. Naturally, the USSR received all the information about the work of its agent. Since 1956, Philby has already served in MI6, until in 1963 he was illegally transferred to the USSR. Here the scout-traitor and lived for the next 25 years on a personal pension, sometimes giving consultations.

This article is dedicated to benefits of betrayal as a way of life. Its purpose is to recruit new members to the traitor club and lightly trolling the rest. If you are not in the mood for jokes, then you can read about how to quickly cope with, learn about or build (with considerable effort) reliable protection against subsequent betrayal. So, try to imagine a world full of traitors ...

  • You can say one thing and do another
  • You can give up your promises
  • You can have fun when others are sad
  • You can leave those with whom it is not interesting and difficult
  • You can do whatever you like
  • You can experiment and take risks
  • You can be wrong
  • You can be a carefree child

Betrayal and lies, deceit and cowardice are common manifestations of a normal child. And a world full of traitors, there is a world full of children. It is more dangerous than in a world where there are no traitors, but there are more chances for happiness. If you yourself and your loved ones, in principle, do not allow such manifestations, you are betraying yourself and them in the most important thing.

Betrayal is an opportunity to leave the parental nest

Do you want to live with your parents all your life and take care of their well-being around the clock? Who gave birth to whom and for what purposes? Isn't caring sincere and disinterested, and you always have to pay for it? If you do not want to betray loved ones for a second, then you will have to give them your life. Those. betray yourself. And teach this behavior to your children. Since you were unhappy, then I will be unhappy with you. We will make even more unhappy and responsible citizens on this planet, and the world will be better ... If even one child is starving in Africa, we have no right to our own happiness. Even for a minute.

Meanness is the ability to be ambivalent, to do one thing, and to think another thing, always remember about love.

When we quarrel with loved ones, we often shout out painful hurtful words that hurt ... Sometimes we cannot not do this, because it has accumulated. In a fit of righteous anger, it is difficult to do otherwise. But, if duality can be preserved, then even touching on painful topics, we can remember that love, which unites us with the current rivals in the dispute. Saying difficult words and remembering that the fight will end one day is extremely important in order to resolve the conflict in the best possible way.

Lying is an internal split and betrayal of oneself, when one cannot escape from punishment otherwise

When we lie, we expend energy on controlling our words, keeping track of the correspondence between what is said and what is shown. At the same time, we hide the inner child in ourselves, hide mistakes and helplessness, irritation for the benefits not received and the joy of actions we have done (which parents will not approve of). If you could talk about your "bad side" and not be punished for it, any child would choose a story ... because it is difficult and unpleasant to lie. The biggest lie is that the punishment for lying leads to correction. In fact, any punishment leads to even more lies. The pain of punishment overshadows the pain of the consequences of a child's prank, and instead of sympathy brings up resentment.

Cheating is choosing one view of a situation instead of others.

Cinema is an illusion of the eye, music is also an illusion of the ear ... any art is an illusion of the senses. The prohibition on deception blocks a person's ability to change their point of view on a situation. All our points of view are subjective, in them something is always not mentioned and something is distorted. Any words can be deceit. And to believe that there are phrases and actions that do not contain a drop of deception is naive and painful, because it is unreal ... also cheating. Even the traffic light is green one moment and red the next.... He, too, can be called a deceiver. If you cannot express your outrage directly ...

Cowardice is an elementary instinct for self-preservation

A person who does not allow fear and its manifestations in himself is very easy to catch on "weak?" Forbidding someone to be cowardly is like prohibit not succumbing to manipulations like "weak?"... Very childish behavior, sometimes even funny, if it occurs among boys 7-14 years old, or those who have forbidden themselves to grow up and be afraid at this age.

Love yourself even with flaws, they are sometimes very useful

It promotes development. This provides ways to stay where the other would not stand and betray, lie, fantasize, or run away.

The theme of betrayal runs through the entire history of Russia. The homeland was betrayed by successful governors, and pilots, and persons of royal blood.

"Change of the overlord" by Andrei Kurbsky

In the midst of the Livonian War, one of the best Moscow governors and the closest friend of Ivan IV, Prince Andrei Kurbsky, fled to Lithuania, to the side of the enemy. Prior to this, the renowned commander had received flattering letters for almost a year from the Polish-Lithuanian monarch Sigismund II Augustus himself, who had promised a "gentle welcome" to the prince. Probably, Kurbsky made this technique even more affectionate by transferring important information about the movement of Moscow troops to Lithuanian intelligence. The fugitive received a substantial amount of money and huge possessions in Lithuania and Ukrainian Volhynia. Almost immediately after the escape, the prince was involved in military operations against the Moscow troops. Andrei Kurbsky asked Sigismund Augustus to give him an army of 30,000 in order to march on Moscow and put an end to the "reign" of John IV. To convince the king of his loyalty, he was ready to go to Moscow chained to a cart, surrounded by guards. However, the campaign never took place.

Usurpation of Catherine II

"All-Russian Empress Catherine II the Great", Fyodor Rokotov

All-Russian Empress Catherine II the Great led a palace coup against her husband and legitimate emperor Peter III. This was the first (and last) case of the usurpation of power by a woman in the history of Russia. Vasily Klyuchevsky perfectly described the accession to the throne of Catherine II: "Catherine made a double seizure: she took power from her husband and did not transfer it to her son, the natural heir of her father."

"Parricide" of Alexander I

Most historians have no doubt that the Grand Duke and heir to the crown Alexander Pavlovich knew about the impending conspiracy against his father, Emperor Paul I. In addition, all the conspirators escaped punishment after the accession of Alexander I, and the era of Paul was discredited in the eyes of future generations with the help of “ court historians "of the emperor.

Subsequently, Alexander did not like to remember the death of his father, and those who could spread any rumors were in disgrace.

"Liberation struggle" by Andrey Vlasov

After being captured by the Germans in 1942, the commander of the 2nd shock army and deputy commander of the Volkhov front, Andrei Vlasov, went over to the enemy's side. Within a few months, he became one of the initiators of the creation of the so-called Russian Liberation Army from Soviet prisoners of war, which was called upon to "liberate the Motherland from Bolshevism." ROA troops participated in the fight against partisans and performed police functions in the territories occupied by the Germans
In 1945, immediately after the surrender of Germany, Andrei Vlasov was captured by the Red Army, in 1946 he was convicted on charges of high treason and hanged.

"Flight" by Viktor Belenko

Senior Lieutenant, pilot of "MIG-25", who was hunted by intelligence agencies of the whole world, Viktor Belenko flew on his superplane to Japan. After landing, he took out a pistol, fired into the air and demanded to hide the plane. The latter was disassembled, carefully studied together with American specialists and returned to the Soviet Union. The former pilot received political asylum in the United States.

The material damage from the act of Viktor Belenko was estimated at 2 billion rubles. In the Soviet Union, it was necessary to hastily change all the equipment of the friend-or-foe recognition system. The fighter's missile launch system now has a button that unlocks firing at its own aircraft. She received the nickname "Belenkovskaya".

"Turnout surrender" by Oleg Gordievsky

Oleg Gordievsky (right) with US President Ronald Reagan (left)

Colonel of the KGB of the USSR Oleg Gordievsky escaped from the USSR in the trunk of the car of the British Embassy on July 20, 1985.

That same fall, Margaret Thatcher's government expelled more than 30 undercover Soviet embassy officials from Britain. Oleg Gordievsky handed over a number of high-ranking officers of the British special services to work for the USSR.

Former KGB chairman Vladimir Semichastny said that "Gordievsky inflicted more harm on the Soviet special services than even General Kalugin," and British intelligence historian, Cambridge professor Christopher Andrew wrote that Gordievsky was "the largest British intelligence agent in the ranks of the Soviet special services after Oleg Penkovsky." ... In June 2007, for service to the security of the United Kingdom, he was ordained to the Order of St Michael and St George by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The order was presented personally by the queen.

The world is developing at a rapid pace, society is changing, but the bitter taste of betrayal, from which the heart aches and grows cold in the chest, remains unchanged.

The most famous traitors

History keeps the memory of the most treacherous traitors who betrayed the people, country, honor and morality. This article lists five of the most famous traitors to humanity who have committed atrocities with worldwide public outcry.

Vidkun Quisling

The traitor, who came from an ancient Norse family, confidently built a military career, and in 1931 he took over as Minister of Defense of Norway. Two years later, he founded the National Socialist Party, National Unity, and began calling himself the Föhrer. Over the next seven years, his party gained strength and became a highly influential political force.

When the Nazis invaded Norway in 1940, Quisling, who always openly favored Hitler, called on the people to completely submit to the will of the invaders and not to resist. In turn, he promised that the Germans would restore order in the country and prevent an English invasion.

Vidkun Quisling, on his own initiative, developed his own scheme for the deportation of Jews from the country. After arresting all Jewish men in the country, over the next year he collected women and children in a concentration camp, in order to eventually send them to Auschwitz.

Residents of Norway selflessly fought against the Nazis, and the ex-minister himself was nicknamed "a traitor." Fate did not keep them waiting long for reprisals - on May 9, 1945, Jonssen Quisling was arrested in his own estate, and on October 24, he was shot for high treason.

In the history of Norway, the name Quisling is still a symbol of shame, and is also used for the euphemism of the puppet regime and fascist ideology.

Andrey Kurbsky

A skillful commander, a close friend of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Kurbsky became the first known deserter in the history of Russia. It was he, the right hand of the sovereign, who led the army during the Livonian War, being at the peak of his power.

However, in 1560, as soon as Grozny applied repressive measures to the court party - confiscation of feudal property, persecution, execution, Kurbsky panicked and, leaving his family, fled to Polish possessions, where he held secret negotiations with Tsar Sigismund II.

The Polish king was kind to the guest and presented him with estates in Lithuania and Volhynia. Andrei Kurbsky was enlisted in the Royal Rada and then, since he was well versed in the intricacies of the Russian army, led one of the Polish armies in the war against Russia. Under the leadership of Kurbsky, the Poles won many victories, and the name of the fugitive prince became a household word for "traitor."

Guy Fawkes

The most famous participant in the Gunpowder Plot was the terrorist attack against the English king James I. Together with like-minded people Thomas Wintour and Robert Catsby, he intended to blow up parliament during the opening of its session on November 5, 1605, and to kill the king along with the House of Lords. The attempt to return to Catholicism and a coup d'état in general almost ended in the worst terrorist attack in the history of England.

The conspiracy was exposed thanks to a note accidentally found by one of the members of parliament. The anonymous letter warned that being in the House of Lords on the day of the royal speech would be deadly. When the letter fell into the hands of James I, he ordered to search the cellars of the Palace of Westmina before the performance. On the same night, the sentinels found Guy himself in the cellars with a prepared wick and two and a half tons of explosives.

Guy Fawkes was tortured, and although he gave up his partners, he did not renounce his ideals. In 1606, during the hanging, which was supposed to be the first stage of a painful execution, he jumped from the scaffold with a noose draped over and died of a broken neck. So he instantly escaped the further fate prepared for him by the government - death through quartering.

To this day, Guy Fawkes' cheeky act of terrorism is legendary, and he himself is ranked 30th among the BBC's 100 Greatest Britons. The story of his attempted assassination attempt on the king has been engulfed in numerous cultural references, including the famous film V For Vendetta. An event is held annually in England - a theatrical re-enactment of the events of the failed Gunpowder Plot.

Mark Junius Brutus

A Roman public figure, a prominent orator, military leader, Mark Brutus remained in the annals of history not at all for successful political decisions or military valor, but for the assassination of Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar.

Mark Brutus, with the support of 60 conspirators, pounced on the emperor with a dagger and stabbed him, leaving 23 wounds in his body. This happened on March 15, 44 BC, 77 years earlier than the betrayal of Judas.

The famous phrase "And you, Brutus?" According to Shakespeare, the desperate posthumous words of Caesar, who blindly trusted his closest associate, turned into an aphorism that expresses disappointment in the face of a sudden betrayal of a friend.

Mark Brutus was mistaken in his desire to free the Roman people from the dictator and make them happy and prosperous. The society did not accept and did not support his civic ideas. Two years after the death of Julius Caesar, after defeat in the war with the triumvirate and complete oblivion in solitude, he committed suicide.

Judas Iscariot

Since the beginning of the new era, the human race does not know a name more common and shameful than the name of Judas Iscariot. He is guilty of the most treacherous crime known to mankind - libel and breach of trust.

At night in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas treacherously betrayed Jesus to the Roman soldiers, kissing him, thereby dooming the teacher to hard labor and death. Later, filled with remorse, he, as the legend said, returned the money and committed suicide.

Secrets of Judas Iscariot

Was Judas seized with a greed for profit or did he want power? Or maybe the devil has taken possession of him? Historians and theologians, among whom there are those who call Judas saint, still argue about these versions. In any case, according to Dante, Iscariot will forever burn in the flame of the last, ninth circle of hell.
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