Open relationships: pros and cons, the essence of relationships, features, advice from psychologists. Long-distance relationships: pros and cons There are always topics to discuss

Often people strive to build relationships in such a way that both feel comfortable. But not all relationships develop into a family; often relationships collapse and the reason for this is jealousy, unmet expectations and betrayal of a partner.

You can try to maintain the relationship, fight for your happiness, or you can simply leave the chosen one who disappointed you and start looking for a more worthy one. However, after a failed relationship, not everyone strives to build new ones, fearing repeated disappointment.

In such cases, both men and women increasingly begin open relationships.

What are the characteristics of an open relationship? without obligations

If you ask a person what exactly he means by the concept of “open relationship,” then most often in response you will hear that in such relationships the partners are not faithful to each other, in other words, everyone can sleep with whomever they want. However, this statement will be largely incorrect. An open relationship is much more complicated and also has its own rules and prohibitions.

An open relationship is a relationship in which respect for the freedom of the partner is at the forefront. When offering your chosen one this form of relationship, you must understand that you will have to say goodbye to the habit of controlling your man and demanding that he account for his actions. You must remember that there is love between you, and not a desire to sleep with as many people as possible.

Of course, in an open relationship there is no ban on cheating, but do not forget that it is your partner who comes first, and not the mysterious stranger in the club. If your partner needs you, then you must push all your lovers aside and give your attention to your partner.

Also remember that the issue of permitted cheating cuts both ways. Your partner has the same rights to a third-party lover as you do. Are you ready to deal with this?

Pros of an open relationship

Any relationship format has its pros and cons, so before making a final decision, you should seriously weigh the pros and cons.

Open relationships also have their advantages, among which it is recommended to note the following:

Cons of an open relationship

In addition to the obvious advantages, open relationships also have a number of disadvantages that may serve as a reason for abandoning this type of relationship.

  • Feelings or sex? Permissiveness in sexual terms can be not only a plus, but also a clear minus. In addition to physical pleasure, having sex should bring emotional and moral satisfaction. Sex with a partner you don’t know well is rarely able to satisfy you completely. Some couples who have ceased to enjoy classic relationships try to transform them into a free form precisely because they no longer receive physiological pleasure from sex. Unfortunately, most often in such cases, relationships do not become free, but simply collapse, and jealousy will be the reason for this.
  • Stereotypes and judgment. No matter how others convince you of their tolerance and loyal attitude towards open relationships, this will not protect you from misunderstanding and condemnation. Even if your friends support you, the prevailing part of society will consider such relationships to be defective. It is very difficult to talk about the need for open relationships in a society that conducts massive propaganda of family values, fidelity and support for traditional families.
  • Fragility. Open relationships most often do not last long. Even if both partners agreed with their form at the very beginning of the relationship, after some time one of the partners will want more stability. It is also possible that, despite some permissiveness in sexual terms, the partner will begin to experience jealousy and begin to demand fidelity from his chosen one or chosen one. If the second partner is not ready to take on such obligations, then the relationship will be doomed to break.

Don't rush headlong into an open relationship unless you're absolutely sure it's right for you.

If you expect that your relationship will eventually become classic or that your chosen one will “come to his senses” and insist on a traditional relationship, then it is better not to hope in vain, but to start looking for a more suitable partner.

Open relationships are a new direction in relationships that are quite popular these days. What does an open relationship mean? They imply a relationship without any obligations on the part of both partners.

For example, a man can be in a relationship with one woman, but at the same time have sex and spend free time with another, without reporting or justifying himself to the first. A woman in an open relationship with a man can do the same. But to decide on a relationship without commitment, you need to know its pros and cons.

Pros of an open relationship

So, is it worth starting a relationship without commitment? Are you ready for them? Or is it perhaps better to stick to the traditional relationship between a man and a woman?

To determine the answers to these questions, let’s first consider the advantages of an open relationship.

1. Variety in the sex life of partners

Sometimes regular partners want something new. Sex with your significant other becomes boring and boring. So in an open relationship there are no restrictions. You can agree to casual sex or have a couple of other partners. And get double or even triple pleasure and variety. Basically, it is sex without restrictions that motivates people to agree to an open relationship.

2. Freedom of action

In addition to freedom in sex, you get complete freedom of action. You can spend your time with whoever you want and how you want. And no one will blame you for spending little time or almost never being at home. After all, an open relationship means the absence of any claims.

3. Lack of conflicts, quarrels and scandals

In traditional relationships, there are very often disagreements, reproaches, conflicts, quarrels and even scandals arising from jealousy and mistrust. In an open relationship, there is no mistrust or jealousy. Because the partners know what they are getting into. They are prepared in advance for the fact that they will have to share their soulmate with someone else.

Cons of an open relationship

But where there are pros, there will always be cons. Therefore, let's look at the disadvantages of relationships without obligations.

1. Your loved one sleeps with someone else or someone else

As a rule, just talking about a relationship without commitment is easy and simple. But not everyone will be able to experience them for themselves. For most people, it is difficult to realize that a loved one is constantly cheating. Most likely, these are just thoughts in our heads, laid down by the foundations of our parents. But it’s quite difficult to step over these foundations, which have been instilled in us since childhood.

2. The risk of losing a loved one forever

As mentioned earlier, an open relationship is not only freedom of action, but also freedom in sex. Accordingly, a partner can live with one person and constantly date another. And if he likes the other one better, then he can go to him without hesitation. A girl who has not one guy, but two, will always strive for the best. In the same way, a guy can leave one girl and go to the one he likes best in the relationship.

3. Opinion of others

Many people care what others think of them. For example, every girl wants to be considered well-mannered and decent. But having agreed to an open relationship, very soon she will hear a lot of not entirely flattering criticism addressed to her. Moreover, if parents do not need to know about an open relationship, then friends will still have to explain. And it’s not a fact that they will understand you. But, frankly speaking, people who respect themselves should absolutely not care about the opinions of others.

Here are all the pros and cons of an open relationship. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide. After all, every person has his own opinion about what an ideal relationship with the opposite sex should be.

You can watch movies either alone or with a girl. If you want to watch something interesting, I advise you to choose a movie for your holiday.

Both the presence and absence of a relationship has its pros and cons. Many people think that being in a relationship is better than being single, but this is far from true! If the absence of a relationship, as well as its presence, has a beneficial effect on your life, then you have nothing to worry about. Everyone chooses their own right path. A warm hug after a long day at work and the true sense of independence that comes with being a single adult are equally as good.

If you haven't been in a relationship for a long time or have recently broken up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, don't forget that this has its advantages.

People think that they choose who and when to date. This is wrong. The only thing you control is the quality of the relationships you are in. Many of us are involved in unhealthy relationships, so perhaps you should explore the benefits of being single and realize that you deserve only happiness.

So what are the benefits of not being in a relationship?

1. You are not shy about experimenting with your appearance.

No, this does not mean that you cannot experiment with your appearance or clothing while in a relationship. When you're not in a relationship with someone, it can help shake things up a little. Loneliness is a good time for self-discovery and finding a sense of identity. The way you look is an expression of your self-perception.

2. Spending time with friends

When you are in a relationship, you spend most of your time with your boyfriend or girlfriend. For this reason, after a breakup, you may be in a state of shock for some time. You have a lot of free time, which you will most likely want to spend with old friends, because when you were in a relationship, you probably saw them very rarely.

3. You will learn a lot about yourself

There is no doubt that as you developed relationships, you experienced personal growth. In fact, if you constantly feel that you are developing as a person, then the relationship you are in can be called healthy. The time you have after a breakup can be spent learning to love yourself. When you are in a relationship, it is very easy to lose your identity. However, once you start rebuilding it, you may notice that you have become much stronger than you were.

4. You can focus on your interests.

There is nothing wrong with watching romantic comedies with an original plot while sitting at home with your girlfriend, especially when all your friends are drinking beer and watching sports programs at the same time. But even the most patient young people can quickly get tired of this activity. When you don't have a girlfriend, you can watch whatever you want. This gives a feeling of freedom and independence.

5. You can expand your interests

Many people sacrifice their hobbies and interests for the sake of relationships, especially if they have lasted long enough, because there is not enough time for everything. When you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, you can spend your free time expanding your range of interests. After a breakup, there is nothing worse than sitting at home and doing nothing. You don't have to stand still. Continue to develop as a person.

6. You will understand what you want to see in your future partner

This advice will be useful for those who have already experienced a breakup. Sooner or later you will come to the moment when you want a new relationship. Each previous one certainly taught you something, and now you know exactly what kind of person you would like to see next to you.

7. You left an unhealthy relationship.

Of course, this does not apply to all people. One of the best feelings can be knowing that you have freed yourself from an unhealthy relationship. Perhaps for their sake you had to sacrifice what you were so passionate about. After the breakup, you can return to this. After a breakup, things don't get easier right away. Only after some time will you understand that everything was for the better.

8. You can focus on work and other obligations.

When you are exclusively passionate about your significant other, various areas of your life may begin to stall. If you want to build a career or devote more time to some other time-consuming activity, being out of a relationship can be an excellent opportunity to realize your plans.

9. Opportunity to save money

A romantic dinner at a restaurant is, of course, great, but this fantastic evening can be ruined by the numbers on the bill. Every relationship is different, and you don't have to constantly empty your wallet to have a good time. There is no doubt that dating is not for poor people. If you're having financial problems, you need to hope that your significant other will appreciate all the little things you do to make their life better.

10. You can flirt

Forget about dating! It's too difficult! Sometimes sitting alone with a glass of wine while swiping through Tinder is so much more enjoyable. If you have recently broken up with someone, you will initially feel less confident than you once did. One way to deal with this is light flirting.

Now you will learn about ten benefits of having a healthy relationship that will make you want to fall in love again!

1. He/she is your best friend

We all have friends, but there is no doubt that life seems better when your best friend is your partner. You spend most of your time with him, not noticing how quickly it flies, and not wanting to see anyone else next to you.

2. You sincerely enjoy every meeting

One of the signs of a healthy relationship is that you are always happy to see your partner, especially after a long day at work. If you are afraid of the time you need to spend with your partner, then why do you need this relationship?

3. He (s) is your support and support

Life isn't always easy. Sometimes the people around you need your support. Having wonderful friends and family is great, but your significant other understands you like no one else and knows what steps to take to make you feel better.

4. Great sex

You can have sex even without being in a relationship. However, no one will deny that a night spent with a person you truly love is always much better and more enjoyable than sex with a random girl from a bar. Moreover, with a girl you've been dating for a long time, you can experiment with different sex toys and other things that you can't do with someone you barely know.

5. You can have fun dates.

It's a pity that when people date for a long time, they begin to forget about the importance of romance in life. Dating is one of the best parts of a relationship. If your imagination refuses to work, you can find a lot of ideas for exciting dates on the Internet.

6. Some activities are just meant for dating.

There's an episode of How I Met Your Mother in which the characters discuss something called "brunch," a meal not reserved for single people. This upsets Marshall, who recently broke up with his girlfriend but loves brunch. This humorous episode shows that there are some activities that are just meant for couples. You can go ice skating or go to the cinema alone, but it’s much more pleasant to do it with your significant other.

7. Shared expenses

One of the advantages of a relationship is that your partner will always support you in difficult times, including financially. Are your salaries being delayed? We hope that your partner is able to help you out financially and is sure that you would do the same for him. Nobody wants to borrow money, especially from relatives or friends. At least when you borrow money from your partner, you know that he is doing it out of love for you. This will certainly benefit both of you.

8. You have someone to talk to

9. You should expand your interests

Nobody wants to be in a relationship with a person who is narrow-minded. At one point, you may discover that the longer you date a person, the more hobbies and habits you adopt from him. If your partner, for example, is interested in cooking, then you may also become interested in it.

10. Together until old age

When people are asked what they would like to achieve in this life, they always answer differently, and this is absolutely normal. Some want to grow old with their loved one and, alternatively, give back to society. If you think like this, then there is nothing better than having a healthy relationship, growing, developing together with your partner and living to a ripe old age, together overcoming all the obstacles and hardships along the way and enjoying happy moments.

According to the site

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with civil marriages. Therefore, many assume that an open relationship is something similar. But in fact there are a number of significant differences. This type of family presupposes the presence of many freedoms, but also no fewer obligations. Many people may find them too complicated. We will try to consider the pros and cons of such a peculiar marriage.

What is an open relationship?

Very often, people simply do not understand the essence of open relationships, identifying them with the banal “walking to the left,” but only in an open form. In fact, this is not so: such a family may be no different from the classical one in the understanding of the average person, but the spouses will not require each other to comply with certain obligations.

Having the ability to change does not mean using it

The absence of restrictions is not at all identical to disorder in life, it is rather a special form of freedom - to know that you have the right to something. By the way, many families that started with just such a relationship eventually had children and forgot about their original rights, but many, unfortunately, fell apart.

Rules of open relationships

Truly harmonious open relationships can only be built by strictly following several rules or principles:

  • Respect each other and not limit freedom. You need to understand that having the right and the opportunity and doing something are two different things. You shouldn’t change partners like gloves just because the other doormat doesn’t prohibit you from doing so. It is necessary to try to show respect and maintain harmony and peace in the family.
  • Remember your partner's priority. An open relationship makes it possible to have as many intimate relationships as you like, but you need to remember that there is a husband/wife who needs to be given attention first. You can spend time with other people only if it does not cause discomfort to your spouse.
  • Be willing to share your partner with others. Many people enjoy open relationships until their partner finds someone else. After this, jealousy and a sense of ownership appear, which either destroy the family or turn it into a “normal” one.
    If you are not sure that you can adhere to all the rules, then it is better not to enter into an open relationship, because this will only bring suffering and disappointment.

The benefits of alliances without fetters

With the right organization and attitude, an open marriage can be very enjoyable and comfortable. It will give each spouse the opportunity to realize themselves, have their own hobbies and interests, a social circle and friends, while constantly feeling newness in their relationship with their partner.

An open marriage eliminates the feeling of squeezing fetters that prevent you from moving and developing

The advantages of an open relationship in marriage include:

  • Having variety in your intimate life. A traditional marriage does not allow having multiple sexual partners, but often people just want something new, a little fun and distraction. A small affair “on the side” is not something dangerous, but it can lead to torment and pangs of conscience, and if the spouse finds out, then to divorce. In an open relationship there is no such problem.
  • Feeling of freedom. Such a slightly unconventional family allows each spouse to feel free. This is the absence of oppressive shackles and the need to constantly control and restrain oneself. Jealousy, a sense of ownership, restrictions and demands often lead to scandals, even if there is no reason to suspect your soul mate of cheating. No restrictions - no quarrels and scandals.
  • Getting rid of addiction. Traditional relationships impose on spouses the obligation to constantly monitor each other, to feel fear and uncertainty in their partner and in themselves. If a person knows that no one will leave him or exchange him for anyone, he stops constantly controlling and worrying.

An open marriage gives each partner more opportunities for self-realization

Disadvantages (Video)

This type of family is definitely not suitable for people prone to jealousy.. They will find it unbearable to know that their loved one is or may be having an intimate relationship with someone else. Very few people are willing to accept this state of affairs, especially if they have truly strong feelings for their significant other. Usually such a jealous partner tries to hide his emotions until the last moment, which subsequently often results in quiet, but at the same time cruel and sophisticated revenge.

Very often, young people who choose an open relationship for themselves insist that they love each other - and this is the main thing, and freedom does not allow them to lose the novelty of sensations. But in most cases, this hides a banal reluctance to take responsibility for the family, children and everyday life.

Another significant disadvantage is the fragility of such relationships.. Unfortunately, families that choose freedom often break up. This is usually due to the fact that one of the spouses is no longer satisfied with the existing situation; he wants more stability, have children and start living “as it should be.” If the other one is not yet ready for this, then the couple simply breaks up.

You also need to pay attention to communication between spouses. Often open relationships lead to the fact that any problems and issues in the family are not resolved, but are left to chance. The partners simply leave home for a while.

One of the main disadvantages of open relationships is that they are absolutely not suitable for raising children. Even if we assume that the nanny will do this, for at least a year (the period of pregnancy and the time after childbirth) the woman will be deprived of the opportunity to live “freely”, and this will cause her discomfort, especially if the husband decides not to change his habits for this period.

Unfortunately, most open marriages break up

Another negative factor is the opinion of others. It is unlikely that the relatives of a couple who have chosen an open relationship will share their beliefs. And, if you can still endure the sidelong glances of your neighbors, then listening to the constant teachings of your parents becomes unbearable for many.

Well, we must not forget that an open marriage allows spouses to have lovers, and they are people too. They can demand more time, blackmail and create conflicts.

How to organize an open marriage

In order for a family based on relationships without strict restrictions to exist, spouses need to resolve many issues even before its creation. Most of them concern the establishment of boundaries of what is permitted and the arrangement of everyday life.

With proper organization, any relationship can be happy

It is very important to decide how often you can change and how to do it so as not to deprive your other half of attention. It is necessary to agree whether it is possible to bring a girlfriend or boyfriend home, or whether meetings should be on neutral territory. In addition, it is necessary to determine how far the freedom of each partner extends. Some couples, for example, consider it quite sufficient to simply be able to attend separate events or entertainment venues and flirt with the opposite sex there, or communicate on the phone or Skype. Others also practice extramarital intimate relationships.

In an open relationship, it is very important to clearly separate sex, which can be with any pleasant person, and love, which is the basis of a family. This is quite difficult and not everyone succeeds.

Separately, it is worth considering the issues of building relationships with lovers/mistresses. For example, determine whether only some one-time relationships are allowed or whether it is possible to have a permanent partner “on the side.” An important question: what to do if your spouse meets your lover? What should I do if they start making claims?

If the spouses manage to reach an agreement on all issues, then it is quite possible that they will be able to build a viable open relationship. But such situations occur rarely.

10.07.2012 - 08:30

Everything will be fine, -
I know this for sure.
I received a message from God
Marked "Urgent".
Let it be difficult
The main thing is that you believe:
Through the Steps you will open
Luckily the door!

10.07.2012 - 08:49

Cons of relationships.
1. Fear of rejection, not accepting me as I am, i.e. with shortcomings
2. High expectations
3. Fear of not coping with difficulties, and, as a result, the collapse of relationships
4. Fear of aggression (it often manifests itself with loved ones)
5. Fear of husband's binge drinking
6. Fear of old age, and changes in attitude towards me
7. Fear of ridicule and hitting sore spots
8. Fear of betrayal
9. Fear of being alone in old age and weakness
10. Fear of boredom, loss of interest in me, and my

I won’t talk about loneliness, there is no experience that I have anything to talk about.

Regarding “solving other people’s problems,” I am convinced that, outside of force majeure, everyone should solve problems themselves. The same goes for “providing for the family”: when there are no children, or they have already grown up

It doesn't matter who is right. It matters who is the lion.

10.07.2012 - 09:42

I wanted it too. What came to mind first:
1. Growth, cultivation of such qualities as loyalty, commitment (humility and patience, of course, too - but this is not only in the family)
2. Harmonize my energy flows “give and take” - learn.
3. Hugs ^___^ in large quantities (hmm... also a subject of manipulation...)
4. I have a mirror - the person next to me wonderfully reflects all my shortcomings - if something in him begins to irritate me - this is my next step for working with myself.
5. Sense of community, belonging to a family
6. My son needs a family for full development (and my inner child also enjoys being in a family)
7. There is always someone to call, no matter what happens.
8. I am learning to share responsibility with another person equally (not to take someone else’s and not to give up my own)
9. I (most of the time, not counting periods of conflict) have a person for the fifth step

1. Aggression in response to creative and spontaneous expression of myself, insecurity
2. Fear of physical violence
3. Susceptibility to manipulation through acceptance-rejection, manipulation in general (but the positive pole - I am learning to be resistant to manipulation)
4. Illusions that are very difficult to resist, i.e. expectations blocking reality, I’m still powerless in the face of it

10.07.2012 - 09:52

Vadim N., it's like theory instead of practice.
(For example, study to become a doctor in absentia, using books)
I would do it this way (and I hee.. actually did it).

I wrote in great detail what kind of person I want next to me.
I prayed to God - if it is His will - to send me one like this.
Wait and listen carefully - when - boom - in my head - here I sent it to you, catch it.
Dive headfirst into it and study, study and study.
As a teaching aid, I recommend the film “Fireproof” (it is also an antidote to all the fears described above) and, if the need arises, I will provide a link to the book mentioned in the film. But it is not recommended to read it before entering into a relationship.

10.07.2012 - 17:18

It seems to me that a person needs a soul mate, and loneliness is unnatural. You just need to find a person with whom you will complement each other, then there will be no thoughts about the disadvantages of the relationship.

10.07.2012 - 17:34

With my sick head I will only find someone who is as sick as I am.
I have been praying for many years for God to grant me selfless love and I am moving towards this little by little: last year I divorced my unloved wife and left my hated job.
This year I realized my calling - I am a photo artist and poet, now I am learning computer layout
He posted his photographs and funny captions to photographs on the websites “Odnoklassniki”, “My World”, “In the Circle of Friends”, “In Contact, FACEBOOK.
Anyone who wants to watch it, send a request to my email address (nonin.vadim@yandex/ru) and I will give you a link.

Everything will be fine, -
I know this for sure.
I received a message from God
Marked "Urgent".
Let it be difficult
The main thing is that you believe:
Through the Steps you will open
Luckily the door!

10.07.2012 - 18:15

Thanks for the topic, I was wondering...

to be liked you need to please, and be someone other than yourself (combines with point 1 of the “pluses” 50/50)
fear cannot be contained
pain from his deliberate desire to inflict it on me

Why? if you realize this, then everything is completely different, this is experience, and experience already protects against mistakes

Do not be afraid, Lord, I am with You! Andrey, 1st class.
You know, even though it seems to me that I don’t have a soul, sometimes it still hurts. Roman, 2nd grade.
Lord, when I die, I don’t want to go to heaven or hell. I want to you. Vera, 3rd grade.

10.07.2012 - 18:26

Rainbow, still haven’t saved any of the people I know.
Halves attract.

10.07.2012 - 18:29

By the way, the path to accepting another person is indicated in the ACA - if you accept yourself with all the pros and cons, then you will be attracted to a loving person.
Hint: where does non-acceptance lie - shame.

But the opposite is also true - even if you transform during the process of a relationship, there is a high probability that your partner will also transform. Or he will leave, because... he will no longer be attracted to a “dissimilar” partner.

10.07.2012 - 19:10

Vadim N.

And how do you want? so that you are sick and the person is healthy?

It seems to me that if I myself have such shortcomings and a sore head, then I communicate with such men, but even in this I find huge advantages, I try to learn to accept a person’s illness, I learn to accept this particular real person with his shortcomings, I learn to build boundaries, I’m learning to respect men for what they are, and not because they owe me something, because... they are men. I'm learning to distance myself, etc.
Relationships are also a lot of work, and only in relationship with a man can I understand what problems I have in relationships with men and correct them, pray to the Sun.

And if I sit back and don’t communicate with men and believe that the Sun will send me a man and then everything will be fine with us, then nothing will happen

You need to work on yourself in a relationship just as you work on yourself in the ACA.
In communicating with men, I see my shortcomings and change and ask the Sun to take them away, but without a relationship I would not have learned anything about myself, what I am like in a relationship and what I should ask the Sun to take away.

I don’t have a permanent relationship yet, but I go on dates, learn to communicate and take a closer look, and also immediately work on my shortcomings.

I am grateful to these men; if it weren’t for them, I would not have learned anything at all about my shortcomings in communicating with men.

I don't want to be strong
I don't want to be wise!
... rescue station
I don't want to be...

10.07.2012 - 19:16

Oh yes, every man, whether he’s sick or not, taught me a lot)
Namely, he mirrored me, and I saw how I sometimes behave when communicating with men.
For me, growing above myself as a woman is only possible through communication with men.
When I sat and didn’t go anywhere, I didn’t know what serious problems I had with men. I was just guessing, it was just a purely theory, and I needed real practice to remove all my illusions, expectations and fears of men.

True, I still go to LAA - addicted to love and relationships, because... I have this problem)

I don't want to be strong
I don't want to be wise!
... rescue station
I don't want to be...
I want to wake up carefree in the morning,
bask in Hope, Believe and Love...

10.07.2012 - 20:11

Thanks to everyone who responded to my message!
In gratitude, I am placing here my poem dedicated to you, my dear women!
I once thought, about the reflex,
That God created women for one thing only - sex.
And it was written on my forehead,
They all rejected me, I didn’t understand why.
I lived alone for a long time, biting my elbow,
And a year later the Lord took away the excitement and lust.
I saw - there are many other topics,
And I don't need women at all.
I can cook and do laundry myself,
And have fun and clean the apartment.
But surprise matured like a burr,
Did God create women to have children?
And I was sad at the thought of this,
Yes, I wouldn’t want such a fate for myself!
But recently I fell in love with a girl,
And everything in the world became different, friends.
I didn’t expect such a flurry of inspiration,
Poems poured out of me like water in a flood.
And I guessed (as I couldn’t understand before),
That a woman is needed to inspire a man.
For creativity, for achievement, for spiritual growth.
This is the answer, and it is extremely simple!
And I will tell God, I am preoccupied with love:
I really, really need such a woman!
What about sex? What, sex? I'll tell you straight away:
Perhaps he really
Only for having children!

Everything will be fine, -
I know this for sure.
I received a message from God
Marked "Urgent".
Let it be difficult
The main thing is that you believe:
Through the Steps you will open
Luckily the door!


10.07.2012 - 20:21

About relationships. I am recovering well in “sterile conditions”, that is, alone. As soon as a man appears, recovery says goodbye to us.))) And it’s not about the man, but about me, about my choice and sticking to certain types. And I agree with the thought expressed above that as long as you don’t love yourself, don’t accept yourself, then men will come the same way.

I also wrote about + and -

pros of relationships
There is a close person with whom you can talk a lot
There is an opportunity to know another and oneself in another
Making everything more fun together
You can ask someone for help
You can take care
Sleep better together
Sex is very good in a long-term relationship
Other people's relatives and friends become family
You can have children and see, together, what comes of it.

Cons of relationships
I'm afraid that next to me no one can be happy
I'm afraid of pain
I'm afraid that I'll quickly fall out of love
I often feel cramped in relationships
I'm not ready for the traditional role of a housewife
I'm afraid of losing myself
I'm afraid of violence
I'm afraid of rejection

I spend a lot of time with myself
I find out who I really am, what I like and what I don’t.
Lots of peace and joy
You can not think about the feelings of another person, say and do what you want
No responsibility to others