I miss statuses. Statuses about longing

How often there are not enough kind words to a loved one. How often separation extinguishes the flame of first love, forcing one to doubt the loyalty and devotion of the beloved, which is characteristic not only of hardened jealous people, but also of everyone who once loved and was in love. Love is a real holiday of tenderness and happiness, when every day you expect gentle and kind words from your beloved, but, alas, you do not always receive because new worries and deeds simply do not leave time for writing kind words and joyful pictures. That's why sometimes it's worth reminding a guy how much you appreciate and love him and expect kind words from him. Let him know that there is a person in the world who is always waiting for him and loves him, dreams of meeting him.

Take care of the one who misses you and do not keep the one who is happy without you!

I will write on the brick how much I miss you, and I will throw you out the window so that you understand how painful it is to be bored.

You know - I miss, even if I don't tell you about it .. P.S. I need you...

Distance doesn't ruin a relationship. You don't have to see a person every day to continue to love him.

Don't miss me, I miss you too. Don't be sad, I am sad too. I need nobody in this world. I love, very much!

You think I am far away, but I am close ... You think I am high, and I am low ... You are looking for me in vain with your eyes ... Look around, I am near ... (Statuses I miss my beloved guy)

I miss you, because the stars are on the moon, because the cloud is on the sun, its beam knocks on the windows, come back as soon as possible so that they are together faster, I will hug you tightly, Our cupid shoots accurately ...

And cute, like on camera, I said "I love" ... the worst thing is to deceive yourself.

I miss your love I miss your touch, but I can feel you every day.

I love you and miss you, I don't notice other guys. I only need you, beloved, with you - I will be happy!

You don't have to be around to love someone. It is enough just to occasionally look at his photo and know that everything is fine with him.

Waking up early in the morning, I open my eyes, and quietly repeat - I miss you! I go out into the kitchen, I pour tea ... And again with a quiet echo - I miss you! I live by you alone, I do not notice others, And every minute ... I miss you!

I miss you very much, I will hug you tightly when we meet ... please do not leave my life, I value you very much ...

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems completely empty.

Far from me, but still love. I am strong and I can handle ... I miss ...

Did you miss? - Not. - Correctly. Me too, that's why I'm calling. (Statuses miss my beloved guy)

Don't be sad or bored ... ... know that life is not heaven!

I miss you. I miss our friendship, our long walks and our evening conversations. I just still feel it with you.

You are not here, I know that. You are not here, and I miss you. You are not here, but I am sad. You are not here, but I want ...

A day without you is like a day without a sun ... I miss you ...

You are the one I miss! You are the one for which I am sad! You are the one whose eyes I remember! And whom I love very much!

I want you to call and ask how are you kid? I answered: I miss and in response there is only one word: LEAVING

If a girl writes, then she misses, and if she doesn't write, it means she's waiting for YOU to miss ..

Hug him from behind ... Breathe in his scent ... Kiss ... Press your cheek against his cheek ... Hug ... Squeeze even tighter ... How much I miss this ... I miss

It is a great happiness to write to a dear person: "I love and miss you" .. and know that he needs it.

Do not be sad and do not be bored ...... know that life is not heaven! (Statuses miss my beloved guy)

When you love for real, you don't get bored.

Distance weakens a slight infatuation, but increases a great love!

It seems to me that I will soon lose my mind, from the lack of you!

I love, I miss, I wait, I hope, You will come someday that hour, And I will warm myself in your hands, And this world will be for us!

My smile is meaningless without you. I miss you!

SMS at three o'clock in the morning: "If you are asleep - sleep, and if you woke up - call me bored"

It is a great treasure to write to someone “I love and miss you” and know that someone needs it.

It's so nice to know that somewhere they worry about you, somewhere they miss you, love and wait for you.

Just know that I miss you every day and hope that we will be together soon.

I don't want to put high-profile statuses about love or anything else. Not love at all. I just really miss a person who is far away now, to miss in my understanding is a great desire to see a person, and a desire to spend as much free time with him as possible. I have not lived a long life, have not experienced a bunch of troubles, losses and stories with unhappy love, it is simply impossible to convey that incomprehensible feeling that not only torments me day after day, but simply prevents me from falling asleep calmly ...

I want to see you ... for tea ... for a movie ... for a conversation ... in an embrace ... under the covers ... it's all the same as ... but only to you ...

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems to be empty.

I miss you, do you believe ??? !! It's so hard for me without you, you know ??? !!

The rain will pass and the sun will come out, and I will see you again! And so it will be! (Statuses miss my beloved guy)

I love you, dear, my most beautiful ... and I can't live without you! And tomorrow I will leave ... and I don’t know what will happen to me, because I will not see you soon ...

You look into his eyes, it seems that he is ... very close ... and this is just a photograph ...

I miss, remembering your phrases with the pronoun "mine", from which pleasant goosebumps and everything inside - inside out ...

The best feeling is when you meet a person and realize that you have missed him all your life.

Every day I miss you ... every hour I miss you ... every minute my heart misses you ... every second of mine belongs only to you ...

You are just like the air that I breathe, I need you every minute ...

I was asked if I miss you. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes, smiled and walked away ... and then whispered ... crazy ...

You appear and disappear for a month, and it hurts again, again I'm waiting for you, I miss you. But as soon as I start to forget, you appear again ... And all over again ...

I miss you so much right now !!! I would give anything to see you, hear the sound of your voice. I so want to fall asleep in your arms ...

Every minute I think, where are you now, what are you doing?

Just like the air I breathe, I need you every minute ...

When you call, my phone doesn't just turn on the backlight ... It glows with happiness!

I miss my beloved man very much ...

Now other people have appeared with me, with whom I do not sleep half the night, I speak on the phone with a wick and laugh until I’m hiccupping, I’m bored for you. Sometimes, even very.

To be happy, I need to be missed by the one I miss every minute.

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems to be empty. (Statuses miss my beloved guy)

You know, when you don't see a person for a long time, you cool down. You just get used to the fact that he is not there. But once you see him, everything starts again.

I missed your tenderness ... I would put it in my pocket, as in childhood - candy with the affectionate name of caramel.

Dream me today, I miss you ...

I miss you so much right now! I would give anything to see you, hear the sound of your voice. I so want to fall asleep in your arms ...

I want you to call and ask how are you kid? I answered: I miss and in response there is only one word: LEAVING 164 (1)

If a girl writes, then she misses, and if she doesn't write, then she's waiting for YOU to miss ... 142 (1)

I want to see you ... for tea ... for a movie ... for a conversation ... in an embrace ... under the covers ... it's all the same as ... but only to you ... 173

You don't have to be around to love someone. It is enough just occasionally to look at his photo and know that everything is fine with him. 135 (3)

I am waiting !!!, counting the days in the calendar, and for that I only adore this life ... That my heart is given to you! See you! I'm waiting! I love you! I miss ... 173

The most pleasant moments in a relationship are moments after a long separation, when you cannot tear yourself away from each other! 150

every day I miss you ... every hour I miss you ... every minute my heart misses you ... every second of mine belongs only to you ... 174

The worst way to miss someone is to be with them and understand that they will never be yours. 104

"I miss". This is a banal phrase, a bare fact, a characteristic of a slice in time ... But I really miss ... Very ... 92

I miss the sun in the sky and the sun that is not with me now ... 46

I am always with you. After all, the same sky above us ...))), my boy, I miss you ... 57

Over and over again this feeling ... so deep and depressed ... I want to go back to where I would be next to him ... 72

Her heart is still waiting only for him. 79

Two weeks spent with you are two of the best weeks of my life. And now one year without you? But what are we one year old if we had these two weeks !!! 46 (2)

Empty days, empty nights, empty life, empty eyes, empty heart and soul, when everything is there, but you are not ... 64

I don't need much - I just want you to be by my side ... here and now. 95

Please hold me when I leave, because I completely and completely belong to you ... 26

If you want, I will tell you how much I love you ... But words are nothing compared to what I feel 52

Separation from a loved one is a painful state of mind, from which one still wants to live on, waiting for a meeting. 59

I breathe with you
I burn with you,
I live with you,
And I'm dying without you. 70

By Pike's command, at my will ... let the impossible become possible. Let that which is far away become close. And let everything that was very difficult be solved beautifully and easily !!! 54

Far from me, but still love. I am strong and I can handle ... I miss ... 38

I love so much, I miss you so much, and hug you tenderly and tenderly! 57 (1)

Sometimes I want to be your phone, sometimes your mirror, sometimes your lipstick. And everything in order to be with you and take the main place in your life ... 20

I draw happiness to order ... I draw love with chalk ... I draw you in my memory ... 26

No matter how you turn the globe, you won't find me there ... 35

I envy those who see you every day. 124

Your absence is driving me crazy ... 75

I miss my beloved man very much ... 86

Everyone goes on dates, meets, loves ... I just sit and wait for him to appear ... 57

And does not matter. Are you near or far. After all, I know that you love me, and I love you. And that's enough for love! 47

When you miss a loved one, every little thing reminds of him. 71

I look at your photo, I see your image again, I want to kiss you. It's a pity, you're not with me ... 72

I have a picture of him on my phone. And when I accidentally open it, such a sweet smile and a desire to kiss appears on my face. 46

Waking up early in the morning, I open my eyes, and quietly repeat - I miss you! I go out into the kitchen, I pour tea ... And again with a quiet echo - I miss you! I live by you alone, I do not notice others, And every minute I miss you! 49

My beloved - I miss
So tired without you!
You will come soon, I know
This only amuses myself.

I can't sleep without you at night
My dear, beloved husband.
I missed my dear very much
I really need you!

I look forward to our meeting as a holiday!
I want to be very close.
I kiss you, I hug you tighter
And I won't let you go anywhere!

I really miss and really love
Come back - I'll give you the sun
A basket of care, an armful of warmth,
I will warm you with my smile.

A whole century goes by without you
I yearn madly, dear person,
I count the minutes until I meet you
I kiss you tenderly, my dear!

I miss you so much love
As if we haven't seen each other for a hundred years
And with a joyful smile I freeze
When suddenly comes to my hello answer.

I miss you all the time
For my dear husband.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you
And again, tenderly, gently hug.

The only one, beloved and dear
So far away that my heart stops.
You come, hurry home soon.
I miss you at home very much.

In my dreams I see cute features
And I feel the touch of my hands.
When will the cherished dreams come true,
So that there are no partings in our life.

Fly to me and I'll set the table
Light a candle, fill two glasses.
And I will whisper: “My beloved husband,
I was longing for you.

You are not with me now,
But my thoughts are always there
And the best, believe me
I don't need it in my life.

Love you my husband,
I look forward to meeting and miss
Our love is strong
I know that for sure!

Let the storms and frost
My heart is with you,
We are one
My close and dear.

I miss so much love
Tears are rolling from my eyes.
I hate distance
Separating us

I'm so sad and melancholy without you
Beloved husband, I miss you!
The minutes melt away so slowly
I can't get warm without you with hot tea!

I want to always touch your lips,
And whisper about love, about feelings,
So I'm waiting for you, I want to snuggle up soon,
And never let you go!

I miss you, dear,
I want so much in your arms
Days before the meeting I believe
You are my great happiness.

I'm waiting with great impatience
When you open the door to our house,
The most extraordinary
My dear heart.

I am very sad. What is the reason?
I miss you, my husband.
You're my only man,
How to live without you - I don't know.

I'm so tired of being apart
I feel lonely, I suffer.
Life without you is continuous torment.
I miss you so much!

Miss you darling
I have unsweetened tea without you.
The days are passing by.
I'm waiting for you, you know.
The one and only
You are the best on earth.
I am waiting, I miss, my dear husband.
I want to quickly snuggle
To such a beloved and dear cheek.

Like a sip of dew of life-giving husband my most amazing. Like a spring that gives moisture, it fills life with meaning ...

I love you ever since we got married ... My husband, you are gentle, brave and proud and our souls have merged together ...

I so want now to be in the reliable hands of my beloved husband, to feel their warmth, affection and strength ... Kiss him and tell him how lucky I am with him ...

Lucky is not the wife that has a good husband, but the husband she made that way.

Best status:
When a married couple has kept mutual love for many years, then a good habit will gradually replace it, and friendly support will replace passion.

Behind me, calmly, you are the best and most worthy. You save me from problems, wonderful husband - to the envy of everyone!

I didn't dare to dream of such a husband ... I really need you ... there is no limit to happiness. And our kids will be very lucky - fate gives them the best dad!

My husband is given to me by God ... the most tender and desired ... I don't need another fate ... just to be with you ....

It may sound immodest, but I can say that my husband is really the best man in the world.

I miss you so much, without the warmth of my dear eyes, I will give everything so that you and I do not part for an hour !!!

Do not forget that everything in the family should be equal: a new fur coat for a wife, socks for a husband

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child ...

The man from my dreams Once he became my faithful husband. My best, it's you I need more than anyone in the world!

I can't imagine a better husband than you.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Every day I understand that my husband is the best and irreplaceable, that I made the right choice!

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

A guy is not a husband, you can change! A husband is not a mother, you can change.

Sometimes my husband shakes me - after all, I am an amazing woman !!!

The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that they were found in cabbage.

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state and eats

You are more than love: You are life, you are passion, you are tenderness, You are a breath of air, You are inevitability ... and childhood dreams are all YOU !!!

It is easier to win peace in a family by concluding a truce in it in time.

The family is a mutual bearing of burdens and a school of sacrifice.

In family scenes, one director, the other director.

Why does he think he has the right to do his marital duty with my brain?

Evil wives give their husbands bumps, and good wives give horns

I go into the kitchen and see my husband, twitching in convulsions, holding on to the electric kettle. I grabbed the mop and hit my arm hard to pull it off the email. the device, while breaking his arm. Later it turned out that my husband was listening to music on headphones and dancing!

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

Looking for a husband. I will find, I will kill ...!

Head of the family: one for all and all for one!

To prevent the wife from becoming a saw, the husband must not become a log ...

The wife approaches her husband, who is sitting at the computer: -Let me play. - Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? I asked when you wash the floors?

The hearth, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable.

I want it to be like this: JV: married to ... Status: I am happy with the BEST man in the world! (updated 50 years ago), and the inscriptions on the wall: "Granny, with a golden wedding you!" And most importantly, I'll still be online!

It's good that there is such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

A happy wife is a happy family. An unhappy wife is a murderous torment for the rest of your days.

Family quarrels are reminiscent of the program "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

I will shout to the whole world that I want to be with you alone. And then I'll whisper: You are needed, Thank you for becoming the best husband!

In family life, the most important screw is love ...

I love you, my dear, I will not exchange for anyone. And I know that you value my fate, and do not play.

Statuses about wife and husband - A woman cheats on her husband in three cases if he is bad, if he is good and if he is neither one nor the other.

The only thing you have to worry about is your family, and let the rest worry!

In normal families, apartments, cars, jewelry are inherited, and in ours - passwords ...

An SMS came: “I’m staying at the woman’s, don’t worry.” I sit, thinking: son or husband?

The family hearth, like the weather, is changeable: it warms souls, then boils them.

I love being a married man. It's so great to find a special woman that you want to anger and annoy for the rest of your days.

Always remember the most important rule of a happy marriage: “Good things happen to those husbands who listen carefully to their wives!”

You can't find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.

You are my dear, so beloved, You are a husband, not a boyfriend and not a friend. In the hands of your reliable, strong I just melt, like in paradise.

In the world I need one man - One who once became a beloved husband. My dear, I thank you For your affection, tenderness and love!

I want to always be with you, smile and cry, laugh and be sad, bring up kids, cook you food, love and be loved.

Many wives would not cheat on their husbands if they knew a more subtle way to take revenge.

You are so kind and beautiful, I want to be with you always, I am happy with you, my dear, No wonder I told you: "Yes."

Family is such a good thing that many have two at once.

The husband's kiss will be more passionate if the wife squeezes the cutlet in her teeth.

At the buffet table. Wife: "Dear, don't you find it embarrassing that you have already been running around with a plate for food for the fifth time ?!" Husband: "Nope, I said it was for you!"

A family is a group of people who are connected by bonds of blood and quarreled with money issues ...

I love you very much, And it's not a secret at all. After all, for me you are the sweetest, your relatives in the world are not!

Kiss, caress, chide, forgive nonsense. I love you, you know, My dear, beloved husband!

Dear husbands! If you stopped seeing your wife as a woman, this does not mean that all other men have also gone blind!

Smart men choose such ugly girls as their wives so that no one else will covet them, and they choose such a beauty as their mistresses so that all other men would envy.

If the husband has grown horns, it means that not all men watched football yesterday.

A husband like you, Just a man of dreams, is forever ready to love And give her affection! Live and breathe in unison. You are my mysterious dream!

Sweet, beloved, desired, gentle, affectionate, caring, courageous ... All this is one person ... Thank you for having you!

The main causes of most stress and depression in a person's life are: family, money and family without money.

I love your lips, I love your hands, I love everything that you have. I love how you kiss, I love how you dance, I love how you love me!

Two gold rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear a wedding ring with pride, and I am extremely glad that you are my husband.

Statuses about my husband - Not only do I wait for my husband from work every evening as from the war, but he also demands to deploy a field kitchen for him near the computer!

My dear, I love you! You are my life and happiness! I so want to be with you And in grief and bad weather. A hundred times I can tell my dear, And this is so wonderful !!!

The blood boils, the heart beats: I am saturated with love! Dear husband, you are my sun, I am so happy with you!

The family is a small country in which PAPA is the president, MAMA is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and family emergencies, and the CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, resent and go on strike.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my beloved, for being in the world.

My husband is the best!

I'm in my third marriage. The husband is in the latter.

Family is not the blood that flows in you, it is those whom you love and who love you!

The husband comes home drunk. I realized that my wife would swear. Grabbed the biggest book and pretends to read. Wife: - Well, got drunk again? - What are you? Can't you see, I'm lying reading! - Fool! Close your suitcase and sleep.

The soul is full of you alone, My husband, my friend and my hero. I'm behind you, like behind a wall, You always be with me.

The thoughts of a noble man are like the blue of heaven and the brilliance of the sun: it is impossible not to notice them.

A good husband never goes to bed first in the evening or wakes up on the last morning.

Statuses about love for my husband - I love you, my husband, I admire you. I want to be with you, you are the best in the world, I know.

What do a fly stuck in a honey jar and a married man have in common? They are both tasty and sad, and their wings are cut off.

For me it is a great happiness Just to be with you. I miss you very much And I give my love!

The family conflict is no longer the one who explodes, but the one who presses the button.

The husband rarely changes just because the woman wants it. For all changes in a man are in the hands of a woman.

Conjugal love that goes through a thousand accidents is the most beautiful miracle, albeit the most common.

My dearest person, You are my lover and friend. We are connected with you forever, You are my beloved husband!

The family is a shelter in a heartless world.

Selling husband, in good condition - 24 rubles. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

My dear husband, you are my happiness!

The TA family is strong, where the cross is on the letter "I". Where only the word “WE” rules, where there are common dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children are merrily scurrying around, where such PASSIONATE LOVE always flares up again! A FAMILY is THAT strong, where life is QUIET and EASY !!!

The divine, sacred foundation of everything is a strong family.

Good husbands are not chosen, they are raised

In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot last long.

I love you with all my soul, the light of your eyes is always with me. I keep your hands warm To spite all the troubles. We live without lies and falsehood. I pray that it will continue to be so.

The guarantee of family happiness is in kindness, frankness, responsiveness.

Living in a family means sharing with each other all the imperfections, all the troubles and all the feelings and still continue to love each other.

My dearest man, Desired, close and dear, Your love is invaluable, I am happy that you are only mine!

Family statuses - Family is the eradication of their bad habits and the acquisition of new common ones.

My husband, you are the best - without a doubt! I am convinced of this every hour.

I love you more and more, I do not need another husband. You become dearer to me, And I need you more than life!

Good morning to my husband Good night to my husband Missing my beloved Missing husband Apologies to my beloved Love husband

Without you, my husband, I miss you very much
The heart does not want to beat joyfully.
I am waiting for the castle the cherished grinding passionately,
I don’t agree to be apart anymore!

My dear and beloved!
My most precious husband!
When the gratifying hour comes
And I will hear a measured knock on the door ?!

Instead of a pillow, I dream
Hug you, beloved!
My hubby! I miss you so much!
Well, how long can you wait ...

On the day heaven betrothed us, we vowed to always be together, to become one. This is probably why I feel so bad without you and lonely. After all, half of my heart is not with me now.

I miss you so much my best husband
I am not happy with the sunrise and my evening is lonely.
You and I are one, a fusion of close souls,
And so I count the hours until we meet.

The day goes by the old route
The clock turns an endless circle
And with every new minute I live
I want to see you, my beloved husband!

With you next to my heart stops
In your arms is the sweetest dream
I can't believe it happens
I am the happiest of wives!

It seems that I just now realized what it means to be "for a husband." It is to feel confident in every day, it is to be truly needed by someone and loved by someone. Without you, I'm like a little defenseless girl. I miss you and look forward to you very much.

Beloved husband, I miss you incredibly
And without you everything falls out of hand ...
In separation, feelings only grow stronger,
Come quickly, I will not stand the torment!

My dear husband, my joy,
I miss you so much now.
It's so glad to be your wife
For this I am very grateful to fate.

I know parting doesn't last forever
But it's still sad without you.
When we are near - perfect
Everything is in the neighborhood and I am alive.

My dear husband, my beloved man, I am frankly glad that, even after parting with you for a short time, my heart misses and yearns for you. So I want the years spent together to strengthen our feelings, I want to miss and love you always.

All my dreams are about you, and all my thoughts too,
Even the days are the same without you
I'm sad without you, sitting quietly by the window,
Only one moon understands my feelings.

Sad emoticons in the mail were crowded.
And time is syrup, so viscous!
Oh, how, my beloved, I miss you!
Longing over me hung like a black cloud,

Sends lightning. Heart she splinters
It pierces right through to the bottom.
Console rather, dear, with forecasts,
That my sun is already going home!

I miss you, my man, because you are the best in the whole world! You are my unearthly joy, unreal and strong love that gives me wings of lightness, weightlessness and happiness.

Our funny cat when the bell rings
Runs to the front door. The cat is restless.
He, like me, is immensely lonely,
He does not need "Whiskas", but the owner.
And I need you, my dear husband!
I miss and wait for you home.

Your heart hurts
I missed you for a long time
I'm lonely without you
I look out the window all day!

Come back, beloved husband,
Hurry, please,
Because only you
In this life I breathe!

Dear, I look forward to our meeting. Sad and lost, I wander through the empty room, aimlessly rearranging things on the shelf. I miss and suffer - come back soon. Only your embrace will bring me back to myself.

Alina Ogonyok