Reading syllables in capital letters. Reading texts

A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences, needs to improve reading skills through systematic training. But reading is a rather laborious and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore, we suggest small texts, the words in them are divided into syllables.

At first read the work to the child yourself, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given to help the child understand what he has read and comprehend the basic information he has learned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.

Smart Bo-bik

So-nya and so-ba-ka Bo-bik gu-la-li.
So-nya play-ra-la with a doll.
So, So-nya is-be-zha-la-to-my, but the doll is gone-la.
Bo-bik went to the doll and brought it to So-no.
B. Korsunskaya

Answer the questions.
1.Who did Sonya go for a walk with?
2. Where did Sonya forget the doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?

Bird-tsa pig-la nest-do on cous-those. Our children have a nest before and have taken it to the ground.
- Look-di, Va-sya, three birds!
Children came to the morning, but the nest was empty. It’s a pity.

Answer the questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty the next morning?
3. Did the children do well? What would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, story or poem?

Peti and Mi-shi had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse. Begin to tear up each other.
- Give me - my horse.
- No, you give me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
The mother came, took the horse, and the horse became nobody's.

Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mom do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why are you so
do you think?

It is advisable to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales using the example of these works.

The genre of oral fiction, containing unusual events in the everyday sense (fantastic, miraculous or everyday) and distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic construction. In fairy tales there are fairy-tale characters, talking animals, unprecedented miracles occur.

Poem- a small piece of poetry in verse. The poems are read fluently and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.

Story- small literary form; a narrative work of a small volume with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes an incident from life, some bright event that really happened or could have happened.

In order not to discourage reading, do not force him to read uninteresting and inaccessible for his understanding texts. It happens that a child takes a book he is familiar with and reads it "by heart." Necessarily read to your child every day poems, fairy tales, stories.

Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, outlook and intellect, helps to understand human experience.

Koldina D.N. I read it myself. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011 .-- 32 p. (Sweetie).

.:: 21.08.2015

The whole process of teaching a child to read can be reduced to several stages that must be performed sequentially. It is the consistency and regularity of classes that is the key to success.

There are many teaching methods, we will not consider each of them, but we will give our own. All training consists of three stages:

  • Stage 1 - learn letters, read sounds
  • Stage 2 - learn syllables, read words
  • Stage 3 read books broken down by syllables

Learning letters and sounds

First, don't overload your child with unnecessary knowledge. All he needs to know is that we hear and pronounce sounds, and see and write letters.

Sounds are vowels and consonants.

We can pronounce vowels by simply opening our mouth without a tongue - demonstrate. Vowel sounds can be sung - demonstrate.

When pronouncing consonants, the whole mouth works. Show how to work the tongue: L, R, N, K, T. And how the lips fold: P, M, Sh, Sh, how the teeth work: V, F. Disassemble each letter.

Explain that each sound is represented by a letter and can be written - demonstrate.

At this stage, the child must determine which sound any word begins with.

Dismantled with the pronunciation of sounds, we move on to the letters. How they are spelled.

First, we parse all the vowels. It is advisable to highlight vowels in red, any consonant. At this stage, the child does not need to recognize hard and soft, write in green or blue, it is best to write consonants in neutral black or brown.

It is very convenient to use cubes to memorize letters. Moreover, they can be in two versions - wooden cubes, on which only letters are drawn, vowels in red, consonants in green and blue, and plastic cubes with glued pictures.

I strongly recommend choosing cubes with pictures more carefully. Sometimes the pictures depict not one object, but several (a needle and thread), or one, but with many details: an anchor and a ship in the background are drawn on the letter I. Or, for example, the letter and a pike are often on the cubes, while a baby of this age has associations only with fish. It is clearer to draw a brush more correctly.

Some mothers are upset that the child cannot learn the letters, and do not realize that the baby has a mess in his head. That's why. Let's take the word WATERBUZ - the simplest one, which is in the letter A. And now pronounce it with an accent - you will clearly hear the accent on the syllable BU. They are "imprinted" in the child's head.

Therefore, when teaching your child letters, choose those words where the sound or vowel under study is stressed! This is very important, but for some reason no attention is paid to any technique. Think like a child, not a parent-teacher.

  • we learn the letter A - instead of Watermelon there should be a Stork
  • we learn the letter M, instead of a typewriter - a T-shirt
  • teach K - Horse, not Cow
  • learn N - Nose, not Rhino
  • learn O - Autumn, Cloud, but not Window or Wasp

At this age, it is difficult for a kid to understand that we pronounce "Akno" and "Asa", but the words with the letter O are the rules of the Russian language. Only when the child remembers the sounds in words, where they are stressed, can you search for these letters in words that are not stressed.

Important: all cubes, alphabets, magnetic kits and other material used for teaching must be chosen carefully.

Important: if your child finds it difficult to perceive letters and sounds, do not learn the entire alphabet, but first learn only the basic ones: A, O, U, Y, E. From consonants M, L, P, B, D.

Some methods suggest studying only voiced consonants at first, and leaving voiceless and hissing ones for later. It seems right, but we forget about the individual approach. For a child, the perception of the information that surrounds him at a subconscious level is faster throughout the day. If the boy's name is Shurik, dad is Zhora, grandmother is Tanya, then the sounds and letters T, W, Zh, you need to learn along with M - mom, B - baba.

Important: do not confuse the child, if you are learning sounds, make one sound - not ME and not EM, but "M". If the child is confused, consider how receptive you are trying to teach the information.

Learning syllables

We learn syllables with each vowel separately. 2-3 days for each vowel. Technique:

  1. An adult reads - a child repeats.
  2. We read the syllable together.
  3. The child reads all the syllables in order.
  4. An adult shows syllables sequentially, a child reads so that simple words are obtained: DA-SHA, MA-SHA ...
  5. A sheet with consonants is added. The adult shows, the child reads: YES-R, SHA-R, PA-R ...
  6. After working out the syllables with one vowel, the previously passed ones are also added. An adult shows syllables, a child reads: WE-LA, RA-WE, MA-LY-SH.
  7. We apply game forms:

a) the child, as it were, rescues enchanted toys (dolls, toy soldiers). Every word read - one toy is saved.

b) the child reads one syllable, the adult shows another to make a word, the child reads the second part of the word.

c) a more complex option - on the contrary: an adult shows and reads the first syllable, and the child picks up the second.

Fixed vowel syllables

One of the most effective methods of teaching reading, when the child is shown syllables in which the same vowel and consonant change. For example, the technique of Sergei and Olga Fedinykh begins to teach reading by syllables from this stage.

Write out or print a close-up of the syllables:

We read line by line until the child does it confidently. Then we read the same syllables, column by column. When the entire table is fluently mastered, move on to syllables with more complex vowels E, E, I, Yu:

Syllables with the first vowel

Only after the child has mastered reading syllables, where the first letter is a consonant, proceed to reading syllables, where the first letter is a vowel.

Important: Zhukov's famous primer teaches in a different order - there the child learns the letter and immediately syllables with it, where the consonant is the first and second. Then move on to the next letter. Offer your child a primer, if he understands so - great, this technique is for you. If Zhukov “doesn’t go”, put it aside and do not try to read “reverse” syllables (starting with a vowel).

If the baby is confused and reads VU instead of UV or instead of AN - NA, calmly correct it. Read also line by line, then, when you master, by column.

The reading skill is acquired by systematic studies, stop studying as soon as you see that the child has become distracted. At first, he may sit with you repeating syllables for five minutes or more. The optimal duration of classes is 10-15 minutes daily. For a 4-year-old child, even 20 minutes is a very long time. 20 minutes are allocated for classes that do not require serious stress - modeling, social studies, teaching games or cartoons.

Important: if your son or daughter does not read certain syllables, perhaps due to the fact that he does not pronounce some sounds (L, R or hissing), do not use them in reading until he is fluent in reading those syllables which are easier for him.

We read simple words

When the syllables are mastered, you can move on to reading the words. The simplest, consisting of three letters:

It will be better if the words are familiar to the children. For example, the words TYUK or PIR, it would be good to know to expand your vocabulary, but not necessarily. When learning to read, the fewer extraneous information and distractions, the easier it is to learn. All children are different, someone grasps on the fly, but for someone it is a serious job. Mom should be sensitive and herself to catch how much the child is straining.

The order of reading words by syllable is as follows:

  • Reading three letter words
  • Reading simple words from two syllables,
  • Reading words of three or more syllables,
  • Reading simple sentences,
  • Reading short stories (several related sentences) or poetry.

Important: after the child learns to read simple words, do not go straight to large texts. For a kid, the result is important, he should be aware of the meaning of what he has read, this is like a reward for work: he read it, made a certain discovery, learned the story. But children 4-5 years old better absorb information during reading, consisting of 4-5 sentences. Reading is not at all what listening to.

If you have a long story in front of you, read in paragraphs. After each, stop and make out the meaning of what you read.

We read books broken down by syllables

There are many good books from the series "my first books", good texts in Zhukov's primer.

The texts should be simple, easy to understand and without blunders, absurdities and nonsense. Remember that the information from the book will certainly be remembered and stored in memory.

Before you buy books to read by syllable, flip through to make sure the text is comfortable for your child's age.

High-quality literature for kids from the series "Reading by Syllables" has a note for what age it is intended. For kids 3 years old - these are two-sentence rhymes, for 4 years old - poems and short fairy tales like "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Masha and the Bears". For children 5 years old, small fairy tales and stories.

Olga Grishanova (teacher-educator)

In this article you will find the simplest reading cards for syllables, they contain only short sentences of up to 5 words.

How to read the cards correctly: first you yourself read by syllables, running your finger over the read word, and as soon as you get to picture words, let your child name it. So the child will be chained to the picture and text all the time. This is significant will accelerate his teaching to read syllables.

Cards "Read by syllables" can be printed.

Rules for teaching a child to read

Remember to support child's interest in reading constantly, but without unnecessary pressure. If you read aloud, read to your child. daily small stories, offering to read this or that together word, then the phrase, and then the whole offer.

Read names on banks and packaging: let it become a constant activity - then you will very quickly notice the fruits of your labors - the child will automatically want to read everything he sees: signs, names of chocolate bars, street names, inscriptions on labels and price tags, store names, and so on. Such everyday reading, on the one hand, is unobtrusive, and on the other hand, it makes the child's brain work actively and constantly look for new inscriptions to read.

After reading lessons and in general any lessons, arrange for the child detente: laughter, tagging (game of fishing), positive emotions, tickling, playing with palms for speed, somersaults and other outdoor games should go after mental labors. Therefore, feel free to arrange an hour of "mobile tomfoolery" after lessons.

If the child does not have a desire to study, offer him choice of 1 task of 5 different. For example, in the case of reading:

  1. reading by syllables of words,
  2. reading only syllables,
  3. reading short phrases,
  4. reading letters,
  5. reading from cards.

If the situation arises several times, see that the child chooses more often: maybe other tasks are difficult for him? Do not rush him, learn by playing.

Remember! The child will always take an example from you, so if you read books for yourself, and not only for him, he will be interested in reading even more.

However, experts in the field of pedagogy do not recommend loading the baby this way at this age, because a two-year-old already has something to comprehend. At this time, socialization and communication skills should be formed, without which in the future it will be difficult for a child to find his place in society.

Parents may object: after all, children recognize the letters in the pictures very well! Indeed, it is so. Kids 2-3 years old remember and recognize graphic images of letters, but they regard them only as pictures.

But to correlate a letter with a sound, to combine two letter pictures in a syllable are too difficult tasks for a child of early preschool age. It's too early to learn to read at 2-3 years old.

Signs of a child's readiness to start learning

The first rule regarding the timing of learning such a skill as reading says that it is necessary to start this process when the baby is already:

  • speaks well
  • does not pass or "swallow" sounds,
  • successfully copes with difficult to pronounce "p",
  • does not lisp or whistle.

If the baby begins to learn to read before these problems are eliminated, in the future he may have problems not only with reading itself, but also with writing: rearranging sounds and letters, skipping a sound while speaking and letters when writing words.

Another prerequisite for successful literacy training is that the child has developed skills in analysis and synthesis. It is they who will help the kid figure out that he sees not just an image, but a letter that corresponds to a certain sound. And also understand that two letters form a syllable that can be pronounced.

As a rule, a child masters these skills by the age of 5. It was at this time that experienced teachers recommend starting mastering the skill of reading by syllables.

In addition, one should engage in reading with the child when he is ready for this, that is, he can concentrate on one thing for 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, science will not work for the future, and the child will not like the education at all.

Preparatory stage: mastering letters and sounds

Another condition, without which reading by syllables, and even more so fluently, is simply impossible, is the child's knowledge of all letters and sounds. It is important that the child understands which image this or that sound corresponds to.

That is why learning to read should begin with learning to read and write. For this, you can use any children's book with large letters.

But still, it is better to get a primer: this is a manual, tested over the years, contributing to the gradual mastery of the skill. There are letters, sounds, and interesting pictures on the topic. The training will be both productive and interesting.

Mastering vowels

As a rule, the sound-letter composition of the language begins to be studied from the vowels A, O, E, U, Y, I. The child remembers how these letters look and how the corresponding sounds are pronounced. Show your child how well the vowels are sung. Following the simple vowels, you can study the iotated ones, making all 10 sounds in pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, E - E plus one more pair Y - I.

In this combination, the child will quickly master vowel sounds. You should not delve into phonetics and explain to the child that jotated vowels mean two sounds, and even more so, you should not use the term itself in class. It is enough just to study the letters and sounds themselves. The theory will be explained to children in detail at school.

Learning consonants

Having dealt with the "singing" vowels, you can move on to the consonants. Usually, sonorant sounds are first studied - L, M, N, R and voiced sounds. Then you can start mastering voiceless consonants using the same method as when studying vowels - combining letters (sounds) in pairs: B - P, Z - C and so on.

After that comes the turn of unpaired sibilants and J. With the "soundless" letters - b and b - get acquainted last.

An important point: for the first time showing the child the letters, pronounce not their names, but the sounds, that is, not "bh", but "b", not "en", but "n". So it will be easier for the baby to correlate the sound and the letter. Otherwise, the five-year plan may confuse the name of the letter and the sound and give out a mysterious "enoes" instead of a simple and understandable "nose".

We start to read syllables

Sonny + A

You should learn to read syllables from the simplest examples. As a rule, in the first stages, syllables are mastered, starting with sonorants and ending in A: MA, LA, RA, and so on. At this stage, it is important to explain to the child that while reading a syllable, one sound seems to be attracted to another, the sounds must be pronounced together.

Using the combination "sonor + vowel", you can clearly show the fusion of sounds by pronouncing the syllable in a chant: "mmmmaaaa". The essence of the connection of sounds can be demonstrated even more clearly by the example of a combination of two vowels: АУ, УА.

Of course, such a combination is not a syllable, but using it at this stage will help the child understand how one sound gradually, without separation passes into another.

Sonorous + other vowels

Having dealt with the combination of sonorant and vowel A, you can add a new vowel sound to the same consonants. Further, you can replace consonants with other voiced or voiceless: ЖИ, KO, SA. Having understood the principle of adding sounds, in the future, the little reader will be able to independently pronounce and compose syllables.

Some techniques suggest already at this stage to try to read words consisting of familiar syllables: "mom", "milk". If the kid succeeds in everything, you can finish the lesson by reading the phrase from the old Soviet primer: "Mow, scythe, while the dew is."

If the learning is not too easy for the child, do not burden him with reading words and phrases for now.

Mastering more complex syllables

Traditionally, closed syllables (that is, ending in a consonant sound) are considered more complex: AM, OK, EH. You can study them by comparing them with the already familiar open ones: MA - AM, KO - OK. So the child will understand that the same letters and sounds can be folded into syllables that are different not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation.

When you have mastered closed syllables, you can move on to three-letter combinations: constructions "consonant + vowel + consonant". For example: CAT, NOSE, TOM.

A more complex option is a three-letter syllable, where two consonant sounds go in a row: TRA, PLI, STO. Learning three-letter syllables prepares your child to read words.

Moving on to reading words and sentences

We read words from open two-letter syllables

Of course, there will be small pauses between the parts of the word, there is nothing wrong with that. However, you need to make sure that the pause does not drag on too long, otherwise the word will simply turn into syllables.

Mastering more difficult words

Then you can practice reading the three-letter words of the construction "consonant + vowel + consonant": "mouth", "sleep", "peace". Explain to your child that these words are nothing more than complex syllables that you’ve trained to read together before.

The next stage involves reading phonetically complex words with two consonants in a row: "table", "plate", "grass", as well as with Y, b and b.

Features of learning to read syllables and words

It should be said that today there are a lot of methods of teaching reading. Their authors distribute the material in different ways.

The proposed sequence of teaching a child to read according to warehouse can offer the following alternative: having mastered simple syllables with one vowel, for example, with A, you can start reading more complex syllables with the same sound, and then try to add words as well (for example, "fun", "parade").

Then you should go the same way with other vowels, and then try to read whole sentences in syllables, for example: "Mom washed the frame." Syllables and words with Y, b and b are traditionally left at the end of the training period.

It is important that the common point of all modern techniques is to consolidate the material in a playful way. Play is an essential element of education these days, especially when it comes to preschoolers.

How can you make your child's learning more productive?

Basic moments

So, teaching a child to read by syllables, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Let's repeat: the letters should be called as sounds: "m", not "em", "k", not "ka".
  2. Make sure that the child pronounces the syllables correctly, and correct mistakes immediately in order to avoid memorizing incorrect options.
  3. Do not overload the baby with unnecessary information, in particular phonetic terms, as well as sound-letter analysis. For example, do not go into detail about the fact that some letters at certain positions in a word represent two sounds.
  4. Moving on to reading words, provide your child with the text in the book with their correct spelling, without hyphens that make it difficult to understand the whole word.

Student interest is the key to success

Try to make classes interesting for the child, conduct them in a playful way. Only in this case can we hope for a result.

Reading is a complex science, and visualization is essential. Use bright pictures, cards with letters for folding syllables and with syllables for forming words, present information in the form of mini-crosswords.

Illustrate what you read with your child, use board games and imaginative tools (classic examples: a syllabic train or a caterpillar), include online educational games and videos on a computer or tablet for your child - in general, diversify and supplement the educational process with anything your heart desires.

The goal is one: a steady interest in the child's activities. A bored student practically does not perceive information.

Every parent can teach a child to read syllables. To do this, you do not need a pedagogical education, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the manuals that are now in a large assortment, inquire about the basic techniques, choose the one you like and follow the author's advice.

And if you make mastering this necessary skill also fun, you can be sure that your baby will go to first grade already knowing how to read at least syllables.


Ni-ki-ta and Le-sha are friends. They go to the kindergarten together. Le-shi has a sa-mo-kat. And Ni-ki-you has a gun. Not really, but play-ru-shech. These boys are youngsters. Oh-no always de-la-tsya ig-rush-ka-mi. And they never quarrel. Together they play and laugh. Ho-ro-sho friend!


Zhi-whether-be-be-grandfather yes ba-ba and they would have ku-roch-ka rya-ba. Demolished a little egg-egg: egg is not easy - golden.

Grandfather beat - beat - beat and beat.

Ba-ba bi-la, bi-la - not once-bi-la.

Mouse-ka be-zha-la, hvos-ti-kom mah-nu-la, the egg-ko fell and smashed.

Grandfather and ba-ba cry-chut, ku-roch-ku-dakh-chet:

Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, ba-ba!

I dream of a testicle for you,

Not gold-lo-that - simple! ”


Mu-ra-vei went down to the hand: for-ho-tel to-drink. The ox-on-the-whip-well-la-th and almost-for-p-la. Go-lub-ka carried-la vet-ku; o-na u-vi-de-la - mo-ra-wei then-no, and bro-si-la e-moo vet-ku in the ru-chey. Mu-ra-vei sat down on a branch and was saved.

So, oh-hot-nick spread the network on the head-lub-ku and ho-tel to clap. Mu-ra-vei under-crawled to o-hot-ni-ku and u-ku-forces e-go for the leg; oh-hot-nick oh-zero and u-ro-nil network. Gog-lub-ka fluttered-well-la and u-le-te-la.

Peti and Mi-shi had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse. Whether they began to tear each other's cones.

Give it to me, this is my horse.

No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

The mother came, took the horse, and the horse became nobody's.

L. Tolstoy

Three Bears.

One-nag-dy went-la Ma-sha into the forest and for-blu-di-las. I began to look for do-ro-gu home and came to the forest from the bush-ke. In the do-mi-ke e-tom zh-la seven-i honey-ve-dei: father-tsa called Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-pych, mother - Nas-tas-I Pet-rov-na , and their little sy-nish-ku - honey-ve-jo-nok Mi-joke. The house was empty - honey-ve-di ush-li walk along the forest.

Masha went into the house and u-vi-de-la three mis-ki with ka-sha. Big-sha-I would-la Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-py-cha, middle-nya-I Us-tas-and Pet-rov-ny, and sa-ma-I little-laziness-ka-me - Mi-joke-ki. Po-pro-bo-va-la Ma-sha ka-shu from the big mis-ki, then from the middle one, and from the little one, Mi-joke-ki-noy, all shu ate-la.

For-ho-te-la Ma-sha pri-net and sees three chairs at the sto-la. Climb-la-la-na on a large chair and u-pa-la; sat on the middle chair - it was not-u-add-on; sat on a little chair and laughed. Started Ma-sha ka-cha-Xia on Mi-joker-ki-na chairs-chi-ke, ka-cha-las - ka-cha-las, until it’s not a word!

Posh-la Ma-sha to the other-gu-yu mountain-ni-tsu. There are a hundred-I-whether three beds. I lay down-la about-na in a big-shu-yu - it was too much space; lay down in the middle nyu - it was too much you-so-ko; but a little laziness-I fell for her just right. Lay-la Ma-sha and go to sleep-la.

Ver-well-come to my honey-ve-di from the forest, se-li o-be-give. Mi-hai-lo Po-ta-pych glanced at his mis-ku and roared: "Who ate from my mis-ki?" We-tas-I Pet-ditch-on-look-re-la on the table and for-re-ve-la: "Who ate from my mis-ki?" And Mi-joke-ka-p-s-ssch: “Who ate my ka-shu and my little stool?”

Send honey-ve-di to another-gu-yu mountain-ni-tsu. "Who lo-lived on my bed?" - roared Mi-hi-lo Po-ta-pych. "Who lo-lived on my bed and crumpled it?" - for-re-ve-la Nas-tas-I Pet-Rov-na. And Mi-joke-ka-vi-del in his blood-vat-ke de-voch-ku and wrote: “Here oh-na! Hold on to her!

U-vi-dev honey-ve-dey, Ma-sha o-chen is-pu-ha-las. Oh, you-jump-well-la into the-open-that-e-window-but also by-be-zha-la-to-my. And honey-ve-di did not dog-na-li.