Strong woman (psychological portrait). Who is a strong woman

How does a loser woman differ from a strong nature? When the world around them collapses, one of them gives up and plunges into suffering, while the other continues to live and hope for the best. Do you want to know what type of woman you are? If you still have doubts about the degree of your love of freedom and strong will, then we suggest that you consider several conditions. These 10 signs will assure you that you are strong in spirit.

You love yourself no matter what

Before you go out to do great things, you must love yourself. This is not easy, as people tend to make mistakes, criticize themselves for wrongdoing and self-flagellation. Most of the time, many of us spend alone with internal contradictions. But you allow yourself the right to make mistakes and accept yourself unconditionally. This circumstance opens the gates for you to love the world around you.

You are engaging in meaningful activities

Mahatma Gandhi once said the following: "If you long for the world to change for the better, you yourself have to become those changes." Therefore, you must be open to new experiences, whether it is participating in a volunteer organization or helping a friend in need of support. Delight your loved ones with a dinner prepared according to new recipes, pick up an interesting book, look for interesting and meaningful activities. Nobody calls on you to save the world from global climate change or run for president, but you could lead a decent life, and this will be your contribution to the common cause. Start making small changes: help others, enjoy your favorite activities, and give a smile to passersby.

You are not afraid to take risks

There are things that you are strong to do that are different from other women. You will not think twice before deciding to change jobs, place of residence, field of activity or break off "toxic" relationships. You are not tied to a familiar place and look at things in perspective. You enjoy trying new things, experimenting and feeling the adrenaline rush. When there are certain risks or dangers of mastering a new activity, you don't care what other people think.

You know when to give yourself a break

Rest is just as important as work. Active people who always strive for progress and reaching new heights know this firsthand. Timeouts help your brain reboot completely, while free time gives you the joy of hanging out with friends and family. You, like all wise people, love to immerse yourself in your own thoughts, think a lot, analyze and even allow yourself small weaknesses. Paradoxically, sometimes strength is manifested in the desire to be weak, to give vent to feelings and to cleanse the accumulated negative emotions. These are two parts of the same process that leads to increased self-esteem.

Other women support you

Women can show firmness and inflexibility, the conditions of modern society teach this. Many ladies can compare their experiences with yours. They raise children, pursue careers and strive to achieve their goals. They know that female strength lies in solidarity, so they are happy to share their own experiences with other ladies. Sometimes even the smallest pieces of advice given in the right place at the right time can make a difference in someone's life. You are part of the women's community and are happy to share professional secrets, culinary recipes and insights into life or family relationships.

You are not afraid to cry

As a child, you were taught that tears are a sign of weakness, but in reality this statement is far from the truth. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and determination to show your vulnerability to someone. Women differ from men in their ability to process emotions and can be grateful to nature for this gift.

You accept your own quirks

Not all ladies can put up with their quirks or character traits, which are usually considered disadvantages. You know that accepting yourself unconditionally is the key to the further development of a successful personality. Humans are not robots, and you admit it. Moreover, there is nothing that cannot be changed if desired. A flat tummy is achieved by going to the gym regularly, and climbing the career ladder is achieved with diligence. Well, if you are comfortable in your body, you carry it with your head held high. Neither tattoos, quirky makeup or trendy hairstyles, nor clothing that reflects your personality can cause you to be embarrassed. Anything that fully reflects your personality is acceptable.

You say what you think

In different aspects of life, you always have your own view of things, and you are not afraid to voice your position. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to say what you really think, as you can never anticipate the reactions of others. However, being honest and sincere in a relationship always pays off. You get more friends and a positive image of you in society.

You know the difference between confidence and arrogance

Self-confidence empowers people to succeed and move towards their own happiness. Several scientific experiments have shown that women with high self-esteem are perceived by men to be sexier and more attractive. Your charm lies in strength, the ability to love yourself, to feel harmony and independence. However, you will never cross the line between confidence and arrogance.

You create your own happiness

Everyone, regardless of gender, should take responsibility for their own actions. You understand perfectly well that you are the creator of your own happiness, but sometimes also the provocateur of your own troubles. No matter what happens, you always have a choice: succumb to emotions or be above it. Nothing can shake your faith in tomorrow: not a bad day at work, not a conflict with your boss, not a quarrel with your spouse. No amount of life circumstance will destroy the foundation of your confidence. After all, everything can be fixed except death, so you are not used to dramatizing events. People who can let go of negativity, doubt, anger and resist jealousy significantly reduce the stress levels in their lives.


Often women with a strong character are successful in their careers: they become tough leaders, a kind of dictators. But they achieve this precisely on their own, without any outside help. They know how to overcome obstacles and not succumb to difficulties. Such women competently build relationships with colleagues, managers and subordinates. Despite the dictatorial management style, they do control the activities, and not just intimidate the subordinates.

Although everything is going just fine in a career, strong women have serious problems in their personal lives. Often the lines from the song "a strong woman crying at the window" are brought to life. Men are accustomed to acting as earners, conquerors, but that “victim”, which is a woman with a strong character, is often inaccessible to them. If a relationship is struck, most likely, it will not lead to a successful ending, if the partner does not change at least a little.

Strong men are able to take this impregnable fortress, but relationships in a couple can develop according to the principle of competition, which, in the end, will lead to a break in the connection, since it is impossible to compete forever. And despite the equality of the sexes, a man wants to take care of someone, pamper, and not make constant scandals from the series "who is stronger." Weak men in the eyes of strong women will look like mumbles, which also does not provide for harmonious relationships. In order to avoid such a fate, any woman sometimes needs to be weak. Although at first it may seem like a terrible prospect to strong representatives of the fairer sex, in fact, everything is not so bad.

The main rule to be followed in a relationship is the absence of the main family member. For this, couples are created, so that they have equality. Being in charge and right, but bringing discomfort to your partner is the biggest mistake in a relationship between two people. Strong women are more likely to be prone to these mistakes. They strive for a partner to match them, however, the true strength of loving people is in mutual respect and some manifestation of weakness. In relation to children, the same principle: sometimes you need to compromise, listen to the child's opinion, and not tightly control his every action.

Women with a strong character, who at work show all their "non-feminine" qualities, at home can relax and be weak. Here they will protect, regret, take care. Of course, you can't become soft and submissive overnight, but it's worth trying. Naturally, a loving partner accepts his companion for who she is, but his role in the formation of gentleness and loyalty of a woman is very great. When a woman feels that there is support and protection next to her, it will be easier for her to relax and stop being in control.

Why can't men and women in our time meet or find a mate?

Who is stronger and who is right?

How to find the ideal partner according to the criteria?

Let's start with free men and women and categorize them:


2. Monogamous


Why are there only 3 of them? You ask? And how can this be related to each other?

Let's take an ordinary cage (hearth) house

1.Babnik will usually put his woman there and she will sit there, and he will leave the cell and enjoy a riotous life

2. The one-man will put his woman in this cage and he himself will sit in it with her and bale her as much as possible

3. Alphonse will sit down with a lady in a cage to simply exist because he himself cannot and does not want anything, and will live for the sake of profit. (usually those who grew up with strong mothers who taught that a woman does a lot in the family) also walk like womanizers.

All men are owners, their women are their choice and their responsibility for the one whom they have tamed (c) "frequent opinion"

A little about women:

1. Babnik - and there is a womanizer (a strong woman is needed for passion, buzz, eternal drive, beauty and fortitude, weak for the cell of calmness and silence.

2. A monogamous person in any case will choose a weak woman, because he will not be able to shut up a strong one, and a strong woman will not sit forever in a cage and allow her to be choked with his love forever

3. Alphonse is rather a strong woman who will work, solve issues and do everything for two in this cage.

All Murzhsky characters and categories can be related to each other, because men can include all these qualities in life, they are also predators and in any case they will come across two categories of women whom they can love.

  1. WEAK WOMEN - usually they often get married, do not look bright, not flashy, quiet, calm, keep their home and household very well, hate to work or work without reaching the peak of their careers, need full custody, protection, responsibility, depend on money, more often come out by calculation, know how to wait, endure, forgive (betrayal, betrayals), are not experienced in sex, they do not accept a lot, they understand (all the shoals of a husband), living for children and a husband.,

2. STRONG WOMEN - this category arose for a reason, in fact a woman of the weaker sex and she is more biased towards the first type, but there are those who DO NOT WANT to endure betrayal, betrayal. Always depend on money, and they become strong in their careers, they look very impressive and look great, they know how to cope with everyday and other life problems without the intervention of men who will not forever wait for the weather by the sea or endure their husband's spree, they also know how to keep the household, educate children and satisfy her husband more brightly, energetically and emotionally

"Very important to know"

Strong women become so from Murzhsky insults, eternal disappointment, great losses, betrayals, betrayals by the stronger sex, they kill in them the real weakness that every girl has from birth.

Therefore, when a girl leaves for the world of men, she is either lucky to marry immediately to someone who will not betray her, or she DOES NOT LUCK and she survives among the male world

Accordingly, it becomes strong, pride, self-respect, power, and fortitude appear (girls are born like this, but this is a rarity or not a frequent occurrence) Yet this is appropriated over the years

Who better you ask?

"Tastes could not be discussed" .

Someone loves weak girls who will follow their husbands like their fathers, like a princess!

And who loves the strong who can be weak by the way! When they love! When a woman is loved and cherished, then any strong woman becomes weak (c) THIS IS A FACT.

And she can combine and apply the qualities in life of the strong side and regulate the weak side in her love.

"Every ice can melt" (c)

Article: about the nature of strong women

If you want to become better, to expand the horizons of your thinking and your abilities, you had better marry a "strong" girl. Here's how to tell if you've found the right person.

When people choose whom to live with, they mainly care that the person does not have shortcomings that cannot be reconciled. And they make a big mistake.

Everyone knows what it's like to live with a girl who just goes with the flow. She doesn't get angry or challenge you. She doesn't criticize you. She just nods and laughs. And it's always comfortable with her. She is sweet and good-natured. And lets him do whatever he wants.

Girls of the "strong type" are usually much more difficult. They are not happy with what they have, but want to have what they deserve. They will crave more from you. Sometimes they might argue with you at the wrong time - but that's because they are passionate and caring. And also emotional.

A dispassionate and inactive man will choose the first option. He is not ready to work on anything, including his own relationship. He doesn't want to be argued with. It usually ends with the relationship turning into a routine and withering away. And people live with each other only because they are "used to it", or it is "difficult for them to share property", or "for the sake of children."

But a real man knows that a girl with a strong character is the best choice. Sometimes it is difficult to live with her, but this is only because she always strives for the best. If a man realizes this, then over time, his relationship with such a woman will become stronger and healthier.

This is the kind of girl you should marry. You may think that she has a completely obnoxious character, but you are not ready to leave her. This girl never calms down. Life with her is unlikely to be "sugar", but she will make you want more.

Difficult girls are usually creative and emotional. They are often referred to as "crazy" or "bastards." Or "crazy bastards." But no one will love you more than this "bitch".

No one else will make you move towards your dreams. With a strong "girl, you can have deep philosophical conversations. She will correct your ideas and beliefs. And even if it will never be easy with her, it will never be boring with her.

The "simple" usually has a "simple" mind. Life with her will be calm and smooth. She will always agree with you. But then, what is the true value of your partner?

If you want to become better, to expand the horizons of your thinking and your abilities, you had better marry a "difficult" girl. Here's how to tell if you've found the right person:

1. She rarely tells you what you expect to hear. And it often turns out that she was right in the end. Marry a girl like that!
2. Marry a girl who demands your respect for yourself.
3. Marry a girl who can talk about politics. Even if her opinion is different from your own.
4. Marry a girl whose eyes begin to twinkle passionately when talking about certain things and traveling.
5. Marry a girl who will not let you ditch your talent.
6. Marry the girl who makes you try to get better every day.
7. Marry a girl with whom you sometimes have to fight.
8. Marry a girl whose talents are equal or superior to yours.

Do not misunderstand me. Girls with a hard temper are usually a pain in the ass for men. They constantly make you feel like you cannot make them happy. But over the years, when this girl grows up and becomes wiser, she will just be the perfect wife. And as soon as you find one of them, grab it with all your might. She may be the best thing that can ever happen to you in your life.

The point is that "EVERY GIRL FUCKS A MAN'S BRAIN"! You have to put up with this or just be an eternal bachelor.

Every normal self-respecting girl will want more from you, the correctness of life, the eternal justice of responsibility, protection. "a real man"

Just as it was written above, a man will choose for himself that woman under his category with which it will be easier for him to live and exist.

I also disagree that we have weak men with weak women and strong men with strong ones?

"That's not the point"

And in value and respect for oneself:

1.Babnik all the same he likes strong women, but he is weak to fight the strong and he will be quickly oppressed by the eternal demand to live with dignity and at the expense of the fact that he does not respect her and walks. And he will quickly plant the weak at home and she will wait for him from partying and cook borscht, she will probably tell him that she is tired of waiting, but he will quickly besiege her and "put her in place" because she knows that she will not be able to tell him in response, differences from a strong and strong-willed woman (womanizers usually earn good money because they want to look appropriately in their party)

2. Monogamous women love weak women, they give them an incentive to earn money for her and provide for the family, because she herself will not be able to do anything, but he will rush home for the sake of eternal love and affection, dress her, put on shoes and tinker with her like a child, although he sometimes it will all bore this idealism and he will walk, but rather on sluts, but definitely not on strong women or have mistresses who rarely worry him

3. Alphonses can be both for the weak and for the strong, but they are usually lazy and understand that they do not need an eternal slave (weak) poor and boredom in life. Rather, instead of replacing this, he will prefer a "horse woman" who will endure his brain and humiliate him, but at the same time love (realizing that he uses it) and work, surviving for himself and for him (here is a role play, a woman at the same time all her life remains strong, but in the end she usually looks for weakness on the side, because she wants to have a strong man!

Men never know what they want in essence, therefore, all their lives they walk from weak to strong, and from strong to weak women they lack idealism.

After marrying (getting married), the strong can become weak and remain silent, but he will get bored with it and he will go for a walk, and the weak can become strong from his eternal partying and send him to hell, continue to live his life.

Life goes on people change together.

But the essence should be this: "since the times of the ancients"

Male - stronger sex

Woman of the weaker sex

A man should act like a man.

And a woman should be weak in front of him (not necessarily in life !!) and in front of him loving and caring, keeping the hearth, while respect should be on both sides!

No betrayal, bullying, partying on the side and complete trust and LOVE!

Love each other and be happy.

There is no precise definition of the concept of a strong woman in psychology and literature. Everyone puts their own signs into it, mainly self-confidence, independence, endurance, careerism and sometimes even masculinity.

Who is a strong woman?

Psychologists say that the concept appeared as a protest to patriarchy, a desire to prove that not only a man can be influential and strong. The concept of a strong woman is now widely used in the media, literature, and everyday life. For some it is a praise, for someone it is a verdict - as you know, men shun and are partly afraid of strong representatives of the fair sex.

In recent years, more and more women, one after another, begin to call themselves strong, to emphasize this in society. So what can move a strong woman? What is hidden behind the mask of courage and will? Psychologists note the following points:

  • protest, challenge;
  • power struggle;
  • to attract attention;
  • the desire to emphasize femininity;
  • compliments and consolations, flattery.


The desire to go against the system is to prove that a woman is independent from a man, to be proud of her independence. The protest is that independence is equated with the concept of strong.

However, often behind the independence from the man lies the unwillingness of the man to associate himself with this woman. Thus, protest can be provoked by loneliness and the desire to prove to others that this is not the case.

Power struggle

The desire to put oneself as the main one in the family, team, life. In the context of relations with a man - to make decisions independently for yourself and him, here strength implies the ability to rule, to do everything the way you want.

Hence follows the next psychological problem - often taking upon herself the right to decide, a woman will not want to take responsibility for her actions. It does not depend on the gender of the person, men can also think like adolescents "I want it so", without thinking about the consequences. If a woman does not take responsibility for her actions, the price of such power is worthless.

To attract attention

Sometimes a woman behaves independently, emphatically strongly in order to motivate a man to act, so that he achieves her. Often men are really attracted by such a bait - they begin to strive to grow to the level of a woman.

However, there are also cases when such attention-grabbing turns from a woman's cunning into arrogance: "I am too strong, too strong-willed for you." Accordingly, on the part of the man, they will meet with indifference, and they will explain their loneliness by the fact that the opposite sex is afraid of them.

Striving to emphasize femininity

As you know, a woman's strength lies in her weakness. This technique can be a trick of a wise enough woman. Being strong and independent, she will still emphasize her vulnerability and femininity in front of a man, she will show that one more strong shoulder, in addition to her own, will not be superfluous.

This technique works - most men feel the need to protect, help and are unlikely to refuse a strong, but vulnerable woman in her own way.

Compliments, consolations, flattery

There is also such a paradoxical case when a woman considers herself strong because of what others tell her. That being said, people most likely just want to compliment or get favored.

Of course, this does not mean that a woman cannot be strong. Psychologists only emphasize that a strong person, being really that way and regardless of gender, will never show off calling himself strong. He just has no time - there are many people and affairs for which he is responsible, many decisions that need to be thought out - when to think about whether you are strong or not.

Many people think that today it is not fashionable to have a soft character. Life is such that there is no place for “amoeba” in it. At the same time, the personal life of such representatives is often better than that of women who claim gender equality. In order to figure it out, you need to study all the pros and cons of the girl's soft nature.

Cons of a compliant woman

"Soft-tempered" women have a number of cons, which may well complicate their life:

  • Such persons are extremely vulnerable. Any caustic remark or comment about a girl can become extremely offensive for her;
  • Frequent grudges can lead to bitterness. Since they are not able to defend themselves with strong words or similar behavior, most often they withdraw into themselves and hide grievances so deeply that later it is very difficult to get rid of them;
  • Against the background of strong suspiciousness and resentment, they lose faith in themselves and human kindness, may fall into depression;
  • Often such people can be influenced by the stronger character of the person. Such an influence may not always be negative, however, quite often weak-willed girls are used for their own purposes or carried away along a dangerous path;
  • The timidity of women does not allow them to fully show what they are capable of. This also applies to creativity and mental potential;
  • It is difficult to establish themselves and establish themselves in a team, but nevertheless, thanks to quiet and painstaking work, they can. But these women are unlikely to ever become bosses. As a rule, they are not promoted up the career ladder, preferring to assign sometimes very heavy responsibility for one difficult area of ​​work, with which others are impulsive and not so smart, and assiduous simply cannot cope.

Obviously, having an agreeable character may not be very comfortable for the owner herself. However, education and wisdom will help to put yourself in the right way both in the team and in the family.

How to determine the soft character of a girl?

It is best to tell about the temperament of their mistress:

  1. Her behavior in various situations;
  2. Reaction to others;
  3. Attitude to life;
  4. Actions.

However, if the opportunity to communicate so closely has not yet presented itself, then this can be done according to the following visual signs:

  • As a rule, docile, soft and romantic natures are born in the spring;
  • Such persons most often have a rounded face;
  • These girls have beautiful rounded handwriting;
  • Women of this kind prefer dresses, skirts, feminine outfits in delicate colors;
  • They love discreet, but at the same time beautiful and sophisticated makeup.

Often, gentleness of character is considered weak-willed, and many girls seek to hide it behind masks of more decisive actions. However, in the modern world, women in the struggle for gender equality have lost those qualities that are characteristic of them. Therefore, a soft character is a golden find for the opposite sex in an effort to create a family, give birth and raise healthy offspring.

Very important features of such representatives are:

  1. Meekness;
  2. Wisdom;
  3. Tenderness;
  4. Zest for life;
  5. Cheerfulness.

Thus, having found such a girl, a man can have no doubts about a happy future.

The girl has a soft character: the pros

An agreeable girl has a number of advantages over other female representatives:

  1. They show no claim to headship in the family. The fact is that now more and more often there is a picture in which a woman is in charge of the family. Such a substitution of social function is not characteristic of either a man or a woman. In this case, both suffer. The girl wants to stop and be weak, and her husband becomes weak-willed from being limited in leadership. In a situation with a soft-spoken half, the situation in the family develops psychologically correctly;
  2. Supports and loves her husband. The girl finds interesting activities for herself, lives her own life, but is always able to support and cheer up her spouse, while not giving him advice or pointing out his mistakes;
  3. Focuses on the opinion of her husband and listens to him. Over time, the spouse realizes that his wife is not a rival to him and he himself gives her part of the tasks that she manages. For example, raising children or renovating a house;
  4. These girls are great friends. They do not push themselves out, often give good advice, are able to support, worry and be happy for a loved one completely sincerely;
  5. They rarely conflict. They themselves are never the instigators of quarrels, but if the problem has affected them in some way, they are more likely to move away or completely leave the unpleasant situation.

Thus, there are many human pluses in a gentle character. It is important for such persons to develop their mind and inner world. Only a competent combination of this development will make you a truly valuable person. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming uninteresting, boring and boring person.

How to get softer?

If suddenly a woman in the process of life realized that she was not playing her role, that in fact she was always soft, but in certain circumstances it was necessary to take the initiative - it is never too late to turn the situation in the other direction.

You must do everything to make your loved one feel your softness. This will help him to wake up and become a real man next to you.

To speed up the process:

  1. Pay attention to your appearance. Stop wearing jeans, a stretched sweater in the morning. Put on something elegant and stylish and go ahead - conquer the peaks. Pay more attention to yourself, do your hair, discreet makeup, put on a delicate dress. Use flowing fabrics, ruffles and flounces;
  2. Wear jewelry. Various beads and bracelets will perfectly highlight your femininity;
  3. Smile often and be calm. Your gestures shouldn't be jittery;
  4. It is necessary to talk with others by imagining a white beautiful delicate flower in the neck area. This will make your voice and speech rate extremely pleasant;
  5. The gait should be soft and swaying. Choreography or plastic classes will not be bad;
  6. Think good, wish everyone well;
  7. Learn to listen instead of expressing your point of view.

Thus, the guarantee of softness is calmness... You should be calm all from thoughts to actions.

How to avoid becoming a victim?

  • Learn to refuse those offers that you really do not like;
  • If necessary, don't be afraid to express your point of view when answering a question. It cannot be right or wrong. She is yours;
  • You don't have to give up your own interests to please others;
  • Develop your inner world;
  • Learn new skills;
  • Share new experiences with others.

Thus, the pros and cons of the girl's soft nature will come to naught, and you will become just a happy person who is self-sufficient and at the same time able to become a support and support for your family.

Video: women with what character are successful with men?

In this video, psychologist Veronika Olkhova will tell you what qualities those girls who attract guys have: