The way out of a hopeless situation is a conspiracy from drunkenness. Magical ways to cure drunkenness

In our article, we will present to your attention effective conspiracies from drunkenness.

From drunkenness - Hops and wine depart from (name) into dark forests where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and a bird does not fly. Hops and wine go out on fast water, on which people do not ride water; from (name) hop and wine go to the violent winds, which the wind walk at a distance, get used to a dashing person who thinks dashingly in (name), get attached to that, who does not do good, untie me forever.

From binge - In order for a drinker to fall asleep and after that stop drinking, you need to take wax from him, on which to slander: Dawn, lightning, red maiden, mother herself and the queen; the month is bright, clear stars, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight office, in the middle of the night come to me even as a red maiden, even as a mother queen and lay off me and take away from me the accursed power, and give me the hand of the Savior, the Mother of God!

From a hangover - Thou art a hop, lordly head! Do not wind upside down, wind along the salt. but I don't know where you live - climb up the cheese of the tree to your master in copper barrels and beer; just as not to live on fire, so for seven people dashing words (name), if you drink this cup, until my words came out of me, from him, (name), hangover, lord drunk, as the king sits in his kingdom: so and you sit in your place where you were born!

To say a hangover to a man - Lord, drunken head, do not wind down with your head, wind in a drowning (drowsy, that is, in the direction of the movement of the sun), under a crow, but I don’t know where you live, to the top of the cheese of a tree, climb to your sovereign, in honey barrels and beer, as it does not lie on the fire, and so on seven people dashing words (name): if you use this cup, as long as these words came out of me, and out of this (name) a hangover. Lord intoxication, as a king sits on his kingdom, so you sit in your place, sovereign be born.

Conspiracy from binge - You hear the sky, you see the sky, what I want to do over the body (name) Maeren's body teze liver. You are clear stars, descend into the wedding cup; and there is water in my bowl because of a mountain student. You're a red month, come into my cage; and in my crate there is no bottom, no tires. Sunshine, you are free, come to my yard; and in my yard there are neither people nor animals. Take away the stars (name) from wine, turn away the month (name) from wine; pacify the sun (name) from wine. My word is strong!

If you want to cure a person from drunkenness, from alcoholism, from binge drinking, you first need to find out if there is any slander on him, if there is, remove it. Conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism, from binge drinking

Then, taking into account the astral influence (new moon period), time of day (daytime hours), whisper a conspiracy into the water 9 times and give the patient a drink. Before the conspiracy, the Lord's Prayer is read once.

Drunkenness and alcoholism conspiracies

Binge drinking 1.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Earth, you are my mother, order me to the servant of God (name) from this please take good grass zarahil, you Mother Earth to stand, and me for slaves and slaves, to treat their drunkenness.

This servant of God (name) did not think about wine, did not look with his eyes, did not hear with his ears, did not feel with his feelings and ran away from wine. As sickening to die, so would the wine servant of God (name) be sick from now on and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Hops and wine depart from the servant of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly.

to water 3.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice). Hops and wine go out on fast water, on which people do not ride water; from the servant of God (name), hop and wine go to the violent winds, which the wind walks in the distance.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, attach yourself to a dashing person who dashingly thinks of the servant of God (name), to that one who does not do good, get rid of me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

If you want to cure a person from drunkenness, first you need to find out: is there any slander on him, if there is, remove it.

binge 4.

Dawn-lightning, queen of all dawns. A clear month, bright stars, take sleeplessness and insomnia from the servant of God (name) and take it to the seething sea, to the hissing abyss, to the boiling pitch, to the darkness of the underworld.

Appear to (name) a dream in the form of a red girl and a clear Sun, take from (name) passionate power, a pernicious desire, and give the servant of God (name) enlightenment and sobering up and save the servant of God (name) from the addiction - drunkenness, from now on until century, amen.

Conspiracies against drunkenness.

Prepare a potion from wine for a full moon. Pour one spoonful of finely chopped hoofed root with a glass of spring water. Put it on low heat and cook the potion for a quarter of an hour. Then let it cool and strain. Add this agent to wine or vodka without the knowledge of the drinker. While doing this, read the conspiracy:

I will get up at early dawn, I will wash in the key

water, I will go out of the hut, by the doors, from the doors by the gates,

out of the gate straight into the open field,

under the stars are clear, under the light of the month,

under the red sun.

You are clear stars, descend into the beer bowl,

and in my bowl is water from a zagorny student.

The month you are bright, step into my cage,

and in my crate there is no bottom, no tires.

Sun, you are red, come to my yard,

Sunny, pacify the servant of God such and such from wine!

All my words are a key and a lock.

How can no one drink all the water from the sea?

and do not pull out all the grass from the field,

so are my words and my castle

no one to unlock.

To ward off a person from wine, give him one spoonful three times a day an infusion made from wormwood, centaury and thyme, which you take in equal parts.

Also, give an infusion of bearberry. Before giving these infusions to a drinking person, read the conspiracy on them:

beyond the blue seas, beyond the dark forests, beyond the distant meadows,

where people do not walk, where animals do not roam!

Be these words strong and molding,

stronger than iron iron,

stronger than damask damask,

harder than stone.

To arouse aversion to wine and vodka, it is necessary for a drinking person to eat a gray dung beetle mushroom in fried or boiled form, remembering that it is impossible to eat this mushroom at one time with vodka.

Mix equal parts granulated sugar and bone powder. Make a fire out of birch logs. Then, after extinguishing it a little, sprinkle the prepared powder on the embers. Order the drunkard to breathe the smoke emanating from the coals, and at this time read the conspiracy:

Hops and wine, get attached to the dashing man

who thinks dashingly about the servant of God,

attach yourself to the one who does not do good,

and get rid of the servant of God such and such for ever and ever!

Repeat this treatment once a week or more often, when an imminent binge is expected.

You can do this at home too. To do this, take red coals from the oven and sprinkle them with sugar and bone powder.

Pour a glass of boiling water over one spoonful of ram-ram herb. When the infusion has cooled, process it. Order the drunkard to drink this remedy for a third of the glass. Then, after waiting a little, offer him half glasses of vodka. Then continue to treat him with vodka every quarter of an hour; this will cause the drinker to vomit. Usually, even after a single such treatment, a drunkard arises an aversion to vodka. And after several successive receptions of infusion and vodka, his addiction to drinking will disappear altogether. The ram plow is very poisonous and can cause severe poisoning and various complications, therefore, its use should only take place under the supervision of a doctor!

To induce vomiting in the drinker, give him a vodka of lovage root and bay leaf. For one glass of vodka, take one root and two leaves. Insist on this potion for a week and use it during excessive drinking and binge.

Collect the green forest clops that usually sit on raspberry leaves into a small container and fill them with vodka. Infuse this potion for a week. Add it to vodka without the knowledge of the drinker in order to induce vomiting and aversion to the wine taste.

Add a little vodka to every drink and meal you drink. From this, he will soon develop an aversion to alcohol.

To cure drunkenness, it is necessary for a long time to give the drinking person an infusion of mint, thousand-chelist, wormwood and St. John's wort. Take these herbs in equal amounts and prepare the infusion in the same way as you brew regular tea. This remedy should be drunk at least ten glasses a day and used instead of any other drink. For the same purpose, you can prepare an infusion of angelica root, calamus root and juniper berries.

When he wakes up, give him a glass of cold water to drink, into which you drip twenty drops of mint tincture or five drops of ammonia.

Conspiracies for getting rid of alcoholism and drunkenness

In ancient Rome, there was a law according to which only persons who had reached the age of thirty were allowed to drink wine. In Sparta, slaves were drunk and put on public display in order to disgust the public with drinking. In the 16th century, a law was in force in France: drunkards were sentenced to imprisonment, to canes and public cutting, and hopeless alcoholics were cut off their ears and expelled from the country. Under Peter I, alcoholics were hung around their necks with a medal for drunkenness, weighing about 10 kg.

This was the case in the old days. But now the governments of some countries, including post-Soviet ones, have stopped fighting drunkenness. And drunkenness won. The government benefits from this state of affairs. Drinking people are easier to manipulate, and a lot of money can be earned from the sale of strong alcohol. Note that vodka producers are the general sponsors of the most expensive TV shows.

    A person who consumes 85 grams of vodka per day has every chance of getting cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking nine bottles of beer a day will also lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

A conspiracy from drunkenness.

If someone drinks a lot, catch a live fish. Dip this fish into vodka and immediately pull it out. Give a drink: “As this fish flutters in vodka, so would the soul of a servant of God (name) tremble when he sees vodka. Amen".

Conspiracy from female drunkenness.

To turn his son away from alcohol.

They wash the windows on Maundy Thursday, the last water is poured into a jar when washing and seven times are poured into the son's back with the words: “As I gave birth to you, fed you with my milk, so you, slave (name), would not drink alcohol, would not pour wine and mash into your mouth. The windows have been washed and you are clean. May it be so".

Strong conspiracy from drunkenness.

The conspiracy needs to be spoken about the water, which was sanctified on the Epiphany (January 19). The conspiracy is read only on the 19th of any month. Then give water to the drunkard: you can add it to tea, coffee, compote, soup and other drinks and liquid dishes. One can is enough, but in some cases it will be necessary to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Bend over the water so that your breath touches the surface of the water and say three times: As the Lord Jesus Christ did not know vodka, did not drink and did not tolerate; as the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the holy saints did not know, did not drink and did not tolerate, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink and pump out. Forever and ever, amen .

Try to make each repetition of the conspiracy a breeze. Then close the jar tightly with a lid and open it only in order to once again add water to the alcoholic's drink. This water cannot be boiled! If the person you are treating accidentally notices that you are adding something to their food, tell them that it is simple holy water. Alcoholics are usually quite aggressive about any attempts to secretly treat them.

Prayers and h accusations from drunkenness

At night they catch live fish in a net, silently carry it to the house where the drunkard lives. They enter with a bucket with their backs and immediately lower the fish into alcohol, it will fight, and you say:

How this fish flutters in wine,

So it would be everywhere and everywhere

Arozhala soul of the servant of God (name),

When he saw drunk.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from female drunkenness

You are clear dawns, Archangel's candles of God.

As you, the dawns are clear, never

For all ages they have not slept,

So would the servant of God (name)

There was no thought of drunken wine.

Drunkenness lapel conspiracy

“There is a glass of wine on the table in a dark house. I use that drunken wine so that the servant of God (name) would not want to drink it, and as soon as he held out his little hands to him, his desire for a state of intoxication would disappear! And if you disobey me, filthy wine, there will be no good life for you, as has happened until now. My word is strong! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Say the lapel three times, then cross yourself, throw out the wine and put out the candles.

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that makes both the patient and the people around him suffer. Drunkenness prevents a person from being a full-fledged member of society, prevents him from building healthy relationships and a career. In order to save a loved one from addiction, women go to great lengths: drugs, coding, hypnosis, scandals and tantrums. When nothing helps and even powerless, another good method comes to the rescue - effective conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism, which you can carry out on your own. In this article, we have collected the best, according to user reviews, rituals.

An alcohol abuse conspiracy is a prayer or an appeal to higher powers with a request to rid a person of an addiction. In order for it to act quickly and effectively, you need to pronounce it seriously and correctly, in no case should you conspire for the sake of laughter or entertainment. For women, the conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Conspiracies from alcohol are very different: on wax, on water, in the photo, cemetery conspiracies and rituals from husband's drunkenness, you just have to choose the one to which your soul will lie and thoughtfully conduct the ritual. So, here are the basic anti-binge conspiracies that will help you and your family find peace and quiet again.

Conspiracy for yourself

It is best when a person who is addicted to alcohol realizes his addiction and wants to heal himself. In this case, the treatment is more effective, and the conspiracies are faster. If it is you who are faced with the problem of alcoholism, then you can talk yourself out of drunkenness on your own, without resorting to the help of third parties. To do this, you need to fast for several days, then be sure to go to the bathhouse and put on clean linen. Take clean, non-drinking water (well, if it is water from a stream or spring), read a conspiracy over it three times and drink it, imagining how your addiction is leaving you:

Water conspiracies

A very strong conspiracy from drunkenness on the water must be committed on the 19th of any month. To do this, say the following text over a container of water:

This water then needs to be added to tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a conspiracy can take effect immediately, or it may take some time and several containers of charmed water.

Another drinking water conspiracy is suitable for mothers who want to help their sons get rid of alcohol addiction at home. On Maundy Thursday, you need to wash the windows with clean water, and then pour this water seven times on your son's back with the words:

A conspiracy to water from female drunkenness. Read over the water drunk by an alcoholic woman. You can also read over food or other liquids (not over alcohol).

Conspiracies from photography

Popular conspiracies from drunkenness from photography are also very effective and popular. In this case, conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness are pronounced not over water, but over a photograph of a person who needs to be cured of an illness.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness from a photograph is pronounced necessarily on the waning moon. Above the patient's photograph, you need to say:

There are other plots from drunkenness from the photo. Above the photograph of an alcoholic, they read three times “In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen! Hops and wine depart from the servant of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly. "

Other conspiracies

  • Food conspiracy. They say over any food, the main thing is not to talk about a perfect conspiracy to the one for whom it is being done.

  • Conspiracy on fire. On an odd number, you need to collect brushwood in the forest, light a fire from it and draw a circle around the fire. Then sit behind this circle and read the plot, without taking your eyes off the fire. Tears that come out cannot be wiped off either.

  • Conspiracy by Natalia Stepanova. It is pronounced over alcoholic drinks that an alcoholic drinks. Usually, after a person drinks the spoken alcohol three times, alcoholism disappears without a trace. Conspiracy text:

  • Wax conspiracy. It is necessary to make sure that the drunken person bites a piece of wax when he drinks or has a snack. Then this piece is taken away and a plot is read over it. After that, a piece of wax is sewn into the alcoholic's clothes. Conspiracy text:

  • A difficult to execute, but very effective conspiracy on a widow's ring. You need to take the wedding ring of a woman who buried her husband no more than a month ago. On a waning moon, the ring is placed in water and spoken to. This ritual must be done three times, after which the craving for drunkenness in a person will pass.

  • At midnight, you need to speak three times of wine, vodka or any other alcoholic drink that your loved one drinks.

“As the dead man does not rise from the grave, does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (name), do not drink either from the morning of dawn, or at noon for the day, or from the evening at night. Amen."

  • Towel plot. This conspiracy is read over a clean new towel, which is then given to the drinker to use, without telling him that the towel is conspired.

  • Old Russian conspiracy from excessive alcohol addiction. With the help of this prayer, alcoholics were treated in Ancient Russia and, I must say, quite successfully. Buy an ordinary castle to perform the ritual... This must be done on Friday, on the waning moon. Take a glass in which at least a couple of drops of alcohol remain after the person you want to speak drank from. Pour these leftovers into the keyhole, while saying, “You, (person's name), libertine and drunkard. As this lock is closed, so you must always keep the doors of the pubs closed. " After that, the lock must be closed by two turns and well hidden so that no one can find or see it.
  • Cemetery conspiracy. You need to take a bottle of alcoholic drink, which is usually drunk by the person speaking, and go with it to the cemetery. There, stand at the gate and wait until the funeral procession passes by. As soon as you see people going to bury the deceased, immediately say the words: “As the deceased does not live among us, so the slave (name) does not drink drunk. Amen". At home, put the spellbound bottle where the drinking person will see it, but do not offer him a drink yourself. When he sees the bottle himself, pours out of it and drinks, the conspiracy will take effect.

It so happens that a drunkard categorically refuses to be treated and becomes very aggressive when you bring up the topic of his bad habit and treatment. In this case, the conspiracy ritual from him is best hidden. Go to a grove, forest, or garden and collect a broom from trees and herbs. For a woman to talk in a broom, there should be plants with the names of the feminine gender (viburnum, mountain ash, birch, mint), and for the spell of a man - plants with the names of the masculine gender (maple, oak, ash, St. John's wort). When you come home, sweep this broom around all the corners of the house, while reading the prayer:

After all the corners have been swept, dig a hole behind the house to hold your broom and bury it. By the time the broom rots, the patient must give up alcohol. After that, you may need to.

Conspiracy from child alcoholism

Unfortunately, the trend of regular alcohol consumption among children and adolescents has been rapidly developing in recent years. Looking at adults, they begin to adopt their habits, including very harmful ones. In order to rid your child of alcoholism once and for all, you need to buy bovine colostrum. Now it is easy to get it in any village or in the market. Above colostrum on Wednesday, on an even day, they first read the prayer of the Mother of God (you can read it in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon, which is considered an assistant for alcoholism), and then read the conspiracy:

This colostrum is given to a drinking child or teenager to eat. It happens that this conspiracy also helps adults, but this happens extremely rarely. We really hope that conspiracies from alcohol and drunkenness will never be useful to you, but if such a nuisance has overtaken your family, use conspiracies wisely, do everything accurately and without mistakes. Remember that games with magic don't end well and the effect of a conspiracy can be quite the opposite.

Alcoholism in our time is gaining terrifying proportions and often leads to tragedies in many families. Widespread alcoholism is a disease that must be dealt with by all existing methods. From the effective side, reading conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism showed itself - a special magical effect, the purpose of which is to eliminate an addiction. Even in the old days they rescued families, somewhere someone suffered from alcoholism.

Conspiracies from drunkenness have reached our days - many people turn to them, wanting to help their loved one who has fallen into the power of alcoholism. Conspiracies from alcoholism, which must be read on the water, are very popular. They are characterized by a sufficient simplicity of execution, the ability to perform the ritual without the knowledge of the patient with alcoholism, and a positive, in most cases, the result of treatment.

These qualities serve as a guarantee of their relevance and make such conspiracies a very convenient way to eradicate alcoholism, because often even drunken drunkards refuse to admit their destructive addiction to alcohol, which makes voluntary treatment impossible.

Drinking conspiracies, read on water, are good because their action is based on the use of water, which accepts, conducts and transmits any information well. A certain combination and selection of words in a conspiracy is information, a kind of program that affects a person's consciousness at the energy level. Influencing human consciousness, the conspiracy rebuilds it in such a way that it begins to work to achieve the goal inherent in this conspiracy, in this case - to get rid of painful alcohol addiction.

As practice shows, conspiracies from drunkenness on water work well for alcoholics. However, any, even the most powerful, ceremony does not promise a 100% result if the conditions of use were not observed when pronouncing it. First of all, this concerns the main element - water. The water used in the conspiracy should preferably be consecrated, or taken from a natural source (spring) or well. In the absence of such, it is possible to apply the usual one, from the tap, but before the ritual, it must be insisted for 7 days in a dark place hidden from prying eyes.

Depending on the sex of the drunkard, the ceremony is held either on women (Wed, Fri, Sat - for women), or on men (Mon, Tue, Thu - for men). The phase of the moon also matters: the period suitable for pronouncing conspiracies is the waning or full moon. Nevertheless, even a conspiracy pronounced at the right time will not lead to the desired goal if the performer does not believe in his action, or turns to magic out of a desire to check or curiosity - in this case, on the contrary, the opposite result is likely. You cannot tell anyone about the use of a conspiracy, including the drunkard himself, especially if he stubbornly refuses to be treated.

It is also important to take care of the company that will surround the alcoholic after the drunkenness ritual. Comrades in the form of drinking companions can greatly weaken the effect of the conspiracy, and in some cases even completely nullify it. Therefore, the drinking person must be protected from them in all possible ways.

Effective drinking water conspiracies for home use

A conspiracy from drunkenness to water

This prayer is recited on water, which then the drunkard should drink (you can mix it into tea, coffee). Text:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. One person was born, lived and died. As he is dead, so (drunkard's name) does not take alcohol in his mouth, does not drink. Just as one’s hand is dead, the other’s hand will not pour wine, it doesn’t bring it to its lips, it doesn’t pour vodka into its mouth. (Drunkard's name) he doesn't pour wine into the cup anymore, he doesn't drink alcohol. I am baptized(own name) , with a cross, a cross and I fenced myself, I save myself from alcohol. Baptist, help, servant of God(drunkard name) be a deliverer from wine. My word is strong, not to interrupt it to anyone. Amen(3 times) !”

Another effective conspiracy from alcoholism

The peculiarity of this conspiracy is that it is read out on the water only on the 19th, in any month. The conspiratorial water is mixed with the alcoholic into any drinks and liquid dishes. Text:

“Just as the Lord God Christ did not know vodka, did not drink it and did not tolerate it, as Mother Mother of God the Most Holy and all the saints of the saints did not know drink, did not drink and did not tolerate it, so do you, God's servant (drunkard name) , give up the booze and pump out forever. Amen!"

The conspiracy can begin after a single dose, in some cases it requires repetition until the first manifestation of the desired result.

Old conspiracy from drunkenness on a glass of water

This conspiracy can be read by the alcoholic himself, who wants to overcome his addiction, and the relatives of the drinker who refuses treatment. Conspiracy water must be drunk to a drop (as an option - serve a glass of liquid during a hangover). The words of the conspiracy are read three times:

“Hop, prince, your boorish little head. Do not wave your hair down, but pour down to the bottom. I am not familiar to you, I have not been to your apartment. Climb on top of the raw tree to the sovereign, over honey and beer barrels. Let them not lie on a person (drunkard's name) dashing words and wicked deeds. Let him drink this cup, and away the hangover disappears from him. Khmele, prince, sit at your place, like the tsar sits in his kingdom, but do not go to my house! "

See 5 more ways to cure alcoholism using magic rituals from traditional healers: