Social project "Happy Holidays, Elderly People!". National Award “Civil Initiative”

  • Baba Lena from Krasnoyarsk decided to start traveling at the age of 83. For six years, the pensioner has visited Turkey, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Vietnam.
  • Baba Lena does not have a rich sponsor. She travels exclusively on her own, saving from retirement.
  • Employees of the travel agency help Grandmother to choose a ticket, and while traveling, strangers sometimes take patronage over her, amazed by the activity of Baba Lena.

Ekaterina Papina accidentally met an amazing pensioner from Krasnoyarsk in Vietnam. As the girl said on her page in Facebook, 89-year-old pensioner Baba Lena travels 1-2 times a year. Moreover, Baba Lena saves money for travel from her pension: the elderly woman does not ask anyone for help. The pensioner began to travel at the age of 83!

“In Krasnoyarsk, she goes to a travel agency, and the employees help her choose a ticket. Baba Lena is traveling with a backpack. Of course, it’s hard for her to wear it herself, but absolutely always and everywhere there are people who help her. And you should have seen her neatly hung outfits in the room! Grandma is simply unreal!!!
I was amazed at how sensibly she thinks, what a flexible and tenacious mind at 89 years old! She is an interesting conversationalist and just a positive person!” - said Ekaterina Papina.

In Vietnam, the girl took patronage over Baba Lena and even invited her to ride a bike. The pensioner refused.

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As Baba Lena told Life, every year she travels to Karlovy Vary.

“For example, every year I go to Karlovy Vary for three weeks to get medical treatment. There I once met a woman, she invited me to visit Germany. Where I flew the next year, and then we went to the Czech Republic together.”


Baba Lena was also in Turkey and Poland. Next summer, the woman dreams of going to Israel.

The Krasnoyarsk TV channel went to visit the famous woman Lena. Video for those who think that Baba Lena is a fake.


Having reached the retirement period, women finally get free time! How to color boring everyday life in order to fill life not only with household chores, but also with interesting hobbies?

Once upon a time, pensioners were associated with old grandmothers in headscarves, who, according to their status, were supposed to knit socks, bake pies and make jam. Today, women of retirement age bring beauty in salons, visit gyms, travel and communicate with friends on social networks. What hobbies for retirees are popular in the 21st century? What to do for a woman who is free from production duties and wants to brighten up her leisure time?

Anti-aging hobbies

Old age can only be avoided by early death, so do not try to get angry at fate and be upset when you notice a new wrinkle on your face - this is not given to everyone!

To enjoy every birthday and amaze others with your unfading appearance and sharpness of mind, add useful rejuvenating hobbies to your list.

First of all, become a fan of a healthy lifestyle. Do not think that only young girls can do running and swimming. Especially for the elderly, experts develop special sets of exercises that allow you to start training from scratch and gradually achieve success.

Do not forget that the skin needs anti-aging care. It is not necessary to buy expensive creams from well-known manufacturers for this, try a fashionable activity and learn how to create effective beauty formulas on your own.

Hiking is a very useful anti-aging hobby for older women if you do it regularly and keep a certain rhythm. Walk in comfortable shoes and clothes so that you come back in high spirits, not painfully tired. Ladies in sports uniform can be seen for short distances, and beginners can see Nordic walking with sticks.

A good memory and quick wits are characteristic signs of youth, but they can be well preserved and increased in old age. Get carried away with riddles, logic games, memorizing poems and monologues. It is not necessary to perform on stage - learn the roles for yourself!

The computer is a window to the world of new hobbies

Learning a computer will make you younger in the eyes of your own grandchildren, believe me, they will be proud of their grandmother and brag about your achievements among their friends. Go beyond social media and food sites.

Learn useful programs such as photo editing and photo album creation software, home bookkeeping and blogging. On a computer, you can read and write books, solve crossword puzzles, listen to music, watch TV programs, print memoirs. Master virtual shopping - buying via the Internet is more convenient and profitable, besides, you can pay for purchases.

Hobbies for home lovers

Retired women finally have the long-awaited opportunity to take care of the house! Find a hobby that helps make the apartment cozy and comfortable.

Traditional and new types of needlework

Take five minutes and walk through to figure out which hobby needlework is right for you. Look for step-by-step needlework lessons in different techniques at.

The most economical hobbies

If you do not have the opportunity to invest a lot of money in a new hobby, devote yourself to one of them.

  1. Firstly, no one will stop you from selling your products or knitting, sewing and embroidering to order. It is not necessary to rent a place in the market - all this can now be done via the Internet without leaving home.
  2. Secondly, having learned beautifully, or taking children and grandchildren as assistants, you can sell master classes in making crafts or cooking culinary masterpieces. Master classes are well bought by specialized sites, including our site "Women's Hobbies". It is better for beginners to start with exchanges like Advego, so it will be possible to avoid deception on the part of the buyer.

You can also, with the help of relatives or girlfriends who are in search of a new hobby, shoot videos and post lessons online, earning on views. In more detail about that, we have already written, so we will not repeat ourselves.

Dear readers, on our site "Women's Hobbies" you will find descriptions and tips! We will be very happy if our work will not be in vain and help you decide in the bottomless world of hobbies and fill your life with new emotions. Add our site to your bookmarks and visit us more often. If you already have a favorite activity, share your joys in the comments. And if you have something to brag about, our readers have their own masterpieces.

On Tuesday, February 13, at a meeting of the presidium of the city government, the Active Longevity program was discussed. The meeting was organized as an extended one: public figures, city parliamentarians, TV presenters were invited to participate in it. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, called the composition unusual. The discussion turned out to be stormy.

In recent years, the life expectancy of Muscovites has grown to 77 years, there are 600 residents in the city over the age of 100, the head of the capital noted. - And their number is not decreasing every year, but, on the contrary, is increasing. Pensioners do not want to stay at home, they lead an active lifestyle.

The mayor said that the city government received a large number of applications from public organizations and initiative groups about a project dedicated to active longevity. However, according to him, prices in the field of services related to leisure are simply not affordable for most pensioners. And social service centers can not always accommodate everyone.

The material base of our social service centers is not adapted for that mass of people and for a variety of activities. We decided to create the most ambitious and interesting project in the field of active longevity, - continued Sergei Sobyanin.

Responding to various requests from the older generation, back in 2016 the Moscow government launched the Active Longevity crowdsourcing project. The ideas proposed by Muscovites during the project were put into practice, new programs for elderly citizens appeared in all districts of the capital.

For example, Nordic walking has become one of the most popular offers in the field of physical activity. And today, citizens involved in this sport can be found in every metropolitan park. Although quite recently it seemed exotic.

Photo: Natalia Nechaeva "Evening Moscow"

And last year it was launched, within the framework of which pensioners can receive additional education. There are already more than 12 thousand graduates. There is another project in the city - "Silver Volunteer", when older people help their neighbors. Competitions are organized - "Super-grandmother" and "Super-grandfather", in which pensioners demonstrate their intellectual and athletic abilities.

To implement the project, it will be necessary to use all the material and technical capabilities of the city: educational and cultural centers, sports institutions, - said Sergei Sobyanin. - But without prejudice to their core business. Also, we must also financially interest our organizations and institutions so that they do everything and compete with each other not formally and under duress.

The head of the capital stressed that systemic control, public support, and constant monitoring of the project are needed.

As a result, we must create a very interesting unique system, which has no analogues in Russia, I think, and there are few in the world, if any. Of course, we must make sure that attention to the elderly in the provision of opportunities does not turn into a formal procedure: less is more, the mayor said.

TV presenter Elena Malysheva, who was the first among the invited guests to speak on the project, noted that doctors are the first to help the elderly.

The hand that Moscow extended to the older generation was a hand in a white coat. The first to help the elderly were doctors, she said. - Our health care is cosmically excellent. In the capital, people recover from strokes and are treated for cancer. And one patient recently had a joint replaced. But man needs a spiritual life. And the pilot project, addressed to people over 55, is unique. They are given the opportunity to learn, communicate, love - all these desires remain in them.

She noted that abroad, similar projects also began with hospitals, since it was in medical institutions that elderly patients were admitted, including those with depression, the cause of which was loneliness.

We are confident that the Moscow project will have a great economic effect, - Elena Malysheva suggested that with an active lifestyle, there will be fewer calls to medical institutions from pensioners. - We are doing the project not to brighten up the old age of Muscovites, we are doing it for our grandchildren, for our future.

Pensioners who are permanently registered in Moscow and do not have medical contraindications can become participants in the project. Still, participation in some programs may be limited depending on the state of health. Elderly Muscovites are offered to dance, play sports, and create new circles.

In turn, the actor, TV presenter Alexander Oleshko emphasized that the older generation needs attention from friends and relatives, they want to feel that they are in demand.

The sites will be organized in educational centers and schools in Moscow, as they have the most prepared base. This is a serious resource. I hope it will also be a mutual enrichment for schools when the grandparents of the children come and talk about their life experiences. I believe that this is an organic project, - Sergei Sobyanin emphasized.

Photo: Svetlana Koloskova, Evening Moscow

The Public Chamber decided that this is a people's project, - said Arina Sharapova, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Public Chamber. - People want to be happy after retirement, at any age.

And the announcer and TV presenter Anna Shatilova said that she meets with veterans very often. She called for the eradication of the words "elderly" and "disabled".

All of them give odds to us, people with unlimited possibilities - in her opinion, it is necessary to raise the status of people with disabilities, to adopt new programs for them.

Anna Shatilova also emphasized the significant contribution of the city authorities to the preservation of the health of citizens. She also turned to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Communal Services and Improvement Petr Biryukov, saying that she always remembers him when it snows in Moscow.

How much work then for him! she grabbed her head.

Active longevity is guaranteed to him, ”Sergey Sobyanin promised immediately, smiling.

Other proposals were also made: to create platforms - cultural, sports, medical - for communication, to pay special attention to those who need special care, and classes should be accessible to everyone, regardless of the size of the wallet. And most importantly, activity centers for pensioners should be within walking distance from their places of residence. Then the districts of the capital will receive a new development.

Let's make a public council of the project, - suggested Sergei Sobyanin, after listening to all the ideas.

To coordinate and evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot project, it was decided to organize a council, which includes well-known, respected and highly accomplished representatives of the city community: Leyla Adamyan, Nadezhda Babkina, Natalya Bestemyanova, Natalya Vinogradova, Dmitry Vinokurov, Maxim Galkin, Alexander Kalyagin, Ekaterina Strizhenova other.

As a result of the implementation of the pilot project, taking into account the wishes of its participants, a permanent active longevity program for older Muscovites will be developed and adopted.

This project does not cancel many others: medicine, gerontology, social support, targeted material assistance to pensioners. We will develop these areas more actively,” Sergei Sobyanin summed up. - Our city has opportunities, and we will give them to those who want to be active after the age of 55. All classes will be free. As a result of this large-scale and complex project, we will create a colossal infrastructure for the older generation. The capital should become kinder and more sincere to the elderly.

The project "Grandma for an hour" was launched in 2012 by the Baikal Charitable Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Social Protection of Buryatia. The pilot project was tested in Ulan-Ude, then it was joined in the Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod regions, in Orel and in other regions. Active pensioners sometimes help families with disabled children for free, for example, they sit with a child in the absence of parents, pick up children from school, communicate, and so on.

“At first, the Baikal Fund applied for a social grant with such a project and won it,” said OG. Julia Malyshevskaya, Consultant of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of Buryatia. - When the allocated funds ran out, we decided to take the project, useful in all respects, under our wing. We have almost 170 thousand elderly citizens in Buryatia, and many of them just take an active life position, study at the university of the third age, that is, they are constantly busy with something. The database contains 60 such grandmothers and 38 families with disabled children who cannot go to kindergarten and school.

We are often approached by young mothers who are forced to stay at home around the clock with a child, but they also have some business of their own, and in this case, grandmothers help them for an hour. They make a deal and help each other. For grandmothers, this is part-time employment, the most convenient option for older people, well, plus a little income. There are very smart grandmothers who work even in three families. Basically, we try, of course, to attract those who have a pedagogical or medical education. Be sure to conduct a little training with them. There are families to which the same grandmother has been visiting since 2012, and they are already like family to each other ...

I wonder how things are with such grandmothers in the regions who picked up the baton of a good deed?

Vladimir region. The “Grandmothers for an Hour” project started here in 2015 under the auspices of the Department of Social Protection in seven cities and districts. The service is intended primarily for families who are on the so-called social support - large families, single-parent families, who find themselves in a difficult life situation, with a disabled child. Information about all these families is in the database, so volunteer grandmothers are simply invited to help any family from this list. If at the meeting the child, the future nanny and the parents found a common language, an agreement is concluded between the family, the grandmother and the social security center.

Ivanovo region. On the basis of one of the schools in Ivanovo, a center was opened for the selection of tutors of retirement age. The service is free. For assistants take former teachers. For three years, 16 families have used the service "Grandmother for an hour" in Ivanovo. There are twice as many pensioners who are ready to help. And that's just in one school.

Oryol Region. Here, a similar project is organized by the Knowledge society, which works a lot with the elderly, and the volunteer agency Babushka for an hour has been created. Its elderly employees help young families who have no one to leave their child with and do not have enough space in the kindergarten. Grandmothers will not be able to sit with their children for very long - for two or three hours, but for many parents this is a serious help.

Nizhny Novgorod Region. The movement of grandmothers-volunteers has also appeared in this region, but it has its own peculiarity: visiting grandmothers look after children in neutral territory. In several districts of the region there are rooms of kind help "Grandmother for an hour", where parents can "surrender" their offspring for several hours. Under the guidance of the grandmother on duty, the kids mold figures from dough, color postcards or simply listen to their favorite fairy tales. There is a tour desk for older children. In addition, grandmothers take to the streets in the evenings to remind the late children that it is time to go home.

Moscow. But the Moscow authorities do not plan to open the service "Grandma for an hour", so popular in the regions, in the city's social protection system. This, according to TASS, was recently announced by the head of the capital's department of labor and social protection of the population Vladimir Petrosyan at a round table where methods of dealing with various fraudsters were discussed.

Petrosyan referred to the fact that Moscow is a huge metropolis, and even social workers are far from being able to enter the house to all pensioners, and then a stranger will come (what if something disappears later?). “Who will answer?! Petrosyan will answer,” the official said, adding that there are enough organizations in Moscow for veterans, the disabled, and pensioners that provide social support.

Unfortunately, the Buryat experience was not developed in the Sverdlovsk region. “Grandma for an hour” is listed only on the Avito free ads website with a price per hour for the service. But this, as they say, is a pig in a poke, and there are no guarantees ...

  • Published in No. 58 dated 04/05/2017


Today is a holiday on our Earth -


International Day of Older Persons is a special day for senior citizens around the world. Today, there are about 600 million people worldwide who are 60 years of age or older. In our rapidly aging world, "veterans of life" will increasingly play a decisive role - passing on their accumulated experience and knowledge, helping their families. Already, older people make a significant contribution to the development of society. Mature people are a new force for development.


When retiring, older people need not only the attention associated with the organization of their life. Forms of spiritual communication with children acquire special meaning for these people when they congratulate them on the holidays and talk about their affairs. This awakens in an elderly person a thirst for life, understanding their place in society. For children, this is the acquisition of spiritual and moral values. Children caring for an elderly person will forever have in their hearts an understanding of the needs of the elderly and the need to help these people. In our time, when a person in pursuit of a career, for money, forgets about the main human values, it is important to remind them.

Target: strengthening ties between generations; drawing attention to the problems of the elderly, promoting communication with the elderly

Tasks: To form a respectful attitude towards the older generation.

Develop artistry expressiveness of the performance of poems;

Project directions:

I. Help, good deed, understanding, compassion, respect for: 1) Neighbor (parents, grandparents)

2) Elderly people - neighbors

Fundamental question: What is the responsibility of the younger generation to the elderly

Problematic issues:

                How can you selflessly help?

                Is it easy to be kind?

                What must we do so that mercy does not disappear from our lives?

Study questions:

        Day of the Elderly is an official holiday in Russia

        What do parents, relatives, friends think about the life of elderly people?

        What is the state's attitude towards them?

Expected results:

1. Studying the history of the holiday of the Day of the elderly.

2. Formation of civil and patriotic feelings, love and compassion for one's neighbor

3. To promote the development of students' skills of cognitive, creative activity

4. Promotion of communication with the elderly (relatives, neighbors, veterans)

Type of research work

Social project, short term

Equipment: notebook

Project organizers: pupils of the association "Karusel", students of the 8th grade

Project partners: parents

Project implementation timeline: September 2016 - October 2016

Work plan.

Our business



Discussion of the plan. Find material about the history of the holiday.


Find congratulatory verses.


Poster formatting. Making postcards.

09/25/16 - 09/29/16


Congratulate with celebration

Discussion about the work done.

A conversation about the holiday

This is a special holiday, a day of respect and reverence for the elderly. This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, the Day of the elderly began to be celebrated in Europe,

then in America, and in the late 80s all over the world.

December 14, 1990 The UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 International Day of Older Persons, and in the Russian Federation this holiday has been celebrated since 1992. Since then, every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. The celebration of this day is a sign of recognition of the demographic coming of age of humanity and the prospects it opens up for the development of more complete ideas and opportunities in the social, economic, cultural and spiritual life of older citizens. The establishment of such a day and its celebration in Russia is a centuries-old tribute to the traditions of respect and reverence for old age, it is a sign of public recognition of the huge contribution of older people to the formation of the economic and spiritual potential of society, a multifaceted contribution to the development of the state. In accordance with the classification of the World Health Organization, the elderly include the population aged 60 to 74 years, the old - from 75 to 89 years, the long-livers - 90 years and older. The milestone of 65 years of age is often highlighted, since in many countries this age is associated with retirement. The new social status of a person in old age, caused primarily by the termination or limitation of labor activity, changes in the very way of life and communication, difficulties in adapting to new conditions, requires special approaches, forms and methods of working with older people. The annual celebration of the Day of the Elderly in Russia is becoming an important tool for improving the situation of the older generation of our country, who need special protection from the state.

An old man, it's not old at all,

This means that he lived, gained wisdom.

It just might be..., a little tired,

After all, the youth has always led the way.

From the bottom of his heart he shared his experience, knowledge,

He helped us with advice, his example.

So accept from us "thank you" with recognition,

For your selfless work for the good of the country!

We are grateful to you for the past years,

For the fact that you are bad weather to spite everyone,

Overcoming all storms and hardships,

Laugh so fervently and lightly.

Thank you for your concern.

You are our vanguard and reliable rear.

Your character, friends, is of such a nature,

That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

We love you, optimistic, cheerful,

For not wanting to sag.

Thank you for the wisdom of good songs,

It's more fun to walk through life with them!

With respect, we bow our heads before you.

We could compose poems for you.

For the fact that you live next to us,

From the bottom of our hearts we say “Thank you!”

2. And we will go and give the postcards that the guys made to pensioners and we will congratulate them with verses.

Poems are read by children at congratulations.

Afanasyeva A.

1) Silver on braids
And golden hands
I congratulate you
You old people.

worldly wisdom
You do not take
Good health
I want to wish you.

Makarevich Nikita
2) Youth and youth
Let it surround you
Your experience and knowledge
Let him take over.

From family attention
Love, warmth, care
I want to wish
For years to come.

Starostina Zhenya

3) Elderly people are not a diagnosis,
This is maturity, experience, ringing laughter,
Today we congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you happiness without interference.

Good health,
sunny days,
A drop of whims
Life verses.

To appreciate grandchildren
Went to you for advice
So that your children
They were warm light.

Subbotina Polina

4) Today is a holiday on our Earth -
He is familiar, today, to any kids,
And everyone is in a hurry to congratulate their:
Grandmothers, grandfathers - the most relatives!

Long life to you, happiness, love,
So that the years lead a happy path,
Concerns: from grandchildren, children and relatives,
Health for all seniors!

Gumarova Samira

5) Congratulations on the day of the elderly,
We wish you health and comfort.
Let the years pass
The main thing is to have a young soul.

Meet every day with a smile
And let joy accompany every hour.
Let your back be flexible
Doesn't momentarily let you down.

Naryshkina Nastya

6) Thank you, relatives, for your care,
For wise and helpful advice.
I'm sorry that sometimes we are so cruel
And we won't even give you a friendly hello.

Thank you, you are very patient
You forgive us, even though you don't have to.
Forgive us, we are not always courteous,
But you are always, always important to us!

Afanasyeva Oksana

7) You have accumulated experience, wisdom
On the road, life is not easy.
Years you, right, tired,
Lightning speed.

I congratulate you with all my heart,
Please: live more than a hundred!
Don't be afraid to look back
After all, life has not yet been lived.

2. Promotion "Postcard as a gift"

Poster made

"Do not offend old age!"

Take care of old people

From resentment, cold, fire.

Behind them - the rumble of attacks,

Years of hard work and battles...

But old age has a brittle step

And the rhythm of breathing is uneven,

But old age does not have the same strength

There are few unlived days...

Take care of old people

Without which there would be no us.

Photo gallery

Making postcards and gifts.

Search for material and poster design.

Congratulations to the elderly