What gives chemical peeling for the face. Absolute can be attributed. Alternative home cleansing options

One of the most efficient and frequently used procedures for updating and rejuvenation of the skin today is a chemical peeling - elimination of defects and deep wrinkles without surgical intervention. Since such peeling is a radical method, it must certainly be at a specially equipped cosmetologist's doctor and only if there are serious testimony. What is the procedure for whom and when is it necessary? Answers to these questions you will find in the following material.

In cosmetology there are three types of chemical peeling, the difference between the degree of impact on the skin.

  • A lightweight or surface chemical peeling acts destroying several layers of oroging, dead skin cells. This is the most sparing view of peeling with the use of chemicals. The absence of side effects after the procedure allows you to continue the usual lifestyle. This method is recommended for young and usually problem skin. The effect of the procedure is short-term, so the courses should be repeated.
Surface chemical peeling is a rather simple procedure that can be carried out even at home.
  • Medicine chemical peeling destroys a completely horny layer of leather up to the basal membrane. Within 7 days after the procedure, home mode is required. This is due to the hyperemia of the face and a fine-plastic peeling of the skin on it. Conduct such peeling, as a rule, to solve certain problems or to smooth the age changes of the dermis. The effect is maintained for a long time, repeating sessions follows no earlier than a year. The most common type of such peeling is peeling jessner.
  • The most complicated, deep chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliation of epidermis with the effect on the basal membrane. This rather responsible operation is carried out under anesthesia, as it is a practically chemical skin burn with subsequent regeneration. Such peeling is carried out in the hospital for the purpose of removing scars, scars and deep wrinkles from the skin. The long-term effect reaches several years, but you can make the procedure only once in my life. Rehabilitation period - approximately 5 months.

Acidity of acid peeling on the skin

Chemical peeling, as mentioned above, destroys certain layers of skin (depending on the type of procedure), burn it. As you actually happen to the skin during and after the peeling, we will write down.

  • When contacting the epidermis with a peeling mass occurs its damage - chemical burn.
  • The reaction of skin cells becomes enhanced production of the mediator of inflammation, signal molecules, enzyme growth factors.
  • The mitotic activity of basal cells reaches its maximum, i.e., the cells of the demes begin to be actively updated.
  • The formation of new vessels, as well as the activation of the production of fibroblasts, is occupied, which contributes to the synthesis of the new fibrillar protein (collagen), as well as elastin, glycosaminoglycans and all enzymes.
  • The dermis becomes denser and thicker, all layers of leather are abundantly moisturized.

Description of the stages of the procedure of chemical peeling

  1. After pre-cleansing and degreasing the skin of the patient's patient, the cosmetologist wets the cotton swab in the chemical solution, and then carefully presses it. It is important to do in order to avoid a solution to the mucous eye.
  2. Next, the solution is rubbed by a cotton applicator for 30-60 minutes. The time of the procedure is due to changes in skin color. The specialist begins to process the work surface with the forehead area. Then the solution rubs into the nose, cheeks and chin area. With special care, the acid mixture is applied to the places where wrinkles are present.
  3. The next step of the procedure is to stick on the face of four layers of the leukoplower of two types: cotton (2 layers) and silk (2 layers). This action is due to the need to keep as long as possible concentration of the peeling solution on the skin of the face. Thus, the duration of the procedure will be 1-2 hours. The resulting mask is not filmed by two days, although on the second day it leaves itself.
  4. On the day of removal of the patch mask, the cosmetologist processes the skin with iodide thymol, providing its regeneration. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours. After 7 days, the swelling becomes less, and a dense crust appears on the face.
  5. In conclusion, the beautician will cover the skin with a thick layer of ordinary wool. The time of procedure is 20-30 minutes. A day later, cotton wool is removed from the face and then the patient can already independently care for it using the cosmetics recommended by the doctor.
After chemical peeling, the patient's skin is similar to the resulting sunny burn, and such redness and peeling will last 3 to 14 days.

The patient has a sensation of light burning. On the skin being processed within one hour, quite strong swelling is formed, because of which it is almost impossible to open the eyes of the first two days.

Indications for chemical peeling

The renewal and cleansing of the skin with the use of concentrated acids is prescribed by a cosmodematologist, depending on the age of the patient, the condition of the skin, as well as the existing problems. Conducting chemical peeling of a person may or necessary with the following testimony:

  • Problem skin, acne, infectious diseases (contagious mollusk) - up to 25 years.
  • Traces from acne rash, hyperpigmentation, the first signs of aging of the skin - 30-35 years.
  • Hyperpigmentation of various origin, cosmetic skin defects (scars, scars, deep wrinkles), keratosis, papillomavirus infection - 35 years and older.

Chemical peeling is sometimes performed in front of the plastic surgery and as preparations for the procedure of deep drumming (skin grinding method).

Contraindications for chemical peeling.

  • The presence of any neoplasms on the skin (warts, moles);
  • the presence of even minor irritations and damage;
  • herpes virus;
  • supersensitivity of the skin;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to drugs used during peeling;
  • a tendency to the appearance of keloids;
  • the exacerbation period of acne

The deep chemical peeling is prohibited and in the event that the patient recently passed the radiotherapy course or an anti-referee preparation was applied.

Reverse side of chemical peeling

Beauty requires victims, so deciding to deep or median chemical peeling, you must be prepared for the fact that the transformation will not come immediately. First, you will need to transfer some unpleasant moments, sometimes arising after the procedure. Here is a list of side effects that can be in one degree or another to appear on the skin of the face.

The procedure of chemical peeling should be carried out by an experienced dermatocosmetologist, and not a cosmetics - aestheticist, otherwise risks not to get smooth skin, like a "baby ass", and a wounded constantly red face.
  • Face swelling.
  • The emergence of small foci of hyperpigmentation.
  • The appearance of blisters.
  • Irritation.
  • The aggravation of herpes virus.
  • Heavy skin.

If you suffer from serious problems with the skin that you are and interfere with admire your reflection in the mirror, the chemical peeling person will become your salvation. It is important to return to you the beauty and youth helped certainly professional cosmetologists, then success and security are guaranteed.

Most aesthetic appetles of appearance to women helps to adjust chemical peelings for the face of whose species have features. Some acid exfoliation procedures are recommended to solve the problems of young skin, for example, acne or acne disease, for other young age is a contraindication. Some peelings with acidic solutions help to achieve a noticeable, but painful rejuvenation, others act gently, has a cumulative effect and require frequent repetition. About the nuances of acidic procedures, their benefits and frequency of application will also be further.

Piggy potions of chemical peels

The mechanism of skin renewal using chemical exfoliation is one for all types of such peeling. Its base is to apply natural or synthesized acids into the skin of natural or synthesized acids in a medical (weak) concentration. Acid solutions cause artificial chemical burns of thin skin face I, rarely II degree.

Each type of chemical peeling, even easy for decorative purposes, destroys the upper dead layer of the epithelium. Cosmetology formulations for anti-aging exfoliation penetrate even deeper to the middle dermal layer, and peeling agents for cardinal rejuvenation, whose action is comparable to surgical lifting, they work extremely deeply on the border of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Skin-injured solutions of acids seek the speedy regeneration - peeling provokes a change in the internal processes in the epidermis. The synthesis of protein threads of collagen and elastin is launched, oxygen and nutrition comes to the cells, the bloodstream is accelerated, the closed pores are cleaned and become thinner.

The positive and rapid effect of chemical peels notice all who prefer them to mechanically or hardware exfoliation. For 2-3 procedures for acid rejuvenation from the face, signs of age (mimic wrinkles and folds, coopers, pigment stains) disappear, the consequences of dermatological diseases (inflammation, the skin of the skin after acne or acne disease, redness after infection with subcutaneous clamp demosthecosis), traces of injuries (scars , scars, strry). The same aesthetic results are allowed to achieve physical peelings. But it will be longer, more expensive and, in the case of some procedures, painful.

All types of chemical peels create stressful conditions for skin renewal, but as a result, their action is positive and justified. The rejuvenating procedure course helps to improve the complexion and smooth skin cover, get rid of defects and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.

Chemical peelings, regardless of type, have several general testimony:

  • problem skin with increased salinity, comedones and foci of inflammation;
  • the appearance of pigment spots as the consequences of photoregation or age-related skin changes;
  • mimic and age wrinkles, tissue omission, leather flabbing, change of oval face;
  • extended and closed pores;
  • the skin of the skin after dermatological diseases;
  • scars and scars after injury or thermal burns;
  • vascular "stars" on the face (cooper);
  • preparation for other cosmetology procedures.

All types of chemical peeling faces have several common contraindications:

  • aggravation of herpes virus and chronic diseases;
  • insulin dependence;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • wounds, abrasions, scratches and cracks of the skin on the face;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • individual intolerance to peeling components;
  • oncology;
  • teenage years;
  • recent course of radiotherapy.

The choice in favor of a certain type of chemical peeling should not be independent. Smaller, which leads self-addiction - violation of the protocol of the procedure and its inefficiency. Sometimes inappropriate peeling turns into serious complications for skin and long-term rehabilitation in clinical conditions.

Therefore, before you decide on the course of acid peelings, consult with a beautician.

Before the chemical exfoliation session, ask a specialist to perform an allergo test for the active components of the drug. For this drop, the means is applied to the inner fold of the elbow or gentle skin behind the ear. If within 15 minutes the allergic reaction was not manifested - peeling fits.

A variety of chemical peeling of the face depends on the depth of penetration of the acidic drug into the skin. Soft and gentle peelings belong to the surface, means of struggle with age-related changes and hyperpigmentation - to median peels, and radical chemical lifts - to deep.

Easy-peelings: act on the surface

Superficial peelings are popular and accessible to perform even at home. This careful and safe exfoliation is recommended as the main treatment of young oily skin, inclined to acne, acne and ultraviolet pigmentation, as well as supporting women after 35 years.

The active components of surface peels penetrate no deeper than 0.06 mm epidermal layer, so their action is considered gentle and small-acting. This is enough to exfoliate organized fiber, smoothing of light mimic wrinkles and irregularities after acne, narrowing and purification of pores, clarification of pigmentation. Lightweight peelings do not apply to the skin of a significant damage: the procedures are painless and do not require long rehabilitation - the skin heals for 5-7 days.

Surface types of peels do not assume special skin training. To achieve a noticeable and persistent effect, cleansing must be conducted by 6-8 sessions with intervals per week. Surface procedures can be repeated every 3 months from the end of October to early April.

Surface chemical peels that are determined by the main acid in cosmetic solution, quickly penetrate the skin and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Magnificent exfoliation compositions may contain natural fruit acids, such as apple, lemon, wine, or other keratolithic - salicyl, glycolic, milk, almond, pyroinograde, retinue, azelain, phytinic, and other types of acids. These compounds are known as alpha-hydroxyl or an acids, they gently destroy dead epidermis and contribute to its update.

Great popularity among surface peels use:

  • glycolic peeling. The exfoliation procedure glycolic acid is valued by cosmetologists and their customers for painlessness, efficiency and minimum risk of side effects. The compound molecule is so small, which is capable of penetrating the skin in seconds through the skin, causing the synthesis of protein yarns and strengthening intercellular membranes. Glycolic peeling transforms dry skin, moisturizing it and smoothing the mesh of small wrinkles .. Skin covers become elastic and elastic. Peeling glycolic acid - proven prevention of age-related changes and unwanted pigmentation;
  • milk peeling. One of the weakest cleansing procedures recommended by the owners of sensitive skin. Peeling with lactic acid helps to refresh the complexion of the face and align the first mimic wrinkles;
  • almond peeling with phenoxyglycolic acid obtained from grains of bitter almonds. A special indication for the almond exfoliation is Rosacea (the appearance on the skin of extensive redness, painful papules and empty), accompanying - signs of photoregation, acne and minor wrinkles.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin and testimony for exfoliation, the surface peeling procedure lasts from 15 minutes before half an hour. During the session, a woman is experiencing a slight tingling of a face and a tolerant feeling of burning. The next day after peeling, the skin bluses, but within 5 days this reaction disappears.

On the border of surface and median peels there are 3 types of mixed type exfoliation: Retinoyeic (yellow) peeling, salicylic peeling and peeling jesener. They are also well tolerated by the skin, but the components of the peeling agents penetrate deeper by the holed epidermis.

  • retino peeling is multicomponent. The preparations for the "yellow" exfoliation include several acids, the main one is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. Retinol normalizes the production and distribution in the subcutaneous cell of melanocytes, the accumulation of which provokes pigmentation. Therefore, the retinue peeling is considered an effective means of getting rid of the brown spots on the face. Retinol Companions in the "yellow" peeling complement the aesthetic transformation: the phytinic acid slows the aging of cells, which performs an antioxidant, the azelain disinfects and removes inflammation, and vitamin C lights the skin and launches the collagen synthesis. As a result, the universal retinue peeling erases a lot of diverse disadvantages from the face;
  • salicyl peeling dissolves the layers of dead epidermis, exfoliates old cells, has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Salicylic acid molecules easily penetrate deep into the protective skin barrier and suppress internal infections;
  • peeling Jessner. This "cocktail of youth" based on salicyl, dairy and retinic acid is especially valued by Hollywood Stars for speed and minimal rehabilitation. For surface exfoliation, the drug is applied to the face in one layer. This is sufficient for deep moistening of the skin, improve its microrelief, the narrowing of pores, lightening pigment spots and visual smoothing of light scars.

Gold Standard: Medino Pilings

The median exfoliation operates at a depth of 0, 45mm of the epidermal layer, i.e. He affects the epithelium and the papillae level of the dermis. Mid-type peelings are allowed for women only after 30-35 years. They allow you to lighten a serious age-related pigmentation, remove deep folds, thin skin, fight keratosis and decreasing.

Middle chemical peelings are called non-operative lifting: their effect is comparable to the hardware suspender of the face or reinforcement with golden threads. Most of these discomfort to be painful to women with a high sensitivity threshold. Sometimes such acid exfoliation requires appliquational anesthesia. Cosmetology manipulations are carried out by more aggressive acids of high concentration, so the period of skin healing after the median peels is stretched to 3-4 weeks.

The median chemical peeling session lasts from 20 minutes before half an hour. During the procedure, the burning can intensify. The next day, the skin of the face becomes red, pulled and edema. Suchness is preserved within 1-2 weeks. In parallel, peeling arises and detachment of injured top epidermis. At this time, it is important to comply with the rules of postal care, use wound-healing creams and not to remove crusts. A month later, skin covers are updated and come back.

Cosmetologists recommend performing median chemical peels with 4-6 procedures with an interval of at least 2 weeks. At the time of the rehabilitation of the skin it is better to take leave and recover at home. The perfect season for the middle exfoliation is late autumn or winter: periods of low solar activity. Without damage to the skin per year, a maximum of 2 months of serious acid peelings are carried out.

  • peeling 35% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is the "gold standard" of the median exfoliation. Such manipulation is performed only in the cabin. An independent holding of the house procedure is risky and may result in complications. TCA - optimal anti-aging peeling, stimulating the deep renewal of cells and visual rejuvenation of at least 5 years. Preparation for it begins 2 weeks before the first procedure. The skin is thinned and breaks down with special serums based on glycolic or retinic acids. Categorical contraindications for TCA are dermatological diseases (for example, vitiligo), the tendency of the skin to the formation of keloid scars and cooperosis.

Acid Lifting: Deep Pilings

Deep chemical peeling for the face of whose views are not even forbidden to use in some European countries, specialists are compared with plastic surgery. Manipulations are carried out by the non-operational method, but the components of the peeling agents are used to injure the skin of the face no less scalpel.

Deep chemical exfoliation "removes" 0.6 mm epidermal layer in almost the beginning of the subcutaneous fatty fiber. The procedure is performed by aggressive phenolic acid and crotone oil and, being dangerous, is carried out only by cosmetologists with anesthesia in the clinics of aesthetic medicine.

Phenol, like a laser, destroys the entire epidermis and most of the dermis. The face becomes an open and painful wound, for whom healing takes at least six months. Phenolic peeling can be carried out only once a year and no more often than 3 times in a lifetime.

Deep chemical peeling adjusts the most complex and long-standing defects of appearance: scars, scars, deep age wrinkles and old pigment stains. As a result of the same phenolic procedure, the skin is rejuvenated, the oval of individuals pulls up, and the result of exfoliation is preserved for decades.

The choice of suitable chemical peeling is better to entrust the professional cosmetologist. The appointment of exfoliation is usually based on the testimony, type of skin, the age of the patient and the state of health, as well as its financial capabilities.

Face Peeling Procedure involves removing contaminants, dead and old cells from the skin surface. The technique is widely used by cosmetologists around the world for cleansing and updating the skin of the face, neck and neckline.

The effect of peeling directly depends on the method and depth of exposure. Some varieties contribute to the mechanical removal of old cells, during other cells dissolve chemical pathways or evaporated from the surface of the skin.

Like any procedure, each type of peeling has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications.

In this article we will analyze the main varieties that are applied at home, in beauty salons and medical clinics.

Classification of peels in cosmetology in the depths depth

To understand how peelings work, remember the features of the structure of human skin:

The human skin consists of three layers. The most superficial - epidermis, then the dermis and the deepest - subcutaneous fatty fiber or hypoderma. In turn, the epidermis is divided into 5 layers:

  • Horny. The outer layer includes dead nuclear cells and flat leather flakes. Contacts with skin and performs a protective function.
  • Brilliant, transitional from dead cells to alive.
  • Granular consists of flat keratinocytes and overflowing epidermocytes.
  • Hydish, includes large keratinocytes.
  • Basal. Goes to the derma and consists of keratinocytes and melanocytes containing the Pigment "Melanin".

Derma is the main layer of the skin. The main cells of the demes are fibroblasts. They synthesize collagen and elastin fibers that give the skin elasticity.

The dermis consists of 2 layers:

  1. Pedple. Goes to the epidermis and contains a large number of blood vessels.
  2. Reticulate. A deeper layer that borders with a hypoderma.

Depending on the depth of exposure to physical factors or active substances, the following types of peels distinguish:

1. Surface.

Works at the level of the horn layer of the epidermis. The procedure does not require special skills, since it is not dangerous for the patient and does not affect living cells. Surface peeling types do not cause painful sensations.

First of all, the technique is used to cleanse the skin, giving the face of smoothness and freshness. Surface peelings include comprehensive procedures, as they improve the penetration of active substances from cosmetics.

2. Middle.

Their impact applies to alive cellular layers of epidermis (grainy, hipgy, basal) and puffular layer of the dermis.

3. Deep.

It affects the epidermis and dermis until the middle of the mesh layer.

Medino and deep species of peeling are painful for the patient. They require deeper knowledge and caution from a cosmetologist, since during care, adjustable tissue damage occurs.

Damage launches regeneration processes. Blood sticks to the skin, collagen and elastin fibers are actively synthesized in the dermis, new, young cell layers are formed. As a result, it becomes smoother and soft, irregularities, wrinkles, scars and pigmentation stains disappear from its surface.

The deeper the peeling, the longer the recovery period and the strongest aesthetic effects of rejuvenation.

Depending on the impact method, the following types of peels distinguish:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Ultrasonic.
  4. Laser.

Types of mechanical peeling

1. Cosmetic.

Removing contaminants, leather scraps and dead cells is performed using abrasive particles evenly distributed in a semi-liquid-based cosmetics.

As an abrasive in cosmetics add: crushed apricot bones and nut shell, sea salt, coral crumb, clay particles and algae.

Cosmetics for exfoliation are called peelings or scrubs. They are used in home care and salon procedures for skin cleansing and stimulating cell updates. The frequency of use of funds is 1-3 times a week.

Most scrubies have a superficial effect. The exceptions are funds containing coral crumb. They have a superficial mechanism of action and are used in a cosmetology cabinet.

Peelings and high quality scrubs for professional procedures and home care "Algologie" and "Beauty Style" you will find.

2. Hardware.

  • Microdermabrasion.

It implies an impact on the skin of aluminum oxide microcrystals. They are fed to the surface and are removed along with dead cells and contaminants using a vacuum system.

Also, devices are used for microdermabrasses that are equipped with diamond spray applicators.

  • Quick or Brasing.

The device has rotating nozzles in the form of brushes from genuine bristles.

Under the action of hardware peeling, a tide of blood to tissues, leather and pores are cleaned, dead cells are extended. After the procedure, the person becomes smoother, soft and elastic, acquires a healthy and even color.

The impact depth is regulated by the cosmetologist: it is a surface or superficial level.

Hardware peelings are well combined with manual cleaning, cosmetic programs for fatty and age-related skin.

Chemical peelings in cosmetology

The procedure is based on the interaction of the skin with chemicals, most often with acids. As a result of this cell interaction receive burns. Then they gradually die and expose deep cellular layers, smoother and fresh.

Standard Chemical Peeling Protocol

  1. Demacion and skin cleansing.
  2. Application of acid or other chemical with a brush or cotton disk on the skin of the face.
  3. The composition is maintained on the face of the desired amount of time, different for each drug. Then the acid is neutralized with a special alkaline composition and washed off with water.
  4. Soothing mask.
  5. Protective cream.


Inflammatory skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes), a tendency to the formation of keloid scars, abrasions and scratches, intolerance to the components of the drug, allergic rashes.

The procedure is contraindicated by pregnant women.

The depth of exposure depends on the PH and the concentration of the composition, as well as the exposure time.
To purchase professional cosmetics and compositions for chemical peels, go through.

Types of chemical peelings


Most often for the procedure, fruit alpha hydro-acids are used: glycolic, dairy, lemon, grape. When applied to the skin, they dissolve the cells of the horn layer of the epidermis.
In addition to cleansing and activating the update, organic acids also have other positive effects on the skin:

  • moisturizing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • persistent.
  • antiseptic.

Surface chemical peeling is shown in hyperkeratosis, acne and pedestal phenomena, oily skin, extended pores, initial age-related changes (small wrinkles, surface pigmentation).

To achieve a strong result, a course is required: 10-15 sessions with periodicity 1 time per week.


It is carried out by 25-30% trichloroacetic acid preparations and 30% salicylic acid. These substances dissolve cell layers to the papilla layer inclusive.

In response to chemical irritation, the skin blushes and swells. The recovery period lasts 1 week; During this time, dead cells are completely exfoliated.

The median types of chemical peels are used to combat age-related skin changes: wrinkles, spots of pigmentation, reduced by a turthome of the skin.

Also, chemical preparations are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, median peelings are used in the complex treatment of acne.

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication of compositions is the treatment of scars and Striy.


For the procedure, compounds with phenol are most often used. The drug has a profound effect until the middle of the grid layer of the dermis and contributes to a pronounced skin renewal. First of all, phenolic peeling is shown to correct the pronounced age changes in men and women after 40 years.

Indications for phenol peeling:

  • Wrinkles and folds: nasolabial, interburs, chances near lips and eyes.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Skin declaration.
  • Scars and stria.
  • Photostation.

Rehabilitation after the long-term procedure: peeling completely passes in 4-6 weeks. To avoid complications, the patient must strictly fulfill the recommendation of the doctor with regard to pre-preparation and post-epiling care.

After rehabilitation, the face looks younger on average for 10 years. The procedure is performed once, the effect is maintained for several years.

Phenolic peeling can not be carried out by patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Ultrasonic peeling in the beauty salon

It is a hardware surface cleaning procedure, during which dead cells are removed from the skin of the face and pores are cleaned.

Purpose 1. Preparation of the skin to other procedures (manual cleaning, mesotherapy, massages, care programs).

2. Cleaning the skin.

Mechanism The ultrasonic wave, which the device emits, literally knocks out the contamination when it is reflected from the skin surface.
The softening and breaking of the epidermis contributes to the effect of cavitation, the creation of airless bubbles in the medium for which ultrasonic peeling is carried out.
  • Fat and combined leather.
  • Dryness and peeling.
  • Dusty, "stressful" skin.
  • Photostation.
Technology 1. Demaciazh, skin cleansing.

2. Applying a special means for ultrasound peeling.

Professional cosmetics for ultrasound peeling you will find

3. The beautician has a shovel-emitter at an angle of 45 degrees and processes her face skin, moving slowly, smoothly and without pressure. Lasts 10-15 minutes.

4. Mask and skin cream.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Fever.
  • Absadines and scratches.
  • Inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.
Course Every day or 2-3 times a week; 10-15 peeling procedures for the course.

Laser peeling in beauty salon

The impact on the skin is carried out with a laser beam. The effect of the procedure depends on the variety of laser radiation and the depth of its penetration.

Types of laser peeling:

NameDepth of exposureMechanismEffects

Cold peeling

affects only the horny layer of the epidermis.
Layered removal of the corneum stratum cells without warming up the following structures. Smooth, matte and velvety skin.
Hot peelingLayered removal of the horn layer cells with warming up the following structures and stimulation of metabolic processes. Improving skin elasticity, smoothing small and median wrinkles.
Laser grindingMedicine and deep
Touching the epidermis and dermis.
The destruction of the old skin frame under the action of the laser,
cell renewal,
Stressed synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
Rejuvenation, lifting, smoothing expressed wrinkles; Removal of scars, Striy and tattoos.

Contraindications for laser peeling:

  • Oncology.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Common and local infectious process.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Blood coagulation disorders.
  • Fillers at the exposure site.
  • Autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases.

Peeling procedures help to cope with various aesthetic problems.

So that they are as effective as possible, it is necessary to take into account the type of patient's skin and comply with the technology of each technique.

Chemical peeling person: effectively or not, is it worth doing

Can you not solve the chemical peeling person? I heard many as good and bad reviews about this procedure. Do not know what is the difference in surface chemical peeling from the median and deep? Who is shown and contraindicated this procedure? What side effects are possible after using this technique? We will give an answer to all these and other frequently asked questions.

What information do you know:

What is chemical peeling and its types

The effect of chemical peeling is held long enough - within 6 - 12 months

In the fight against complex skin defects, a chemical peeling procedure is recommended - removal of a dead-layer cell that impede it update, deep regeneration and recovery. It is carried out using specially selected concentrations and solutions of acids that can penetrate into different layers of skin.

After such a procedure, the skin is updated, rejuvenates, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, is accelerated, its elasticity increases.

There are surface, median and deep peeling of the person depending on the degree of penetration of the selected drugs under the skin.

The effect of such a peeling is held long enough - within 6 - 12 months, which contributes to a constant increase in its popularity among middle-aged women.

  • Surfactant is called peeling, relieving the buried layer from the upper layers of the epidermis. Its result will be smooth complexion, reduced pores, smoothed fine wrinkles and remote acne. This type of peeling includes almond, salicyl, peyrograd, milk.
  • The median is considered to be peeling performed using acids penetrating the entire depth of the epidermis, that is, to the basal layer. It belongs to TCA, Retinoyevoy, phenol. It helps to get rid of more complex skin problems in the form of deep wrinkles, scars, scars, hyperpigmentation, solar red spots.
  • Deep peeling penetrates deep layers of dermis, allowing you to efficiently get rid of the solar scars, scars, and noticeable wrinkles. It is performed using a phenolic or trichloroacetic acid of high concentrations in a hospital with an obligatory use of anesthesia.

How is the procedure

After applying the appropriate acid, it is kept on the surface of the skin from 2 to 10 minutes

The method of chemical peeling of the person consists of 5 main steps and lasts an average of about an hour.

Before the start of the session, the cosmetologist is obliged to test the skin on sensitivity to selected acids to eliminate the appearance of an allergic reaction!

  1. We begin work with cleansing the skin of the face specially selected hypoallergenic and antibacterial agents in accordance with its type and condition.
  2. Further, the selected chemical preparation with a certain concentration of acid, depending on the existing defect is applied to the exclusively dry skin.
  3. After applying the appropriate acid, it is kept on the surface of the skin from 2 to 10 minutes. At the same time, the patient feels burning and light plugging, which is terminated when neutralizing the acid with a buffer (alkaline) solution that restores the normal level of pH of the skin surface.
  4. The corresponding post -ming care is performed in the form of applying serums, soothing masks, creams that restore the integrity of the skin, increasing its protective properties and normalizing acid balance.
  5. Performing a specialist-cosmetologist of a light massage with subsequent cleansing of the skin and applying a sunscreen cream is the final stage of the procedure.

If you decide to carry out chemical peeling, it is important to know with which skin defects is really effective. The procedure will help get rid of:

  • extensive pigment spots;
  • acne rams;
  • skin surfaces after acne;
  • solar scars, scars;
  • notable wrinkles;
  • consequences of photoregation;
  • reduced tone with loss of elasticity.

When contraindicated chemical peeling

Carefully examine the following list of contraindications to the use of a procedure that does not recommend it with:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • any lesions of the skin (inflammatory, infectious and chronic nature);
  • hypersensitivity and allergic reaction to components of drugs;
  • oncological processes in the body and protruding neoplasms (moles, warts, papillomas) on the skin of the face;
  • epilepsy;
  • keloid scars;
  • chronic;
  • cooperose (visible and extended vessels on the face);
  • the impacts of the laser, phototherapy, other types of peeling in less than six months.

Recommended age and period of the year for the procedure

Professional cosmetologists advise to apply such a technique during the periods of the year with the smallest solar activity.

For the successful and most efficient use of such a technique, both the patient's age and the climatic period should be taken into account. Women after 30 years having visible age-related changes on the skin with a reduced tone, loss of elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles can be recommended to conduct such a procedure for rejuvenation.

Professional cosmetologists advise to apply such a technique during the periods of the year with the smallest solar activity, that is, from the end of September to the end of April. In other months (from May to September), chemical peeling is strictly prohibited, since it can provoke reinforced hyperpigmentation and deep skin burns.

Possible side effects

With surface peeling, side effects are practically not observed. In some cases, skin redness is possible, which disappear within 3 hours after the end of the procedure.

If the median layers are affected by the appearance of redness and peeling of the skin, usually passing within 4 - 5 days after it.

Deep peeling is characterized by persistent redness, the formation of crusts on the surface of the skin, as well as a long-term reduction period - about 2 - 3 weeks.

The number of procedures and the period of their conduct is determined individually for each patient.

What complications may be

Medium and deep chemical peelings can cause the following serious complications if they are conducted by an unqualified, inexperienced specialist without proper preliminary skin and competent care after its implementation:

  • chemical burns faces caused by the wrong selection of the drug, its concentration and time spent on the skin;
  • folliculites and, provoked by the selection of poor-quality healing and restoring care products;
  • bacterial and fungal infections arising from non-compliance with hygiene measures and the absence of antibacterial surface treatment of the hands of the beautician, as well as the skin of the patient;
  • hypopigmentation associated with the loss of their own pigment occurring during the processing of dark skin;
  • demarcation lines showing the boundaries of the skin undergoing and not subjected to the procedure;
  • scars appearing as a result of a constant toide and persistent redness of the skin surface;
  • teleangioectasia or the appearance of visible vascular meshes, becoming especially noticeable and clearly pronounced;
  • recessed herpes, which may appear in persons prone to exacerbation of this viral infection against the background of the lack of admission of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs.

Feel free to ask for a cosmetologist who will carry out chemical peeling, present you to familiarize all the documents on education, experience, the experience gained certificates and permits to occupy this activity in order to maximize yourself from the negative consequences caused by incompetence and professional illiteracy.

What is forbidden to do after the procedure

During the recovery period and rehabilitation, it is worth not to forget about the recommendations of the cosmetologist and strictly adhere to the rules prohibiting:

  • be under the right rays of ultraviolet;
  • visit the baths, saunas, pools, solarium;
  • touch the skin and independently remove the resulting crusts;
  • use scrubs and;
  • apply decorative cosmetics;
  • use compositions containing alcohols;
  • smoke and use alcohol;
  • engage in active physical exercises.

Video: Chemical peeling face with Elena Malysheva

Passing the procedure of chemical peeling, you will soon see in the mirror the young, shining the skin of the skin, which once admired youth!

Chemical peeling at home is a great way to achieve perfect skin, eliminate acne problems, black dots and delay the aging of the covers. Applying a special composition filled with one or several acids, weakness of skin can be corrected. Preferring homemade panels salon, it is important to take into account the risk of complications. Even a minor error in carrying out the procedure and the excess of the means of the means will leave unpleasant consequences after purification.

What is chemical peeling

Our skin consists of a variety of cells. The life of each of them is short-lived, only 28 days. If, in the youth, the skin is able to independently get rid of dead cells and replace them with new and elastic, then with age, this process slows down, and the non-working particles accumulate, forming layers. Such accumulations worsen the condition of the covers, clog pores and prevent nutrient and oxygen epidermis inside the epidermis. It is at this moment that it is necessary to open in front of me what is peeling.

Dead cells are "weightlifiers" of the skin, they weaken the inner frame of cover, impede the normal functioning of other, healthy cells. The main task of cosmetology and peeling not only eliminate these "weights", but also minimally injured the covers.

Chemical peeling is the best way to quickly and efficiently clean the covers, but for this, aggressive components are used (concentrated acids, alkali).

The essence of the chemical peeling of the face is pretty simple: an acidic composition is applied to the face, which burns the top layer of cells. Damage to the cover causes active regeneration, fiber updates. New fabrics differ from the former elasticity, softness, respectively, the face looks younger. In addition, the "new" skin easily absorbs the beneficial components from the care of cosmetics, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

What types of exfoliations are

There are several classifications of the chemical peels of the face. This affects the degree and depth of the influence of the acid, as well as the composition of the fund used (exfoliant).

In the depths of exposure to the peeling of the skin of the face there are superficial, median and deep.

  • Surface peelings are the easiest and gentle procedures, because the chemical effect is limited in the upper layers of the epidermis. They are easily transferred and rarely cause complications.
  • Medino peelings are more serious interference, the chemical ingredient hits the deep layers of the skin. Such a procedure is a strong stress for cover, but the final result noticeably exceeds expectations. After the median peeling, the skin needs good support, in high-quality postpillese care. From this depends on the speed of the restoration of fibers and the ease of flowing the rehabilitation period.
  • Deep peeling - in terms of efficiency, even with surgery. Acids are affecting all layers of epidermis, up to a reticular dermis. The slightest violation in cleansing. Non-profescionalism of the Contractor and non-compliance with the demands of damaged fibers are dangerous serious complications and even residual scars, colorless stains on the face and other complications.

Chemical peeling facial at home is recommended to do only superficial, in rare cases a deeper effect is allowed. Deep peeling at home is impossible. Sterile conditions and high professionalism are needed for such chemical cleansing.

According to the composition of the exfoliation of the exfoliation with acids are divided into one-class and multi-cells.

  • Multi-cylinder peels make it possible to comprehensively affect the skin, strengthen the cells of the epidermis, normalize their functioning and operation of the sebaceous glands, moisturize and bleach. Each of the used acids makes its contribution to improving skin quality, so after such procedures, the face looks fresh and shines in health.
  • Single-quality funds are recommended to use with a pronounced problem, in order to eliminate it. For example, to combat acne, dryness or fatty covers, against the first signs of aging or from skin pigmentation.

For home chemical peeling the safest, but at the same time, acids are considered highly efficient: acids are considered:

  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • retinoiree;
  • apple
  • pirograde;
  • lemon;
  • salicyl;
  • trichloroacetic and others.

The choice of acid for exfoliation depends on its own preferences, from the skin condition and the degree of problem. But in any case, before making a face peeling at home using aggressive components, it is recommended to visit the cosmetologist.

Pros and Cons Procedures

Chemical peeling for the face proved its effectiveness to the unequivocal recognition of women and men. This is the most popular procedure in cosmetic salons.

To date, cosmetic companies offer those who cannot visit the cosmetology office, fulfill his houses. For this, separate, safer acid formulations are created. Using them on the manufacturer's recommendations, you can achieve excellent results.

The main advantages of domestic peels with acids:

  • No need to survive records to the beautician, cutting out the time to visit the beauty salon and even to put out your own plans. Home chemical peeling can be done at a time convenient for you.
  • Saving finance. For chemical peeling at home, you can use ready-made cosmetic products and remedies (fruit juices, aspirin, inexpensive pharmacy preparations). No need to overpay on professional services.

The negative sides of home cleansing also have:

  • High risk to harm yourself due to insufficient experience in cosmetology. An error in the choice of acid agent, improper exfoliation and exceeding the time of exposure can adversely affect the skin, cause complications.
  • Need systematic execution. One home peeling procedure with acids will not provide such a result as in the beauty salon. This is associated with a lower percentage of composition acidity. To achieve a significant effect, be patient.

Chemical peeling at home is not able to eliminate significant skin problems, but it will perfectly complement the face care, derete the appearance of wrinkles and the decomposition of cover, partially adjusts the existing shortcomings and will prevent their deepening in the future.

Indications and contraindications

Conduct homemade peeling with acids is recommended at the first signs of leather fading. Indications for the performance of the chemical exfoliation will serve:

  • seriousness, dullness shade of epidermis;
  • debrity, reducing the natural tone;
  • loss of elasticity of soft tissues, their savings on the cheeks;
  • frequent single rashes, acne and comedones;
  • scored and extended pores, black dots on the face;
  • first mimic wrinkles;
  • fat shine of the skin.

Before making a peeling face with chemical compositions, contact a specialist if it is possible to carry it out and how correctly, without complications. At the consultation, the cosmetologist will examine your covers for contraindications.

It is unacceptable to perform the peeling of the face of the house in such cases:

  • there is an allergy to the components of the means;
  • with glans, heads on the face, as well as with exacerbation of acne;
  • herpes poured on the face either there are oncological neoplasms, papillomas;
  • there is inflammation in the treated area;
  • with disorders of the nervous system and strong disorders of any of the systems of the body;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases:
  • the patient feels bad in feverish state;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • at an early age (up to 18).

Safety measures for home cleansing

How to make a peeling, so as not to apply harm and still do not complicate the situation? Prepress all the subtleties and possible questions when performing cleansing is difficult, but the basic rules propose:

  • Before making a peeling of the house for the first time or when using a new composition, be sure to test an individual sensitivity to the medium used.
  • Preferred time for peels - late autumn and winter. The sun rays at this time have a smaller impact on the skin, especially with weakened protective properties.
  • When choosing an exfoliation and composition technique, rely on your skin type, examine comments to the medium, caution use.
  • The peeling product is applied evenly, thin layer. The area near the eye, the lips do not hurt so as not to overheat the sophisticated fibers.
  • Carefully learn the instructions for the drug before doing chemical peeling.
  • Acid action can cause light tingling, tingling, but painful sensations, there should be no burning sensation. When they appear without slowing down, neutralize the effect of the acid and wash its particles, in order to avoid burns.
  • Deep peeling face at home is unsafe, even if they are less intense than in the cabin.
  • Homemade skin cleansing, like the cabin peeling, is conducted by courses, but no more often 1 time in 10-14 days.
  • Acids have an aggressive impact on the epidermis, the fibers are damaged and weakened after it, so it is categorically not recommended to touch the face with hands in the first days. For moisturizing the covers, you can use sprays and thermal water.
  • Cosmetics for skin care after the procedure should not contain acids, fragrances, chemical components and abrasive particles. Only soft, natural remedies will be useful for the skin during the recovery period.
  • Any mechanical impact on cover after cleaning, dripping and scribing is unacceptable. So you do not accelerate the peeling of old fibers, but provoke the formation of scars and scars.

Be careful, poor-quality, overdue products causes allergies and irritates the skin. Buy ingredients for peeling or ready-made drugs in a pharmacy or from a representative of the manufacturer. In the market and in dubious outlets are often no storage standards, as a result of which funds quickly deteriorate.

Popular acid exposure methods

Almost all surface exfoliations conducted in the beauty salon, you can easily perform at home. Cosmetic companies have taken care of customers, and offer separate product line for home cleansing. Inside each drug there are instructions with a detailed description, how to make a peeling correctly.

Consider several popular and worthy of homely techniques.

Peeling Jessner

One of the in-demand acid procedures in modern cosmetology is the yellow peeling or peeling jessner. The composition for the exfoliation of the person includes several acids at the same time (milk, salicylic and resorcin). Their integrated effect deeply cleans the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, activates the synthesis of collagen and prevents acne appearing, acne on the face.

The full course of this type of exfoliation is conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Deep purification and acceleration of intracellular processes.
  2. Rejuvenating effect, correction of the face of the face.
  3. Fight with extensive acne rashes, deep wrinkles and age defects.

Each stage is characterized by the number of layers of applying a means for peeling and, accordingly, the depth of the effects on the cover. However, one algorithm is one:

  1. Clean your face from fat and dust.
  2. We apply an exfoliant.
  3. Neutralize acid.
  4. We remove the remnants of the acidic preparation.
  5. We calm the skin with moisturizing cream.

For the first stage, one layer is enough, for the second - two and for the third - three. Each subsequent layer is applied 5 minutes from the previous one. For patients with sensitive coverings, the third layer is applied after a short period of time to prevent the emergence of wounds on the face.

Skin care after peeling is an equally important stage of the procedure. So that there are no unpleasant traces on the face of the acid impact, follow the following rules:

  • after the exfoliation, wash yourself with acidic water. Movements must be as soft as possible, not injured;
  • peeling and crusts formed after chemical burns, do not jog, wait for their natural rejection;
  • do not visit the bath, solarium, sauna and swimming pool, postpone physical exercise and sports to the full recovery of the cover;
  • during the month, exclude solar baths, avoid direct rays of the sun;
  • use sunscreen cosmetics every day for 3-4 months to prevent the appearance of pigmentation on the face;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics in the first 7-10 days;
  • cosmetic products containing alcohol, aggressive chemical additives, fragrances do not use to completely restore the skin.

Milk peeling

Milk acid in a small amount is contained in the cells of the epidermis, therefore the problem of cleansing method is perceived by the skin easily, as a rule, without complications and protracted rehabilitation. Consider how to make chemical peeling with lactic acid at home:

  1. 2 weeks before the intended purification, set aside solar baths, and add cream with a small content of lactic acid into daily departure.
  2. Check how the skin responds to the acid composition: a little means on the wrist and expect the reaction. Strong burning, pain and irritation are unacceptable.
  3. Clean the face with a tonic or gel for washing.
  4. Apply a diluted milk solution (the concentration of lactic acid should not exceed 10%). Do it with cotton chopsticks, parallel stripes from the forehead to the chin. It is important to distribute the composition evenly so as not to smell individual areas.
  5. For the first procedure, limit the 1 minute impact on cover, in the future it is time to increase to 3 minutes.
  6. To neutralize the effect of acid, treat the face with a weak alkaline solution (1 tsp. Food soda for 200 ml of water). Remains of the drug, wash with plenty of water.
  7. Moisten the face with cream.

The next cleansing procedure is carried out at least 7-10 days. In general, the peeling rate is up to 5 procedures.

The main rule of the rehabilitation period is not to use the means with retinol in the composition, and in the first days, fatty creams are also unacceptable. Otherwise, the recommendation is general: no thermal effect (bath, saunas, compresses, physical activity) and intense moisturizing damaged tissues.

Glycolic peeling

This type of cleansing is characterized by safety and hypoallergenia. The procedure allows you to improve metabolism in the cells of the epidermis, smooth wrinkles and folds on the face, align the shade and eliminate the problem with acne. Visible changes will be noticeable after several procedures.

A similar type of exfoliation will be useful in 25 and a 45 years. For purification, glycolic acid is used, a concentration of 10-15%.

Peeling glycolic acid is performed in this order:

  1. The face is purified from dust and makeup particles.
  2. For degreasing cover, the face is additionally wiped with glycolic acid based lotion (5%).
  3. Exfoliant (glycolic acid up to 15%) is applied to the skin uniform, thin layer. Wrinkles and problem areas can be processed. Use cotton wand for applying. Start peeling from the forehead area, smoothly dropping to the chin. The sensitive area around the eyes, eyelids and lips better not to affect.
  4. Applying the tool, expect some time that the ingredient affects. After apply the gel-neutralizer. Remove the residues of the acid composition with warm water.
  5. Secure the result with a natural nutrient mask and moisturizing cream.

Attention! Do not increase the acid concentration of more than 15% so as not to provoke a strong chemical burn. For more pronounced results, contact your specialists, because to make a deep peeling at home is very dangerous.

Alternative home cleansing options

Effective peeling can be performed using braid tools. Recipes are simple and do not require long-term preparation. Consider the best of them.

Aspirin for facial cleaning

This type of purification will suit the problem and prone to fatty skin. Already after the first session, a fat shine will disappear, pores will be cleaned, and acne will become less noteworthy and inflamed. All this is due to the antibacterial and drying property of aspirin.

To prepare a peeling solution, you will need:

  • aspirin (1-2 table.);
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp. cold water cooked;
  • egg yolk.

To carry out the peeling, observe such a sequence of actions:

  1. Grind aspirin and dissolve it in water.
  2. Then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. Carefully stir the mixture.
  3. Cooked Makeup distribute to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face as a conventional mask. To do this, use the brush.
  4. After applying, leave the mixture on the face for 5 minutes.
  5. It is removed with a cotton disk, moistened in warm water or a weak alkaline solution. Do it delicately not to damage the skin.
  6. Secure the result with a slight moisturizing cream.

Lemon juice instead of chemistry

Clear covers from dirt, dead cells and whiten the skin with lemon. Lemon peeling is performed in this order:

  1. Sull the juice from Lemon and strain it.
  2. Moisten a cotton disk in a concentrate, and then wipe the pre-purified face. Do not apply the composition around the eyes, on the lips and eyelids.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, be warm water.
  4. Moisten the face with cream.

Attention! Do not use lemon acid for cleansing, only lemon juice.

The procedure is simple, but effective. In addition, lemon juice blends the skin, fills the cells with nutritional components, vitamins, normalize metabolic processes and skin regeneration.

For home peeling, you can use any fruits, berries. They will fill the cells of the epidermis by the lively elements and will not harm. Holders of dry type of cover are recommended to use softer peelings with kefir (it contains a large amount of lactic acid). Remember, the secret of the long youth of the skin lies in high-quality and timely care, which can even be provided at home! Conduct peeling face, body, hands at home - it is convenient, accessible and very helpful!