Be careful with the biorevitalization procedure! How she ruined my skin. Adverse effects of biorevitalization. Why is the procedure in demand nowadays

Many women caring for their face in a beauty salon often hear an offer to carry out biorevitalization. The new-fashioned procedure fell in love with the fairer sex because of the positive rejuvenating effect, its duration and a short period of rehabilitation. At the same time, there are negative reviews, which boil down to the body's addiction to piece collagen, the harmful effects of a substance injected under the skin and the lack of effect. Let's see what biorevitalization is, the consequences of which can be very dire.

The essence of the procedure

As we age, our skin begins to produce less and less collagen and elastane, which contribute to skin elasticity. In this regard, wrinkles, sagging and age spots appear on the dermis of the face. She becomes dry and pale, which absolutely does not make a woman attractive.

Thanks to the introduction of hyaluronic acid, metabolic processes are established at the cellular level. The skin acquires a pleasant peach shade, becomes smoother and more well-groomed, and the oval of the face becomes more toned. This effect lasts for a long period - 6 months. According to cosmetologists, you will look 5-10 years younger.

Facial biorevitalization involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid in two ways:

  1. In the form of filler injections that contain not only collagen, but also vitamins necessary for the normal appearance of the skin.
  2. With the help of a microcurrent, radio frequency or laser device, which promote the penetration of the active components of the gel applied to the skin into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists advise to resort to the first method, since it provides positive results. If you will be injecting hyaluronic acid, get ready for a short rehabilitation period. Immediately after the injections, redness, swelling and even the formation of small bruises are possible. But after two days, such symptoms should go away, and you will be able to evaluate the result.

You should know! Hyaluronic acid, extracted from the connective tissue of mammals, is able to attract water molecules. It is slippery, like jelly. Many cosmetologists are convinced that the application of the product in the form of a gel to the skin and the hardware effect are not able to ensure deep penetration of the drug. Therefore, only injections are a sure way to prolong youth.

The effectiveness of collagen injections is manifested in:

  • moisturizing the skin and eliminating peeling;
  • smoothing small mimic wrinkles;
  • improving the turgor of the dermis;
  • elimination of age spots and smoothing of scars after acne;
  • the skin acquires a uniform, healthy color.

Thus, biorevitalization contributes to rejuvenation for 5-10 years. The injected acid is retained under the skin for 6–8 months, less often for a year. When applying the procedure of collagen injection therapy every year, you can achieve a cumulative effect - your face will not only not age, but also look younger.

The following photos before and after biorevitalization will demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure.

Some women confuse the biorevitalization procedure with mesotherapy. In fact, these are two different things. During mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid is not always used (they mainly resort to vitamin cocktails), and the syringe needle is not inserted so deeply. In addition, to achieve an effect comparable to 1–2 biorevitalization procedures, 10 sessions of mesotherapy will be required.

It should be remembered that with serious age-related changes, biorevitalization cannot help. Deep wrinkles can be eliminated with Botox injections or gold threads. In any case, consult your beautician.


Unfortunately, biorevitalization has a number of contraindications. It is undesirable to inject hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin:

  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • in the presence of dermatological diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, inflamed acne, a large number of acne;
  • during illness or after using antibiotics, when the immune system is severely weakened;
  • with serious diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • after suffering heart attacks and strokes;
  • if in the places of acupuncture there is a large accumulation of moles, warts and papillomas;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to individual components of the drug;
  • after nervous shocks and stress just suffered;
  • those who have a tendency to develop keloid scars;
  • cancer patients and HIV-infected;
  • people who have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, such as psoriasis.

The biorevitalization procedure is usually done after 30 years. The fact is that in the body up to 25-30 years, hyaluronic acid is produced independently in the required quantities.

But if a woman, due to certain circumstances, has significantly deteriorated the condition of the skin (peeling, wrinkles, sagging and sagging skin appeared), then you can sign up for a session before the established restriction.

Before the procedure, it is forbidden to drink beer, energy drinks and any other alcohol so that there is no intoxication of the body. In addition, it is contraindicated to take drugs that lead to capillary fragility and contribute to a change in blood clotting.

It is also undesirable to drink dietary supplements that contain ginseng or ginkgo biloba. Do not forget that excessive use of tonics containing caffeine can adversely affect the condition of the skin after injection.

It is not recommended to do biorevitalization during menstruation or a few days before their start. The fact is that during this period a woman has a strong release of hormones. How will the body behave? It is very difficult to predict.

Possible side effects

Of course, the injection of the drug under the skin violates its integrity. In addition, the body must necessarily respond to the spread of a foreign agent. That is why negative consequences cannot be avoided immediately after biorevitalization.

Side effects that last no more than 72 hours are considered normal. These include:

  • itching at the injection site and the formation of papules;
  • feeling as if your face is on fire;
  • redness of the skin;
  • puffiness, especially around the eyes (bags under the eyes);
  • weak pain;
  • the formation of small bruises.

If these side effects do not go away within the specified period, then you should immediately contact a beautician. It is possible that sterility was not observed during the procedure, perhaps a poor-quality drug was used, therefore, the inflammatory process began to develop. In some (extremely rare) cases, hyaluronic acid is incompatible with the skin, provoking an allergic reaction.

Note! The effect of hyaluronic acid on a gestating fetus during pregnancy has not been fully understood. It is believed that the use of the procedure in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to autism in the unborn baby. In any case, women in position and during lactation are advised to abandon biorevitalization, replacing it with a light facial massage and healing moisturizing masks.

Another unpleasant side effect of using an expired or cheap filler is facial asymmetry. Contact your beautician with a complaint and ask for a free correction.

When collagen is injected near the vessels by an inexperienced specialist, hematomas or, even worse, vascular blockage can occur. In this case, you need to undergo restorative therapy with gels and ointments prescribed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Before you sit down in a chair to a beauty beauty specialist, you should have a conversation with you about contraindications. Do not hesitate to inquire about a diploma of medical education and whether the salon has permission to conduct biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization is not a cheap procedure. The minimum cost of an unexpired drug is 7,000 rubles. The following manufacturers are popular:

  • Ial-System;
  • Viscoderm;
  • Restylane;
  • Jalupro;
  • Surjilift;
  • Skin R;
  • Teosyal Meso;
  • JUVEDERM Hydrate.

Each product has a different consistency of hyaluronic acid. All of them are highly compatible with the female body. The choice of collagen should be trusted by an experienced beautician who will determine the degree of neglect of the skin. In addition, the specialist will be guided by your age and susceptibility to allergic reactions.

Before and after photos

Rehabilitation period

What can not be done after biorevitalization? This question is of interest to many women, having decided on the papular technique of rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid. Negative consequences after biorevitalization can occur not only through the fault of the cosmetologist. Your wrong actions during the rehabilitation period can cause significant damage to the skin.

  • for the first two days after acupuncture, do not touch the face and do not even wash with water;
  • refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse and solarium;
  • do not do facial massage, cleansing and other cosmetic procedures for at least two weeks;
  • do not use foundation or powder until the injection wounds have healed;
  • in no case remove the crusts at the injection sites;
  • you can't go in for sports for two weeks;
  • give up prolonged exposure to the sun in the first week after acupuncture.

An important point! Collagen injections under the skin can cause an allergic reaction. Since the body receives stress and directs all its forces to fight a foreign agent, an exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible.

In some cases, the beautician may advise you to carry out a special massage, which will help to distribute the drug correctly under the skin. It is possible to carry out microcurrent exposure or the use of special masks and ointments with a calming effect (only as prescribed by a specialist).

At the injection sites, papules are compulsorily formed, and edema appears on the entire area of ​​the treated area. How quickly will they disappear? After a few days, under normal circumstances, the swelling disappears. How long do papules last after biorevitalization? For each person, they disappear in different ways - within 2-7 days. This process depends on the concentration of collagen introduced and the individual characteristics of the organism.

The following photo demonstrates what papules look like.

Considering the possible side effects and the duration of papule healing, we recommend that you take a vacation or time off. After the wounds come off, you will immediately notice an improvement in the condition of the skin. The course of biorevitalization is 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.

Some cosmetics for washing, in particular soaps and alcohol-based lotions, can injure the skin damaged during biorevitalization. Reconsider your diet in the direction of low-calorie foods, the processing of which the body does not need to spend too much energy. Try to salt your food as little as possible. This simple technique will help you avoid severe swelling.

Some patients are interested in whether alcohol is allowed. Cosmetologists strongly recommend refusing to take alcoholic beverages in the first 3 days.

Facial skin care after the procedure

How to smear your face after biorevitalization? This question is of interest to almost all women who want to minimize side effects and reduce the risk of developing an inflammatory process.

It is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics to the skin in the first two weeks. It is also undesirable to use your usual creams in the first two days after biorevitalization. The only thing that cosmetologists advise is easy cleaning. Wash your face with ordinary boiled water. Micellar water is also suitable for these purposes, but only of high quality. When washing your face, try to touch your face as little as possible.

How to treat skin after biorevitalization? In the early days, to restore the skin, you should use Bepanten or D-Panthenol ointment, which will help remove puffiness and red spots. If there are bruises and bruises on the skin, then get Traumeel, heparin or troxevasin ointment.

It is prohibited to apply masks immediately after the procedure.... It is known that the dermis will recover only after a week. After this time, you can begin to take care of your usual care.

As for alginate masks, many cosmetologists, on the contrary, recommend their use. Such a remedy can improve the condition of the skin, resume their regeneration and get rid of numerous signs of aging.

Already after a week, your skin will begin to recover, and its elasticity and uniformity will be noticeable. From this period, it is already allowed to use decorative cosmetics, wash with thermal water and even make collagen masks.

An important point! If you want the effect of collagen injections to linger for a longer period, always lubricate your skin with a protective cream before going outside in sunny weather. It is known that exposure to UV rays can destroy hyaluronic acid.

Minimizing the risk of negative consequences

Before the procedure, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination to exclude side effects. 3-4 days before the biorevitalization session, give up smoking and alcohol, put sleeping pills or anticoagulants for a long time and do not stay in the sun for a long time.

It is best to come to a beautician without cosmetics, you can do a light peeling at home in a day.

In order for side effects to be minimal or not at all, follow our advice:

  • carefully choose a clinic or beauty parlor (it is better to focus not on customized reviews on the network, but on word of mouth);
  • ask the administrator of the beauty salon if the cosmetologist has a diploma in medical education, and the center has permission to carry out the procedure;
  • find out in advance which drug will be used;
  • an ampoule with hyaluronic acid or a syringe with a liquid should be opened with the patient, and your task is to check the expiration date of the contents.

Always choose a trusted clinic. Although the biorevitalization procedure is considered one of the safest in the beauty industry, once in the hands of an amateur beautician, you can:

  • earn tissue necrosis or sepsis;
  • ensure the blockage of blood vessels and the formation of hematomas;
  • get anaphylactic shock;
  • get severe inflammation.

Since the hyaluronic acid needle is driven deep enough, the procedure is quite painful. Together with a beautician, you will need to choose an anesthetic for pain relief. In a competent clinic, the beautician will definitely inquire about your pain threshold. If there is a high sensitivity to the stimulus, a stronger anesthesia will be selected.

Thus, biorevitalization is a procedure that is indicated for women aged 30–40 years, when the first signs of aging appear on the skin. Thanks to hyaluronic acid injections, additional moisture is attracted and the skin becomes more elastic. Facial wrinkles disappear, the complexion of the dermis of the face becomes even and peachy.

After the biorevitalization procedure, in order to avoid complications, the recommendations of the cosmetologist should be strictly followed. Papules formed at the injection sites dissolve in 2-7 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the degree of sterility of the manipulations and compliance with the rules of care.

Useful videos

Facial biorevitalization - what to expect from the procedure?

The procedure for biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid.

Changes in complexion and skin elasticity. All these age-related changes lead to the fact that the desire to look in the mirror decreases every day. Many people solve this problem with the help of plastic surgery, not knowing that there is a more conservative solution - a cosmetic procedure called "Biorevitalization".

Method concept

  • Biorevitalization is an injection of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. The most popular drugs are: Restylane Vital Light, Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity I, IAL System and others.
  • The procedure can also be performed with combined preparations, which, in addition to the main component, include vitamin complexes, peptides, antioxidants and amino acids. These include: Jalupro, Revi, NCTF 135 and others.

The effectiveness of biorevitalization depends on the correct selection of these drugs, as well as on the drawn up scheme for their use.

This video will tell you about the features of biorevitalization:

Its types

This procedure can be of two types: preventive and curative.

  1. Preventive biorevitalization used for early aging, which occurs with a lack of hyaluronic acid. Such a course includes two procedures carried out with an interval of 3-4 weeks. It actively hydrates and maintains an optimal balance of nutrients, which together leads to curbing the aging process.
  2. Therapeutic biorevitalization fights against more pronounced skin problems that arise due to age-related changes. The course is recommended for women with reduced turgor. Usually three procedures are prescribed with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Pros and cons

The advantages of biorevitalization determine the popularity of this procedure. These include:

  • The naturalness and depth of the effect of drugs. Quite a lot of cosmetics contain hyaluronic acid. However, their effect on the skin is only superficial, bringing only a moisturizing effect. The biorevitalization procedure allows the component to penetrate deep into the skin, making changes at the cellular level.
  • Fast results. Visible changes occur after 1-2 sessions.
  • Long-term effect of the procedure. Improving skin nutrition and the production of certain hormones leads to smoothing of wrinkles, changes in complexion and skin elasticity. This effect lasts for 4-5 months, and in some cases - up to a year.

The disadvantages of the procedure include a decrease in the ability of cells to produce their own proteins and hyaluronic acid. The oversaturation of these substances in the absence of regular support leads to the fact that the skin after biorevitalization begins to age faster. However, not all experts come to this conclusion; some of them refute this shortcoming.

Indications for

Biorevitalization can be performed for both men and women over 35 years old. The main indications for its implementation are:

  1. Dry skin;
  2. Decreased skin elasticity;
  3. The need to restore the skin after plastic procedures;
  4. Damage to the epidermis by ultraviolet light.


All cosmetic procedures have their own contraindications, and biorevitalization is no exception. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. and respiratory diseases;
  3. Individual intolerance;
  4. Autoimmune disorders.

Photos before and after biorevitalization

Preparation for biorevitalization

The procedure does not imply any special preparation, but it is recommended not to consume alcohol, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs the day before. To exclude possible complications and contraindications, the doctor diagnoses and examines the problem area.

Before the very session, the specialist cleans the skin, at the request of the patient, it is anesthetized.

How is the procedure performed

The biorevitalization procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Removing existing makeup;
  2. Facial skin cleansing;
  3. Treatment of the problem area with an antiseptic;
  4. Markup for future punctures;
  5. Hyaluronate application;
  6. Performing manual injections or using a special drug.

The duration of one session, depending on the treated area and the mechanism of work, ranges from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. At the end of the session, the specialist applies a special medical and cosmetic composition to the treated area, assesses the condition of the skin, talks with the patient and sets the date for the next session.

This video will tell you how the procedure goes:

Consequences and possible complications

If for some reason the technology of biorevitalization was violated or the patient did not follow the recommendations after the rehabilitation period, the following complications may occur:

  • Severe hyperdermia;
  • An infection develops as a result of bacteria entering the skin or
    • Going to the pool;
    • Visit to the solarium;
    • Sun tanning and a visit to the solarium;
    • Washing in baths and saunas;
    • Visiting SPA treatments;
    • Active sports;
    • Excessive alcohol consumption;
    • Active use of decorative cosmetics.


    The price of one biorevitalization session depends on many factors, including the individual preferences of beauty salons, the prestige of the city, the degree of qualifications of the masters, and much more.

    In Moscow, depending on the drugs used, one session costs from 6500 to 14000 rubles.

    If a woman monitors the condition of her face and body, she must have come across the word "biorevitalization", since the procedure is currently one of the most demanded and popular methods of non-surgical skin tightening.

    The word "biorevitalization" consists of several parts, the translation of which makes it understandable and the process predictable. "Bio" - natural, "re" - return, "vita" - life, and all together means return to life in a natural way.

    What is biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid?

    Hyaluronic acid belongs to specific substances capable of retaining moisture, providing and maintaining the natural hydrobalance of the dermis. Aging processes and a decrease in the production of this substance begin from the age of 20, when the intensity of metabolic processes decreases and the cells lose the necessary moisture.

    Over time, age-related changes are gaining momentum, and the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body is becoming less and less. There is no acid, which means that the cells cannot retain water, as a result, the skin will sag, forming deep dips or wrinkles. The biorevitalization procedure is used wherever there are problems - on the face, neck, décolleté, as well as on different parts of the body, providing the necessary hydroreservation to the skin layers.

    The introduction of artificial HA triggers the mechanisms of its own production of this unique substance, thereby providing a prolonged rejuvenation effect. Injections are carried out pointwise, in places with the most pronounced signs of aging - the area of ​​the eyes, forehead, nasolabial folds, neck.

    The method of administration of hyaluronic acid is subcutaneous injections. Synthetically created, hyaluronic acid for injection has a significantly longer disintegration period than its natural counterpart. This extends the life of its "service" in the body and increases the lifting effect. The method is safe, and the result obtained from 2 sessions with an interval of 3-4 weeks can last from 9 to 12 months.

    The "side" effect of the introduction of hyaluronic acid is expressed in the fact that the intensity of sebum secretion decreases, pores narrow, dark circles under the eyes disappear, and the intensity of age spots decreases. Achieved not only hydration and lifting of the skin, but also healing at the cellular level.

    Carrying out the procedure

    Before injections, the skin is cleansed of makeup residues, dust and sebum. Injection biorevitalization takes no more than an hour and is carried out using a thin needle or a special injector. The drug is injected intradermally until a small papule is formed.

    Despite the small diameter of the needle, the procedure can cause discomfort, therefore, with increased sensitivity or with a low pain threshold, the area of ​​influence is preliminarily lubricated with a cream with lidocaine, which provides local anesthesia.


    Preparations for biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

    The basis of any drug for injection biorevitalization is hyaluronic acid (mainly of animal origin). In contrast, the concentration of biorevitalizants is much higher.

    Today, in cosmetology, at least a dozen drugs from various manufacturing companies are used, the choice of which is made only by a cosmetologist, depending on the problem that needs to be solved. Most often, cosmetologists prefer such biorevitazants as IAL-System (Ial-System), RestylaneVital (RestylaneVital), Skin R (Skin R), Juvederm Hydrate and Surdzhilift Plus.

    Below are briefly the characteristics of some of them:

    • Ial-System ("Ial-System")- is a kind of gold standard for biorevitalization, since with the help of this drug almost all existing skin problems can be solved. The effect of using Ial-System becomes noticeable as early as 3 days after injections, and lasts for at least 6 months.
    • Skin R- is a relatively new drug, but its effectiveness can only be compared with surgical tightening. The composition contains not only hyaluronic acid, but also a complex of amino acids that enhance its rejuvenating effect.
    • RestylaneVital- provides a prolonged effect, since the drug has the ability to retain the initial volume of moisture (despite the drug resorption). Biorevitalization of the skin with the help of this drug is well combined with other methods of rejuvenation (, the introduction of Botox and others).

    What drugs for biorevitalization to choose? Which one is the best? The answer to these questions can be the consultation of an experienced cosmetologist who is well versed not only in the action of biorevitalizants, but also in the problems that need to be solved.

    Every year, more and more new products enter the market, which, in addition to the main substance, contain vitamins, a complex of minerals, amino acids. In any case, each of them has its own indications for use and unique properties that can solve a specific problem.

    At what age is it better to start injections?

    As already mentioned, the aging process of the skin and a decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid begins as early as 20 years. But until the age of 30, the body still has enough of its own resources to maintain sufficient hydration.

    At the age of 30, the skin begins to react to any external factors leading to its aging (even stress). Add to this aggressive diets, visits to the solarium and the rays of the sun, inappropriate nutrition and health problems ... So it is optimal to use a course of injectable biorevitalization from the age of 30.

    The number of biorevitalization sessions at this age can be 1-2 with an interval of 15-30 days, 1 course of 6-12 months is enough.

    At the age of 40-45 years, the maximum number can be 6-8 sessions for a full course, which are carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

    During this time, hyaluronic acid manages to use fibroblasts - skin cells responsible for regeneration processes, as well as stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Further, the procedures can be carried out with a supporting purpose, as well as to prevent the appearance of age-related changes.

    Indications and contraindications for injection biorevitalization

    Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is indicated when there is:

    • Dryness (dehydration) of the skin and its increased flabbiness.
    • Increased oiliness and enlarged pores.
    • Reduced turgor and natural elasticity.
    • Acne and post-acne.
    • Stretch marks, scars on the body after pregnancy and trying to lose weight.
    • Dull skin color (especially after winter or summer holidays).
    • The presence of a mesh of small capillaries (rosacea).
    • Pigmented spots and melasma.


    • Hypersensitivity or allergy to hyaluronic acid preparations.
    • Viral (herpes), fungal and bacterial skin infections.
    • The presence of a focus of infection in the body.
    • Pregnancy period (lactation).
    • A history of autoimmune diseases.

    What undesirable consequences can arise?

    Injections can leave papules, which disappear without a trace after a few hours. In some patients, hyperemia or pallor of the skin is observed, as well as the appearance of slight swelling. Soreness at the puncture site or bruises rarely appear, but even these unpleasant symptoms disappear within a day. At the injection site, traces remain in the form of small raised pimples, which disappear in 2 days.

    To speed up the rehabilitation process and prevent the onset of other symptoms, you must adhere to simple rules:

    • Do not use makeup or touch the treated area for 24 hours.
    • Within 2 days, use only those containing anti-inflammatory ingredients as local remedies.
    • Do not visit the solarium, bathhouse, sauna for at least 2 weeks.
    • Do not drink alcoholic beverages in the first days.
    • Do not take anticoagulants immediately after your procedure.

    A few days after biorevitalization, you can switch to conventional care products and decorative cosmetics.

    What's better?

    • Mesotherapy or biorevitalization? In mesotherapy, cocktails of vitamins and other beneficial substances are used, as well as hyaluronic acid of a lower concentration. In the biorevitalization procedure, a special acid formula is used, which is retained and does not quickly dissolve in the skin.
    • Bioreparation or biorevitalization? The bioreparation procedure follows biorevitalization, since its goal is to preserve hyaluronic acid in the skin layers for up to 3-4 weeks, while the injected biorevitalizant can stay in the skin for up to 14 days.
    • Plasmolifting or biorevitalization? Plasmolifting involves the introduction of a person's own plasma to enhance the regeneration processes, leveling the skin relief and hair growth. According to its mechanism of action, this is a completely different procedure with the introduction of his own biological environment to the patient, and not an artificial preparation.
    • Botox or biorevitalization? These are different techniques, differing in the composition of the preparations and the mechanism of action. According to the indications, they can be combined.

    What results to expect and when?

    The first results become visible on the 3rd day after the first session, and over time the effect only grows. The skin becomes elastic and moisturized, and due to the stimulation of the neocollagenesis process, a lifting effect is achieved.

    In which zones is biorevitalization carried out?

    The procedure can be performed anywhere on the face, arms, legs and body where there are signs of aging or other cosmetic problems (spots, scars, stretch marks, and others).

    Frequently asked Questions:

    • Is it possible to carry out biorevitalization during pregnancy? No, pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications for this technique.
    • Can biorevitalization be done in the summer? Yes, this method of rejuvenation is good because it is acceptable both in winter and in summer.

    Photo of results

    Hello beauties! 😉

    Today we will talk about such a sensational and highly publicized procedure as ">

    At any time of the year, a woman wants to be beautiful. A variety of tricks are used in the form of cosmetics, an updated wardrobe and regular trips to a manicure and a hairdresser. But for some ladies, this set also seems insufficient, and they are sent for special care procedures, which are now so actively advertised by beauty salons.

    The range of such procedures is huge, but how to decide what is really needed and will bring real benefits? A consultation with a dermatologist will help with this, because cosmetology and dermatology are also fields of medicine, so the choice of procedure should be entrusted to the doctor. But, girls, nothing prevents you from preliminarily familiarizing yourself with the main aspects of beauty care measures, in order to know what to prepare for and what to expect.

    Why is biorevitalization so good?

    The literal translation of the term "biorevitalization" is "natural revitalization", which is a reflection of the whole essence of the procedure. The basis of this technology was laid in the early 2000s by French scientists Pietro and Santé, who discovered the process of skin regeneration under the influence of hyaluronic acid.

    One of the most popular rejuvenation procedures today is biorevitalization of the face is carried out in two ways. The laser version involves the stimulation of collagen formation by exposing the deep layers of the skin to light. The injectable version involves the subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid.

    Both options fight against age-related manifestations on the skin in the form of wrinkles and furrows, as well as increase the elasticity of turgor. In addition to the corrective effect, the procedure also replenishes the lack of moisture and nutrients in the skin.

    The laser version is allowed for people over the age of 30 who are concerned about a decrease in skin tone. Lovely women, keep in mind that after 40 years, laser biorevitalization ceases to be effective, since the reserve of its own collagen is significantly reduced. The injection procedure can be performed from 17 to 70 years old. The doctor establishes a ban on injection exposure in case of severe dehydration of the skin, as well as in case of allergy to protein.

    Who is the procedure indicated for?

    Hyaluronic acid is a natural constituent of our body, and the older we get, the less it is produced. Lack of hyaluronic acid negatively affects the state of collagen and elastin proteins - they are gradually destroyed, which causes flabbiness and sagging of soft tissues. Ultimately, the skin loses its natural moisture, becomes thin and prone to wrinkles.

    • lack of moisture and peeling;
    • loss of elasticity of the integument due to age-related changes, frequent stress or uncontrolled weight changes;
    • premature manifestation of aging factors;
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • skin problems - acne, enlarged pores, and others.
    • Biorevitalization is one of the most important preparatory stages of plastic surgery, as well as a restorative procedure prescribed after deep chemical peeling.

      Dear ladies, remember that such an effect can be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the décolleté, neck and even the hands - the areas most susceptible to the aging process.

      The danger of biorevitalization: myths and reality

      Before giving your consent to the procedure, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with its contraindications in more detail, because not every one of us thinks about the possible risks, and even when the salon is so beautifully told about the results of such rejuvenation.

      When it comes to the injection method, it should be noted that the hyaluronic acid-based drug used is completely safe. It is compatible with the cells of the human body, so there can be no negative reactions in the case of its use. Other elements of the drug - peptides, glycerin and mannitol also do not cause rejection or allergic reactions. The substance introduced under the skin is supplemented with useful microelements and vitamins that stimulate the processes of dermis restoration and activate the growth of protein fibers. After the procedure, the process of accumulation and preservation of nutrients by skin cells is observed, which is why a negative effect from biorevitalization is simply impossible.

      On a note!

      Dear women, be careful, because after laser biorevitalization you cannot stay in the open sun for a long time without a protective cream with an SPF of at least 50.

      • the period of pregnancy and lactation in women;
      • oncological diseases;
      • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
      • dermatological diseases in the areas of procedural exposure;
      • individual intolerance to a certain component of the drug.

      I would like to once again focus on the prohibition of biorevitalization for pregnant and lactating women. The fact is that the procedure itself is not accompanied by the most pleasant sensations, and during pregnancy such inconveniences should be avoided. Although there are no toxic drugs in the composition of hyaluronic acid, no one can guarantee that after the procedure there will be no inflammation, which will have to be dealt with by means that are not the most useful for pregnant women. The same reasons apply to women during the lactation period. But already after a year and a half after its completion, you can quite take care of your appearance without threatening your health and the health of the baby.

      What to expect after biorevitalization?

      The procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Believe me, the improvements will be noticeable:

      • the texture of the skin will soften, and its tone will become smoother;
      • a healthy glow and smoothness will appear;
      • mimic and age wrinkles will be smoothed;
      • superfluous will disappear;
      • the oiliness of the skin will be reduced due to the narrowing of the pores;
      • the skin will receive deep hydration and high-quality nourishment, thereby increasing its elasticity, and removing signs of aging as if by hand! 😉

      When to expect results?

      The results of biorevitalization of the face will be felt already on the third day after the start session. Due to the aforementioned accumulation property possessed by the drug used for the procedure, the effect will not disappear even after a few days, but will only intensify over the course of a month. The peak result lasts for 5-8 months (depending on the initial condition of the skin), as well as your age.

      Dear ladies, for maximum results from biorevitalization you will have to complete a full course of 5 treatments. To consolidate and maintain the effect obtained, it is enough to carry out 2 procedures every six months. Also, before agreeing to the procedure, do not forget to carefully check the reputation of the cosmetologist, salon and, be sure, first familiarize yourself with the components that make up the anti-aging cocktail.

    Despite the progress in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, biorevitalization, like any other invasive manipulations like Botox injections, carries a certain risk of complications and side effects. Why are complications? What can you do to avoid them?

    Ideally procedure

    Doctors-cosmetologists and the clients themselves often sin with negligence during the initial consultation: the cosmetologist does not conduct a full examination and does not even ask questions about taking medications and the presence of allergies. And the clients, accordingly, are silent. Often, biorevitalization is done after barely examining the face! But in order to ensure good results after the procedure, the cosmetologist must obtain as much information as possible about the client's health (according to his words), collect an allergic and cosmetological anamnesis, find out which drugs have been used previously (this is especially true for fillers), as well as when similar procedures were carried out.
    A good cosmetologist does not take into account a single problem of the face or body, but is based on the analysis of all of the above and, if necessary, prescribes consultations of related specialists. Indifference and, accordingly, therapy errors and an incorrect prognosis, first of all, indicate the insufficient qualifications of the cosmetologist, and secondly, it will lead to a negative or short-term result.

    Complications of biorevitalization

    Problems after biorevitalization can arise both through the fault of the cosmetologist or the patient, and unforeseen "technical problems". Study them to "spread straws"!

    Allergic complications after beauty injections are dangerous not only for beauty, but also for health. In addition to the best preventive measures, these are strict adherence to the protocols of the procedures, the performance of allergy tests, if required by the manufacturer and the protocol of the procedure. It is better to carry out biorevitalization with proven and certified hyaluronic acid preparations, preferably of synthetic origin.
    Actually "technical" complications of injection techniques are microhematomas, painful sensations, infectious complications.

    Microhematomas rather, it can be attributed to the side effects of all invasive techniques: an injection is still a rather gross intervention in the delicate structure of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Most often, bruises appear if biorevitalization is done during menstruation or menopause, with rosacea, smokers, while taking anticoagulants (including aspirin for headaches or herbal remedies for varicose veins).

    Thus, before deciding on biorevitalization, consider these risks and be sure to tell the beautician about them at the initial consultation.

    Pain. The painfulness of the injections is well known, but the use of local or local anesthesia can significantly reduce the degree of sensitivity. Please note that there is a risk of allergy in this case too!

    Infectious complications there are bacterial and viral. The formation of abscesses at the injection sites indicates either gross violations of the rules of asepsis by the doctor, or a violation of the rehabilitation period by the patient. So the key to the development of such complications is strict adherence to the protocol and full information to patients. The viral includes, first of all, the exacerbation of herpes infection.

    Nodules and discoloration of the skin is one of the most serious side effects of biorevitalization, but if you are in the hands of an experienced practitioner, these complications are very unlikely. Of course, as with hyaluronic acid fillers, overdose can lead to unwanted changes in appearance. Other side effects depend on the area of ​​the injection. It can get into the blood vessels, there are even cases of the needle getting into the lymphatic vessels in the neck. Biorevitalization performed around the eyes has a higher risk of unwanted effects and should be used with great care.
    You can avoid these side effects if you choose a reputable clinic that works with drugs purchased from certified distributors. The doctor should show you the drug and unopened disposable instruments.

    Beauty injections with hyaluronic acid: norm and deviation

    After biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid preparations, long-term presence of papules is possible.

    Normally, depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid, papules should disappear within 12-72 hours.

    If the degree of dehydration of the skin is underestimated and the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations, papules can remain on the skin even longer and cause at least aesthetic problems. Well, in the case of constant injury (for example, by hand), there is a high risk of developing inflammatory complications.

    The use of drugs for biorevitalization with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid on the skin of the lower eyelids, especially with fatty hernias, is fraught with prolonged edema under the eyes. Moreover, after the swelling completely disappears, they are replaced by wrinkles and flabbiness.