How to remove traces after chickenpox. Cosmetological treatments for scars. What is chickenpox

The rash that occurs during chickenpox is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Very often, chickenpox scars remain on the skin. It is recommended not to postpone the treatment of these scars, even if they are almost invisible. You can start fighting these consequences of chickenpox as soon as the dry crust that forms at the place of the bubbles falls off. There are several skin treatment options, and all of them help to preserve the beauty of the skin and its healthy appearance.

Causes of scarring

Very often in children and adults who have had chickenpox, the question arises: can scars remain after this disease and how to treat them?

As a rule, the scars appearing at the site of the vesicles disappear over time, and not a trace remains in their place. But this is not always the case. In some cases, for certain reasons, chickenpox scars may remain. For example, scars can occur at the site where large deep vesicles did not heal for a long time. Children and adults with weakened immunity often have chickenpox scars.

If, against the background of chickenpox, a person has suffered a bacterial infection and pus has accumulated in the bubbles, then scars may remain in their place. Infection of wounds usually occurs with constant scratching of the vesicles.

It is impossible to tear off the crusts that form at the site of skin rashes until they are completely healed, since this violates the integrity of the skin and as a result scars remain.

As a rule, the patient is advised to start treating these defects with the help of ointments from scars directly during the maturation of the vesicles. If you do not do this, it will be more difficult to fix this problem later. You will have to go to a dermatologist and cosmetologist and do special procedures, peels in a salon or clinic.

How to get rid of chickenpox scars?

The most effective remedies for scars are all kinds of gels and ointments. It can be difficult to choose the right remedy, especially if you have to buy a medicated ointment for external use. The difficulty lies in the fact that today a huge assortment of ointments and creams is presented in pharmacies. It is easy to make a mistake and get an ineffective remedy.

A doctor can help with the choice. The best option is to consult a beautician or dermatologist. The specialist knows which drugs are most effective in this case, takes into account all the features of the patient's skin.

Before using the ointment, you should read the instructions attached to it in order to find out the exact contraindications to the drug and possible side effects. To eliminate scars in young children, it is better to use creams that contain only natural substances (without hormones and antibiotics).

Among such funds, it is worth highlighting Kontraktubex and Dermatiks. They help smooth out irregularities in the skin without harm to health. Before using these drugs, you should study the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Dexpanthenol: drug features

Particular attention should be paid to ointments of domestic and foreign production, which contain pantothenic acid or its derivatives.

This substance has excellent healing and regenerating properties. One of the derivatives of this acid is dexpanthenol (a substance belonging to the B vitamins). In pharmacies, you can find different drugs with dexpanthenol, prices depend on the manufacturer, excipients in the composition and form of release (ointments, aerosols, etc.).

Similar preparations for topical use contain the following additional components:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • vitamins;
  • triglycerides;
  • lanolin;
  • petrolatum;
  • citric acid and others.

To cure sores and scars after chickenpox, you need to apply the drug to the skin with a thin layer 2 times a day (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions). Dexpanthenol helps to quickly regenerate the skin and is well tolerated by children. This active ingredient is safe even during pregnancy and lactation.

In some cases, there may be an allergic reaction to this substance, there are no data on side effects or overdose. Dexpanthenol is quickly and easily excreted from the body.

Cosmetic procedures

Removing long-standing marks on the skin or deep damage requires professional help. Specialists will help fix the problem with a specific treatment regimen, which includes a number of cosmetic and medical procedures. Cosmetological methods of treatment include:

  • peels;
  • collagen injection under the skin;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • microdermabrasion and other procedures.

Today, clinics offer modern hardware methods that involve the use of high-tech and innovative devices. When exposed to damaged skin, they activate the growth of new cells, which leads to smoothing of scars.

Scars can be removed with special chemicals such as exfoliation. For this, organic acids are usually used, which destroy connective tissue. Chemical burns, redness and peeling appear on the skin, after which the production of new cells is activated.

Hyaluronic acid is very effective in this case. After applying it to damaged skin, the process of scar tissue formation stops. Subcutaneous injections of various dermal fillers, such as collagen, are often used for treatment. This is especially true if there are pits and depressions that occur most often after chickenpox and acne. Fillers smooth the skin while repairing the affected areas.

Specialists can offer a wide range of scar removal services. But, before starting treatment, it is worth knowing everything about the possible side effects and contraindications. It should also be noted that hardware methods are expensive. It is noteworthy that the effectiveness of such procedures usually corresponds to the price. The most gentle method is considered to be laser resurfacing when compared to peels and microdermabrasion. The laser beam penetrates the layers of the skin, stimulating the formation of new cells, as a result of which the surface of the scar is smoothed and the appearance of the skin is improved.

Folk remedies for scars

If a person does not pay enough attention to their skin during treatment for chickenpox, scars may remain on their body and face. It is better to get rid of aesthetic skin defects right away, for example, with the help of folk remedies.

First of all, during the period of illness, the patient should take antihistamines, since it is very important to eliminate itching and avoid scratching. This will reduce the risk of vesicle infection.

In folk remedies that eliminate scars well, most often there is sea buckthorn and cocoa butter, as well as ascorbic acid. Oils are usually applied to the blisters after chickenpox. The active substances of the oils improve skin elasticity, heal and regenerate tissues. Ascorbic acid is used in ointments or creams. It improves the protective properties and eliminates inflammation.

In adults, scars do not heal as well as in children. For treatment, you can use Boro Plus cream. It is safe and helps to heal minor scars, abrasions and insect bites. Adults can additionally use a variety of essential oils to help the skin naturally regenerate.

If home remedies are not working and the scars persist, you should see a specialist. It is best to visit a dermatologist before starting self-treatment using folk recipes. Defects are not always amenable to home treatment. In severe cases, you cannot do without the help of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Preventing chickenpox scars

During the period of chickenpox, red spots and papules appear on the body. The patient is advised, if possible, to take antihistamines that reduce itching and discomfort. You should try not to touch the bubbles until they completely fall off. So, they will pass faster and the risk of scarring will be significantly reduced.

Traces can remain after various forms of chickenpox. It is very important to treat the rash with antiseptics. You can use an antiviral or zinc ointment. For the prevention of complications, it is recommended to take baths with medicinal herbs or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Chickenpox in adults is always much more severe than in children. Bubbles on the body and face very often open up, deep ulcers appear in their place. After they have healed, the appearance of the skin deteriorates due to small scars and scars. If you do not carry out preventive procedures, subsequently you will have to treat the scars with more serious methods.

Chickenpox sores must be treated immediately as soon as the disease passes. Only a timely and comprehensive approach will help get rid of aesthetic defects. There is no time to waste: old scars are difficult to remove. Most often, this can be done only with the help of cosmetic procedures in a salon or clinic. When it comes to treating chickenpox scars on your face, you need to take action as soon as possible. In this case, the disease will not affect the beauty and appearance of the skin in any way.

Chickenpox scars, which appear at the sites of a blistering rash on the face and body, appear as a result of complications after an illness or improper skin care during the recovery period and give a person a lot of inconvenience, no matter how visible they are.

With chickenpox, the patient's skin may simultaneously contain pink spots, characteristic of the initial stage of the disease, and acne, and bubbles with cloudy contents, and crusts at the site of bursting formations, since during the disease, rashes constantly appear on the body.


The acute phase of chickenpox, when the risk of attaching an additional bacterial infection increases, is characterized by the appearance of ugly white scars on the skin surface. The virus, entering the body, is fixed in the cells of the epidermis and causes their inflammation.

The appearance of a rash with chickenpox is accompanied by intolerable itching, which is not always possible to control.

If the patient cannot stand it and combs the affected skin, the bubbles burst, fester and wounds remain on the skin. During their healing, the deeper layers of the epidermis are affected, the structure of the skin is disturbed, and small pits appear on the surface.

In a child with chickenpox, only the upper layer of the epidermis is affected. After the healing of the wounds, it quickly recovers to its original appearance. Therefore, no scars remain on the skin.

In adult patients, more complex problems arise, not only of an internal, but also of an external nature. The older the patient is, the more likely it is to have scarring on the skin. This is due to the fact that with age, the skin's ability to regenerate weakens, wounds heal poorly, and the risk of scarring after chickenpox increases.

In addition, the causes of pits and depressions in the skin are:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • constant scratching of the rash;
  • improper use of external drugs and methods of preventing infection.

How to get rid of chickenpox scars

The pockmarks left on the skin tissue after chickenpox give a person a lot of inconvenience. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, a person is faced with the fact that with age, scars become coarser, it becomes more and more difficult to deal with them. In order not to face such problems and not to seek methods of treating old scars, it is necessary to start treatment of scars as early as possible.


To speed up the healing process, scars after chickenpox must be treated with special preparations: gels, creams and ointments (more).

They contain antibacterial components that accelerate the healing process and promote the rapid recovery of the skin.

A universal drug to combat the effects of chickenpox is Contractubex gel. It can be used by both adult patients and children. The active substance of the gel penetrates deep into the subcutaneous layers, restoring damaged skin cells. In addition, it relieves inflammation, softens and smoothes the epidermis. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the size of the scar and the time of its formation.

How to use the drug Solcoseryl to remove scars? Read this article.

It should be applied to the area of ​​the rash after the crusts have fallen off. Since the ointment has no contraindications, it can be used for a long time. However, hypersensitivity patients should be tested for an allergic reaction.

Traditional methods

To remove scars and scars left on the skin after chickenpox, you can use traditional medicine.

Among the home remedies that help to quickly remove traces of chickenpox, in the first place are sea buckthorn and cocoa oils and ascorbic acid. The oils increase skin elasticity, heal wounds and promote rapid tissue repair. Ascorbic acid in the composition of a medicinal cream or balm relieves inflammation, increases the protective properties.

Cosmetic procedures

If topical methods have proven ineffective, chickenpox scars can be treated with cosmetic treatments.

Among the measures used to combat the effects of chickenpox, peels are the most popular.

Special reagents used during the procedure destroy the hardened layer of the skin and activate the process of cell production. After the peeling procedure, the wounds are treated with hyaluronic acid, which helps to restore damaged layers and prevents the formation of scars.

The hardened tissue of chickenpox scars can be removed with a laser beam. Laser removal is the most gentle method of eliminating the effects of chickenpox. After sanding the top layer, the skin looks smoother and fresher.

Good results are obtained by the use of physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis, ultrasound and other methods of apparatus therapy.

Among the more radical measures to combat the consequences of chickenpox are injections under the skin of special preparations that can correct superficial indentations.


After chickenpox, red spots and scars appear, which take a long time to pass, and if they are not treated, they can remain for a lifetime. Observance of simple rules will help to avoid this.

Do not scratch the rash. To relieve itching, you need to take antihistamines. Before using them, be sure to consult a doctor. In the case of chickenpox in children, it is necessary to cut their nails short and wear protective gloves for babies.

How to remove scars and scars?

Cacao butter. Source of beauty

Wearing breathable cotton clothing can also help reduce itching.

The patient should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, ventilate the room more often.

Traces on the skin after chickenpox should be treated as soon as the disease passes. Only timely and comprehensive treatment will help to avoid the appearance of scars on the skin.

The question of how to smear the crusts after chickenpox is of interest to all young mothers whose children have had this ailment. Despite the level of development of modern health care, almost all babies under the age of three become infected with chickenpox. If the pathology itself is relatively painless, then the wounds after chickenpox are a real headache for all parents. Drying up, the resulting ulcers gradually tighten and give children a lot of unpleasant sensations. The wounds cause itching and itching, which is the main danger of the disease.

Scratching can spread the infection and form deep scars that last a lifetime. For obvious reasons, parents do not want their baby to receive such a cosmetic defect. And this can be easily avoided if the correct approach to the treatment of chickenpox and the prevention of unwanted consequences. In order to be ready for the appearance of the disease, you need to know its causes, symptoms and rules for caring for rashes.

Briefly about chickenpox

Chickenpox is a type 3 human herpes virus. This is one of the varieties of herpes, which is life-threatening only for newborns. Infection occurs by airborne, contact and household methods. During lactation, children are protected by the mother's antigens. After the transition to artificial nutrition, the issue of infection becomes a matter of time. As soon as the child's immunity is weakened, he gets chickenpox.

The source of infection is any carrier of the virus, even just being near the baby. In most cases, children become infected from their parents, who had chickenpox as a child.

The course of this disease can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  1. Incubation period. Its duration is 11-21 days. How many days it will last depends on the age, living conditions, characteristics of the body and the health of the child.
  2. Deterioration of the patient's condition. The child's appetite disappears, the temperature rises, lethargy and irritability are observed. This indicates that he has become a distributor of an infection that has not yet externally manifested itself.
  3. The appearance of a rash. It presents as watery pimples filled with a light liquid. A characteristic symptom of chickenpox is a red border around the blisters. Pimples are sprinkled on the face, arms, chest and lower back. The child has a fever, which rises after each new wave of rash. The patient is contagious and needs to be isolated.
  4. After a few days, the fluid inside the blisters darkens, they burst and turn into open wounds. On what day it happens depends on the severity of the course of the disease. Usually the period of the rash lasts 5-10 days. Crusts on pockmarks begin to appear in 2-3 days. After drying, they fall off, leaving small indentations covered with young pink skin. As a rule, after a few years no traces of pockmarks remain. Fallen crusts do not pose a danger in terms of secondary infection.

The child stops being contagious as soon as the crusts begin to fall off. It was during this period that he needs qualified help. Chickenpox crusts cover soft tissues, vulnerable infections. If they are ripped off, then pathogens will enter the wound. It will become inflamed and leave a deep mark after healing.

Why do you need to treat rashes

When chickenpox occurs, the crusts give the patient great anxiety. He constantly wants to scratch them, which is highly undesirable. In addition, if the scab does not fall off by itself, but is ripped off the wound, then it can be mistaken for a fresh rash. Such an error can serve as the basis for extending the treatment and the period of quarantine. According to the studies, the patient ceases to be a carrier of the infection from the moment the last rashes have dried up. And it will be possible to accurately establish this moment only with the help of markers that mark all blisters.

Based on this, it is necessary to lubricate the rash with herpes of the third type to achieve the following goals:

  • preventing the spread of infection outside the patient's body;
  • protection of blisters and wounds from secondary infection from the outside;
  • reducing the discomfort and discomfort caused by the resulting watery acne;
  • control of the condition of rashes to establish their intensity and end the appearance.

Since parents cannot constantly monitor the hands of their children, it is necessary to reduce the undesirable consequences of peeling off the crusts to a minimum. At night, the child needs to wear soft gloves on his hands, which cannot be used to peel off the crusts. During the day, you need to regularly wash his palms. It is required to constantly monitor the condition of the nails so that they are cut short and with smooth edges.

You need to fight the disease immediately after the appearance of its first symptoms. Only comprehensive treatment will help to defeat the disease with minimal health consequences. Smear the rashes with the remedies recommended by the doctor from the moment they appear until the last traces of smallpox disappear.

What to look for at the onset of the disease

It is quite understandable that the mother is concerned about the detection of the first rashes that cover the entire body of the child. It is even more worrying when the number of blisters begins to increase. But do not despair, since a rash is considered a normal manifestation of herpes of the third type.

It is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Physical examination of the child daily for new lesions and old blisters. With an ear stick moistened with brilliant green (brilliant green), gently smear all pimples.
  2. Examine the oral cavity and nasal passages in search of manifestations of herpes. If they are found, rinse the affected areas with chamomile broth, furacilin solution, boric acid or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. When the temperature rises, give the patient weak analgesics and antipyretics to alleviate his condition. It is strictly forbidden to take aspirin, since in combination with the herpes virus of the third type, it gives severe complications to the kidneys.
  4. To reduce the intensity of itching and burning, take a course of antihistamines.
  5. Change the patient's underwear and bed linen daily. Indoors, you need to organize wet cleaning and airing. To reduce itching from wounds, keep the room cool.
  6. Before going to bed, if there is no temperature, bathe the child in a bath with a solution of soda or boric acid. After bathing, you should gently apply disposable cotton towels to your skin.

After a decrease in temperature and pain syndrome, it is necessary to begin intensive treatment of drying out wounds.

Medicines for chickenpox

It is inappropriate to use antibiotics for blistering - the herpes virus by this time has already taken root in the body at the genetic level. The main task of influencing the rash is to prevent the multiplication of the herpes virus, dry the bubbles and reduce the intensity of itching. Treatment with external drugs can alleviate the patient's condition and prevent the formation of scars on the skin. Such a phenomenon is much easier to prevent than to eliminate later.

  1. (brilliant green). Liquid antiseptic with a long history of successful relief from the effects of chickenpox and measles. When applied, it covers the wounds with a thin layer, preventing the penetration of infection into them. At the same time, it prevents the spread of herpes viruses. Does not irritate skin and soft tissues. Easily washed off with soapy water or cosmetic creams.
  2. ... The medicine is sold over the counter and is available without a prescription. Apply to fresh and broken blisters. Dries bubbles, relieves itching, promotes wound healing and crusting. Creates an insulating layer on vesicles and sores, preventing viruses from leaving the patient's body.
  3. ... This analogue of brilliant green is a red liquid. Blisters and crusts should be treated three times a day. It is required to monitor the child's condition, since the drug can cause toxic damage. It should be noted that this substance is not easily wiped off the skin - it may take several days to get rid of traces of its use.
  4. ... The product has no side effects. It has disinfecting and itching-soothing properties. When applied to the skin, it cools it, relieving the patient's condition. It is recommended to treat the rash at least three times a day.
  5. Rivanol. It is an aqueous solution of a characteristic yellow color. It has an antiseptic and soothing effect on rashes. Dries up wounds, contributing to their rapid healing. The argument in favor of Rivanol is that it does not spoil the patient's appearance, since it is almost invisible on the skin.
  6. Manganese. Crystals of the substance dissolve in water. The resulting solution is a potent antiseptic, dries up wounds and kills infection.

Before deciding on the choice of medication to combat rashes, you should consult your pediatrician. The doctor will give recommendations based on the individual characteristics of the child's body and the specifics of the course of the disease.

Folk remedies for chickenpox

Folk recipes have a good effect:

  1. Mumiyo. This natural substance is dissolved in water. It is necessary to lubricate pimples twice a day. The components of the mummy destroy pathogens in wounds, promote their rapid healing, regeneration of soft tissues and skin.
  2. Castor oil (ricin). The substance has a high viscosity and adheres tightly to soft tissues. At the same time, castor oil has a moisturizing, soothing and softening effect on wounds, as a result of which the crusts fall off, and the damaged sites heal.
  3. Cacao butter. Has a stimulating effect on damaged areas. Promotes the regeneration of skin cells and the speedy restoration of its normal state.

After the crusts fall off, depressions remain in their place, covered with young, delicate skin. To prevent them from turning into scars, it is necessary to carry out a number of cosmetic measures.

Cosmetic procedures against chickenpox marks

You can carry out cosmetic procedures only after consulting a pharmacist. The specialist will determine which drugs can be used, and which ones it is better to refrain from using.

You can eliminate traces of crusts after chickenpox in the following ways:

  1. Treatment of wounds with Panthenol, Contractubex and Dermatiks gel ointments. These are quite expensive but very effective drugs. They contribute to the regeneration of soft tissues, the complete elimination of skin irregularities.
  2. Collagen injections. The solution is injected subcutaneously. The components of the preparation help to moisturize the skin and restore soft tissues. In addition, collagens stabilize skin pigmentation, eliminating light spots.
  3. Laser resurfacing. The impact is carried out along the entire depth of the skin. According to the results of the procedure, depressions and large scars are eliminated.
  4. Acid and chemical peels. The procedure consists in exposing the skin to substances that cause burns and death of its upper layer. As a result, the skin becomes uniform in color and consistency.

The effectiveness of each method is not the same and is not suitable for everyone. The most effective procedure for eliminating traces of chickenpox is selected by the method of samples.

What can not be smeared with crusts

Do not get too carried away with the use of drying agents. They largely dry out the epidermis, which inevitably leads to scarring of wounds, and this is extremely undesirable for young skin. It is categorically contraindicated to smear the focus of infection with alcohol, which dries the skin very much and causes unbearable itching. That is why the use of antiseptics containing alcohol is causing more and more protest among the doctors of the new generation. It is also not recommended to use topical antibiotics, lubricating sores after chickenpox. By not targeting the herpes virus, they have unwanted side effects.

Chickenpox is usually not considered a serious disease, because almost all people carry it in childhood.

Sometimes: it is much more difficult to tolerate, and recovery is often accompanied by the formation of scars on the skin.

We will find out why scars remain after chickenpox, and consider ways to deal with them.

Chickenpox - why scars occur

The causes of scars can be very different. We will consider the main ones, and also briefly remind the reader about the features of the disease and from the point of view of minimizing scars on the face and body.

Briefly about the disease

It is a disease of infectious origin. - airborne. From the time of interaction with a sick person and until the first signs of infection appear, 10-20 days pass. At this time, a person can infect many people without suspecting that he himself has chickenpox.

The main period of the disease begins 2-3 days before the onset of the skin rash and stops after the fresh rashes stop appearing, and the old ones will tighten with a crust.

This is what a chickenpox rash looks like.

The main chickenpox are:

  • the appearance of a rash in the form of small red spots, accompanied by severe itching;
  • fever (up to 39 - 39.5) and trembling;
  • pain in the head, abdomen;
  • feeling of general malaise.

appears on the face, covers the chest and back, can be localized on the eyelids, and genitals. Some patients may have only 3-4 red marks, while others will cover the whole body. Light spots form on the spots, which quickly disappear and become covered with a crust. It disappears within 14 days. All stages of the rash can be present on the body at the same time.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you must consult a doctor. Most often, the disease does not require hospitalization, but it may be required if there is an inadequate reaction from the nervous system (severe pain in the head, legs) or it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

The main recommendations are reduced to adherence to bed rest, taking paracetamol (at temperatures above 38 degrees), adherence, excluding juices, citrus fruits, salty foods. Doctors usually prescribe antiviral drugs for adults, as well as for rashes that form on them. The presence of wounds and severe itching also requires special therapy.

It is required to observe bed rest and follow simple recommendations


If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this viral disease can lead to serious health consequences. The main complications after chickenpox are:

  1. Laryngitis and tracheitis, which develop due to damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with a viral rash. They manifest themselves in the form of dry cough, shortness of breath, pain in the trachea.
  2. Chickenpox pneumonia (viral). In this case, it appears, which does not pass for a long time. In a severe course of the disease, a high temperature may persist, and when coughing, sputum with traces of blood can be released.
  3. which is caused by a lot of chickenpox blisters. They lead to painful swallowing and chewing.
  4. Inflammatory process of the foreskin in men and the development of vulvitis on the mucous membrane of the labia in women. These conditions are caused by a large amount of rash on the genitals.
  5. Rarely, there are chickenpox meningitis, purulent arthritis, myocarditis, nephritis.

The disease can lead to serious complications

However, in most cases, chickenpox goes away without consequences for the body, but after this disease, scars on the skin may remain.

Causes of scars

The varicella-zoster virus affects only the top layer of the dermis. A person, feeling an intolerable itching, begins. If at this time the infection reaches the deep layers of the epidermis, then inflammation will begin, due to which the inner layer of the skin will change its structure. In this case, scars and pits will be visible on the surface: such scars are likely to remain for life.

Other causes of scars can include:

  • low human immunity, which reduces the rate of recovery;
  • the formation of large spots with chickenpox;
  • scratching the papules, deliberate tearing off the crusts;
  • damage to spots with long nails;
  • rubbing the skin at the stage of its healing with tight clothing;
  • poor skin hygiene, which can lead to infection and inflammation in the wounds;
  • violation of the rules of treatment or its complete absence.

Children are much less likely to develop scars than those who have had the disease in adulthood.

Chickenpox scars in adults

Scars on the skin, caused by severe scratching of itchy patches, usually occur in young children who are difficult to get rid of the rash. Adults, aware of the possibility of scars, try not to touch the itchy spots.

However, even in this case, a person is not immune from the formation of scars and depressions on the skin. The reason for the appearance of this defect is the skin of an adult person. With age, it gradually loses its restorative ability, becomes less elastic, due to which the damage cannot heal normally and scars appear.

Sometimes after chickenpox keloid scars appear. They are caused by the skin producing too much collagen.

How to deal with scars

Scars remain in place of the chickenpox bubbles, they are located below the level of the rest of the skin, they may differ from it in tone (most often they will be lighter). Over time, these pits may become almost invisible. The need to eliminate them arises if they are located on the face or open parts of the body. Of course, it is easier not to bring the skin to the formation of pockmarks than to deal with them later.

There are different ways to get rid of this defect, each of which has its own characteristics.

Anti-scar creams and ointments

This method will not give a noticeable transformation even after a year of active use of the ointment. These funds are suitable for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars, that is, their action is aimed at eliminating overgrown connective tissue.

Chickenpox scars are atrophic scars, they do not have such overgrowth, so the creams will be powerless

Various peels

These procedures help to smooth out the boundaries of the pits, to make the depressions less visible. Laser or chemical peels are best, and microdermabrasion can also be used.

To achieve a good result, several peeling sessions will be required, during which several rules must be observed: for example, protect the skin from ultraviolet rays so that instead of pockmarks you do not get hyperpigmentation.


There are two injection techniques suitable for removing chickenpox scars. The first of them - mesotherapy - consists in the introduction of special preparations into the surface of the skin, which have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin and improve metabolic processes in them. This method is suitable for the early stages of scar formation, so you can completely get rid of it. In the later stages, beneficial shots will not have this effect.

The second technique is injections of fillers based on collagen and hyaluronic acid.

These substances will restore the skin to its previous smoothness due to the fact that they raise the bottom of the fossa to the level of the rest of the skin.

The disadvantage of this method is the frequent repetitions of the procedures, since the fillers are absorbed in about a year.

Undercut, or subcision

The principle of operation of this technique: the doctor inserts a needle under the skin, which cuts the connective tissue fibers connecting the bottom of the fossa with the deep layers of the skin. Due to this, the surface of the scar rises slightly above the level of the skin, and in the part where the fibers were cut, the production of new collagen begins: it will support the scar and prevent it from falling back.

Surgical excision

It is the most radical method of treatment, which is suitable for the elimination of large scars. The surgeon cuts the scar, connects the edges of the wound, suturing them with a cosmetic suture.

Of course, a trace will remain after the procedure, but it will look like a thin, neat strip. For the treatment of chickenpox scars, this technique is suitable only if 2-3 too wide scars are removed. With excision, it is impossible to achieve a cosmetic effect for small pits.

Plastic surgery will help remove single large scars

Chickenpox is a "childhood" disease that can remind of itself with unpleasant marks on the skin for a long time. It is important to remember that it is better not to injure the healing wounds than to wage a long struggle with the remaining scars later.

Perhaps almost every adult is familiar with such a disease as chickenpox. In childhood, many are ill with it. For babies, this disease is not too dangerous, but adults are more difficult to tolerate this ailment. Often scars remain after chickenpox. Moreover, in different places - on the arms, legs, back and even on the face. Often the scars are very noticeable, you want to get rid of them. But how to do that? And in general, is it possible to restore the skin after chickenpox?

Is there a chance

In general, it is not an easy task. And it doesn't matter what kind of marks on the body we are talking about. In any case, there is no guarantee that you will be able to get rid of them. After chickenpox, did you leave scars on your body? Is it possible to remove them somehow?

In theory, yes. The main thing is to start treatment on time. In practice, it is extremely difficult to remove scars after chickenpox. Indeed, over time, the skin at the site of the scar coarsens. This makes treatment nearly impossible. So the sooner after the illness you start treatment, the better. You will have the opportunity to heal your scars. Be patient: to see progress, you will have to repeat the same procedures for a long time.

The method of applying a variety of ointments and creams is extremely simple - you just have to massage the affected area of ​​the body. Are there any scars from chickenpox? Then massage with the remedies listed below. Every day, no skipping. And, as already mentioned, start treatment as early as possible.


The first option is to use natural oils. For example, cocoa works well. You will need to go to the pharmacy and purchase this product. Buy 100% natural cocoa butter, no additives or any ancillaries.

Now you can start the procedure for removing scars after chickenpox without any problems. Dip your fingertips in the oil, then massage the affected area on your body. Rub in for about 5-10 minutes.

Vitamin C

Left after chickenpox? What to do in order to get rid of them once and for all? A good way is to use any cream with this component. Apply it to your fingers and massage the scar for a few minutes.

To achieve maximum effect, you can use one trick. The fact is that the use of vitamin C is most effective if you simultaneously not only rub it into the affected area of ​​the skin, but also take it inside. Several months of daily similar procedures - and you will see significant changes for the better.

Important: for the treatment to be effective, you will have to exceed the daily dose of vitamin C. Therefore, if you decide to combine massage and vitamin intake, you should consult your doctor. After chickenpox, it is forbidden to remove scars in this way for people with stomach ulcers and in the presence of intestinal diseases.


But these are far from all the methods that can save us from our today's problem. Wondering how to smear scars after chickenpox? Then try to get special ointments that help remove scars from the body.

The universal tool "Kontraktubeks" is perfect. This is a German-made ointment, it is sold in any pharmacy. Suitable for the restoration of the skin in the presence of scars. Suitable for all areas of the body. There are no contraindications for children or adults.

It is enough just to apply a little Kontraktubex gel on the scar with massaging movements. The product will relieve inflammation, smooth and soften the skin. The procedure must be repeated daily. The course of treatment varies from 1 week to 6 months. It all depends on how rough the skin is after chickenpox.


The next good remedy is Dermatix. It helps to remove chickenpox scars on the face (and on the rest of the body as well) if the scarring is recent. That is, it is preferable to apply this ointment immediately after getting rid of chickenpox. If a long time has passed, Dermatiks is unlikely to be able to help.

To get a visible result, it is necessary to rub the ointment into the affected areas of the body with massaging movements every day. On average, the course of treatment lasts 8 weeks. But maybe more, everything is purely individual.

Vitamin E and Aloe Vera

Did you have scars on your body after chickenpox? What to do in this situation if ordinary ointments do not inspire confidence in you? After chickenpox, the skin needs to be fortified with vitamins. You can use vitamin E. These capsules you can easily buy at any pharmacy. Aloe vera also helps a lot.

After chickenpox? Mix vitamin E and aloe (with juice), then massage into the affected area. The procedure must be repeated several times a day (usually in the morning and in the evening). In just a few weeks, you will see significant changes. After all, vitamin E with aloe will lighten the scar. And if you start treatment as early as possible, you will have a chance to finally get rid of the traces of the transferred chickenpox.

Lemon to help

What other ways are there? It is advisable to use the previous version only for adults. But the universal method is the use of lemon juice. It has already been said that vitamin C works great on the skin. It is safer to use creams with the addition of this ingredient. But for a faster effect, it is recommended to use lemon juice.

How exactly? After chickenpox, scars can be lightened. If you start treatment on time, the unevenness on the skin will disappear altogether. Simply squeeze the juice out of the lemon and apply it to the body where the scar has formed. It is advisable to use cotton pads. Moisten the scar with a dabbing motion and let it dry. Do not rub the area to be treated - it may tingle, this is normal.

Then lubricate the skin in this way every day. You can repeat the procedure several times. On average, the course of treatment is 8-9 weeks. You will notice significant changes in the pigmentation of the treated area. With the help of lemon juice, you can get rid of scars on the skin not only after chickenpox, but also after acne, as well as acne. The main thing is to be patient.

Sandalwood and tea tree

Are you worried about chickenpox scars (see the photo in the article)? Then you can try to get rid of them with a completely safe method. It is necessary to prepare a special ointment, which is applied with massaging movements to the scars left after the disease. To do this, you need sandalwood oil, tea tree oil, and cocoa oil.

Mix the resulting ingredients. You need to take a teaspoon of cocoa butter, add 3 drops of sandalwood and tea tree to it. Mix the resulting tincture and apply with massaging movements to the affected area of ​​the skin. Good for scars on the face. You will see the result after about a week of using this drug. Ideal for both kids and adults.


Believe it or not, oatmeal is beneficial for the skin. Scars after and children can be removed with this product. Grind the oatmeal, then cover with water. Wait until the resulting gruel is cool. After cooling, apply the oatmeal to the scar and leave it there for 20-25 minutes.

This method is great for use on the face. Instead of oatmeal, you can immediately use oatmeal. The skin will not only recover from an illness, but will also be enriched with useful substances, which will ultimately lead to hydration of the epidermis.

Honey masks

How to remove chickenpox scars? If all of the above methods do not suit your taste, you can use another trick. It only needs one product. This is honey. Natural, without any additives.

All you need to do is put some honey on the scar and leave it on the skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and dry the treated area. Within a few weeks, you will be able to notice how the scar is not only lightened, but also smoothed out.


If you want to remove scars after chickenpox that have formed a long time ago, it is recommended not to use ointments, gels and folk remedies. Most likely, even after a year of treatment, you will not be able to see the desired result. Therefore, you will have to look for another way out of the situation.

Fortunately, there is one. It is enough to contact a beautician. In cosmetology, there have been various methods of treating scars for a long time. For example, dermabrasion or laser excision. Several treatments and you will be successful.

However, there is no need to rush. To get started, try to see a dermatologist or beautician for advice. These doctors should advise you on an ointment that will help you to cope with scars as much as possible. And if this does not happen, then you can already agree to cosmetic procedures. Please note that these methods are not suitable for children. Minors will have to remove scars only with folk remedies and ointments. Now it's clear after chickenpox. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems.