Sunburn and sunburn. How different types of solar radiation work. Which is more dangerous: tanning in the sun or in a solarium

We all grew up with the belief that a tan is good, useful, attractive. Confidence in the latter has remained to this day, and, comparing pale northerners and chocolate southerners, I would like to give preference to the latter. However, recently the desire to relax and enjoy the sun has been somewhat blunted due to talk of a thinning ozone layer, harmful ultraviolet radiation and an oncological threat. Let's try to deal with the most established opinions about tanning.

The sun is helpful. Yes, because being in the sun makes you feel healthy, blood circulation increases, and there is a feeling of cheerfulness. The sun is good for bones, teeth and the human hormonal system. Vitamin D is produced under the influence of the sun. In some cases, the sun helps to get rid of pimples and psoriasis.

The sun is bad. To some extent, this statement is true. Excessive sun exposure has been found to cause premature skin aging; deep wrinkles (which cannot be smoothed out); the appearance of spots and freckles on the skin; skin cancer; burn; photoreactions to certain types of foods, drugs and cosmetics; the appearance of irritation in the form of watery bubbles; some people have skin rashes. According to recent studies, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can weaken the immune system. The ultraviolet radiation of the sun among all factors of aging is the worst. Not for nothing that even at the beginning of the century, women who could afford it wore hats, veils and gloves so that the skin remained young for as long as possible and where it was not protected by clothes.

The likelihood of developing a tumor increases if a person often received sunburn in childhood.

Yes, according to experts from the US Centers for Disease Control, there is such a connection. Therefore, everyone, especially children, is advised to wear long-sleeved shirts, use sunscreen, wear hats, and avoid exposure to the sun during the daytime hours. In case of unusual changes in the shape, color or size of moles, you should immediately see a doctor, as this may be a sign of the development of a tumor.

Sunburn is the protection of the skin from the sun's rays.

Yes, tanning, or skin pigmentation, is our body's way of protecting itself from the sun with the help of a special pigment, melanin, which is present in the top layer of the skin. The more melanin, the darker the human skin, the higher the degree of protection from exposure to sunlight. Therefore, people with fair skin and fair hair, that is, with a low content of melanin in the skin, are most susceptible to the damaging effects of the sun, and therefore, the risk of getting skin cancer. However, even dark-skinned people get sunburned and get skin cancer.

Sweat protects the skin from UV rays

Yes, sweat is the skin's natural defense because it contains urocanoic acid, which absorbs UV radiation well. Therefore, the skin becomes especially sensitive in the wind and after swimming, and during these periods it is especially easy to burn in the sun.

Solariums dry the skin more than a natural tan.

The degree of any tan depends on the ability of the cells to produce pigment. Solarium is an accelerated production of pigment, since artificial ultraviolet waves have a long range and selectively affect it. Artificial tan dries the skin no more than natural. In youth, this is not so noticeable, but over time, it leads the skin to early aging, the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the condition of the skin after each session and apply moisturizing creams accordingly.

Cotton clothing protects well from the harmful effects of the sun.

Yes it is. Compared to synthetic fabrics, which transmit from 25 to 50% of UV rays, natural fabrics transmit no more than one percent. Nylon fabric transmits 30% of the radiation incident on it, white nylon knitted fabric - 25%, blue - 13%.

If you use sunscreen, you won't tan.

No, the cream is designed to protect the skin from harmful UV radiation and does not affect the tan.

Topless sunbathing is harmful

Yes, direct exposure to sunlight on the nipples increases the risk of skin cancer.

The sun's rays dry out the skin

Yes, so after a long exposure to the sun, the skin needs moisture and coolness. This will help her heal the damage caused by the sun and make her tan more beautiful. If the skin turns red right during a sunbath, then you have already received a sunburn. Even if everything worked out, the skin needs to be helped with creams, lotions and masks that soothe, cool and heal minor damage. Especially for these purposes, there are so-called post-solar products. But you can use conventional preparations if they are rich in moisturizing substances and contain little fat. It is important that they do not clog the skin and do not stimulate blood circulation. This would exacerbate the inflammatory processes instead of alleviating them. An old home remedy for mild sunburn is sour cream, kefir, yogurt.

Fake tan is healthier

At present, there is no reliable information on the long-term effect of exposure to artificial tanning devices. Any tan, and intense in particular, is already evidence that you have harmed the skin. The beautiful tan you have acquired is direct evidence of skin damage and, consequently, its premature aging. In principle, before sunbathing in a solarium or at the sea, you should consult a doctor, since even the most useful ultraviolet radiation should reach healthy skin. Now there are many oncological and chronic diseases that a person may not know about, but which can worsen after prolonged exposure to the sun. It is also important to know that you cannot sunbathe on the beach and in the solarium on the same day.

The numbers on the packages of tanning creams show how many times longer you can stay in the sun using this cream.

Yes, if the degree of protection is, for example, 15, this means that if you use sunscreen, you will receive the same amount of solar radiation in 15 minutes as you would receive in a minute without using a protective agent. However, the tanning time calculated using the SPF does not guarantee that irritation will not occur. Your individual sensitivity to the sun, as well as the intensity of solar radiation in a given place and at a given time, also play a role in estimating how long it is safe to stay in the sun. So these calculations have the right to exist, but one should not definitively focus on them.

Taking medications can increase your chance of getting sunburn.

Yes, some prescription medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. If you are taking medication, then consult your doctor about this and be sure to introduce regular use of sunscreen into your everyday life.

If you took sulfonamide preparations (sulfadimezin, sulfadimethoxine) before going to the beach, the sensitivity of the skin increases several times. In addition, it should be kept in mind that people with low blood pressure have a severe adverse reaction to ultraviolet light 5 times more often than people with normal pressure.

Sunburn is a temporary phenomenon and disappears without a trace.

Generally, sunburn is a fairly stable form of skin damage, and there is growing evidence that sunburn predisposes to malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. A very severe sunburn makes you six months older.

How sun protection works

Sun protection products are among the most important preparations offered by modern cosmetics. Their action is based on the fact that chemical filter substances, like tiny antennas, capture ultraviolet radiation and change under its influence. The disadvantage of chemical filters: they penetrate the skin and (in small quantities) enter the body through the blood. In addition, they can cause allergies. To avoid both, light-shielding substances have been developed, consisting of finely ground mineral pigments (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide). They remain on the surface of the skin and block solar radiation by reflecting the rays. Otherwise, sunscreens are made up, like other emulsions, of oil and water, and are also enriched with substances that soften irritation and moisturize the skin, as well as "radical scavengers" such as vitamin E.

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micMay 23, 2011, 06:31:22 PM

In order to determine what you can get or why not sunbathing for a long time in the open sun, let's first figure out what a tan is for our body?

Sunburn is a protective reaction of the skin to excessive solar radiation. But it is not sufficient protection for the human body.

Until now, it is believed that a beautiful even tan makes a person attractive and healthy. And many seek in any way to get a beautiful tan. Exhausted, they stay in the open sun for a long time, trying to get a good tan. At the same time, few people think about the fact that they put themselves in great danger, causing irreparable harm to their health. So let's see - does a tan really make a person beautiful and healthy?

Even at the beginning of the last century, tan was something like a calling card. The owners of a beautiful tan belonged, as a rule, to ordinary people. The peasants, working in the fields, got a tan involuntarily. At that time, snow-white skin with a slight blue was revered. The owners of such skin were considered refined gentle natures, which made them proud. The ladies were anxious to ensure that the tan did not touch the skin, did not go out into the open sun, protected themselves with umbrellas and gloves.

So what should be the color of the skin? The most beautiful is the natural color of the skin, the one that a person receives at birth. What can be the best guarantee of skin health? This is the absence of excessive sunburn and sunburn.

What are the harms of sunburn or why not sunbathing excessive: in our time, these questions are of interest to many. Ecology and living conditions, depleted atmosphere, the presence of ozone holes, solar activity - all this affects the strength of solar radiation. Therefore, before deciding how to get a beautiful tan, you need to take care of how not to harm your health.

For this you need to know: why not sunbathing in the open sun:

  • With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin immediately suffers damage such as freckles and sunburn.
  • Long-term damage to health accumulates, for example: an increase in the number of wrinkles, premature aging of the skin.
  • The appearance and increase of skin pigmentation, as well as the appearance of precancerous lesions.
  • Sunburn contributes to the formation of kidney stones, since sunburn causes
  • excess synthesis of vitamin D.
  • Solar radiation, in most cases, affects the occurrence of diseases such as skin cancer, and getting sunburn is dangerous because it increases the possibility of malignant melanoma.
  • The eyes also suffer a lot - well, who wants to have a cataract of the lens of the eye?

If, nevertheless, you are one of those who, despite all the above arguments, are thinking about how to get a good tan, I recommend paying special attention to all the changes that occur with your skin:

  • A change in the size, color and shape of warts or birthmarks that have been on the skin for a long time.
  • A gradual increase in the size of newly appeared birthmarks in the form of a tubercle or a flat spot.
  • Long non-healing wounds or ulcers.

If you find the above symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor.

Skin cancer is preventable. In this situation, it is very important to make an early diagnosis. The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment begins, the higher the chance of recovery!

Now it remains to clarify which category of people with increased sensitivity to the sun do you belong to?

  • People with fair hair and skin (blonds or redheads) and/or freckles.
  • People whose skin burns quickly or does not tan at all.
  • People who have a large number of warts and birthmarks (more than 20 birthmarks).
  • Babies, children and old people.
  • People who (due to the nature of their work or hobby) have to spend a lot of time in the sun.
  • Scuba divers, water skiers, swimmers and other sports enthusiasts, as their skin is usually wet and receives more intense radiation due to the reflection of the sun's rays from the surface of the water.
  • People taking medicines that increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight (taking medicines should consult your doctor).
  • People who have received various organ transplants (kidneys, heart, liver, etc.) and who are constantly taking drugs that suppress the immune system (to prevent rejection of the transplanted organ).
  • People with family history of skin cancer.
  • It should be remembered that people born with dark skin are not immune from skin cancer.

These populations should avoid excessive sun exposure and take the right protective measures. Tanned skin does not provide effective protection from the sun's rays, and excessive sun exposure is harmful to health.

Warm summer days are an opportunity to recharge your batteries in the truest sense of the word. Sunlight compensates for the lack of vitamin D and maintains the health of our skin, chest, joints, and protects against cancer. You just need to figure out how much time you can spend in the sun with your skin type in the area where you live.

We will tell you how sunbathing affects the figure, mood, productivity at work, and also helps to cope with stress and get enough sleep.

1. Great mood and sound sleep

Sunlight affects the production of hormones - serotonin and melatonin.

Serotonin helps us feel happy, calm and focused. A walk in the sun lifts our spirits and protects us from depression.

Melatonin helps to fall asleep and sleep normally. The more sunlight we get in the morning, the earlier we want to sleep in the evening.

If you have to work indoors all day, and often have insomnia at night, it's worth getting your circadian rhythms in order. To do this, melatonin expert Russell J. Reuter recommends spending 10-15 minutes a day in the sun without sunglasses.

2. Slim figure

Scientists from the Universities of Edinburgh and Southampton found out a curious fact: sunlight slows down weight gain and protects against diabetes.

The fact is that when light hits the skin, nitric oxide is released, and it affects how our body regulates metabolism.

The habit of being in the sun often reduces the risk of type II diabetes by 30%. To come to this conclusion, Swedish scientists collected data on 24,000 women over 11 years of age.

3. Protection against different types of cancer

Sunlight helps reduce the risk of breast cancer by 35%. The strongest effect is observed in those who have often been in the sun at the age of 10-19 years.

High levels of vitamin D cut the risk of death from breast cancer by half.

Sunlight also protects against other types of cancer: prostate, ovarian, colon.

4. Healthy bones and joints

If vitamin D is not enough, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen.

High levels of vitamin D prevent rickets in children by promoting normal skeletal development.

For adults, it helps to avoid pain in the joints, back. In the elderly, it prevents osteoporosis, falls and fractures associated with it.

5. Healthy skin

Scientists believe that one of the causes of psoriasis is vitamin D deficiency. In people with psoriasis, skin cells grow too quickly, and under the influence of sunlight this process slows down, inflammation decreases.

According to WHO, ultraviolet radiation can be used as a therapeutic agent in the fight against psoriasis and eczema.

6. Reduce stress and protect the nervous system

The amount of light in the workplace affects energy levels, stress levels, and job satisfaction.

The lack of light worsens health: the “internal clock” gets off, a person sleeps worse and works less efficiently.

It becomes more difficult for him to concentrate, fatigue accumulates, the level of cortisol and ghrelin increases, and after them weight.

The influence of sunlight also reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disorders: multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia.

Bonus: calculate the UV index and get only benefit from the sun

The UV index is a measure of the activity of the sun, and it varies by season, time of day, and specific location on the globe.

Skin type affects the rate of redness and burns: fair-skinned people burn the fastest, while dark-skinned people take much longer to get the same amount of vitamin D.

On this online map you can enter your city and see:

  • How many minutes can you spend outside without sunscreen?
  • after how many minutes without cream the skin will turn red or burn;
  • recommendations for choosing a cream with SPF depending on skin type;
  • how many hours can you be in the sun if you use the cream.

If you plan to spend all day in the sun, don't forget your hat, sunglasses, and reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

Love to be in the sun? Do you live in a sunny region or, on the contrary, do you often have rains?

With the onset of summer, we all think about where to sunbathe, because we want to get an even and beautiful skin color. Some take this issue seriously, so they first visit a doctor's consultation, and then carefully choose the means. Others do not particularly think about the consequences and spend a lot of time on the beach or in the solarium, believing that there will be no harm. This is because there is no clear answer to the question “Is a tan good or bad?” does not exist.

Let's try to figure it out... What is a tan and why is it needed? Tan is the darkening of the skin that results from the production of melanin. Melanin is a substance produced by skin cells in response to ultraviolet radiation. The main purpose of melanin is to protect the skin from further exposure to sunlight. Do not forget that sunburn is radiation. Ultraviolet rays penetrate our skin, and as a protective reaction, melanin begins to be produced - an enzyme that gives our skin a brown tint and protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. And if you exceed the dose of ultraviolet rays, then you can greatly harm your skin.

In the solar spectrum, ultraviolet rays (UV rays) and infrared rays (IR rays) are distinguished. The luminary owes its warmth to infrared rays. Their action is superficial, however, from overheating in the sun, the walls of blood vessels are destroyed and a red mesh appears under the skin. In addition, these rays exacerbate the harmful effects of UV rays. UV rays make up only 5% of all radiation, but it is they that affect the skin. The spectrum of solar radiation of ultraviolet rays consists of rays, A, B, C. UV-A rays, being the hardest, penetrate the deepest into the dermis. UV-B rays form the mid-wave portion of the ultraviolet spectrum. UV-C rays are the highest energy and most dangerous, but fortunately almost all are trapped by the Earth's ozone layer. It was previously believed that UV-A radiation was the main cause of sunburn and skin aging, but recent studies have shown that Type B rays penetrate the skin more deeply and destroy the collagen layer “responsible” for maintaining skin elasticity and smoothness. Rays of type C do not reach the surface of the Earth at all - they are kept by the ozone layer in the atmosphere. True, the ozone layer is becoming thinner and thinner every year, and countries such as Australia, faced with the problem of the "ozone hole", are experiencing an unprecedented increase in the number of cancers. In a word, sunburn is very, very harmful. But there is another side of the coin. According to the World Health Organization, the number of suicide cases in countries located close to the Arctic Circle - Iceland, the Scandinavian countries - increases dramatically during the cold season. This is due to the fact that the lack of sunlight leads to severe depression, a person begins to see the world around him, so to speak, “in black”. So that the ominous specter of depression does not obscure the light before the eyes of the inhabitants of northern countries, doctors recommend that they spend as much time as possible in daylight, since under the influence of those very ominous ultraviolet rays, endorphins are produced in the human body - chemicals that cause a feeling of pleasure. The lack of endorphins leads to severe depression.

So more about the benefits and harms of tanning ...

The benefits of sun tanning

Sun tanning is necessary for a person, its influence on our body is enormous.

  1. Every person needs a daily 15-minute exposure to ultraviolet rays in order for a sufficient amount to form in the skin. vitamin D(required for many processes in the body: normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, muscle strengthening, bone tissue strength and much more).
  2. The sun enhances the production of certain sex hormones. Actively produced in sunlight "hormone of joy" - serotonin, responsible for a good mood, as a result, on a clear sunny day, a dull mood disappears without a trace.
  3. Tan help strengthen the immune system. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the content of antibodies in the blood increases significantly, which increases the resistance of our body to infectious and viral diseases.
  4. Tan increases resistance to many harmful substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulfide. Ultraviolet rays help fight colds.
  5. UV rays successfully used in the treatment of various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne. Tanning is beneficial for people with oily skin prone to acne.
  6. Generally sunburn helps the rapid healing of wounds and postoperative scars.
  7. Tan increases a man's sex drive. Vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays, raises the level of the male hormone testosterone in the body.
  8. Sun tanning boosts mental and physical performance and helps fight depression.
  9. Sunburn activates many processes occurring in the body: respiration, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.

Each person has their own protection from the sun's rays, called the "natural level of protection." This is the time during which you can stay in the sun without using sunscreen, without risking getting burned. The duration of such exposure to the sun depends on the type of skin and ranges from 5 to 40 minutes. During this period, the skin is protected from the sun's rays with its natural levels of protection. Under the influence of sunlight, human pigment cells begin to intensively produce a special protective substance - melanin, which gives the skin a dark shade. Melanin cells absorb heat rays and neutralize the action of ultraviolet radiation. Under the rays of the sun, melanin from the deep layers of the skin rises and is evenly distributed over the entire surface. The body acquires a beautiful tan and at the same time a kind of protective shell - from burns and sunstroke. Over the course of a lifetime, dark skin can protect the body for about 450,000 hours, while light skin can protect the body three times less. When the limit is exhausted, a person will remain unarmed against a solar attack, which can seriously harm health. If you resort to protection too often, a “sun callus” forms on the body, which prevents the penetration of sunlight into the deeper layers of the skin. Each time the top layer of the skin thickens by 0.3-0.5 mm, over the years, regular tanning makes it "tanned" and rougher. This pathological process accelerates the physiological aging of the skin. It dehydrates early, becomes dry, deep wrinkles, age spots and so-called solar keratoses, related to precancerous diseases, appear on it. The sun ages the skin and photoaging is associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

So, the harm of sunburn

With excessive ultraviolet radiation and the lack of necessary precautions, irreparable harm can be done to the body.

  1. Too much sun leads to weaken the immune system, since all its forces are aimed at protecting the body from dangerous rays.
  2. Sunburn itself is not harmful, but it usually goes through a stage. sunburn, and burns are undoubtedly very harmful. To date, the link between sunburn and cancer has been proven. Childhood sunburns increase the risk of developing melanoma, one of the most malignant tumors. Burns suffered in adulthood increase the risk of developing skin cancer. In addition, sunburn tends to accumulate - all sunburns remain in the DNA of cells.
  3. Ultraviolet light is one of the main factors in aging.. According to the latest data, UV rays are able to penetrate the genetic apparatus of skin cells, damage it and activate free radicals, which are responsible for skin aging. For many people who have been exposed to excessive sun exposure for years, their skin ages quickly and becomes wrinkled. Hyperpigmentation may appear, as well as benign formations - seborrheic warts, keratomas.
  4. Prolonged and intense exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause photodermatitis. Photodermatitis is, unlike sunburn, an abnormal reaction of the skin to the sun's rays. It manifests itself in the form of blisters, redness, itching and peeling of the skin after contact with the sun. The main place of occurrence of allergic reactions is the face, less often the body, very rarely the arms and legs. This is commonly referred to as "sun allergy".
  5. Malignant growths on the skin- the most dangerous consequence of immoderate exposure to the sun. Melanoma is an extremely malignant form of cancer. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it quickly metastasizes to the lymph nodes and internal organs.
  6. Pregnancy itself is not a contraindication for sun tanning. Ultraviolet radiation has no effect on tissues below the surface of the skin, including the developing fetus. However, often due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman, there is an increase in photo sensitivity of the skin, which can cause hyperpigmentation, which manifests itself in an uneven skin tone, as well as the appearance of white, untanned areas of it.
  7. It is also known that excessive exposure to sunlight reduces fertility in women, and in men can cause short-term infertility(for several days).

We are all looking forward to summer, because in winter we missed the sun so much. A uniform beautiful tan is possible only with the right approach to sunbathing. It is impossible to get a tan in 3 days, but you can burn out, harming your body. To get a good tan and keep the tan for a long time, you need to spend at least two weeks at sea (for fair-skinned people - about a month).

How to tan properly?…

When sunbathing, the following rules must be observed.

1. Sunbathe in the morning until 10 o'clock, and in the evening after 18 o'clock. It is necessary to avoid sun exposure between 11 o'clock and 16 o'clock in the afternoon, since at this time the sun's rays are very active and pose a serious danger to health. Time is local and natural.

2. You need to sunbathe gradually, increasing your exposure to the sun by 10-20 minutes every day. On the first day, the duration of the sunbath should not exceed 10 minutes. On the second day - 20 minutes, on the third - 30, etc. However, remember that the duration sun tanning should not exceed 2 hours per day. Try to change the position of the body every 5-10 minutes, exposing the sun alternately, then the back, then the stomach, then the sides.

3. You need to sunbathe lying down with your feet towards the sun.

4. You can not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.

5. Be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses when under the sun.

6. It is not recommended to cleanse the body with soap, wipe with lotion, cologne or toilet water before sunbathing. Soap degreases the skin and destroys its protective coating. Eau de toilette or lotions make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

7. The sun's rays reduce the content of vitamin C in the body, so it is necessary to replenish its supply with fruits and vegetables that contain it.

8. In the sun, the body quickly loses moisture, so you need to drink water regularly and a lot. Ideally, on beach days you should drink 2-3 liters of water, while drinking cold drinks is not recommended.

9. When sunbathing, pay close attention to moles. These are the most vulnerable places for the development of cancer. Moles should not be exposed to prolonged sun exposure. Particularly large formations are recommended to be glued.

10. Topless sunbathing is not recommended. The skin of the breast is very sensitive, the action of ultraviolet rays increases the risk of developing mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary gland, pregnant women cannot categorically sunbathe topless. Do not expose your breasts to direct sunlight, as wrinkles and age spots may appear around the nipples.

12. The closer you are to the water, the faster you will tan. This is due to the property of water to reflect the sun's rays, as a result of which their effect is enhanced. And remember that in the water we also sunbathe, and even more than on the sand. After all, water is one big lens that attracts ultraviolet light to us. You can also burn if you do not wipe yourself with a towel immediately after leaving the water, but dry in the sun, since water drops on the skin act like small lenses. Therefore, in the first days of your stay on the beach, it is better to refrain from sunbathing near the very edge of the water, as well as from drying in a natural way.

13. Be sure to use special creams before and after sunburn. Never use petroleum jelly or glycerin to protect your skin from the sun. This may cause a burn.

14. Drinking alcohol is contraindicated under the hot sun.

Dermatologists say that children under 3 years of age are categorically contraindicated in direct sunlight. The skin of children is endowed with a small number of cells that synthesize melanin, which is why their protective layer of sunburn is rather weak. In addition, the stratum corneum of the epidermis of children is much thinner than that of adults. As a result, the sun's rays easily penetrate into the very depths of the skin, provoking the development of burns. The child's body is more difficult to tolerate burns. In addition, childhood burns increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Even after 3 years, children should be smeared with special sunscreens, which contain no dyes, no alcohol, no additives, but only neutral physical filters. The protection factor of these funds should be at least 25. Children's skin should be smeared with such products every 120 minutes.

We agree that in the summer you just want to be outdoors more and take sunbaths. But it turns out that this is not as useful as it seems. Why is it dangerous?

Premature skin aging

Many do not take it seriously, but the fact remains. The sun's rays provoke premature aging (in particular, photoaging). So if you can’t refuse a chocolate tan, then be prepared for the fact that before the age of 30 you will see the first wrinkles. As a rule, they appear in the eyes, mouth and forehead. In addition, the sun's rays slow down the recovery process of the skin and deprive it of moisture. Can you imagine how stressful that is? It is not surprising that wrinkles make themselves felt ahead of time.

Dark spots

The result of a long stay in the open sun is age spots that do not appear immediately, but after 10–15 years. You will see dark “specks” on the face, palms of the hands and on the legs.

Expert opinion:

“Chemical peeling will help to cope with age spots, which, due to the action of various acids (lactic, mandelic, phytic and salicylic), will remove dead cells and even out the complexion. True, one procedure will not be enough, you need to take a course (the required number of sessions is selected individually), - says Oksana Moiseenko, dermatovenereologist, dermatocosmetologist at the Gen87 clinic. - Spectra laser correction will also be good against pigmentation. This is a laser carbon peeling that can be done even in summer. It is painless and does not damage the skin at all, so after the procedure there will be no peeling and redness. One session lasts only 20 minutes and this time is enough for a visible effect! In order for the result to be bright and lasting, of course, it is better to do a full course of 4-8 procedures.

Dry skin and flaking

The sun's rays dry out the skin. And if at a young age the skin looks good thanks to collagen fibers, then the situation worsens with age. Plus, under the sun, these same fibers become thinner and harden over time, losing their ability to absorb moisture. Your skin becomes dry and lifeless. Add peeling to this - the alignment, you see, is not very good!


This is the case when you immediately see (and feel) the effect of the burning rays. Agree, red spots and blisters will definitely not decorate you. By the way, the consequences of burns can lead to the development of skin cancer.

Refreshing spray-veil for the face SPF 50 Vichy, 1448 rubles; body spray SPF 30 Virtu-Oil Body Mist Clinique, 2400 rubles; spray Clinique Fit Workout Face + Body Hydrating Spray, 1550 rubles; after-sun revitalizing gel, softening body milk SPF 30, soothing face cream SPF 50 Lancaster, prices on request; sun milk for face and body Anthelios SPF 30 La Roche-Posay, 250 ml. 1300 rubles; waterproof milk "Anti-sand" SPF 30 and spray-veil anti-sand 50 for children. Vichy, 1444 p. every

Expert opinion:

“On the one hand, UV rays are safe and even beneficial: they strengthen the immune system, reduce stress levels, stimulate the production of vitamin D in the body. But with excessive exposure, they have a different effect: they sharply reduce immunity (which is why some people get infections after a beach holiday). ), pigmentation and wrinkles appear, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, the elasticity of the capillary walls decreases (which leads to spider veins), - says Nadezhda Kozhevnikova, dermatocosmetologist at the Britana beauty studio. - By the way, often on a beach holiday it seems that the skin is getting better. This is due to the fact that under the sun's rays the skin dries out, and due to this, inflammation temporarily disappears. But, unfortunately, after returning from vacation, the situation worsens. To prevent this from happening, it is important to use sunscreen cosmetics. And for your peace of mind, it is better to use it all year round. In addition, in cosmetology, there are different methods to combat all the consequences of sun exposure: injections (biorevitalization, bioreparation, plasma therapy), peelings, IPL-therapy, laser procedures, restorative care.”

Dry hair

Admit it, if you at least sometimes think about the skin, then most often you don’t remember about protecting the hair. But in vain. They are no less susceptible to the damaging effects of the sun. Without proper care and protection over time, they become lifeless, dry and brittle (especially for blond hair).

Sunscreen SPF 30, oil spray with SPF 6 and sunscreen SPF 50, Pure Line, 216 rubles, 230 rubles, 240 rubles; children's sunscreen lotion with SPF 50 and spray oils "Protection and Tanning" with SPF 30, Nivea, 252 r. and 684 rubles; sun spray SPF 30 and SPF 50 Yves Rocher, prices on request; refreshing after-sun cream Garnier, price on request

Expert opinion:

“Direct sunlight leads to the breakdown of melanin (this is our natural pigment) and at the same time lowers the amount of lipids in the hair. That's why protection is so important! - emphasizes Anastas Metaksa, stylist, Davines regional master trainer. – Some of the sun protection products must be applied after washing. They lie on the hair with a thin, non-weight-bearing veil and often give a beautiful shine. They protect color and sometimes have heat protection for blow-drying!”

“Under the influence of UV rays, dyed and bleached hair suffers the most. The sun not only dries them, but also “brings out” the color, makes them lose moisture, and along with it, “strength,” says Danila Mileev, Kerastase Ambassador. – To protect your hair, it is important to choose special sunscreens with ceramides and provitamin B5. If suddenly there were no such products at hand, then, when you are going to swim in the pool or in the sea, apply any oil on your hair along the entire length and especially on the tips. Gather your hair in a bun and then go into the water.”

Thinning of the nail plate

You must have heard that gel polish UV lamps damage your nails. However, no one canceled a beautiful manicure. Well, then at least don't forget to protect them when you're under the scorching beams. They dry the nail plate in the same way and lead to the appearance of microcracks.

Cicaplast Baume 5 La Roche-Posay multi-restorative agent, 40 ml, 643 rubles; body cream Honey Bunny, 950 rubles; Sun Logic Guinot cream, price on request, Bariesun Uriage cream, price on request; balm against burns, Vichy, 1054 rubles; gentle facial emulsion Rivoli, price on request; SOS mask "After the sun" I'm Sorry For My Skin, 405 rubles; milk after sunbathing Santa Maria Novella, 4240 r.

Expert opinion:

“Due to the sun, nails lose moisture, become brittle and can begin to peel. To avoid this, be sure to take cuticle oil with you on vacation and try to use it more often, advises Elena Goncharova, manicure master at Ma & Mi beauty salon. - In salons, the best procedures to eliminate such consequences would be Brazilian manicure and paraffin therapy. And at home, you can periodically make baths with different oils.

Refreshing after-sun cream Garnier, price on request; after-sun balm Sun Care Eveline, price on request; after-sun gel Sesderma, price on request; body milk SOS Nivea, 280 rubles; Aloe Vera Lycon gel, price on request; aloe gel for face and body Santa Maria Novella, 4080 rubles; after-sun milk Natura Siberica, price on request; Nivea shower cream-gel, price on request