Wedding bottles are red-white. Decorating bottles for a wedding: stylish decor for a festive table. Decoration with satin ribbons

A wedding event is one of the most important events in the life of every person.

Any attribute that is present here must be harmoniously and pleasantly decorated, since any slightest thing can ruin the whole holiday.

It is worth noting that at such an important event, even the simplest trinkets are often decorated that will attract the attention of guests, ultimately leaving a good impression of the holiday.

In Russia, there is a tendency to beautifully design one of the most important attributes - champagne bottles. These are not simple bottles that are opened at a wedding event, but precisely those that symbolize the continuation of marriage and the family line.

For this, two bottles are taken, each of which stands during the celebration in the most conspicuous place and remains intact until the end of the holiday.

It was a year later that the first bottle was opened, thus celebrating the first wedding anniversary. The second bottle opens on the birthday of the first child.

It is very important that even such a symbolizing attribute is colorfully decorated. This is not an ordinary champagne, but one that is of great importance to the family.

How to decorate bottles for a wedding

Very often in recent years, newlyweds have used the services of designers who, on order, carry out the design of a festive bottle. The couple themselves can come up with a concept that suits them perfectly.

But it will be much more interesting to arrange bottles for a wedding with your own hands, because in this process it is important to put your soul and desire to fulfill what they symbolize.

To do this, in order not to think for a long time, you can see a photo of decorating bottles for a wedding on the Internet. You can either choose a suitable design or come up with something of your own on the basis of other people's ideas.

The most pleasant design is considered the one that the newlyweds not only came up with together, but both did it on their own.

Most often, wedding bottles are decorated with:

  • polymer clay flowers;
  • photographs of the newlyweds;
  • engraving;
  • elements of needlework.

Polymer clay flowers are considered one of the most interesting and, most importantly, suitable ways to decorate a bottle. Thus, decorating champagne bottles for a wedding will strongly resemble a bride's outfit and will be beautifully combined with a wedding dress at an event.

The only thing such decoration is very popular, so more and more newlyweds resort to other decoration methods.

Photos of newlyweds are another good way to decorate bottles. In this way, you can take photos from the "love story" or other photo sessions, or early photographs of the couple.

It doesn't have to be a pre-holiday photo at all. It is best to choose those pictures that resemble the most interesting moments in the life of a couple even before marriage.

DIY decoration

Engraving is used to decorate glasses and bottles for a wedding. Here, it would seem, the flight of fantasies will not be enough, specific approaches and methods are needed.

But no, with the help of engraving on bottles you can not only write something, but also draw something. It turns out even much more beautiful than just gluing a photo to a bottle.

Doing it yourself is difficult, but possible. Such bottles can be stored for many years even after opening, as a memory.

But how to decorate bottles for a wedding with your own hands?

In this case, handicraft elements come to the rescue, which will help to make a unique design of bottles.

Newlyweds can come up with all sorts of interesting things - small crafts, origami, ribbon design, and so on that can only come to mind. Such bottles turn out to be very beautiful and aesthetic, they will fit into any interior of the room.

Decorating with ribbons is a hand-made product that requires special attention when decorating. You need to do everything clearly according to the instructions, since you can spoil a lot of material and still not do anything sensible.

You will need to watch master classes and get acquainted with step-by-step instructions.

The easiest way to make a decoration with your own hands is to “dress” the bottle in fabric elements that will decorate it beautifully and easily. It is less popular, but very interesting and practical, and most importantly - original.

You can choose any fabrics, colors, make different designs. This method is one of the most interesting today, and you will probably like it too.

Photo bottle decoration for a wedding

Getting ready for a wedding is a lot of hassle. It is necessary to choose beautiful outfits for the bride and groom, choose the style of the event, think about wedding decorations for the festive table and take care of other pleasant little things. One of the elements that reveal the personality of the newlyweds is the original decorated bottle of wedding champagne. According to tradition, 2 special bottles of champagne should be present on the festive table, one opens on the wedding anniversary, and the second on the birthday of the first child.

The origin of tradition

The custom of decorating alcohol at a wedding came from the times of Little Russia. On this significant day, the bride and groom were presented with a bull and a cow as a gift. Such a surprise was considered dear and revered. The gift was tied together by the horns, symbolizing the strength of the marriage bond. When the couple had a baby, the newlyweds gathered relatives and friends to feed them meat and drink milk. Over time, the bull and cow were replaced by expensive liquor. The bottle, representing the cow, was filled with champagne or wine; for the bull, a stronger version was chosen - cognac or vodka. Today brides and grooms give priority to champagne due to the lightness, sweetness and versatility of the drink.

Champagne Decorating Options

You can entrust the decoration of wedding champagne to professionals or make an original design with your own hands. A simple technique is within the power of even beginners, if you devote a little time to the lesson. When wondering how to make a unique creation, it is worth remembering the style of the wedding. Every little thing should correspond to the prevailing atmosphere. In addition to decorating champagne with your own hands, you can do the decor of wedding glasses, harmoniously combined with the created bottles.

Types of wedding bottle decor:

- Satin ribbons. This option is considered the most popular and requires a creative approach. A little imagination can help make a unique champagne costume from ribbons that invited guests will admire. In addition, there are a large number of master classes, which, thanks to step-by-step photos, help to bring extraordinary ideas to life. In addition to the main component, beads, lace, rhinestones can be used to decorate the surface of the bottle.

- Lace decorations. This type of design will take a little time and desire. Required attributes: lace, satin ribbons, beads, glue.

- Decoration with flowers. The original version involves the use of any colors that you can make yourself.

- Roses from polymer clay. Such decorations will turn wedding champagne into a graceful and touching masterpiece. You can make flowers with your own hands or purchase them in specialized stores.

- Knitted attributes. Lovers of spending evenings crocheting can spend time usefully and create unique champagne clothes. You can also sew the bride and groom yourself, adding maximum creativity to the celebration.

Master class on creating wedding bottles

The presented master class with step-by-step photos will teach you how to create wedding bottles for the bride and groom. The pictures allow you to study the execution technique in detail. The beautiful representative of the fairer sex will be dressed in a charming white dress of the bride, the groom will put on an elegant black suit with a bow tie.

Before you start creating champagne with your own hands, you need to remove the label from the container. You can create a neat decor only on a flat surface of the bottle. To do this, put the bottle in a container with warm water, add dishwashing detergent. You can get rid of the paper after 30 minutes. After the procedure, the work surface must be wiped and degreased with acetone or alcohol.

The following attributes will help to decorate the bottles:

- bias inlay or satin ribbon (black - 8 m, white - 10 m);

- glue stick "Moment";

- lace - 10 cm;

- wide bow - 3 m;

- rhinestones or beads.

When choosing the necessary materials for decoupage, one should take into account that the satin ribbon practically does not stretch. This property makes it difficult to stick to the bottle. To get jewelry work, you should pay attention to the bias inlay.

The ideal glue for decorating a bottle should not leave marks or bumps, be absolutely invisible on the product. Based on these requirements, it is best to choose a glue stick.

Champagne Decorating - Brides

1. Lace should be glued to the prepared container. Before acting, you need to try on to determine the size of the product.

2. The next stage involves pasting the bottle with tape. First we glue one turn, which should initially be measured. Subsequent turns are applied to the surface greased with glue, after which the excess part is cut off. After applying the first turn, you should outline the middle of the bottle, the place where the ends of the tape converge. You can use soap for this procedure. Thanks to the basting, the edges of the tape should lie flat on top of each other.

3. Each turn of the fabric is slightly superimposed on the previous turn. When working with glue, it is necessary to coat the joints on the back side, fixing the position of the product.

4.After most of the product is pasted over with a thin white tape, we continue to braid the bottle with it in even turns to the very bottom of the container.

The main part of the work has been done, now it is necessary to add decorations for the bride. As additional decorations, you can create lace flowers, charming skirts, hats, veils, all kinds of removable covers for the bride and groom. One easy way to create adorable bottles is by using bride and groom stencils. Having printed the models you like on the printer, you can easily bring them to life. Connect your imagination - and the original product is ready. A wide selection of photo bottles will help to create a beautiful attribute, among which you can choose the perfect option.

To create a skirt, you need to take three parts of a regular organza bow. The length of one part is 1 m. The edges of each bow should be soldered together, making a circle. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a metal ruler, fix the ends and hold with a heated soldering iron. The resulting product is folded in such a way that one part is slightly longer than the other. Next, you need to pick up the bow by applying small stitches. In order not to miscalculate with the width of the product, you need to try on the frill on the bottle. The thread should not be pulled tight, leaving a small gap. In a similar way, you need to make 3 frills.

You can use a gilded ribbon to decorate the top. Use a glue stick to secure the ruffles to the bottle. The distance between the pieces should be about 2 cm. The top layer can be fixed with an inconspicuous monofilament thread, holding the tape and tape together. To decorate the neckline, you can use a thin ribbon decorated with rhinestones.

The packaging is an integral part of the gift. It is with her that the present looks complete. A sparkling drink is a symbol of the holiday, which is why people so often give it to each other. How to decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets, we will tell you in this article.

Sharp decor

Just a few years ago, making candy bouquets became incredibly popular. It is not surprising that such flowers have become part of the decor and other products. For example, bottles. True, in this case, the flowers need to be made several times less, literally 3-7 pieces will be enough. How to decorate a bottle We make them insert sweets inside them and use a hot pistol to fix this decor on the bottle. You can complement this decoration with thorns made of wrapping paper. We roll up the cones and glue them to the base of the bottle. To somehow unite the composition of flowers and thorns, we make leaves from translucent green paper. We glue them in between the scattered decor. As an additional decoration, you can use spikelets of wheat or any dried flowers.

A pineapple

How to decorate a champagne bottle with sweets? It's worth making a pineapple. It is done very simply. A bottle of champagne is wrapped with paper tape. You don't need to do this, but this step will increase the grip. Now you need to glue the candies in rows. It is advisable to use those sweets that have a golden or yellow wrapper. The candy should be round or square. Layer by layer, glue the sweets to the bottle on a hot gun. You need to stop when the candy hits the neck. Now we need to make the weed. The easiest way to make it is from thick tinted paper. Cut out the strips and sharpen their edges. Using scissors, slightly twist the ends. Now glue the grass to the neck of the bottle with a glue gun. To bring the gift to the guests safe and sound, you need to wrap the bottle in transparent paper and tie it with a beautiful bow.

A gift for any holiday

How to decorate a champagne bottle with sweets? You can combine two decor techniques. For example, decoupage a bottle of champagne with bright napkins, and make a wreath of sweets on top. Let's get started. Remove the champagne label with alcohol. We degrease the bottle and use PVA to glue the napkins. If you have never done decoupage before, you can add color to the bottle in a different way. We paint the workpiece with paints on the glass and draw all kinds of patterns on it. The image of lace and snowflakes looks beautiful. Now you need to make a decor out of sweets. We roll up something like a plate from the wrapping paper. We fix it in this position with hot silicone. Now, in a chaotic manner, fill the plate with sweets, beads, twigs and berries. Naturally, we glue everything. Using a hot gun, we fix the decoration on a pre-prepared bottle.

Christmas tree

How to decorate a champagne bottle with tinsel and candies? Make a Christmas tree out of the alcoholic beverage. It’s very simple. Lubricate the bottle with glue and wrap the green tinsel with a snake. We are waiting for the workpiece to dry. Glue colored balls and candies to the tinsel. You can fix them out of order, or you can create regular circles or other geometric shapes. The option looks beautiful when the tree is sustained in one color or at least in one color scheme. As an additional decor, it is worth sticking ribbons, beads or bells. You can even put on a short garland that runs on batteries.

Champagne in a box

Such a gift can be presented to friends or parents at You can decorate a bottle of champagne with candies with your own hands in just an hour. You will need a box, colored paper, twigs, a chocolate bar and other sweets. The basis of the composition will be a cardboard container. You can do it yourself, or you can take any box that is available in the house and that is suitable in size. We wrap the cardboard with wrapping paper. We attach a bottle of champagne to the center of the box. Why fix it? So that during transportation the bottle does not move anywhere. We wrap each candy in shiny paper and attach it to the bottom of the box. Together with sweets, you can put it as a decor. The background of the composition will be occupied by a beautifully wrapped chocolate bar and a silver forest. Trees are made from twigs. They are painted white or silver and attached to the bottom of the box. Candy can be glued to improvised trees.

Decoration with flower

This decoration method is very similar to the paragraph about pineapple. The only difference is that sweets of any color and any shape can be used here. You can see a photo of a bottle of champagne decorated with sweets above. What does it take to repeat this idea? We wrap the bottle with paper tape. Starting from the bottom in rows, glue the candies. We stop at the neck of the bottle. Here you need to tie a beautiful bright bow, as well as attach an artificial flower. It can be crafted out of corrugated paper and filled with candy.

Bunch of grapes

How to decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets? You can make a step-by-step decor that repeats the shape of a branch of grapes in just two hours. This will require round candies and gold, green, or purple foil. We unfold the sweets and make a new wrapper for them. When all the candies have acquired the same desired color, glue them to the bottle. We do this with a hot gun. First, lay out the silhouette of the bunch, and then fill it with sweets. With the second and third layers, add volume to the grape branch. Leaves should be cut out of green paper and inserted between the berries. From colored wire, tendrils characteristic of grapes can be built. A voluminous bow should be tied at the base of the bunch.

Bottle in bucket

An original gift can be made from scrap materials. How to decorate a bottle of champagne with sweets beautifully? This will require a plastic flower pot. You can immediately take the product in a pretty color or give it the desired shade with the help of paint. When our bucket is ready, we insert a bottle inside it. Glue the red sheets of tinted paper to the back of the pot. This wall will perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function, keeping sweets in the bucket. We wrap each candy in wrapping paper and put it in a bucket. The bucket with sweets must be filled with a slide.

Bottle in a boot

A gift that has an unusual shape looks original. For example, a bottle decorated to look like a boot. How to make such a present? To do this, from any dense material, plywood, chipboard or plastic, you need to cut the shape of the sole from the boot. It should look like a bob. The bottle of champagne should be glued a little further than the heel. Now you should wrap the sparkling drink in a floral net. It looks beautiful and the decor will easily cling to it. Now let's start decorating. Glue branches of a Christmas tree, moss or any other greenery to the top of the sole. Place candies, balls, beads and berries on it. We decorate the floral net with small candies or colored beads. Colored balls, sweets can be attached to the neck of the bottle, or a decorative ribbon can be tied.

New Year's decor

The easiest way to decorate a holiday gift is to attach cones and sweets to it. How to decorate a champagne bottle with candies? We attach the branches of the Christmas tree to the sparkling drink. They can be artificial or real. Glue two or three cones and 4-5 candies to the center. It is very easy to make bells from sweets. It is enough to attach a small bead to the bottom of the candy. Christmas decorations can be an interesting addition to the decoration. Moreover, it can be not only balls, but also a figure of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. It remains to tie a large colored bow next to the spruce branches, and the original gift will be ready.

Are you dreaming of having a beautiful wedding? Then our 4 master classes on how to paint a champagne bottle in an unusual way for a wedding, just for you! An economical, hand-made decoration will not leave guests indifferent and will significantly reduce spending on trifles. But a beautiful bottle painted with safe acrylic paint is also nice to open and pour into glasses!

Would you like to know how to paint a bottle of champagne for a wedding so that the guests exhale with delight? Then hurry up to prepare the necessary tools and let's start!

Champagne bottles are covered with gold paint

To make wonderful gilded bottles, we need the following tools:

  • Newspaper / fabric that you don't mind getting dirty;
  • Decorative gold sequins (gold glitter) - you can buy ready-made ones, or you can work a little and cut them yourself;
  • Aerosol gold paint;
  • Empty bottles / bottles of alcohol;
  • Glue - you can use both aerosol and liquid special for decoration;
  • Paper towels;
  • Gloves;
  • Shallow bowl.

Step 1

Let's start by peeling the labels off the bottles - you can rub them with dish soap, baking soda, or try to warm up with a hairdryer from which the label should easily come off the bottle.

We paint bottles with golden paint from a spray

Spread out newspapers or unnecessary cloth, arrange bottles. Put on gloves so as not to torment your hands with sweat, wiping them off the paint. We start painting the bottles with gold spray paint.

To prevent the paint from flowing and laying down evenly, spray it at a certain distance, not getting very close to the bottles.

Apply 2 coats and let the paint dry. If you are doing painting for the first time, then you should read the technique in detail. .

Painted bottles in 2 layers

Step 2

  1. Pour some decorative glitter into a bowl.
  2. Sprinkle / smear the bottles with glue and sprinkle them well with glitter.
  3. If you notice that you have missed parts of the bottle - do not be afraid, add glue and sprinkle more.

so that the napkin holds better, secure it with tape

STEP 3: how to coat only part of the bottle with glitter.

  • To decorate part of the bottle, take a paper towel and wrap it around the bottle. a few centimeters above the bottom.
  • Make sure that the line of the paper runs straight. Cover the rest of the bottle with glue and sprinkle with glitter, wait for them to dry, and remove the napkin.

Thus, you can decorate a wide variety of bottles and collect your collection!

Also, based on this master class, you can experiment with color and texture. For example, champagne in red or covered with colored glitter looks gorgeous at a wedding.

Also, don't forget to decorate the newlywed glasses in the same style. You can also make chic from glasses candlesticks for table decor - click on the button!

Silver painting and texture creation


Take your time and you will succeed! You can paint all or part of the bottle. To fix the result, it is ideal to cover with a matte or glossy varnish.

These are the stages our bottle went through before becoming a real beauty!

Such a decorated bottle will fit into any interior, giving romance and comfort.

This master class showed only a small part of the ways to decorate bottles for a wedding, making original bright accents on them.

Ideas for the design of champagne bottles

If you want to make your wedding more unique, or maybe add a little coziness to the house, we recommend that you see more ideas for decorating and painting bottles. Unusual candlesticks, bride and groom dress, original pots and much more - all from ordinary glass bottles! You will definitely find the very option that fits perfectly into your life!