Questions are common to women. Cool and cool questions for ask ru

What questions can you ask a girl at the first meeting or during correspondence? This problem plagues many guys. For most young people, the first date is an exciting and important event, when hundreds of scenarios are scrolled through their heads, how everything will go, what to ask, what the girl will answer. The fear of being wrong, the fear of being rejected or looking stupid are all part and parcel of the excitement. I would like to know what questions you can ask a girl on a date so that there is no awkward silence.

Each of us calmly communicates with relatives and friends, and when you need to talk to a girl, especially on a date, excitement takes over. Let's list the questions that you can ask any girl on a first date or by correspondence, simply redesigning them for each interlocutor if you run out of topics for conversation. This list of questions is just a guide. Some of them are not suitable for a first date, but they will come in handy later.

Surely among your acquaintances there are people who, having nothing special but charisma, always have success with women. Everyone wants to get into this category, but where to start?


- At what age did you first fall in love? Was this feeling mutual?

What annoys you the most in the world? Why?

What personality traits turn you off the most?

How often do you lie?

Do you like cats? Why?

Do you like horror movies? Do they scare and impress you a lot?

How many foreign languages ​​do you know?

Do you like to paint?

Do you have a pet? What pet do you like the most?

Do you believe in transmigration of souls?

Can you imagine living in the mountains / in a remote village / in the north?
What would you do if you lived there?

Does it ever happen that you cannot be forced to do something?

What do you not know how to do, and what do you dream of learning how to do?

What character traits do you like the most?

Do you like buying new shoes? How many pairs do you buy per season?

What do you usually do not go out without?

Will it be possible to live a month at the North Pole, taking your purse with you?

Do you like doing chores around the house? What do you like least of all?

Do you have a mole on your body that I haven't seen yet?

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Are you abroad? How often?

What do you do in your free time, do you have a hobby?

Do you love children? How many children would you like to have?


Every person wants a beautiful and vibrant relationship. The couple begins to meet, each adjusts to his soul mate, gets to know her better. And, in the end, the time comes to confess your love. But a young man often simply does not know what to say, how to choose words, how to make a beautiful declaration of love to his girlfriend.

These words are very important, and you should not say them on the third day of the relationship, because the girl may simply not believe, and this is at best. And at worst, she will consider your confession as a blatant lie, which is aimed at some personal goals.

But just like that, in the meantime, it is better not to confess your love. Think carefully about where and how best to confess your love so that the girl will remember this moment for a very long time. If you do it in an original way, she will definitely believe your words and, of course, will reciprocate.

Having prepared a beautiful declaration of love, invite the girl to arrange a romantic dinner. It will be great if you prepare everything yourself (it is worth, of course, practice in advance), set the table and invite your beloved. You can just say that you want to surprise her and she will definitely be touched. It is worth taking care of purchasing her favorite flowers. And hide a note with a declaration of love in the bouquet. It will be very romantic, touching and childish, it will make the moment more relaxed. When she reads the note and looks up at you, confirm what she saw on the paper by talking about her feelings.

Darling, I have long wanted to tell you that you are the dearest person to me. I want to connect my life with you, share everything that I have with you, bring up our children together. I ask you, be with me always, and I will try to prove to you that my love is stronger than any stone, and that I am worthy of your love.

When I met you, the world around me shone, filled with bright colors, became like a rainbow. I learned to see beauty and see how beautiful your eyes are when illuminated by the sun. I love you very much, and I know how huge your heart is when you are happy.

My baby, you filled my heart, and now there is no place for others. And it makes me happy, because for me you are the girl of my dreams. I have never been so frank with anyone, I was able to entrust all my feelings, desires and thoughts to you. I want you to be the happiest with me, so that your eyes always shine with joy, and your tears were just tears of happiness. You gave me this wonderful feeling when you fall asleep and wake up thinking about your loved one, and I am very grateful to you for that. I want you to never forget how much I love you.

My beloved, your image is forever in my memory, and every word you say sounds to me like a wonderful song. Sometimes, I confess, I catch myself thinking that I do not hear your words, but simply enjoy the magic of your voice. Your gaze is like a bottomless ocean, in which you want to dissolve to the end, forgetting about everything in the world. The touch of your hands makes me forget, thinking only of you, and my love for you will be eternal. Thank you for being with me!

Darling, in an instant you were able to change my life, becoming its only treasure. For me, you are a gentle angel sent from heaven, because your love and tenderness make me happier every day. With one smile, you can dispel all my doubts and fears, making life such that I could not even dream of. Having met you, I realized that I could finally find what I had been looking for for so long. I do not have enough words to convey all my feelings, I am madly in love with you and I want you to be always there and give me your love! I thank you just for the fact that you are just by my side!

Women's company is much better than men's -
a friend will always understand and accept everything
that the representative of the strong half
will consider it an insignificant trifle.

Each of us has had, is and will be girlfriends. But sometimes a strange wall of misunderstanding and alienation grows between us.

How to get to know your girlfriend better and how to learn to resolve conflicts quickly and pleasantly for everyone? Today we will talk about such an exciting and important topic for every girl.

Cheerful profile

I don't know about you, but in my childhood every girl had a questionnaire. These could be both beautifully handcrafted notebooks and branded albums that were sold in the store. Usually the questionnaire contained a huge number of questions about the person. Why not make such a questionnaire for your girlfriends?

In the 21st century, you no longer need to use notebooks, it is enough to have e-mail, Photoshop or Word on your computer and the job will be done. Thus, you and your friends will not only be able to learn interesting little things about each other - your favorite color and film, but also other, more important things.

In order to make it easier for you to form your profile, I offer a small questionnaire that will allow you to get to know your beloved friends better. In addition to banal questions about the age and sign of the zodiac, favorite singers and films, as well as animals and TV shows, the following list of questions is needed:

1. Favorite color

2. Favorite dish

3. I really like to study ...

4. I love ...

5. I don't like ...

6. My dream is ...

7. I cannot forgive my friend ...

8. If I had the opportunity to return the time back, then I would ...

9. I regret ...

11. I am against ...

12. I collect ...

13. I can do what other people cannot and this -

14. I can't do without ... (or I can't imagine my life without ...)

15. I do not like my character (appearance) ...

16. It pisses me off ...

17. My fear is ...

18. I am fond of ...

19. What items and what people would you take to a desert island?

20. My mood improves from ...

21. My mood worsens from ...

22. If I caught a Goldfish, I would ask her -

23. As a child, I loved ...

24. The most difficult moment in life is ...

25. I want to change in myself ...

26. If you had to spend the whole day alone, what would you do?

27. What do you value most in a gift?

28. What is the most difficult emotion for you to confess?

As you can see, such a questionnaire can not only help determine the tastes of your friend, but also help to understand the peculiarities of her character, dreams, desires and goals. By the way, such questionnaires significantly improve the likelihood of buying the right gift, because you can know your friend's favorite color, preferences, hobbies and interests.

Going to a bachelorette party

In order to get to know the person who is nearby, you just need to want it. Cocoa, a good movie, board games, and endless conversations will lead you to learn more about each other.

In order to get ready for a bachelorette party, it is enough to ask your parents for permission to spend the night with your friends at your place or at their home. Put on your pajamas, arrange yourself, discuss boys or other equally interesting topics and I'm sure you will find each other incredibly interesting!

Even at a bachelorette party, you can come up with your own secret language :). It is very exciting to talk with phrases that do not mean anything to others, the meaning of which only you know!

Go shopping

Trying on things, recommending new and interesting models to each other, you get closer and allow yourself to get to know your friend better. Thus, you will be able to find out her tastes and preferences in clothes and shoes, tell about yours, and perhaps even, you will have your favorite store.

Go on a double date.

If each of you has a boyfriend or friend with whom you can go to the skating rink, to the cinema or to a cafe, then meeting four of us is a great pastime! By the way, if only one of you has a boyfriend, then you can arrange a blind date - introduce your friend to your friend and maybe this will be the beginning of a romantic relationship!

Arrange yourself a photo session

Gather clothes for different looks at home, do your makeup and spend the whole day carefree getting to know each other and making new avatars :).

As you can see, getting to know each other better is not so difficult! Good luck to you, my dears!

Questions to the guy. What questions can you ask a guy? To avoid mistakes, you need to get to know the guy better. What to ask him about? What questions should these be?

Dating is fun, but at some point, you might think about a relationship for a longer time. And you wonder how to really get to know your partner ... And there are some topics that you definitely need to cover. What questions can you ask a guy? What to ask him about?

Dating is always fun and exciting, but when the question of relationships comes up, things can change.

To avoid mistakes, you need to get to know your partner better. And, of course, there are some questions to ask.

There are some basic things to talk about before starting a relationship. For everyone, the questions and answers are definitely individual. But it is not always possible to form them immediately. Therefore, this list may well be useful to you.

Also, guys, if you're reading this! Definitely, when you answer these questions in writing and give them to your girlfriend's father, he will allow you to date her! 😉

This list does not include simpler questions, but they are also written at the end of the article.

Questions are collected in random order, grouped. Some may seem stupid, choose for yourself what suits you ...

What questions can you ask a guy to get to know him better? 100 possible options.

General questions for a guy

  1. How do you see your future? What will you do in 5 years? After 10 years?
  2. What is your most important goal in life?
  3. Yours? Or a favorite author?
  4. How would you describe yourself in three words?
  5. What are your 3 weaknesses?
  6. Do you have any experiences that have influenced your life? If so, what kind of experience was it?
  7. Have you had to make difficult decisions that would make your life worse?
  8. Are there people you don't like? Are there people who don't love you?
  9. Do you have any goals for the future?
  10. How do you understand the phrase - there is no smoke without fire?
  11. Do you have an idol or person you respect very much? Who is he?
  12. What's the most?
  13. What question would you like to ask me?
  14. How do you feel about politics?
  15. What's your favorite movie?
  16. If you had three wishes, what would you make?
  17. What's your favorite song? What kind of music brings joy to your heart?
  18. What are your hobbies? Do you have a hobby or hobby?
  19. What do you like watching movies or reading books more?
  20. Do you like dancing? Have you ever attended dance lessons?
  21. What famous person (celebrity) would you like to meet in person?
  22. If you could travel back in time, who would you meet and what would you do?

Boy and girl

What questions can you ask a guy: about relationships

  1. What is the most romantic place for a couple?
  2. Can you think of an awkward moment in your relationship?
  3. Have you ever been bored in a relationship?
  4. What kind of vacation do you prefer? Do you like spending time with your family?
  5. Do you mind if I have some feelings for my ex? (If you really have them ...)
  6. How do you envision emotional closeness?
  7. What would you do to impress the person on the first date?
  8. Do you think it's a shame to be a virgin? Or is it, on the contrary, deserving of respect?
  9. What was your best intimate experience? What was in the forefront of emotion, feeling, or physical contact?
  10. Do you think it is possible to enjoy a relationship without sex? What role do emotions play for you?
  11. Do you have feelings for your ex?
  12. How long was your last relationship?
  13. Do you regret this relationship?
  14. How do you feel about non-traditional sexual orientation?
  15. Can the past affect relationships?
  16. Were you in a one night stand relationship? If so, do you regret it?
  17. What do you think about infidelity and cheating in a relationship?
  18. Do you believe love at first sight?
  19. What are you looking for in a relationship?
  20. Have you had any long term relationship experience?
  21. What caused the breakup in your previous relationship? (If they were)
  22. Do you hang out with your exes?
  23. What's the craziest thing you've done together with someone?
  24. Tell me about your first kiss. What was he like?

What questions can you ask a guy: about faith

  1. Are you a believer? What do you believe in?
  2. What was the most emotional event in your life for you?
  3. What do you listen to more? To the voice of reason or heart?
  4. Do you often make decisions based solely on your intuition?
  5. Do you think there is a higher power that governs the cosmos?
  6. How do you feel about other religions?
  7. Do you believe in soul mates?

Difficult questions for a guy

  1. Have you ever used drugs?
  2. What's the strangest about you?
  3. Have you ever been so angry in your life that you wanted to literally kill someone?

What questions can you ask a guy: about work, habits, life

  1. Do you have good or bad habits? What do you think ?
  2. What do you think it should consist of?
  3. What do you think ideal parents should be?
  4. Do you like pets? Do you have pets at home? Would you like to get yourself?
  5. If your parents don't like me, would that be a good reason to end the relationship?
  6. How do you imagine your dream job?
  7. Do you like your current job?
  8. Have you had problems with the law?
  9. If your job is bad for your relationship, what will you do?
  10. What do you regret in your life?
  11. Describe your ideal weekend
  12. If you were only allowed to do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  13. What personality traits are you proud of?
  14. What's the most courageous thing you've done in your life?
  15. If you could change anything in your life, what would it be?
  16. What is the most amazing discovery that you have made in your life?
  17. What is your life credo? Who could you risk your life for?

Romance, love

Other questions you can ask the guy ...

  1. Do you have a favorite fictional character? If so, who is he?
  2. At what earliest age do you remember yourself? What are these memories?
  3. What do you like the most about yourself? And in me?
  4. How will your friends feel about spending more time with you?
  5. If you had the opportunity to choose your super ability? What was that?
  6. Was there a person in your life who would have really influenced you? If so, who is it? How have you changed?
  7. Is there a movie that you can watch an infinite number of times?
  8. What would you like to change in yourself? Physically? Or change your character?
  9. What's the best piece of advice you've received in your life?
  10. Do you want to have children?
  11. What qualities do you aim especially for in women?
  12. If you could go somewhere now, where would you go?
  13. What's the best thing about family relationships?
  14. What is your favorite family memory?
  15. What are three qualities that you like about me?
  16. What do you expect from me in our relationship? Would you like me to change?
  17. What should I do to make you think I'm a bad person?
  18. What will you do if the electricity goes out all over the city for three days?
  19. Do you like to go shopping?
  20. Where do you like to go on dates?
  21. How long can you be without communication?
  22. How do you feel about an open relationship? For or against?
  23. Have you ever thought about adopting (adopting) a child?
  24. What is more important to you money or relationships? What would you choose if you had the opportunity to make money but lose love?
  25. What are you passionate about? What are you very passionate about?
  26. Can long-distance relationships exist?
  27. What do you think about spending the rest of your life with one partner?

So we come to the end of the list of 100 questions. This list, it seems to me, can still be continued and continued. If you also know interesting questions, leave them in the comments, and they will definitely be added =)

One hundred questions turned out to be not very simple, below is another list of questions, but a little simpler ...

Additional 12 questions to ask a guy!

  1. How did you spend yesterday or today?
  2. How was your mood? Or what is your mood today?
  3. Do you have plans for tomorrow? (Suggest something)
  4. What time do you usually wake up?
  5. Where do you usually spend your evenings? Who are you walking with? What are you doing?
  6. How would you spend a million dollars if you suddenly got an inheritance?
  7. What can make you cry? Have you ever cried?
  8. Do you believe in horoscopes? And in fortune-telling? Who's your sign?
  9. Do you like traveling?
  10. How do you feel about parties?
  11. Do you fall in love often? Can you love two at once? Has this ever happened to you?
  12. Do you dream often? What do you dream about?

Video about our planet:

Many guys, when they first meet a girl they like, have a number of ridiculous, stupid questions. One part of the questions may be completely irrelevant, the other half is completely meaningless. Such questions in most cases lead to a loss of interest in the opposite sex, complete indifference or even disgust on their part.

What should be the questions?

The right questions can help make the conversation engaging and memorable, and the right questions can demonstrate your sense of humor and tact to your subject. By asking questions of a certain kind, you can show sympathy, find out about hobbies, interests of each other, understand whether it is worth continuing to communicate with this or that person further. But before showering the chosen one with questions of interest, pay attention to the following recommendations.

  • Questions should be simple and easy to understand and understand. Otherwise, you run the risk of discouraging the interlocutor from the desire for further communication;
  • Don't get carried away! The number of questions should be in moderation;
  • Do not jump from one question to another (after hearing the answer, continue the topic under discussion);
  • Share your opinion on the question posed;
  • The questions used should provoke the emergence of detailed answers;
  • Use a number of clarifications to develop one topic of conversation;
  • The question should be of interest to both you and your interlocutor;
  • The answer "the opposite person" can serve as a source for the development of further conversation;
  • If you are in the mood for a long-term, sincere relationship, be sure to listen to what your interlocutor says;
  • Turn on your imagination. Make the questions and their presentation interesting, unusual. But don't overdo it;
  • In addition to the fact that the questions have the purpose of "studying" your companion, they may not carry any semantic load, but simply be a dilution link in the dialogue.

Internet conversation. Beginning of correspondence

Modern social networks have become an integral link in the communication of most young people. Often, the first acquaintance of a guy and a girl takes place in the vastness of the World Wide Web. You can get acquainted on social networks, forums and chats, as well as on numerous dating sites. This type of modern dialogue usually involves long-term correspondence, where a question-and-answer style conversation is the best fit.

How to start a conversation on a social network

Just feel the soil. Start the conversation with simple phrases and general questions on the topic "I want to meet you."

After the first step is taken, and the interlocutor does not mind "talking" to you, try to get to know her better. Ask a little about the girl's hobbies. Study a little her profile. Based on this, ask the right question. Use common phrases to better understand who exactly is sitting "in front of you."

If the page has a lot of information about sports, you can ask the person about the following:

  • What kind of sport do you play (Ask this question if it is not clear from the profile which of the entire material “on the wall” the girl likes)?
  • Do you play tennis or do you prefer to just watch?
  • What kind of sports car do you like?

Does the girl exhibit a lot of poetic lines and notes? Ask her about:

  • Favorite writers;
  • Does she write herself?
  • What genre of literature does she prefer?
  • Who is her favorite writer / poet and what is her favorite work?

There can be a great variety of questions, the main thing is not to overdo it. The topic can be developed based on the favorite activity of the “opposite person”.

If you are attracted to a girl by looking at her page, but you still do not understand what she is, use questions that better reveal her hobbies:

Topics for conversation

When meeting anyone over the Internet or just on the street, it is important to make a good impression on him and be able to interest him when talking. But what if you are not very talkative or just do not know what to talk about with the opposite sex? To do this, you can use the following list of conversation topics that are always interesting to have a conversation about.


There is nothing better to get to know your interlocutor than asking about her hobbies. Talking about this topic, you can learn a lot about who your chosen one is, what she enjoys, and what she does in her free time. Learning about this aspect of a girl's life, you can conclude for yourself whether further communication with this person will be interesting to you.


Traditional topic of conversation. It would seem banal and not very interesting, uninformative and a little formal. However, given the right scenario, a conversation about the weather can freely turn into an invitation to "take a walk tonight."


In the modern world, there is nowhere without travel. Wherever you look - colorful photos from vacations, business trips abroad and just photos of people abandoning everyday life for the sake of hooking their whole life - learning new and unexplored for themselves. This topic can reveal a person from a different side.

You will learn:

  • Where has your interlocutor ever been;
  • Where she would like to go;
  • Perhaps she is a "stay-at-home" and prefers to explore the expanses of her native country or does not like to get out anywhere;
  • If you find out that the girl has never left her "comfort zone" for any number of reasons, you have a chance to offer a small trip together (it is up to you and your interlocutor how to pay for the trip).


For many years this topic has not left the vastness of the World Wide Web and is an integral, fashionable part of the life of a modern person. Find out more about what the girl has ever done. It can be dancing, athletics, or even boxing.


Questions on this topic will be very personal, so they should only be asked after a longer acquaintance with the person. You can learn more about a girl's outlook on life, relationships with the opposite sex and her family, friends, and coworkers. Often, finding out how the interlocutor speaks about people, you can draw certain conclusions about her as a person and a person in general.


Who doesn't love kittens and puppies ?! There are individuals who prefer snakes, turtles or fish, but there are those who do not like pets at all. The topic will be very light, sometimes funny and very entertaining.

Childhood, adolescence, family in general

Childhood conversations are always interesting and informative. Funny stories from childhood, history, traditions and customs on which a girl grew up can have a huge scope for conversation.


This topic is not worth developing at once. When meeting someone, talking about sex can just scare the interlocutor. With a closer acquaintance and free communication, sex is a very good topic in order to find out about a girl's preferences.

How to hook the interlocutor?

There are many ways to please a girl when you first meet. The best ones are those where the guy shows that he is brave and can very well get what he wants. But at the same time, you should not press on the interlocutor and say “I will get you anyway”, “where are you going”, “do you know who my dad is ?!” and everything in this style. So you risk not only alienating the woman from yourself, but also being punished by some power structures for such behavior.


  • "Provocation". It is needed in order to make the chosen one think a little and arouse strong feelings in her.

An example of starting a provocative conversation:

  • "Well, what a lascivious look you have)"
  • “I would be afraid to meet you! But I think it's worth the risk! "

It is very difficult for almost any girl to refrain from answering such a message. The main thing is to be able to further translate the conversation in the direction you need.

How else to surprise a girl

  • "Intrigue".
  • "Hello! And I know something about you! ”;
  • “So that's what you are! Interesting, but I didn’t even know it before ”;
  • “I like that the incompatible is combined in you! This is a huge plus for a girl. "

At the time of her natural curiosity, the girl will definitely answer you. She will be interested in what you know about her, what she does not know, and most importantly, where this information comes from. Word for word and you look, you are already on the first date. Starting acquaintance with intrigue, try to keep the conversation in the same direction, observing some pauses in the correspondence, until you get the coveted phone number.

  • "Directive communication".

Directive conversation is aimed at direct and honest expression of your intentions and some kind of psychological pressure, in which you become a "founder of power." The whole point is that you express your thoughts and intentions directly.

That is, if you want to ask a girl out on a date, you do something like this:

"Hello, honey))). We're going on our first date tomorrow! What time should I pick you up?

In this case, there are several options for the development of events:

  • If the interlocutor is amazed at such impudence - there will be a conversation! It will be difficult for a girl to refrain from this kind of insolence. In the future, with a successful dialogue, you may well hope for success.
  • Another option is also possible - she will be amazed and impressed, therefore she will immediately name the time when she will be free. You just have to take a phone number and make an appointment.
  • But, you may not be lucky, and you will simply be blocked for such insolence.

Young people should be confident and understanding when dealing with the weaker sex. It is important to let the girl know that you are.

Use emoticons and various signs in your messages. So you can more or less convey how you feel or just soften some of the SMS so that the girl does not take some of them "with hostility." But don't overdo it!

7 rules of engaging communication

Rule # 1. Don't be intrusive.

No person likes it when they stick to him like a bath leaf. Be tactful, respect the girl's privacy. If, according to the answers of the interlocutor, you understand that enthusiasm has disappeared in her (she is in a bad mood for some reason, or even just like that) - better simply translate the topic or tell her that you have to go and you will write to her later. Otherwise, continuing a painful or already unpleasant topic may alienate the girl. Sometimes, you can try to cheer her up, but that's the problem, you probably won't understand this by correspondence, but you can try to do it.

Rule # 2. Originality and interest.

Trivial questions are followed by boring answers, or the same common questions. Phrases "how are you?", "What are you doing?" and everyone in this spirit is boring, they often do not want to answer. Start a new conversation based on the previous correspondence. For example: “Well, did you look? Pretend to be my wife? "," I was thinking, but I really have not seen a single concert of Third Seconds to Mars live. "

Rule # 3. Do not bombard the interlocutor with questions.

Four more rules

Rule # 4. Don't be online all the time.

If you are constantly online, and this has nothing to do with your work, you run the risk of appearing to the other person as a bummer, sitting in your pants, sitting on social networks. You should always have a business that you do outside of the Internet.

Rule # 5. Be funny.

In 90% of cases, the presence of a sense of humor in the interlocutor causes a pleasant impression and increased interest in his person. If you want your girlfriend to have fun and not be bored of spending time with you: learn to joke, this rule also applies to questions.

Rule # 6.

Periodically refer to the girl by her name, and not just "you", "bunny", "mouse", etc. Oddly enough, but not all girls like it when she is addressed in this way: "sweet", "sweet", "my flower."

Rule # 7.

Respect your partner and her opinion. If a girl dodges a question or says bluntly that she does not want to discuss it, do not pressure her. Perhaps, after a certain period of time, she herself will talk to you on a topic that is sore for her.

Questions about family, childhood

Sometimes, spending time with a person, even virtually, I want to know where he grew up, what or who influenced his character, even which parent he looks more like. But, not knowing the person very well, you should be more careful when approaching questions about family and personal life.

In life, there are different occasions, different situations and different families. Some may have ideal, in their opinion, parents; for others, relationships with parents or other relatives can be very nasty; still others may not have a parent / parents at all. She can be quite lonely. That is why it is worthwhile to ask questions about close relatives with caution.

If the answer is sad, try to apologize and then change the subject.

Examples of questions about family and childhood:

  • Are you the only one in the family?
  • Who do you look more like: mom or dad?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • Are you the eldest in the family? (Usually, they talk about prudence and adult actions of a person.)
  • Are you by any chance the youngest in the house? (This question should be asked when the person has the features of the "youngest" child in the family and when you know for sure that this question will not offend him.)
  • Do you have your own family traditions in your family?
  • What's your favorite childhood memory?
  • What kind of child did you grow up to be?
  • What's your worst childhood nightmare?
  • For what did you most often "receive" from your parents?
  • What's the worst child you've ever done?
  • What is your most cherished childhood dream?
  • What did you want to become when you were a baby?
  • Who did you look up to when you were little?
  • What's your weirdest childish offense?
  • What are your brightest childhood memories?
  • What cartoons / films did you like the most? Now, do you watch cartoons?
  • This period for most young girls is associated with the first love, the first kiss, the first disappointment and a broken heart. Such memories most often evoke a nostalgic atmosphere, and set the person up for a sincere and more open conversation.

    • What was it like when you were fourteen?
    • When and with whom was your first kiss? Who took the first step, he? And how was it?
    • How old did you first start dating a guy? Who dumped whom first? / How did you break up?
    • Are you suffering a lot after breaking up?
    • How old were you when you fell in love for the first time in your life?
    • Did you ask your mom for advice about boys?

    Questions about personal and intimate life

    When you start a conversation with a new person for yourself, you should pay attention to the style of his communication. If you see that a person is willing to make contact and is not afraid of provocative questions, you can use this to find out intimate details about the personal life of the interlocutor. However, you should not do this when you have known each other for a short time. It is worth respecting the personal space of each person.

    • Did you have a serious relationship?
    • Ever really fell in love?
    • How long was your longest relationship?
    • How many guys did you have?
    • What guys do you like?
    • Do you prefer romance or passion?
    • What was the most unexpected gift you received from a young man?
    • What's the most expensive gift you've ever received from a boyfriend?
    • What do you think should be the perfect date?
    • What conclusions did you draw from previous relationships?
    • What do guys say to you when they first meet / meet you?

    It is up to you to ask intimate questions or not. Someone will seem obscene, someone will not care, someone will like it, someone may just be embarrassed. In any case, try to ask them correctly and only after you have become more or less close to the person.

    • Have you had sex?
    • How old was your first sex?
    • How many partners have you had sex with?
    • Do you like to experiment with sex?
    • Have you had sex in a public place?
    • Have you had sex in extreme conditions?
    • What kind of sex do you prefer: classic or something unusual?
    • What poses do you prefer?
    • How do you feel about role-playing games?
    • How do you feel about sex?
    • Do you like to walk around the apartment naked?

Therefore, by the word "communication" most of us quite rightly mean conversation. That is, the exchange of information.

Of course, eye contact is great. Eye to eye - this state conveys the current of mood and interest. A person who does not look in the face of the interlocutor is probably either hiding something or getting angry. But this happens mainly with people who know each other well and they have something to keep silent about. In other cases, communication can be an almost one-sided monologue, more often - a full-fledged dialogue, where questions are heard and appropriate answers are given.

So how to start communication with a stranger especially if you are an introvert?

Bulat Okudzhava wrote timeless lines: "Everyone writes how he hears, everyone hears how he breathes ..."

And the famous at the time Carnegie argued that the greatest interest for each person is the person itself. And in the process of communication, you can only succeed if you listen carefully or talk about things interesting to the person. Unmistakably talking about him, and without any falsehood. The key to success is to be as genuinely interested in the interlocutor as possible.

Talk to your interlocutor, ask, answer yourself, the more often you practice this, the easier and easier it becomes.

Shyness and how to overcome it

Having a question ready is great.

But this is not enough! How to force yourself to take the first step and say the first word?

Someone can be helped following ways:

  1. Decrease the significance of the situation. To do this, imagine that the girl is your sister. It's funny to blush and think about what you say to your little sister every day.
  2. Increase your importance. Shyness usually occurs due to the fact that the thought that such a beauty does not want to communicate with an unremarkable guy interferes.
  3. It is worth advising you to remember your successes and achievements, start to be proud of yourself and acquire a royal posture.

  4. A good psychological way is detachment. This is a way to fantasize that you are not you, but a robot that you are looking at from the outside. And if they suddenly refuse or ridicule, then him, not you.
  5. For the most insecure, pick-up trainings can be recommended.

All meetings can be divided into 2 types:

  1. A completely random meeting that requires an instant reaction, otherwise you may never meet again.
  2. A meeting that can be calculated and worth preparing for. These include meetings in educational institutions, gyms, at parties with friends.

If you have an ability explore interests, do it. The presence of common themes in the conversation is a huge plus.
And to bring yourself into a more respectable look is also not bad. Build up your muscles, buy a new thing, beautiful, but in which you will be comfortable and confident.

The girl needs to be judged with a cold and reasonable look. Yes, this is difficult to do. Especially when you like her. But at least a couple of points of your strategy need to be assessed so as not to get trapped:

  • whether the girl has a sense of humor or is she rather serious and academic;
  • she is uninhibited or does not feel at ease;
  • how close is your social level.

What is the first thing to ask a girl when meeting? A classic of the genre is to behave like a girl. She is timid, you pretend to seek sympathy from her. After all, they say that sympathy and compassion are also important in communication.

She is extreme, which means that you can amaze you with extraordinary antics. You can even write your question on a poster and approach the girl with it! It is very important to make sure that the answer to the first question is “yes”.

The most trivial example: "Girl, is this Ushinsky street?"

Great when you make a girl laugh, or at least make her smile.
Example: "Girl, if you smile now, the whole street will light up ... and I will finally find the keys I lost ..."

An introduction is optional. But a couple of standard words will kind of prepare the girl for the question. Yes, and it will be easier for you. The magic wands are:

  1. Please forgive me, …
  2. Sorry…
  3. Sorry for the stupid question ...
  4. You won't help me figure it out ...
  5. Tell me ...
  6. Sorry, ... (You can not shy away from slang.)
  7. Do you know any foreign language? It's great! You don't need free communication, you need to know a couple of phrases in English, for example, and attract attention by starting with "Thank you for being worried", "Excuse me" or "I beg your pardon".

For the sake of such a beautiful beginning of a conversation, you can even specially learn a few phrases on the Internet. Seductive French is a good starting point for communication. Stormy Spanish is great. Take your pick!

Wherein smile- to ensure your success by 99.99%. But the smile should be adequate to the expression on the face of the girl you are addressing.

Most correct adjust to her mood... She is playful - smile wide. She is serious and businesslike - just a little, as if apologizing. But remember that assertiveness and courage are attractive in a man. Take the initiative and conduct the conversation as if you are sure she is enjoying it, too.

There is a good psychological way not to be afraid and overcome embarrassment: mentally imagine that the girl has already answered you. We have played a good scenario inside ourselves, as if thrown into reality such a version - and this version will materialize with a greater probability.

remember, that the first phrase is very important but there should be a continuation of the question. Try asking questions that miscalculate the conversation. But don't jabber. Let the girl answer. If she tries to joke back, laugh! Give her the opportunity to ask something herself. And then a thin thread of full-fledged communication will stretch.

Examples of the most successful questions

What questions can you ask? Basically, it doesn't matter what exactly you ask. The main thing- listen with interest, let the girl talk. Give support, be surprised, admire.

The question is just an excuse. To get to know the girl and understand if you coincide with her in the way of thinking, temperament, etc., you just need to start asking.

  1. What do you like more - watching movies or dancing?
  2. If you are at sea, what do you prefer - swimming or sunbathing?
  3. I wonder if our favorite dishes are the same? I love sushi. And you?
  4. I have an older brother. Are you the only one in the family?
  5. Do you like listening to music? Which one? Invite you to a concert?
  6. What is your favorite season?
  7. If you are allowed to poke anywhere on the globe and be transported there. What will you choose?
  8. Without which your food is not food. Meat? Or sweets?
  9. Do you think it's time to throw out paper books because of electronic media or not? Is there a library at home?
  10. Tell me honestly, is your beauty from mom or dad?
  11. I've just watched the film "So and so". Have you watched?
  12. Do you like roses?
  13. Do you think a cowboy hat and lasso would suit me?
  14. Do you want to grow my hair to the shoulders or shave baldly?
  15. How much money do you think your chosen one should receive? What floor do you live on? Should I prepare climbing equipment so that I can climb through your window, or will I just climb a tree?
  16. Has no one dedicated poetry to you yet? I think that if Pushkin was alive, then I would have to fight him in a duel because of you!
  17. Do you like cats or dogs more?
  18. Do you believe in horoscopes? I have a life-long meeting predicted today.
  19. If I fly to Thailand or New Zealand, what exotic fruit should you bring?
  20. Do you love autumn?
  21. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

The only thing you shouldn't do is to touch on personal questions like: "How long do you put on makeup, how much do you weigh, there were a lot of guys before me, how old are you?"

Or questions that cause negative associations: "Mom allows you to be absent until what time?", "What grades are at school?"

A video about what questions to ask a girl when meeting, what you can ask a girl and what not.

Another video clip about the questions asked to a girl when meeting.


In the gym for dating are appropriate special questions:

  1. Excuse me, is the entrance to the pool there? (deliberately point in the wrong direction) The second time here, I do not remember. Have you been studying for a long time? Do you visit only the gym or the pool? And how is it? ...
  2. Tell me, can you hire a personal trainer here? You haven't worked with a personal trainer. Don't know if it's expensive?
  3. How do you like the coach? In my opinion, he drove completely.
  4. And they have yoga here. I was, I liked it. Would you like to try it?
  5. You don't know, do they have water aerobics here? How? That flock of fat women? No, I prefer to study here. With you.

Do not overdo it with politeness. They showed themselves, their muscles, their level. And you can postpone the continuation until next time. Then you will already talk like old acquaintances.

Bar, disco

In a more relaxed atmosphere, when music is playing, some drinks with a degree are drunk, and phrases for acquaintance should be brighter and more energetic.

Examples of:

  1. Young woman! I have a tragedy!
  2. Curiosity will make her at least wonder what happened. Then you can say: "I wanted to become a Nobel laureate, and I almost became, but I learned that mathematicians are not given this prize!" Then you can tell this interesting story.

  3. Girl, my sister bet a thousand with me that I don't have a girlfriend. Can you just say two words to my cell phone now. (“I AM!” Half of the money is yours.)
  4. Girl, I have a T-shirt on my back with the inscription: The most beautiful girl - ... Here is a felt-tip pen, you would not have written your name there!
  5. Girl, I just wrote a poem in your honor. Tell me, does the rhyme "eyes" fit a thousand?
  6. Carefully! Look under your feet, please! My friend told me that I lost my head because of you .. She must be lying around here somewhere. Don't step on!
  7. Do you know that this composition was not written by Sting, but me. Don't believe me? And you are doing the right thing and earning this flower!


There is much more room for imagination here. But the danger that the girl gets lost among passers-by is also greater. The goal is to establish lasting contact.

Ask emotionally, freely, but keeping a distance, without undue impudence:

  1. Girl, if you walk by and don't say where I can still see you, you will never know that ... (invent it yourself)
  2. Oh no no no! Girl, it's not good to create emergencies. After all, if I were driving, I would have already crashed into a post, because I would have been staring in your direction. Do you understand this?
  3. My friend was right! Yesterday I got so drunk that I still see the stars. Sweet star, how many orchestras do you think are buzzing in my ears?
  4. My dream is to get an autograph from Nicole Kidman! Don't tell me you're not her. I will not believe! What should I do for you to drop me a few words on this business card.

No one can guarantee 100% results, but learning the above questions and using them in appropriate situations is half the battle.

And by no means don't ask trivial questions about "What time is it?", "What is your name?" or even direct questions, "Can I meet you?"
Most likely, the girl will pass by, the impression will be hopelessly ruined and the acquaintance will not take place.

Another video about what to ask questions when meeting a girl, in order to interest her and get to know her. How and what should you ask a girl when you first meet her?

Any questions can be used. More important is the verbal side, that is, sign language, how confident, pleasant voice you have and the appropriate appearance and behavior.

AND be sure to remember about a smile and sincere admiration for the one with whom you want to meet.