Redemption of the bride in a private house: scenario. Poems for the ransom of the bride. A hilarious scenario of a bride purchase in a private house

Since the ransom will take place in a private house, you must first prepare the territory and decorate it. If a thematic wedding is planned, then you need to decorate it accordingly, taking into account the color scheme and plot.

Girlfriend 1
Girlfriend 2,
Groom .

seven keys (can be cut out of cardboard), cards with letters, cards with words, marker, Whatman paper, three helium balloons.

(The arriving groom at the gate is greeted by the Witness, led by other guests)

Have a look, have been tired of waiting,
It took you a long time to get to us,
And for walking for a long time
They ran into the task!
So that you can enter the house,
Follow the footsteps quickly,
Answer the questions
Remember the facts quickly!

(Previously, before entering the house, 5 tracks are drawn. The groom, stepping on each step, must give the correct answer about the bride. In case of an incorrect answer, he returns to the previous track)

Question options:
1 ... Favorite color of your beloved?
2 ... What's her favorite food?
3 ... How old is your future mother-in-law?
4 ... What is your narrowed foot size?
5 ... What color are the eyes of the future wife?
6 ... What date is your anniversary?
7 ... Her favorite flowers?
8 ... Favorite movie?
9 ... Favorite cartoon?
10 ... Are her ears pierced?

You managed to cope with the task,
I give you the first key,
And if you collect everything,
You will get to your bride!

Girlfriend 1:
To get the second key,
You will need to sing a song
To hear the whole district,
Including your bride!

Girlfriend 2:
Only the song is not easy
And she is so beautiful
My friend loves her,
You know exactly these words!

Girlfriend 1:
And if you can't remember the song,
I can put in a word for you,
Only for this you pay
And get the second key as soon as possible!

(The groom receives the second key)

To get the key,
You gotta prove to me
What can you love
To call them kind words!

Competition "Kind words".
The witness holds in her hands several cards with letters written on them. For each letter, the groom must name 3 words with which he will call his wife. Friends can help. For each repetition, the penalty is squatting.
Props: cards with letters.

I give you the third key
I open the doors to the house
Collect all the keys
Find your happiness!

(Opens the door and lets the groom into the house)

Girlfriend 1:
The mother of the bride is all in tears
The daughter does not let me out of the house,
I'll tell you a secret
The ransom solves a lot!
Give me a hundred, maybe two,
I'll make an agreement with her then,
I'll calm her down for sure
And then I'll hurry up!

Girlfriend 2:
And we shed tears too,
In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon,
We're losing a friend
Letting go of her marriage!
So that we don't shed tears,
We need to drink alcohol
We need to eat sweet
To make stress easy to seize!
In general, give us a ransom,
And deliver us from tears!

(The groom's friends give the ransom)

Girlfriend 1:
Okay, we got the money,
You need to hand over the keys,
And for this, of course,
Riddles must be guessed!

(Makes riddles)

Variants of riddles:
1 ... Bubbles are always playing
And the guests are all entertained,
You need to drink it cold
Have some more strawberries!

2 ... In the kitchen, a thing is necessary
In it, soup is prepared and borscht,
It is necessary for everyone
You can call her easily!

3 ... You always pour them soup,
You can guess it easily!

4 ... Looks into all corners,
Get rid of the dust in an instant!
(A vacuum cleaner)

5 ... My throat instantly burns
They let her out in a bottle
There is bitter water in the glass,
Guess who she is!

(You can add more if necessary)

Girlfriend 1:
Receive the fourth key,
Come on, come on
There the bride was tired of waiting
Dressed up, got ready!

(There is a tape or rope stretched in the doorway)

Girlfriend 2:
I have the fifth key
It's time to get it,
Go around the rope
But don't go under it.
You cannot step over it,
What can you do, game!
Don't untie her
And all will be well!
You can take the scissors
In order not to search for a long time
You can buy from me
And to get the treasured key!

(Redeem the key)

The bride loves our poems,
Here you read a rhyme to me quickly,
And I will give the key for this,
And I will certainly ask you a rhyme!

Contest "Collect a Poem".
In front of the groom and his friends, cards are laid out with words from which they must compose a verse. Lead time 1 minute).
Props: cards with words.

I won't give up the key so easily
And you can't buy it,
There is still a task,
It's time to do it!

Competition "Portrait".
The groom is blindfolded, given a drawing paper and a marker. His task in 1 minute is to draw a portrait of his betrothed, based on the tips of his friends).
Props: marker, Whatman paper.

I persuaded, I give the key,
I'll let you go further!

(Hands over the key)

Girlfriend 1:
The last key is there for you
She is waiting for you outside the door
Ready? Let's dance
My task is to carry out!

Competition "Dancing".
During the dance, the groom should show with gestures the word “I love you”. Lead time 1 minute.

Girlfriend 2:
I just won't miss it
I want to get the ransom,
And then I will give the key
We need to earn!

(Pays the ransom)

Girlfriend 1:
There are three balls
It's time to get the key!

Helium balloons under the ceiling. A cherished key is tied to one of them. The groom must get the ball he wants, without using his hands. If he refuses the task, then you need to demand payment.
Props: three helium balloons.

I open the door for you
I miss to your fiancee
I wish you happiness
And so that love always lives!
Well done, I praise you
I don't hold you anymore
I am sure that she is with you,
Will always be happy!

Opens the door and lets the groom in to the bride, at which the ransom can be considered complete.

Vika Di July 29, 2018, 10:33

Redemption of the bride from home is a long-standing wedding tradition that involves the groom and friends and relatives on both sides, and guests and neighbors will be spectators... In the old days, when the son got married, he brought a new worker to the family, and her parents were supposed to give a ransom for the worker.

Today, the ransom of the bride has lost this meaning and turned into just a fun action, when the groom has to not only distribute money to the bridesmaids and relatives of the bride, but also prove your resourcefulness b, wit and love.

However, the ransom is the ransom, so you will have to prepare more money in bills and coins in order to distribute it to the right and left, as expected.

It's easy to find a cool, fun ransom script on the Internet in your home, and in verse, but not necessarily strictly follow the script, you can just use the basic ideas to set the mood for this entire momentous day from the very beginning.

The groom participates in the bride price

A private house provides much more opportunities for the original purchase of the bride from the parents' house than an apartment house. Fence, courtyard, gate, trees, facade of the house you can smartly decorate welcome posters, balloons, garlands of flags, flowers or letters forming a greeting, etc.

A lot of people usually want to see how a bride is being redeemed from a private house, and you should not disappoint them, especially children, who are usually given sweets. However, it should be remembered that the ransom is just the beginning of a long day of celebration, therefore, it is not recommended to drag it out for more than half an hour, and in no case should you abuse alcohol.

The youth scenario of redemption of the bride in a private house involves the participation of a toastmaster or a presenter with good sense of humor, and the most lively and witty bridesmaid becomes the "main seller".

The whole action is interactive, since all those present participate in it.

They are the ones who comment on the groom's actions, evaluate his answers, release their comments and thereby create a cheerful festive atmosphere.

If you decide to choose a modern funny scenario in the style of a country wedding, then you will definitely need another character - “ fake bride", Which the" seller "offers the groom from the very beginning. This role can be played, for example, by an elderly relative or, in general, a man who is dressed up in an old curtain robe, hung with beads, a wreath with a tulle veil covering his face is put on his head, in general, they are as sophisticated as they can.

Bridal Veil

When, at the sight of such a "monster", the groom refuses her, the girlfriends demand from him a ransom for a real bride, and that he pass the tests (contests).

Cool contests for the ransom of the bride in a private house

Redemption of the bride in a private house is always fun and with a large crowd of people. In advance, it is necessary to come up with interesting contests for the ransom of the bride (only such that the groom does not have to dirty his suit).

First the competition is held in front of the gate(gate) before letting the groom and friends into the yard.

Experience the power of love

On the the gate (wicket) fixed sheet papers of the type of announcement with tear-off strips, on each of which - any letter of the alphabet. The groom needs to call his bride with a word starting with this letter, for example, A - my angel, B - prudent, C - gorgeous, D - glamorous, in short, what is enough for his imagination. It is not necessary to list all the letters of the alphabet, you can take 5-6 of the lightest letters so as not to delay the ransom.

When the gate (gate) opens before the groom, he will face the next test.

Test dexterity and sharpness

To do this, you need to lay out in advance on the path before entering the house plastic cups or footprints cut out of paper, placing them at a distance of a large step, and making the groom jump on them to the door. You can complicate the competition: at each glass / footprint, the groom stops and answers a question about his bride, and only after the correct answer can jump further. The questions are very diverse: what is her favorite dish, her favorite subject at school, her favorite actor or singer, etc.

The task can be complicated: direct the path not to the door of the house, but to the far end of the yard, so that the groom goes through a maze of ropes stretched between trees and bushes at about chest height.

Draw a portrait of the bride

On a large sheet of Whatman paper, fixed on a hard surface (for example, on a board on the wall of a house), the groom draws his chosen one. The worse he draws, the funnier the competition will be. Do not forget provide a large set of pencils your corner where the competition will be held!

Draw a portrait of the bride with pencils

Test the strength

You can offer the groom to hammer in a nail with one blow of a hammer or pull a heavy obstacle (log) away from the door.

The main thing is that the groom does not got injured and did not stain the suit

If there is a nearby well, it can be used for a power competition: will the groom fill the bucket and, without spilling water, bring it to the door.

Experience attentiveness

If the groom has coped with all the tasks, he is offered find the key to the bride's house hidden in balloons. To do this, they inflate several balloons, put a piece of paper in one with the inscription "key", and in the others - pieces of paper with just one letter.

Bride's house key for ransom

The groom will have to pierce the balls until the key is found, and if instead of the key there is a piece of paper with a letter, then he must come up with compliment to your fiancee that starts with that letter. Another, more mercantile option is also possible: there are not letters on the pieces of paper, but the ransom amounts that the groom will have to pay.

These are not all original buyout tenders. You can come up with a ransom scenario in the form of a quest on a wide variety of topics.

Village Bride Ransom Scenarios

A village wedding has its own specifics, here everyone knows each other, and therefore watch how the bride is taken from home, usually the whole village runs.

It is very interesting to organize the arrival of the groom to the bride's house. If in the city the wedding cortege consists of cars, then in the village it is possible to include motorcycles, carts, tractors in it, and if it is possible to organize a troika, then this will become the most spectacular moment: ribbons, artificial flowers are woven into the manes of horses, bells are suspended from the harness, and wedding procession obtained in the best village traditions... All vehicles participating in the procession are also smartly decorated.

Bride in car on redemption

The groom with friends and relatives drives through the whole village, and on the way everyone joins them. There is always an accordion player, who will play, and the participants in the procession will perform ditties, competing who knows more and will sing louder.

You can choose a longer or shorter scenario for the bride price, but again, remember that the groom and his friends do not abuse alcohol.

As with any wedding, the bridegroom and his groomsmen generously present the bride's bridesmaids and relatives who block their path when buying the bride.

On the video of the bride purchase in a private house, you can see in detail how the process itself takes place:

It should be reminded once again that the ransom of the bride is the most fun moment of the wedding day, but it is not the only one, so it should not be delayed. For newlyweds official registration of marriage is still pending, a walk, and then a wedding feast, at which there will be many more toasts, funny contests, dances, so that this day will be remembered as the brightest and happiest beginning of family life.

It is not often possible to meet a wedding, the script of which would have done without the ransom of the bride. Despite the fact that this is a matter for an hour, they are preparing for the ransom in advance, drawing up a script and decorating the house. It will be much more fun on a private territory, because in an apartment you can't turn around like that.

You will not only have no shortage of free space, but it will also be possible to conduct tests in the yard, rooms, hallways. The ransom will become much more interesting. The most important part of a foreclosure is home decoration.

From a distance it should be seen that it is here today that joy, happiness and, of course, a wonderful ritual will take place, during which the groom will be able to fully show his best character traits.

How to decorate?

First of all, the brightest juicy poster with the inscription: "The bride lives here!" Will look amazing and very informative. The yard can be decorated with a variety of colorful balloons, or they can be decorated with long garlands or fancy figurines. Ribbons or pots with fresh flowers will work well.

Various wall newspapers can be useful to you, on the creation of which you will have to work hard. Do not forget about the posters, which, being made with all sorts of the brightest applications and drawings, will instantly make it possible to understand: today there will be a ransom for the bride in this private house.

Photos of the bride and groom will complement the poster nicely. Having some connections, having an artist friend or being one, you can get several cartoons or perky pictures.

Acquaintances who know how to play the guitar, accordion, violin, and have tender feelings for romances or inviting ditties, can sit in the yard. This will make it possible to make the script of the ritual even more alive.

In terms of folklore, ditties can also be performed by bridesmaids. These representatives of the fair sex, who are assigned one of the most significant roles during the celebration, will be able to improve the mood of themselves, the groom, the guests, and also tune everyone in the right mood. Stopping your choice on posters, giving preference to all kinds of various decorations, deciding how the courtyard will look like, you need to take into account the season and weather conditions.

The fact is that in winter it will look somewhat inappropriate for a poor, numb violinist, sadly "singing" a love song that promised to be perky, through clenched teeth. Don't torture the musician.

The bridegroom is unlikely to come to the gate of a private house; he must be met, be it a presenter or a witness. It can be one of the bridesmaids, if these are “available”, and the mother of the chosen one of the future husband will perfectly cope with the essential role assigned to her.

The script can be so cool like this

Witness. Well hello dear groom! How long did you come to us ... All eyes overlooked, while they were waiting for you. Have you come for a bride? Yes, our red girl is smart, beautiful, caring, and even hard-working! You need to earn it. Are you ready?

The presenter of the bride's ransom should stand near the fence, blocking the path of the future spouse. The girl should leave only when she receives the consent of the groom.

If you are not afraid of experiments, and a wedding implies creativity, then young people dressed as bodyguards will “come to the court” and threaten their husband “without 5 minutes” that, being pampered, he will be escorted out with white hands. The scenario can be perfectly illustrated.

Witness. Well, get the first problem. A chain made up of words will give you the opportunity to approach the doorstep of your daughter-in-law's house. However, the right to pass can be obtained only when I hear the exact answer to the question posed.

First test

Multi-colored footprints, drawn with crayons, in the direction of the alleged abode of the bride. The answer to the question is a new step. One wrong - and the groom will either have to go back two stages, or pay with the bride ransom, moving back only half the "fine".

As for the questions, the scenario assumes a flight of imagination:

  • What gift did the bride receive from you for the previous anniversary of her acquaintance?
  • How old is your future mother-in-law?

As soon as the future husband gets to the doorstep of the house, having passed test number 1 with blood and sweat, almost literally, he is accepted by "dad" with a malicious smile.

Father-in-law. Will you be a stone wall for my daughter?

Second test

Having received a number of tools: a hammer, a nail, a board - the chosen one of the father-in-law's daughter must find the correct use for the objects. Daddy-to-be gives the groom the opportunity to hammer in a nail with just one blow.

If the "son" succeeds instantly, he can go further. Otherwise, you will have to pay the ransom for the bride. Having coped, having passed the test, the "dove" goes to the entrance, where he is accepted into open arms by his beloved girlfriend.

Friend. Hello. Your chosen one is powdered with might and main, the marriage is not far off. Only now, as always, I managed to forget about the time. Hurry her up. To get through, decide which key will come in handy for you!

Third trial

All rooms in the house should not only be locked, but they should be numbered in advance. To implement the scenario, three or four lights are enough. The task of the future husband is as follows: he must get a key that matches the lock of each of the little rooms.

He will have the opportunity to do this by passing the appropriate tests. The friend, in turn, must hold a tray with cards numbered by the number of rooms on it. The groom, choosing each, does what is required.

So that the bride's ransom does not become long and routine, you can also connect a witness to the execution.

The first task is "Mosaic". The witness receives a postcard that is cut into tiny pieces. The time allotted for the task is 2 minutes. Using a children's mosaic, you will be able to provoke the subject, they say, and the child will cope. A witness who does not meet the time limit must treat those present with sweets, which had been prepared in advance, and also pay the bride price.

The second task is "Where is my beloved?" Posters with prints of hands, lips, fingers of the bridegroom's beloved girl will be very useful. And not only her. The challenge is that the young man must recognize the prints, the mistress of which is the bride.

The third task is "Name, Karl!" The groom and the “boyfriend”, “scraping along the bottom of the barrel”, having found the small change in the depths of the pockets, must, within 2 minutes, recreate the bride’s name exclusively from “improvised materials” that have just been found.

The fourth task is "Compliments". The groom receives from the witness a "chamomile" with letters written on the petals. The subject must invent a tender nickname for his beloved, starting with the proposed letter. The failed groom must pay the bride ransom.

Fourth Hot-Cold Test

Having opened every door, the future husband should find: there is a window wide open in the upper room, but the bride's trace is gone. The witness must offer help: knowing perfectly well where the bride-in-law has hidden, she can coordinate the actions of the groom. The bride hides at her discretion: in a neighboring hacienda, in the nearest foreign car, standing under the windows, behind a birch tree.

Ransom of the bride in a private house can be arranged more cheerfully and provocatively. There is enough free space for the ritual, the main thing is to prepare tests for the groom in advance.

We offer an interesting scenario that you can add with your own ideas.

Home and yard decor

Be sure to decorate the house and courtyard in advance where the bride price will take place. For this purpose, you can use:

  • air balloons;
  • ribbons and garlands;
  • posters and wall newspapers with photos of the newlyweds;
  • fresh flowers in pots and so on.

The design of the territory and the house largely depends on the time of year and weather conditions.

Music accompaniment will be an excellent addition to the decor. You can call a guitarist, violinist, or just turn on pleasant background music.

Meeting the groom

A simple yet fun buy-back scenario is a great start to your wedding day. The leader of the ritual (mother or bridesmaid) meets the groom at the gate and talks about the merits of the bride, and then points out that only a worthy man can marry her. He invites the future spouse to go through several tests to check his qualities.

After the consent of the groom, she opens the gate and offers to pass the first test. From the fence to the threshold of the house, traces are drawn in chalk. Stepping on every step, the future husband must answer the questions of the presenter related to the bride and her family. If the answer is wrong, the guy will have to pay.

Testing by father-in-law

On the threshold of checking the groom, the father-in-law takes and invites him to forget the nail with one blow. To pass the test you will need:

  • nail;
  • hammer;
  • wooden plank.

Girlfriend tests

In the hallway or corridor, the bridegroom is greeted by the bridesmaid, who has prepared a lot of tests for the guy in love:

  • "Assemble the mosaic." The future spouse is offered to assemble a children's mosaic or a postcard cut into small pieces.
  • "Compliments". Letters are written on the leaves of an artificial chamomile flower. The groom tears them off one by one and comes up with affectionate words for his beloved (as he can call her).
  • "Where is my beloved?" On the poster, among the many prints of lips or fingers, the groom must find those that belong to his beloved.
  • "Name, Karl!" From the available means (coins, matches and other little things) that the groom has, he must put down the name of his beloved. A friend can help him.

For each missed task or wrong answer, the groom will have to pay money out of his pocket.

Final stage

After each task, the groom is asked to open the door with the corresponding number (the rooms should be pre-numbered). After completing all the tasks or paying for them, the groom discovers that none of the rooms is his beloved. She hid in advance in another place - on the street or in the house.

The girlfriend wants to help the future husband for his efforts and tells where the bride is. The ransom is coming to an end, and two people in love meet to go to the ceremony at the registry office.

Happy Holidays!

Winter weather conditions are often stormy and unpredictable. Therefore, even with a good forecast of weather forecasters, we do not advise you to focus on a street celebration. You can limit yourself to a five-minute scenario with several contests. The most famous characters of winter fairy tales can take part in the script: it will be interesting and fun. There can be the Snow Queen, Baba Yaga, Moroz and many others.

Features of the original, interesting and undoubtedly cool winter scenario for the redemption of the bride

Taking care of financial support at a wedding is a matter for the groom. Everyone knows this and hardly worth mentioning. However, the groom's friends or wedding organizers can ask for the groom to have small coins for ransom, envelopes with money.

Photo pictures of the winter scenario

Don't miss the opportunity to see some pictures of your winter wedding

Required details: small coins, envelopes with money, a saucer for money or a bank. In addition to money, the groom must have chocolates and alcohol with him.

Material support for a fun wedding event

In winter, however, as at any other time of the year, you need to use special props that create a great atmosphere. Winter theme is:

  • snowflakes,
  • snow-white rhinestones,
  • lace,
  • sparkles,
  • big garlands,
  • sparkles,
  • tinsel.

All this can be used in interior decoration. If the wedding takes place on New Year's Eve, then you can safely use any New Year's decorations.

Props for creating an unusual setting

For a photo shoot in the winter, you can hire a Russian troika with a decorated sleigh. However, a carriage is also an interesting option for a winter wedding photo shoot both at the stage of redemption and in further wedding matters.

A Russian samovar, spruce cones, mulled wine, wreaths of spruce branches, felt boots, balls of colored wool, bright scarves, shawls with chic flowers, bundles of bagels, lanterns - all this is also a props for a wedding in the traditional Russian style.

White fluffy rabbits can be rented for a photo shoot. They are so warm and soft and cute. Usually they look very wintery in the photo.

Registration of the place of the ransom

What is customary to decorate in a wedding or ransom room?

  • doors
  • holiday tables
  • walls
  • and other interior items (chairs, sofas).

First you need to decide on the thematic color of the wedding. In winter, red and white are very popular. This is a royal color combination. The red and white interior speaks of genuine passion.

Decor details - red lipstick, red wedding bouquet, red ribbons decorating invitations, red dishes and so on. A wedding in black and white is an extraordinary charm. Even the bride's accessories such as an umbrella and gloves can be black, not to mention the interior details.

A wedding in golden cream color will be very elegant. At all times, gold has symbolized luxury and wealth. Therefore, you should not skimp on decorations and decor.

For redemption or contests, cream cakes, golden bride shoes, chairs with golden ribbons, vintage golden candles and candlesticks, rings in a golden box, golden sparkles, sequins, tinsel, golden beads, golden stars, golden bells, golden cutlery and dishes are useful.

The bride's bouquet can consist of yellow-orange roses. It will be very impressive if the groom comes to the bride in a golden limousine. Although not every city has such a car. Therefore, you can simply decorate another car with gilded decorations.

On the door to an apartment or house, as a rule, they hang a poster with funny inscriptions like "Who has something, but we have a wedding!" or "Who goes where, and we get married!". There are a lot of options for such posters. Witnesses or other wedding planners should take care of their availability.

Performance plan

Bride ransom is always a well-planned scenario. Something like a theatrical performance. When the groom arrives for the bride, he will have to go through the tests prepared by the bridesmaids.

Of course, the groom's task is to get to the bride, spending a minimum of funds. Loyal friends help him to redeem his beloved.

As a rule, such an event is noisy, fun, and humorous. It includes several stages:

Incredible tests of the groom and contests for his faithful friends

The simplest and shortest foreclosure scenario involves basic trials for the groom. They are usually identified by witness with witness. But there are more thorough options for redemption, let's get to know them.


The script is a fairy tale - a real show. The prince and the princess are the bride and groom, the sorceress is the witness, the wizard is the witness, the sorcerer is the bride's friend or brother, Baba Yaga is the bridesmaid, the king and queen are the parents. At the very entrance, the groom finds himself in a fairyland, where all the characters arrange tests for him.

The script "Fairy Tale" is not limited by any conditions and is very suitable for the Russian style of a winter wedding


Such a thematic modern scenario involves the participation of doctors in the ransom. A poster "Quarantine" is glued to the door to the entrance, and when the groom arrives, he undergoes disinfection, examination by an ophthalmologist, medical examination by a Neuropathologist, Laura. In the end, he gets a diagnosis: love. Then he is given a prescription: treatment by the bride.


A whole gypsy camp participates in this type of ransom. The groom, as a rule, pays off with wine, vodka, chocolates, champagne, sweets. Gypsies tell the groom about a happy family life, ask to gild the handle.


The classical ransom of the bride includes the test of “fortune telling on a daisy” (when the groom answers questions about the bride), “the road of love” (the groom ascends to the bride following the painted traces and calls her with an affectionate name on each of them), “enter the house” (the door fenced off with inflated balloons, one of which contains a piece of paper with the words "key"), "my betrothed" (guessing your bride).

Happy happy ending, as well as the redemption of the groom by the bride

In emancipated times, buying the bridegroom by the bride is common. This ransom looks really cool. The bride drives up to the groom's house in a pink or white car. All the bridesmaids are with her: they are dressed in black pantsuits, and in front of their eyes are dark glasses.

From the outside, they look like a real mafia or a gang. At the entrance they are met by the groom's friends. Resourceful girls pay off with cold beer, which they brought with them. A kiss on the cheek is given to those who give up beer. This is how the first stage of the buyback proceeds. On the stairs at the entrance, the groom's friends arrange a bowling alley. The girls' task is to go so as not to knock down a single pins, otherwise you will have to pay.

The bridesmaids use all their flexibility, take off excess clothing, and climb the stair railing. The girls who pass at the end receive the balls with which they knock down the pins. So the road is cleared for the rest.

At the groom's door, friends ask tricky questions that are absolutely not girly. You need to understand men's topics, otherwise you will have to pay off with the remaining beer.

Friends put the key to the groom's door in a huge glass of beer. The only way to get it is to drink the whole glass. Girls decide among themselves who is capable of such a feat. Of course, there is another way to get the key: pull it out with a large magnet if one of the women in the gang suddenly has one. Several trials are also being prepared in the bride's house.

In conclusion, we bring to your attention a short video about the bride ransom according to a fabulous scenario. Enjoy your viewing and happy wedding!