What to celebrate the new year in what color. How to celebrate the new year for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lions, Virgo, Libra, Scorpions, Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius, Fish - photo. Warm sunny colors work well.

The main holiday is rapidly approaching, so women of fashion are increasingly interested in what to wear for the new year 2019 according to the signs of the zodiac. We appreciate your responsible approach and give the most complete recommendations. We are sure that the pig will also be flattered by your beautiful appearance, and she will thank you with good luck in the New Year.

Let's start with great news! 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig - this is a positive, kind and generous animal. This means that wonderful changes are coming in the life of each of us, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.

However, for everything to really work out like this, you need to try not to anger the symbol of the year already on the first night of 2019. To do this, it is enough to follow the recommendations for choosing an outfit. Fortunately for all fashionistas, Pig, being a female person, provides a wide variety of options.

  • The most favorite colors of the symbol of the year are yellow, gold, brown, beige, blue, pink, black and red. But this is not the whole list of favorites. All natural shades are also held in high esteem in the pig.

Actual colors

Interesting! This is the same withfashioncoming on the heels of 2019.

  • Celebrating the New Year is allowed in a dress, skirt and blouse, pantsuit or overalls. In a word, you will find what to choose from for a festive bow.

Stylish and trendy jumpsuits for the new year

  • Don't forget about accessories and jewelry. The pig loves everything to be stylish, beautiful and tasteful.

  • There are only a few taboos to holiday outfit. The symbol of the year will be horrified by the predatory colors. The pig will also not appreciate striped clothing and provocative lettering.

Solid dress in pastel colors - the perfect outfit for the new year

Festive bow for every zodiac sign

Now let's move on to the most interesting - how to choose what to wear for the New Year 2019 for each sign of the zodiac among all the outfits and jewelry.


This zodiac sign is a vivid representative of the fire element and the outfit should be chosen to match this fact. Bright shades of gold, yellow and orange will be a great idea.

Perfect outfit for Aries

Often, Aries girls love red dresses - in such a bow, they look perfect. This fiery shade is also a great choice for the New Year. If you don't feel like wearing a red dress, you can use this color in your makeup. For example, red lips are always a great idea for a festive make-up.

As for the style of the outfit, a good solution would be flowing fabrics and feminine folds, like tongues of fire. The most suitable fabric is natural silk.

Add a scarf and an elegant clutch to the resulting outfit and you will have no equal on this New Year's Eve!

Elegant and practical complement to the look


The practical nature of calves will surely appreciate the chocolate range of shades. An image in such a color scheme turns out to be calm, and at the same time stylish and noble.

An alternative to brown tones can be a self-sufficient amber color. A jumpsuit of this shade will look especially impressive.

If you want to save your look from boredom and add festive accents to it, feel free to use massive gold jewelry. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to add only one accessory.


Gemini usually think carefully about their outfit and, of course, the New Year will be no exception. Girls of this zodiac sign will be beautiful in gray and silver outfits.

The key to a successful look is the pairing of details. These can be symmetrical accessories, repeating prints, paired bracelets and earrings.


For a modest Cancer girl, the New Year is a chance to shine and declare herself. For this purpose, accessories with rhinestones and feathers or gold shoes are the best fit.

Note! At the same time, the dress should be laconic in the style of minimalism.

The ideal color is a noble wine. Consider expensive shoes and presentable jewelry. It would be a great idea to complement the solemn bow with a carnival mask.

Let's reveal one secret! Astrologers foreshadow cancers on New Year's Eve, the fulfillment of a desire or a fateful meeting. So do not waste time - come up with what it is high time to fulfill in your life!

a lion

The slogan of this zodiac sign in 2019 is very close to their nature - to rule and command. And already on New Year's Eve, you need to show who the queen is.

Luxurious dress for meeting the new year

What dress should such an important person wear? Of course, the most luxurious!

Complement the outfit with a tiara or a high hairstyle, you will perfectly complete the royal look.


For ladies of fashion, we advise you to emphasize with the help of clothes their delicate feminine nature. The easiest way is to put on a romantic dress of a light beige palette. Also, the stars are advised to pay attention to the chocolate or emerald color.

Continue the idea of ​​softness and elegance in your outfit with flying fabrics and light flowing silhouettes.


If a sensible Libra girl is interested in what color to wear on New Year's Eve, we will advise her in deep shades of blue. They will bring happiness and good luck, which will last for the whole next year.

Fur in a dress is also welcome (but not leopard!). It can be a fur boa or fur decorative inserts on shoes or a bag.

Dress with fur sleeves

An interesting idea for drawing up a festive look will be to play on contrasts. Tandems black + white, chiffon + fur, silk + velvet are always a win-win option for an unforgettable look.


Want a simple secret to a versatile holiday look? Undoubtedly, this is the use of a bright color for the outfit. Girls born under the sign of Scorpio can safely buy a pink, orange or yellow dress. Any flights of imagination and experiments on style are allowed to you on this night!

The main accent in the image can be a deep neckline or a seductive cut on the back or side of the skirt. Do not be afraid to look spectacular - there is simply no better reason than the New Year for this!

Bold imagery


Confident Sagittarius girls will make a splash at the New Year's party if they choose a strict yet elegant outfit.

Trouser suit - strict, elegant and fashionable

Going on a pre-holiday shopping, look for things of purple, blue, emerald or brown with a sharp eye of a fashionista. The silhouette of the outfit should be laconic and figure-flattering.

Do not forget about a touch of mystery and French charm - an elegant hat.

The perfect complement to a festive look - stylish jewelry, a hat and makeup


For Capricorn girls who are in a panic pondering what to wear for the New 2019 Year of the Pig, we advise you to prefer the classic black and white palette and create an accent in the form of accessories. The perfect finishing touch to a sophisticated look is a makeup accent on the lips or eyes.

Fashion makeup and accessories


Aquarians can safely repeat the images of luxurious film stars. In this they will be helped by chic midi or maxi dresses. If the shower still requires the length of a mini dress, let it be decorated with rhinestones or sequins.

If jewelry with transparent stones has been waiting in the wings for a long time in your box, it will come on New Year's Eve.


The representatives of this sign are gentle romantic persons, and you need to be able to emphasize this with the help of clothes.

Choose dresses in Greek style or skirts made of flowing materials. The outfit can be blue or purple. Accessories with a combination of gold and silver are the ideal choice for jewelry.

We hope that our photo selection of ideas on what to wear for the New Year 2019 according to the signs of the zodiac has inspired you to an exciting holiday shopping in search of that very outfit. Follow the advice of the pig, the symbol of the coming year, and you will be great this night, and at the same time happy throughout 2019!

The ideal haircut for overweight ladies has a medium length. It can be a cascade, a bob, or an extended bob. A short length is permissible only with a closed nape and elongated strands at the temples.

The year 2017 of the Fire Rooster has come to an end - a cocky bully, who knows how to put things in order in the house, to repulse all difficulties and always be on the alert. This fiery symbol managed to collect in its image the most variegated and saturated shades, shimmering gilding and pretentious shine. And now the emotional and eccentric Cockerel is replaced by the Yellow Earth Dog, with its pedantry, patience, devotion and completely balanced character. Such a patron is the complete opposite of the previous one, which means that when choosing a home decor, a festive menu and a New Year's outfit, it is also worth going "from the opposite". So that over the next 12 months good luck will accompany you at every step, try to spend the night from December 31 to January 1 in an image that fully corresponds to the preferences of the Earth Dog. Let's figure out together what to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Dog and what to wear for each sign of the zodiac, taking into account the element of the symbol of the next year.

How to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Earth Dog: the selection of an outfit according to the signs of the zodiac

Thousands of fashionistas are already wondering how to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Earth Dog: choosing an outfit according to the signs of the zodiac is not an easy task, especially if you are not too competent in fashion matters. It is for such cases that we have compiled a complete leuzeb for the entire "zodiacal circle". But creative girls with a keen eye for new fashion trends will do it on their own using our simple tips.

  • Firstly, the patroness of the next year likes shades that are close to the most natural color palette and generate associations with natural phenomena;
  • Secondly, the combination of black and white will never be a losing option;
  • Thirdly, outrageousness is alien to the Earth Dog, which means that the style of the New Year's outfit should be restrained and laconic;
  • Fourthly, a lover of everything living and natural will not like cheap synthetics. Suitable material for a festive dress - silk, linen, chiffon, organza, cotton, taffeta, lace, satin. The trend of 2017-2018 will look expensive and tasteful - a dress made of muted velvet colors.

The Yellow Dog is very democratic, therefore, loyal to any style and style of New Year's outfit. But you shouldn't overdo it with an exclusive. Clothing should be comfortable, simple and by no means vulgar. Optimal choice:

  • knee-length and full-length skirts of styles: "tulip", "barrel", "half sun", "sun", "bell", "tutu";
  • floor-length dresses, plain or with a trendy print (geometric shapes, large flowers, elements of nature);

  • casual skirt and trouser suits;
  • stylish jackets;
  • dresses to the knee (with the exception of the frank mini and overly tight options);

  • blouses made of cotton, silk, linen, satin;
  • full-length high-waisted loose trousers and 7/8 slim fit;

In what color to celebrate the New 2018 - a photo of trendy outfits

In addition to the "main" colors of the New Year 2018 - yellow and brown - there are others that match the temperament of the Earth Dog. Combine them in your holiday party outfit and you will achieve the attention and favor of the symbol of the year. So, the most trending shades of a magical New Year's Eve:

  • burgundy
  • scarlet and dark red
  • golden
  • beige
  • cream
  • coral
  • mustard
  • Orange
  • chocolate
  • olive
  • muted green
  • blue
  • purple
  • pink
  • mint
  • purple
  • classic black and white

As you can see, there are many colors and shades in the color palette of the patroness of the next year. The dog, as a character, is supportive of any manifestations of individuality, so all fashionistas at the party will not have to flaunt in the same outfits.

Choosing the right tones for the New Year's look, do not forget about the completely unacceptable. So, a failed option - mini-skirts and too revealing dresses of acid colors. Also, Yellow Dog is not a friend of cats, so on New Year's Eve it is strongly recommended to avoid any prints that hint at the presence of the feline family. Discard:

  • fluffy fur vests;
  • leopard print;
  • hats and headbands with cat ears;
  • skirts, trousers and blouses with images of cats or their symbols;
  • decorative fur trim on dresses and shoes;
  • long arrows and cat-eye makeup variations;

What to wear for the New Year 2018 for each zodiac sign: photos of suitable bows for a New Year's party

A dog is not only a friendly entertainer, but also a lover of comfort in all its manifestations. That doesn't mean you can wear a wool sweater and frayed jeans to a New Year's party. But when choosing a fashionable evening bow, it is worth stopping at a light and comfortable outfit. Put aside fluffy layered dresses, super-skinny minis, or eerily uncomfortable platforms - these items are sure to get in the way of fun and have a lot of fun. Choose which of the suitable bows to wear for the New Year 2018, taking into account the characteristics of the symbol of the year and each zodiac sign.

  1. Capricorns- true workaholics. But on New Year's Eve, it is better for the representatives of this sign to abandon the elements of work clothes and give preference to light dresses made of geometric, floral or abstract prints. Such a choice will certainly delight the patron of 2018.
  2. Aquarius it is better to restrain the desire to shock and shock all guests with high cuts and deep necklines. Courage and determination are a clear trait of a Dog, but not the best principle in choosing an outfit for a New Year's party. An excellent alternative to catchy costumes is modest clothes made of natural fabrics of sand, peach, lilac in a duet with earrings and a necklace made of natural stones.
  3. Pisces- difficult dual natures - it is better to choose an elegant outfit of golden sand tones for the New 2018. Orange, coffee, chocolate colors with bright accessories that emphasize the created image will look good on the representatives of the sign on New Year's Eve.
  4. Aries, with their inherent romanticism and sensuality, you should pay attention to soft natural fabrics and images that combine white with burgundy or cherry. You can experiment with long dresses and skirts, but it is better to leave the neckline mysteriously hidden. If the chosen outfit is luxurious and extravagant, accessories should be discreet and modest.
  5. Taurus- one of the most graceful and sophisticated representatives of the fair sex. Choosing an outfit for a New Year's party, they should take a closer look at light and spacious dresses in green, blue or purple. And to emphasize them properly will help volumetric earrings, bracelets and pendants made of gold or silver.
  6. On a wonderful New Year's Eve Twins will look equally good in any look. But in order to please the symbol of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - you will have to wear a stylish trouser suit of brown, mustard, sand or straw color with additional nuances in the form of a leather clutch, amber hair clip or beads made of small wooden elements.
  7. The best type of clothing for a girl is Cancer on New Year's Eve - a bright and stylish jumpsuit made of light flowing fabric of yellow, terracotta, coral, amber, red, brown or golden color. The ideal choice of accessory is a mysterious carnival mask with rhinestones, precious stones, feathers or artificial flowers. Such an ensemble is atypical, but quite suitable for the most magical night of the year.
  8. To Lionesses in 2018, there was success and good luck, their festive image should "breathe" wealth, luxury and real chic. Silk, satin, velor and velvet of golden, chocolate, scarlet and burgundy colors in combination with elegant shoes and expensive jewelry will create an unsurpassed image for any representative of the "royal" sign.
  9. Pedantic and self-confident Virgin always know a lot about fashion and have an excellent sense of style. But in choosing an outfit for celebrating the New 2018, they will have to forget about all the fashionable excesses. Representatives of such a feminine zodiac sign will look spectacular in clothes of classic styles from simple natural fabrics. The optimal color scheme for such an occasion is blue-gray or yellow-green.
  10. Libra on New Year's Eve, it is worth getting luxurious fur wardrobe items or minimal accessories with a lush edge. Such elements can be successfully combined with a trendy pantsuit or a floor-length skirt in red, beige or brown. And you can complement the New Year's bow with a light touch in the form of amethyst or chrysolite earrings.
  11. Scorpions- mostly purposeful, assertive and very decisive people. They should not hide their essence from the Yellow Dog on New Year's Eve. Representatives of this zodiac sign can opt for a sexy garnet, crimson or yellow outfit with a deep cut on the back or a high slit on the side. A passionate and attractive scorpion look can be complemented with graceful stockings and high-heeled shoes.
  12. Sociable Sagittarius who prefer to always be in the spotlight, for the New Year's celebration, you can choose a bright outfit with spectacular decorations. The symbol of the next year is sure to fall in love with linen or cotton dresses in navy blue or bright turquoise. Especially in a duet with pendants, bracelets and rings made of sapphire, emerald and garnet.

How to complement a bright outfit for the New 2018 for all signs of the zodiac

Once you've decided on your festive wardrobe, don't forget to choose shoes, hairstyle and fashion accessories. It is these details that can make the image unique, inimitable and completely complete. Taking into account the taste preferences of the Yellow Dog, you can enlist her support and favor for the whole next year. And also, boldly attract the eyes of all guests at the long-awaited New Year's party.

06.09.2017 Fortuna

The New Year is approaching, and many are racking their brains over where and in what to celebrate 2020, and what outfit will suit each zodiac sign. The coming year will be held under the auspices of the white metal Rat. Experts recommend choosing a festive costume in accordance with the preferences of the animal.

What color to celebrate 2020?

Color options on how to celebrate the new 2020 Year of the Rat are different and multifaceted. Light colors are considered to be the predominant shades. In this case, the fabric should be shiny or iridescent. Feng Shui experts note that the first animal of the eastern horoscope loves:

  • White;
  • silver;
  • Gray;
  • ashen;
  • nude;
  • golden;
  • pastel;
  • menthol;
  • turquoise;
  • purple;
  • green;
  • black;
  • calm red.

If we consider the characteristics of the animal according to the horoscope, then the Rat is active, hardworking, scrupulous and wise. Eastern sages endow the first representative of the horoscope with a lively mind, inexhaustible energy, determination and a cheerful disposition. In addition, the Rat is cunning, according to legend, she came to the call of God on the back of the Bull, which allowed her to jump first at the feet of the ruler.

The rat knows how to combine incongruous and has a refined taste, therefore, you need to celebrate the New Year 2020 in a stylish outfit with shades of metal, but without unnecessary decorations. You can create an interesting look with an unexpected but appropriate accent.

The animal does not like stiffness and restrictions, so women are advised to choose dresses of a comfortable cut. Cutouts on the back, wide sleeves, fluffy but no-frills skirts, pleating and wide belts are allowed. Shoes should match the outfit, if it is a short dress, then high or medium heels, and if the costume is in the Greek style, then ballet flats or sandals will do.

  • atlas;
  • velvet;
  • crepe satin;
  • brocade;
  • silk;
  • chiffon.

“Celebrate the year of the Metal Rat in outfits with rhinestones and stones,” stylists advise. The animal loves glitter and decorations, so the New Year's look should match the tastes of the 2020 totem.

New Year's outfit: what is fashionable?

Fashion houses, giving recommendations on what clothes to wear in 2020, note that the cut of the suit should emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. The rat loves relevance, so the color of the clothes and its style should be harmoniously combined, and not cause a smile on the faces of others.

Choosing an outfit for a corporate party, you should not:

  • overload the image with accessories;
  • too naked;
  • not relevant to the event;
  • overly tighten the silhouette;
  • look affordable and cheap.

Minimalism is encouraged in hairstyles. Better to pick up your hair in a high ponytail or leave the curls free to fall over your shoulders. No need to overload your hair with varnish and jewelry.

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How to celebrate the Year of the Rat according to the signs of the zodiac?

The stars advise representatives of all zodiac signs to carefully think over the image for the holiday. A properly selected outfit, which corresponds to external data and the advice of astrologers, will help to attract the totem animal of the coming year to its side.

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Aries stars recommend choosing a casual outfit. Nothing should restrict freedom of movement. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics of warm citrus shades or the color of a young peach. In jewelry, they choose products made of silver or platinum, and in make-up they prefer naturalness.

Light and open Taurus Astrologers recommend choosing clothes in black, white or pastel colors. The image must be complemented with an ornament: a brooch, bracelet or beads. Airy fabrics are what you need on New Year's Eve for the second sign of the horoscope.

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Twins can experiment with looks and fabrics. Experts recommend bringing to life the most unusual ideas for a festive costume. The Year of the Rat will be successful if a person decides to change his hair color or hairstyle.

In the image Cancer women there must be romance and freedom. Flowing dresses made of light shiny materials and silver threads wrapping around the neck are a must-have of a New Year's outfit. Naturalness or emphasis on the eyes is encouraged in makeup. The hairstyle should look casual.

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Fire Lions may wear suits made of bright fabrics. Calm red, bright peach or iridescent gold will subtly emphasize the activity and passion of nature. It is recommended to make a lush hairstyle, and make-up to match the brightness of the dress.

Twins should combine British aristocracy and Hollywood classics in a festive look. An outfit made of natural fabrics of light shades or silver will be suitable. A minimum of decorations will emphasize the natural beauty of the sixth representative of the zodiacal house.

Libra experts advise to give preference to clothes made of black, red or "metallic" fabrics. The image will be complemented by massive jewelry, and shoes should be on stable low heels. In makeup, an emphasis on the eyes is required, and in the hairstyle - simplicity and elegance.

In a festive manner Scorpion femininity must be present. A discreet and classic make-up, a tall, but not bulky hairstyle is a good idea for New Year's Eve. When choosing a dress, it is better to stay on the classic little black.

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Sagittarius on the New Year's holiday everything is allowed. Astrologers recommend listening to your inner voice when choosing an outfit. From jewelry it is better to choose products with pearls or aquamarine. Turquoise and other shades of the water surface are welcomed in the color scheme of clothes.

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Very soon we will all gather at the festive table. It has become a good tradition to compare the chosen outfit with the character of the dominant symbol of the year. In this case, the Yellow Earth Pig takes over the post. Let's see what kind of New Year's fashion it is and in what clothes to celebrate the New Year.

What clothes should you wear to celebrate the New Year?

Most girls choose a dress as an outfit for a festive evening. In what dress to celebrate 2019, we learn from the review. In addition to dresses, elegant suits and fashionable jumpsuits are in great demand.

Beautiful dresses

The boar respects laconic sophistication. Therefore, you need to think carefully about your image. Dress for the New Year should be fashionable and tasteful. Particular attention should be paid to classic models in soothing shades. The ideal option is a fitted dress to the floor in gold, yellow, mustard, brown, orange. The culprit of the coming year is also not indifferent to the shades of the dying flame: milky, beige, ash and slate. Overly provocative outfits should be abandoned. If you love black, then do not shake it off! You can dilute the usual black dress with a sequin belt. The result is a very stylish, festive outfit.

Sequins fashion. Dior collection

Tulle and tulle skirts and dresses. Dior collection

Long dress with sequins, Valentino collection

The luxury of gold. Fashionable dress from the Altuzarra collection

Fashionable silver and metallic. Dress from the new collection Carolina Herrera

Bustier evening dress, Erdem collection

Dress from the Lanvin collection

Pamella Roland Classic Sheath Dress

Stylish long dress with sequins. Rachel Zoe collection

Fashion jumpsuits and suits

Women's jumpsuits and suits have become very relevant. They allow you to create a luxurious look that is suitable for both New Years celebration and corporate parties. Stylish models were presented by fashion houses Marchesa, Rachel Zoe, Lanvin, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Pamella Roland, Sally Lapointe.

Women's suits with a skirt from the Marchesa collection

Stylish women's trouser suit with metallic effect, Rachel Zoe collection

Saint Laurent Fashion Jumpsuit with Sequins

Lanvin Women's Tuxedo Pants Suit

Bottega Veneta fashionable women's jumpsuit

Beautiful look from Pamella Roland

Sally Lapointe Women's Sequin Suit

Sally Lapointe Women's Striped Suit

Sally Lapointe Emerald Jumpsuit

Stylish skirts

Stylists offer a wide variety of options. They can be made of shiny fabrics, lace, or translucent. Skirts with fringes look spectacular. In addition, this element will be mega popular in the Year of the Pig. You can celebrate the New Year in a variety of ways. In the year of the Pig, "cozy" outfits are quite relevant. In order to be in trend, you can purchase a warm cashmere sweater and complement it with an elongated skirt completely trimmed with shiny sequins.

Sally Lapointe Fashion Sequin Pencil Skirt

Sally Lapointe Longline Pencil Skirt Fashion

Stylish look from the Balmain collection

In what colors to celebrate the New Year?

On New Year's Eve, it is important not only about the festive table and home decoration, but it is also necessary to choose the right fashionable clothes to please the patron of the next year. New 2019 year of the yellow earthen wild boar dictates certain rules in color choice. Already from the name it is clear that the new season will be a pass for yellow, brown, terracotta, lemon shades. But it should be borne in mind that wild boars love to spend time outdoors, which means that all natural shades will be in fashion: khaki, blue, pistachio, blue, green, emerald, sand color. Gray and black jumpsuits and suits won't disappoint the mascot animal either. The symbol of the year and nude shades are welcomed.

New Year's Eve in yellow

Trendy terracotta color for New Year's Eve 2019

Elegant blue

Green and emerald

Classic black

Refined silver and metallic

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to the signs of the zodiac?

Already now the question of what to celebrate the New Year is very relevant? Not only stylists, but also astrologers work to solve this problem. A properly chosen look for a certain zodiac sign will be able to attract the attention of the opposite sex and good luck. General advice in astrology says that the chosen outfit should be comfortable to wear and versatile. The fabrics must be of high quality.

Aquatic representatives (crayfish, scorpions, fish) will be beautiful in outfits of sandy, purple shades. These colors are believed to attract wealth and good luck. It is not at all necessary to buy plain clothes. It can be decorated with contrasting stakes, have bright and interesting prints. Especially the hostess of the year will love geometric patterns and oriental themes. Choose dresses made from light materials: organza, chiffon, satin.

Beige dress with gold shimmer is perfect for Cancer and Pisces

Dark Purple Scorpion Christmas Outfit

Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn represent the element of the earth. This year should bring them many positive moments and good luck. Various cut skirts, dresses, suits of golden, beige colors are available for them. It is suggested to pay attention to metallic, graphite, copper shades. These shades look great on smooth and glide fabrics.

Dress embroidered with gold for Taurus

Dress with sequins for Capricorns and Virgos

Fire signs such as Leo, Aries and Sagittarius can move away from the established rules and prefer more restrained tones. It is recommended to abandon outfits with a deep neckline, open shoulders, rigid corsets, but it is not forbidden to use glitter and sequins in outfits.

Dress for Lionesses

Perfect dress for Aries and Sagittarius

Astrologers-stylists have prepared interesting ideas for aerial representatives, Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. The most successful shades for them are blue, green and blue. Prints of tropical and plant themes are perfectly perceived.

Blue shades for Aquarius

Colors for Libra and Gemini

Stylish New Year's Eve

You need to celebrate the New 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig or Boar in a good mood. Therefore, think over the image in advance. Be sure to pick up beautiful accessories. After all, they also play an important role in the New Year's bow. Bulky tassel earrings made of leather, fringe or suede are in fashion. You can wear a necklace made of gold or a laconic chain around your neck. Miniature clutches in the form of a ball or a traditional rectangular shape will go well with evening dresses.

  • Golden bracelets

  • Original necklaces made of gold and silver

Miniature clutches

How to celebrate the year of the pig 2019

New 2019 promises a lot of changes, because piggy will become its mistress. She is a symbol of family well-being. This year is sure to be lucky for single people who dream of a beautiful relationship and love. The pig is very supportive of married couples who dream of a child. It is in this year that many will become happy parents.

The color of the Year of the Pig is yellow, earthy. Therefore, this season the most popular shades in clothes will be: lemon, brown, orange, scarlet, terracotta.

There are also signs. For example, if you made a wish for the chimes, then in no case voice it. You also need to properly celebrate the New Year. And our recommendations will help you with this.

So, how to celebrate the Year of the Pig with dignity so that it brings happiness, health and material benefits?

Where to meet 2019

Under the chimes, many dream of a miracle. There will be no problems with magic. The Earth Pig will help you to plunge into a fabulous atmosphere, give a storm of emotions, joy and fun.

In the eastern calendar, the pig is considered the most family animal. People who are lucky enough to be born under this sign can work for days, travel on business trips, but they all do it to a greater extent for their relatives and friends. For a pig, a home is a fortress. Therefore, she tries to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible. Therefore, if family values ​​are not an empty phrase for you, then cute family gatherings are what you need! It is not at all necessary to arrange loud and noisy festivities. Set the table with your favorite treats, exchange gifts and surprises, and play a heartfelt New Year's movie. Trust me, you will be delighted with this warm atmosphere. After all, it's great when the whole family is together!

If your soul asks for something enchanting, then go to a ski resort. New acquaintances and, of course, impressions await you. Fresh air, new people, fun - all this will definitely cheer you up and give you a bunch of new emotions.

It has become very fashionable to celebrate New Year's holidays in clubs. This is also a good option. You will get rid of the need to prepare holiday meals and have fun with glory with your friends.

If you are still thinking where to celebrate the New Year is unusual, then seek help from travel companies. Here you will find the most popular destinations and help you decide on a place.

A change of scenery is always great and not trivial. Give yourself a gift that will be filled with vivid impressions.

Where can a large company celebrate the New Year? You can be creative and go to the recreation center or even to the winter forest. A bonfire, the intoxicating aroma of barbecue and traditional champagne are the main attributes of this New Year's celebration.

You can also celebrate the New Year 2019 outside the box. Just decide on the route in advance. You can schedule a trip to visit friends or family. It's so interesting! You will be able to see those whom you have not seen for a long time, pay attention to your loved ones.

What to cook in the Year of the Pig

We figured out where it is best to meet a magical holiday. Now let's deal with the festive table.

The New Year's menu should be varied, moderately simple. The use of greens, fruits, vegetables and cereals is encouraged. From sweets - cookies, sweets, cakes, sweet baked goods or pies.

If you don't want to bother too much, but want to see something interesting on your table, then you can always order rolls and sushi.

A baked turkey or chicken will look great on the table. Vegetable cuts or salads will be an addition to them.

Veal baked in sour cream can be used as a hot dish. You can watch how to cook it in a video clip or from a photo of MK.

New Year's recipe. How to bake a turkey :

  • The turkey must be marinated before cooking. To do this, you need to mix salt, spices to taste (basil, turmeric, curry, saffron, garlic or ready-made mixtures are suitable) and a little sugar, add water and grate the carcass. Marinating time from 2-12 hours.
  • It is better to bake in foil (just do not wrap the whole carcass), the time depends on the weight of the carcass (1 kg - 40 minutes, you need to heat the oven up to 180-200 degrees). Before you put the carcass in the oven, grease it with sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • Water the turkey periodically with the broth that comes out of it during the baking process.

Grilled vegetables are topical. It is very tasty and healthy for the body.

You can't do without snacks. Cheese platter will be very useful. Sandwiches and pastries are appropriate.

New Year is one of the special holidays of the year, and for some it is the most important one, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that many begin to prepare for it in a few weeks and wonder how to celebrate the New Year 2018. As you know, it is coming the year of the Dog, and what it symbolizes, and how exactly to meet it, you will learn below.

New 2018 Year of the Dog

Despite the fact that it is customary to celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, it is believed that, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Yellow Earth Dog will take up its duties on February 16, 2018. Until that day, she will have to somehow get along with the Rooster, which was the symbol of 2017.

When planning a festive celebration, take into account the characteristics and character of not only the Dog, but also the Rooster - pleasing the new owner of the year, do not ignore the previous one. In addition to the symbol of the year, the element will also change - the serene Earth is replacing the blazing fire. Of course, such changes promise a lot of encouraging forecasts - the year embodies stability, endurance, clear planning, and calmness. In general, the element of the Earth is considered the slowest, but there is nothing wrong with that - especially after the raging and uncontrolled fire. The coming year will allow us to consistently bring everything to its logical conclusion, overcome difficulties and implement ambitious plans.

According to many astrologers, the coming year contributes to the solution of long-standing conflict situations, the acquisition of peace and mutual understanding - this will be relevant for various spheres of life.

How to celebrate the year of the dog for different signs of the zodiac

Water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Cancers love activity and fun, so the outfit should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time effective. An elongated dress with a fluffy skirt can be called a wonderful option.

Scorpios love to be the center of attention, and New Year's Eve is no exception. In the coming year, it is recommended to meet this representative of the water element in a comfortable outfit with interesting and extraordinary jewelry (an unusual handbag, impressive earrings, voluminous hairpins, etc.).

Pisces value comfort and simplicity, so it is recommended that they find tortilla in muted or pastel-colored clothes if bright colors cause less delight. If the outfit is decorated with sparkles, then it is even better - the Dog will certainly like this approach.

Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Aries is not alien to passion and activity, so they are encouraged to try on something bright on this night. However, try to avoid overt cutouts and pretentiousness.

Lions on a festive night will have a chance to become the personification of tranquility and greatness. We advise you to rely on elegance and consistency in your clothes - all the same, you will remain in sight.

Sagittarius should shine on a solemn night. Choose a dress in a khaki or muted brown shade, adding a little sparkle to jewelry or fabrics.

Earth: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Taurus usually does not like special creativity and originality, besides, the Yellow Dog does not require this. Stylish shoes or a well-thought-out hairstyle will be enough.

Virgo will attract with her modesty and elegance - the hostess of the year will like restrained tones and discreet, but very stylish accessories.

Capricorns will have the opportunity to show their extraordinary thinking by choosing an unusual outfit. Pay special attention to your hands by decorating them with spectacular manicure or massive rings.

Air Release: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Gemini will get another opportunity to emphasize their individuality. Choose jewelry in yellow - it can be not only gold, but also wood, plastic, and so on.

Libra, choosing an outfit for the New Year, will have to show interest in lurex and sequins - it will be great if the dress is decorated with them. However, it is important that the brilliance is not too pronounced - the Yellow Dog does not like excessiveness, but moderately dazzling details will attract her interest.

What colors in clothes are preferred for celebrating the Year of the Dog

The hostess of 2018 is characterized by activity and friendliness, so celebrating the New Year should be fun - even if you have a small company, it is important not to get bored. However, not only will the Yellow Earth Dog pay attention to this - it is also important for her what you will be dressed in and for the colors of your clothes. Since we are talking about the Earth patron, this clearly indicates that when choosing an outfit, you can use the entire natural gamut.

Meet the best of the coming year in colors and shades according to the Chinese horoscope, namely:

  • yellow;
  • golden;
  • beige;
  • vanilla;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • chocolate;
  • emerald;
  • mint;
  • swamp.

These tones look most impressive in smooth fabrics, such as silk, fine knitwear, and the like.

If you like lace outfits, then chocolate or sand-colored lace is quite appropriate. It is also important to take into account the fact that the land is not only soil and sand, but also peat bogs, stone mountains, clay. Accordingly, there are much more options: gray, terracotta, graphite, orange, peach and so on. In this case, the red color will not work, but only in the form of the main background - the abundance of scarlet will cause the Dog to feel a sense of danger. However, this rule does not work with small details or patterns - such additions will create the feeling of a colorful meadow. For the same reason, floral motifs are relevant.

What to wear to a celebration to attract wealth and money

In order for you to be lucky in money and other matters in 2018, you should certainly appease the lady of the year. It doesn't matter in what you will celebrate the holiday - in a dress, suit or something else, because the keeper of 2018 is very loyal to this. Although there is still one condition: the outfit should be as comfortable as possible so that you can dance in it, participate in active contests, and the like.

Of course, this does not mean that you should put on a tracksuit. You can easily put on both a long and a short dress, but at the same time, let its cut be simple and allow you to start dancing at any time or just participate in the general fun.

As you know, accessories can add integrity and completeness to the overall image, or make it ridiculous and not organic, and that is why approach their choice with special diligence. The dog is very attentive, so do not be negligent. We recommend that you pay attention to comfortable shoes made of natural material - it is better to stop your gaze on a stable heel or flat sole.

Despite the fact that the dress should be of a simple cut, it is permissible to show originality in another:

  • interesting bow;
  • unusual handbag;
  • bright jewelry;
  • lace;
  • fringe.

Note that it is advisable to choose a piece of jewelry in yellow - it can be either gold or any other materials.

What is better for a man to wear on New Year's Eve

Not only women, but also many men plan in advance what exactly they will wear to the celebration. We suggest putting some recommendations in the foreground.

Elegant classics are always in fashion

A trouser suit is an appropriate option for a meeting in 2018. Despite the dog's friendliness, discipline and order are not alien to it, so do not allow bad taste and negligence in clothing. Meanwhile, do not think that we are talking about a boring office outfit, because the New Year is a fun and bright holiday. Complement the suit with a shirt in bright colors or an original tie. By the way, the suit itself does not have to consist of trousers and a jacket. The upper part of the suit can be easily replaced with a sleeveless jacket or vest, which often looks quite stylish. The cut of the suit can be either fitted or loose - the main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable in it.

Outfits with a comic theme

However, no one has canceled more fun outfits. If there are children in your house, then you can dress in the costume of some hero that they like - this guarantees the fact that on a festive evening you will remain in the spotlight. And if you even dress up in a Santa Claus costume, then this will clearly allow you to become the star of the celebration, both among adults and among children. You can go another way - get a mask of this year's symbol. If you do not like such suits and you feel ridiculous in them, but at the same time want to appease the guardian of 2018, then we suggest you pay attention to clothes with a "dog" print - bones, funny dog ​​faces and the like.

Outfits with elements of the new year

However, in order to look festive and New Year's on this night, it is not at all necessary to choose any special costumes - the emphasis can be placed on original accessories. Pay attention to bow ties or ties with a corresponding pattern (Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen). Also, a similar accent can be on a scarf, shirt, or even socks! Among other things, you can find on sale (for example, in online stores) cufflinks with reindeer, snowmen, Santa Claus hats and in the spirit of other New Year's themes. In addition, you can make an interesting New Year's patch on your jacket.

What can a woman or girl wear

Many representatives of the fair sex approach the choice of outfits with enviable care, and New Year's Eve will certainly not be an exception.

Evening outfit

The playful and cheerful nature of the dog has nothing to do with commercialism, so do not strive for special luxury this night. The yellow guardian of the year doesn't care about the price of your clothes, and you shouldn't bet on the color either. An inquisitive patroness will be more interested in the original print, bright accessories and other amusing little things. The main criteria by which your outfit will be assessed: the ability to move freely and actively, the absence of pretentiousness. When choosing an outfit, focus on its naturalness and comfort - let the dress do not hinder your movements, the cut will be simple, like the fabric. Of course, it is not necessary to look for overly restrained outfits - some playfulness is acceptable (deep neckline or open back).

Warm sunny colors work well.

Gold and shine will add shine

Noble green colors will accentuate your image

Deep emerald for creative fashionistas

Chocolate rich colors are all the rage today

Makeup for a celebration

Make-up on the eve of the holiday should be applied nude and discreet. We remind you that the Earth will become the ruling element of the coming year, and the tones in cosmetics should be selected appropriate, close to the natural range. Suitable: brown, coffee, smoky, ash, sand, olive, swampy, golden. For 2018 makeup, the universal palette will be golden and pastel brown. In the evening version, they will look harmonious. In addition, according to the 2018 New Year's makeup trends, the emphasis should be on one part of the face - the lips or eyes.

1. Pastel colors

2. Lightweight, playful look

3. Green gold

New year hairstyles

The guardian of the coming year will like it if your festive hair is not devoid of simplicity and lightness. Will be approved:


The upcoming patroness of the year loves shiny objects, and the corresponding jewelry will be very good - this is exactly the holiday when you can afford massive earrings, rings, bracelets and so on. By the way, jewelry made of gold or silver will be popular in 2018, so you can start this trend already on a festive night. As you know, dogs are not at all against collars, so chokers, which gained popularity some time ago, as well as scarves, will be relevant. We also note that small clutches will be replaced by more voluminous bags embroidered with chains or spikes (in continuation of the "dog" theme).

In what outfit to celebrate the New 2018 for children

As you know, both adults and children are waiting for the New Year with special trepidation, and they also want to dress up on this holiday. What is so exclusive to choose for little fashionistas and fashionistas?


New Year is the holiday when a young fashionista can put on the outfit that she wants. If your girl dreams of looking like a princess, Snow White, Elsa from Frozen, a Barbie doll, the Little Mermaid or any other heroine, then in the New Year her dream can come true. You can try to sew a matching dress on your own or order it online. However, for sure, the girl will be pleased not only with such a suit, but also with just a new beautiful dress - choose an outfit in those shades that are especially welcome.


This evening your son can feel like a real gentleman wearing an elegant trouser suit. Of course, this is not a school uniform, but a suit with colors approved by the Yellow Earth Dog. Such an outfit will not look boring at all if it has a funny New Year's print on it. If the child does not like this option, then, for sure, he will like the costume of his favorite character - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain America, Superman, Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes or anyone else. In addition, you can have a lot of fun in the mask of the guardian of the next year.

What outfit to choose for a New Year's corporate party

Celebrating the New Year in the work team will be even more relaxed and more fun if you take care of what outfit to wear on this day in advance.

Traditional option

As you know, corporate parties usually do not require a strict dress code from its participants. If you know for sure that they will not expect some themed outfit from you, then you may well just pick up an elegant dress for a corporate celebration. By the way, you can go further and not stop at the dress, but choose a stylish trouser suit that will emphasize the dignity of your figure. If the holiday is right after the working day, and you absolutely do not have time to change clothes, then you can supplement your usual image with some interesting detail that will wait in the wings in your purse - interesting jewelry, a bright neckerchief, an interesting hairpin, and so on.

Outfit with color symbols of the coming year

Of course, when choosing an outfit for the New Year celebration, one should not forget about such an important detail as its color scheme. As we already mentioned, the patroness of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. First of all, this suggests that for the celebration you should wear an outfit that includes notes of yellow, green, coffee, brown or golden. Your clothes should not necessarily be monochromatic - it is quite acceptable and even desirable if it is decorated with some kind of cheerful pattern or pattern. Note that such an accent can be not only on your outfit, but also on nails or accessories.

Party outfit

It is quite possible that a collective decision will be made about some kind of costume party. If the theme is free, and you just need some kind of original costume, then in your image you can make a hint of a character or buy a corresponding costume on the Internet. If a specific theme is chosen, and all party participants should come in some specific outfits, then take care of this in advance - it will not be very good if you ignore the general wish and put on something to your taste. It is worth discussing this with the team in advance, so as not to let down other employees and not look out of place at this holiday.

What not to wear to the celebration of the Year of the Dog: traditions and predictions

We have already found out what exactly you will look most appropriate on the New Year's holiday 2018, but it is worth considering that it is still advisable to avoid some colors and tones in clothes. So, first of all, forget about the "enemy" prints this night - we are talking about any hints of cat coloring. Try to avoid tiger and leopard colors in clothes and accessories - this way you risk not winning favor from the guardian of the next year.

Also try to avoid fur products this night: coats, hats, trimmings. Fur elements distract and alert the Dog. Unnatural provocative tones will not be met loyally: fuchsia, raspberry, blue, electric blue, ultramarine and the like. A bright red color can even cause aggression in a Dog - it is appropriate only in the form of small blotches, just to arouse interest in the symbol of 2018.

Since dogs love ease and activity, you should avoid outfits on a festive night that will restrain your movements or look too pretentious - opt for a comfortable outfit with a simple cut. By sticking to these simple recommendations, you can easily win over the friendly hostess of 2018!