How many months does a child start to walk. For a baby to start babbling... Finger games, massage

The appearance of a baby in the family is a wonderful and long-awaited event that will radically change the usual course of home life. As the child grows, the whole family will watch with interest what new he will learn every day of his life, and the ability to give a voice to attract attention is one of the first skills that he will master. In this article, we will talk about what time do they start humming little kids and what to do so that the child starts gurgling faster?

Whenthe baby starts gurgling and gurgling

Of course, no one can name a specific day on which the child begins to coo and smile. Level of development for each age period depends on several factors:

  • individual speed of development;
  • heredity;
  • frequency of classes with him parents;
  • general environment.

But no matter how active the parents are and no matter how fast the baby grows, we can say with confidence that in the first few weeks you can’t expect him to express emotions through sound signals. Even if the mother and father of the child will spend almost around the clock trying to teach the child to speak faster - up to four or five weeks, all he will be capable of is groaning and crying (at first there will not even be tears). Children start to hum at the beginning of the second month of life- they begin to pronounce the simplest vowels, such as "a", "o", "y", "e".

Peculiarities! It is this simple set of vowels that adults characterize as a gurgle - but the childish “agu” itself is obtained not due to the consonant pronounced in the middle, but due to the passage of air through the larynx - this is something like a wheezing or roar, not uttered intentionally.

On the second month of life When children begin to interact with the world around them with the help of sounds, they do not yet understand the process itself and are only beginning to gain experience by watching the reaction of adults to their “talk”. And already at 4-5 months the child begins to hum more or less consciously, pronounce the first consonants and form syllables.

What to do if the baby is still silent at the specified time

Some parents become seriously worried if, after the child is a month old, he still does not start to coo and coo. In such cases you can’t think that something is wrong with the baby and immediately look for treatment options, on the contrary, the best thing that parents can do is calm down and stop panicking.

Important! First of all, you must always remember that a baby is not a mechanism produced by a certain technology, but a living person who will always have individual speed and developmental characteristics. In no case should you think that the growth process for all children is the same!

Sometimes it may happen that the baby has already begun to utter his first sounds and gurgle, but after some time he suddenly became “silent” again. This is also not a reason to panic - you should not immediately blame fear or psychological trauma and start looking specialists. Most likely, things are much simpler - the baby just very diligently and concentratedly masters new syllables.

If you are looking for new activities with your baby and want to devote as much time as possible to his development, then below we have put together a few exercises for you that will help your child learn new sounds faster.

  • Palm massage: it is on the palms that people have nerve endings that are directly connected with the speech apparatus, so massage of the palms of newborns contributes to the rapid appearance of voice;
  • Skill Development: if your baby has already started to hum, then you can help him - learn new vowel sounds together, start introducing new ones only with the simplest ones;
  • When the baby starts to coo, it is recommended as much as possible to talk with the little one, changing diapers, putting to bed, walking, etc. All experts in the field of child development will unanimously tell you that the best stimulus for the development of the speech of a small person is constant communication with adults.

Important! Remember that even if you want to constantly keep your child busy with something developing, giving the baby enough rest is also important. For the best development of a small child, the best thing is a balanced daily routine and diet.

Many mothers are interested in when the child begins to coo, whether it is possible to speed up this process and what to do if the baby refuses to make contact. If you say all children start at different times, then they walk at about the same time. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of the speech apparatus, the type of children's perception of the world around them.

Despite the fact that very young babies do not yet have a clear understanding of the significance of a mother or father, he feels the connection on a subconscious level, and it gradually strengthens during tactile communication. The kid hears the voices of his parents and it is they who become his first guide in the field of sounds. After some time, the child begins to learn a new way of communication.

Why does the baby coo and how does it happen?

In the first month of life, the baby, although he hears what his mother says to him, often does not react in any way to the speech addressed to him. As soon as he begins to perceive it, there are attempts to give a decent answer. According to statistics, the age of 1.5 months is the optimal time when children begin to coo. To do this, they try to form a tube with their lips, then unclench them and make the first vowel sounds. They can be jerky or drawn out, monotonous or different, letters are pronounced separately or combined. At the moment when consonant labial sounds join the vowels, it is believed that the newborn has begun to walk.

Children do not try to pronounce exactly “aha”, simply because of the guttural pronunciation and the imperfection of the speech apparatus, at first they are not capable of anything else. Hearing their own sounds or speech addressed to them, babies often freeze and listen. Then comes the phase of active manifestation of interest, which is accompanied by movements of the arms and legs, intense cooing and a kind of murmur. It is recommended to stimulate this stage of revival by connecting to the “conversation” and reinforcing your actions with tactile sensations.

Is it necessary to encourage the child's attempts in the first months?

The child will not learn to speak on his own, he needs a stimulus and a role model. You should not listen to the advice of friends to leave the child alone until he is one year old. Only constant communication with the baby guarantees its active development and rather rapid development of speech.

The only thing that experts pay attention to is that there is no need to communicate with the baby in his language, this will only delay him at the stage of cooing. The baby is learning here, and therefore he should be guided by normal speech, expressed in correct, but simple words.

The following tips will help you get in touch:

  • All manipulations related to the newborn must be accompanied by affectionate speech. Up to two months, you can even repeat what the baby is trying to say, while adding new sounds so that the little one tries to imitate them.

Advice: It is highly not recommended to keep the baby in a room with an actively and loudly working TV during this period of a baby's life. Toddlers, absorbing everything like sponges, can unpleasantly surprise with their knowledge after some time. It is better to turn on melodic music for the baby so that he develops his vocal cords from childhood.

  • After two months, you can connect sound toys to expand the baby's understanding of sounds. At the same time, the volume of direct communication should not be reduced.
  • It is necessary not only to monitor your own speech and not to lisp with the baby, but also to correct relatives. There is no need to be afraid to seem too strict, because the interests of the child should be in the foreground.
  • A good effect is the accompaniment of speech by tactile sensations. If during the “conversation” you gently stroke the baby’s feet and hands, the corresponding parts of the brain will be activated through the acupuncture points.
  • Children are very fond of listening to singing, especially performed by their mother. They do their best to connect with the process and use the full arsenal of available skills.
  • Babies have a very developed desire to imitate sounds, especially those made by animals.
  • Sayings and sayings should be used as early as two months. They are introduced in the process of eating, dressing, falling asleep, bathing. With regular repetition, this allows not only to work out speech skills in a newborn, but also to develop his memory.

By performing the above manipulations, you can count on the fact that the baby will soon begin to speak in syllables, and after some time in whole words. At the same time, you should not rush him, everything will come in due time.

What if the child did not start talking at the right time?

The time between the first cooing and a clear meaningful word can be several months and it depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, the time that parents devote to him. It is worth thinking about the existence of a problem if during the first year of life the baby did not start talking. The following points are most often singled out as the reasons for this development of events:

  1. The child is not feeling well. If the baby is worried about uncomfortable sensations or he is not provided with comfortable conditions, he will not communicate with others, preferring to be capricious in the usual way.
  2. There is no necessary attention from adults. In case of ignoring the efforts of the baby by others, he will quickly forget about his acquired skill. If the baby wants to "talk", it is better to leave everything and give him due attention.
  3. Neurological problems or hearing impairment. If you have such suspicions, you should immediately consult with a specialist. Particular attention should be paid to this moment, when the baby does not at all try to somehow communicate with others using the sounds available to him.

If you follow all the rules and regularly deal with the child, then by the end of the first six months of life, he will already learn to communicate his desires and problems, changing the intonation of his voice. By the end of the second half of the year, he will already have a few stable words in reserve, which he will adequately use in the process of communication.

In the first weeks after birth, the baby can only scream. But every day this cry becomes more conscious, different intonations appear. Mom can already distinguish when the baby is hungry, when it needs attention, and when the diaper needs to be changed.

After the cry, the cooing stage begins, when the baby pronounces various variations of the sounds -agu, -gy, -ge and others. As a rule, this occurs at the age of 4-8 weeks. Then, from cooing, the child moves on to babbling, and only after that to whole words. Cooing and babbling are important for speech development. Due to this, they learn to pronounce sounds, build chains of syllables.

Stages of development of a child's speech

  • In the first weeks of life, the baby still does not know how to make contact. Emotional communication is just beginning to be established. A newborn expresses feelings and needs only with the help of a cry;
  • In the second month, the feelings and needs of the baby become more conscious, new intonations and emotions appear. You can attract the attention of the crumbs through various effects on vision, hearing and touch;
  • By the third month, the baby feels the need to communicate with an adult. He starts to walk and waits for a response;
  • In the fourth month, the baby listens to the human voice, tries to repeat the movements of the lips and sounds after the adult;
  • At six months, the baby begins to walk or pronounce the first syllables, and at first once. Then gradually he begins to repeat them one after another;
  • By one year, the child can already pronounce simple words.

Speech development in the first months of life

By three or four months, the baby already knows how to laugh out loud or show displeasure. The baby can experience and experience joy and curiosity, fear and resentment. Laughter and smile at this age occur consciously.

Mental and emotional characterizes increased revival. The baby reacts to familiar voices and faces, toys and objects, waves his arms and legs, laughs or smiles in response. He examines his body, touches his hair and face, examines his fingers, legs and arms. The child is interested in looking at himself in the mirror. In addition, he already recognizes and reacts to the name!

Children at four months easily pronounce the vowels “a” and “o”, the consonants - “b”, “p” and “m”, they begin to speak simple syllables. To develop speech, talk regularly with your child, actively use facial expressions! Show picture cards and say the names aloud. In addition, at this time, the baby perceives sounds that imitate the sounds of animals.

At what age does a baby start to babble

The baby begins to babble or pronounce the first syllables at 6-7 months. But this is a conditional framework. When the baby begins to babble depends on the individual development, temperament and character of the child.

Some active babies babble as early as 4-5 months. And calm and quiet babies begin to pronounce syllables only at 9-10 months. It is interesting that some children are silent for a long time and absorb knowledge, and then they immediately begin to pronounce several syllables and even simple words.

Babies begin to speak simple syllables, such as "ba", "ma", "ta", etc. after the fifth month. At first they pronounce such syllables once and rarely, then more often and repeating one after another. Thus, they line up in chains and already make up whole words, like, ma-ma, ba-ba, pa-pa.

In many ways, when the baby begins to babble and speak, it depends on the degree of intensity of the classes. Regular exercise will help your child develop properly.

Development of speech of the baby in 6-12 months

Talk to your child, tell stories with gestures and movements, sing rhythmic songs. Use different intonations, because children as early as six months recognize the sounds, feelings and tones in the voice. They follow not only speech, but also the movement of the lips. Therefore, do not forget about facial expressions!

A six-month-old baby plays well with toys. He can already seek and reach for them. Show the baby your favorite dog or other animal and hide it to the side. The baby will immediately turn in the direction where you hid the toy. He starts to stretch out his arms and babble. Help the baby and say “Where is the dog? Where did the dog go? There she is! Take the dog! How does a dog bark? Aw-aw."

When the baby begins to pronounce words, you need to train the muscles of the cheeks and lips. As a rule, this happens at 11-12 months. At this time, children already say about 10 easy words, like, “mom”, “dad”, “grandfather”, “woman”, “give”, “out”, “here”, “there”, etc. In addition, they imitate the sounds of animals and pronounce “meow”, “woof”, “mu” and so on.

The appearance of a long-awaited child in the family is a great happiness for his parents. There are many joyful days and unforgettable moments, troubles and worries ahead.

A newborn baby will not pronounce words soon, but mom and dad will be able to hear interesting sounds and syllables already a few months after birth.

Every parent is looking forward to this exciting day. So, when does a newborn baby begin to walk and coo for the first time? At what age does a baby start cooing?

When does a baby start cooing?

First month of my life the baby only cries and groans a little. Other sounds until he pronounces. By the way, crying is the first step in the development of the speech apparatus. If you listen carefully, you can make out different intonations and shades of sounds. In pain, the baby will scream a beech "O", and with joy it will look like "A".

On the second month of life the baby will already be experimenting with his voice. He may begin to pronounce such letters and syllables as: "e", "a", "y", "o", "wa", "woo". At the same time, not letters are heard, but humming. This is due to the pronunciation of the larynx.

At first, the baby gurgles in silence or when a familiar person appears. Harking is an important step in the development of speech, which must be actively developed.

At the first appointment, the pediatrician will ask the mother what sounds the newborn is already making and how often this happens. Do not worry and fall into bewilderment from this question. You should answer as it is and without hesitation name the sounds that were heard.

The humming is a rather short stage and lasts three to four weeks. This is the period when vision and hearing develop in parallel. A child can follow a ringing toy or a singing mother for a long time and with interest and try to portray the sound he heard.

What is the difference between cooing and humming?

Cooing is the pronunciation of vowel sounds, and cooing is already a more developed form of speech, which manifests itself closer to two months. In the pronunciation of the baby, consonants appear, which are combined with vowels, and as a result, the baby pronounces: agu, ke, ge, khy, gy.

Cooing lasts about five months. Sometimes this period comes suddenly in the game, but after a while the baby will begin to walk in response to the speech or smile of a loved one or friend.

The baby begins to communicate with people and this is a very important criterion for the proper development of the crumbs. The peak of cooing occurs at the age of three months. During this period, you should always be ready for video shooting in order to have time to record the first songs of your beloved baby. Often, children start to walk when they hear a particular song or poem.

The first syllables can be heard as early as five months old. Gradually, the baby will develop skills and speak more and more letters and syllables. The child begins to try to show his emotions and desires by pronouncing different sounds. After a while, the cooing turns into babbling.

By the age of one, the child begins to speak words that are built from the same syllables, for example: mom, baba, kaka, dad.

Learning to speak

Many parents mistakenly consider cooing to be fun. But it is worth bearing in mind that this is precisely the beginning of the formation of the speech apparatus. Naturally, it is simply impossible to intentionally teach to hum, but it is quite possible to speed up this process.

This will give the child the opportunity to learn how to communicate with the world. How to teach a baby to coo?

More communication with the baby

This is where the correct perception of surrounding sounds and fixation of attention begins. Mom should comment on her every action and talk about everything she sees and does. It may seem silly, but it is worth considering that everything is new for the child and he does not know the names of even the simplest objects.

You should also talk during water procedures, massage, changing a diaper and before going to bed. At the same time, parents should speak calmly, not shout or speak out too emotionally.

Adding vowels

If the baby is already cooing, then you can start developing this skill. To do this, parents must repeat each sound uttered by the child. Repeating after the child, you need to add new sounds and the child will understand that he is an interesting conversationalist and will repeat after his parents.

Baby palm massage

At a time when the child begins to coo, experts recommend doing a hand massage. After all, it has been proven that there are points on the palms that are somehow connected with the brain.

You can engage in active finger games with your child that develop fine motor skills.

What if the baby doesn't coo?

If, after a few months of age, the baby still does not want to coo, then moms and dads panic and worry about how long to wait for the first syllables. But it should be taken into account that child is a living organism, which requires a certain amount of time to develop skills.

Much also depends on the nature of the particular crumbs. Some babies pronounce their first sounds just a few days after birth, and some are silent for up to several months. Both cases are considered the absolute norm.

It happens that the baby actively gurgles, and after some time, it abruptly falls silent. This is also quite normal and there is nothing to worry about. Probably, the child simply assimilates information and learns new sounds. After a while, the cooing will begin again, but in a new way. The child will squeak, scream and walk in a special way.

Also The following factors can influence the cessation of cooing:

  • stress;
  • feeling unwell.

What should parents do if their baby does not coo or coo?

  • If the child is eight months old, and he has not begun to say anything, then you should contact your pediatrician. There may be some neurological problems, but this can also be normal.
  • Hearing problems do not need to be ruled out. The reasons for the silence can be established by an otolaryngologist or a specialist - a neurologist.


So, we figured out what time children start humming. The first spoken sounds are incredible important for the speech development of the crumbs. If the baby stubbornly refuses to coo, parents can try to help him with this. You need to spend as much time as possible with the child and monitor his development. If the baby smiles in response to a smile or cooes with her mother, then this indicates the normal development of the baby.

You should not frighten the baby with a violent reaction to his babbling. It is better to surround him with affection and love. A child who constantly hears human speech will very quickly learn to coo, coo, babble and talk.

When a child utters some articulate sounds for the first time, parents are completely delighted, believing that the baby should just start talking. Why is a newborn gurgling, and is it possible to somehow contribute to the speedy development of speech skills?

When the baby starts to roam

How a newborn hums is a fairly common question among young and inexperienced parents. Some mothers do not even pay attention to the fact that the crumbs begin to make individual sounds. It usually refers to the pronunciation of vowels. Moreover, the kids stretch the letters almost in a singsong voice, which is why their speech seems so bizarre.

Such communication begins to occur already in the second or third month of life. The kid makes strange sounds all the time, even tries to communicate with them. That's just before the full pronunciation of words is still very far away. Usually, after the child began to walk, parents have to wait another 2-3 months for the baby to begin to babble and pronounce individual syllables.

Paying attention to the fact that the baby pronounces vowel sounds, parents should praise him, repeat after the child, as this stimulates him to further development. Also, parents need to talk with the child as often as possible, as this stimulates him to further develop the speech apparatus.

Usually, babies aged 3-4 months can walk incessantly for several hours. At the same time, the sounds they utter can merge together, can be transformed and even become melodic. Also, babies at the age of 3-4 months begin to master the first consonants, for example, "m", "b", "p", because of which their manner of communication becomes even more bizarre.

Child psychologists have long proven that children start to walk only when they are in a good mood. Therefore, the child must be entertained all the time, then the process of development of the speech apparatus will proceed faster.

What to do if the child does not gurgle

If the child does not begin to walk at the age of two months, you should not panic, because the development of babies occurs according to different patterns, and some children need more time to achieve this. If the baby turns 4 months old, and the vowel sounds still turn out to be irresistible, mommy should definitely contact the pediatrician. Perhaps the child has developmental disorders that adults did not even know about before.

It is believed that any child can be taught to walk, using a variety of exercises and tricks. Firstly, a young mother should talk to the baby more often and sing to him. Songs should be chosen where it is necessary to vocally draw out vowel sounds. Such singing will help the child to better master the process of pronunciation of sounds.

Secondly, parents should create the right atmosphere in the family. If mom and dad often quarrel, and the baby is forced to watch this, a bad mood can affect the development of speech skills. As soon as a good mood becomes commonplace for the crumbs, he will definitely start to walk.

Thirdly, experienced parents advise to fully develop fine motor skills of fingers in crumbs. A variety of games with the arms and legs of the baby with regular communication will lead to the development of speech skills in the crumbs. Gradually, the baby will begin to communicate with parents using specific, funny sounds.

The main obstacle in the development of the child's speech apparatus is aggression on the part of parents. If a mother often yells at a child and is angry because he is not babbling, then the baby is unlikely to begin to develop speech skills, simply being afraid of adults.

Even newborn babies understand the intonations of adults and their manner of communication, and that is why babies try to master familiar speech. Having once started to walk, the child will gradually move on to mastering syllables and words, moving further and further in the study of his native dialect.