Alternative power supply. Alternative energy sources. The device and use of solar collectors

Eco-friendly homestead: Every inhabitant of our planet is well aware that the reserves of natural fuel are not unlimited, and energy prices are constantly rising. Alternative energy is capable of replacing conventional power sources: with your own hands you can arrange a very effective installation for its production.

Every inhabitant of our planet is well aware that the reserves of natural fuel are not unlimited, and energy prices are constantly rising. Alternative energy is capable of replacing conventional power sources: with your own hands you can arrange a very effective installation for its production. "Green technologies" will significantly reduce household costs through the use of practically free sources.

Popular Renewable Energy Sources

Since ancient times, people have used mechanisms and devices in everyday life, the action of which was aimed at turning the forces of nature into mechanical energy. A striking example of this are watermills and windmills. With the advent of electricity, the presence of a generator made it possible to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

The water mill is the forerunner of the automatic pump, which does not require the presence of a person to complete the work. The wheel rotates spontaneously under the pressure of water and draws water on its own

Today, a significant amount of energy is generated precisely by wind farms and hydroelectric power plants. In addition to wind and water, people have access to sources such as biofuels, the energy of the earth's interior, sunlight, the energy of geysers and volcanoes, the power of the tides.

In everyday life, the following devices are widely used to obtain renewable energy:

  • Solar panels.
  • Heat pumps.
  • Wind generators.

The high cost of both the devices themselves and the installation work stops many people on their way to getting seemingly free energy. Payback can reach 15-20 years, but this is not a reason to deprive yourself of economic prospects. All these devices can be manufactured and installed independently.

When choosing a source of alternative energy, you need to focus on its availability, then the maximum power will be achieved with a minimum of investment.

DIY solar panels

A ready-made solar panel costs a lot of money, so not everyone can afford to buy and install it. With self-manufacturing of the panel, costs can be reduced by 3-4 times. Before you start building a solar panel, you need to understand how it all works.

Solar power supply system: working principle

Understanding the purpose of each of the elements of the system will allow you to present its work as a whole. The main components of any solar power supply system:

  • The solar panel. This is a complex of elements connected into a single whole that converts sunlight into a stream of electrons. Their main feature is that they cannot generate high voltage current. A separate element of the system is capable of generating a current of 0.5-0.55 V. Accordingly, one solar battery is capable of generating a current of 18-21 V, which is enough to charge a 12-volt battery.
  • Batteries. One battery is not enough for a long time, so the system can have up to a dozen of these devices. The number of batteries is determined by the power of the consumed electricity. The number of batteries can be increased in the future by adding the required number of solar panels to the system;
  • solar charge controller. This device is necessary to ensure the normal charging of the battery. Its main purpose is to prevent repeated recharge of the battery.
  • inverter. A device required to convert current. Batteries provide low voltage current, and the inverter converts it into high voltage current required for functionality - output power. For a house, an inverter with a power output of 3-5 kW will suffice.

If it is better to purchase an inverter, batteries and a charge controller ready-made, then it is quite possible to make solar panels yourself.

A high-quality controller and correct connection will help to keep the batteries and the autonomy of the entire solar station as a whole as long as possible.

Solar battery manufacturing

To manufacture a battery, it is necessary to purchase solar photovoltaic cells on mono- or polycrystals. In this case, it should be taken into account that the service life of polycrystals is much shorter than that of single crystals. In addition, the efficiency of polycrystals does not exceed 12%, while this figure for single crystals reaches 25%. In order to make one solar panel, you need to buy at least 36 such elements.

The solar battery is assembled from modules. Each residential module includes 30, 36 or 72 pieces. elements connected in series with a power supply with a maximum voltage of about 50 V

Solar panel housing

Work begins with the manufacture of the case, for this you will need the following materials:

  • wooden blocks
  • Plywood
  • plexiglass
  • fiberboard

From plywood, it is necessary to cut the bottom of the case and insert it into a frame of bars 25 mm thick. The size of the bottom is determined by the number of solar cells and their size. Along the entire perimeter of the frame in bars with a step of 0.15-0.2 m, it is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm. They are required to prevent overheating of the battery cells during operation.

Solar panel device

According to the size of the case, it is necessary to cut out the substrate for solar cells from fiberboard using a clerical knife. When it is installed, it is also necessary to provide for the presence of ventilation holes arranged every 5 cm in a square-nested way. The finished body needs to be painted twice and dried.

Solar cells should be laid upside down on a fiberboard substrate and desoldered. If the finished products were not already equipped with soldered conductors, then the work is greatly simplified. However, the desoldering process must be performed in any case.

It must be remembered that the connection of elements must be consistent. Initially, the elements should be connected in rows, and only then the finished rows should be combined into a complex by attaching to current-carrying tires. Upon completion, the elements must be turned over, laid as expected and fixed in place with silicone.

Each of the elements must be securely fixed on the substrate using adhesive tape or silicone, in the future this will avoid unwanted damage (+)

Then you need to check the output voltage. Roughly, it should be in the range of 18-20 V. Now the battery should be run in for several days, check the ability to charge the batteries. Joints are sealed only after performance control.

After making sure of impeccable functionality, you can assemble the power supply system. The input and output contact wires must be brought out for subsequent connection of the device. A cover should be cut out of plexiglass and fixed with self-tapping screws to the sides of the case through pre-drilled holes.

Instead of solar cells, a diode circuit with D223B diodes can be used to make a battery. A panel of 36 diodes connected in series is capable of delivering a voltage of 12 V.

Diodes must first be soaked in acetone to remove paint. Holes should be drilled in the plastic panel, diodes should be inserted and they should be unsoldered. The finished panel must be placed in a transparent casing and sealed.

Correctly oriented and installed solar panels ensure maximum efficiency of solar energy production, as well as ease and ease of maintenance of the system.

Basic rules for installing a solar panel

The efficiency of the entire system largely depends on the correct installation of the solar battery. When installing, you need to consider the following important parameters:

  1. Shading. If the battery is placed in the shade of trees or higher structures, it will not only not function normally, but may also fail.
  2. Orientation. For maximum sunlight on the photocells, the battery must be directed towards the sun. If you live in the northern hemisphere, then the panel should be oriented to the south, if in the southern hemisphere, then vice versa.
  3. Incline. This setting is determined by geographic location. Experts recommend installing the panel at an angle equal to the geographic latitude.
  4. Availability. It is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the front side and remove a layer of dust and dirt in time. And in winter, the panel must be periodically cleaned of sticking snow.

It is desirable that during the operation of the solar panel the angle of inclination is not constant. The device will work to the maximum only in the case of direct sunlight directed at its cover. In summer, it is better to place it at a slope of 30º to the horizon. In winter, it is recommended to lift and install at 70º.

In a number of industrial options for solar panels, devices for tracking the movement of the sun are provided. For domestic use, you can think over and provide stands that allow you to change the angle of the panel

Heat pumps for heating

Heat pumps are one of the most advanced technological solutions in obtaining alternative energy for your home. They are not only the most convenient, but also environmentally friendly. Their operation will significantly reduce the costs associated with paying for cooling and heating the premises.

Classification of heat pumps

I classify heat pumps according to the number of circuits, the source of energy and the method of obtaining it. Depending on the final needs, heat pumps can be:

  • One, two or three circuit;
  • Single or double capacitor;
  • With the possibility of heating or with the possibility of heating and cooling.

According to the type of energy source and the method of its production, the following heat pumps are distinguished:

  • The soil is water. They are used in a temperate climate zone with uniform heating of the earth, regardless of the time of year. For installation, a collector or a probe is used, depending on the type of soil. Drilling shallow wells does not require obtaining permits.
  • Air is water. Heat is accumulated from the air and directed to water heating. Installation will be appropriate in climatic zones with winter temperatures not lower than -15 degrees.
  • Water is water. Installation is due to the presence of water bodies (lakes, rivers, groundwater, wells, sedimentation tanks). The efficiency of such a heat pump is very impressive, due to the high temperature of the source during the cold season.
  • Water is air. In this bundle, the same reservoirs act as a heat source, but the heat is transferred directly to the air used for space heating by means of a compressor. In this case, water does not act as a heat carrier.
  • The ground is air. In this system, the heat conductor is the ground. Heat from the ground through the compressor is transferred to the air. Non-freezing liquids are used as an energy carrier. This system is considered the most versatile.
  • Air is air. The operation of this system is similar to that of an air conditioner capable of heating and cooling a room. This system is the cheapest, as it does not require earthworks and pipelines.

When choosing the type of heat source, you need to focus on the geology of the site and the possibility of unhindered earthworks, as well as the availability of free space. With a shortage of free space, you will have to abandon heat sources such as land and water and take heat from the air.

How a heat pump works

The principle of operation of heat pumps is based on the use of the Carnot cycle, which, as a result of a sharp compression of the coolant, provides an increase in temperature. By the same principle, but with the opposite effect, most climatic devices with compressor units (refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner) work.

The main operating cycle, which is implemented in the chambers of these units, assumes the opposite effect - as a result of a sharp expansion, the refrigerant narrows.
That is why one of the most affordable methods for manufacturing a heat pump is based on the use of individual functional units used in climate equipment.

So, for the manufacture of a heat pump, a household refrigerator can be used. Its evaporator and condenser will play the role of heat exchangers, taking thermal energy from the environment and directing it directly to heat the coolant that circulates in the heating system.

Low-potential heat from soil, air or water, together with the coolant, enters the evaporator, where it turns into gas, and then is further compressed by the compressor, as a result of which the temperature becomes even higher (+)

Heat pump with components from household appliances

Work begins with the preparation of the compressor part of the pump, the functions of which will be assigned to the corresponding unit of the air conditioner or refrigerator. This assembly must be fixed with a soft suspension on one of the walls of the working room, where it will be convenient.

After that, you need to make a capacitor. A 100 l stainless steel tank is ideal for this. It is necessary to mount a coil in it (you can take a finished copper tube from an old air conditioner or refrigerator. The prepared tank must be cut lengthwise into two equal parts using a grinder - this is necessary to install and fix the coil in the body of the future condenser.

After mounting the coil in one of the halves, both parts of the tank must be connected and welded together in such a way that a closed tank is obtained. Please note that when welding, you need to use special electrodes, and it is even better to use argon welding, only it can ensure the maximum quality of the seam.

For the manufacture of the condenser, a stainless steel tank with a volume of 100 liters was used, with the help of a grinder it was cut in half, a coil was installed and reverse welding was carried out.

For the manufacture of the evaporator, you will need a sealed plastic tank with a volume of 75-80 liters, in which you will need to place a coil from a ¾ inch pipe.

To make a coil, it is enough to wrap a copper tube around a steel pipe with a diameter of 300-400 mm, followed by fixing the turns with a perforated corner

At the ends of the tube, threads must be cut to subsequently ensure connection with the pipeline. After completing the assembly and checking the tightness, the evaporator should be fixed to the wall of the working room using brackets of the appropriate size.

It is better to entrust the completion of the assembly to a specialist. If part of the assembly can be done by yourself, then a professional should work with the soldering of the copper pipes and the pumping of the refrigerant. The assembly of the main part of the pump ends with the connection of heating batteries and a heat exchanger. It should be noted that this system is low-power. Therefore, it would be better if the heat pump becomes an additional part of the existing heating system.

Arrangement and connection of an external device

Water from a well or well is best suited as a heat source. It never freezes and even in winter its temperature rarely drops below +12 degrees. Two such wells will be required. Water will be taken from one well and then fed to the evaporator. Further, the waste water will be discharged into the second well. It remains to connect all this to the inlet to the evaporator, to the outlet and seal.

In principle, the system is ready for operation, but for its complete autonomy, an automation system is required that controls the temperature of the moving coolant in the heating circuits and freon pressure. At first, you can get by with an ordinary starter, but it should be noted that the system can be started after the compressor is turned off after 8-10 minutes - this time is necessary to equalize the freon pressure in the system.

Wind turbines generate kilowatts of electricity

Wind energy was used by our ancestors. Since those distant times, in principle, nothing has changed. The only difference is that the millstones of the mill are replaced by a generator and a drive that converts the mechanical energy of the blades into electrical energy.

Installing a wind turbine is considered economically viable if the average annual wind speed exceeds 6 m/s. The installation is best done on hills and plains; the coasts of rivers and large reservoirs away from various utilities are considered ideal places.

Classification of wind generators

The classification of wind generators depends on the following main parameters:

  • Depending on the placement of the axes, they can be vertical or horizontal. The horizontal design provides the ability to auto-rotate the main body to find the wind. The main equipment of a vertical wind turbine is located on the ground, so it is easier to maintain, while the efficiency of vertically located blades is lower.
  • Depending on the number of blades, one-, two-, three- and multi-blade wind generators are distinguished. Multi-bladed wind turbines are used at low air flow rates, they are rarely used due to the need to install a gearbox.
  • Depending on the material used to make the blades, the blades can be sail and rigid. Sailing-type blades are easy to manufacture and install, but require frequent replacement, as they quickly fail under the influence of sudden gusts of wind.
  • Depending on the pitch of the screw, there are variable and fixed pitches. When using a variable step, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in the operating speed range of the wind generator, but this will inevitably complicate the structure and increase its mass.

The power of all types of devices that convert wind energy into an electrical analogue depends on the area of ​​the blades.

Wind generators practically do not need classical energy sources to operate. Using a plant with a capacity of about 1 MW will save 92,000 barrels of oil or 29,000 tons of coal over 20 years

Wind generator device

In any wind turbine there are the following main elements:

  • Blades rotating under the action of the wind and providing the movement of the rotor;
  • A generator that produces alternating current;
  • The vane controller is responsible for the formation of alternating current to direct current, which is required to charge the batteries;
  • Rechargeable batteries are needed for the accumulation and equalization of electrical energy;
  • The inverter performs the reverse transformation of direct current into alternating current, from which all household appliances work;
  • The mast is necessary for lifting the blades above the ground until reaching the height of the movement of air masses.

At the same time, the generator, blades and mast are considered the main parts of the wind generator, and everything else is additional components that ensure reliable and autonomous operation of the system as a whole.

Low-speed wind generator from autogenerator

It is believed that this design is the simplest and most affordable for self-manufacturing. It can become both an independent source of energy and take over part of the capacity of the existing power supply system. If you have a car generator and battery, all other parts can be made from improvised materials.

Making a wind wheel

The blades are considered one of the most important parts of the wind turbine, as their design determines the operation of the remaining nodes. For the manufacture of blades, a variety of materials can be used - fabric, plastic, metal and even wood. We will make blades from a sewer plastic pipe. The main advantages of this material are low cost, high moisture resistance, ease of processing. Work is performed in the following order:

  1. The length of the blade is calculated, while the diameter of the plastic pipe should be 1/5 of the required footage;
  2. Using a jigsaw, the pipe should be cut lengthwise into 4 parts;
  3. One part will become a template for the manufacture of all subsequent blades;
  4. After cutting the pipe, the burrs on the edges must be processed with sandpaper;
  5. The cut out blades must be fixed on a pre-prepared aluminum disk with a fastening provided;
  6. Also, after the alteration, you need to fasten the generator to this disk.

Please note that PVC pipe does not have sufficient strength and will not be able to withstand strong gusts of wind. For the manufacture of blades, it is best to use a PVC pipe with a thickness of at least 4 cm. The size of the blade plays an important role in the load. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to consider the option of reducing the size of the blade by increasing their number.

After assembly, the wind wheel should be balanced. To do this, you need to fix it horizontally on a tripod in a closed room. The result of proper assembly will be the immobility of the wheel. If the blades rotate, it is necessary to sharpen them with an abrasive to balance the structure.

Wind turbine mast manufacturing

For the manufacture of the mast, you can use a steel pipe with a diameter of 150-200 mm. The minimum length of the mast should be 7 m. If there are obstacles to the movement of air masses on the site, then the wind turbine wheel must be raised to a height exceeding the obstacle by at least 1 m.

Pegs for fixing stretch marks and the mast itself must be concreted. As extensions, you can use a steel or galvanized cable with a thickness of 6-8 mm.

Automotive alternator conversion

Alteration consists only in rewinding the stator wire, as well as in the manufacture of a rotor with neodymium magnets. First you need to drill the holes necessary to fix the magnets in the rotor poles. Installation of magnets is carried out with alternation of poles. Upon completion of the work, the intermagnetic voids must be filled with epoxy resin, and the rotor itself must be wrapped with paper.

When rewinding the coil, it must be taken into account that the efficiency of the generator will depend on the number of turns. The coil must be wound in a three-phase circuit in one direction. The finished generator must be tested, the result of a correctly performed work will be an indicator of 30 V at 300 rpm of the generator.

The converted generator is ready for testing on the output rated voltage before the final installation of the entire low-speed wind turbine system

Completion of the assembly of the low-speed wind turbine

The rotary axis of the generator is made of a pipe with mounted two bearings, and the tail section is cut out of galvanized iron 1.2 mm thick. Before attaching the generator to the mast, it is necessary to make a frame; a profile pipe is best suited for this. When mounting, it must be taken into account that the minimum distance from the mast to the blade must be more than 0.25 m.

Under the action of the wind flow, the movement of the blades and the rotor occurs, as a result, the rotation of the gearbox is achieved and electrical energy is obtained (+)

To operate the system after the wind generator, you need to install a charge controller, batteries, and an inverter. The capacity of the battery is determined by the power of the wind generator. This indicator depends on the size of the wind wheel, the number of blades and the wind speed.

A distinctive feature of alternative energy sources is their environmental friendliness and safety. The rather low capacity of the installations and the binding to certain local conditions make it possible to effectively operate only combined systems of traditional and alternative sources. published

Alternative energy is energy, the source of which differs from those that we are accustomed to using (coal, gas, nuclear fuel, oil, etc.); more commonly used in the context of the limited availability of fossil fuel sources and their emissions of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Alternative energy - a relatively new industry (because there was no need to look for something less efficient, but cleaner than coal, for example) does not find a wide number of supporters, but the transition to it is inevitable. When we find ways to produce large amounts of electricity (storage it, rather), use hydrogen and other elements, efficient solar or thermonuclear energy to replace conventional sources, the world will change beyond recognition.

The cost of producing energy from so-called renewable sources, such as wind and sunlight, is slowly but surely declining every year. However, one of the shortcomings of such production still remains unresolved - what to do with the excess energy produced, how to store it? Let's say that in windy weather, windmills produce enough energy to power the power grid. But as soon as the wind stops, there is no energy. Various companies around the world are trying to solve this problem. For example, the company is developing energy-efficient batteries. But overall, it's a drop in the ocean. Besides, it's very expensive.

You are probably talking about how the famous inventor and, no doubt, a talented entrepreneur

In modern cities, there is a high concentration of the population, which is supplied with high quality electrical energy. And in rural areas, characterized by long air transmission lines, this issue has not been fully resolved.

The voltage supplied to buildings located at the remote ends of power lines is not only not stable, but can be turned off for various reasons.

In this situation, people are looking for alternative sources of electrical energy that are able to maintain normal power supply in the country and in a private house.

Our advice will help the home master choose the most suitable type of generator, which is best suited for restoring voltage while troubleshooting a power line or allowing its power to be used for constant power supply.

Brief information about the possibilities of a home power plant

The term "generator" refers to technical devices capable of generating electric current by converting some source energy into electricity. For example, in a car, it is created due to the mechanical rotation of the rotor inside the stator, and in a solar battery, as a result of irradiating sensitive photocells with sunlight.

Electric generators are produced in a wide range, perform various tasks of power supply. For the correct choice of an alternative energy source, it must be accurately analyzed according to its characteristics:

  • maximum load power;
  • types of electric current: constant or sinusoidal;
  • parameters of consumers (resistive or reactive load) that affected the start-up and operation;
  • duration of the working cycle;
  • switching methods: manual or automatic mode;
  • other specific operating conditions.

This means that one alternative energy source is able to autonomously provide electricity not only to a private house, but also to a village, and the other one can hardly cope with the power of consumers in one apartment. But their cost will differ by several orders of magnitude.

Minimum requirements for a domestic electricity source

Before choosing the simplest generator for the home, you should consider only the main devices that it should power, and select it according to their parameters. For example, if the electricity is cut off for only a few hours, then refrigerators and freezers can be excluded, because they are able to keep the cold during this period.

The minimum functions of a budgetary source of electrical energy can be provided by an ordinary car battery with a voltage of 12 volts of any power, but preferably increased. You can connect to it:

The battery will power these devices and gradually discharge. To recharge it, it is enough to use a generator removed from the car, the rotor of which can be turned by a bicycle simulator.

To this end, the rear wheel of the bicycle is simply hung on a stand, and a second chain is installed on one of its free sprockets, which will transmit torque from the pedals to the rotor of the car generator.

You can use any other available method of transferring rotational energy, for example, by creating direct contact from the tire of the wheel directly to the tip of the rotor axle.

Due to such a simple design, it is convenient to exercise on an exercise bike and at the same time watch TV programs or use the Internet from a laptop or computer. In conditions of a lack of physical activity, this is a pretty good way to maintain health and at the same time save electricity for the home.

Overview of the features of alternative energy sources

Capabilities of Synchronous and Asynchronous Designs

A generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy works as follows:

  • the rotor winding rotates inside the magnetic field and current flows through it;
  • its magnetic field through the magnetic circuit penetrates through the turns of the stator and induces a sinusoidal electric current in them.

Depending on the design features of the stator and rotor, their electromagnetic fields can rotate in the same way, as in synchronous structures, or - be shifted by the amount of slip in asynchronous ones.

A simple one can be made with your own hands from an ordinary asynchronous motor. It just needs to be selected according to the electrical characteristics and, especially, the amount of power generated.

When choosing a generator design for a house in terms of power, it is taken into account that when starting any electric motors, load currents with aperiodic components occur in the power circuit. They can only be eliminated by a special one, which is still rarely used in practice.

Large amplitudes of the currents of a normal engine start can drown out the operation of an asynchronous type generator. Therefore, when selecting it for loads of this inductive type, it is necessary to provide for a three-fold power reserve. And synchronous models do not need to create such a reserve.

On the basis of synchronous and asynchronous designs, autonomous generators operate, powered by internal combustion engines, as well as water and wind structures that perform power supply tasks in various ways.

Generators on internal combustion engines

Now it is not difficult for a home master to buy a similar factory model, focusing not only on the cost of fuel and construction, but also on the output price of producing one kilowatt hour of electricity. It is desirable to calculate this characteristic for all types of combustion engines.

Such alternative sources of electrical energy are created for continuous operation for several working hours. The smallest models, having a low weight, are capable of generating power less than 1 kW.

The simple design has heat dissipation due to natural air recirculation. After that, it requires a stop for cooling and maintenance.

On the front panel there are elementary controls and instruments for monitoring the operation of the gasoline engine and the electrical characteristics of the generator. They are necessary for visual observation of parameters by the operator.

The middle class of gas generators is capable of delivering power up to several kilowatts for the power supply of a private house.

Diesel generators

Alternative energy sources that run on diesel fuel are better adapted to long-term power supply to consumers. They may have a blowing system and separate functions that facilitate operation. Usually they are produced with increased power.

Diesel generators, like gasoline generators, produce an unpleasant exhaust of exhaust products of fuel combustion that is unpleasant for humans, and during operation they create noise that irritates the ear. Therefore, they require installation in remote areas and the installation of a system for venting gases from the house to the atmosphere.

gas generators

These alternative energy sources are powered by various types of natural gas, including methane. The output power, like that of diesel structures, can be from several kilowatts, which is quite enough to power an individual house.

Devices of the middle power class already incorporate an automation system that uses the automatic reserve switching mode - AVR, which promptly restores power to the house in the event of a power failure on the main power supply line.

Compared to diesel counterparts of equal power, gas generators are less noisy, and the emitted combustion products are not highly toxic.

Gas generators are often produced in a modular container design, which allows them to be installed close to a residential building. When connected to a gas supply system or a special tank that is regularly refueled, they are able to work as sources of constant power supply.

Combined type generators

Depending on the design, such alternative energy sources are capable of operating on various types of fuel. Most often they use combinations of gas with gasoline or diesel fuel.

Combined type generators have the advantages of gas structures and at the same time, their engine is able to run on other types of fuel.

The listed generator devices are given with a minimum set of power supply functions that an owner of a private house or cottage may need. More powerful designs in each class are capable of performing increased tasks, operating as an autonomous power plant.

Natural Energy Generators

A home master may be interested in the designs of alternative energy sources that work due to:

  • gusts of wind;
  • water currents;
  • exposure to sunlight.

Wind generators

Pretty tempting offers to use wind energy often end in disappointment.

There are many reasons for this, because such alternative energy sources at first glance have a simple design, but in fact they require accurate engineering calculations and analysis of the meteorological features of the area.

Many attempts to make a wind generator with their own hands end in failure due to:

  • the difficulties of creating an efficient wind wheel device with aerodynamic propeller blades, which has long been used in aircraft construction;
  • difficulties in accounting for changing wind speeds;
  • the location of the rotating parts at a height away from the residential building;
  • providing a rigid and durable mast structure that can reliably withstand hurricane loads.

Manufacturers of wind turbines standardize their products for different climatic conditions, offer all kinds of technical solutions for power, various installation methods, up to simple installation on the roof of a building. However, this may result in the loosening of the building elements of the walls and roof, the formation of cracks in them.

Homemade hydroelectric power plants

Alternative sources of electrical energy that use the power of the water flow are the easiest to do with your own hands.

They can be powered by a small stream, as seen in the photo, or a more powerful stream of a river directed at them.

The hydroelectric power plant shown below was assembled by the hands of several craftsmen. It supplies free electricity to 30 houses in the countryside.

For such designs, you can use asynchronous motors switched to generator mode. They are installed on permanently mounted equipment, as shown in the photo above, or on floating stations.

Hydroelectric enthusiasts create their devices of various types, using them in the most unexpected places, for example, in the faecal streams of sewage treatment plants.

The disadvantages of such structures:

  1. the obligatory presence of a water flow capable of turning the water wheel;
  2. freezing of reservoirs during frosts.

In order not to lose electricity from a hydroelectric power plant in winter, there are designs of water wheels located at the bottom of the river. They are designed for year-round power supply.

Solar panels and stations

If the initial designs of solar batteries were developed only for spacecraft, now they are mass-produced for domestic use.

Solar panels work in different devices. They are used to power small appliances as an autonomous source and powerful power plants.

To create a home solar station, you must use:

  • solar panels that generate direct current;
  • controller that receives and distributes battery power to:
    • accumulators serving as accumulators;
    • direct current consumers;
  • an inverter that changes the signal shape to pure sine and increases its voltage to 220/380 volts.

All these devices must be coordinated in terms of power, technical characteristics and loads.

When choosing any design of an alternative energy source for power supply to a summer house and a house, do not forget about the elementary. Be sure to use automatic safety devices.

The practical implementation of the principles of autonomous power supply for a house and farm equipment using the example of a wind generator and a solar power plant can be seen in the MicroArt video.

Many people believe that cheap heating of a private house is possible only on mains gas. Let's think about what to do if it is not there, and there are no plans to sum it up, and what alternative energy can be for the house.

  • How does a wind generator work.
  • How to install a solar collector.
  • How to equip a heat pump.
  • How to choose an inverter.

Today, when energy prices are skyrocketing, and the cost of connecting to a pipe with "blue fuel" unreasonably high, an increasing number of homeowners are abandoning traditional energy sources and turning their eyes to alternative energy sources for the home.

Based on the knowledge of experts and the experience of site participants, we will tell you what can replace gas; how the wind, sun and heat of the earth become an alternative to electricity from wires - using them, you can light up and heat a country house.

Alternative source of electricity: wind catcher

That's what you call a wind turbine. People have been using the power of the wind as a source of alternative energy for a long time.

Having come a long way, familiar windmills have turned into modern wind turbines capable of generating electricity.

How does a wind generator work

Everything is pretty simple. The wind flow rotates the blades of the wind wheel, thus causing the shaft of the electric generator to rotate.

The generator in turn generates electricity.

It should be remembered that the generator produces a non-constant voltage with different frequencies. In the event of a lack of wind, the wind power system includes a battery pack, where the electricity generated by the generator is supplied.

Among individual homeowners, wind turbines with a capacity of up to 10 kW are most widely used. There are three main types of wind turbine designs:

  • Small-bladed. Most often they have three blades. Differ in high efficiency and simplicity of a design. Disadvantages: due to the small area of ​​the blades, the initial start of the engine requires a wind speed of at least 5-5 m/s. Also, users note a high level of noise.
  • Multi-bladed. From 18 to 24 curved blades are mounted on the wind wheel. They start working at a wind speed of 2-4 m / s. They have a low noise level, but also a lower efficiency than small-blade wind turbines. Disadvantages: the complexity of the design, which makes it difficult to install a wind generator with your own hands, and the gyroscopic effect that occurs during their operation.
  • Rotary wind turbines - have vertically arranged blades that do not move in a straight line, but in a circle. Advantages: stable operation with constant wind, low noise level. A significant drawback of such a wind turbine design is low efficiency, not more than 18%.

Let's see how to make a wind turbine efficient in our conditions.

Interesting personal experience of the site participant Alexandra Kapustina (nickname on the forum Experienced 1406 )

– The wind generator should be placed on a site where there is as little interference as possible for the winds. Wind energy is a cubic function of wind speed. This means that small changes in wind speed cause significant changes in power output. For safety reasons, it is advisable to install a windmill farther from residential buildings. About the height of the mast - set as high as possible.

In the conditions of settlements near Moscow, a mast height of at least 15 meters can be recommended. And when you independently calculate the alternative energy supply system for a private house, you first need to find out how much energy is required from the system. To do this, you will have to determine the peak instantaneous power, as well as calculate two values ​​\u200b\u200bof the expected daily energy consumption - its maximum and average values.

It should be remembered that in our climatic conditions, wind turbines can operate at full capacity approximately 20-30% of the days a year, so the wind generator should be considered as an additional, backup power supply system for generating electricity to power household appliances.

sun catchers

How you can use the energy of the sun: the first thing that comes to mind is a solar battery.

No one can be surprised by the photocells placed on the roof of the cottage.

But our material will not be about them, but about a device capable of converting solar energy into heat suitable for heating or hot water supply at home.

Solar collectors

For an answer to the question of what a solar collector is, we turn to the deputy technical director of the company for clarification AquaBur Evgeny Kasatkin.

- The basis of the solar system or, more simply, the solar collector the principle of obtaining heat from solar radiation and further transfer of the accumulated energy to the hot water or heating system is laid down.

There are two types of solar collectors:

  • Vacuum solar collector. The removal of the potential in this system is carried out using vacuum tubes. A vacuum tube is a double glass flask with air pumped out of it. On the inside, the flask is covered with a reflective material that lets in solar radiation, but does not let it out. And in the inner part of the system, there are tubes with a rod in which the coolant is located. The vacuum layer makes it possible to save about 95% of the captured thermal energy.
  • Flat solar collector. The removal of the potential in this system is based on the absorption of solar radiation by the absorbing plate, after which the energy, in the form of accumulated heat, is transferred to the liquid carrier. The reverse side of the solar collector is covered with thermal insulation.

Which system to choose taking into account the work in our conditions

According to the head of the development department of the company "Vissmann" Mikhail Murashko:

In cloudy weather, smog and scattered radiation, they work most effectivelytubular vacuum manifolds. And flat solar collectors are more optimal for use in areas with high solar insolation.

Evgeny Kasatkin:

– In winter and in the northern regions, the solar collector can be used as an additional system connected to the heating system or hot water supply. But we will get the best performance in the summer, when the system, with its proper installation and installation, can fully satisfy your need for hot water, without the use of indirect water heating systems.

Installing a solar collector will allow you to get almost free heat. If the system requires forced circulation of the coolant, then electricity is required only to operate the pump. And on a sunny day, the solar system can heat water to a temperature of 50-70 C.

Heat pumps

As the law of conservation of energy says: “Energy cannot arise from nothing and cannot simply disappear, it can only pass from one form to another.”

The earth, air and water contain a large amount of low-grade thermal energy that can be used to heat a house. It remains only to collect this dissipated thermal energy and "launch" it into the heating system of the house. For this, a special device is used - a heat pump.

What is this technology, the director of the company explains SagaTherm» Alexander Sagalovich:

– A heat pump is a refrigerating machine. Under normal conditions, heat energy is transferred from a hotter body to a cooler one. A heat pump can take thermal energy from a less heated body and transfer it to a hotter one, heating it even more.

The heat pump is able to extract heat energy from the following sources - air, water and land. In our conditions, it is most expedient to build a heat pump system based on the extraction of heat from the earth and water.

To pump 4 kW of thermal energy, we need approximately 1 kW of electricity. But electricity will also not disappear just like that, it will turn into thermal energy, because. The compressor also heats up during operation. Total - having spent 1 kW of electricity, we get 5 kW of heat.

What are the benefits of installing this device

Evgeny Kasatkin:

The following table best demonstrates the benefits of using heat pumps.

Now we know how a heat pump works. Consider what types of systems are.

The choice of design will depend on the availability of additional free space or a reservoir on your site.


  • vertical system. It is used if there is no place on the site for laying the pipe contour or there are no water bodies that do not freeze in winter. For the installation of a heat pump, 3 to 5 wells are drilled, with a depth of 50 to 150 meters.
  • horizontal system. Less costly than a vertical system, because there is no need to drill expensive wells. The pipe contour is laid at a shallow depth, usually about 1.5 meters, but a fairly decent area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site is required.
  • Water system. If near the site, no further than 100 meters, there is a reservoir that does not freeze in winter, then laying the pipe contour in it will be the most reasonable choice.

Features of operation of heat pumps

Like any engineering system, heating and hot water supply based on a heat pump requires a very thoughtful approach.

Alexander Sagalovich:

– Vertical and horizontal systems for arranging a ground heat exchanger are equally effective. A horizontal heat exchanger takes up a lot of space, but is much cheaper than a vertical one.

Drilling wells will cost more, but you can save space on the site.

For many, this is the only solution, because. the site does not allow to place a horizontal heat exchanger.

When arranging a horizontal ground heat exchanger, approximately 5 acres of land will be needed for every 10 kW of power. After completion of the work, this land can be used without restrictions, the only thing is that it will not be possible to build permanent structures on it. One way to use heat pumps as a heating circuit is to install a water-heated floor system.

Inverter - as part of an alternative energy source system

As mentioned above, the electricity generated by an alternative energy source is stored in batteries. But what to do next with this energy, because batteries give out direct current, unsuitable for connecting household electrical appliances? A current converter - an inverter - comes to the rescue. With this device, direct current is converted into alternating current.

The chief engineer of the company talks about the features of using inverters to create autonomous and uninterruptible power supply systems. "SibContact" Sergei Leskov :

– Inverters are built into various systems for the production of alternative energy containing a battery, thereby providing the whole house with electricity with a voltage of 220V and a frequency of 50 Hz. Inverters with a sinusoidal output voltage are an indispensable part of an autonomous power supply installation, since any, even the most sensitive equipment, can be connected to them.

When creating an autonomous and uninterruptible power supply system, inverters have a number of advantages compared to diesel and gasoline generators:

  • These elements of the system operate offline and do not require the presence of a person;
  • In idle mode, they consume a minimum of electricity;
  • Do not require special exhaust ventilation of the room;
  • Do not require soundproofing of the room.

Thus, the choice of an effective source of alternative energy for a country house is an integrated approach to solving many rather complex tasks that require knowledge, experience and skillful hands.

The lack of developed infrastructure in remote areas often forces owners to look for alternative energy sources for their homes. Technologies do not stand still, such things are no longer something exotic and hard to reach. In this article, you will find out what the market offers today as a replacement for connecting to the central power grid.

What are

Energy is always present in the environment in one form or another. These are the wind, the radiation of the sun, the flow of water, the warmth of the earth. It remains only to use them and transform them into the one that is needed. Consider what sources of alternative energy allow you to do this.

Solar panels

The principle of operation is based on the ability of electronic devices called photocells to convert the energy of sunlight photons into electrical energy. This example of alternative energy is the most common.

Batteries produced for private use use silicon photocells. They are of two types:

  • Polycrystalline. They are very fragile and therefore require careful handling. They have low efficiency - no more than 15%. Average service life is 20 years. The advantage is the low price.
  • Monocrystalline. More reliable. Service life can reach 50 years. Efficiency 25%. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Advantages of solar panels:

  • an inexhaustible source of energy for several decades;
  • ease of installation and maintenance, for operation there is no need for daily human participation;
  • durability;
  • no harmful effects on the environment and humans.

Their disadvantages are the high cost of equipment, which pays off for a long time, and dependence on the intensity of sunlight. If the sky is overcast, the power of the photocells is reduced.

Wind turbines

They are a combination of a wind turbine with blades mounted on a special mast and an electric generator. When air flows through this installation, the blades begin to rotate under their influence and set in motion the inner shaft connected to the gearbox.

This design allows you to increase the initial rotation speed. The gearbox is connected to a generator, which, when the rotor rotates, generates an electric current. Its surplus accumulates in installed batteries.

Depending on the location of the axis of rotation, wind turbines are divided into horizontal and vertical. The first type is more popular. Many models are equipped with an automatic turn in the direction of the wind, which significantly increases the efficiency of the unit.

The advantages of these devices are in many ways similar to solar panels. Efficiency can range from 25% to 47% depending on the specific model and weather conditions.

The operation of the wind generator does not depend on the time of day. All you need is the wind, and the stronger it is, the better. The cost of equipment is relatively low, but installation costs can be much higher.

The main disadvantages are noise during operation and low-frequency infrasound, which adversely affects health. For this reason, the mast with the device should be installed as far as possible from housing.

Biogas plants

Various waste products are used for work, for example, from domestic or farm animals and birds. In a sealed container, they are treated with anaerobic bacteria, which in turn release biogas.

To make the process go faster, the waste must be periodically mixed, for which a manual or mechanical mixer is used.

Biogas enters a special storage, called a gas tank, where it undergoes shrinkage. Then it is used as ordinary natural gas. Fertilizer can be made from the waste left after processing.

Modern technologies for generating energy using biogas plants allow you to do this without performing unpleasant actions. Their main advantages:

  • independence from weather conditions;
  • savings on waste disposal;
  • the ability to use many types of raw materials.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • although it is a biologically clean type of fuel, when it is burned, a small amount of harmful emissions is released into the atmosphere;
  • it is convenient to use the installation only in areas rich in the necessary raw materials;
  • the cost of the equipment is quite high.

Heat pumps

It is more correct to call them an alternative source of heat. Are intended for the organization of heating and hot water supply of the house. They consume electricity, so they must be used in combination with other types of alternative energy.

The principle of operation is based on the ability of substances such as freon to boil at low temperatures. When it turns into a gaseous state, thermal energy is released. The installation consists of external and internal circuits, as well as a pump circuit. The outer one is buried underground or sinks to the bottom of the reservoir.

The freon circulating through it is heated under the influence of the environment, in the pump circuit under high pressure it passes into a gaseous state, as a result of which the temperature rises to 70 ° C. The internal one carries the coolant heated in the pump around the house.

Heat pumps are very efficient and able to provide hot water and heating all year round. At the same time, electricity costs are minimal - with a consumption of 1 kW of electricity, an average of 4 kW of heat energy is released.

What to choose

Let's figure out which alternative energy option is better. Solar panels are the most preferred option due to their simplicity and environmental friendliness. However, they do not operate at night.

Wind generators are well suited for areas where strong winds constantly blow. They function both day and night, but if the air flows weaken, the efficiency becomes zero. The best option is a combination of these two devices. Then you can be almost 100% sure that you will never be left without electricity.

Opt for a biogas plant if you keep cows, pigs or chickens on the farm, or if there is a farm nearby where you can take waste for processing.

And if you need hot water and heating, add heat pumps to your home system. They are not demanding in maintenance, there is no need to buy and store fuel somewhere, as is the case, for example, with a solid fuel boiler.

Photo types of alternative energy